HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-03-11, Page 2Pae 2—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1987 Mews and featares Clinton's Junior Farmers voted to present a "big" cheque to Clinton Public Hospital dur- ing their meeting on March 9. Holding up the $600 cheque are ( left) Clinton president Lin- da Cunningham, Huron County president Robert Hunking and Clinton treasurer Neil Cartwright. I David Emslie photo) $3,500 damage A Collision between two vans at the in- tersection of County Road 8 and Concession 12 to 13 Road on March 7 caused $3,500 damage. - Ronald Van Massenhoven, 18, of Auburn was eastbound on Concession 12 to 13 Road and Gina Wyss, 27, of Clinton was south- bound on County Road 8 when the two collid- ed in the intersection. Damage to Mr. Van Massenhoven'S 1977 Chevrolet van was estimated at $1,500 while the other vehicle suffered damages estimated at $2,000. in collision No injuries were reported. Charges pending. are WEEKLY WEATHER 1987 1986 HI LO HI LO March 3 -1 -5 2 -3 4 -1 -9 2 -5 5 2 -7 0 -4 6 10 -6 -2 -7 7 15 1 -7 -15 8 16 1 -8 -24 9 4 -10 2 -10 Rain 10 mm Snow 11 cm Riddell wins uncontested • from page 1 area, Mr. Riddell pointed out the 7.4 per cent increase on hospital spending and the 6.8 per cent increase on funding to health units as examples. Agricultural Help As Minister of Agriculture and Food, Mr. Riddell's main interest was looking after the farmers. My number one priority has been the current difficult financial situation that farmers have faced since the beginning of this decade," he said. To help alleviate these problems, the Liberal government has increased spen- ding on agricultrue by 61 per cent in two years. According to Mr. Riddell, "That's a big- ger increase than any other ministry by far." At this point, Mr. Riddell expressed displeasure with the leader of the opposi- tion, Larry Grossman. "I find it incredible that Larry Grossman has the nerve to stand up and criticize our expenditures on agriculture as being too little," commented Mr. Riddell. Citing examples as to how the govern- ment has assisted the agri, ulture sector, Mr. Riddell said the Ontario Family Farm Interest Rate Reduction Program (OF- FIRR) paid out '$46 -million to over 9,500 families in Ontario. Locally, 807 farmers in Huron County were given a total amount of $4 -million. "If agriculture is depressed, the local farm equipment dealer feels the pinch, so do the feed and seed dealers, the truckers, the sales barn operators and so on. "Employees of these operations also feel the pinch and may even lose their jobs. This in turn affects all other local businesses. It impacts on the food stores, the clothing stores, the furniture and ap- pliance outlets and so on. And when the whole community is affected economical- ly, then the social, recreational and religious institutions are also affected. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Phone: 482-7741-, IOI GLASS / ALUMINUM See us for your building projects • Glass and Mirrors • Energy Efficient Replacement Windows •Soamless Eavestroughing •Complete Range of Aluminum or Vinyl Siding and Building Products •Window and Screen Repairs • Door Service and Repairs COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL clint®n TATO 24 Princess St. West, CLINTON 482-3322 FARM Patz Installation SALE and SERVICE and Parts KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. R.R. 4 Walton Phone 345-2734 or 492-7971 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES HEATING / A O DITIONING CBAIL '� MILL STREET, HENSALL 262.2020 Specialists in Pulse Combustion Heating Lennox Pulse Furnaces Hydro Pulse Boilers Lennox Central Air Conditioning WE'RE PROUD TO BE YOUR... LENNOX DEALER Blew • ECONOMY •QUALITY =SERVICE P.O. 005 1136 CLINTON. O617. NOM itO RES.: 48/.7374 THREE PHASE ELECTRIC Use our convenient pegging systems - call 1-800-265-9255 Ask for page 3078 BARRY BUCHANAN PHOTOGPAP Weddings Family Portraits Graduating Special Occasions Animal Photography PETE'S PHOTOGRAPHY FREE ESTIMATES Peter Anstett 94 Oxford St., Hensall Call after S p.m. 262-3024 GLASS LOW CONTRACTOR PRICES Full Selection Of WINDOWS -Storms •Replacement •New Construction DOORS Entrance Systems Mirror 8 Patio Aluminum Storms RESCREENING PLF"IGLASS ALL GLASS WORK SALES - SERVICE INSTALLATION D & D GLASS Located in Vanastra 482-7869 PHOTO PliY Country Pictures •Video Taping •Framing • Photography Bookings for Weddings, etc. RALPH SMITH Photographer R.R. 1 Bayfield 482-7295 OPTOMETRY PAI. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday. Tuesda'- Thursday, Friday 9:00 - 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforh Office 527-0400 FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL, AUTO COVERAGE — AGENTS — E.F. "Bill" Burst 527-1455 Bob McNaughton 527-1571 Graeme Craig 887-9351 Banter & MacEwan Insurance Brokers Ltd. 524-8376 JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 482-3401 ET E GEORGE SNIEDER Speciaiiaing' in: ROOFING - SIDING DO RS & WINDOWS - KITCHENS - ADDITIONS - RENOVATI-•, NS Phone Evenings 482-3632 CLINTON, ONT. JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. General Insurance Gubronteed Investments Clinton Office: 482-3401 Rea.: 482-72651 REP IR APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 4827'032 i "So you can see the health of agrigulture very much affects communities such as Clinton, Wingham, Goderich, Seaforth and Exeter," explained