HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-22, Page 1ti ji
14++4.++4.++++.+++4.++++14+f 44444.4.4.4++++++++++++++
l,t, .,
If you are in need of`a stove or furnace this fall it
will be to your advantage - to call and see our stock
before ° you purchase elsewhere as we carry a large
Mock of the very best makes both for coal and wood.
We make a specialty of Furnaces, Eavetrough-
ing, Gas and Waterpipe.
,i , Stretchers
and see our Carpet
If you want the 11et results use
National and Star Brand
Falls, Floors, `Troughs, etc, built with these Cements
last for ever.
,141,4844.. a.: e. e,...,...
falet a++++•1+14+++44+44+'+44-1 +f+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
,E what a man's clothes should be is
pretty accurate. There can be no
possible fault to find with your ap-
pearance if your clothes are made to
Measure in an expert way. The style
of the garment we make is a sufficient
guarantee for first class work. All the
'new up-to-date Fall
miring'Ov r Gonne
9 ll
and Pea rag
;Hats and
We have removed to the stand
next the Commercial Hotel, and
invite you to come in and visit us.
We have a nice assortment of
Hats and Caps, as well as a full
s,ock of Suitings. Come in and
see for your self.
Just arrived. Prices away down. -This (anDxiveeereary of this
, will be h'e'ld on Sunday, 'Nov.
annoiuritcettneprkts le.•t,er.
W.'W Taman.
Merck,a let Tailor,
We have just put in stock several
mew Pianos in the latest designs and
,of the Best Makes at Popular Prices.
'We will esteem it a pleasure to. show
rthem to you. Organs always in stock.
A good second hand Bell Organ in
good order, for sale cheap.
The is ole
m, a'
Is with us and those Cushion Frames
are just what you want, We have
ahem at moderate prices.
t, ewing
It, ail the leading Makes always in
=stock and at prices that cannot be
,`beaten anywhere, also repairs ,for
Call and see us. We are always
ibusy'but will be glad to give you any
sin£ormation about our moods you may
S. Martin.
A , very ;pretty wedding took place
at the erteeidence o.f the bride's parents
"Milredcank; Farm" *veen -Miss'' Akins
1Geertrude, youngest daughter of Mr.
CaecerLeas Weekes, bee,aane the bridle tot
Mr. P. D!owgLas McLaren, of Winnipeg
The ceremony wax performed by;Rev
.34 E. Jcipininegss, 'of Deerfield, the. eyed -
ding march being played by; Miss
Deane, of Zurich.' The; 'bride was ees-
mistesd by Miss Pihemia LogaRa,'and; the
Croom was supported .by his brother,?
Mir. Gilbert [McLaren. A dainty; wed-
ding breakfast was served after the
ceremony. Numerous and valuable
gifts showed the popularity 'a the
y!ctu;n;g cloupllee who ;tow the. ,eeve ntng
U•rat'tn Ler Dte't'iroit; enrou.ts to Winni-
peg, thieir future home, where the
'groom Moles the position of manager
of the Pitimbu,r,g ;supply brunch off the
Taipbairu rs Coin`p'a;ny.
—1\2x.. and Mrs. Rodgers, .of. Lon-
don, were the guests of Mr. W. W.
Rev inigton, this weak.
-The entertainment in the Maic-
cabeees Italie Mooresville, on Thursedtty
ni'g'ht last, was a decided success. The
house was crowded.
-112r, Caleb Ryan, of the .4th con.
Biddulph, near Luean, is we'regrett to
hear, (dangerously ill,. and . the doctor
holds no hope for her recovery. She
suffers from cancer of the stomach.
Mr.; J. ]3, Bryant, councilman leas
returned from New Ontario, Where he
biaie eapent, some three weedes viewing
be per,mased land, He
reports ts
o -derful i,mtprov>ements going on, espec-•
icily in the vicinity of Lisgax, where
he says they have some brick church-
460000000400000000000♦00N0 es Mid ua1 to. any country church in
Vier tan
CAPITAL (au paid. up)
Tim 1'XS)3D crutch IIsi,
General Manager 5uperintendont of Branches
Merest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings
Dank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle-
r.• Credit i issued to travellers ayable in all parts of the
Lettere. of 1S >dp
. Hd .11.1)L,M!. [ lea er
Cl. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey=
Ier, Commissioner, Fire insurance Agent; and
cssurer.of Marriage Licenses. s+ ega lModocuments
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Mone
to loan on real estate at low rates of interesn,
Office at the Pest Office Walsall
-Mrs, (Dr.) L'exguson', wase visiting
Lo+nd,on, this week.
