HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-22, Page 5M tat c71� 0 14 z g$1 Pi A t1 4 0 Pte r:411 rh PI 0 c rr- 14 A@ 074 re go la W k'OPI.'LEST0;1g & 014.13411 General Merehtants. +R. POP1;'LESTOI41 fie GARDXER, Oteexlal Merobants. 0 � . Corne to Our Greaq e401 Bi We 10 per Cent iscount 1 Sale will give 10 per cent. off on all our goods ex- cept Groceries. Until October 31st This is the way we do business with you. Exeter, October 13th, 1903 MR. UP-TO-DATE, ToTool6SWonc & 6ardin6r-Dr MERCHANTS No. 1 Checked by No. z MEMO Ito yds Cottonade, 20c .... ..... ... . 6 yds Shirting, Ioc ..... , , . 2 only, Ladies' Vests, 50c i only, Man's Suit .... , , . , 2 pairs Shoes, $1.50 .... . . I M?rl'S Hat...,,s ,:i.•. 1 tiriner Set, 97 pieces h 10 per cent off....,. Received payment, P. & �. $2.00 ,6o 1.00 9.00 3.00 2.00 •1.1.1 a tion, , 8.e.® .60 2.56 $23.04 Dress Goods Our Specialty This how we figure the cost of a Dress and Trim- mings for you. Exeter,. October r4th, 1903 MISS WARNER, To-Popinston6 6ardincr-Dr MERCHANTS ° No. 2 Checked by No. 4, 6 yds Dress Goods, 75c ..... 2 yds Percaline, 15c 6 yds Linnenette, 12rgC....-. 3 yd Featherbone . , . , .............. _, I pair Dress Shields ...... g yds Brush Binding,. 5c .... ......... 2 yds Yak Applique, 25c, 1 dozen Buttons ..... • .. , . , .. , .... .,.• ..,$430 it only, Silk Spool... . _,... yd Canvas 75 I0• r5. 25 5o 10 0'5 13 $ 6.88' 10 per cent of'f..... ..... .... _ 68, $ 6.20) Facl, No. z, Wall Pipers a M 1.3 O etRo e 127)74tsi t -i 10' per cent, off on Wall Papers, Borderings, 0 �ro g es la re 0 V:41 Cf iD and all other goods except Groceries. We have just received 20 bundles of Wall Papers from Colin McArthur & Co., Montreal. Our Wall Papers are the best, cheapest and newest designs in town, and at prices lower than our competi- tors. Remember you get 10 per cent off all our Wall Papers and Borderings until October 31st, 1003, Don't miss this golden opportunity, You may call this importunity, Once passed is gone forever, But money saved is lost? No, neper. POPPLESTONE. OFd GARDINEQ pro. 0i 0 ct3" f" ;SS El thicDoor North 01 Post 91 1166 N o; p RY Terms -Cash or Pr d ; to Produce. 1'1 POPPL ;' '.L'ONE & GARDIN] R. POPPL]E,STONE & GAR'DINER, Ei Ge.(wexral 11!iexaantis. ac :venal Merchants,. "1) " wi handsome e sent free fora catalogue request, This will explain why this is called "OANAD;A'S BEST .5- QHOOL," Ask for our Special Proposition. nailrvay tare tin to $10 refunded. Enter any tune, A. L. BROWN, Principal, Phone i5 Locals 11ir. and Mrs. C, Aitzel and son Roy, of Seatorth, are visiting at T. H. Mc- Callurn's. YE OLDS FOLKS S CONCERT. - The Concert given under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of Main street Metho. dist Church, on Thanksgiving night, to a well filled house, was a brilliant success. Each nn ober of the unique 1 programme was well rendered and loudly applauded. Space will not ad- mit us to do justice to each J number separately but perhaps that affording the most merriment was "Ye Olde Fashioned Stage Coach" and the"New Fangled Instrument" operated by Professer Hieronymus which perfor- med some wonderful transformations and amusing freaks. Another very pleasing part of the programme was "The Pantomine" "Lead Kindly Light" by several young ladies who had been carefully trained by Miss Godwin. The entertainment provid- ed a couple of hours of pleasure and innocent amusement and the connnit- tee in charge of the programme are to be congratulated' upon the success achieved. The proceeds amounted to $87,00 New Features in the October dome Needlework The October number of the Corticel- li Home Needlework Magazine, which is now being mailed to subscribers, contains a number ,of new features of especial value to all ladies who ply the needle either for pleasure or profit, 'or cele fixing there area lot of Christ- mas Novelties, one ¢ ilei edl plate alone ehowi>v�' no less than twenty-three l useful or ornamental articles, all suit- J t able for holiday gifts, and all easily in made up by following the full instruc- tions given. Another interesting fea- ture is quite a departure from the usual lines followed by the magazine, as it is an invasion of the wardrobe of the sterner sex. This is the illustrated chapter on Embroidered Vests for neen,which are just now coming much into vogue. Row nobby these waist- coats are t x and how inexpensively they can he made, compared with the price a fashionable tailor would ask, are fully pointed out in this number. The secret of the beautiful Hardanger Em- broidery and of the popular Braided Belts are also fully revealed to the reader. 