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Exeter Times, 1903-11-5, Page 4
,, ..". T . � ;; ,,: N I. • ,l t �- r_1111111111 ....... ....... - . t... .li �.. , I , Grand 1, .MR >� ' I I' Mzty. (Rev.) Elliott; of Goid�elrlcltw f r t a, ' ti. . 'i'I Wlk M1�1811 c 'amu Wirt Ql1 Reef ' SQlilc+. t,iidlell upon bar .friend AAs. (Reev,() `` \' `\'' \' ` \\\ 1 \ •. �,. \`. i r� lit = ,- ..,. m , �% y \ L%rra'Int,ere`, l,,a.%t BatuixxYay. ' r » f , -, All the news o Interest t0 *11ing to cure your biliousness, ,.,.Nri. MCOOluemal and, day hlte'r, of .1 I �' 4 ,I' P^ �� RTX 'slb'r zast'afEace ltlavo ;, » { ;� l�,, Times Readers I-Liilpenin gu , „ e / alit 1C4' date Qui" bowels., C�S 'YQti d gang to ro. 3 (; ` yi'�' I`' ' ,,i l I „ . deed A er'S Pills. Vegetable; ° ' side iii lav( "to' _._ I • � x 1,/J,I, .i 111 Ski �'OUlltlf?S. -lilir E. N., be 1i7 ayia _- ,•, rte: . �,,'I,.: • , d, ,..:� +�, , a � .p', i, iilE' � x,4. art? I r of Golder.• /, I� �� 41 _ entl,y l atiye I l 41i I' n on°•, , mil s � � �� 1 �' ` Httrokt o,vez.?.x ., rC'Aha tvi:t•b itis wife aind f t, 3" Ireiglt AM ; �,t', ` tlui 0!,I; " I . : n.' . F11(14 and SaLurdaY In our village, • , y` yJ. o _Iz. Richard Foster, a Glinta'n boa Want Four liloustache or board -One,of oui° :hunting pal -ti cs suaccead � t� . • +:�? a iti N k ;: :It.'ts burn engiaged as base• soiols=( of - a beautiful brown or rich black? list erd last NN -eek Inn tUtr7•n(;at\ \. r _. Wei G a'%vzld �r �''= mr,am Ttak,e, S,matih. This is rho liirs't r& i¢� Iiutti mot Rave »> � , S,t. James' Catlliei:Lrral c:hair, Toronto. x .Pii e .Ailwa s Bought, ' x •'+'. W a and these • PCX. y � tr duct '«'hic�'t has been r' 11 ,, : M. .. .,.. •• pi,a el4rgI t:ors sni .tkle l tit, fair, re B E pat hxlto as been Pound ora li nese, tt�r a�t•cr �.0 years iritis borne the I� t , ; �aea'rl tiw total xe(Delj?ts from; all sours- vrzrrroae $.e.uaLr neo„xesau{,r.rc, �ee�r Till(: W,zn.me tQLivte;r�uaeeeycllec� tthds f � 5� s ,,natiltie or I fm anti has been inade under Isis pear r #b There's nerve nourishment In Blue Ribbon Tea. esu :alt tAzeee Twist falx ,amio:uentteld' to tie- cea,p(tua4q& amotiver neettr tbeisame place �� ' canal supervision $ia><ce its i�r>t~aney. There's rest for 'tired brains and worn-out bodies, 'Where's bt%vne 51300 road 1"$(100. �' The xnnins,e was the scene elf, a t'velr � e -'t • 6w i ,E flow no one to deceive you in this. :r 1 Mir°, 11ollrt, Hanson h,as. sold lois farm r/ltddieSe%c prw.tty weddn'aag an Wednesday last, ell ils�t?Ilteaieits, Imitations and �tv7tist-as• �oodi' are but; %cad for kmpoverished blood. Ccead sills a,t S 70, delxvened hC Lu The contaraatzng parties being Miss ,. b a: an tehea U1.11 Road, 'luokmismith; to Mr, Luny 1'arxe+ll, dQu;gh,teeVc of Mr, 1'r tole �>perIAllen„s that trifle with and eindaxxgor the health Off” " The most delicate and fragile 1ea�wes of the tea lint are in � . P Gay.,rlge Ha;tt%;ts, )viiia ha -s halal tit 'rented cs�ln• Far'mll, B. line,;amyl Albert .Sbaxrolw, ' 'p f Experiment* I.riants an l CI iltires erience against 7Eg M , Tbras. SoaR, of can. 2, Weot'min- oaf bgtttu +lr,nrv, T:bn ttriKla tuna bdc;olin- ties tea—that's why it is so fragrant and aromatic. thr-ea, yeeirs, .for 455,000. �• Blue Ribbon Tia invigorates the faculties—makes elle EnllrX Mir. v: D. Crittarulrn, o=f B1ylh, has a!bex>s so'd'lxis karzu'l•a 91)r. fETo:1r .aavlaly,attiz�eci in -a tzlavcQling aotsta'zne o �+ ' Cie1r lyes parr zest t0 linin - purchianed from 'Mr. Joseph Coombs glus; of Loodon township• of blwe tti,Uh white, hat. WarsMalvelna nit I I ,. : g Shlareroty, rsrsrl,er of the groomae , did t 't . 3- lth�e t=til'lraip-of Lucan has been in 4 lha x.