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Clinton News-Record, 1987-03-18, Page 3
!CAMPBELL'S= CPH auction set for April 25 CLINTON - The Clinton Public Hospital ( CPH) Annual Fund Raising Dinner and Auction will be held this year in Varna at the Stanley Township Complex on April 25. Changing the format slightly this year, we will be having Hors -d'oeuvres and cocktails 6-7 p.m., Dinner at 7 p.rn. with the Auction to follow. Auctioneer this year will again be Jack Riddell. Menu plans included entrees of chicken kiev or barbecued steak, glazed baby car- rots, salad, potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, rolls and dessert of your choice ex- ecuted by ladies of Stanley Township. Some items already supplied 'are Expos autograph baseball, Montreal Canadiens hockey sweater, hand crocheted table cloth, paintings and other works of art. dinner for four at Robindale's also Benmiller, Clinton Raceway passes, pool membership at Vanastra, pig from Hill and Hill Farm Ltd. and tickets to plays. At ptesent there are 33 items and more are expected. Anyone wishing to donate further items may call Faye Fear or Dan Steyn, Proceeds from this event will go to the building fund which are allocated to the obstetrical wing. Tickets are $20 per person and can be ob- tained from the admitting department .at CPH or committee members, Faye Fear, Dan Steyn, Dianne Freeman, Al Jewson, Wayne Lester, Jo -Anne Radford, Joyce Chilton, Marg Makin. Tickets are available at the fund raising office located on Victoria Street. CPH obstetrical wing will have a home -like setting CI,INTON - The Board of Trustees at Clin- ton Public Hospital were presented with a list of needed equipment for the new Obstetrical Wing to be added this year. The new labour/delivery rooms will be furnish- ed with home -like furnishings, where possi- ble creating an atmosphere comparable to a home -like setting. The delivery room, where traditional deliveries, as well as ceaserean sections will transpire, will be equipped with as modern and up-to-date equipment as is expected in todays rural hospitals. The Board of Trustees are very confident the general public will be pleased when the new facility is in use. The total expected costs of the furnishings will be contained within the budget the hospital set at the start of the campaign. Items such as delivery room light costing $15,000; an obstetrical ultra sound unit costing $18,000; new furnishings for the obstetrical patient rooms costing $7,500 each, are just part of the list the Board of Trustees approved at their meeting held on February 23. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987—Page 3 This year's Volunteens (formerly Candy Stripers) for the Clinton Public Hospital were honored along with the adult Auxiliary during a gratitude luncheon held at the hospital on March 5. In the front row, they are (left) Linda Brand, Jennifer Carter (future Volun- teen), Sandra Howson, Joanne Duddy, Cori Sinnamon and Deanna Huron and Perth emergency services study, committee seeks public opinion The Huron and Perth Emergency Health Services Study Committee has been conduc- ting a comprehensive review of emergency' health services in the Counties for the past eight months and now seeks public input. Some of the areas studied were: hospital emergency department service; training of personnel who provide emergency services; the availability of ambulance services; emergency communication systems such as 911; .and the need for an air ambulance service. Information has been acquired through questionnaires completed by physicians, hospital administrations, emergency room head nurses, ambulance services, police forces, fire departments and municipalities and townships. To complete the picture, the Huron and Perth Emergency Health Services Study Committee invites interested members, of the public to submit commentary on any aspect of emergency health care in the Counties of Huron and Perth. To be considered, the submittions roust be written, signed and received by the Huron and Perth Emergency Heaith Services Study Committee, 105 Shipley Street, Clin- ton, Ontario NOM ILO by 5:00 p.m., Wednes- day, April 15, 