15 cents the copy, or 50 cents a year. Address : Corticelli Silk Co., Publishers, St. Johns, P. Q, 0T GB ER 22nd 1903. gxgxER cowl' O} REVISION bar of •tile second :Chord Bridport. .,.,.-;- a residing at farad f Wati�ond> rvtlkil Oow, for the Revision of the Voters was unineuaaily resew led, and en list of Exeter was held here fridaythe 10th inst., judge f)oyle presiing, f ed' Ilixil'xwlf to Clic poor people of p xlci lobar There Ivaad b t were some4 • B ,. ki.n -lie 1 Rt a her d rt d l els y a e many n o ' pml i y h t_e O l' 4 . xIx however er e' ev being doable n i a t l , as ills asb.t'a appeals, gw ,� n. As a result of the revision Conserve.- I The fun/anal w'as of a. genii, r.tv added 20 yoters and Struck 0023 white f P the Reformers added 8 and struck oil' 1'pha rue•twr, few t�w2ler "tllran tlie`ntia 30. is fairness to the parties it may •a'm'lafi'ves of the deceased attending be stated that of the 30 struck oil by i The .eofti•n was Gem/eyed tram the Reform party 10 at least or then 'lexltaxi Park to Brad field. during' were Reform voters, while of the 81 addedtin r , o vas L ine Zd � tlxxou at least ereh w Conservatives. o er€x v iv at s Thenet e therefore� t h t r salt is that the ,tPia wr,esgtie grounds surrounding. t. Conservatives gain 20, !ielia:v1:i.:litrboy.e eigrht of the oldest employ state, each averaging 28 yeRRWORTH I..IEAG I DISTIZIc'I CONVENTION Preby. Howard and Preby. Gowrin The annual Convention of the Ep- The chief mummers were Sir,. .W worth League of the Exeter District Mem 11, Wulron , son ; Mr. A. M. was held at Parkhill ou Tuesday Oct.I 20th. , lirabra,n,d, ran; Mrs. Acl•and ]'rola All the sessions were well al- ii'd+awglyl;er, ; Sir. Tbo,m,as and Lady A tended, and were interesting and in- � hand, cpm-in-l'a w and daughter ; Mi struetive throughout. The President ! Halbeck, daughter; Mrs• .Benyon, da. Rev, J, E. Holmes, presided. The morning session opened with I glitter Mrs. Drere, s%stex-in-la devotional exercises after which Rey. 11h`4 A alaeid Troyte, t, gi andoltlgh,trr A McKibbon, of Ailsa Craig, read a Mr. H. Acla'nd Trutt, grivndson ; very able paper on "Christian Stew- Rrey. J. D;ickeneon, Tiverton, casein ardbhip" bringing out the truth that a Lady Clinton, daughter, being abroa christen should regard all he owns as was ,prevented from ,being present. belongiug to God, and that the best use that can be made of money is to In Me ,church 'tile service, falth�oug use ' e it for spreading the gospel of simple, ryas ialte'nsely impressive, coax Christ. An animated discussion fol- mencing with the voluntary, "Com lowed in which the benefits of system- atic untoMe," 'Lindsey' giving, and the need of regarding rt0,m,pasitions, rendered bythe organ influence, and intellect, as trusts to be ! i" used for the glory of God, were point - Bowring 'ring L. Graves. Prebendary ed out, Bowring read • the lesson, and lab The following business committee lxiym,n, "Rock of ages,"ryas sung ahv were .elected by ballot ; Rev. J. it iDead Manch in 'Saul'as lthe mournere left twaslplaye,d. th Holmes, Rev. R, W. Knowles, Rev. J. The burial gro,wnd is situated at th A. Ayearst, B. A,; Rev, Dr, Hannon, ! West end, near tlhe entrance from. th Miss E. M. Cranston, I residenice, ,and the body was bower Reports were given from most of 'Into a brick -grave, lined with, moss the Leagues on the district which .and flowers, and at the•.side 'of ,th showed the work to be in a prosper- ''tasking piece of the deceased's eat ous condition, and especially show- husband, who deed in 1889, and was, a ing an increasing interest in