HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-12, Page 3OU ,ttE1 8IU 38 IR L Y iRS
Young 'Violinist Waa Once a '1~o-
baeeouist. This Young Lady.
Was a Pro-Roer,,
"A fttiattt confessed is half -redress-
Cil but in some cases a confession
is seized upon as a pretext for break-
ing faith by the confident 'to whom
the swat' is .intrusted. A false
pride is t5onnotimes the mecum of se-
tering beasts vowed to constancy.
says. Pearson's Weekly,
About Wio years ago et young viol-
inist who had been giving lessons to
tlie daughter of a retired Any offt-
cer fell ft lova with his fair pupil'
and proposed, marriage. The parents
were not averse to the match,, and
overythi proceeded smoothly for a
Time. *hen, howeyor, the young
musiciaytf oue day made the disclo-
sure that, before taking up music as
a profession, he had been engage'ti in.
trade as a tobaeconist in a distant
town it caused 'quite a consternation
• in the family circle. The old ex -
officer prided himself strongly on his
blue blood, and, rather than allow
one who. had ever been connected
with trade to enter his famiily, tIe
insisted upon his daughter breaking
off the engagement.
Only about six months ago a lady
of strong political views. and moving
in good society, became engaged to
- ytt young gentleman after e very
short acquaintance. The' couple
seemed suited to each other in every
way, 1f it just after all the arrange -
rocas for the wedding had been com-
pleted a hitch occurred which up-
set the whole affair. The lady, who
was a pro -Boer, made the 'discovery
that }ler lover was possessed of op-
posites opinions to her own respect-
ing the late war. The 'divergence of
views night not have been au insu-
perable bar to the union, but when.
the a oul'd be beneciict made the furth-
er admission that for several months
v be had fought as a volunteer against
tile people whose cause iris sweet-
liteart espoused, she abruptly, ..
A. Bristol girl lost a suitor through
a confession which she need not have
made, but which,, once made, seemec1
to have a ''disastrous effect upon the
shallow affections of her admirer.
After he had given /ter the betrothal
ring she seemed to think £t an in-
cumbent duty 'to disclose to him an
episode in the life of her father. The
old man,, whilst living in America
several years before,,, hail been tried
for murder,, and narrowly escaped the
death penalty, XIe hail been attacked
in a 'drinking saloon by a pair of
desperadoes, and, in the struggle
which ensued, oue of his assailants
received such injuries through his
bead coming in contact with a brok-
en glass, that he afterwards 'lied in
hospital front loss of blood: The
Brristolian was arrested,, trice], and
seiitenced, but, additional evidence
being forthcoming in the nick of time
as to the desperate character oY his
assailants, lie was at once liberated.
'When, however, his daughter, years
afterwards, related the affair to her
betrothed, the young man, who was
of a somewhat pharisaical turn of
mind, made it a pretext, paltry ex-
cuse though it was,, for ending the
A Shci!teld man was recently be-
wailing an indiscretion of Ids which
caused bim the loss of a sweetheart
He hail been very frank with her
concerning his whole history with
the exception of a period covering
about two years of his life, to which
he never made any reference. The
very- fact of his reticence respecting
thieaope period naturally aroused the
curio itv of his financee.
Knowing the strange abhorrence
and 'dread with which •.she regarded
mesmerism and all connected there-
with, hlong
t! a concealed
is secret
h as
as Possible.
But being one day teased for in-
formation as to his doings 'during
the two years mentioned, he blade
the admission that he hail spent the
time in travelling as an assistant to
a professional hypnotist. Un'dor
further interrogation he also con-
fessed to being himself possessed of
hypnotic powers of
This admission so startled his
curious young sweetheart, who, as
aheaily. stated, had a great horror
of everything of that kind, that she
broke off the match in fear and
A most ample and unanswerable
reason for breaking the bands of love
was furnished by an unprincipled
suitor in Glasgow a year or two ago.
I-Iecoolly confided to his promised
wife s. secret which, instead of in-
creasing her admiration and regard,,
as he seemed to foolishly imagine,
was the means of 'turning her aloe -
tion for him into disgust.
