HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-22, Page 4, • • • • tHI .13 T Real riot Water for Mete R.ilebore Tea Not merely simmering — must be fresh and must boil vigorously. Then it will absorb the deliciousness and fragrance from Blue Ribbon—take all the good out of it. Let it steep at least six minutes—eight if possible—in an earthenware teapot, and you'll have the best cup of tea in your life. BiliscU, Mixed Ceeeiora ck-ree2re 4oc. Should be rifts!: 408 As foe the Red Label • -; ;The Grund Trunk Pacific deal lias ,heein .0 leder d iecussionin.e_ tb,pSe • there has 'developed a ,rearcarkable situation as to the estina- Abed. cost c,f the ente.rprise. In Ilio Commons, Hon. W. S. Fielding fixed The Moisons Bank (Incorporated by Act of Parliameut neie) Read Otnee,Mo-.treal. Capital (all paid up) - 82,500,00 Reserve rued - - - 8%250,00 38 Branches in Creme), Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. Ian to 3 p. nt.; except Satuidays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed ar col- lected. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points in the Dominion. Great Britain and United States iiougZet 1.'(.1 .104 et. lowest rate e or en v 1NGS DEPARTMENT, Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Inteteet compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Doruinioo Gavel nrnent. OIGRSON & CARLING, N. D. RURDON, le:neurons. MANAGER i'ntg and Mir. Soot were both Using of- ficial figuras, yet they were not able to are within $227,718,870 as to the oast of ehe work, concerning which' ;Wilfrid Laurier claims to -have the. fullest keformation. Surely no suet select aele would. be presented to the !country, if the 'gov,erxlment had .prop- orly infer:need itself as to the task, up- cia be has entered., Yet in the face of such abselute ignananoe of the scheme, the administration refuses to listen to the prayer of 100,000 electors and delay the work until it is possees- ed of neteaeary data.. °CBES PAIN IN THE RACK. rerreere"=, nein in the back nattkee life. miscr-r ,atble for many. Can it be cured? YDS in a night. Nerviline giftsa, C;qmpl- eteknockout to pain in thc back, be- cause it is stronger, more penetrat- ing, mere highly pain subduing than any ether remedy extant. One dose of N'erviline- las more power over pain thanfive drops of any ether remedy, and it is true strengh you want when youne got a pain. Your money ,bacac if it is not so 'Druggists sell Nor- riline. WHAT GOVERNMENT REJECTED The 00z -indict railway policy he ; Xvier fittlf uirted. in Maanitoba. by 'Han at. P. Roblin thee nesulted in aesie.ra1 as- lant:est.. in freight rates in that prov- ince. Me. Roblin assisted the Caned - Ilan Noirthern Railway on condition librpt the Mo.nitoba gevernarcent should control freight rates oyer the line, The outcome was a decrease in rail- Iwey charges which saved thousands of dioll•are lo western farmers.. But' this is not all. Th3 Canadian Pacific Calendar for October 1903 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY.. THURSDAY. —. FRIDAY 8.A.TURDAY. . „ 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, T003 MINISTERS CANNOT AGREE. I the Mackenzie & Mann system %and alas deaiarad u cut of 3 eisnes per cwt. in freigb,t•on grain. This cut means 'Albert Manitoba fenmers will pay' ;$1,- "eeeeeee, • 000,000 a year tee:e-efeIelliZaY caranam- e ileis that they did before has now followed in the, footsteps of the probable oost at a little over e1.3, - .Q00,000, Other cabinet ministers in '21iie. Lower 1OU010 luepted this as . a, fair computation, although they aban- . doned it, wben it became apparent that tbe electorate would not tolorate Vcii.1rrall. Aceseln?ee 'Ann Hr. Pieking paidbed up hL8 irst figures cod cenfesee:d, that the. governmeniee reetweyy Toney would involve an ex- - pennetuate cre 8 57,5,92,030. Ilon. R. W. Sethi, Secretary of State, who • broduced the government bill in. the Senate, refused to be guided by tibeles- dimates made by hie oanfreres and struck one for himself. Mr. Scott has avoided that the new railway will sxoit COMt F;4: 13,000,000 or 6,17,642,030, but $85,410,000. This is certainly a re- merkable state of affairs. Mr. Field - 11.••••••••••••••••••=41 .101:11 control of freight rates was introdale- ed. 1 When the Grand Trunk Pacific deal was, undee donsideltation, qtr.,' Censer vative party endeavored to induce Sir IWil:Drid Laurier tio make provisions far low £reighl ralcs sim.ilar to those which have proved so satisfactory in Manitoba. The Federal government, however, positively refused Lo safe- n•Ilqind1 tiln il:Aere4t4 9( the shipper* of •,e, , the Gerona Trunk Pacific dod thereby allowed an opportunity to pass, to for- ever insure le Canadian railway eat - eons fair and reasonable freight char- ges. Had the opposition's policy been ,aecepted, millions of dollars would be saved to farmers in the east and west j butt because that would mean the lees 'of millions to the friends 'for whom lave Liberals propose to build; a rail- ( zay, the people are left to eink or ; • , OW/M. Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? 02 course you do. Then why Hair 5. not be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. oX hare 'void .A./er's Mir 'Vigor for a long time. It is, indeed, a wonderful hair twat:, roStoring health to tho hair and scalp, and, at the sante time, proving a splendid dressing." Dm J. w ravine Madill, Ind. T. SIM bottle. .1.0. AYSit (Itt li1t. — Mass. for r-warneosseenesecto altr air YOU EEEL ALL USED Ul?. 0 B E R 22nd, 1903. ilifION, MIEiULESEX, PERTH All the news of Interest to Times Readers Happening in these Counties. • Huron That tired languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills be- fore retiring, and you will find reliefe They never fail te do good. A ocaar happy Thankegiving Dlay modeling -me ,thait: of Miss Olive, daughter of Rev. 11. M. Masnitingepas- tor of the Ratteinbu,ry Street' iMetho, diet Church, Clinton, to Mr, It IVA', ner, e prospering young grocer:, of Brampten, Mr. G. D. Ankinsoo, or- gamiet of the, Dundee Centre. Ohara, London, played the wedding Always avoid hiairell, purgative pills. They first make nou sack and, then leery*. you cenistipated. Clarler'n Ijlt- tl- Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well., Deese, ono pill. ,Oblet bonstable Van Norman and,R. S. Stela) Wingiham, are hooking for a. man bio is enspeeted of stealinglt bliac.it mare and .leuggy froM! I !Vint place. ,Thmoire is :six years blind in left eye, and dues a oenall s tar on fiace. The thief ie deentbed as be- ings a main about 40 years o& age, and 165 pounde, , medium bee,ght, with brown mustaohe and rather good look ing. Hew'al traced as far as Clinton, COI SEqium:Inly. All cases at \sal- or lame back, i3aoeir403:0, umalieme will find relief by wearing one et ,QaPtlaVe• : Weed itin,d Belladonna nackaoile, Phis - ions.. Price 25 cents. Try them. CATARRH IS A GERM DISEASE., Saienc•e, armed with the micreecope, has established it a fact, and this con- clusion renders absolute the practice of treating Asthma, i Catarrh and Ileauerhitie by stomach drugging, spr- ays, eneffs, ole. Such treatirae,ntsare an utter failure because they cannot penetrate the delicate air cells of the • lungs, ar penetrate the air passages of the .nese and bronchial tubes where 1' 3 .garieiS of dad:arida have their sttircingholds. Calarrhozone is the on- ly terbain remedy. It is inhaled by lthe mouth and after spreading throu.gh all the respiratoryy organs is exhaled through the nostrils. Cater, rdanzone kills the germs, heals the in- flammed tissues, clears the head and throat in two minutes, and, cures ,ii. • few holm. Nothing is so effective, pheasant and simple as Catarrhozone. Two months' treatment, $1.00: amnil size, 26c. Druggists or N, C. Poison & Co., Kingston, On,t. You're discouraged and disgusted - not enough energy to think, leas to go to work upon. The reason? You are run down, your blood is poor, Your nerves are Like India Rubber, not, like steed es they ought to Ibe. Use Ferro ozone, and the tired feeling/will go, 1 fore 11 makes plenty of ;rich, red blood fe-edts the .brain and nerves. The Idesiire to habor comes beck and mien ;joy it. You don't gettrired, because you have used Ferrezene. Neglect not ,a cley longer, Ferrozone wiiI euroyou :Soli by ail druggists. I Me Winnipeg Telegram thinks it is needless to point out to the people of , tere weet the benefit of. a pre:ferenee cif 6 'cents 'per bushel 'on wheat, oats end, barley. Mr.Chamborlain suggests a duty of ;not more than this, but even If it was not more than a shillinga neam:aer ;or 3 tenes per buidiel,it wouixI still be a wiry real advantage. Grath is new sold on fractions of a cent tend adv,anttage .crf from 3 to Gcenispeir ,bushai over foreign competitors would .pintoe our tanners in, ant ,Anassaila:ble peal tier. It woifl not ne0„,sitri1e, mean that ,otir farmers wenid; get from 3 tip 6 eenes mare then they otherwise evened have got, but it will anean that the foreign termer would have to take from: 3 to 6 'cort1s less than the Cana- ta,rmer got. The result would be that Veneto= Canada would be the raost deeinasble grain farming district ahe world. Perth Wall be found, an excellent remedy fur eick headache. Carter's Little Li- ver Pills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this facL. Try them. There died in St. Marys, on Thurs- day, Oot. 81h, Elizabeth Sim, beloved wife of Alex. leloConatih•ie, at the ripe old a,ge of 82 years and 3 enonees. Will 'positively cure sick headache and iprevent'its return. Carter's Lit- ele Liver: Pills. This is •not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See advertise mein. Small pill. Smell dose. Small Mrs. Ann Henderson, widow or the lane Mr. Robt. Ileuderson, and one of the pioneers of Blanshard Township, disci at the family homesteaeemiteheil 1101,?1 ,i1B142,inielicarrd_i: yoemnerTrecs d a y, 0.e t . 