HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-8, Page 814, ix) ,k I1 R; `rIM S, oC'TOBE18t1). 19os,
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Pall Trate Downing
Yes, we axe busy, but always ready and giad to serve you, come when
You will, cone as cften as you can, melte the big store your shop
home, you are Always welcome. Oottie and study the new styles in
Dress Goods and Mantles,, and be sure to drop in the tilineey Show
rotate and see the dauity creations in head wear. We are very, very
proud of onr new Fall Millinery, one styles sire right, c+ue prices are
right, our assortments are large. Come and let us have your opiniotr,
• An iumiense range of new Fur 1 •
eRuffs, Boas, and Oaperines, all i
at very special prices. Ask to it
• ▪ see our Tasmanian Sable Ruffs
• at $0, $8, $10 and $12, 1
•• Our new sbeared cooney and
ei Electric Seal Ruffs, full furred, I
.•w long boa styles trimmed with
4 tail clusters and cord ties, only
d $4.25. :
New Fall Overcoat and Rain-
coat combined, for men, Raglan
and Grosvenor styles in Oxford
grey, uew bronze and tweed.
effects. $0.50 and $1L50.
The new fur felt Fedora Hat for
men for fall wear. Black is the
correct color, and the new P
uta, the correct shape, dint or
double crease effect, 1.25 & $2,00
v •
Have you tried them—The Mooney Soda Biscuits—the general •
verdict is none better. Our opinion is they are the best we have ever •
sold. 3 pound card board box 21c. 3 ponud tin box 25e. Ask for the i
Mooney Biscuit. •
Floor 011 Cloths, 2 yards wide,
new floral and tile effect, very
pretty designs.
50c and 60c.
Lovely new English Linolemns, �
4 yards wide, tile scroll and •
floral effect, our very best qual-
ity, the' yard, $[,95, •
New Dress Goods
Are you interested, we would like to show you through, what we
think the most up-to-date stock in Exeter, some very special lines for
suits and odd skirts. English Zebelines, new flake effect, 50c and 60c.
Black and white and colored Neb effects, $1.00. See our new Reyer-
•sible Zibline, 60c.
Black Goods
Stewart's Black Dress Goods have a reputation. Ws stand hack
of every black dress we sell with a guarantee, your money back if you
are not satisfied—fair, aint it. Our Black Goods for fall are particu-
larly tempting. Drop in and see them, glad to show you through.
4 special numbers in pebble voiles, winter weight. 60c, 75c $1 and $L25
WANTED—Any quantity of butter, eggs, dried rapplec, goose fea-
thers, and large onions. Highest price in cash or trade.
j". s _fes "VT
The Sovereign Bankof Canada
Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
This Bank has exceptional facilities for tran-
sacting FARMERS' BUSINESS. No red tape or
delay. Exceptional inducements offered to De-
positors by our SAVINGS BANK department.
Branches in Huron County
F. E. KARN, Manager, Exeter Branch.
for Marriage licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Mr. Chas Coates, of Pontiac called
on friends here on Monday last.
Mr. Harry Chesney, of Winnipe g
spent a few days of this week with hi s
aunt, Mrs. G. A. K. Macleod. •
Gentlemen if you wish to keep your
wives good natured give them Exe t er
Star flour to bake with.
Mrs. Tindall and daughter, of 5 ear
forth spent a few days of last we ek
with the formers neice, Mrs. Fra n1
Mr. George Willis has accepted a
position with the M. C. R. at St.
Thomas and left for that place on'
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Talbo: and child;?
drove over from Seaforth on Mrnda y.
and spent a short time with Mr. an d
Mrs. S. Martin.
Don't forget the entertainment
given by the R.T. of T. and W.O,T. U..•..
. on Monday evening the 12th.
Miss M abel Brook took in the Blyth
Fair as an exhibitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Chicago are
visiting friends in town.
Miss Campbell, professional nurse of
London is visiting Miss Edith Hynd
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross and the
Tdisses Eva and Lilly Huston spent
Sunday in Clinton.
