HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-22, Page 8-" Ea', E`i S, 'Q 0 TO 13 E R 22nd 1003, 0. •+ .w••••••••40••••11••••••••••••.••44-41,••••••••••40•4. I. • A few leaders in Seasonable E urs. The 'kind that you t want at easy prices. We would be pleased to show you through our new Furs, you know its not necessary to buy. Come in and see the new styles anyway, i ,o e 4 s ®..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.......... $2 for ladies' 'Black Sheard e Cooney neck Ruff,trimmed with jk cluster of toile. A great scrap. $Y,, for English Hair Cooney Ruti,trinimed with natural head and tails.. Rare value. Right p up -to date. $4.50 for Ladies' long Fur Ruff w trimmed with cluster tails. and cords,very swell, new boa shape. i $8 for Ladies' Tasmanian sable Ruff,trimnted with. cluster Tails, Is $12 for our mei' American Sable P 3'w Ruff, full icing length, trim- 1 rued with tails and chains. e89 for lathes' new long front 1ii* Seal and American Sable tom- le storm collar—a beauty 1 $1140 for Ladies'Black Ker - sey fur lined Cape, trimmed with Bokatran Fur Collar. A good looker and a: hargaia. $US for Ladies' heavy Beaver Cloth. Cape, lined with English squirrel and trimmed with fine thibee fur collar. $20 for Ladies' Black Brocad- ed Cloth. Cape, fine silk finish, lined throughout with grey squirrel, trimmed with choice black thihet fur, $35 for the choicest Fur Lined Cape we have ever shown, made from fine Brocatbell cloth, lined with natural grey squirrel, trim - need with lovely black .£hibet. kJ Don't forget that we are head quarters for all kinds of Men's i and Women's Fur Coats. Our Coats come to us direct from. the makers. Small profits, big values, quick sales. 1 • 0 $12,50 for the choicest Dinner lesets we have ever shown. When we say they are special value we mean just exactly what we e say. If you have a thought for ea Dinner Set, we want you to see these beauties. They came • in hard body semi-porcelean. New neat floral designs, gold 1 traced and decorated, 97,100 and e103 pieces to the set. Ask to see , e them. • $2 for 10 piece Toilet Sets,new floral patterns. $2.25 for new 10 piece Toilet sets, in floral blues, browns, pinks and greens. $3.75 for lovely new 10 piece Toilet sets in hard semi-porce. lean, beautifully tinted in green blue, pink and red. All gold traced and decorated. Yes, we are doing, a great mantle and skirt trade. Our ladies' Coats ,and Skirts are all tailor made. choice qualities, late styles, per - 0. fect fitting and values that speak out very loud. Do you know we ttake your measure and have lovely skirts n.ade for you. fit guaranteed Try us. 40c the yard for a uery pretty line of new mercerized Luster for waists or kimonas, they come in black and `navy, with very neat rilver spots. They are just sweet. Have you a Dress Goods need. We could write a whole book on our new Dress Goods, but we would rather show them to you . Colne in and study the new sty - les, yon don't have to buy. 17c the gall for best prime water White Coal Oil. We pay big prices for all kinds or 'Farm Produce in either cash or trade, Bring us all your Dried Apples, Butter, Eggs and Goose Feathers, and large Onions. J'_ ._ _I. �Ci' A., P., O'` 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 i a 4 4 Mrs. Eenbale and daughter, Miss la, 'enhale, have returned home froth a, I • pleasant visit with friends to Landon. • Mrs, Chas, Lindenfleld and daugb- • ter Miss Annie returned to Dashwood • after spending the last two months, with her daughter, Mrs. Chas, Cann. • TO CURE A COLD IN ONI. DAY • Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets • All druggists refund. the money if it • fails to cure.. E. W. Grove's signature •• s on each box. 25e. • Mr. Benders, a former salesman • with Id. Bishop & Son, but now en- gaged in representing a wholesale firm • of Hamilton, called on friends in town •on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E, Greenway, C. P. R, • ageut at Crystal City, Man., who were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Rollins for • a few days of last week left on Mon- • day for their home in the west. Mr. J. G. Stanbury is in Goderich • this week attending the fall assizes. There will be a larger amount of busi- • nese at tb