One evening, whilst discussing 'their
financial prospects, he quietly ex-
plained to her a clever sehenno of his
ownztrnv r • "
i e oxn bywhich he was able
a o-
to rob his employers p oyors with practically
no risk of detection. TMs was 'toe
much for his betrothed, who was a
high-miudad girl of strict integrity.
ceh ave hint ,
Pu 'and
refrained from informing his masters
on his promising 'to abandon his
evil courses and make restitution.
An .Ipswich man last year wooed a
lass who scented well pleased with
his attentions,, and wore a ring wideh
he gave her for several months. He
. had courted her as a bachelor, and
it was not, until she had "named the
Clay" that he confided to her that he
had been married before, and that
his first wife was 'dead.
When the young lady foetid that
she .;tall been receiving the attentions
of a widower, her love seemed to
evaporate,, and sho revoke'.a her
promise on the ground that lid had
concealed the fact front her too long.
"Tf," acid the chemist, "yntt tt'ilI
gii •his near tonic a trial, I'm sure
o, ill, never other."
n use p an of
e }set
"Excuse me," rejoined the customer,
'abut I prefer something a little less.
Lott . l:, dceallre; why, it/neo I crane
baek ,1.'Iit"quite, •eisether avenncn.''
'Middy . "Oh 1 of ;)Int your ittusband
• be pleated 9"
w.r you ever drank Japan
after ora€e tasting
CEYLON NATQJR.AL GREEN tea. Pure, delicious.
and wholesot ae, ijjuust like "Saluda" black tea,,
eolti only In sealed load ;attoi els. fey all tlrosare.
r "� -`Stet.'. '•'tnattNG'fni,4'S�1�aP'..
One of the ,greatest artistic marvels
Of the world is to be seen in the
museum at Earvard University. 'This
curiosity consists of Hundreds of
specimens of flowers and plants form-
ed of glass, but with such exquisite
fidelity to nature 'that they appear
to be real, every tint and marking,
every tiniest detail, being faithfully
repradueed„ The very .hairs which
appear on the sterns on certain
plants are reproduced on the glass
She Says "I am Confident That
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Saved
11Ip Life"—Hope for all Weak,
Sickly Girls,
To bo well, to be strong,, 'to pos-
sess a clear complexion, bright eyes
and an elastic step, the blood must
be pure and filled with life-giving
energy. When you see pale, sallow.
sickly girls, east y tired, subject- to.
headaches,. . backaches,• and violent
palpitation of the heart,, it is the
blood that is at fault, and unless the
trouble is speedily corrected the pa-
tien't passes into that condition
known as "decline" and death. fel-
lows. The one .sure, positive way
to obtain rich, red health—giving
blood is 'to take Dr, :Williams' Pink
Pills. 'This medicine has saved
thousands of young girls from a pre-
mature grave. Strong proof of this
is offered in the cure of Miss Zenaide
Falford, of St. Elie, Quebec. Miss
Falford tells the story of her sick-
ness and recovery as follows :, "Like
many other Canadian girds, I went
to the United States and found em-
ployrneut in. a factory :at Woon-
socket. The close,, indoor ' work
proved too much for me and nearly,
ended in my dea'th. At - first I was
taken with. headaches, would tire
very easily, had no appetite, and no
energy. I tried to continue the
work, but grew worse and worse,
and finally was compelled to return
to my home. I was so much chang-
ed and so emaciated that my friends
hardly knew me. Two weeks after
my return home I was forced to take
my bed. 1 had a bad cough, was
distressed by terrible dreams, and
sometimes passed whole nights with-
out sleep. Two doctors treated.xne,
but without avail, as I. -teas steadily
growing weaker; in fact I could not
hold my - hand above my head for
more than three or four seconds, and
had to be turned in bed. No one
expected I would get better, and I.
thought myself I was about to die. '
At this time my brother camp from
1Vlontreal to see me, and strongly
urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. A. supply of pills was pro-
cured, and I now blass the day I
began taking them. It is enough to
saythat be three boxes ee bo es w ere
used I began to feel better, and from
that on I great stronger every day.
]3y the time I'had taken nine or ten
boxes I was once mare enjoying the
blessing of perfect health. No symnp-
tomns of the old 'trouble remain, and
I sin confident Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills saved my life."