Miss Mildred Godwin, elocutionist
`took part in a concert at Watford on
Friday evening last.
If ynu want to enjoy a good laugh
attend the Olde Folke concert on
Thursday gy
eyeninygq, 'Oct. 15th. q
Bears the »The Kind You Have Always Bought
Up Supply
and Style
)We are not among those who
allow stock to deteriorate because
the season is somewhat advanced.
We are constantly on the look-
out for latest and choicest new
things in suitings,
Selections in suitings are just
s choice now as at the beginning
of the season.
Styles were never finer and
haver more satisfactory than at
the present time,
Merchant Tailor
them at mice from the public sebool
Professor Hieronymus with his
wonderful invention " A Boora to the
Olde" at the Olde Folks concert on
Thanksgiving evening.
Mr. William Delbridge, of Win-
ohelsea receutly sold to iar.Ballantyne
of Seaforth, a very fine 2 year old
carriage borne. This horse bas been
i - r
a•t t
fur c et tU i lie fall
eutetrd unnp t
fairs 8 different times at a as welly
times succeeded in testy tag off as
many int prizt•s.
Dr, ()vette, of London, Surgeon,Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on \Veduesday,
November 4 ; Wednesday, December,
2 1003. Spectacles and eye -glasses
properly fitted. Next vista will he
Wednesday, November 4.
Rev, Mr. Darwin, superintendent
of Missions will preach in the James
street Church on Sabbath next, both
morning and eveuing, sermons in be-
half of Methodist Missions in the
Nor•tbi%est and New Oute iu. The
Wesley Bi -Centenary thank -offering
will be taken up at the close of each
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething,with perfect success
It soothes the child, softns the gums, allays all
pain oures wind colio. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part ot the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable; Ba
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
The jury in the case of Miss Archer
v. the Sacred Heart Order, London,for
damages for wrongful dismissal and
wages, brought in their verdict ou
Saturday night, awardin g the plain-
tiff damages to the extent of $8,000.
They allowed $3,000 on the claim for
wages, and $5,000 for damages for
wrongful dismissal from the society.
The verdict carne as a. great surprise,
inasmuch as the Chancellor had charg-
ed very decidedly against the case for
The employes of The Molsons Bank
from the Managers to the junior
clerks are wearing smiling faces on
account of liberality of this old and
solid institution which has now been in
existance 50 years and passed through
trials and hard times without once
failing a dividend. This Bank has on
this occasion given all its officers a
good substautiel bonus cash down to
celebrate the occasion of its bi-centu-
ry. This is as it should be for the
employees faithful work has placed
the Bank iu the rank Of the foremost.
lMIr. Jas. Strang, who has past his
fourscore years and who has enjoyed
remarkable vigor and vitality is sonre-
wbatindisposed this Week the result
of a fall. Monday morning Mr. Strang
bad been down street as was his wont
and in returning home about mid-day,
a short distance north of the Metho-
dist church he was suddenly seized
with a dizzy spell, when he toppled
over against the fence, regaining his
balance only to fall again and this
time more heavily on the granolithic
pavement. In the fall he sustained
a slight cut above the nose and on the
cheek. His escape from a more seri-
ous hurt is a cause of thankfulness
by his many friends.
The wantof an authentic map of.
our own Dominion of Canada was
never so much felt as during the pre-
sent session a t Ottawa,when the Grand
Trunk Pacific bill was being discussed.
Few homes, business offices or schools
have such a thing. The publishers of
the Family Herald and Weekly Star
of Montreal, always alive to such
emergences, at once saw their oppor-
tunity and have engraved a most com-
plete and up -to date map of the Dom-
inion, with an enlarged map of this
province as well, It is a new Quick
Reference Map, and is all that the
name implies. The map is only one
of three valuable premiums given this
year to all who subscribe to that pop-
ular paper. The two others are pic-
•tures entitled ' "Heart broken" and
"Hard to Chose" and are, without ex-
aggeration, the most delightful sub-
jects ever selected as newspaper prem
Miss Jessie Robertson, of Goderich,: iums. Family Herald subscribers al-;,
a former teacher on our public school "ways get big value, but this year:
stair has accepted a similar position -.?certainly looks the limit as to what:
at Bracebridge. rs:ecan be given.