assizes this fall, the jury • cases of which began on. Tuesday at 2 p. m. • •Mr. M. Y. McLean has been elected Mayor of Seaforth by acclamation to fill the vacancy caused by the death •• of the late Mayor Broadfoot. This is the third time Mr. McLean has been • elected to this position. • The members of .the Epworth League of the Main street Methodist • church will respond to the invitation from the Bethesda League and take • •, the program at their regular meeting • on Tuesday evening next, Oct, 27th. • Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocn- •list and specialist of diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Oom- • mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday, • November 4 ; Wednesday, December, • 2 1903. Spectacles and eye -glasses •` properly fitted, Next visit will be • Wednesday, November 4. FOR OPERSIXTY .EARS • e 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 •••®•• The Sovereign Banko# Canada Head Office Toronto. Executive Offices, Montreal. This Bank has exceptional facilities for tran- sacting FARMERS' BUSINESS. No red tape or delay. Exceptional inducements offered to Des positors by our SAVINGS BANK department. Branches in Huron. County EXETER, CREDITOR, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HEN - BALL and Claimer. F. E. KARN, Manager, Exeter Branch. For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Mr. end Mrs. O'Neil of Luca n, are guests here of Mr, and Mrs. B. S. O'Neil. Watches, Clocks Miss Jean Hawkehaw has returned Jewelry, from a pleasant visit with friends in St. Marys Spectacles Etc Miss Case and niece, of London,' CALL ON visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins R >z-1! I CKS on Thursday, Miss Laura Jeckell, of Goderich, spent the holiday at her home,London �. Road, North. Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22ad, 1903 Locals Wedding bells will ring in midst in a few weeks, Mrs. T. Oke spent the latter part of Oast week in London. Dr. Rollins spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Detroit friends. Mrs. W. Bissett visited her neice, Miss Olive Hooper, in London,Thanks- giving Day. .ee,.!S'1' ® X..e... Beard the The Kind Von Have Always Bought Signature our of Keeping UpSupply and Style W e are not among those who allow stock to deteriorate because the season is somewhat advanced. We are constantly on the look- out for latest and choicest new things in suitings. Selections in suitings are just s choice now as at the beginning of the season. Styles were never finer ileo and ver more satisfactory than at the present tithe, W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Mrs, Douglas who has spent the past month with friends in Seafor th, returned home last week. The Misses Huston entertained a number of their young maiden friends on Monday evening last, Mr. Chas. Coates, a former resident here has removed from Pontiac, Mich. to London, Ont. ir. and Mrs. Arthur `Gregory .and child, of Brantford, spent the holidays here with friends. The Dominion voters' lists have been printed at Ottawa. It looks like an early election. Seventy-five per cent of Elgin Loan depositors claims have now been paid off by the liquidators. Mrs. Christie spent the Thanksgiv- ing holiday with her daughter, Mrs. R. R. Rogers at Watford. Misses B Robinson, of Blyth, and Lilly Robinson, cf Auburn spent the holiday under the parental roof. Miss Effie Gidley, of Blyth, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Gidley. Mr.. and Mrs. W. J. Westcott and daughter Rilda, of St. Catharines spent a few days in town this week. Mrs. S. Fanson, who has,, been for several months past in London, has returned home much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. George Heaman and Mr. H. Neaman spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr and Mrs. Petty of Hen - sell. The Orangemen of this village will (D. V.) attend service at the. Crediton Methodist church on Sunday morning November 1st. Miss Laura Gregory, trained nurse, of Toledo, Ohio, is in attendance on. her mother, Mrs. Thos. Gregory who continues very ill, Mr. Edward McTaggart returned home on Saturday from Manitoba where he has spent the past few months. • Mise Julia Spicer who has spent 'the past summer with her brother, Mr. I H. Spicer at Denver, Colo., expects to return next week. , A number of the members of the e Epworth League frons here attended the Exeter ]district Convention held at Parkhill, on. Tuesday. Mr. Thomas Hazelwood wood r t e ur ne d home oil Monday evening vel m . after r a leas g pleasant ant visit with friends in St. T1ath- runes, Toronto, and 14Tiagara t+'allti+ AN OLD AND WELL-TRTED REMEDY.