HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-03-04, Page 19uniawlionmesmie This swarm of high sabot students from Guelph, Listowel, Mit- chell, Exeter and Clinton packed the gym at Central Huron Secon- dary School on February 27 to practice for the Fifth Annual Winter Music Festival. Conducting this group was Denise Narcisse-Mair. The concert was held at the school that evening. (David Emslie photo) Rev. Bonnie Lamble leads service WALTON - The morning service at Duff's United Church, was in the charge of Rev. Bon- nie Lamble assisted by Sherry Hoegy, as Lay Reader who read scripture lessons. Marilyn McDonald was at the door. Organist was Glen- da Carter. Ushers were Ron McCallum, Mur- ray Dennis and Jim McDonald. Rev. Bonnie Lamble's sermon was Staying on the Moun- tain. Announcements of coming events were given out. The Board meeting for this month was held at the home of Paul and Dianne McCallum. The junior choir is to meet on March 5 at 4:15 p.m. The general U.C.W. meeting will be at the church, on March 4 at 7:30 p.m. March 6 will be the World Day of Prayer at Brussels Cathlolic Church. Next Sunday is the First Sunday of Lent, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The confirmation class is to meet in the afternoon and the Youth Group at 7:30 p.m. 4-H Club Meets The second meeting of the 9-H project, Sur- viving with Style, met at the house of one of the leaders, 'Mary Baan on February 24. Opening with the 4-H pledge, members answered the roll call, "What was your favorite eating away from home?". They then talked about feeding habits and if the food we eat is nutritious and of reasonable calorie content. Home activities include ranking off four days of meals and see how they measure up to the Canada Food Guide. Members are to prepare a meal for their families. The election of officers took place at the first meeting at the home of Karen Hoegy. It includes; president - Sherry Hoegy, vice- president - Danny Blake, secretary - Glenda Carter, press reporter - Heather Baan. There are six members in the club. Euchre Held Thursday evening euchre at Walton hall had eight tables in play. Winners were: high lady - Dorothy Townsend, Seaforth; second high - Doreen Hackwell; low - Ann Smith, Brussels; High man - Emerson Mitchell; second high - Iona McLean, Brussels (playing as a man) ; low - E. Quipp, Brussels. Lucky table - Rachel Riehl, Jack Simpson, Roberta Simpson and Bill McClelland. Lucky cup - Rachel Riehl, Seaforth. Hostesses were Viola Kirkley, Leona McDonald and Alberta Stevens. Next euchre is March 26. About People Robert Johnson, Wingham; Mrs. Colin McKarney and daughter Colleen of Bendigo, Australia and Is�abelle Shortreed, Walton visited on Tuesday -With Ken and Judy Shor- treed and family. Mrs. McKarney the former Ann Shortreed, daughter of the later Walter and Isobel Shortreed enjoyed visiting her old farm home. Steven Huether, Toronto and John Huether, Guelph attended the 85th birthday of their grandmother, Ruby Webster at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes in Clinton. Stanley Township to canvass for CPH By Mary Chessell VARNA - A canvass for the Clinton Hospital building fund for the obstetrical wing will be held during the week of April 27. Fourteen volunteer canvassers are needed for Stanley Township. Residents are for- tunate to have this well-equipped hospital in the community. Since the new emergency department wa3 built, patient services have increased. Shelley McPhee Haist's column last year on conditions she found when her baby was born also bears out the need for Dennis Mount wins at legion public speaking CLINTON — The annual public speaking competition was held at the Legion Hall here on February 25. An otherwise suc- cessful evening was marred by a serious er- ror in the placings of the Senior speakers. The proper order of finish in the senior category is: first — Dennis Mount, Huron Centennial; second — Nicole Garon, St. Joseph's; third — Karin Dykstra and Jen- nifer Tyndall hied). Those affected have been notified. The Junior event was won by Jody Fisher of Huron Centennial. She was followed by Nancy Lobb, Holmesville in second place and Chad Thibeault, Vanastra in third. Branch 140 apologizes for any distress caused by their error in the senior division. Zone C will hold its speak -off on March 7. in the Legion Hall, Kirk Street, commencing at 10 a.m. First place winners of the Branch Contest will speak in the afternoon register- ing at 1 pm. and competing at 1:30 p.m. Secondary school competitors will register at 9:30 a.m. to speak at 10 a.m. PUBLIC LAUNDROMAT FACILITIES AVAILABLE!! Morgan's Mobile Home Park 343 Victoria Street Clinton 482-7066 MTC DRIVER & ISSUING OFFICE RAT'ENBURY Si. WEST, CLINTON WILL BE CLOSED MARCH 11 TO MARCH 24 Open Wednesday, March 23 Commercial Stickers on Sole March 10 Family Paradise] Dance Hall RE -OPENS FOR BUSINESS BEGINNING SATURDAY, MARCH 14th. * Private Parties • Weddings Your Hosts: John & Judy George WE WELCOME ALL INQUIRIES 527-06;9 e.,...,.e.e1 better facilities. Anyone who would like to help is asked to call Norma McGregor at 482-9955. A small owl is frequently seen in the area of Harold Peck's shop in Varna, where it stays in a hole in a tree. Jim Kirton found it roosting near the entrance to his store recently and took some photos of it, From one of them, Jervis Photo -Pros did a glosg- up which Jim has in the store. Don and Deb Rathwell enjoyed a week's vacation in the sunny 30 degree climate of Cuba. They had