Missions. former Deputy -Lieutenant and Sherif .A TEItNOON SESSION PE the County. The site. is also 'an no 'After the opening session the report g'refad•.great diis�tatnee from the reaping P pt'aiee of i,hta. trwa-year-old daughter•of of the•i)istrict Secretary was read 34 Sir. William W.airond, whose demise Senior Epworth Leagues were report- iocc'urred ir>, 1$83, ed with a total membership f 1,155 The hymn, "Abide with Me," was and 4 Junior Leagues with 220 mem- bers. sung witch solemn effect at the gr'ave- The amount raised for missions side uring the year was $523.00 the total 'The u'o�fe'un was a 'plain one and was constructed by the workmen on the es; bate, being of oak, made of timber grown at Bradfield. It 'was fitted wish massive brass furnishings, and at the hexad there was a fine' brass. press. The body was encased in•a Allen of wood, and the, ennariiption en Lhe ootffin recorded the faet that the deceased lady died on the Seta of Oct.. 1903, aged, 81 ;yep.ret The wreaths were numerous and ex- tee,pbianally beautiful. Perhaps the most significant was a lovely tribute „• .from "Her loving ch'id'e; a' in' r n he g •I.r bhe following appropriate expression - "Her children rise up ,and call. her blessed." There was also. a handsome token from Sir. Williaruil Walroad. : GENERAL NEWS There is nothing harsh about Laxa- Lady field, dear the d ate rest l the the be ees yea The cortege was met by the Rave. g, 11 - If. te, c- u - v; She d, had dyspepsia, but.I was sure - 1' it was not that which ailed o me. At last I found out it was a• catarrh of the stomach, and e ; they told me I could not be e cured. It got so bad at last ee that my stomach had ulcers, and I suffered something aw- e ' ful, Being a commercial tray- `eler I received a box of your Iron -ox. Tablets free last win- ter. I took them right along and I noticed, when away `from, home and staying at ho - leis, eating different food, it did not hurt me as it always did before; so when that box was empty I bought two more and have since had two more, and I must say my stomach is fully restored to its old-time work. I never leave home without a box of Iron -ox Tab- • lets with me, as I believe them. .to be the best thing for the ' stomach ever made. I have recommended ed the m to a very great number of people. As I , travel from one end of the country to the other I am well • known. I am a member of the above firm and do the trav- elling ray elling for them, and everyone that knows how I suffered with my stomach knows the ' difference now. I would have written sooner, but waited- to • make sure it was lasting, and I feel sure it is. I must say it is the best remedy I have ever used, and I would not be with- ' ith ' out it. Hoping your Iron -ox I may cure many as it has me, I am yours sincerely, CARR%EO. SDLEX'--•RU.13E TSON At Nfouut .Dr'y 4 ee, un. October 15b E. Df, Robartlsaa end 1%1r.3 W. Tledley,i), A.,: l `i xnabhw , . ixai I(a ea n a , � l i St . cry Lu con 1� c!a n. Meth.G 1rynA4 . 1"dcLA I t E-Wr I ta On the 15th'inst., by lite Rev, T. E'. Jen Wags. 1>. Douglas McLaren, eft Win nliipeg, 1.0 Anna .Geirterude,, youngeiet slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cllarters Weekes, c f „11Iba'xik" f axtlxe, DIED. T'W1aDAI,E.., T!n S aflcn,trtl:, October.10i i• • (rig „ 1J(13 , , at Ix .1 h ehod., , !)or db", >5 bells, beloved wife of F. W. Twedale L.D. S., in '11,err 234th year. How iron -ox Tablets. Cured a ]]Veil -Known Guelph Man of Catarrh of the Stomach. The Guelph Waterproof Cloth ing Co., Guelph, Ont. December 12, 1902. Through your Iron -ox Tablets I have received a great blessing., For years I was troubled with my stomach. I doctored with several good doctors and they told me I i d um raised for all purposes 31,165.80. The business committee reported he following as officers for the ton- g year ; Pres. Rev, R. W. Knowles, Crediton; 1st Vice Pres. bliss W. Rigsby, Parkhill; 2nd Vice Pres, Rev, J. A. Ayearst, B. A. Lucan; 3rd Vice Pres. Mr. John Trevethick, Brinsley ; 4th Vice Pres, Miss E. Brown,• E1iw- v,lle ; 5th Vice Pres. Miss P. Tufts, Boston; Secy. Miss