HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-03-18, Page 22Page 22 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987 Yy On 'April 4, adults and children %will have the opportunity to hear Chris and Ken Whiteley and the Junior Jug; Band perform folk, jar., and contemporary music, tell storks and demonstrate their master of over 2O musical instruments. There w► ill be an afternoon per- formance for the children, with admission set at $3. Proceeds will go towards the Clinton Public iIospital Building Fund. In the evening. an adult performance will feature a musical tour through 80 wears. 'There will be some clown home 'blues, classic blues, bluegrass and the "Nashville Souiid" plus More. All of this entertainment takes place at the Clinton Tow n Hall and is part nl• the Clinton Arts C'ommittee's Entertainment Series. i''or more .tickets, stop by the Clinton Town Hall. Brochures roll off press 131,1"1'11 - Once :again. the press)', at I )uug \Vhitinore's print shop t1 lil\ its :ore running around the clock : s.1111•iltlu 1 1 spies id the lily f h Festival's 1987 :wit•hime are printed. '•I :all \•cr\ pleased with the look of this \ car'', brochure.- said clew (;eneral \Tanager. '1'nn Chapman . This Is my first teruchul•,' herr at lily to and so it \vas especially important In ike 11181 It lurk just right. 1 p:rrtic•nl:ir1 Ilk(' the c\t1.8 e111pI)851S ;'•nen 10 the p! 4'' :,nil 111:l\\(t'll;l!t, 111is Thr tsar bur)' w%:l'( dr•n.n'd I'letr In 1 44 :'r,iphu' de,l:.ne1 t•Irl,Iuwr 1 h} ihr 1.1111 'r,it\ ill \C,II)•I-Inn \1.I - 4'nin': '111' 1)'1IL8l)'d I)11 flit., .111.1 I9ftli brochurt's and pu,ter'. 'I he (ha \‘ 111:' ,in die trent cover 1., :I detail Il hill the .1',1:•411 poster, ,IU)\%Illi; the I{I\ 111 \1eiu,r1:11 11:,11 'i)ur apologies to historians and architects for the :artistic 111 1'nsc used In placing the 1L:ill. loult in 1920, In an earlier period. ) The dlll,ll':Itll n int the 198; poster is taken 4111141 :111 I'I1 I )vnu; 111 Ih1 18;1 Illsluric'el \11:11 of I1nr11n Count\ 811d ,haus part of the 1.41.41) teelc11U:1111! :11 t11:11 till)' 111 1''Ivateet11 ▪ • • 14hr11441tei in 111111/11 '11iur,hlp The land w,a pini 11,1,11{ Iron) Ito{ .S»iithcnlnhes trod\ in the 1 r•litIlr\ h\ t111 f14:;.,III i:Initl). .\ :'r,nul,nil. ( 11111,)1) rc•'1114.nt 1\:ri Iln:!::.lrt. Ilwril there until a low years ago. The same farm house depleted in the poster is still standing, and is currently oww•neil by Mr. and 'Airs Neil 'alverd:l. OI the two barns shown in the original engraving. one has been torn (luwwn and the other remodelled. The combined .)mailing; lists ;it the Myth Festival now total %yell over 12.000 ad- dresses. in ardor to take :(ch•antage of bulk trailing rates. the addressing. sorting; and bagging is ('1iI'r1('d out by Festival staff themselves, a process which usually takes Iwo to three rl:l\s. 11 \ oil a ish Iii mein 1 n terochure and are not in the mallow list, please contact the 1' estrval's office and t 'ave your name and address Brochures will be sent nut towards the end of :March. Vouchers for the 1987 season are on sale now through to May. 31. They represent a great saving over the regular ticket prices this sat rner $7.50 compared with between $8 n1. Members only may exchange voile twyeen \larc'h 30 and April 10. After .April 13, voucher holders may ex- change vouchers for tickets and group tickets go nn s:dc \leinbers of the general public may tare ha,c ticket, :after :May 1. 1'11111 \18\ 119. 14115 t )ff ice hunt", are Monday 111 I''r141:1} . !t 30 :i I!I - :) 30 p In Organizational meeting for 4 -Hers on March 25 4-11 h:1. :1 .18 \ '.ii ti'ndltoln 1,1 )lfft'I'lll:: nuns, penplc .11110'Ihuu; '.P''Ial uw Hut'nn ('11unf\ 1,11 root.): ulth the 11111('s. tere:lu,c 11 1, .411 ))r. .1111/81010 of ,, null, 1)4•n111)' %,'ar se\ rral 4f the 111 prnlects hat e been o1))1,0i•)1 Nn\\ 1, the twirl)) Iron 1,11 if you :Ire 1'.