>,rd �n e .at luescnt a'.rapiod by duties -of brMepwaid, and Mr. llohn Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare- . Jars. McMurclu:Ia. 'phi, pride 1,Liid %vas danlovess duxtung t;h-.,pxst two )seeks ChI3 dutaeis of bridesmeaid, land, Mr. ., ' a Owing La'rro airy being xn'atdvina therel- Joann Mussoln asolaterd the, groom. Mr. uric, :i'rops and Soothing *yrups. It is Pleasant. It X 1000. . C -01i ;ztins3 neither C zxtanz ' Hor zliine nor other Narcotic f ` � `'" e;rrtirwc 2glut works. ;. •� and 1Trs. Shn,rrow are an. charge of Elie I �„ 1 ; Mr. Jebn 1)ralrraw, la,lla ai' Bayfleld, posit af{Eac,e %at Dr6wster. We extend 1-,1'A)3t,1,11Q-0, Its ag:o is its guarnn+e T4, tlest]'o s t xr_-.- t t as ivLn=a �lelrk rl,t tion Queens halal, glen T3z00?, unbo,ppy perctsrans �v�c suffer (h141articeslt �aomlAratulations to the n'tti atlia •, '^r gi •� , , � f stall, Ahe plopWar hrouibellry of �)tba,ch fatiatu ,m;rvouasness and dyer .p*ut hlappy couple. r � � C �.rII, 5s. It epics I�:tiI] ii00a alai Wind " Dir, Bitteckaid, labs of Cllnibanl io t,lii3 i C rill•, t > eller'ps Teething Troubles, Cures Constipation wu l.alnilcrrd. etturulcl use Carat tr's Li,Ltle Nervy Pi11s zxxel JUIittialency. It assimilates the rood regulates the, ' % C'evloil Tea NviW,ch na,e marle. expressly fo•r sleepless ^',,...ONLY THRER: DAYS. car , , ° b Mr. ,and Mrs. John Irivin�+stoaxe, of a --_ ,. �oI_a z` ,z zxail p',ots ala, gi%izzt; healthy and natural sleep. ` A- StafEa, sufLez?ed a severe lasts xeaently ,nervous dypIdtc s'ufft rays. T?ricel 5t rt'xtr, >✓zliltix' 3n's PunaCe.,-�11tO 1llotlnel'S i+'reiltl. i Al Uy Lhe death of their promising daugh- � ccirr!ts. Cfiioago to California, via .Uuion� ,s 231aelt, imeeIl ber; Cbarrlo•tte; from a,�p�enc>.fc(tis, in -- •--.-- Pa;cifio, on "T,h,e • Overland, L miti:rl?' a&a0atie8 be .�sY� ifcsir !1@a© p 1? ��Iozn i�rx��sa c, feisty P,ed Lftbs Y "'t lir (r 11th rear. 1 POOR GIRL, PITY I:IER• t1z,o Ernest tr trn'sm"oatlleaL roadbed, t C N�FI ALWAYS, , 'A ` If jou lune tired taking the "barge, old ,..11,-.,a rDttyligh l ,ride through 1;aho, and fiaslhl.,ouusd, grxiping pills, t,ry C trtea's W er Ca,>riop-g skir,tlin$. Greet•t: 5ttt ., s::. "` b r;',,., _- __ ss, but, Luke, de%s"n ilial ku'mti.oiC Nellie ,ec.l'�? $fie Signature q �•''. Grottuwgl Yes,, in(o weakness, - LR,tlea Livor fills •a,nd takels,ame Glom- y, �:��.. , - not etT ngt�h, ,Studley. --iplenty r o>0 sand over the tvondrousl beautiful , x' �• J , -•• t . fort. A main cant stand eVeTy hrin4 > " r •Uhe ends, and nit less. , than tba'ee q' y � �,,• O,nn p111 a close. T;rS th"eart, Chaim, fiixe��r1, a'.f .course sho is, and Sierra �levad•.as. Th 06.Eon�. � tvrak loo. Does .not ant onou tiJ, ,and Full infotllma,tion furnisheJ, on , ap- .}, � eelght,s of an inch the tops should Thn Dalatghh-li'a cit Nha R'rup:i%,v trei•e s izua.doll to H. F. Carter, T.,,}?: A.., •. 3 , (Incorporated by Act of Parliament Ill p ' ��]aatt, slx�,ps across the orncls to prevent ;(areasiatnte�d tt,i•ghe a ails far the Marina digests Lar less 'than enough, [1 -his ReadO3ive,No,)treat (Ira weight aJ Other aclfa 'e pi oaa Ho ital an South, istrr,ee+t, Olinton, and 14 Jame Buildim,g, Totion'to Canada or �' ' `4 Ss,Do g p g > rnnrliiGion is so Frequent, but'ho%t sled- I?, , a Cho,at�e G.. Q t 126 14 oockward �' c� v�' , "^".J Capital authorized - - O,DOU � tap, from be�aring directly on,fthre fru- exe'mptt mtg it from taxation for. ten ,, t , _ � '� ' •. ` , � Capital (aA paid up) ,�%,gZG,4.0 g c,vris. Tlnsry t%,i11 also get tva ler r ami dom nit a cTed even by food ppa,r3uitt, Atm., Det' t Son ', 141GdIl . , ,Fft" _ Vy,a ti. • .Reserve Fund - q,8,7:0,77 U. It is also usual tO`,1eave• OfMin,carL lugtzt free flax the eaime peeriad. Plains ,Givia latter Fexrozclne, LbOU wait -ch heir ,r 44 Bianches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Tea's a,t dive top and bottom for vents- are plow bedng ipre�pared for it, apirelite inilaroye, lacy clzeeka an,d: lips Bayiield ��/ Kin, d Bought, ',, : British Columbia and 1lianiteba. R y ,bray stele elastin, her spir- r,• laetio.n. Little or no :packing material .Mw. IN'til+>yijtlm Lie(bold, of dhel J3i 11* goow ruddy, -�_ I+JIXETER B13ANOH R bouyamt. All this simply the xenult 'l. shprltd ba used aS purchasers like ta. Ion Ilae, Ray, lost a ehildt rby,sue Foca of eci:ti =* Tike Snirinia .tug';, Tipiakan'is now lly'- f ;,4 nk and digesting enough, mak- ! ll Use For Over 3® Years. V Open Every,L awful Day from IG a. m. find .the packa•g:a quite full of fruit. ,bicln or otaobhleering, bet=ween Sunday ern^' blood rind t,h+er � t a.xug in our harbor atvai•ting chanced to " ]]'jj m1 lilt !and lignin m,arnln Thet u �y, is'irem gthei]ing xyetusn tvnhh+ another raft O#I Ogs. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T7 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. " •, - ta 3 p, in.; except A sheet ,of cardboard a,t ,the to alma' g Y g" Mea nerve auad brain cigar, F.erroz-- .t Saturdays, l0 a. m. to 1 p. nt . p ahAd st,aa six or seven weeks old,, and power, Undear ,Uhe, autpez;v�islon of A..Erwin bottom will materially reduce the plana-bedrzgg ta,kan , bo hasee ut ,sufficient one 'gives a tt+ daugm-an s strength, to L•he (council has tmade, a genexal,re�pa(r . Farmers. Sale Notes cashed or col- ( tttern); ga�r�y. Your dau�thtbeer ,oz+ ,.%rife leeted. Forms supplied on application. amonuL of injury from bruis2a. But ly well virn;ppe,d up for bhe night.pr'ob , nnnd,s Terr,ozone, to -all -our roads, wherever necessary,) abl G t it to -day, t , Drafts on all points in the Domin:.on. it should be remembered thin given in y',aicaouwntts for =its' diath. -Miss Winnie, Moorehouse has re -- Great Britain and United States than year of scarcit - of barrels, it; trill IE you a=e 'lxy, Carter's Little Lf- turned. Proms m,visit to acquaintakzcer3 4 bougbt,pud sold at lowest rates of b veaer Pills for alck head -ache, biliousness Perth in sov,dml places in the United ,Stta(t- ex hinge. not do to ship anytlifng but firal-blasrs or canlstxpatian, you will neves be'tvitlY DZr. G+eig2ge Hyde, of Nortrh Erik- ea. ' �' SAVING;, DEPARTMENT, Fruit in boxes, as the reputation of the owl them. They are purely vegetable iiia has sold his farm,,to Mr. D=un- -;Thee ,golnce,rtt '%r,hich wag tic(' buvel • Canadian box and of the tanhdian. simatll rand easy bo takty. D•an''t`far(get can McMillan for x;10,000. Tlbis faxen hele(n held in the town,hall in behalf.afir'l 1-W ' - - a,..* .� Deposits ofS1.00and upwards recefv- linin. caxried•off the gold medal for the •tpile Pz�e,sbyaanaatnchurch, ispostpone,d6� Cement' ed. Interest compounded half yearly, 'rade In geraral will greatly suffer ref farm,, the count of Perth. bo same fixture: date. ► Aman to reper5 t`"G``�ii9xiA's' and added to principal June 30th and nnfeiri'or or common fruit is exported ]AX%'`Tom :Wly, of Zuxiecehi meet with, y ,• -_,�- .. r p ilii accmdmmt, ttlhtea opetraLing the large 1'=amyl Adams, the EaucLecu-year- t4lir. C. W. 8tatvxlxt� of Landon, tris `•' GREATEST NURSE in the town of December 31st. Deposits -Receipts also in the box or any fancy •packA-MM. tin obetairs in the tine 61bo Hee tt'ats in old daughtta of Mr. William Adams, hi Minton; Ellq ocher day comple!ting� E RAViD just recgl% a Roan- EXETER issued and highest current rate of ung comet Mock, WhOn. Of eoncetSsion 9, Nissouri, %while play-' tllie sale .,, his eighty -acre, farm; on the Y �" tity of the best grade of