--.1var. 1)• Canttel;o+n is purohlt,sinig t a
eel:'l;e qunnatit r oif a;ppl!etssi
- Mrts, 3. C. Stoneman was tin Lam-
beth Lest week, visiting her parents.
-M:r. Jas. Moore, svho has bon ser-
iouaty indisposed is improving; again.
-Idris. Joie. Blatchford: is attending
the furneetlal of a sister at Shedden this
Rev. 13.r. Mecdd • will preach , at
Sexennial, next Sunday, 25th lust, ;Cit
2..30 p. m.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sellery of Rinour-
dine, spent Thanksgiving with their
son, 'Dr. Battery.
-Rely. Wim. Godwin, of Excit:w ecan:I
Rev, Dr. Medd will exchange .pulpits
next ,Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. M•cKnnzie,, collar 'maker, has
gone :t'o Lindsay. .Itis many briends
the. Model .a+t London, spent a lose daysFOUND
-'The elpema'Jtht.l+e'a ue here gave a of the past week visiting """'"""'""'
g parents and
mot Li tfnl : t
dee h "<,
s Home" zn !eel
s. Tues- ods in 'this vicinity, and ss as sue -
day evening in t'be basement .tof the ,eessful in securing the Sharon pub -
enteral. There was a good attendance lie school far 1904.
of local Leaguers and a most enjoy_ j -Rev. R. W. Knowles will deliver
able es ening v1 was apent. The program ,,nn address to the Orangemen (of the
'Getomrge L'a;weeet, who Ir a t benclin;g THE BOUNDARY A W A F? 0
owns s!teaed of .neeitatioos by 1lfisses',Ag- Exeter D:istriet in the i methodist London; Cic+t,2able-.Tlie Alaskian
Canada's Interestsc
Oren' never• of able main Canadian,. cion-
centtoaass eeta!blished, but itis claim-
'? ;they+atre rendered o,t n'a practical
bonen,: to the Dominion.
Aggie Hunter, Nellie Hinds and Nettie ehurrcle, Mee, on SundaY', T;oP let., et
. 1 frounldtaay
award war le even more ellee.stt
Campbell; a reading b.y Rey Coultas, 110.30 .a. m• A cordial inivita;tion ]sex- roes to Canadian interests tbaxi svgs
e!peeee by flee pastor, Ray.zW. H. et,end,,,d by the brethren of i;bi iii fre,a:rt(d. The United States win, all
Coupler, este acted as ohairman, and
Mesters. J. Joth,ns and 0..W. Raker;
choir ' .and Sunday School scholars,;
severed selections by • the L oague
an instrumental by Miss Dena Miners.
Mriss Lizzie Johns acted as organist
and was ass+ieted by Miss; Lena Miner;.
the ciesse of the aerogramme dight
rcfre;sebtmein'ts and plela,sant eon:velrsae
non braugtht the eve.ning to a close,
!ley to all the, lolaal brethre,a-tri come along the lime • and has secured the
' and. be present at this. cvrvic :no -.es '‘ n f '
1 -Mer. Woltfe, oTa•vieeloek, visited
al; J. Ileamnn's a few days this week,
--Mr. Alex. MeeLaree, ba. r seer of
Pert 1•Turen,.speeet ,Mond,aly xn s.i z villi-
--Mr. Ernest Bender, general mer -
Grand Bend liana, offBlyth, spent Thanksgiving
-- - 'clay with .1. Kellerman.