-11 wr,u, ii4 :l::)' and Inlccesterf In :IL;t'lcultural The family of CHARLOTTE BELL invite you to attend) the OPEN HOUSE for her 95th BIRTHDAY 041 SUNDAY, MARCH 22/87 from 2 - 4 p.m. et Huronview Auditorium HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- TIDY - Lore Nicholas, Jazz & Stephen 'lutes. The organizational nu'etilg for the 1 1lntnn area is \larc•h 25 - 7.30 p.m. at the C11nton 1'nwwn 11;111 Clubs involved are Bay field 1-11 Dairy Calf ('lute. Central Huron I-11 Swine flub, 11141 110 1-11 I',m1tr} ('lub and Kjppfield 1-11 Calf ('lute Interested persons are wyelcome. Student's, topic is his brother By Donald R. Broadfoot BRUCEFIELD - At the recent public speaking.competition at the Clinton Legion, Dennis Mount placed first in the in- termediate division and then second in the Zone Competition. Dennis' speech was about his brother. We hope that this speech will not stir up any family arguments. Jody Fisher, speaking on hockey, placed first in the Junior section. Kelly Rathwell, speaking an football, placed second in the Junior Sec- tion at the Seaforth Legion. Fayeanne Love placed second in the Intermediate division at Seaforth. Good News - Bad News First for the good news, this Friday Huron Centennial School and other schools get out for March Break. A wonderful whole week off from school for students and teachers. Now for the bad news, report cards also come this Friday. Fund raising for the Valentine Tree for the girl in Haiti was very successful and the total fund went over the top. The goal was $236, but they reached over $280. Spring, we hope is here. Many students took a day off school last week to attend the Farm Show in London. It was a good day. There were classes of city students staring at the farm machinery and collecting all sorts of things. Wouldn't it be nice if a PD day was placed in this week. Grade 6, 7, and 8 students are working on their science fair projects. A wide variety of topics have been selected. The Spring Concert is coming up on April 29 and 30. Circle these dates on your calendar. Curling Over After school curling ended with a big par- ty. Following a five -end game, students feasted on hamburgers, pop, chips, cake and ice-cream. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. • Walker for preparing the food. School Spirit Campaign '1'he Students' Council has started a non- profit campaign to increase school spirit. Students may purchase any of- the follow- ing: t -shirts, sweat shirts, track pants; and a hooded sweat shirt. All have a school design or lettering. Please place your orders by March 13. Clinton sand District Junior Farmers TEEN BEACH PARTY and DANCE FRIDAY, MARCH 17th at Myth Community Centre from 8:00 p.m. to 12 a.m. Disc Jockey: PRS Tickets $4.00 a person Contact Linda 526-7557 Icons The icons are a set of travelling com- puters which rotate from school to school in Huron County. Located in the 'back of the library, each student gets to try out an icon on a specific day. Mr. Hunter is working with the classes. The icons have a very good and easy -to -learn drawing program and a sophisticated word processor. Book Sale Please remember to visit the book sale which continues until March 12. Joke Of The Week What is big and yellow and comes in the morning to brighten Mother's day? The School Bus. Monday euchre results CLINTON - There were six winners when Monday afternoon euchre was held at the town hall here on March 16. Mary Mair and Mabel McAdams had the highs while Margaret Taylor and Agnes ('arbert had the low scores. The lone hands were won by Gladys Hoggarth and Ruth Fisher. 