Port - interest allowed, hhv atclt of ewttd .,Y, and surrounding county, Be kind to a Cow and get more Milk asked a question, and turning, ,pariti- iag ,on the way h%me, itrom ) scltzool,, �' � i Uelyd Tine, GrodeaveLh tatt^ntpship, to and cement f; y, and take I- Advances maize to farmers, stock „-�F.,,,,, ,ally atrownl, to anri..wer got onel•of•, his, s,l'upp"ed.and bell, 'breaking her; , leg Air. James Mow, who ,takes, possession can be bad at either Centralia or orders for dealers and business men at lowest! £iin bringing just -above Lba ankle. in November. Mr. Stewart has still Exeter Storehouses. ', rates and on most favorable terms. If you want your cow,to yield.milk' pvi ion dottfnr wt of ;the•top(ofl,itllpl ane hundred aarea on the Bayfiield t�UR �����/ �P�����^9'i�C Mr. James Tobin of St. Malys, was WANTED Y l e7 Agents at Exeter for Dominion of bho best quality and the gmatept fingleir,. wni;tetd in marriage, Monday, to , Miss I ine: , ' Government•. qua,nt,it you han�e one to treat her -The members of St. Andrews:can in Fruit Trees Small Fruits t, Y y Mhewewude4ce of Mr. Robert Jones, 31a!gpgie Lozuge,%viy of MitAhall: 021 WHEAT ®A 147 C�A�L.�Y', � rs oICKSON St C.,t.RUNG, N. D. HUR,DON, kindl This is the sum and subst- Seuict Uh, was the scene of i •a uie° Lbei,r return from .. . their honeymoon gnegatt%an tool posserssion ofthe,manse , , Ornamentals, Shrubs, RoSeS sonzarroxs. asaivAai x l paint Thus(sldtxy even(ng. A lasg,e T C I '' i alma of a discovery made by thei Staff his el,ng on Th'ht er,'M ss Day, when lily. and Mrs. M&ry will take up re- crowd gathered and was. in the course for which full market prices will be Vine., Seed Potatoes, &C. ... ............. his eldelst daughter, Miss Velem Pen- aidteence in St. Marys. "' County Technical College, at Cheims- of Uho evening, called is nyder by Mr. pard at storehouses, i Stock true to name and free frdni Safi mran', haus united in maatria ! to Mr. y q t, being a w2 that Tl 1'eKanzie, o•ne of the elders, who EXETER, Jose Scala. A permanent I -^ If ou t%,amtt to ud p pesition for X110 a • .f1,Jgp' 'np,S ford- 'The coir is a very,nervous ani-- Chaules Abexhardt, druggist o1 Sea- .praphe,L, hxtvre pour' rheura tism cured r ea t run addretss to the. pastor, Mr..14Ic CENTRALIA • meal an:d vterey susaepUble to:kind ox fctrlih, The ceremomly was po(riformcad by Miilburn's Rblsuuva�Lic, Pills, a guar-; Nr»:l, ek.pressive of the congregations AND CLANDEBOYE. the right man on either salary or haxsh ire;atment. Both the amount by Reeve. F.. H. Lair7kin„ roazly the immo-It- anbeed remedy for tlbheumabism, Scia- aipprbalation of his labors aimong:thrim commission. Calendar for November 1803 i. ialte Irelb,tivers being pres*t. .�- -_ J'an' quality of the milk she gives de- L'iea, Neuralgia: and Lumbago. Price The a.rldzletss tvAs •aeclgmpa pile¢) by, a1. I SUNDAY.......... 1 S 15 22 29! Mars• {Dx.) Ttveddle,died lat'her, resi- 25c, at ,all d'ealorts . beeauaLiful ens' 'dhair'for hisstui t ��$$ 8 Stole >& Wellington MOND-ky...... 2 9 1G 23 301pemds on her preference for persons d,ence•dnSeafanUh. reoen;t y. She. Iilad y Y• Jos-' COBBLE®IC tONTHMLNURSEItIES •` ;-116bh whom she has to deal. The trial of JohailNolan, accused, of Mr. McNeil brielfiy i»hankayd his parisrh TIILsnAs .......... 3 10 17 24 been ill Eo¢ abou t a• year. Mrs. Ttt tld over SOD acres n;t.tempte'd assault an�Nettie Mc,Tavfsli anreits for lhe%fr kindly feeling L•ol��asd I - iiVRDNESDvr_ . 4 11 13 25 i FoilovAng Up tine theory a rigorous die's maiden name ryas D�oroUbVIsabel in South Eaot�hope, on Sept: '5th', haiq h'ixn, !The l-adaies ,provided a sumptu-- �d�B�®�00�®®O®AdAooA�'8���� 'I'O120NT0, � a ONTARIO' F 'MmuRSD AY, ...... 