—Mrs winslow's Soothing Syrnp has been need for over sig, ty years by mintone of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all rain cures wind colic. and ie the best remedy ram Iliarrhma. Itis pleasant to the taste Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be Pure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. Mr. David Rowcliffe, of Elimville, having accepted a position as miller with Harvey Bros. at the Exeter grist mill will hold an auction sale of his farm stock and implements on Oct, 30th. Mr, Rowcliffe has rented ' Mr. Davidson's cottage on Andrew st. and expects to move his family here about the lst of November. We eel - come Mr. and Mrs. Rowcliife as citi- zens. PROPERTY FOR SALE. — Desirable property with suitable residence there- on. Good investment. Apply to GLADDre.N & STANBURY. LosT. — In Exeter on Fair day a ladies purse containing a small amount of money and small ring the finder D ill be suitably rewarded by leaving; at this office. MONEY FOUND.—On fair ground, a um of money, owner can have same by proving property and paying for. this local, by applying to Mr. A. Ge' ver, Secy. AUCTION SALE BILLs,�-The aucti sale season is again with us. It w pay you to get your sale bilis print at this office. We print the bills short notice and will give you a go job. A free notice of sale is alw• given in the TIDIES when bills a printed at this office. THANESQIVING VISITORS — Amon those who spent Thanksgiving ho days with friends here were, Mr. an Mrs. Holloway, Clinton; Miss Ch lotto Drinkwater, Vera Hawksha London ; Mr. and Mrs. Will West way, Toronto; Percy Westawa Brantford ; Fred Sweet, Goderich Miss Annie Levitt, Parkhill ; Mr 0. Eacrett, Sarnia ; Miss Griffin, Lon don ; George Knox, Toronto ; Mi Smith, Hensel' ; Mrs. Holmes, Blyth Frank Ross, Chatham ; Mr. and Mr Barnes, London ; May Carling, Olin on; Miss Mutartt, London, SERIOUSLY HURT. — On Tuesd morning , Mr. Thos. Cudmore me with a very painful accident whit will lay him up for some time. H was delivering a barrel of apples.a the residence of Mr. Chas. Perkins and while in the act of unloadin them, his horse stepped forward with the wagon, causing Mr. Cudmore to fall and the barrel full of apples rolls on top of him crushing him badly and breaking some of his ribs. H was rendered unconscious -for 'son time but was remoyed shortly after wards to his home where he is pro gressing favorably. on ed on od ays re g lt- ar w, a- s. es S. ay h e t h d e e WEATHER FORECASTS. — Rev. Irl Hick's forecasts until the end of the month are as follows:—'The 25th and 26th are central days of reactionary storm movements, on and about which may be expected change to warmer, with failing barometer and more storms of rain, turning to snow in the north, as the rising barometer presses forward behind the low area. Cool frosty nights may be expected after these latest disturbances, up to the end of the month, especia'lyin central and eastern parts of the country. In the west the temperature will be rising as the month comes to its close, under the influence of a regular storm period the centre and culmination of which falls in November. W. C. T. U. NOTES. — While Dr. Lorenz, the famous Vieunese surgeon who has performed operations of so wonderful a nature as to astonish the world, was in this country, he told a friend that he never allowed himself to indulge, even to the slighest ex- tent, in alcholie beverages, because he had found it detrimental to the stead- iness of his nerves. He said be be- lieved a man who had h,zman life at stake, was in duty hound to avoid everything that made him less than Iris best. Here is food for thought.It is reasonable to suppose that Dr. Lor- enz would never have succeeded in his services to humanity, as he has, had he not been absolute master of him. self. Such calf -mastery is the price of success