HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-03-11, Page 12Page 12--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1987
Repaired church organ
gets a Sunday workout
By Blanche Deeves vice at St. James' at 3 p.m.
MIDDLETON - Morning prayer was held Mission Matters
in St. James' Middleton Anglican Church on
Sunday with Rev. Aubi`ey Bell officiating.
Ron Greidanus was the organist and led in
the ministry of music on the newly repaired
organ: Ray Wise and Conrad Schilbe
presented the offering.
Worlds Daj' of Prayer was well attended
in Trinity Church, Bayfield. Taking part in
the service from Middleton Church were
Lois Wise, Margaret Middleton, Dawn
Kuenzig and Blanche Deeves. Attending the
service also was Delores Dutot.
Coming Events
March 11 - Holy Communion St. at 10 p.m;
March 12 - St. James' ACW meeting at the
home of Lois Wise; March 15 - Healing Ser -
The Karamaja seed scheme of the church
of Uganda provide properly grown, tested,
selected draught -resistant varieties of seeds
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Kararnajo has trusted staff for delivering ,
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Card Party
Card Party - come and join us at an even-
ing of cards on March 16 at St. James' Mid-
dleton Church sponsored by the ACW of St.
James at 8 p.m. Ladies bring lunch please.
Little Natalie Hofflinger, of Kitchener,
visited with her Grandmother and Grand-
father I Don) Middleton this past week.
Les and Doris welcomed back
By Blanche Deeves
HOLMESVILLE - The Enterprising
Seniors met in the community centre in
Holmesville on March 5. Bert McCreath
chaired the meeting, and welcomed
everyone with a special welcome back to
Les and Doris Herron.
Gertrude Treevartha played the organ for
opening exercises. Roll Call was taken with
31 present. Minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. Frank Yeo presented
the treasurer's report and correspondence
was read.
The Zone Rally is to be at Dashwood on
Api it 7.
Charlotte read a few stories from the
Seniors' paper, The Voice.
March 19 is to be the Enterprising
meeting with pancakes at 2 p.m.
The quilters are just finishing their fifth
quilt for this year. Congratulations ladies.
The quilters presented Mary Puffer, Helen
Lindsay and Eloise Charlton and Blanche
Deeves with a thank you card for their lunch
prepared by these ladies.
At the next meeting, Bernice and Stan
Mcllwain will present slides of New
Cards and Shuffleboard were played and
lunch and social time enjoyed.
Church News
Worship Service was held in Holmesville
United Church Sunday morning with Rev.
James Bechtel officiating. Rev. Bechtel
spoke to the children before they went to
their classes. °a
Wayne Tebbett and Gordon Lobb received
the offering.
Dessert Euchre
Dessert Euchre at the community centre
in Holmesville on March 25 at 1:30 p.m.
sponsored by the Women's Institute and
groups from Goderich Township. Admission
is $2.
Keith Charlton displayed his many fly
fishing hooks and also provided the Enter-
prising Seniors with a demonstartion on how
they are made.
Monday afternoon euchre
CLINTON - In Monday afternoon euchre,
Marjorie Caldwell and Gladys Hoggart
were winners for the ladies and Ruth Fisher
had the most lone hands.
In the men's division, Vera Ci`)bin,s and
Bert Gliddon were winners and Agnes
Carbert had the most lone hands.
Euchre is held each Monday afternoon at
the town hall.
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This Varna UCW member, Bernice Reid, was hard at work on March 3 preparing pan-
cakes for the church's pancake and sausage supper, held to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
(David Emslie photo)
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How they scored
SUMMERHILL - A card party was held on
February 27 at the hall here with 12 tables in
Winners for high score were Irene Whit-
more and Bob Gibbings. Lone hand winners
were Verna Glazier and Bill Jenkins and low
scorers were Arnold Veenstra and Don
Draw winners were Earl Blake, John
Lyons, Blanche Deeves and Ruth Jenkins.
The next card party will be held on March 13
at 8 p.m.
