HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-03-11, Page 7CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1987—Page 7 Partners in success seminar for couples By Mrs. L,Stonehouse BELGRAVE-Couples are learning more about themselves and making plana for the future. This was the focus of a recently held seminar entitled Partners in Success for farm couples sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The seminar, held in London, was one of five held across Ontario this winter. Twenty-three couples from all over On- tario attended the weekend seminar on March 6,7,8. Theme speakers included Pat Ferraro of Guelph, who spoke on preparing oneself to meet challenges in life. Her speech set the theme for the entire weekend presentation. John Harris of Aurora, con- ducted the Saturday portion of the seminar. His topic was Coping with Choices, Change and Transition. A banquet, including .special guest Rita Burak, Assistant Deputy Minister, AMAF and musical entertainment by the Irvine Quartet concluded the Saturday evening. On Sunday, Rev. Derrick Tapper, of Burl- ington, lead a workshop for participants on making time for each other. Spouses need time to renew their relationship as a couple to keep their marriage healthy. Evening Unit Meets The March meeting of the Evening Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Bert. Johnston. The meeting was opened with a poem. The theme of the worship service was Gentleness taken by Annie Book assisted by Mrs. Bert Johnston and Mrs. Jack Taylor. The roll call was answered by 17 ladies on ways our ancestors predicted the weather without radio or television. The program entitled Biblical Faith and Refugee was presented by Dorothy Logan. The meeting closed with all singing followed by the Benediction. Lunch was' served by Mrs. Jack Taylor and Mrs. Leslie Vincent. World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer service was held in Trinity Anglican Church, on March 6 with 31 in attendance. This service marked the 100th Birthday of the World Day of Prayer. A section of the service featured a Globe; a Rose and a Lamp being placed on a table. The Lamp being a symbol of the beginning of the World Day of Prayer; the Rose a sym- bol of blossoming and growth in Canada and the Globe a symbol of World Wide spread of the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Ross Anderson gave an interesting local history of service held in the past years and also a prayer for the future. Many members of the Anglican, Presbyterian and United Churches of Belgrave took n., , ' • The sale table was a popular place during East Wawanosh Public School's penny car- nival held on March 3 and March 4. Crystal and Sabrena Black were busy during the se- cond day of the carnival checking out the wares. (David Emslie photo) Adelaide Allin wins high lady at euchre There were six tables in play at the euchre party held in the Auburn Community Hall on Tuesday evening March 3 and the winners were: Adelaide Allin Ihigh lady), Carol Daer (low lady), Frances Clark (high gent ), Clarence Allin (low gent), and Charles Johnston (novelty ). Euchre parties are held every Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. at the Community Hall. Everyone welcome. Women's Institute The Auburn Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, March 17 at 2 p.m. at the Community Hall. The topic will be the "Tweedmuir History". Everyone is asked to wear something green for St. Patrick's Day. Roll call will be "A way our ancestors had to predict the weather without TV or radio." Hostesses will be Mrs. Tom Lawlor and Mrs. Don Cartwright. Local Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Goffin of London visited with Mrs. Frances Clark on the weekend. Sorry to report that Mrs. Louise BRindley of RR 3 Auburn is a patient in University Hospital, London. Mrs. Florence Steckly of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawlor of RR 3 Auburn. Mrs. Tom Hallam is recovering favourably in University Hospital in London following surgery Tuesday. The Horticulture Society meeting will be held at the Community Hall on Wednesday, March 11 at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. Knox United Church Service Rev. Gary Shuttleworth conducted the morning service at Knox United Church. The organ prelude was given by Mrs. Gor- don Gross. Call to worship, prayers and life and work of the church were given. The prayer of confession was said in unison. Nicole Middelkamp played a piano solo en- titled "Minuetto and Trio". Several hymns vvere sung. The minister told the children's story and they went to their Sunday School rooms with teachers Mrs. Fred Armstrong, daughter Donna Lynn and Mrago Mid- delkamp. The minister's sermon was entitl- ed "Receive not in vain". Offering was received by Brian Ramsey and Marinus Bakker and dedicated. The minister pro- nounced the benediction and the service closed with the congregational benediction "Lord we pray". 