Pure blood is 'the secret of health
and it Is because every dose of Dr.
;Williams' Pink Pills make new, rich
blood, that Ahoy cure such desperate
cases as thatabove related. These
pills cure all -the troubles that arise
from poor blood -and that means
most of the. aihnents that afflict
mankind. Give these pills a. fah
trial and they will not disappoint
you. Sold by medicine dealers every-
where, or seat by mail,' post paid,
at 50c. per box or six boxes for
$2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co.,, Brockville Ont.
According to the census for Eng-
land and. Wales for 1891, 'there were
then over a hundred lady, doctors,
but in the census for 1901 the num-
ber was 212. Whereas fn 1891 there
were fifty physicians women by sicians under
of thir't -fiveyears,in 1 0
the age y . 1
there were 120.
This life -
is full of torrent,
n b
Which increases ases e day y day;
It's jolly hard to borrow,
And it's harder still to pay,
,,____.,_-_,- T�+.r.....,.m�'.bY..W/�A.R!M'?flYf•R'YC^m.v.n".
Neglect a cough and contract
Co s rapfi fn
Cure The Lung Tonic
cures coestttmtption---
but don't leave it too long.
Try it now:
Yopr. money back if it doesn't
' benefit you.
Prices 26e,, 6Oc., and $1,00
Terente,Can. LeRoy,:N.V.
"In my opinion," writes Mrs.
Philip Collins, of Martindale, Que.,
"there is no medicine can equal
Baby's Own Tablets. Before I be-
gan the use of the Tablets my baby
cried all the time with wind, . colic
and got little or no sleep,, and I was
nearly worn out myself. Soon after
giving baby;, the . Tablets, the trouble
disappeared, and sound natural sleep
returned. I have also proved the
Tablets a cure for hives, and a great
relief when baby is teething, I would
not feel that . my . ehildron were safe
if r did not have a: box oR the Tab-
lets in the house;"
All mothers who have used Baby's
Own Tablets speak just as highly of
them as• does l'drs. Collins, The
Tablets cure all the little ells from
which infants . and young children
suffer„ and the mother has a solemn
assurance'that this medicino con-
tains neither opiate nor any harm-
ful drug. Sold by all medicine deal-
ers or sent by mail at 25c a box
by writing The Dr. Williams Id edicine
Co., Brockville,.. Ont. , •
4 -liar needs no label,
.Life is the laboratory of religion.
Our phrases are but the garments
of 'truth:
A :day without a good 'seed leaves
you in debt,
happiness is never picked up on the
bargain counter.
The best men are always looking
for the best in mon.
He became the • Man of Sorrows for
the sorrows of men.
you cannot carry a crooked rule
along the straight road.
The road of prejudice never leads
to the realm of truth,
It is only to -morrow's burdens
that break the back of to -day.
It is cheap makeshift to mock at
what you cannot make.
Deep your complaints out of your
heart and they, will die of neglect.
The more of a man the saint is 'tlio
more of a saint the man will be.
A brotherly boost is often worth
a whole lot of sisterly sympathy.
You cannot get up an orchestra
composes; of people who blow their
own horns.
It is no use a man's trying to be
holy unless he: has made up his
mind to be honest.
A schooner has just arrived at
Yitrmouth, England, which took al-
most a month in going from Liver-
pool, • a voy a.ge usually completed in
about five days. The vessel was de-
layed by, contrary winds and gales.
Clerk—"I am to be married short-
ly. Couldn't you .manage to in-
crease any salary a little?" Employer
"Couldn't, really, But I'll tell
you what I'll do for you, my boy.
I'll shorten your hours during the
first three months, so that you can
spend your evenings at home, and
after. that I'll lengthen them again,
so that you will have an excuse to
get away."'
I was very sick with Quinzy and
thought I would strangle. I used
MINA.ED'S LINIMENT and it cured
me at once, I am never without it
Yours gratefully,
Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st.
She—"If every atom of the human
body is renewed every seven years,
I cannot be the same woman that
you married." He—"I've been sus-
pecting that for some time."
