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Clinton News-Record, 1987-04-29, Page 14
1 Page 14--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1987 1. Articles for sale NO. I POTATOES FOR SALE, 4 miles west of Hen• sail, south of Highway No. 84 of Varna Road. Phone 236.4038. 09-17 GALAXY 6 Starcraft camper trailer, boys 3 piece suit. jacket size 36. Inquire at 523-4363. 16,17x PROPANE FURNACE 100,000 BTU's duct work in- cluded; homemade 3 royv potato planter hiller; 7' trail cultivator, 2 sets'of teeth. All reasonably priced. Coll Bill at 482-3460. 17 THREE new maple bar stools with Kontiki accorn seat and back. Phone 482-3758. 17 TWO DOOR white refrigerator; 24" GE older model stove, 20" Admiral portable colour TV; Singer sewing machine in cabinet. 527-0599 after 7 p.m.' 17,18x SEVEN PIECE Kroehler living room suite, neutral colours, 3 years old. Excellent condition. Cost • $2100. asking $1100. Call 482.5299, 7-9 most evenings. 17,18x CRYSTAL CHANDELIER. older. Call 524-5220. 17 APARTMENT size electric stove suitable for cot- tage. Asking $25. Phone 482.7615. 17,18,19 NEW WHITE wicker lounge and cushions. Perego baby buggy, baby Snugli, brass drapery rod by Kirsch 60" x 102" with extra brass rings. 482-5418. 17,18x BLUE SPRUCE • dig your choice, take sod with un- disturbed roots. 1 miles East of Wingham, Hwy, 86. Spruce $2,00 ft, blue spruce $3.50: ft (tax included) Mrs. Marsh, centre of three houses East of school. 357-2387. 16-19. 300 PEELED cedar fence posts, also seven rolls 80 rod long extra heavy duty barbed wire. Phone 262'5988. 16,17 BED, mattress and box spring, white leather headboard, white double dresser and night table 2 new bedspreads, 1 pink, 1 deep rose. All in good condition. Phone 565.2418. 17 - MOTHERS DAY IDEAL GIFT! Patio furniture. tea call & gift Items at great savings. Warehouse open Fridays & Saturdays. 71 King W. FOREST, Ont (519) 786-4405. 17,18 ASPARAGUS Ontario tomatoes. English cucumbers 754 each, red and white potatoes, cooking onions. Evan's Farm Market. 2 miles north of Bayfield 482 7562 17.18ar USED ITEMS Sheeting, Cupboards, 2x6's, 2x4's, 2x8's, Plywood, Insulation, Chimney Block, Bathtubs and Sinks. Phone VANASTRA DEMOLITION 482-7451 C 8 E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '', mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades s TRAVEL TRAILERS PFo 5th WHEELS on play you are invited to CAMP-OUT's 25th ANNIVERSARY Sat., May 9th and Sun., May 10 25°/ OFF STORE INVENTORY Cake - Refreshments - Prizes Hardtop Tent Trailers on Display Huron St. W., STRATFORD 1-393-5938 OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday MAY2&3 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Come visit our greenhouses and garden centre for spring planting ideas. FREE COFFEE & COOKIES FREE DRAWS For more details see our Focus ad tau COUMtt ttr'sOM W010 1T414 num 1 r0. 1 3 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FB.R.1 BAYFIELD 482-3020 LASSIFIED THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: „Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Geroge sale 4 Antiques for sole 3 Can for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V,'* for sale B Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room t board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wonted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sole 39 Educational 40 Lost L Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 43 Marriages 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cords of thanks 50` DISCOUNT • FOR CASH PAYMFNT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2. Motorcycles for sale 1972 350 HONDA, asking $500.00. Phone 482.5637, 16,17 1971 350 HONDA, $350.00. Call 529-7421 after 6 p.m. 16tfnx YAMAHA bike parts, 2 frames, 2 motors, a number of front and back wheels. Phone 482-7615. 7-19 a 3. Garage sale 2ND ANNUAL Holmesville Public School, Garage Sale, May 2, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Proceeds to Student Council Funds. ' 17or GARAGE SALE, rain or shine. Fri.. May 8, 6 p.m. • 9 p.m.. Sat„ May 9, 8 a.m. . 