-Mr, Arthur Mollard has returned -Mr. Wen. G'eigee, principal•of;'tbn
public scaho,o +
nra'rture, eepeernt S.atuveley.and Sunt
beth, regret bee ,a,,e : as maveL to t
-.axe n,nineteen }l. lug iy .Cit this home en ,T3e,a 11, n s2
reamed St'hl t
Qen Main street, Sept, 27th, flee follow,.
ing letter. Owner may have it en
'application to Times Office, and
Paying post of tins advcrtiserent
My Qwnest Own.-
SiLnrto your cruel repulse from! 'ray
side 'et the band -or, rather, the .foot
-of en, I have pewee&leng aend fondly,
porc'tant islands act long, on your daring proposition
which ch comma=nd thea eiztrlauce taPort ; {(» I skiauld fly with you .and bees' at
Siatesoen'barber. The two Canadian oast, 1 knasvi:t's naughty, and ray
Commissioners, Sir, Louis nate. and heart and my ceomseieenoe re ravo me,
] lir, 4.. B. Alyeswee the not only deciin- but I'm needy to fly with' you, dearent,
ad to sign blue award, but iz,ave issued' to the utmost seats of the• earth,
a dtigpified protest against the. sa'c,ri- %f 1 remenber art• hit the instruc-
floe of the interests of Canada.
The asvar'd re3ating to the Porti led
Hens were :Carrriagc corner street,
Genal .gives the United States 'tis is- midai'ight, then away to'a land where
lands, Kannaghunut and Sitklan,00m- tike saonner i.s net., Terms to bei made
mending the eenntirrance of the Portland at leisure withenfuriate,d papa. Peace
Channel and Ilse ocean pns:age LoPca'4l being made, we are. to return( tc Ese.t
Simepeoin,'aped di. roving bbs strategic err, terse his blessing, settle down,
F• lues of "males and el: ars,-Isla d
and live' happily ever of terw ards,• just
-4Ix, and i1Crs. Charles 1Ylellall, of s"illaege, aryl , ua er, of I'igbotneMieh., which axe given to Canada. '• 'Three
London, were In the village ;this week --Mr. Ileainan, of >'Qn'o i a sjpanrt. a feisv,,days Kate village Iasi. inount.ain ling adopted as, the boon
v]s tyng r,ela+tives,:
pecking this apples. d n, es buss neer ca1L'ung on (Ad aequain'tances. d'ut'y Lies so fax from.the caos:ts as to
--Mrs. Henry Cook leis returned
from Do,tr,alt, svte,re she had been
speeding a. few weeks with her sister.
.-J„ E. McD;ohiall,; in writing (rem
Scotland, reports heaving a very pleas-
ant visit thele and feeling much bene-
fitted by the trip.
-Monett fnnget Wait on deovelrely
15th, Rev. Dr, Henderson, of To.ronto,.
twill paeoech, in the evening in the' ¥e -
Modest chuerch. here. Do not miss
this treat.
-11;Gr. Itched; Petersen e
se n its
s sold his
storehouse, on the west side of the -Tore i.semi-annual examinations bank 'to ahrareholders of record on$lset
way track, to Mr. Urquhart, who seal will be 'held at 'the school "rhursd;a.y October. The eprldoer is of the bank are
use it in :connection with this oatmeal 'tined N,riclaay, of .this week.
mill business.
-Mr, T. Murdocie. chap had great•sue
ease this year with his fine t horse,,
Joe, Stanton, leaving captured; first
money at nearly every fail fair within
any ee'aho'nablee distance.
-M r. *-Rev. o ritlepresiding eider of" tele
farm of efr. T. G,ratt;tou. ,
I3axry Purdy has bought the I North Dral[at,a OanJier(exyi a?, ; 000upae;d
-Mr. and. Mrs.. Hegbestead, oL Lon tine gland tdelivered last very able esex-
den: sptlnt a+few dayerhe , '
-The new house of Syxus Green, is I man, •
an improvement to Grana: Bend. ' - oa ee Hardy .rias returnee' forth
a. prospecting taut through the North
-Mrs. Copeland, of Sb. Marry',;, is IWest Territories. MrHardy speaksPisting (her sister, Mrs. RobertHam well ofthat +countyyand think tenet
,tone place L•o ga and locate.
-lave So'vieireagn Bank, of Canute,:
has .
h dust decorated a •'laced quarterly
dividend upon .c+api teal stock, of the.
miss Farro w, of Goderieh„ is a it
,pretsen+t visiting her sister, Miss -Bebe
el F
eaair o w.