The choir of Oaven Presbyterian
church took part in themusical pr o -
gramme at Cromarty tea -meeting on
Monday evening.
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson and childre n
are in Mitchell having been calle d
there owing to the serious illness o f
her sister, Miss Nellie Elliott.
Don't forget the Olde Folkes concert
on Thanksgiving evening at Gidle y's
Opera House under the auspices of
the Ladies Aid of the Methodist
Have you thought of trying HAR -
VEY BRO'S. STAR FLOUR. A custome r
said the other day that he had been
using this flour for five years, without
a poor batch of bread.
Mrs. Joseph Cobbledick is in London
this week as delegate to the London
Methodist Conference Woman's Mis-
sionary society which is in session at
Askin street Methodist church.
A special meeting of the Womans
Institute will be held in the Library
room of the town hall, Friday 3 p. m.
Oct. 9. All the members are request-
ed to be present, MISS WHITE, Pres.
Rev. B.L. Hutton, of Centralia, will
occupy the pulpit of the Main street
Methodist church next Sunday morn-
ing and evening, Rev. W. Godwin the
pastor will preach anniversary ser-
mons at Centralia. '
Mr, Thos. Russell's handsome brick
house on Andrew street is nearing
completion. There is now being add-
ed a very commodious double veran-
dah and the whole when finished
will be one of the most beautiful resi-
dences in Exeter.
Single fare in effect for Thanksgiv-
ing Day this year allow passengers to
spend five days out .of town ; tickets
are good going Wednesday, Oct, 14th
and are valid to return until Monday,'
October 10th. Call at Grand Trunk
offices for tiekete and all information,
The Uniform Promotion Examina-
tions for the county of Huron will be
held in the public school on Thursday
and Friday, October the 22nd. and 23rd
Teachers needing papers must order
' LOST—Gold Link Cuff Button the,
coder will be suitably rewarded by
eturning the same to T. B. CARLING.
OUND —A roll of bills at Kirkton
air, owner can have same by proving
property and paying for this ad, A.
MONEY FOUND.—On fair 'ground, a
sum of money, owner can have same
y proving property and paying for
is local, by applying to Mr. A. G.
Cer, Secy.
WANTED ATONCE,—General servant
in family of four, good wages, no
washing or ironing MRS. J. H. A.
EATTIE, 90 Ridout Street Soutb,Lon-
dein Ont.
Thanksgiving services will he held in
the Caven Presbyterian Church on
Thursday Oct. 15 at 11 a. m. Special
collections in aid of the poor will be
taken up,
Muir and N. Dyer Hurdon with his
two boys returned from a pleasant
shooting and fishing expedition at,
at Port Frank on Oct. 3. They re -
ort good luck.
man, advanced pupil of Toronto, Con-
servatory of Music. in now starting a
class in Piano. For terms apply at
her home, Corner of John and Wil-
iam streets.
CORRECTION — In the list of prize
winners at the Exeter Fair, the name
of Mr. Chas. Harvey 'should have ap-
peared in place of Mr. Chas. Harney
as taking 1st and 2nd prizes in fork-
nd Berkshire pigs.
ESTRAY STEER.—Came to the prem-
ises of Simon Hunter, lot 4, con. 4,.
Usborne, on or about June 20th, 1003
A. red, roan steer coming two years
old Owner can baye same by prov-
ing property and paying expense,—
IMON HUNTER, Exeter, Po,
AucTION SALE BILLS,•—The auction
sate season
is again with
It will
pay you to get your sale bills printed
at this office. We print the bills on
short notice and will give you a good
job; A free notice of sale is always
given in the TIMES when .bills are
printed at this office.