1987. Two serious accidents over weekend A 21 -year-old Hensall man suffered major injuries on March 14 in one of two serious weekend accidents. At 7:25 a.m. Daniel Reid was southbound on Highway 4 approximately 1.4 kilometres south of Stanley, Township Road 30-31 when he passed a car. When he pulled in after passing the car he skidded on the snow covered road, went off the road and rolled into the west ditch. Mr. Reid was taken to Clinton Public Hospital with major injuries. Damage to his 1983 Plymouth was estimated at $5,000. In the other weekend accident a two car collision caused $15,000 damage. Timothy Craig, 18, of Clinton was east- bound on Hullett Township Road 10-11 at 11:20 p.m. on March 14 when he entered the intersection at Highway 4 and collided with a southbound vehicle driven by Hermanus Steffens, 48. of Lucan. Three passengers in the Steffens vehicle received minor injuries. Damage to Mr. Steffen's 1986 Pontiac was estimated at $9,000, while Mr. Craig's 1982 Pontiac sustained $6,000 damage. Charges are pending. Knights of Columbus card party The Knights of Columbus hosted a card party in St. Joseph's hall on March 11. The high scores were won by Ida Godkin and John Flynn while Mary Trick and Ed I)eeves had the low. The lone hands were 1 ANNOUNCEMENT The Londesboro Lions Club has recently been advised that the application for a charitable tax number for the "Back the Biter" fund raising campaign has been refused. Therefore any donations to this fund will not be tax deductible. This decision comes after two applications and numerous telephone conversations and at this point appears final. If you have concerns about this matter please contact Lion President Howard Cartwright to discuss your donation. We trust that this decision will not dampen the enthusiasm and support generated for Ron who, incidentally is now driving his fully equipped van. The Chub also would like to THANK THE COMMUNITY FOR In ONGOING SUPPORT and ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING UP- COMING EVENTS.... MEN'S EUCHRE TOURNAMENT Friday, March 279 1987 at 8:00 p.m. Londesboro Hall Tickets S. per pair Lions - Art Airdrie 523-4462 Proceeds to Clinton PuI Iic Hospital fund. REGIONAL EFFECTIVE SPEAKING CONTEST Monday, March 30, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Mullett Public School Light Lunch Served No Charge Audience Welcome OLD FASHIONED COUNTRY BREAKFAST Sunday, March 29, 1987 9 am to 1 pm Londesb ' ro Hall Proceeds to Community Work/Clinton Hospital Building Fund PAPER PICK-UP 3 st Saturday.f Every M nth 10 a.m. Paper Rick -up LYTH, CLINTON and L l::NDESBORO held by Ruth Fisher and Agnes Carbert. Vera Priestap was the lucky chair winner and Walter Pepper won the door prize. The next card party will be held on March 25. This will be the last party for the season. Lyon. In the back from the left they are Kelly Carter, Anita Wilts, Maria Verburg, Nghia Tran, Jaqua Lobb, Teresa Van Dorp, Melisa Whalen, Teresa Van Den Elzen, Nga Le, Wendy Johnston, Christine Stadelman, Shana Lee Ten Hag and coo -ordinator Bernice Jewson. (David Emslie photo) Clinton Spring Fair 1st ANNUAL TRADE FEST is now booking space for Trade Fest Friday, June 5 & Saturday, June 6 *Any type of displays welcome* Applications for space can be forwarded to: PAUL WHEELER Box 387 Clinton or call 482-7924 anytime or 524-7171 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. COLOSSAL, NERVE TINGLING...PRICE SMASHING VALUES! tsu 14r‘ HURRY WHILE GOOD SELECTIONS LIST` tS ‘,141EAR w Ware Dee � ply Apprec,ar er Paur rerrrffc Re r0 rhrs GRE' r SACEse v On e last few days of fso this ale Ending at 4:3© p.m. SaturY, March 21, 7987 we will be featuring IN -SPORE BARGAINS GALORE WITH MANY UNBELIEVABLE VALUES! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! NO BETTER TIME TO BUY THAN NOW! ALL SUITS AND JACKETS Including now spring atoct,. OUTERWEAR / �j off SALE NOW IN PROGRESS All Hann subleet: to prior sole. - DAILY:. ThUra,4 Erg, tiff op ' fat..9438- 6:3 pm - ars Pi* yens wear miumum MAIN CORNER'r 1 ALBERT "S1',, CLINTON', dNTAPIO 48/-9x"32 We accept VISA-MASTERCARD and yea we oven accept. CASH REMEMBER Sola Ends Saturday, March 21 5:30 pm sharp