-Mr. Wm. S,to.nernan returned from
Belgravte Last Tuesday where he had
been engaged i'n menovating one of
the 'chutrehhee;s. Mr. Stoneman is, an ex-
celLesit workman and his services, are
much in .demand.
-Mr. Copeland, of,St., Marys, is
hlo k, opening store Beverly
Main street.a anusie Such 'a store is
what aur town needs, and we welcome
Mr. Coope'land, and wish him success..
Heiman is a musical town..
-The cclegrc a;t:ians in +the Me,tiho-
dist church, last Sunday, were leery
1•aer!gee. RRetv.. Dr, 'Medd preached as us-
ual. Next Sunday forenoon he wi1,1
take for hies theme • The prayer :if the
Backesl'i:da,r, ailed in ten evening he; will
preach on "Foretokens of Doom."
-Mfr. Edward Sheffer, while recent
ly engaged in doing seme,carpenter
work for Mr. Forrest an iris dwelling
had the misfortune to hews ehe tecaff-
ald glee away and, in (falling, he re..
calved a very painful injury to ,his
face, owing to same rafters falling
with him anal stril=ineg him in the rape.
--Mrs. lltkrahard Handford is visiting
firie'nde in Toledo, Omhio.
-Mrs. Charles Fairhall left on Wed
nasdayfor a visit with friends
--Mier Andeazao•n, of TaronL'o, visit..
ed ,her mother here an Thanksgiving,
-Miss HuxfJaible, of London, speen.t
a few days with hes parents here:
--1I.is,s Lillian. Eliio t t frare Almia
College, St. Thomas .aend Miss haste,
who is attending the Normal' in Lon-
don,arrived home on Wednesday even
leg !met aend spent the holidays, until
• -Mise Lillian Werry is holidaying
be St. Marys.
-Mr, Hla.rding, of Ilowick, is the
guest oil Mr. Tleos. Harding.
-Mr. C. L. Newton, spent Thanks-
giving at his home in Gode;rich.
-Mr. H. J. Beard, of Gueleh,t spent
ebe beliday with Mrs. 3. 1. lleard.
-Mrs. H. Barr, of St. ,Marys, spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Leads.tofee.
-Mx. and Mrs. Shannon, of Mari-
o r_
Mari -
post. •b # fr
os !o the guests o Mr.las. Lane.
p 6
-Mies Sarah Is.eep, of Iiirk.ton, is
the guest of her graeddaughtea:, Mrs.
Jas. B. Atkinson.
-Mies h ayme Anderson and Mr.
Peebles, oe Si:. Marys, were guests of
Mars. John Anderson, on Sunday.
-Miss Nellie .Anderson and Mr.
Church, of Toronto, were the guests
of Mrs; Jeen. Anderson, last week.
-Miss Lou Werry and Sarah Ander
son attended tlee :Gpwor•th League
Convention in Parkhill last Tuesday,'
-'M'r. and Mrs. Ed. L lamilttonspent
Sunday in the village.
-Miss 0. Campbell, of 'T'oxanta, is at
present tet ,beer horrne in the village,,
Deep and sincere sympathy was.
Galt bare on Friday morning lae;t'
when it b!alcaxne known that Chsriotto
clanugh'teer of Mr, and Neel 'Sohn Live
ingstenee, of the village, bad died tone
previous evening about ten o'clock.
Cb!sr^laite hail attended school until
F,riedeay last, when she was taken sick
with canneesedieitis. She had as opeera-
nein p!er'£orme'rl on Wednesday, but
Ohne eht*ch to the system was too great
and although she rallied ebmawhat
en Walt eled'ay, she gradually sank on
Thursday, until the vital 'spark'
Slit,' seas a bright young girl inc
eieiveath year, aleck the funeral on Sete
teratay wee largely attended. Stitt lean
as,a, brother and ouster, father anal
meathcr to mourn their 'Jul loss,
Mrs. Trueman,
of i'oree,t, is spend_
ing a eoupte of srraeks ,wit'ht heti moth-
er, Mrs. Jcee;ph Randle, sr.).
far en excess of •the dividend require -
merits:, and. the 'bank is doing sipelendid.
The branch at Dashwood ha .donee far
beyond all expectations, and in tore
We eine leased' near future better facilities will. be
p to hear a that Mr. , afforded take customers.