Our new, fresh, and clean stock of Seasonable Goods,
bought cheap, selected with good judgement, as to quality,
and in good taste as regards style and appearance. You
will find it the attractive, popular, satisfactory
and low
priced stock of the season.
Dress Goods
Dress Goods—Choice single suit
lengths in nobby and handsome de-
sigus Scotch. Suitings, Zibelines, Bou-
cle effects and mixtures, all correct
weights, $6, $7 and $8 a suit.
Colored Zibeline Suitings in
brown, green and grey with
wakes pretty suits, 75c a yd.
Colored Zibeline suitings in blue
brown and red with white fleck, pure
wool, 38 inches wide, only 50c a yard.
Women's black Kersey Jacket, box
back, shoulder tippet, nicely stitched
and strapped, new sleeve and lined
throughout, $10. . ,
Women's Black Beaver Jacket, lin-
ed throughout, new sleeve, velvet
collar, box back, $8.00.
Women's Black Beaver Jacket,
velvet collar, box back and new
sleeve, lined throughout, big snap $5.
Women's Jacket with white fleck,
box back,cuff on sleeve,lined through-
out, up-to-date in every way, a big
bargain $5.00.
Ladles' Rain Coats
Ladies Rain Coats in dark and light
grey, heavy cloth, full length, new
sleeve. shoulder tippet, warranted
waterproof, $7.50.
Ladies' Wrappers
Ladies' Wrappers in blue and red
made of fine Saxony flannel, nicely
trimmed with flounce, $1,35.
Ladies' Wrappers made of fine
cashmerette, pretty patterns with
deep flounce and lace, trimmings,
color blue and red, $1,75.
English Flannelette, extra heavy
quality. pretty colors and patterns,
36 inches wide, 12e,c.
32 inch Flandelette, good weight,
dark and light colors, 8c yd, or 15 yds
for $1.00.
About 50 pieces Wrapperette, beau-
tiful patterns and colorings, wide
width, clearing at 10c yd.
Men's Underwear
25 doz. men's wool fleeced Shirts
and Drawers, extra good quality, well
finished, in all sizes, regular price 75c.
oar great clearing price 42ic.
See our fine display of Millinety. We are prepared to
show you all the newest styles iii ready-to-wear and Trim-
med Hats at reasonable prices. Don't fail to have a look
through before buying.
W. C. T. U. NOTES —A public meet-
ing will be held in the James street
church under the auspices of the R. T.
of T. and W. C. T. U. on Monday
evening the 12th, commencing at 8
o'clock sharp. The ministers from
our town will address the meeting.
Suitable and choice music will be ren-
dered. Everyone will be given a pleas-
ant and profitable evening's entertain-
ment. All are welcome.
BODY RECOVERED, — 1n our last
issue we made mention of the suppos-
ed drowning in Dake Winnipeg, in
the storm of Sept. 12, of Rev. James
James A. McLaughlin, Methodist Mis-
sionary at Berens River. A telegram
has been received at Toronto Mission
Rooms of the finding of his body as
well as six of the Indian children he
was accompaning to Brandon Indus-
trial ,School. Mr McLaughlin was
well known to many here. He was
about 50 years of age , and leaves a
wife and child at Berens River.
Sunday successful anniversary service
were held in Caven Presbyterian
:church. The weather being very fav-
`orable, large congregations were pre-
Iseet at both services and were highly
/delighted and instructed by the clear
;cut and polished sermons ot the Rev.