everywhere in this age. Only the clear brain and the steady band can hope achieve eve those results that make a great and a good name, rye features e especially in evidence Among the°smold hats and togluee is the 1iiirectohierrown a it is llat.on top c .Es., saiq. 1110 ld You K n Have Always a llot# Baxie xJie� � .Bignattare 'Men s & Boys' Clothing UITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, The variety is large and we show you what is asked for, and never try to load you up with something you really don't like. The Single and Double Breasted Sack ()oat Suits are the lead- ing styles. en's. Suits Men's Suits, grey stripe cloth. good Men's Black Serge pure wool, fast Italian lining, well finished, best in dye, fine finish, heavy quality, makes good winter Suit $9.75. Men's Suit, dark stripe, good strong tweed. up-to-date in style and value, for $8.90. our store $12.00, Men's Fancy Worsted Suit, war- ranted to wear, best trimmings, very stylish, $10,00. Men's Suit, black and white stripe, Men's Suit, dark blue stripe, pure well made and well trimmed, spec. $8 wool, well made and trimmed. $8,00, .oyer Suits Boys' 3.piece Brownie in dark and Boy's Norfolk, Stripe Tweed, the light colors, well made and nicely very latest for boys, in light and dark trimmed with braid, $3.25 and $3.75 ' colors, $2.75 and $3.25 a suit. a suit. Boys' 3 piece Suit, dark stripe,good Boys' 3 piece Suits, black with white strong tweed, Long Pants, sizes 32, 33, stripe Pure Wool, very stylish, sizes, 26, 28, 29, 30, $3.25. 35, 35, $4.75 and $5.50. Men's Odd Pants made of good Strong Tweed, very special $1.25 rtiren''sOvercoats and -.am Coats Men's •Overcoats black and white cloth, long length very stylish $12.00. Men's Overcoats, good heavy Cloth, good satin lining, long length $10.00• Men's Overcoats, dark grey, long length, well made and lined $ 7.75 Men' Rain Coats, dark grey and fawn, regular $8.00 for $ 6.75 Men's Rain Coats in grey and fawn, sewn seams, a bargain.. $ 2.75 Gentlemen try a pair of our $3.00 ( Ladies we guarantee every pair Sovereign Shoes. They are highly .of Economic Shoes you buy from us. recommended. Try a pair. SNELL & ROWE ANOTHER CEMETERY BEQUEST,— We understand that Reeye Carling has just received a cheque for $100 from the daughters of the late Mr. William Case, this amount to be placed in the Cemetery Permanent Fund, lately established by the Conn- , ci1 of Exeter, the interest accruing to be applied each year for all time to come to keeping the family plot trim- med and in good order. This action on the part of the donors is most con- siderate and commendable. We would strongly urge others to make provision for the perpetual care of their burial plots either by depositing say $100.00 in the Perpetual Cemetery Fund or by making the necessary provisions in their wills. Any person wishing Permanentcan information Ceetery regarding rathis the same by applying to Reeve Carling-. •THE•• SOVEREIGN i3ANE'OF CANADA. —At a meeting of the directors of the Sovereign Bank of Canada held on the 14th •of October at. the executive offi- ces in Montreal, with Mr. H, S. Holt, President,' presiding, a dividend was declared for the quarter ending Octo- her 31, at the rate of 1 per cent. be- ing at the rate of 5 % per annum. This is the second quarterly dividend paid by this bank. and it is understood that the profits are largely in excess of the dividene. requirements. The assets are over $7,000,000.00 a really remarkable growth,and this is largely due to the determination on the part of the management to not only to do a good, sound business, but to be obliging, civil and accommodating• to its customers, two facts which have gone a very long way towards build- ing up the present excellent banking business which they transact. The facilities of the Sovereign Bank for doing business both in and out of Canada are of the best, their corres- pondence in foreign countries being houses of the highest possible stand- ing and reputation. HAPPILY WEDDED: --A very pretty home wedding took place on Wednes- day, October 14th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Finkbeiner, of the 7th con. Stephen, when their daughter, Miss Matilda. a, was united in the holy^,bonda of matrimony with Mr. John Humble