good food, found the people friendly, and enjoyed the company of a cou- ple from Toronto. They spent one evening at PARTICIPACTI0N MAKES411 PERFECT nannnnarnnn$ PLAYERS NEEDED Anyone interested in playing Men's Sia -Pitch Please call 482-3087 v SEN s SEAFORTH it% As KEEPS ON ROCKIN' WITH THE BEST IN LIVE TOP 40 ROCK & ROLL PARTY HEARTY THURS , FRI., SAT. WITH RICK SPYDER NO COVER Coming Thurs., March 19 GIRL'S NIGHT OUT, HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY Steven CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1987—Page 19 Papermache snowman By Joan McLachlan VANASTRA The ,kindergarten kids have finished making their paper mache snowman named Mr. Happy. He is brighten- ing up their classroom. They have been doing snow activities in the classroom as well. They also enjoyed their sliding time out on their special snow hill. When they came back in they were warmed up with hot chocolate and marshmallows. By Lai R. The Grade 2 are studying about Clifford the -Big Red Dog and other dogs. They are doing stories and activities. By Dog By Shannon Embling One day my mom bought me a dog. He was small. I was so nice to him. We named him Mugs. A few weeks later he got spring fever and ran across the field. Before that Kim took him for a walk. She broke her arm. She had to wear a cast for four weeks. Dog • By Heather Gahwiler Sally said, "I love my pet dog. He is so fast. I like my cat but I like my dog the best. I like when my dog licks me." His name is Clifford and his owner is Sal- ly. They play a lot. One day Clifford said, "I'm going toplay with my ball." `I'm going to play too" said Sally and the cats. On Tuesday the grade 2 class celebrated Shrove Tuesday with games, activities and by eating pancakes. Dragons By Kim Dixon The Grades 1 and 2 have just started a unit on dragons. From their ceiling, hangs a huge, green dragon. I'm sure they'll have fun, and learn as well. Telephone Book Use The Grade 3/4 class has been doing a unit on using the telephone book. They are also doing a unit on science experiments that was started on February 25 and they are fin- ding it very interesting. Last week the class went to Hullett Con- servation Area. There, they had a cookout and then went skiing, snowshoeing and sledding. Art Work By Judy Elliott In art the Grade 7's are learning how to shade with paint. First they had to shade with charcoal, then with pastel, now they are on a big winter scene with paint. It is very hard but they enjoy doing it! Ms. Walsh says they are doing a great job and keep it lap. No. 536156 Clinton Optimist Club SUITCASE DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 10 at the Stanley Township Hall, Varna DANCING 9 PM - 1 AM TO "Sound Trek" WIN: a weekend trip to Fort Lauderdale, Florida Including 5200.00 US in cash. *Free transportation to and from Toronto's airport *5250.00 in cash prizes to be given away * Free bus service to and from dance - leaving from Clinton Pool and Don't Forget Your Suitcase! TICKETS: 525. PER COUPLE AVAILABLE FROM ANY OPTIMIST MEMBER FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 482-3023 All proceeds go bock into the community for youth! the Tropicana in Havana, a city of two and a half inillion. In the tourist area, American dollars were the preferred currency, rather than their own pesos or Canadian dollars. Cheque Presentations A successful family dance was held on Friday night at the Stanley Township Com- plex. A highlight of the program was the presentation by ri T-lill 03 the profits front► the se§quibgflWji3Ol ,t9.. Mr...(rieve, chairman of the fund raising committee for Ronald McDonald House in London. to Don Simons for Clinton Public Hospital's obstetrical wing, and to Lowell Mount and Clarence Rau, representing the Stanley Recreation Commission, for playground equipment. Over $5,000 was given for_each project. VANASTRA 11ONESS Indoor Flea Market MARCH 21st/87 9 am -2 pm VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE Admission: 50` Tables For Rent 482-3881 ATTENTION FARMERS Hullett Twp. Federation of Agriculture will meet on Tuesday, March 10, at 8:30 at Hullett Cen- tral School. Discussion on Mullett Wild Life Conservation Area. Guest Speaker Glen Sturgeon of the Conservation Area. Ina MIS INN IMO MIPS PIANO TUNING • REPAIRS • 'REBUILDING • KEYS RECt VEFtEl`1' • OAfv PP•CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER • • • COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTH • o Live Top 40 Rock & Roll with NO SMALL CHANGE This Thurs., Fri, Sat. SATURDAY MATINEE 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. or 8 • • • NEXT Fri.WE Thurs., , Sat.EN ANGELA .I •tow DINE IN OUR FINE DINING ROOM DAILY L : - ECIALS �4.•� 4 tri 1 i1 i iiM• / join us, March 28th at the Clinton Legion for your Hawaiian Getaway 7:30 Luau •Barbequed Sht;hkehah •Fried Rice • kland Sala(1ti 9:00 Hula • Dancing to "Anything Goes" LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: •( Irnion Puhlii I tn. prtal 482-1447 •f un(I Raising ( ()minium ( )tftm 481 1128 •( arnmrtte•e• Members 512.00 per person proceeds to CPH Building Fund 12 pc: Ruckel of fender fried chicken ,--•-'!5 -'L-f P7+1,4 44 S only 99 IN NOW TILL 15. !�— 4 _ %_ VVV777 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 BONUS 750 ,s,/ bye COPA cow with your purchase of the 12 pc. Bucket of Chicken SOUP OF THE DAY i'l i in� ( n.Lrn \ru,rtlr �,r�r•(.rIJ,• EAT IN OR TAKE OUT +tot() Dixie Lee Chicken & Seaf • 33 VietStrootrCr TONomemem Oemeemooboe•o eoe eeee•/d4$233- 7