30 e.awell known strengthening pro- perties ref iron, combined with other tonins and a most perfect =Irvine, are fouin'd in aa erte Iron Pilis, wthch eineaged= the nerves and body, and kap:rove the blood and complexion.' Mr. Joseph Billings, sr., of Se. Marys who eeceived a compound fracture of one of bis limbs by being thrown out of a rig recently, is not pro- gressing as favorably as at .first 14 feared that an eroputetion will be Decease:re-. Rev. J. Greene, of Clinton, thase rui ac- cepted 'the superintendency of h tartan Oircuit rendered vacant by the death of Rev. Mr. Henderson, for •the balance oi tbeeConterence year. Mr. Greene spent a full three year terra as paseox of that circuit which he bath.; Licks years ago. Little Mary Hazel Wilbert, the el- ye.ar-old-daugh ter of Mr. John Specks off West Nissouri, was burned to death Lai week. She was playing around a fere in the yard which her father had lighted for bog -killing, when .her clothing caught fire. She only Jived an hour and a half atter the accident Mr. Neilson Gunning, of tbra 8.th line, Mamboed, who was thrown out of a nig near the Star lnn, on Wednes- needaY, thereby breaking hie left arm, is progressing •favorably. The acci- dent was caused by the here be, was briveng •shaeing at the water barrels on, .1he road. Pains in the lack .fine symptoms of a weak, torpid or stagnant condition of the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is exereraely hazardous to neglect, so important is a healthy action of these organs They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack of coinage, and sonae- times by gloomy foreboding and de- spondency. "I was taken 111 with kidney trouble, and became so weak I could scarcely get around. I'took medicirie without benefit, and finally decided to try Rood's Sarsaparilla. After the first bottle 1 felt so much better that I continued its use, and six bottles made me a new woman. When my little gire was a baby, she could not keep anything on her storniich, and we gave her Hood's Sarsapa- rilla winch cured her. Nine. Mentes De foe, Wedlaceburg, Ont. flood's Sarsaparilla Cures kidney and liver troubles, re- lieves the back, and builds tip the whole system. . . ........ a•, -.•:,..i.•::,••••...:.••••••••:.••• • Cross? Poor man! He can't help It. He gets bilious. He needs a Theyliver pill--Ayer's Pills. They act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. i'07;(1.7/1it Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE inrif QM 5.P, IIALL k CO.. NABERTA. IC Et. tkukAkatok"..._,...Usetrasest........aama.okomustakmkcakakWakal,MMO THROWING AN OL O SHOE,. This Curious Wedding Castor FL' se French. origin. The origin of the curious cuetom ef throwing an old shoe After a newly married pair for luck has been traced back to a French peasant origin by a young man interested in folklore and quaint customs. In ;southern France, after the wedding ceremony, the girl le escorted to her new home by her girl friends and left alone. The young hus- band, also in the hands of his friends, is next led to a point a couple of hun- dred yards away from the where a halt is made, Then the girl's rejected suitor, if there he such a one, arms himself with an old sabot, or vo94en shoe, while the bridegroom, ducking his head, niakes a dash for the hove. The disgruntled said throws hr d and els tree as possiple, and too er�d cheers or derides, according to tho success of the Oho% A Wooden' alto° is a formedable ,missile in the hands of an angry swain, and the tridegroom is Nettled in having some tnisgtvings as he sees his defeated rival practicing in anticipation of the wed- ging day. just think, says the search. er tato folklore, how great a relief it Would be, even in this country, to take ;,L crack at the fellow who leal done ratout of your best girl without hav- ing the police step in! Over in France the custom has a wider meaning. It Eggnifies that the last ill feeling is Um thrown away, and it is the depth of disgrace for the man who has thrown the Shoe to harbor any further malice against the young couple. . • - • ret en t1le Ground Floor. An ex -postmaster was one of a group in a city hall corridor recently engaged in discussing queer manifes- tations of jealousy, on the part of young' men in love, a dispatch in the iimening papers having given rise to the conversation. He said that the most jealous man he ever had knowl- edge of applied for a position in the postoffice. He brought such excellent recommendations that the postmaster was moved to wonder that the young fellow did not go into mercantile life. Pregsed for a reason he finally con- fessed