HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-03-18, Page 18U,e 1"°I O EN this v NOEA C3 COMPLETE LAWN & YARD MAINTENANCE Serving All of Huron County BOOK NOW FOR SPRING Fully Insured & Guaranteed "A CUT ABOVE THE BEST" Page 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted EXPERIENCED RETAIL SALES CLERK required for downtown Clinton store. Send written resume to: DRAWER NO. 25 c/o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 1L0 LOCAL AGRI-BUSINESS requires help for the Spring season. Positions available are •PAY LOA DER OPERATOR •TRUCK DRIVING area. Send resume stating previous ex- perience, drivers licence class and when available. Apply to: DRAWER NO. 23 c/o CLINTON NEWS RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 1L0 HOUSECLEANERS AND HANDYMEN REQUIRED by Town and Country Homemakers to do heavy cleaning, home maintenance and yardwork. $6.00/hr. Call 1-800-265-3039 SECRETARY / BOOKKEEPER The ( aunty of Huron, ut a ammo( tion with the (,nvernment oI C anada, is undertaking a surly of future employment opportunities and programs within the County. This prol(41 5111 10( tis on future opportunities -for severely employment disadvantaged groups. In order to undertake this prole(1 a sec rotary / book- keeper is required. )'rifer the direc tion of the prole( t (oor- dlnatnr. the ',eye rotary / Bookkeeper will per- lurni general sec relartal and bookkeeping tun( 1101)'.. Inc luding nnnuhng keeping, telephone answering, report production, ()f- lit e management and Iman( Lal ret ord keep- ing f amillanty witli word pro( essing Is required The sit(( ess1111 apphc ant will have expf'rien( e In a responsible sec retanal positron The for a- tuin is in the Seaforth area This is a ( nntra(1 position that lasts for appro. 12 weeks Salary is commensurate with experlen( 4' Ail apple ants should send a ( (implore resume to Canada Employment Centre 35 East Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y4 Attention: Mr. john Gillespie The 1 Insrng date for apps( atmos is April 1. 1487 with the position starting In May County of Huron PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR The County of Huron, in conjunction with the Government of Canada, is undertaking a study of future employment opportunities and pro- grams within the County. This project will focus on future opportunities for severely employment disadvantaged groups. In order to undertake this project a Project Co- ordinator is required. The Project Co-ordinator will be responsible for preparing a detailed project research design and managing the day-to-day operation of the project. The Co-ordinator will be respon- sible to the project Steering Committee. The successful applicant will have an advanc- ed research degree in strategic' planning or community development planning. The appli- cant must have experience in economic development, policy development and work- ing with the business community. The Co- ordinator requires skills in working with Boards and public groups and will be respon- sible for preparing an operational plan to develop opportunities for the employment of severely employment disadvantaged groups within Huron County. This is a contract position that lasts 36 weeks at a salary of 517,000 to 19,000 for the can - tract period. The Co-ordinator must provide for their own transportation. All applicants should send a complete resume Canada Employment Centre 35 East Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y4 Attention: Mr. john Gillespie The dosing date for applications isr April 3, 1987 with the position starting in May. Applications for Dining Room staff now be- ing accepted. Please contact Miss P. Cunningham. 