M. Gill, Exeter ; Tress, Miss A, Wren, Hensall. Miss E, N. Cranston then read an excellent, s 1? per on the Forward Movement for Missions, giying an ac- count of the origin and growth of the movement, and pointing out the great need of such work. Last year 331,7211.84 was raised, 40 missionaries being supported by this movement. The paper was followed by . a discus. sion on the subject. The next paper was given by Rev, Lover )'ills. They cure Const,ipn;tiopi, W, Godwin of Exeter, on the subject, Lover s'ra, Sick Headache and Billions "The Relation of the League to the Spells without griping. purging or Jai -centenary movement." The re- Sickening.PLioe• 25c. lation he said, should be that of loyal Mrs. Fred Laine, St. George; Oat. and enthusiastic co-operation. 'There wriil;es._"My littler girl wauld gotta soat night that neither she nor, I scold get any sept, I gave.; her Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and am thankful to say it cured. her cough sponsxbxhty in this matter, and more l quickly, than all, more of the Holy Spirit is I The AI'aakam Boundu•r,y Cammission necessary, . has vreitbally agreedto grant ,ail the Rev. J. E. Ford of Forest, next! American coneeccattons excerpt that for gave a most comprehensive and in- ` bbs Portland Canal, which goes to Can struetive paper ou "Bible Study." He 1 ado. ' said the Bibie was the text book of Tibe case of 1VIer,y Archer. • ' against the principles of the science of godly • the. S.aoiety of the Sacred " Heart of Hying, and the best results of its Jesus of London, was •arguel at study were truth in the heart, and length. Miss Arches was awarded goodness in the life. SS,000 by the jury for wages and In the discussion which followed damages for encarecration;in a Quebec the need of the illuminating help of asylum. The verdict was reduced• tp the Holy Spirit was emphasized. 'Ow5,000 and judgment entered for that amount. APPLE SHIPMENTS The apple trade of the Dominion has become enormous. One ship late- ly took on board 93,000 barrels. In a discussion at Montreal on Thursday regarding apple shipments, western farmers were advised that fruit rush- ed forward at the last moment if ship- ped by the outgoing vessel, was roughly handled. and more or less bruised, to its detriment. There is said to be a prevalent idea that the barrels last on board get an advan- tage iu unloading,whereas the reverse is the case. They are laid undermost while those discharged later are plac- ed on top; Another point against late forwarding, and for this it was alleg- ed the railway companies are more or less to blame, is that when a car of apples arrives to late for a steamer it is shunted into the yards to wait fox the next vessel leaving port. It is then frequently overlooked by the companies who often carry the fresh freight forward, and this to the even- tual closing out of the goods which have already lain in the yard a week. Thus these goods are obliged to wait till the next steamer, missing two steamers and suffering propor- tionately in consequence. SIIYLOCIt Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are m y Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it -take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Y O' Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver i v er of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & BOWIE, Chemists. Toronto, Ontario. roc. and $Loo ; alt douggistr. should be a strong belief in the doct- rines of Methodism, and a fervent de- sire for a revival of God's work. The League needed to recognize its re - Rev. A. U. Crews, general secy, or the Epworth League of Canada, then conducted an interesting "Round Table Conference," on the work of the prayeruieeting, missionary, and look -out committees. Many points helpful to League workers were brought out. EVENING SESSION The session opened with a short song service and devotional exercises. The retiring President then intro. duced the President elect, in a short witty speech, and the new President took charge. Rev. G. N, Hazen, B. A., Sarnia, then gave a most interesting and in- spiring address