3 M's Club The 3 M's enjoyed court whist at Laurence and Jean Plaetzer's on Saturday evening March 7 at 8 p.m. There were three tables of court whist and three members played t PANASONIC PC -1403 ` 14" COLOUR TV PHILIPS C.D. 160 COMPACT DISC PLAYER Personals Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Makas and Alicia of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Ken- neth Wheeler. Bert Johnston is a pal.ent in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. George Michie and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bosnian returned on Sunday evening following a 23 day bus trip to Arizona and the Southern States. Matthew and Alicia Ball of Hanover are spending 10 days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson, while their parents are holidaying in Antigua. Euchre Results Thirteen tables were in play at the weekly euchre which was held in the WI Hall, Belgrave, March 4. Winners were: High lady - Robena McBurney; novelty lady - Margaret Robertson; low lady - Mrs. Gor- don Wall; high man - Lewis Stonehouse; novelty man - Clarence Hanna; low man - Stewart Chamney. First lucky draw, lady - Olive Fuller and second lucky draw, man - Marj Coultes playing as a man. There will be euchre again this Wednes- day starting at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. AIWA. C.A.-W40 DOUBLE CASSETTE AUDIO COMPONENT SYSTEM Don't just dream Ov about them... . You could cribbage. The winners were Evelyn Merrill ( high lady 1, Gary Shuttleworth I high man), Kay Lapp ( low lady) and Charles Merrill ( low man). Maurice Bean conducted "A good night's sleep" contest which Barry Millian won. The next meeting will be howling at The Little Bowl Alley in Goderich on April 4 at 8 p.rn. Look forward to seeing you there. Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Clun met at Mrs. B. Thomson's home on February 24 at 8 p.m. The president, Mrs. Len Archambault, opened the meeting with an appropriate verse followed by the singing of 0 Canada and she led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting and thank you letters were read by the secretary. Mrs. Lloyd Penfound won the Valentine's Day contest which had been our monthly homework. Mrs. T. Rutledge offered her home for the March meeting when she will instruct on making dough people. Instruc- tions on what to bring for this work were given. The time is to be 1:30 p.m The pro- gram committee will be Mrs. J. Hurzinga and mrsidp. Hunking. The lunch committee will be ' r5. B. Thomson and Mrs.B. Norman. The draw donated by Mrs. Thomson was won by Mrs. Len Archambault. Mrs. Thom- son spoke about something to be considered as a project. She has a cousin, sponsored by the Missionary Church in Nigeria. She is on leave nowand money is needed for books for a new library there. Mrs. Archambault spoke about a short order meal course to be held at Huronview on April 4 and 5 and to contact her if interested. Mrs. Archambault read the prophecies written by a Mrs. Hawkins 450 years ago. So many of the things predicted have come true. The guest speaker was Mrs. Dana Bean who spoke on the Philippian President Cor- azon Aquino. She was voted woman of the year and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Mrs. Bean told the story of her life as opponent of President Marcos. She told how Mrs. Aquino took her husband's place and led a quiet revolution and is now the president and of her many ac- complishments in that role. Mrs. Archam- bault thanked Mrs. Bean and we expressed our appreciation. A social half hour followed and a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Hunking and Mrs. Rutledge. To Pamela King, Clinton BPPIpgory Tiesma, Clinton Anjannette Carter, Clinton Emily Parr, Clinton David Filltz, Clinton James Rhynard, Corton Jeff Lobb, Clinton Kiiniberley Farquhar, nmsra Andrew Ball, Clinton Kimberly Atkinson, Canton Kelly/ Lynn Renner, sioux lookout Lindsey Bartiiff, QClinton Michael Kaastra, Clinton Alonna Kemp,ciirton atialassommen em On March 12 March 12 March 13 March 13 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 15 March 15 March 17 March 17 1 WIN your choice of one of these exciting prizes during our 1 - DRAW! PREESPRING BONUS When you prepay your 1987 Lawn Care "Program" by March 16, 1987 you will automatically have your name entered into our draw. Weed Man Customers: Simply send in the entry form you received inJ. mail. New Customerlsr/oin the fun! Phone for your no obligation quote on our weed control/fertilizing program. 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