Raba. Hamilton, who has bee/dill the
-A very enjoyable ententainmendis
past two ss•ee ks., is
School Board Minutes
promised ,tut school section No. 11, on
Friday, October 3ot5. The p'rogrtsrta
will omelet of "A mock trial," ''.The
Great Plummer . Breech( ef Promise
hall, Mjolnclay, Oat, lath, 1903. All
tM:tettwng ,off the Boland held.en the, cape. There will also be specially preepaxed music and other selections.
mtem,bers !p;resea>!t. Don't foxtget the, date, Friday, Ocitob-
21b+tz koliceviueg is the, caner of bust: er 30th. Doors open at 7.30, Concert
m se dully submitted 'peal approved:
Pea• Obaimmam •A2inu.trets of previous
at 8. Adtm+ission 15c. Come and en-
joy a pleasant evening.
-14 will be teemed (with extreme
Petr H. Iiushon antU G Eat rn tt. regret of the death of M. Wan.
Shatz, of the 14th, conenfey, twhich
het etlae foll:owin o, t -
A4r u?4 ,s 7s atpptrnv
A. Stewart, brooms, 75e ; .I.
S•m'i th, docks, 81.05.
Per W. J. Carling and G. Eaereett.-
Th att the Inetrease rof salary iframi: 400
to ;450, applied for by Miss A. E.
D'orrintgbon, be granted. S•s,idlincreatse
to teaks effect tram Jan. let 1904.
Amenemeent Lest that . the inoreass
be $25.,00.-...Sutppenters, S. ltlartiri and
J: Events.
sad event .occurred on Saturday morn-
ing„ meter a brief illness ,of about 'a
week. The funeral 'took place on,Tues
day f;o+xenoon and ; was conducted by
Rely. Eifert. Her remains . t were in-
terred In the Luthern cemetery. She
leaven n to mourn her loss a husband
and five sm'a'll children, Who have the
symepa4ibey of the community in their
earl berteravetnets4,
Per S. Martin and W. 3. Carling.- Zurich
That Ii. E. Huston be held. acs ; the
Baatrd's reepreisestaetive to the px•
aiad ;Edsreet.tieuai' nusooia'tio,n IConven •
flan, subject however to the approval
of the board for that year,
Per W. J. Carling.-•Adjournme+nt•,
J. GRIGG, Sea'y,
The haeme of 3fr. and rub's: William
:eG+lenn, was the scene af.••a happy e we
ir: iled of friends on the, • evening of
T'ha,nleegivini_>: Daly to eeletbrate the
Lwen:ty-fifth enxvivers_.n:ry of tee r '.r--
'liege of the hosl, and 'toeless. Guests
to .titre neumthieir of 35 were p,r,eisent
from Seaferth, Ineasatl; Exeter and
Si.:Marys, After a very sumptuous
'repast had been par•take'n of, 'includ-
ing all the •dedica'eies of the season„ the
remainder •af the evening was•ts'pent
in music, vocal and instruntenttal as
well es some well rendered 'recite' -
tions, .among w.h,icli was one given by
Mrs. (Beesc,) She w, which wee much een-
oy!ed.. Compleenen•t'ary a.ddresees
were given and the best wishes of
Meuse present were coneveyed, to Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn, wlie have; this far
tra,ve,lle+l along life's road v togetlhox
the past querteerr of a,cautery, that
the same biese,si,nig may continue to
follow •Ithem on through the eremaind-
tofteir if. A ;number, o•
ee h i evel'
u fol end . ander .,preteritsw^e
u.a li m re,
received from those 'present as 'we'll
as firom in. Berlin and . Seatti.e,•
Wash. ley Mr. tend Mis. Glennst;ill
enjoy life for many years, toe come is
the wish of a h.osic.of friends..
-Mr. Silk, of London, is, visiting .net
the Methodist pa eosaa:ge.
-Weeslety C nkbeiner spent Thanks-
giving under the• ()armlet roof.
Mx, P. Humble ane Miss Emma
Brown erre visiting friendein Detroit.
-Mrs. R. E. Walker' spent! a dew
dares of this week x' with her mother,
Mats. E. Crpasa ton, of Falkirk,
--Nommen Bonee'r lett Wwleesal'ay
bast for Auburn, where he hare secured
a. poefi'tion iti the. grist ,null.