;Prof. Ballantyne, of Knox College,
Toronto. Although his text in the
morning was the familiar one "Bv
to -race are ye Saved," yet he imparted
;fresh thought to the old question"Are
Wen Saved by Grace or Culture?" In
rthe evening the text was 1 .Tno. 2; 15
"Love not the World" and although
the question as to the Christian's re-
lation to the world has been much
'discussed privately as well es public-
ly Prof. Ballantyne held the close
attention of a large audience to the
close of a forty minute sermon. The
offering amounted to $150
coming week Rev. Irl Hick's forecasts
are as follows: — A sweeping high
barometer and stiff gales from the
northwest, triaging frost to freezing
northward. ars quite probable toward
the end of the above disturbances;
but the regular storm period, running
from the 6th to lith, may so prolong
storm conditions from about the 5th,
as to retard the high barometer and
change to colder, until after the cul-
mination of the regular storm period
central on the 9th. It may be count-
ed on as a certainty that general aut-
umnal storms, with marked change
to colder following, will visit most
parts of the country at one or each
of the storm periods named above and
covering the first 12 days of October.
Look for early and heavy sleet north-
ward. The 14th, 15th and 16th are
reactionary storm days, on which
there will come a progressive change
to warmer, wish failing barometer,
growing cloudiness, rain, and possi-
ble snow in the north and west,
Parties getting their sale bills print-
ed at this office will receive a FREE
NOTICE under this heading until da0
of sale.
On Tuesday Oct. 20 at one o'clock
sharp on Lot 18 con. 9, Stephen, farm
stock and implements. THOS. AMY,
Proprietor, B. S. PHILIPS, Auctioneer,
On Thursday, Oct. 15, at 12 o'clock
sharp, Lot 19 con. 7, Stephen, farm
stock, implements, household furni-
ture etc., GOTLEIB MORLocx, Proprie-
tor, B. S, PHILIPS, Auctioneer.
Wednesday Oct. 21st at 12 o'clock
sharp on Lot 6 South Thames Road
Farm stock, implements, etc., ALEX
McboNALD, Proprietor, T, M. CAMER-
oN and HARRY'BROWN, Auctioneers.
On Saturday October 24th at 1
o'clock sharp at Brewster Post Office
there will be an auction sale of house-
hold goods, MRs. MARGARET Me. -
DO JGALL, proprietress, HENRY Bos-,
SENBERRY, Auctioneer.
A holiday trip taken by Mr. John
D. Spackman, son of Mr. E. J. Spark-
man of our town, who is now in Ger-
many studying music under some of
the great masters.
On Sunday, July 12th, I left Munich
and travelling all evening arrived in
Lindan at 11.30 p.m. The first glimpse
I got of the place filled me with ad-
miration, the moon was shining
brightly, casting her silver rays upon
the lake showing up in sharp outline,
the stone column with its lion on the
top that guards the entrance at the
harbor. The little hotel I stay-
ed the night at, was pleasantly situat-
ed and overlooked the harbor. After
a good night's rest I left the Bavarian
domains and crossing the lake, in a
small but excellent steamer, reached
Romanshorn shortly after luuch then
took train to Zurich. On leaving the
depot my first impression was I had
come to some beautiful city, so grand
and majestic did the streets, that met
my gaze, appear to roe. The lake
dotted with pretty villas and well
kept gardens, makes it one of the
most picturesque spots one can imag-
ine. I should have Liked to have lin-
gered longer in this ideal place but
on account of railroad complications
I had to hasten to Lucerne. After 3
hours travelling I arrived at the most
popular summer -resort of the whole
of Switzerland. 'Tis most cosmopoli-
tan and at a glance one can easily
understand why it is such a favorite
resort and why it is so much patroniz-
ed by Americans. One hears Eng-
lish at every turn, in fact every third
pian one meets is Swiss, the other
two are Americans, and a fellow feels
quite at home (Please pass the brown
The bathing, boating and fishing
are excellent and for about a dollar
and a half a person can secure first-
rate board and lodging. The inhabi-
tants are both genial and amiable and
try to oblige cne in every way, thus
furthering their own interests.