A moslxlrn W0V.f30n Bit the)
'dk3t"tie few? hesddth.—If disease has
en your citadel of health, the stomach,
telt t h ma h
Y .
trod is torturing you with indigestion,
dyspepsia and nervous prostration, South
Aamerie-an Nervier, is the weapon to drive
the enemy fro hisstrongholda kdte o tit
of i
of the bayonet," trenbh by trench, but swift
and sure, it always wins.—4,
Gorman experts say 'th'at wood
which has been floated in rafts, or
otherwise, gives a more trustworthy
material for joinery and building
purposes 'than floes that which has
been carted,, or otherwise carried dry,
to the sawmill and workshop, The
reason is that while the wood is
hying in the water its sap anis al-
buminous and salty materials are
'dissolved out.. If these sub""tanccs
remain in the wood they readily ab-
sorb moleture from the atindt a ere,
after coming put of "the'ihying rooms
and the wood swells. Artificial pro-
cesses of washing out the hygrosco-
pic sttbstanres from wood which has
not been floated are practised In
G ermany;•,
Muting the past British fivari:efat
year the capital value of estates pass.
Ing on 'death amounted to 4802,779,-
1127, and the amountaiid in ' death::
duties was 418a158a87�a
Shirt waists - and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh with; Sun-
light Soap.
t -f
Some remarkable salt formations
are found- extezrdieg for thirty race
along the Virginia River in Nevada.
The salt forms mountains of crystal,
and is so pure and clear that fine
print can be read through a foot of
It, This region - was evidently onto
occupied by a great salt lake, as
close - by are Some wonderful wells,
one of which, 75ft. in diameter, con..
tains water so intensely saltne that
a` person bathing there will float like
a cork.
The jewels of an Indian idol moat
be worth stealing if many of - those
remarkably, hideous images possess
such valuable head ornaments as ono
made for the idol Parthasathy, in
the, Triplicano tensile at, Madras. The
ornament Is worth - some 50,000
rupees, an'l is made of sovereign gold,
studded with diamonds, emeralds,
and rubies, the largest 'emerald beiug
valued at 1,000 rupees and 'the big-
gest ruby, and diamond at 800 rupees
Mrs. Gamp.—"Margaret, you had
a man in the kitchen last evening.
Was he a friend of yours?" Margaret.
—"No, indeed, mum; it was only mo
I17r. J'. J. Perkins Disabled by Kid-
ney Pains, Finds New Health in
the Great Canadian Kidney
Remedy. -
Tyndall, Man., Nov. 2.—(Special).
—All over Manitoba and the Terri-
tories people are telling of benefits
from the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills,
and this place furnishes a striking
example of how they will cure when
all other means have failed in the
person of Mr. J. J. Perkins.
"For two years I was troubled
with my Kidneys," Mr. Perkins says.
"I got so bad that the doctor at-
tending me declared me incurable.
"At times, I had such severe pains
in my back that I thought I would
have to give up hopes and die. I
was unable to work and was becom-
ing destitute.
"One day a friend asked me, ']lave
you ever tried Dodd's Kidney Pills?'
I answered 'No,' and he persuaded
me to try them.
"The first box made me feel like a
new man; five boxes cured mo com-
pletely. Dodd's Kidney Pills saved
any life." -
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the I£id-
neys. Sound Kidneys take all im-
purities out of the blood. Thus
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheuma-
tism, Sciatica., and other •diseases
caused by uric acid in the blood.
When ycku hear a main speak of a
baby as "it" you can safely bet that
he's a bachelor,.
Minard's Linirnent Lunherman's Friend
Patient—"Are you sure you can
put my teeth into satisfactory con-
dition?" Dentist—"Yes, sir; at any.
rate, I will spare no pains to do
Por Over Sixty Years •
tins. WtrrIsSLow's SooxrrrRe S•rRUr bas born used by
p�iintoaeof mothers for their children while teething,
itseotltcs the child, tattoo theurns. antoys pain ours/
idnd collo regulates the etonea4 and bowels, and le the
Mat remedy for I:northma. Twabt ' Ise Dents a bottle
told by druggists throw:book the world. be sure- and
talctor "Mas, Wats WM SSoertstsa Sraur." 5344
You cannot pray .to your Father
while you are figuring on preying' on
your brother.