G. T. R. brakeman, of Sarnia. Rev. Mr, Damm, of the Evangelical church Crediton, officiating, At 3 p. in. the bride richly attired in a costume of white silk with bridal veil and gloves entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father and took her place under a beautiful evergreen arch from the centre of which was suspended, a large white bell. The bride was assist- ed by her sister Miss Rose while Mr. P. Humble, of Sarnia, brother of the groom did duty as groomsman. After the ceremony all repaired to the dur- ing room where a sumptuous wedding dinner had been prepared after which a very pleasant evening was spent in games, music, etc. In the course of the evening they were serenaded by the Crediton Brass Band who render- ed a number of selections after which they were invited into the dining room where a nicely arranged supper had been prepared. The hospitality of the host and hostess was much ap- preciated by the band boys. Amidst hearty good wishes and showers of rice the happy couple left for Exeter and the following morning took the train for Niagara and other points. The presents were handsome and also useful for both present and future showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held. Upon their, return they Will reside in Sarnia. THE WINTER MILLINERY High crowned hats are the .season's preference, but there are shown many pretty plateaux which are bent and twisted into becoming shapes. The moderite-sized Gainsborough trimmed with ostrich frit h l comes ` rs perhaps s ! the ataost papular hat. One .o p f the dhoti nit - and straight up the sides, while it var- ies in height from two to three 'Et- ches. Braids are being used to fashion novel hats. Velvets were never be- fore st st ht r the stylishttaccolorsiv. Moleandaeskin feltsshown in are May be able to enlarge the British Empire, but if ou wish t adapted to the fashionable shapes and Y O beau - almost rival in beauty the velvet crea- tions. Fur hats are stylish. T Miley Opera Block velvet are trimmed with birds, wingshe toque and other small hats of Call at the God or quills and ribbons, and lace enters largely into the adornments of the dressy hats. Buckles are again con- spicuously employed on hats, a fact partly due to the prominence of high crowns. Ribbons are an important decorative item, and the new samples are broad and unusually soft and fine, of either taffeta or Liberty satin tex- ture, eature, and in plain colors. A novelty introduced in the trimming of some of the smartest hats is the herring bone Stitch,—From the Delinator for Noy - ember. CARLING BROW. Something extra Special for this Week A few bargains which we are giving now. We have bargains. galore, but space wont allow us to specify them all. Here are a few of them. The Fur Season is here and hear our prices Ladies' first-class Fur Coats $25 to Ladies' first-class Caperines $35 z 5o to 1' P 5 �5 Ladies' first-class Rub's 500 to $12 Ladies' and Men's Fur Caps for $2, $3 and,$4. Now is the time to buy your winter stock of Underwear, you can buy them here to save money and a cold. Good fleeced Un- derwear from 4.0c to $r.00 Good all wool Underwear from 5oc to $I.00. We sell the celebrated Stanfeilds Underwear, positively guaranteed not to shrink. Your money back if they do. 13MDMINFO- We have a beautiful lot of Bed Comforts, White. Counterpanes, Flannelette. Blankets and All -Wool Blankets, Come and get your winter supply. An extra large pair Pure Wool Blankets, each Blanket 81x84 For only 32,65. t inches One of our very best Mens Oxford Grey, new style Overcoats `for only $7, ErHere is a bargain. S TA.1='1 cod A full line of Shirting, Cottonade, Flannelette, Table Lindh.. Floor and Table Oilcloths at the lowest prices. CARLING Joe. Chamberlain tify your home with the latest in Furniture Styles. FATAL SHOOTING ACCIDENT JOHN SMITH, OF SODOM, NEAR EXETER, THE VICTLII. On Thursday Iast,, Thanksgiving Day, while a party consisting of Mr. Silas Stanlake, John Smith, sr, his son, a lad of about 17 years of age, and a number of others were out rab- bit shooting in the bush adjoining Sodom, a sad fatality occurred. It appears that after a very enjoyable day spent, the elder Stanlake had in- timated his intention of returning home, when Mr. John Smith suggest