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Margaret Harter
scores 106 points
By Mary Chessell
VARNA - The regular LOL e ehre was
held at the Stanley Complex on F' lay even-
ing with 13 tables in play. Margaept Hayter
had a score of 106 to win the 1 s' high.
Nora Heard won the consolation idrize. Bill
Caldwell and Greg Taylor won m n's high
and low. Draw prize winners wore Glen
Dowson, Annie Finkbeiner, WilfredChuter,
Retta Baird, Mrs. Patterson and Jean
Novice Winners
Raymond Beierling and Chris Taylor
scored quite a number of goals for the Hen-
sall team, winners of the Novice House
League Tournament in Zurich a week ago.
Way to go, boys!
New Job
Acquaintances and friends of David
Kalbfleisch will be interested to learn he has
been working for Livingston, an accounting,
shipping and brokerage firm in Toronto for
several months.
Spring Dance
The Country Companions will be playing
for the Recreation Commission's Spring
Dance at the Stanley Complex on A?ril 4.
Tickets are $12 a couple and can be ordered
from Deb Rathwell at 482-9153 or Sandra
Johnston at 262-2623.
The annual canoe race is scheduled for
April 12 from 9 to 1. For information about
this call Jim Kirton at 482-7234 or 7103.
UCW News
Katherihe Kaszas, the artistic director of
Blyth Sumner Theatre, was the interesting
speaker at the March meeting of Varna and
Goshen United Church Women in Varna
Church. Historically, she said, thelatre
began in churches in medieval times en
most people couldn't read, and plays h d a
biblical background. Eventually m ny
plays became unsuitable for worship ser-
vices and moved outdoors.
Blyth Theatre is rooted in the community
and has local and area residents on the
board of directors, including Varna's Bqa-
nie Roy. Last year over 36,000 people atterr d -
ed regular performances.
Plays such as Quiet in the Land and othe4s
written by local residents have been done i o
theatres across the country. Tomorrow Bo
has been done in Japan and I'll Be Bac
Before Midnight in Britain and New York
Another Season's Promise, written by Ann
Chislet and Keith Roulston, will tour acros
the country this year.
A new musical "Girls in the Gang", the
story of the bank -robbing Boyd Gang's
women, has music from the swing era and
was two years in workshops. It's expected to
be a big hit. There will be both comedy and
There are three exhibitions each year in
the Art Gallery, a high school drama
festival, drama classes for children aged
five to 20 and special feasts. They hope to be
open year round before long for drama
World Day of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer's Centennial
worship service was used, with leadership
given by president Joan $eierling and the
program committee of Bernice Reid and
Bonnie Roy. Organist Shirley Hill and
pianist Joyce Dowson played several duets
prior to the service, and Brenda Consitt and
Barbara Ann Parker sang a duet.
Receipts from the pancake supper held on
Shrove Tuesday were down by $200 due to
bad weather. A surprising number of people
from Clinton and Bayfield and area braved
the uncertain driving conditions and their
patronage was very much appreciated.
Varna women received an invitation to at-
tend Egmondville's thank -offering meeting
on April 7. Allan and Lloyd Grose will speak
on Kenya. A special thank -offering meeting
is being held in Varna on April 2 with Mrs.
Phillips, Barbara Ann Parker's mother as
guest speaker. An invitation was also
received to the Stonetown Quilt Show in St.
Marys United Church on May 6 and 7 The
dessert euchre will be ,on April 8.
"Keeping it in order
discussed by 4 -Hers
By Lisa Flynn
HOLMESVILLE - This week's meeting
got under way quite quickly. The topic was
"keeping it in order".
Members discussed cleaners, their jobs,
how to use them, etc. They also picked out
colors for their title page, "Sums Under
The home activities assignment for this
week was to clean out your fridge.
For the break, members had pop and
chips. After that they worked on their books.
Next week's meeting will he held at the
Holmesville Hall at 3:45 p.m. on March 9.
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