that he was giving up a better, position in order that as, an employee of the postoffice he might not only get his fiancee's letters the sooner, but also naight learn :whether on not she re - delved mall from any other man. Honied the Enemy. In come of the London courts there are private dining rooms reserved for the exclusive use of the legal frater- nity. Into one of these rooms one day there ..aisaIa Who on being courteously approached by a junior counsel flatly declined to leave. Thereupon an unblushing Q. 0. looked the lady in the face and expressed his mind. Still she did not budge. Coun- selor Lockwood then intervened. "I do not think there is anything unseem• ly in this lady's presence," quoth• be. "She wears a gown and -yes, I'M pret- ty sure that she also wears a WILY" The lady went. -London Tatter. . - • . All That Wee eneeesmaree "Yon must abandon all business cares for the future," says the pbysician. "But I fear that I have not yet ac- cumulated sufficient raoney," protests the multimillionaire. "Sufficient?" repeats the doctor. "Why, nay dear sir, you have enough money to pay physicians' fees for the rest ef your lifer SPRAINED ARIL Mary Ovengtan, Jasper, 'Ont., writes "My mother bad a badly sprained arm NalibIng we used did herr .any good. Then father got Ha.gyard's 'and it cured mother's arm in a few (bye.' Prioe 25c. A Perth County Farther's Daughter Claims an Outrage Another brutal ,outrage with a Oren aril:own which has occurred so frequ- ently .at tiepin .is miported from . the township of Ellice. Farmer James Stewart want to plow in a field, leav- ing this nine -your -old daughtetin the ;house. The Itittor went out to bring in some etc.:nee Brom a elotheeline and while so engaged was seizednOrom,be- bend, a band dapped over her month, her hands Lied behind her bank and bag then drawn over her bead. The girl was unable to raise any ontetero and was parried toethe been close by, where the cettrageewaseom- "anted. All this happened so quickly thee the mother 'and. sae;odder daugh- ter Wow ..doitilling of the affair.until Mies, Sitewaint: steaceolod in . rubbing the hag from her haled and ritn to the bone) in tell of the orline. She is now in a, serious condialco. • WEST POINT STORIZ S. Anecdoteof. row. Plebes -081r" John 101.4 the Ton Comnsuittl meats, ' amusing anecdote is told of a raw country lad who report-, ed at West Point a few years ago concerning the use of the word "lib " says the Army and Navy Journal. When the nevr cadets report at the academy they first visit the adjutaut's office, where the/ deposit their credentials and give in- formatiou concerning their parents or guardians and their former careers. Next they visit the treasurer's °Mee and deposit what money they have with them, and thexx they go to the barracks, where they report to the cadet officer in charge of their instruc- tion, 1 is here that they receive their first taste or military diseipline. Well, this young man passed through the preliminaries, finally reaching the barracks, and after several attemptS to enter the office of the austere lieu- tenant in charge be was asked by Oat functionary what his name eves. "John Smith," answered the lad. "Suppose you put "sir' on that!" tined the cadet oflicer, forgetting for .the moment in his assumed wrath ,ehe equally heinous omission of the rxr.„ 'Sir John Smith," innocently replied ,he plebe, and supposed he had obeyed to the letter bus superior's injunction. 'For the .next few minutes that poor plebe's life was a 'burden to him, for all the cadets about •the room at -once began "crawling' him for his sup- posed attempt at facetiousness. The name "Sir John" stuck to him throughout his entire career at the academy, gild even followed hu in- to the army. Here is another anecdote: A. yea& ling wrapped in a sheet, appeared on " the post of a plebe sentinel at night. 'Halt!" shouted the plebe, "Who goes there?" "Moses and the Ten Command• cants," came the response. The poor plebe thought there was something irregular, but he remem- bered his instructions about never al- lowing more than one to advance at it time at night, so he promptly shouted: "Adoance, on commandment to be (recognized." * * * * * * * * * 0 0 O • There mal a little cat * With coat of black an white, 41 And when she saw a rat So great was her delight She'd leave her cozy mat Wherefirewaswarmandbright, * • To chase the silly rat * r * • And eve him well a fright. * c e ,* Now little boys and girls * Don't yoii be naughty rats, • * And wander off alone, ill* 4, For cops are bad as cats. 0 ...........