5 12 19 28 la Wilmin. She was thy, thi•rrdr dau i exprrimenl teas trial at a farm in t;h- belin ,a(3'7aur(ne,,d .bor, ,a week. EWvera,l, ous lunch uud a very enjoyable eveh-4 - �'RIDAY...... •.., fS 13 20 2i ter of Mr. D. D. Wilson. She leaves a Nvilnees hwsband and an intbreeidLing fa a'ver,E nom„ urzie,e en4aboen examined., (and i,n,g was spent ,.it t4ie manse. 1 kers aataave i I ` SATURDAY...... 7 14 21 25 E Essex• Four aottr tvfiae t'..riod tvitli p d evide, ce blas turned I I four different milkers. Tba favored Uhrue ,childaen, two •girls •and: a tbo - P � � r�l 4 r THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th 1903 4 p• MARRIED. - (noilker tris honorrd with nearly. nine- The ,preotvisionial direbtors of the,now. There wale a'large Inuanber of a; In T � � � psi � �, : e Pp� •- H1J.A.MAN-STATI.t�.11?.-At Gent'ralia � � r�•, r • I - I teen pounds, welg(ht Of milk one morn- nearly.dead ,poxk packing andl cold ,ca,n.s for the p•.osftion of chielf licensee p:a,rGonagn., on Lihe• '3rd• inst, ,by Rcv. (i.�.�� I c it F30NI:S FOR APPLES. l ing .while anolhex ),ess'favored got any 50terrarae uln4eir;tiaking ara tbrea;tenerl in;spnbor, rendered vacant by the B.L..$uL.tdn, Wiliinrn. Hsamiaa, df ( , %` / %� ` '% ly a trifle mere tha'n.fifteen pounds, with a •Lane slult frPxn: ioove of•its, solici X,.cogna;tion of Ma. J. K. Stelwart. Si.eph,en, to Mia=s'L. Statham; of Ex= ,I ��!'6 �l i�� « �� i ---- tors. Tehereis a question envolved• in Among tihem the one which a:ppeala ei�eelr. • . , rr I -�. _ (, In view of th,t scarcity and hibh The next morning another cow '(Thus t,alke(d-of suit that may nLevaat to a largdmelbion of Liberta'ls is that i I ( i ,9- '`` A Ymitce of apple barrels this snasan., anrd which had yielded badly thea first ail of t(tue clock -holders', ami:�irai as .of R. W.•Dillan, editor of S,L. Mrx,ryts tG00D1S0iV-,JOHNS.--lir 1;x©;Lrsr,. net i �. © + ,�, of bhr fail that in some clislttriefs,• far- morning, inertias d in supply, as -well he wiblart extent they are 'all liable! figr Arr us. the aezetidlzenec of "the brides",ixiothex, - \ i •1 �, g Mira. Jahns, on Wednesday, Nov 4th • - ,�,��e,,,,.,�_ ;;, the expeinpets im;cu:rxed in the undert,ak Y, , ; "Rh ' . ,m,exs thud R, impcssible to procure bar as an qunlirty, wILL a tchange; of 'milk- ,T 17i. ,G. A. •Na%vcombe, tate newly ap 19U3, by the, Rev, Wm. Gariwin„ 1VIr, sang• Iasi fia(r as lobe floating of tli.i vch- ..' . .i' a pornLad cbas'taal. manic,( at St. Marys . William T. Goadasoxr, of Sarnia, le' , :, -� MIS •.it any pyla =, tare Fruit Dlvision :er-. eme !heals g,ainla. CollegiwLelIhas ;tendegeed.hlsxosignation 1?dsG Ida Margery, ilalizrh•ter of the tntgceovamOnd Lha gemexai use of�boxe�., 1, D,urijug !(ha sove,rei lhu idler vt•orm t,o t(hart Board, ba;ving been Fapppointed i;atr Mir• David J�h.ns. . ,11 . ,Thma Tirn be had, knocked dmrn, .•at BUFFALO R011'IAtIM ( ._ � • match paasad of 'r' . Fullamtan on to Uhea inelgrystrarship of 17ia1ia(ster Uinu - -T XI'm , . Tib=kagi,iln Day, lightning struck . viarptt',y, Toronto, at •a salary a$ 1,200, .. � .� -.1• ' • n1wost any sate -mill fox about, eight g y Y ' °� m mei_ -.-.._ • ant $1. DZARYb CTTIiL 1VL']]S 1IUDERi�' th=e new brick "drriving shed of 12r; J'as `t1j(fh : nG i�w� of subsara bail finer++^ DAVIS.-In �Eseter, on Nay. 2nd,' Mr, i s each and the should ix t r L p. »p 4 -.,use. n ', l- Tete oven of un Impdriai l�aford xt2490 ilii the old• , '� Y q Jimckoan. Mr. Wm- Jackson }y-th Mr; rlr o'iiild tnEe G:eroTge. Davis, a„ed 66 gears.' fashioned spit before an open fireplaceIdd Aetter roasting than any other cooking ,. x RING SOLONIAN a�av!enouaayl . ,grinds - apparatus invented. � -tk' )cost inare L,ham tem cents each mudo l W%4d a,nd 'hiined Min, w d,'a kt3am o,f - T3uffn.lo, Oci:.. 