ed to Mr. Silas Stanlake that he ex change his single barrel muzzle loader for his father's double barrel breech loader. which suggestion was acted upon. Mr. Stanlake advised his son not to fire oa,e of the barrels as the lock upon that side was affected and liable to go off very easily. Shortly afterwards a rabbit coming within range, Mr. Silas fired and killed it, and going to pick up his game was removing the empty cartridge from his gun when the other b•.ierel was un- accountably discharged At this time young Smith was concealed in willow copse about 20 feet distant and received the whole charge in hie abdomen, chest and upper part of his thigb. The poor boy shouted "I'm Shot!" Mr. Stanlake ran to his assis- tance, but the poor boy only lasted a couple of minutes. His father, who was also by at the time, assisted in carrying him home. No blame what- ever can be attached to Mr, Stanlake as he was unaware of the boys pres- ence and while removing the cartridge was pointing the gun in the opposite direction to where the others of the company were supposed to be. The grief of the parents at the sad mis- fortune could only be equalled by that of poor Mr. Silas who was distracted at the thought of being the innocent cause of the poor boy's death. SALE REGISTER. eeesu Parties getting their sale bills print- ed at this office will receive a FREE NOTICE under this heading until data of sale. Friday Oct. 30th, 1903, Clearing sale of farm stock and implements at one o'clock sharp the property of Albert Neil, Lot 27, Con. 7, Usborne, H. Brown, Auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 29th on lot I3„ con. 4 Usborne, farm stock and implements. Sale at one o'clock sharp, David Rawcliffe, Proprietor, H. Drown Auctioneer. o Saturday October 24th at o'ci ck sharp at Brewster Post Office the will be an auction sale of house hof • goods. MRs, MARGARET MC, - Do ALr,, proprietress, 1heene Bos-; SERB weir, Auctioneer, teamed ,8isnattu of IS Ma lerno X% X The'Kind You !lava ,Always,Bou t Prices are right and every article bought, guaranteed or replaced, if not satisfactory. Picture Graming and all kinds ordered work cheap W. C. HUSTON, Graduate of Dr, Myers Eichool of Embalming. Opera House Block. •••••••••••••••••••••V••N 'Take Notice The Exeter Grist lYlill Has been remodeled and is in fu'l swing again, better than ever prepared to attend to the needs of their many customers, with a good supply of the noted STAR FLOUR 1 on hand. With PIate Choppers for fine chop, and a Roller for rolling oats for horses. Seeing is believing Give us a trial lifiRVEY BIOS! MILLERS •••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Pays 111111111611000,D0110110116.11/1111111681111116 :�Get the Best i �� It • CITRAL ® for securing a.thorough business * 1II education or a superior short- hand training. Our graduates es Y t ons This school9Cinvariably;ngf ess it 0 O students more than they ex�pect. write S Catalogue. Enter this month if possible. 0 W. J, ELLIOTT, M Principal el 000000000000011011000009 00000 000 STRATFORD, ONT. Best Place in Canada n E HOUSE �OL3D DYES These Dyes will dye Wool. Got ton, Jute or Mixed Goods in one :bath. --they . are the latest andmo stimr .. OV'' eel i[itye ha the world. Tri a package. bill; 6olors,atttO. rots, Ex 4et', At Lowest Prices Having bought out the entire stock of the late James Willis, we are in a . better position than ever to sell Lum- ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building Material at lowest prices. Thec pa: bined stock of Shingles as contla' sd in both yards is heavier than we wish to carry, so we purpose to make a, material reduction in the price of Shingles until we get our stock re- duced. Take advantage of the reduc- tion. We thank the people of Exeter and the surrounding country for their patronage in the past, and solicit a continuance of their custom. Our motto is smaller profits and quicker returns. ROSS & T TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. —AT— BROWNINGS SatisPastion Guaranteed Complete assortment of uo-to-date Spectacles Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also full supply SCh001 3130011ES Note Books, &c. '0, Drugs Medicines and Chemical Toilet Articles Brushes . Combs and Perfumes. Brownings ro. ug 8to