-Mr. Wm. England retu,rnedt home
teem tee Neal' West on Morelay' even
ung. lie (reports a pleasant trip. t
-Mrs. Dowrwell, of Dutton spent
Thanksgiving day with her daughtor,
ssrh'o hats ,oha'rgo of 0. 7,wicker's mil-
finery rleepaaibmeni.
-ern , :
,-The many:friends of M r z, k' y
tfumibte nits ,pleased to see brim rn .the
viilagris,a,ga%n. 1'ency hos a firsit-class
peossidion an the G. T. R.
.--Lner'gse congregations
tions greeted
Bev. "Wt. Itht ecr 13, A.,•a£111,in the
Evangelical rli•ureh, on Sabbath last,'
?lite Rev. gentleman preaebeil two
powerful ¢a ermine.
--Mr. R. T. Slelck spent Thanksgciv-
i'xtg at his home at Hills Green. -
_..Mee. P. Bender .and son, VTaleter,
are visiting with friends, at Berlin,.
=-,Mrs. D. C. Doa.n left Thursday tor
a visit with relatives at Si. Theoemas.
Mr. Harry Peck, .o.f Lehr, Bayfield
road, Stanley, was in town on, business
an Teee,sdiay.
-T;hte: rglune mill is snow running•
both day a.nd :night. ' It ss tasr,ted+ to fid
so an Monday.
--Dr. 131ackail, of tire; Queeens ;li•otel
Heenan; was in • lane' 'fent sheriti
,time on Tuesday.
-Mr. Martin Becker, of Berlin, was
bn,town,. for several dayaI Lately, visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Casper Waiper.
7 -Mals. D. Seteipabanh has. returnee
biome aiber a fetw des' visit with. her
d,aughlee,r, Mrs. Baldwin. at Sea forth.
a+ivee thee United States substantially
all thte t^rxe oY:rj ea xiUiy' b att& line
completely clears 'U• the bays •and: m-
iens +a+ned nseaens of excess to " the sea,
giving the Unitetii States a oompla 4
lead. battuies beteveeen 'Canada and the
sea, from. the Portland Canal •ter
Mount St. Elias. Around•the head of
ISa Lythe Canal the, line follows the!
wn.l:ersthesed, somewhat in' aecaxdance
with the present provincial boundary.
Inan tutees -10w between press rep -
r -ase Fla i -
n t veu and Clifford Sifton> the
Ca.natdia•n Minister of the Interior and
agent of Great Britain •• the - latter
said. "'.libel awned' waA subslam.tialdy
ire faevar of theUni•ter,I Stateas States alt along
tees lite. We` halve,, it is irate , sue •
ceeded in establishing two of our main
land Canal, and secondly, as in the
existence of a. mountain boundatry
line, but while finding in tenor of our
eontenbions upon these phases of the
ease the tribu:nail has worked, ..out; . a
line in such a way as tot deprave, us
of all practical benefit. While we get
Wales and Pearse Islands, Which the
Americans 'have been in possession of
Lor same years, they are deprived- of
value Leo Canada by the fact that; two
Imlaind,s which lie immediately outside
and ;command the entrance tot Oleer-
eattery Inlet: and to Port Simpson. are
given to the United States. I do not
profess bo understand the principal
like Arteter aed. Angelina, the cot•ple
in "Far Love :and Fortune; or Love
will Tripp a Wa_y," Yeti know iehe
book, love. '
I .do so hope nothing will happen . Le
prevent osis escape. jf parseleouid cake]
uas before we are married- oh!!
Cenia; a 1 ehusi'tlr;r wi think{ al the ooh-
sequearc,es.xi! w!•ti , au; lave i'+m
preepare,d for the wore... an1, Ile when
you Cee me ion church, and IsnR 1 nowt
you expe!et me to be ready when 4 ie
fateful time comes.