23. nCc,1cr,e;d'aw-,1l&dm the lleeth !at ni ht and icks its ,nose, ”' ' up. As three bares bald about. as I t t hlcrn"��s tverre ixi the building at th'o g p In the olden days the spit had, to lac kept turning to get all sides of a roast m ,Y1 y7ou. ,may almost be ccrtaiit it (has nittnz Alm, cooked. Itis much the same lir the ordinary cook -stove. .The heat of the `; many apples as a barrel„ the will �, nail agag,ove2 trha 'rnarriago of time •and were all thxotvA to the floor 11; IY s Iva,nag Sa1axnan," the mast aviistacxh- add stunned prom which they die not Nvoerms. ,aitd should admi,nist,erwithout Bitter iib is a matter of frequent oet oven Is :greatest on the fire sRt-roasts, bread, pies, cakes, etc., have to be be found much ch.,l.aer than barrels (.c , noaavar for some. time, The lightning deday Dir. Low's 1 leltslamtU WoYm $yr- eurrence every 'fall atitl Vrifzter, or soon turned and twisted to get thein Looked at all. The result is uneven, unsatisfac s at fif ty cents and upwards. The box- I Li m gro in buffalo, to Miss Minniv baldly damaged one e:nd of the build up. This remedy coo -tains its own cath after the cows are •01T from graaatng: toil cooking=good food ruisltd. The diffusive flue construction of the e t ct men, a prp,tty white 'girl,, d u Rh t 'r a,r;UO. It is caused fits[+ by bitter herbs tr els sb,ould ba well and strongly nailed, p g 1 Q iAg• the ha g. , . oaf Mr. and Mir. Alex.,Stevens, of $at. Thy marriage of Miss Lillian' M. y-sue�1 b3 Illay weed, ra wcecl• o anti should bald about forty poundvot Kibclu�n: dawglzt;es,alfJames KitGlte,n. Johns wast; eta, -and also by the usA .�r� g� .art , £roil. 1Tar�^s, Ont., Canada. 7ihea "Iiing" DEa>1` .1S A DOOR NAIL. rT. bf too YYrttch over-ri e food, suClt' a, I�a+�� ia �j The dimensions of the boxes bcexmerly of Toronto. to D.T.D1. tiVil- p used by Lhe Grimsb • shi a cam+a Ibl'ire ,a shoirt. time ago from Daty_ lard Ready, ,of P,b,iladelphlar Pa., for- atrtr.% corgi. ''stoxer, or late -cut lia:`, ' • IF Y pp�rs are igen• City, it is said, and although hie Not ,•im uncommon ex ree.wdon, but c Marys and. Strat#ori, :vas It never trc'ctxrs when cows are 2,ecd uh pini by L%velve by eiaghiL•een,ineb:- p. merly of St. Mar g +peal name, or lidskir , has'"noL' beet ' c,elebraLmd on. Oatabe'r 14, at St, An- ;$� fes+ and are thriving, or e,vZ* - es, nihiele the British Galumbia s•ta,n,d- gnfbe true -of many people whayai hear- rlretws church, l WrLt" 73thi streer.t; Wding their own, and are Lelst �grin( , r, t marde known by himself, even for his• Ing can ba , eWe ll reaLo,red b iiAnl ltor>ibl`v warm. It can be ak'olett�(ib, draws'i?ehh air)lito the flue chamber, super -heats it and diffuses•it evenly over the atr3 box is ten by eleven bl.eighteen g p y �' NTe'ty York• first, by correcting the error PA •fvyA oven `tlitrstli in it quickly,thovou hl and uniforml -back, front and sides pars fx;ie=ncl3 in [,ho exclusive cbloadrl Ing CatarrhazanW. It quickly relieves 1�• Jo}vn Fulciuer, of ,,B1a;nSbard, !and ,. g g y y .a do Liss, lbot being inside es shout circle in which he has beenemrcivin and curse 4111 kinds of Catarrb,. � posure; and, secai�ll'3. tby ale it ihe1 =e equal temperature. The result is juicy, tender roasts, light, mint in both cast,,.