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
A man has no business with reli-
gion who has no religion with his
PIO Seeke.—It stands to reason that
Dr, Agnew's Little Liver Pills will crowd
out of the 'market many of tlie nauseous
old,ti ars. . A better medicine et lass than
t rice is all the argument
half � ti9 needed to
rat the demand what it has been—pho-
npypenaf--4o doles io cants. They cure
Sick Headache, Biliousness, and allay all
stomach irritations. --g
"John,"• whispered the good wo-
man in thedead of the night,
"there are burglars downstairs!"
"You go- down, dear," replied John,
sleepily; . „they wouldn't dare to
strike a woman."
vrdalli t
is ase
Agriowv'a Heart Cure is rho i
*eel p Remedy. C
This remarkable rretaitii°tttion giros
perfect roller In gb minutes in all case1 C
of organic or sympathotic heart disease
and speedily effects! A. cure. It is a ma- C
gle remedy for palpitation, Shortness of a
breath, smothering spoils, rein in left
ride and ell eyluetettts. of a. diseasfid
otl,rt. It alae a ren t o e f
and cutest atemiish disorders. .d n
A idol, bti >poeed to have been the
biggest .ill the world„ has just dfed
at itutlan; Vera:oat, at the ago of
ten years. )le was it cross of I!:zig',.
lisp and German, mastiff, and weigh.,
ed 2841b, At the shoulder he was
8f't. high, es tall its a full-grown lion,
but he had riot the lion's ntasslyo
legs aed shoulders nor his impressive
length,, being only 6ft. "front tip
to tip.'" But he was a terror .. to
evil -49M on bark nights; 'His chest
measured 55in, and his mighty neck
required a, 851n, collar.
1-+'lowery language is just as likely
to indicate a seed, character as a
saintly o:'�. -
$1,00 ReWa rd, $100
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
puut, togol,her, and until the last few
years was supposed - to be incurable. 1'or
a great manv years doctors pronounced
It n. local disease and proscribed local
!remedies. and by constantly failing. to
! aura with 'local treatmottt, pronounced
it incurable. Sclonec has proven Catarrh
to be a constitutional. disease and there-
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Ilafl's Catarrh Cure,. inanufactured by
F. J. Cheney &Oo., Toledo, Ohio, is
the only constitutionai cure on the mar-
; ket.. It is taken internally 1n doses
from 10 dropIs to a tea.apoontul. it acts.
directly on i,be blood and mucous sur-
faces of the systetn. They oiler one lain-
dreg dollars for any case it faits to
cure. fiend for. circulars and testimoni-
als. Address,
• Ir. .1. C73GNBY - &, 00., Toledo. O.
told by .Druggists, 750.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
"A. man must have a •Bead to 'do
business with me," "What is your
business ?" "I'm a phrenologist,"
Keep Minerd's Linifent in the H 'ase,
It makes all the difference whether
doubt is your terminus or but a
station on your track.
Rash greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry Soap a powder, it
will reprove the grease with the
greatest ease.
Glass, Marble, Granite and Other
Stone is Used.
Streets paved with glass are not
by any means unknown. The famous
Rue de la Republique at Lyons is a
notable example. dere the . pave-
ment is laid in glass blocks, eight
inches square, which are so symme-
.trieally tatted together as to prevent
rise possibility of water passing be-
tween the interstices.
An Italian nobleman has lately had
the courtyard of his palace paved
with slabs of marble, granite and
other stone, every one 01 welch has
been brought from a different lana:
Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and
Australia have all supplied materials
for this curious mestae, which is
composed of over 500 pieces each
engraved' with the Warne of the coun-
try from which it came.
On the occasion of his accession to
the throne of Bavaria, lfaximlian
Emanuel had one. of the roads lead-
ins to his palace paved with bur-
nished plates of copper, which, gleam-
ing. in the sunshine, had all the ef-
fect of the more. precious metal --
gold. Down this road it was his
intention to proceed in Royal pomp,
but his purpose was unfortunately
frustrated by a gang of robbers, who
one night carried oil much of the
valuable paving.