on "The Pioneer Doys of „Canadian Methodism," dealing especially with Methodism in Ontario. After this Rey, A. C. Crews spoke on "Lessons from the Detroit Internat- ional Convention." The motto of the cortvention was 'Forward' and the speaker emphasized the need of going forward in temperance work, in mis- sionary work, and in evangelical work. The choir of the Parkhill church rendered some excellent music at this !Rale Coitumtbia are an example of what session, must he done in Ontario and the A vote of thanks to the people of lower .provinces when the trial com- Parkhill for their hospitality was es. , passed. ' arUSCU•LA• 1 RHEUMATISbI. Milburn's Sterling IIe'a.dache Po.vd- ens give women prompt relief from monthly pains and leave no bad after effects wihCterver. Be sure you get Milburn's. Price 10 and 25 cents.'All idea:bars. , It as /annorunced that Hon. George E. Foister, ea -minister of Finances,, who tar the Last two yeaan has been Litvin{g mostly thn Toronto, devoting himself to 'various business interests,• will again enter :politics,; this time, in Great Bidt:ain, in association with Mr. Cham berlairt, who has asked,for his assis- thnee in the •propee tioof his, came rp!aa.gn. BEWARE OF WORMS. Don't let worms gnaw at the vitals of your children. Give, thence Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup and they'll soon be rid of these parasites. Price 25 cents. Mr. R. L. Borden, leader of tthe Opposition, has given a note of warn - .ung to his supporters throughout the 'country in regard to the coming elec- tions. He adlviises all to be. ready with their organizations -The Conser- vative victarice in Manitoba and Brit - DOWAGER LADY WALROND Interment t rxnent at Bradfield M.r. H. Wilkinson, Stratford, Ont., rayls, -"It affordls me, much ple!asurel bo, say 'talxat I experienced •great relief from Muscular Rheumatism by using :two boxes of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills." Brine 50c a box. ^--' • Ofdicnal abatistios 'show that tb,d as - We have been requested by Miss II. &eased value of farm property, in nen Walrond, to publish the following Ibanuo has increased in six years from from tine Western Times, Exeter, ,4557 463 270 bo $585,354,294. Thus Piro - (Eng.,) , Ln . of the 6th. .inst.' g , ,�' mince is the chief pr!od•ucex of ,nxealtl The remains /of the late Ilan, the and dairy .Pr/oducl,sn The +erxpor,ta tor Dowager Lady Walrond were yesbelr- bacon have risen from 33,802,135 in 181'6 day interred in the graveyard adjoin- •6c 312,162,0673 lin 1902 ; cheese incrnate- ingj�Ite chapel attached to the Bradi- rid fr:orn 15,956,571 dotss'19,686,291;, but- Eie,ld es/bate near Cullom ton t r r p the 'ter from, v$1,052,030 to 35,660,5.41. and sit ea of Sir. William Walroncl, M. eggs tram biz to eleven million dol- barn, in addition, bate total increase: 4e Dowager Lady, who died on in the exports of provisions was from Tliu, ,aday ringht at Killerton Park. 331,000,000 to $10,000. In 1896 the i,m- where she had b -ext living, fo • x Cho) paint par{t!e to Onta,rho were 344.642,000 in hives ve era was youngest Ithe es u485,235,11C s,do the. yY na' dough 1002I were. y wlet P. W. F. PAYNE. Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, inan attractive aluminum pocket case, es cents at drug- gists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co„ 1,im- xted, Walkerville, Ont. London, Huron and ksrucc. GOING NORTH- Passenger. London, depart 8.15 .A, M. 4.40P. M. Centralia 5.1 550 Exeter 9.30 6.0 Hensel). 