And now, Charlie, my own beloved
anti+ muntria.bused darling, adieu • " till
we meet at the witching hour csf;mitl
night at the corner of the street.CLAiR
yours till death,
P. S.-Peerha{ps you had better see
Rowe & Atkinson, the fuxneiture,deal-
ere, snout furnishing the cottage,. so
we will have •a 1toimee to - tome to m.;f-
tier :we nave been reeencilecl• to pa.
neer have the largest stock and • you
can get the best :choice besides they
are selling at .the old prices. Syee,
them about the furniture at once
Via the Chicago and north Western
By., every day from Sept. 15th + •'te
November 3015. Settlers one waysec-
upon which :these .islands are given one class tickets at very low rates
away. ITtbts mountain boundary line; from Chicago 1 points in Utah, Mon'
while 'adopted as contended far. by tana, Nevada; Idaho, Oregon, Waslf-
Ca,na.da, is drawn •so far back that the ' ington, Oalifornia, also to Victoria,
Vancouver, New West uvins:ter. Nel-
sen, Roseland, and other points in the
Kootenay District. Conreepondinlgly,
low rates from all points in Canada,
Null pairtiecexla'rs 'from nebrerat tic?k.et
agent or B. H. Bennett, Geueiral
a,gerit, 2 East King St., Toronto, 'One,
Unit -ed States gets practically all she
has seriously contended for. As to
otsr position on the subject of the
heads oaf inlets, it has ;apparently re--
eeived no eonsider,atiou from the ma-
jority of the tribunal."
$0250 to California and Return
Pia Chiesgo & Narhh-Wesle'rn
FroChicago to San Francisco and
Les Angeles. daily-, October '8 to• 17.
Correspandtngly low rates from ,all
points. Three fast daily„trains, with
magnificent mguipmen;t through'• to•
tee coast, ienclucii.ng the famous; elec.-
trio-lighted daily Overland Limited;
leets than. three days enreute, over the
only double -brach railway, beetweten
Chicago end the Missouri river. All
agents sell tickets via this line. Send
for illustrated booklets, maps, and.
full infoa1m•ai6rione to B. E. Benne?tt,..2
Beat King Street, Toronto.
Gristinu and GlioDninu
QL Iptill
We are giving excellent sa-
CA _-• -` Y•. ' tsfactFon in flour since re-
For Infants and Children. modelling our mill
The Kind You Have Always Bought
-Mr. S. Rannie is •laid.up with, a Bears the
severe attack of er'ysipel'as. We hope Signature of
to ,sec him around again bee flew. days' ,
-Miss No,r.a G,reh, ulcer leas been
visiting :relatives and friends at' ,Mit-
ve.rbon, arrived home on Monday.ingt.
-Miss h•Iin+nie Doan entertained, a
few (of Isar lady friends .tet a taffy
panty at her home, en Thursday even- ,
-Me. French., superintendent of the
County'House of Refuge, was in tote
village for a abort time
.oma .
-Messrs, Riclilreil, Hardy and Hart-
letrb traet:urne,d !blame an Friday' tram
their trip to Manitoba andeihei North
-Dir. Seeilery, ,asooempnnic,d by his;
molter and sister, of Kincardine;,
spent Monday with _friends in the vii-
-Mr. and lire. 3. M'erneer;epene. a
few days last week in London and.To-
ronto. They mrriveed home Sat•wrd•ey
-Mr. J. Meraeper is itneproving , the
external inepearance el his snore, by a
coact oaf paint. Mr, Brock is doing
the week.
•-Dr. lhouth,ier and wife, of 'St. Jos-
eph, left on Tuesday for Ottawa, where
they will spend e. few.. atayse reeenewing
e+'ttl anquatan l pees+.
--True Itsv. Mr. Oerrlly, presiding ri-
des in one of ihe•edist:rtcets• in Dakota,
occupied the Bvattegeiical church pul-
pit, en Sunday both morning and evert
--Rev. and litre. 3.'a ger and , seen,
Claernace., returned a home on Friday
.a t r three 'we k nisi ...with
evec,n,in;g, •. Cle tit ee e s t,
sr lativee and f riehds in and around.
--My. Henry Zimmerman, of tlhievil
lap, who underwetiVan operation tat
, Clinton:,led
fD na
hand a Dr. Gunn, of
flu, s
local j mid:axis, is ef ,progressing 'moat
favor Ably, the vroubda being about all
l:iaalititl; • ' 1
n li el
Meat, vegetables,
and all kinds of
food with Sargent's
Gem Food
Our Special Price