. Tombstones are not infrequently
employed in different parts of Not-
tingharnshire, Derbyshire, - Lincoln-
shire, and Leicestershire for the pur-
pose of paying; and a year or so
back the inhabitants of the Vale of
Belvoir raised a vehement protest
against 'their being used for a path-
way leading to the parish church.
The Local authorities, however, en-
deavored. to excuse thenteeI 'es on the
ground that they had Plenty of old
gravestones on hand, which, if uti-
talised, would assuredly save the rate-
payers' pockets.
l's teitty Kith eyt,—Havo you back-
ache? 1)o you feel drowsy ? Do your
limbs feel heavy? Have you frequent
headaches? Have you failing vision ?
lave you dizzy feeling? Are you de-
pressed ? Is your skin dry? Have you a
tired feeling? Any of these signs prove
kidney diseaso. Experience has proved that
South American Kidney Cure never fails. -6
1. Rise early, •retire early and fill
your clay with work.
2. Grater and bread maintain life;
pure air and sunshine are indispen-
sable to health.
3. Frugality andsobriety form the
best elixir of longevity.
4. Cleanliness prevents rust; the
best ' cared for machines last the
5, Enough sleep repairs waste and
strengthes; too much sleep softens
and enfeebles.
6. To be sensibly :dressed is to give
freedom to one's movements and.
enough warmth ntr
to be
protected front
sudden changes of temperaturt,.
7. A clean and • cheerful house
makes a happy homo.
i; in
mi refreshed an c
8.T Hers
and Meuse -
distractions a
'yi�'OratCG. by'
ment; but abuse of then leads to
dissipation and dissipation to vice,
The Englishman's idea of breakfast is a healthy one.
Toast, jam and tea—a choptnebbc--just enough food for the
stomach. to assimilate properly ----the warmth of the tea to draw
the blood to the stomach and assist digestion,
Blue Ribbon Tea. is. the daintiest and crispiest leaves of th
tea plant.
It is pure tea—free of tannin—appetizing and nutritious.
Try the Red Label. Brand for your breakfast.
Vevlom Greece
talrsoei2d 7bci
cd >_ i,i't�.
Ask for that
&teal Label
t -i
.f!.'+' •MvW.Y'u:�rsa. jt:5'R9, . T ee"..,e5U .n'. �c:.:'.r�^f.' i�v.rp.XrcR.,.,, s^. ,..:e«1a*.r.tr. zJrrv.,a.,:nv .1a ...LWrJay.
Ladies and Girls,
You Cars Earn This
flau-iu FurZarf
In a Brevir Primates
S]tND your name and address, and we will mail
you post paid b large betautifull p -colored Pie•
stares es:2e inches, named "The Angel's Whisper,"
"The amily.Record,"and "Simply to Thy, Cross I.
Cling," to sell at 250. each, We also give x Sea
certificate free to each purchaser. These pictures are
handsomely finished in 12 colors, and could not be
bought in any store for less than sow each, Every
one you offer them to will buy one or more. When
acid send us the money, and we will send you this
Over so inches long, 5 inches wide, made from selected
full -furred skins with six fine full black tails, the very
Iatest style. We know you will be more than pleased
with it. Mfrs J. Bookers, Rossenberg Can., said s
"I write to than]'7ou torthohandwme Fur scar& It
isjusc bcaatifnl. I cold not buy one like it in our
store for53.eo." Theregularpriceto all fur stores is
$3.00, end they fully equal is appearance any S,ro oo
Per Scarf. Wecou d not think of giving them for as
little) were it not that we had a great umber made
spec:allyfor usdunng the simmer when the furriers
were riot busy. Ladies and girls, take advantage of
this chance and write for the pictures to -day. We
guarantee to treat you right, and will allow your Fur to
keep out
0aty your
n one cent. Address Triad
COLONIAL ART 00., Dep. 20 Toronto.
to remo tat
When you buy a
X "Household
atlls'averltJ• .",344
see that it bears the name
The Seat That Can be Had.
USE E DD 's P� �.1L t TUBS.