-[. The bases shauid' g Ca,t- diuetl at StraLlord'Hospital on; 'W`ed- tsca2ding the milk when, ib ,'I i I'st ,c2ar141y` asety,evenlyraisedbread-successfulcooking. TUMMY ihpa at that hie has• a bandoamv aernhal Deafness„ and diseases of the n,wdaY monning, Gotob it '21, .after, • ,a drawaa b setting It in ibz made of atran material .not 1e is , Y. 13 pans fo"arr a r i ° , brief iiluess of typhoid. He , had kettle of. boiling water .till tirii` skin `,�Vlign 1'dabuy an Imperial Oxford Range you get the result of over sixty years' linin Fite -ed h.ths oL an inch,lhiek #ar Orivravte income to back bis aristocrat wespira'tary organs. Don'.t gfvea' up yp oti ifi mdexperience in scientific construction of cooking ,apparatus. £3 a � been taken there a few' days befa'rre *which forms on its top is t4e:I wzin. , pp taianlr and fine raimera;t. hop -till ,you have tesred Cataxrhozone. and wars noet Lhowght to be dangerous- kled, and then setting it awfty to cool A local c%ga,r clerk giveh••ou,t•tbain- It has •M.,5L•orod lost heail,nq to thous- Iy ill. 'On Tuesdar,y, Got. 20, ha had for the cream to rise. This trreatment The Gurney Foundry Cor., Limited fer1ma'Idon. t'bix,t :the "Rigg" confider(. oands: and oan do t'lvo.sam,e for, you. Ca- a !hemorrhage and died a few lzouris .will drive out the cause of the bitte;t Toronto, Carhe&cla JP etbally,stated that his iueome ta;xrhpzonle ars a'v ge•bable antisa tic laber. giver and improve the butter n)q.d ' LLLwas,. X100 , p• ' snake it easy to dhtxrn. �an>G,4r®n1 �varssaigse� Var►COosrer 2 pbein,srtnt sand ,.convenient. to use, absol- Wedmersday afternoon, Oct. 21, a i ?l a day. Ant a.ny rate .his clotheari have uUa atarbain to , ( �, ly quickly benefit and queutL %teedriinrg c•aznlm,o:ny iris lair- as ' been .bhp envy of the t•otc•n, his miany ultimla,tel.y cure. Two mont,ha' rr•eat- formed rut bh,s residermoe of,Mr. ,and, •A Good Werd for To , SOLD ny T. ITA,WKINS & SON t. 11 11 . ahla,negas �af erypansive gar have meant" 01.00. Small size 25r., at. d-rgg- Mrs. J. •R. Stephens, Nkat.mra'. FaNts . 'loads, according to Prgf, 11Iite'a,i$iPe - fairly gliatenad ,vitihtprorjperit gusts or by mail from N. C. Polson & ..for'mc�rly' of Stratford, whetni their almost entirely upon :�, �0�?.pll. y„, h'i e Co.., Kingston, Ont. oldest daughter, Carrie Elizarbeth tai's, beetlea and other' U te, •}nsk1Ji lg ' ,lthe 'white bootblack tvha polished, his, was mixried to Mr. Alonzo Thepdoro their rounds at'night r tCOLLIF ga>ag�,�, 73EWA-RE OF WORM,:. - ���,.,�..,..,��,.,,�..,,� , .�, er is iniac + s &I le tfdi�i�• .�� • �c�',r .._.. . 3k isihia�e ryas "ueveer asked far acFtan�ge, M,a(rtin, ,coal and ice merccllant of that asleep—and , , ?bilis too=-R,`d what are loll( friends Sayiil- ” the insects are 817-p red •tib rbe'Ltrs'sing a' r ° DanTt legit warms gnaw at the vitt ' ,� about you? That your, rad The'bridl2l is a fair girl, sdemder` and boron.• . . y 9 derlitoarbe, 21 �"' � �e Most Ha,n their own way, m of your crhiFd;reita, Give, them Dr. hair makes you loon Old Y '; , Years .gid, t%?Lilt th,er oYan3a Yellow Oil can be applied rimstand t]rese + �t°"neh `xariitc un• p �( Low's Pleasant Worm 5 t ., .l 'hin�' awns to 41 axbeuuxally for rheuuna(t;ism, +s�tfff j, - Gsdis so'4veil nihil they e g Syrup artd • ,And yet, you are Slot fort I ?ife, ,. le1ars,of cw"emt:fol ��� �� Your �(��� llttrchase taad� `� + cheg'llsoon be,rid'outbose parasites. • ' airrlrs� c'hratpperl b,and•S, chilblains, s,rains a so (much 'a do�ots o� � Pince 25 contra v %ti, xh- marriage has already ar�ous. You don't and can't if your stomach etr. It can be token :i.nterha,lly�� far and turn the. A TJwse. ,+,y �q• ,�" POStli3fl ., this i00i411}g Cid, C1d fseldngs of anfmosi[y amon+� --- - . dusk g t(he ie weak. A weak stomach does not xtrr5.uv, quEn�y, 'bronobitis paints, in the b;, Y bdle;a of Buffalo, several of stomeaerh� kidney complaint, etc. Price Pr ,,, ,,, the ,swallows. Branches are tanglit in the F. t'•. R, pi Whom aspired to be led, to the; altarFby gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. 