-- • e * * 0 * * * • • * * * * 0 • a 0 A Noiseless icing come. Tho small rubber rings that are need i31 every hbusehold with which to seal preserve Jars may ?ie made the means of muoli amusement when a ;lively game 1.s(clesired for the amuse- :M(9A o1 tri:inds. First obtain s smooth head of a flour or -sugar bar. rel, and see that the pieces are all fas- tened together, forming a circular board, or any smooth board about a square foot in size will serve the pule poss. Procure ten coat hooks of medium .size and secure them into the board, and mark above each hook its num- ber, ranging from No. :1 to No. 10. A hole may be made in the upper end of the board, or a screw eye inserted iby which to hang it upon, a nail in tb,e even. \Ale. 10 is Sort of a "buIlseye," and 'each player ha.vingr three of the rub- ber rings, takes tunas in throwing 4.hem from a position about ten feet away, endeavoring to "hook" as many on the board as possible. A. score is kept of the points gained by each play- er, the one first getting 100 points be - big the winner. However, exactly 100 points must be made. For instance, If a player has 99 he has to work for rl-look No. 1," as any other hook would carry him over the mark. This 'difficulty adds to the interest of the game. An advantage of the game is that 110 noise is made nor damage done by the rings, and it may be improvised by any boy or girl. Drives so Team or ruse Arthur Lane, a boy of fifteen years, who lives in Auburn Park, 111., has two pug dogs which he has broken to H441".{ I I .;* The Kind Tort Have Always Bought, and which has been ! in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of 0-w... and has boon made under his per. 7.1444, sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. •All Counterfeits, Imitations and ft Just -as -good” are hint Experiments that trifle with and, endanger the health or lafants and Children -Experience against Experfinent. .4". • e„.•. 4 t! V 6e hat CASTORIA Castoria is it harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphhie nor other Narcotie sabstance. Its ago is its guarantee., It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind, Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and. natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. ENUPEVIE T 40' ALWAYS RIA Bears the Signature of The aid You ilayo Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORIt CITY• • ,••• •••,' ',..1".1•••••..14ii7i.1",,lineeanneeeeleeintrenle •,. ; • 'I..: 04.41.0•44.44.0•44.4eleetefesesee. , Portland Cement WE HAVE just received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port - and cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehduses. WANTED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY For which full market prices will be paid at storehouses, EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEBOYE. JOS, OililLEDICK +.•+.41.4040++.44.404104.044.4>es WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of EXETER and surrounding country, and take orders for • OUR fifiRDY SPEGIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses,. Vines, Seed Potatoe s, Stock true to name and free from gan' ;Tose Seale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or. commission. Stone & Wellington. FORTE/IL NURSERIES. over SOO acres TORONTO, (5i0•Aizia 11111141.49 ememeoloort, 11=1111111-ok ' 1,614 The old-fashioned bake -oven was the best our great grand- mothers could get. They baked in it in a kind of at way' and were satisfied with it because they knew nothing better. But the modern housewife wastes time and good food. when she fails to avail herself of the improvements of the No other range on the market can de. the baking, this oven does. The oven is kept evenly suppliedwith fresh, super- heated air all the time. See this range at your dealers or write to us direct. The Gurney Foundry Co.. Limited Toronto, Canada AVN rarely e SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON H44 : 1 1-1-1-' n iirive double to a small sulky cart. '['he cart and the • harness are all homeemade, and the breaking of tho doge was all of the boy's own doing ' " ' e • silisasts, ALL THE USEFUL Branches are taught in the F. 0. B. COLLEGE. Our students aro not guaranteed nice jobs, but lifter a course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. We aid them, if possible to obtain employment, bet we first equip them to maintain the high reputation this school has acquired. WESTERVELT) Principal, EARZA:C.HE' 0,URED. Mese J. J: Jahns ton, Innistail; Alta. . says: "T was tocaxbiatl with EarachZ for a being brine; and notthing helped me until 1 xise,d Hagyarcl'a Oith which cured me 'completely." •••••••••••,.....—.• EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bluebell .... 74 to 75'i Oats new . . 26 to 28e Barley 36 to 40 Butter. 16' 16;' ool 14 to 1.44.. Pork live weight ...:35.25 t� $5.25e Pork Dressed37.00 to $7.25 Eggs • nononeeennenaene To. Cure a Cold in One Day icirre:cit, A•4 Take Laxative Bromo ninine IrAlets.d ork every Seven Manion boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, box. 25c. 4% 41 q"E" t• " , • ",4"