2 p.m. Baby stroller. luggage, carpentry tools, books. clothes, tires, boys bike, dishes, jewellery and much. much more. Brenda Brooks. Wellington St.. Blyth. 17,18 GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 2 at 8 30 a.m. 131 Rattenbury East at Gibbings. Indoors if raining. No junk ' 17x GARAGE SALE at Glenn Price's Garage, Highway 8, May 2 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Household articles, hand knitted doll's clothes and more, - 17x 5. Cars for sale 1975 FORD LTD. 2 door. V-8, as is, AM radio, heater. power steering. brakes, automatic. snowtires Recently in use Good riding. 482 7510 15-17x 80 FORMER Ontario Government Vehicles and Others, 28 1980-86 Automobiles. Chev, Ford, and Dodge 4.6 and B cylinder, 30 - 1980.86 ' ',,14 and 1.5 ton trucks, pickups, cub and chassis cube vans and crew cabs, 5 • 1980-82 4 wheel drive pickups. Jeep. suburban and AMC Engle: 8 1980-82 Vans. station wagons and suburbans, 9 . Van bodies. caps and dump troilers Mighton's Car and Truck Soles, 4 miles west of Durham on No 4 Highway or 6 miles East of Hanover on No 4 Highway, Phone 1 369-3136 17 1976 MATADOR V8, new tires, muffler, and bat- tery. Was certified 6 months ago. Asking $550. Phone 482.7615. 17-19 1985 DODGE 600. 2.2 litre. turbo, fuel injection, air. cruiseam fm, ps. pb. aluminum wheels. 51 000 km Phone 262.5659 17 1977 OLDS TORONADO fully loaded 2 door. hardtop. certified $1.750 Phone 482.7451 17 l Bar 1973 PINTO station wagon for parts. Phone 482 9222 17 6. Trucks for sale 1974 FORD VAN customized needs body work to certify 6 cylinder automatic 8400 as is Phone 482' 7451 17 18or 1982 CHEV 4 WHEEL drive 350 motor 13 000 km Good rubber A-1 condition Please toll 482 9605 17x 7. R.V.'s for sale TRAILERS travel. 5th wheels hardtops, new and used Golden Falcon. Prowler, Boler Lionel Hitches. truck caps. Soles rentals repairs 25 years in business Camp -Out Hwy 8 1 mi west of Stratford 393.5938 12 30ar 1968 CORSAIR TRAILER 17' long sleeps 6 110 or 112 volt power system, water pump and heater, propane stove and oven. 2 part bath troller hitch, stabilizer bars Asking 82.200 or best offer Phone 523 4512 16.17.18 / HARDTOP CAMPER fibreglass sides. new can- vass. propane electric stove and fridge, light weight. sleeps 6. excellent condition 81500.00 or best ' offer. 482.7757 after 6 p.mor weekends 1718 12ALUMINUM boat with 3.6 mercury engine. 1984 boot trailer including 4 life jackets and 2 oars Coll 482.5548. 17.18 8. Marine GUN SALE - over 500 guns drastically reduced, for quick sale. Lake Huron Rod & Gun, Under- wood, Open 7 days a week, phone 368-7182.--14.17 A.C. SHINERS - any colour or size, $5.95. Lake Huron Rod & Gun, open 7 days a week. Phone 368-7182. 14-17 ' SUPER DEALS on all hi -tech fishing equipment. Lake Huron Rod & Gun, Underwood, phone 368-7182. -14-17 10. Pets for sale SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. Chocolate and blue point. Phone 529-7382.- 16,17nx 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Egmondville on large login very good condition 7 years old, at- tached garage, good location, finished rec room, 2 full baths, central vacuum, built-in dishwasher, plus more. Phone the owner, 527-0493 after 6 p.m. -7tf 50 ACRES OF land for sale, 21/, miles east of Brucefield, excellent building 'site. Phone 482.7224,-14-17 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE, 14' x 70' Bendix 1978. By appointment only. Phone 524.7731 after 6 p.m.- 16tf 16. Articles for rent 1 COMPLETELY EQUIPPED and furnished hall, homey atmosphere. Suitable for commercial meetings, family gatherings, showers etc. Ac- comodating up to 70 people. Reasonable rates, ample parking. Contact 482.7869.-"-25tfnx A. For Sale PERCENTAGE LIMOSINE BULL, R.O.P. tested for sale. Suitable for red meat program. Phone 482-3520. 17 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves Clinton • 482-7511 Emote, • 235-2717 Kirkton • 229-6205 962-2619 STOCKER SALE 900 HEAD at Henson Livestock Sales Ltd. on SATURDAY, MAY 9 AT 1:00 P.M. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 482-7511 Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 .irkton - 229-6205 Gregory Hargreaves Hensall - 262-2619 or 262-2831 Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner .01.64.11 B. Custom Work CUSTOM CORN PLANTING. Four 36" rows. fer tilizer and insect $9 per acre 10 m radius of Blyth Brod Thomson 5239723. 16.19nx CUSTOM PLOUGHING and cultivating Phone Gerold Rodges 524.8021 mornings. 17,18x D. Livestock WANTED TO BUY open Holstein Heifers. 12 mon• the or older, grade or pure bred. Contact Tony vonDongen 482-7588 16.17 HOLSTEIN HEIFER due May 6 Phone 482-3350 otter 9 p.m. 17 FARM LAND FOR LEASE 395 acres of form land available for lease. Property is located near Vor' no, Ontario and corlsists of port of Tots 20, 21. 22 8 23 Cons 5 port of lot 19, 20 & 22 BRN. For oddl- tional information phone C E. Shewfelt 235'2111 in Exeter. 16.17 FOR RENT • Ploughed crop land near Clinton Phone 482-9193 16.18x 65 ACRES of cash crop land in Stanley Twp 3 miles south of Varna. Phone 262-5233 16 17 18 12. Real estate for sale u "SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD" • CLINTON - ONTARIO TELEPHONE: 482-9371 LONDESBORO: 1' , floor frame, 3 bedroom home, large shed. all in good condition. Good starter home for under $30,000.00. 125 ACRES: Near Blyth, good brick home, 50 acres workable, 22 acres hardwood bush. Blyth creek crosses property. COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Core area Clin- ton, good investment property. AUBURN: 1', floor frame home on large lot. Good family home. 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 1' 2 floor frame home, farrowing for 35 sows. BRUSSELS: 1' fl000ftTr home, oil heat. Turnberry Street§ KINBURN: 100 acres, 95 acres workable, systematically drained. 6 room frame home. CLINTON: Brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms, gas heat, paved drive, near hospital. WALTON: Mini -farm, 1 acre with good 3 bedroom home, steel shop and small barn, Under $40,000.00. LONDESBORO: 4 bedrooms. 2 floor home, very spacious, heated double garage, like new throughout. 72 ACRES: Highway farm, good house, born and drive shed. 41/2 ACRES: Near Family Parodise with 1' 7 floor frame home needing some repair and exceptional large steel barn, BRUSSELS: Comm vl building on main street, oil heat, ment above. AUBURN: REDUCED. 1 floor frame home, 2 bedrooms, oil heat. INVESTMENT' PROPERTY: 2 apartments plus commercial space of 1300 sq. ft. CLINTON: On Hwy. 8, fieldstone home and small barn on 6 acres. CLINTON: Duplex on Huron Street, show- ing excellent return. A good investment property. LONDESBORO: Modern ranch, brick, at• tached garage. walk -out basement. Very attractive. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick home, finish• ed basement, inground pool, large lot. CLINTON: 2 floor frame, 15 Mill Street, 4 bedroamk, good family home. ' FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 100 ACRES - 2 stor if ome, shed, large barn. Tuckesmith 1 FLOOR BRICK HOME - close to downtown, gas furnace, modern kitchen 2 fireplaces. 2 bedrooms. 328,500.00. VINYL SIDED 11/2 STOREY 2 bedroom home with open concept a real neat home in Vanastra. 100 ACRES - 1' , skoLV stucco sided house. shed 8 barn, a inton VANASTRA - 2 or 3 bedroom 1 , storey home with family room. $25 000 00 RESIDENTIAL LOT, ready for spring building 1 FLOOR, 2 BEDROOM HOME - Close to downtown good condition for $25 000 00 150 MARY ST.- 3 bedroom frame house. ask• ing $15.000 00 4 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING, large lot, good location BRICK SEMI-DETACHED DUPLEX, good condition. nice sized lot SEAFORTH - 1 l�iej1( k 3 bedroom home florid° room. ffS14lI1 run- 385 000.00 108 JOHN ST., Si - Bock, 1' , storey home good conalT'tbn ALUMINUM SID -c0 1'/, STOREY 3 bedroom home nice treed area, $27.000 00 1'/, STOREY - 3 bejdovLrelhome small apart- ment close to doUTIffoTArn Clinton HOG BARN, liquid manure. decent house, 20 acres. COMMERCIAL ZONED RESIDENCE with retail outlet. highway location RIVER LOT with 355 ft. frontage in Clinton HULLETT TWP. - 100 ACRES - 92 workable. house, shed & wheat crop. GOOD LOCATION, 3 BEDROOM, 1 FLOOF4 HOME - plus basement offers 1 bedroom, office, family room This home features heat pump attached garage deck large treed lot. COLBORNE TWP. - 50 ACRES - decent house 40 x 150 steel barn 96 ACRES, 70 WORKABLE - river fron- tage some bush. north of town 100 ACRES. 