25G Y Among 4 � OOLLEGE. Our students err nvt Hair , bili•, gigaruLie monamb. •,It gets tired easily, and what it fails to Lenox " foty is • 'nst�ivecens birds the swan guaranteed n(ce jabQ, Yiut rt#'ter aVigor "Calci( is bwt a i,xffli:ng matter„” 'digest is wasted. X Gh:uach cougreega ion, o£S�Lrat tn,eit, ; worth' 'of great encourage, cours4 in this (7olle a it %vial bo Lr'XE1'E" form (eras pledged itself to support en- ftchs 'o an +esaminatfon of the stogy ae.l,ud llltns. "King," ora sbe gn�eed tvil.h A No Trouble for Thern to Mold Wheat R 1TAI1KETS aC ,fth een swallows 'killed at Tier Bushell .75. to 7a i Among the signs of a weak stomach t; rely a nrimiowlry in tire, forei.gnfiel<d dill'; r, n Position. i - t Xa s"Int eke > roto leer hull?n;lkl's polilz- .arts uneasiness a#tor esti acrd a t t ear sh a i°" s t on Oats new t 28• r ant sc>ttsons of hey ow d 26 0 Use Ayer S �l(aiC "VigOI� axlci uycl 60ms', 'nrarldL, ng, fits of per a ispepial meoting of Lha SLraL- hitt We rid thfrn, iE poss(iale to c,htain Bar .a T : vous headache and disagreeable , lord Presb,ytpry, Mr. D. J. Davidson they contained an average of 40A ley 3G ,ta 40 he t g eeakrle belch unr, , employ"Ient, ',),it we fly -.4b erjtzt}, I.heru Butter . r�StOt'C t0 your gray 11;11( a!, parr went to iV�ty Yark. 1!!'raineo B. A.. a�f Taranl ,I rested insects. eaah and not (r sin ...... , .... . 1g,. o, w%as ordaxeined to t;aito l: ; to maintain LhP hi li ie ubit,ion this will ba included.in l,beir' honeymoon ink,: , grain of caro (04 any kind),, or the , N Eggs . 18 ilia Cleep, (lamb PiC13 color i}� � . • �'. y^a •. „ .. ,. .:: :'mini,s�rly Of bh,�a 1?re,s torian Church, rl life. Then be s . rs Ja,ur:ne'y, , _I'll_ A beeitt trouisled:with dgspepsln'ior a ua a ice o •, ` � .oat particle of fruit Or a trace ok school btu; acclntxe�: Wool. , ,.:. ]'i to 74� ga y at15il, rl. 1 an.,l FIp t liy, .d d d to n-x.szonar rl, I e$rg, and tried. every remddy X hoard of, e t 3w gea_,f r:bl%, " Pork live weight ... . Ayer a gal( T a;or= rest ted tl lattu .. ' ALBL I COtTGI , +yank atmeamt(; tib c laY a1(hen. ..: . • .. . , t~ $5'.25 to t$5.25 n r 11 TEIi but never gat anything Haat gave mo (glial ,l: +�� Park llressed ,. $7,00 to :t7.2'o I. CDe �do I l ail gouclairtii Yt ram ar7ei,tly f ofatil I took Ilood'S SaxBa $r313A. 1 C$nnat IVirG. TrliaYn•G$. W.11a as Dille yefa,rs sunlGe" . i+tz%s.n;Jlvaxnacohae, broabanicsVille,. al. z. S1 1'll•t'ri. Ilium C;lruer, .Tart ` a . praise this inedieine too higbly for the goo¢ c.on,cluck,d a. book i,nd stationary bus; Prrtacipal. 4 1._ .. 'rr lI .f. ori., Otic. It has done me. I always. t€1ks It in lire ricers in SL. Ma,tys. died lit `.itaranto �~ I M }I �sa,vr : "I c.nu }tit a sotxxe aaIdl which 'spring and fall and Would not be without ,4t.Ob a uottie, a• a. atwnx CO.,, 8 Oct.Oat1':f, Sincra iea:vin6 S'L, LVlia on an rtr„ inti.Cr, Tn�men, ,a,l,ti!e(I an my throat lncll ungs, and It." VV. �1,.Z7tre>rNx, Belleville,, Ont, els, ti Irry Ctruonds Lluotlgllt it ttauld send' znrt r sb+e had been living tti.li,her ar ;a � � "as' to•rnyprnwti. Whelnotitarr re n t ► Qin°, C�Y"LIZi . law, 'Mr. Naetbean Sills, oC , t, ,,n-xn• des or% c. Old ii1+ ff aiv w� madlea foal, p . 14 -atop Ca., an. old • 'V todlt,a:, A. T. :i ? rel', "i1i,.�VoadSwe Nix+ttiray Cine Syrup Strengthens and tones the Stom�achand i17,ras. Tl;c•in:t.s' iaialtl an • bay, ` ' 'YWc1 Days. ' ,1 "lnomlilebalq eurrerl lite", Y J.r,1b)g1d M , ,a-(, tltd whale digestives •HtBnt. aYGarys iti+ill l�+ai�11. Ulf U�ar rsc in : a5�t.tlCa�o s,; y as,g wi.., Moth tri:t:h Laxative, �° �� � ,r . R`!!�1 ���: » k,, ret..: s� r ..". weir Million barren sold rri past l months. "� SI t I � w" itr, rri w' . . ,' I 11 t. . .. -. i , V a