565-2611 Between 8 am - 4 pm THE LITTLE INN of BAYFIELD Main Street, Bayfield ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE The Clinton News -Record has an opening for an energetic, outgoing person for the position of Advertis- ing Sales Representative. Requires good communication skills, own transportation. - This is a full-time position. Apply in writing to: Advertising Manager Clinton News -Record P.O. Box 39 Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 Cheryl Ann, Grand Bend FULL TIME HELP NEEDED NOW also summer student help needed for weekends and full time. Food store, Cook. No Experience required, will train. Must be neat & energetic. Call: 1-472-2332 or 1-238-5364 Ask for Al or Mike 29. Tenders Township of Stanley TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for each of the, following GRASS CUTTING AT BALL PARK, COMPLEX, CENOTAPH OPERATING CONCESSION BOOTH AT BALL PARK Tenders must be submitted on tender forms available at the Clerk's Office Tenders close Monday. March 23 at 12 noon Mel Graham Clerk Treasurer Township of Stanley Township of Stanley TENDERS will be received for DELIVERING DOG TAGS AND SELLING DOG LICENSES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY FOR 1987 Tenders must be submitted by Monday. March 23, 1987 at 12 noon on tender forms available at the Township Office for the east and west side of Township Mel Graham Clerk Treasurer Township of Stanley 30. Employment wanted WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home reference available Phone 482.5727 9 11 WILL DO HOMECARE or private duty nursing in your home Ask for Judy 5655277 9.11 BAB'SITTING available in my home. reasonable rotes Phone 482-7032 11 12ar WILL DO House cleaning or spring cleaning. Ex perienced References. Phone Helen 526-7753. • 10 llnx 31. Service directory PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062. 27t1 MASONRY, STONE and Carpentry wgrk. Specializing in brick pointing and chimney-.' building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482.5305. 3tfar LAUNDRY SERVICES. DO IT yourself or have us do it. Reasonable rates, Blyth Laundry Services, Main St., Blyth, 523.4a70, 49tfar FULLY LICENSED Electrician willing to do wiring, servicing, and electrical jobs. Phone 482.7116. 10,11 B 8 E ROOFING, free estimates. Phone 357.1198.- 10,11 I. COOKIE'S HOUSE PAINTING Interior & Exterior Experienced - Reasonable Rates Steve Cook 482-9335 Barry Buchanan THREE PHASE ELECTRIC =economy =quality aservIce 482-7373 1-au0-265-9255 AsPager 3075 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527.0828 JIM: 527.0775 ROBERT J. SMITH BRICKLAYING Bricks, blocks, angelstone, fieldstone, citadel stone, chimneys & fireplaces. 482-3340 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES - • RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS - • KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING 565-2108 EVENINGS SPACE AGE INSULATION All types of insulation Polyurethane Foam Fiberglass, Rockwool, Cellulose FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FREE ESTIMATES Ron Kassies 523-9484 AFTER 6 P.M. 31. Service directory CUSTOM BACKHOEING Dram Repair, erosion control, cellar drains, loser. Call Fronk Postill 4829101. 21 tfar Steve McDougall Consitruction Ltd. Box 908, Wingham, Ont. 357-3107 All types of concrete work •Industrial •Commercial •Residential KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations. cupboards. ceramic tile, counter tops. ret rooms. carports. flooring windows, patio doors, aluminum siding Phone 48D7676. Ken McNairn 22tfor CHIS BRI fAnc1111100dOisi K Home Improvements New Construction Custom Woodworking •KITCHEN CUPBOARDS •BATHROOM VANITIES •UTILITY CUPBOARDS •WALL UNITS "BOOKCASES We do all kinds of new woodworking. Plus wood repair PHONE: 482-3830 31. Service directory CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS ®Custom Built Homes •Additions *Drywall •Roofing •Siding, Soffit & Fascia TIM BYLSMA 482-3873 DOUG BYLSMA 482-7334 • CONTRACTOR* • • • •• • • C� • • • • • • • • u'/r•• :,' � fly 1 u,‘_;3R1:CTSOv LTD. *RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • •FARM • • • • • • • • •ADDITIONS INCLUDING AND RENOVATIONS, • • • • • PH.. 482-7290 I :� • ••••••••••••••••••• 34. Personal RETIRED gentleman seeks female companion, preferably one who drives. Phone 526-7577.L. 10, T1 35. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT WALTER HARTMAN, lute of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named Robert Walter Hartman, who died on or about the 25th day of November, 1986, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 10th day of April, 1987, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario this 12th day of Murch, 1987. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister and Solicitor, 52 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. 11 -13ar IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET ISABEL MOODIE, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-nomed MARGARET ISABEL MOODIE, who died on or about the 6th'day of November, 1986, are required to file the same with full par - Oculars with, the undersigned bx thq,lOth clay of April, 1987. as after that date the assets of' the estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario this 121h day of March, 1987 D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister and Solicitor, 52 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. 11 .13ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WALLACE GEORGE AVERY and ANNIE JONES AVERY • deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Wallace George Avery and Annie Jones Avery, lute of the Village of Homesville. in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day of November, 1985 and on or about the 1st day of May, 1986, respectively. ore required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April. 1987, after which date the assets of the aforementioned estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard to the claims then filed DATED at Clinton. Ontario this 2nd day of March 1987 W A Munnings Executor for the Estate of Wallace 8 Annie Avery P 0 Box Box 725 Clinton. Ontario NOM 1LOG 09nx NEW PH. ;NE NUMBER Do you hove a d8nlp basement WE REPAIR BASEMENT WALL CRACKS, LEAKS -BASEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS -INSTALL NEW DRAINS -NEW CONCRETE WALLS BRICK CLEANING Pointing - Sealing - Caulking - George Rich - 4C25:.:43 38. Auction sale NOTICE TO CREDITORS Alt persons having claims agoinst the Estate of HARRY HILL WEBSTER. Retired Former. late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 2nd day of February, 1987, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of April. 1987. as after that dote the assets of the estate will be di%tributed. DATED al Goderich. Ontario this 6th day of Morch 1987 PREST and EGENER Borristers. etc 33 Montreal Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 10-12ar Solicitors for the Estate IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IDA LOUISA WRIGHT late of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun ty of Huron. ALL PERSONS hoving claims agoinst the Estate of the above named Ida Louisa Wright who died on or about the 18th day of January 1987 are re quired to file the some with full particulars with the undersigned by the 10th day of April, 1987 as after that date the assets of the estote will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario this 12th day of March 1987 D GERALD HILTZ. Barrister and Solicitor 52 Huron Street. Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors 11 -13ar Notice is hereby given that Ball -Macaulay Limited and 701740 Ontario Limited intend to make opplicotion to the Ministry of Con- sumer and Commercial Relations for Ar- ticles of Amalgamation in accordance with the Business Corporations Act unless a creditor of the Corporation objects to the Amalgamation within thirty (30) days from the date hereof, DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 12th day of March, 1987. R.W. Wilson President Ball -Macaulay Limited and 701740 Ontario Limited Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., MARCH 21 AT 10:00 A.M.; Appliances, furniture, deep fryer, 2 large baking ovens at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton. THEIRS., MARCH 26 AT 1:15 RM.: Tractors, tandem truck, farm machinery for Howord R,crostrong, R.R. No. 1, Zurich. SAT., MARCH 28 AT 10:30 A.M.: 3 tractors, machinery, hay