441 Club learns about laundry By Paula Jeacock CI, INTON - ()n March 14 the Clinton II 4-H Club held their fourth meeting. The meeting was on how to fix clothing, washing symbols, sorting laundry, what temperatures to wash certain clothes at, and how to store clothes properly. At the end of the meeting the members decided on a name for the club. They called themselves The Sole Survivors. Coming Events BINGO Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. First reg. card $1. fifteen reg. $20. games, three share -the -wealth Jackpot $200. must go. Lucky Ball $160.00 ()f not won). Lucky Ball increases 320. per week Admission restricted to 16 years and over. dor KLOMPEN FEEST parade entry forms available. $2.000 in prizes May 16. Forms available at Bali and Murch Furniture Town Hall. and Chiropractic Centre. 10 19ar THC GODERICH Lake Town Band is considering offering u course in instrumental music for beginning adults Previous music experience will not be necessary Training will occur on wood wind brass. and 'percussion If you are in ter ested. please call 4823570 1 I DESSERT EUCHRE at Godench Twp. Hall Holmesville 1 30 p.m on Wednesday March 25. Admission $2.00 sponsored by Women s Groups of the Township 11 AUBURN COMMUNITY CENTRE May 16 at 9 a. in Yard Sale and baking table. Sponsored by UCW of the United Church Auburn 1 t OLD TYME COUNTRY breakfast sponsored by Londesboro Lions Club Sunday March 29 9am 1 p at Londesboro Community Hall Pro reeds for 'Clinton Hospital Building Fund. 10.1 tar HEATHER BISHOP and Friends in concert A Taste of The Blues March 26 8 pm Blyth Memorial Hall. Tickets $9.00 from Women Today 56 Huron St. 4829706. 10 11 12or BRAND NEW sewers club beginning Tuesday Murch 24th 7 45 pm Goderich Township Hall Free information night with u taste of special events for the future a video presentation of spring summer fabrics with local trade shows from Mary s and Vanastra Please call Audrey Middleton 482 9838 to let me know you 10 corning 10 11 ROAST BEEF DINNER in Wesley Willis-JJnited Church Thursday March 26 5pm 7 30pm Adults S7 50. Public School 34.00 Tickets cull Kay Wise 482 9507 or any U.0 W member 10 11 SHOPPERS BEWARE, The Calvrnettes are having Tupperware Creative Circle Regal Knitted and Crocheted Outfits Ceramics Silk -Flower Ar • rangemeats craft und bake table S3 00 haircuts and also brand name leans for under 330 00 all at the same place It s happening at the Clinton and District Christian School at 7 p 1.n Thursday March 19 Door prizes and also free coffee and babysitting available See you there 10 1 i CARD PARTY I 0 0.F Hall Princess St Clin- ton Thursday Murch 19 at 8 pm Ladies please bring lunch Everyone welcome Admission S1 50 11x ST PAUL B A C. euchre party March 26 at 8 00 p m Ladies please hr ing sandwiches Admission $1 50 II Family Paradise Dance Hall RE -OPENS FOR BUSINESS BEGINNING SATURDAY, MARCH 14th. • Private Parties • Weddings Your Hosts: John & Judy George WE WELCOME ALL INQUIRIES 527-0629 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT presents Pleasures Problems and Preschoolers a series of 3 Parenting Classes for parents of children aged 1 5 years Classes will commence Thursday April 2 1987 and will be held at Seaforth Hospital Seoforth Please call 527 1243 to pre register by March 26 1987 1) 13or CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC by the Blyth Festivol Singers. Sunday March 29, 3 p m- and 8 p.m., Ontario St, United Church. Tickets at Festivol Box Olfice 523.9300. 1 1 ,12 HURON COUNTY Family Planning invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. of Huron County Health Unit. Public Health Wing, Huronview. Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. 