Mr. Riddell. Assisting Huron County Mr. Riddell told the full house audience that he believes Huron County residents have benefited from the Liberals being in power. "Let me give you a few examples," he said. "$184,'722 to the Huron County Library Board for the creation of a database of the library holdings; $1.2 -million to the Huron County Pioneer Museu.rn; $33,000 to Stanley Township for culvert replacement; $770,000 to Hay Township for a major water works pro- ject; $13,134 for improvements to the Stephen Township Arena and $112,000 to the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority for a rural beaches study," Mr. Riddell went on further to say the Liberal Party values the many community hospitals, adding the Seaforth hospital received $1.2 -million to expand its emergency department and the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital received $110,550 to expand the psychiatric out- patient facilities. "And the Clinton hospital, which the Tories tried to close, received $400,000 for a new obstetrical wing," he added. Everyone is expecting an election in the near future so preparations are now under- way, and Mr. Riddell warns that if the Huron riding wants to continue receiving the type of financial support it has enjoyed recently, the Liberals must win this riding. "It would be extremely dangerous to sit back on eur laurels at this time and expect that we have some sort of divine right to hold this riding. "Nothing can be further from the truth. We must continually work to earn the right to represent the people of this riding," said 'Mr. Riddell. "We are now on election footing. I don't know when an election will be called, but we have to be ready." Election Of Delegates Twelve delegates, with no alternates will attend the annual meeting to be held in April. They are Maude Hoffman, Dashwood; Margaret McClure, Creditor:; Howard Aitken, Goderich; Charles Erb, Zurich; Janeth Sangster; Damian Solomon, Exeter; Loretta Seigner, Ex- eter; Beecher Menzies, Clinton; Muriel Murphy, Goderich; Eileen Palmer, Goderich; Paul Steckle, Stanley Township and Dan Weigand. Vanastra to get long term By Shelley McPhee Haist CLINTON - The future of the Vanastra Public School has been further stabilized with the agreement that a long term leasing arrangement will be made to secure the school's present location. The Huron County Board of Education at its March meeting voted to enter into a long term lease agreement with Conestoga Col- lege in respect to the Vanastra Public School facility. The school is located in a building owned by Conestoga College. The board of educa- tion learned -that the college had reduced its space requirements in the building for the 1986 and 1987 school year. The trustees heard that the Conestoga contribution of 4,185 square feet of space is important to the financial viability of Vanastra Public School. Preliminary negotiations with Conestoga have revealed that the college is interested in maintaining this amount of space over a period of time. A proposed lease has been forwarded to Con- estoga which proposes a three year guaranteed term, a right to renew, automatic renewal if no termination is made, advance notice to termin,ate and an annual rent escalation based on the cost of living index. Awarding Excellence In other business at the March meeting of the trustees, it was agreed to hold an Awards of Excellence Banquet in 1987. The new initiative was undertaken last year as a joint project between the board of education and the district chapter of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. In 1986 the banquet was held at the lease Goderich Township Community Centre in }iolmesville. There, awards were given to outstanding students, teachers and com- munity members. The board of trustees agreed that the awards banquet was a worthwhile concept and it was voted to participate in a similar function in 1987. It is estimated that the board of education will pay $2,500 towards the cost of, the event. Special Student Events In recent months, two public schools have taken part in activities that have earned special recognition. At Hensall Public .School, Dave Kemp's class took part in &diabetes related unit as a result of having a diabetic child in the class. The culmination of the unit was a class donation to the Diabetic Association. The Sara Lee organization was chosen to feature the Hensall Public School project as an exemplary project and will be transpor- ting in four students I one diabetic and three whose parents are diabetic) to Toronto fora feature presentation. Mr. Kemp and Marilyn Taylor will accompany the students. Again in 1986, the Blyth Public school was chosen as a winning school in the Ontario Natural resources competition. The students were given a trip to Toronto, visited Queen's Park and met with the minister of natural resources. As a follow - :4p, the top four students have been chosen to take part in a fishing expedition with Natural Resources Conservation Officers. Blyth Principal Bill Black and teacher Graham Yeats have been the school renresentatives in this oroiecL. ANOTHER WINNER! IN KUENZIG FOOD MARKETS s ecofrf 100 Kee 0•11•"" Spttel. ABOVE: Wayne Wiggins, Kuenzig's Meat Dept. Manager, presents Gloria Carter of Clinton with our fifth 850. Grocery Gift Certificate. Congratulations! COME IN AND PLAY TODAY! YOU COULD 13E OUR NEXT INNER. 'O Cfiitr'A 'KE "Your Knech°teI Associate Store CLINTON