The excursions are numerous either
by land or water and should the
weather become too hot, one can find
one'self, in the space of 30 minutes at
an altitude of 2000 ft. above the level
of the sea. These funicular rail-
ways abound in these parts and at
the terminus one always finds good
inns where the accommodation is ex-
cellent. But when it rains, it rains,
and after two weeks continuous de-
luge like 1 experienced it, one appre-
ciates a sunny day, The first fine day
after the aforesaid two weeks deluge,
I took a trip to Sonnenberg, over 2000
flt. above Lucerne, The panorama that
meets the eye from this altitude, is
simply grandiose. The Casins(or gamb-
ling house) where there is a first class
restaurant is the place where the
smart set of Lucerene do congregate.
Fashionably dressed and pretty wom-
en, well groomed men, are to be seen
either promenading, listening to the
band, or risking thein money at"Pelits
Chereux," a species of gambling
game that is much in vogue here.
The Rigi and Pilatus are ton well
known for me to describe them (for
more detailed information see Mark
Twain's "A Tramp Abroad.")
I cannot close this short description
without mentioning the Cathedral,
which has one of the finest organs in
the world, and on a hot and sunny
day, to sit in the cool and quiet build-
ing, and hear the deep toned notes is
a privilege not easily to be forgotten.
In conclusion, it is my desire (before
sending this across the blue) to wish
all my friends hearty greetings for
there is no place like home.
6I 431., 17 ILI.CIO R X di.'
Bram the The Kind You Have Always Bought
flNo MFtP4TLtS
Having made arrangements with Miss MQrlock to do our Mil-
linery, we will be able to please our customers and anyone else who
wish to get their millinery through us, You can pay for it with any
kind of produce, for which we will pay you the highest price. Miss
Morlock is one of the best of milliners and will give entire satisfac-
Ladies' Mantles
R e adopt the best, safest and cheapest plan in Ladits, oater.
We order you the latest kind of a Coat. in any cloth or color yoit
may want. In doing this kind of coat selling we are able to sell
you coats much cheaper than the dealer who stocks them, said
can give you a newer style coat as we don't have to order ahead
to get then. We can have you a coat in one week. We have
already sold several and they give the best of satisfaction.
Come and see our catalogue before you purchase.
Childs' Coats
We carry a full range of Children's Coats in all the leading
shades and can give you a natty coat at a very cheap price.
Men's Boys'
Over Coats
We intend doing a big business in this line. Ours are a swell
lot. We have sold a lot already, We have the new Raglan in
nice dark grey at $7, $9, and $I0. Boys' $3, $5 $7,
Frize Ulsters at $4.20 to $7, half regular price.
JOCm Chamberlain
May be able to enlarge the British Empire, but if you wish to beau-
tify your home with the latest in Furniture Styles,
Call at the Gidiey Opera Block
Prices are right and every article bought, guaranteed or replaced,
if not satisfactory.
Picture Graming and all kinds ordered work cheap.
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming.
Opera House Bloc
Take Notice
Grist Mill
Has been remodeled and is in
full swing again, better than ever
prepared to attend to the needs
of their many customers, with a
good supply of the noted
on hand. With Plate Choppers
for fine chop, and a Roller for
rolling oats for horses.
Seeing is believing
Give us a trial
Get the Best—It Pays
i Best Place in Canada 8
g for securing a thorough business e
• education or a superior short- 81
• hand training. Our graduates o
0 0 are always suocessful in getting posi- • • tions. This school invariably gives it 0
A students more than they expect. Write •
for Catalogue. Enter this month if 0
g Principal a
is 0000040000000®000®00000000
These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
—they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package.
All colors at C. LUTz, Exeter,
At Lowest
Prices -
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a
better position than ever to sell Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building
Material at lowest prices. The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained
in both yards is heavier than we wish
to carry, so we purpose ietAilake a
material reduction in the price oe
Shingles until we get our stock re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter ated
the surrounding country for their
patronage in the met, and solicit a
continuance of their custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Complete assortment of uo-to-date
Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also
full supply
School Books
Note Books, &c.
Medicines and Chemical
Toilet Articles
Brushes, Combs and Perfumes.
Drug Store