and grain for Hugh Johnston, Walton. TLJES., MARCH 31 AT 1:30 P,M.: Tractor and farm machinery for Ray Hogan R.R. No. 7, Lucknow. THURS., APRIL 2 AT 1:30 P.M.: 2 tractors and farm'machinery for Fred Funk, 2 miles .west of Hensel), SAT., APRIL 4 AT 12:00 NOON: 49 acre cash crop farm, 4 tractors, pickup truck, large modern farm machinery, IHC 8 row planter, etc. for john E. O'Leary, R.R. 2 Staffs. MON„ APRIL 6 AT 1:30 P.M.: Combine, 3 tractors, modern machinery, FM radios, riding mower for Janie and Jim Hastings, Wingham. WED., APRIL 8 AT 1:30 P.M.: 99 acre farm w/house, barn and shed, 4 tractors, diesel truck with 20 ft. rack, forage wagons, farm machinery for Robert W. Kinsman, R.R. 2 Kip - pen, THURS., APRIL 9 AT 1:00 RM.: Combine, 3 tractors, modern farm machinery, Honda trail bike, for James I. Henderson, R.R. No. 5, Seaforth. SAT., APRIL 11 AT 10:30 A.M.: 2 tractors, farm machinery, hay, grain, sheep feeders, mist., some household effects for Francis Col- eman, R.R. No. 1, Seaforth. SAT., APRIL 18 AT 1 R.M.: Zor tile plow, 40 ton float, tile drainage equipment, for Geo Nesbitt, 2 miles south of Blyth, Ont. * - FARM RENTED - * * CLEARING * AUCTION SALE * * OF REAL GOOD FARM * * MACHINERY, TRUCK, ETC. * *For Mr. Ron Taylor, on Bayfield Rd. '/2 * mile W. of Varna, across from Hill * Elevators. * FRIDAY, MARCH 27 * 1:00P.M. * J.D. 2140 diesel tractor (low hours), high & low, high arch; Case 970 diesel frac- * tor, cab, air, recently gone over, (real * * good condition); set 18.4 x 38 duals; * * M.F. 255 diesel tractor; M.F. No. 236 * * quick hitch loader (like now); Interna- ff diilT'18%' Vlbrashmnlr atN.-flrsget frar-a ,* it. rows & hydraulic wings; Kongsgllde 21.6 * * 3 pt. h. cult. with double rolling har- * * rows: White 508 4 furrow 16-18 auto. * reset plow; Kongsgllde 3 pt. h. 4 row cult. with rolling shields; International * * No. 510 24 run double disc grain, fort. * * & grass seed drill (like new); Crowfoot * * packer with 2 pups; Glenco 7 shank soil *saver with sweeps & shovels; Sandrun 20' 3 pt. h. cult. with hydraulic wings, * finger harrows; Innis 570 windrower * with cross conveyor; G.W. 200 gal. * sprayer; gravity bin & 8 ton wagon; N.I. *215 single axle PTO 3 beater manure spreader (real good): Colso 3 pt. h. *sprayer with 100 ft. hose: 2 gravity bins * with 10 ton wagons, one with roof; sot * of G.W. saddle anks 400 gal., pumps valves, ate. i?' fart auger; 3 pt. h. quick ‘1.. hitch; etc. s. , doss steel front tank for * * 970 Case Tractor. * BULK BINS: 12 ton bulk bin & 6 ton bulk * bin; bin augers. * TRUCK: 1973 Dodge 800 single axle * truck, with hoist & rocks. Selling as is. * Further information phone (519) * 482-3251 * TERMS: Cosh Sale Day Lunch Booth * * * * * * * * * f AUCTIONEERS: * * c..1 10 bit e. * * * Hugh Filson * (519) 666-0833* Tom Robson * * - (5191 666-1967* 40. Lost & Found LOST medium sized female dog sandy colour lost in Goderich Twp near Pine lake Missing 2 weeks Coll 482•3328 11 FOUND 2 weeks ago in Clmton area large size neutered mole dog, brown and black hound cross Very intelligent and friendly Had a collar and 2 togs but hos lost collar now Phone 482 3228 11 n x 41. To give away WANTED home for 2 pups 8 weeks ord Spaniel Doberman cross Phone 482 9858 1 1 x 42. Death notice 'alit ART At Victoria Hospitol on Tuesday Morch 10 1987 W C The Reverend Ernest Donald Stuart. C D M.A •. B.Dr.. In his 77Th year Dear husband of Mrs. Joylce (Hawkesworth) Stuart Beloved brother of Mrs Freda Crosby Son of the late Mr and Mrs. William Stuart of London Devoted father of William M. Stuart of Toronto and loving grandfather of Valerie and Tracey Reverend Donald Stuart hod an extensive career in the Chaplaincy Service of the Conadion Armed Forces and was a Minister of the United Church of Canado, serving charges in Trowbridge. Nlorpeth, and Brucefield. He had boon in ill health for some time. A Memorial Service was held on Sunday, March 15, 1987. at 2 pm, at Memorial Funeral- Home. 546 King Street (at William) London. "The spirit of Man k the candle of God."