49eow BINGO upstairs Clinton Arena Thursday. March 26. Doors open 6 30 prn Bingo 7 45 pin $200.00 jackpot to go Sponsored by Clinton Junior D 11 12ar - EUCHRE PARTY an St Joseph s Church Hall. Clin• ton Wednesday March 25 8 prn Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. Everyone welcome Please bring lunch Admission $1 50. I I EUCHRE PARTY sponsored by Varna LOL 1035. Stanley Complex Friday Morch 20 at 8 00 p.m. Ladies' please bring lunch 11 EUCHRE PARTY Monday March 23 in Clinton Public Hos13ital cafeteria at 8 p m Admission SI .50 Ladies please bring lunch Proceeds to the Clinton Hospital Building Fund 11 FAMILY INFORMATION night on March 24 at 8.00 p m. at St. Michael s Church in Blyth. Topic. Pro Life. Guest Speaker. Mr John Devlin. 11 1987 RIPLEY HURON CRAFT FESTIVAL sponsored by fZipley Agricultural Society Saturday May 16 10 o.m 9 p.m For information and exhibitor applications contact Gail van der Hoek RR 4 Ripley NOG 2R0 519395 5497 1 I THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you ie ottend the Expectant Parent Education classes being held in Seaforth Hosp col Board Room Seaforth Ontario commencing Thursday Morch 26 1987 The next series of classes will begin the week of September 7 1987 Please pre•register by calling the Health Unit office ut 5271243. 09 )lar FASHION SHOW - Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Zeta Omega Chapter April 7 8 prn. Proceeds to Clinton Public Hospital and community protects Contact Lorraine 482 7643 9.1101 HORTICULTURE Meeting Wednesday March 25 at 8 p 1.n at the Clinton Public School Video presentation of .Rhododendrons Year book available 11 x GET INVOLVED HAVE SOME FUN, The Clinton Community Players Amateur Theatre Group is having a meeting on Tuesday March 24th at 7 30 p m in the Town Hall auditorium to organize their next major production in June If you would like to act or help out behind the scenes plan on attending this meeting Call Steve Campbell at 4823398 for more information ,l l ar UMPIRE S CLINIC (softball' Sunday March 29 1 4 p m of South Huron District High School Exeter For •nforrnation phone Usborne Umpires Assocrot,on Inc 519 235 1164 I I 12ar UMPIRE 5 CLINIC .OBA Hardball Sunday April 5 12 noon to 4 p m at South Huron District High School Exeter For information phone Usborne Umpire s Association Inc 519.235.1164 11 12 13or aur,' f 0e1r,1 0°6 o`s tfP C'> bQ SPECIALS DAILY LUNCH AND DINNER BREAKFAST 1.99 N.Y. SIRLOIN STEAK...2 /13.95 SENIOR CITIZENS 10% OFF DINNERS AFTER 4 PM ONLY HARBOUR LIGHTS RE AURANT & TAVERN HIGHWAY 21 - SAYFI 565-4 OPEN 7 DAYS A WE 6 A.M.-1 NOTICE TO FISH & GAME MEMBERS AND GUESTS All welcome to Past Presidents Dance Friday, March 27 Smorgasbord supper at 7 p.m. Dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Brian Melody Spot dances and prizes. Belated 25th Wedding Anniversary March 17 ROCK & MARY COTE Art & Freda 1' Join us March 28th at the Clinton Legion cur \r sur Hawaiian Getaway 7:30 Luau •Barhe(lued ShIshkc'hah (2 Fried RI( c ®Island Salads 9:00 Hula Dan( ing to "Anything Goes" IIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: •( lint( in Pnhli( 4I1,,41it.11 182 )14- •F unci R,u'. rig ( ntnmittr•r ( )tor r• 182 '1-'28 •( nrninitt)r' '8omher, $12.00 per person proceeds to (PH Building Fund • • • • • 6 • 6 • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • ENDS THURSDAY 7.310 O MARCH 19th NIGHTLY THE SQUARE PORK THEOTREY9`YYYTY'Y Y'YTY :Y,IYiYY_IYj',7Y'YVYY9YY ik fir YYYVYYY fYY9Y YY.JYYT1 YTYTT T?i Y. YY;,,F•,Y',YMY_,.. _..,.,,,,,,. „.................. ODERICH 524-7811 MICHAEL Ja FOX GENA JOAN ROWLANDS JETT STARTS FRIDAY MARCH 20/87 FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9 SUN.-THURS. 7:30 LIGHT OF DAY TUESDAY IS S2.50 NIGHT • • • • • • • a • • 0 6 • • • • • 0 • • / • PEGGY SUE Ned • -0000000.0o-•••E4•••*•••••®0 •®•*04®00l9•idI•••64/ 0 Kathleen Turner in