USE Fl r �' ATC 4E •
nE*o - 5i3onil.ee 'fedw^ t�nrta1assateoa 3:511-aa•ra r3Ist rowezoZ"-
e orstoia-- a..-. ,gym": ;ts ;lotateat.ati;'ss eet?S;i'.asirseessesa' 4
She : "Nhy 'floes woman 'take a
man's name when she marries n a I mar es inn ?
Ile : "Why does she take everything
else he's got ?"
Miinard's Liniment is used by Physicians
Mamma—"Johnny, I'm disappoint-
ed in you." Johnny—"Oh, well, you
ain't just the mother I "thought
you'd •be. But it's too late now to
cry about
Veseetidnit and sulbfufo'
the pain, teat's the wait
9, Cheerfulness makes loge' of lite, Glared
and love - of • dile is -half of health. On
the contrary, sadness and discour-
agement hasten old age.
10. Do you gain your living by
your intellect ? Then 'r to not allow
your arms and legs 'to 'grow stiff.
%?o you earn ;your,bread by your
pickax ? : Do not forget to cultivate
your . mind and to enlarge your
Via the Chicago'and North Western
iiy.-, on sale every day up to Nevem-
er 80th, settlers one way second-
rhie'i tickets at very low' rates from
hicago to points in Utah, Montafta,
evade, Idaho, Oro oe.-Waebineton,
a.lifornia, also td Victoria, "Var1-
ouver, Nola Westminster, ftowiitalld
nd. other paints bi the Eootelaay
;)istrict. Correspondingly -low rates
rent, ,all ,points in Canada, .I•`ull
articular's frblri nearest ticket agent
r B. II. Bennet, Genleral Agora, 2
Z+Oast King St., Toronto, Ont.
t g h ns the nerves
Dr. h flOWS Mer P11 t8 a .',lies 0081,40 Oose$i0c
;Q'xice, 24.C.. 004 Og5.•s
i dii.=ign yPeC k t .. �'II(sft,gm�il
i IWe will givdlrse ASSotUTEl.'if
R Pn
Guarantied for Inv
one roar.
If you will do 11, few hours work for tis a•hy
day after sohoot, toys nttlit enolase refer.
�" ....e, -i,.cYifi,Uat 'gulvrdiaita.. write.
th•dey, W, l TIU,ti;5T1 , doom 610. Na 151
1 tEn.&vo„ Now Yor]t, il,S,ti.
ofttom.La C if Alpis
anei dii kiwis of trema YTansittgi, the
101011 ODETAINR nti iaaraizr
wok, tote about yotn's.
8ltixiflt 4Mttnit7AN b,aVsifltt QS., lio%itis,IIteetotal
of Patents t
Canada Life Itufd'g
i9riyo forfra e�„sd.iasy
'W'e buy f.o.b. or sell on commission. waste
licit your coastgttm met and correspondence.
TOR0:ITO. I2^-!tt
ll AL.L
t t s ..'n $DECIAI.
u , Attct evton
LITIaas tori,
Send for Handhool
0075 Bay St,,TORWITO on entente .&o,
ilard Tabes
The Seat at the Lowest Price
Write for Torras
%E1(0 liAisrg Co.'y
735 King tit. W.
Dominion Lino Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool
Seaton to Liverpool
Larry and Ilabt 14toatashtps. SuperiorM
n - t ooh -
ro Saloons and ata er K
n e sea of ,soon b $
r all las Q g
ru amid4btps. 6poci+iatt;bntfofthas been. given to
resold Saloon and .Third•�,,.s accommodation. 174 the
aitelofpadsaRoaad all paruculara, apply to any. ag
H Ibe Company, or to passenger agent,
D0111100.5 LI$rn orrlo'S5t
'7 'tate St., Esstee. 17 St. Sacrament SE.. Montreal
1133.41.1EP27,10 Xl4 CD ilea 00 C:14
77 King $t., Eest, Toronto,
JP -ammo ri,xs.la.&Sas.aa•ti:va, ieseresg..
et (Item) price Send for catalog.
saw Funs AHDeStiall1A wanted. Send fox
pried list. gS•.-61
lei .
Arid Farm pro.
duce generallyo
consign it to us,
deli we will get -
you good prices.
Dawson Oottimission Dot,