9.44 6.15 Kippen 9.50 6.25 Brucefleld 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 6.55 Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00 Gomm SOUTH- Passenger Wingham, depart 6.e3 A. M. 3.15 P. ex Olintcn 7.47 4.25 Brucefleld 8.05 Kippen .15 Exxeter 8.35 Centralia 8.46 London .arrive9.37 4.49 4.57 5 02 5.10 5.25 6.12 FARM FOR SALE Improved farm for sale lot No. 1. on the 10th concession of -Osborne con- taining 100 acres. For particulars apply to L. WALKER, Woodham. FOR SALE At Elimville, a comfortable house with 22 acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best of water. For particulars apply to the owner on the premises or by letter to Wet. MIN- ERS, Elimville P. 0. FARM FOR SALE A farm containing 90 acres of good land, lot 6, con. 4, in the township of Stephen. situated two miles west of Centralia, There is on the premises 12 acres of fail wheat, 2 barns, one a bank barn, with good stabling; well fenced and drained, 2 good wells a good brick house and frame wood house, a good orchard. For further particulars apply to PHILIP LANE, Centralia, ta Meow Phi, signature is on every bo, of the. genuine Laxative Brotlto.Quinine Tablets the remedy that Caress is Cala in one tiny i Clubbing Rates (cart 0$ Times and Keil &• Ezaellixe to a.zt, 19/� 05 Times a,21, i lYf l xl .t iso ]Gxltpixo t4z Jail. Tinnes and Family Herald & Stax Times and Family'Jerald '& Stars to Jan., 1005 . 32' 00 'Irirn'ee &0 Wee11Y'Sur to Jaxx. 100 Yearly' subsoriboz's'toTinges am,d-34-61,i will receive a handsome premiuin, pie. tare entitled "The Victoria. /Cross,i" an episode .of the 13oex• war. Yearly subseribors to the Family Herald & Star will receive a hood - same picture and special prize, Other additions will be made to this list later. U�GIES! UuCxIES! Dam Want We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, in the newes colors. Our prices are low as can be foun' fforfirst-class material and workman BEFORE YOU BUY OftLL /IND SEE U& J F Russell Two Doors South Town Rail. MEDICAL W. B.ROWNIN tI' M. D. M. Q. • P. S, Graduate Victoria )niversit7 office and residence. Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. DENTAL H. SINE MAN, L. D.S. AND D. S. DR D S.,Honorl Gtr Graduate, TorontoUniversity,xra extracted wiot pair' sons bbllock. West side of1 faainhy treet,`Exeter• D.A. ANDERSON, (D• 13.8. i. D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental. Surgeons or Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Professi.n 1wninum, s goldandvBulcanite e plates crowns, by the neatest manner ; p possible. lA perfers harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling . Bro's store. Exeter. Ont. INSURANCE, ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN Asstnt,Nelr Come PANT, of Toronto ; also for the Pxcxgix Ernie NSIIRANOE COMPANY, of London, England;. and LIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY. of Er MONEY TO LOAN ntnned apertinvest have farm or village property at owe rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. rIONEY TO LOAN. nonfardvapeestotto m anvilllgeroprtialwrae,, of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter. LEGAL, FRED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan OI'FICE-(Formerely of Elliott and Gladman, MAIN STREET, EXETER. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsony Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, EXETER. 8. R. CARLING n. .. L. H. DICESOW FOR SALE -BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE ()ELAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable' terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated, on Lot No. 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling! also the• necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre• of land and is excellently adapted for garden. ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up, to date and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to b1CxsoN 8c Cenenve barristers Exeter' or to A. E. RooPER, ReW P. 0„ Penna, U. A., proprietor. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADe MARIts DESIGNS CopvRIGHts &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description ,Map qulokly ascertain• Our opinion free Whether au Invention id pro! ably ppatentable. Communlem tions strictlyecrddenttal. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Old.st amens,' for seeming patents. Patents taLen through Munn dt Co. resolve. glide( liaise, without cfargo, in the Scientific Jittiericaii. A handsomely illustrated Weekly. I,nreest etaa/ euletioti of any 4eleutlilo 9atiidal. Terms, *3 5. year; fon' months,;1. ]Solidbyall nowpdoalorS, MUNN & CO 3u1 readwar, New York Bernell o0lee. 626 F St,. W,sh nrtton..'1). a