75 workable Auburn area. INDUSTRIAL LOTS - paved rood What size do you need FAMILY HOME - 3 bedrooms 1' , baths dining room recent gas furnace Asking '36 900 00 152 ACRES, 100 WORKABLE, bush. barn 2 sheds decent house. Asking '106 000.00. Harold Workman -BR' KER- 482®3455 Clinton: 348-9066 Mitchell 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Bayfield Phone 565-2166. 17ar ELIZABETH COUNT One. two and throe bedrooms available. Factorize ep- pllancas, carrot throughout, laundry facilities. Ask about spectral bonus. All utlllttos tnrludod of: PK©NE 176 OXFORD ST., HENSALL. ONT. 261-3542 •LNCAENOW • W INON AM sot TM 442INTON ,88Att TH • MOTCHELL •MAN H • e Bg filial STOAT' MAURICE 'GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED - 34 STANLEY STREET GODp,RICH 524.2966 'W May Bs Numb*? On•! But W'r• SIIII Trying Harder!' -..l,r CALL US • TO WELCOME COTTAGE OPEN HOUSES iii 1)+ t y.i d ,, �d%.i. :.:4,,,.,IYcaY � N SUNDAY, MAY 3 1:00 - 2:30 PM LAKEFRONT COTTAGE - Poplar Beach, situated between Bayfield and Grand Bend, wood sided, 2 bedroom, fireplace, in living room, screened in porch, facing lake, carport. Priced at 347,000- .rte~r'` Y,.„ .„„ s� SUNDAY, MAY 3 3:00 - 4:30 PM LAKEFRONT - 1st road north of Hessenland Restaurant and Motel on Hwy. 21 between Grand Bend and Bayfield, 3 yr. old sided. Excellent cottage, deck around 2 sides. Priced at $78,500. For more information on cottages, homes or lots... CONTACT Dianne Alexander Member of M.L.S. MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565-2513 Agricultural Real Estate Limited 8 Huron St., Clinton NOM 1L0 (519) 482-3981 BAYFIELD - New vinyl sided bungalow, 3 bedrooms, garage and private drive, close to lake, fridge and stove included. 100-300 ACRES - LAND ONLY, Tucker - smith Township. BRUSSELS - 125 acres, 60 workable, 90 sow farrowing operation, with beautiful ranch style home on highway location. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Port Lambton, one bay garage and hardware store. $100,000.00. NORTH HAY -125 acres, 1' z storey brick home and conventional barn, good starter farm. DAIRY - Excellent 30 tie up farm with good buildings and highway location. EXETER - 120 acres, cash crop, good house, conventional barn, excellent starter farm, priced to sell. BAYFIELD - Lakefront property, building lot, beautiful area, well treed. BRUCEFIELD - Approx. 10 acres, house foundation and small barn. WANTED Small Farm Related Business. Large Grocery Store Outlet. Broker - Douglas F. Chubb Regional Rep. - Bruce Rathwell - Sales Rep_ - Pat Norman Sales Rep. - Kim Rathwell Douglas F. Chubb, BROKER Bruce Rathwell, SALES REP. Pat Normam SALES REP. Kiln Rathwell, SALES REP. 18. Houses for rent 213 VICTORIA ST C+Ireton 4 bedroom gas heat $300 per month references required Reply of 482-9210. lltfar 4 BEDROOM semi detached house in Vanostra available May 1st $250 00 per month plus utilities. 482-7895 12tf ARE YOU having trouble selling your home') Wanted to rent a nice 3 bedroom home year round. lease acceptable possession June 1 Please phone Roger or Ann ret 527 1350 17 ONE BEDROOM house for rent newly decorated gas heated avoiloble May 1st Phone-, 482 7957 17 18 23. Commercial property for rent APPROXIMATELY 370 square feet of office space for rent 52 Huron Street air conditioning off street parking Phone 482 3414 or 482 7691 7tf COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on ground floor with 3 bedroom opartment in bock for rent Inquire 482 5826. 16,17 24. Wanted to rent .ter..... WANTED TO RENT in Bayfield or Clinton 2.3 bedroom oportment or house references available Coll 5652467 1 4tf