HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-8, Page 5POPPL 1LSTON1i & GARDIN1R. General lllere+ll;a nts, • e Q t 0 E POPPLEarSTOI1E & GARDI General Mereheats• +0 • o L BGOIIIE11HU 011 ftiUdu, 06t. 211d and vvI11 6011tillue ililtil SdturUdu, 06t. 31st. 1903. 0 1� 1.8 tot - t fel X Oa v �t1s D P•1 Dry Goods Furs Hats and Caps Ready-to-wear • Clothing Boots and Shoes Crockery and (I)Glassware Wall Papers And all Other De- partments Except Groceries MIL (op 0 Stock 18 Months Old A el And is the Newest Stock and the best bought 4 Stock in this part of the country. zX TERMS --Cash or produce. Bring your produce 01. rrb V 1=2 P•1 0 P W z Ay d'3m -4 and get your discount same as cash. 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT I POPPLESTONL pi 6AMNE 6 Rats cr6hants. orie oo�poi 011166 Er • Alg eats for Co le Noyes & Randall's Clothing. Coppley, 3 P•1 P,1 IC'OPI'I.LSJiO.N.L+" its Ge1.Rl)IiV,x1IL`. POPli,ISEST0NE & GAIiDINE.i;t. Gemertall ]f2erclautnte- General Merchants. . re 0 0 N 0 Ob ti e5 es 93 '3 r- Kg ern 0 ro S,1 tite Lei esH Kr xsto ffe 41 .d 1 0 aro 0 g. dkr sv •d 544 Lei 0 in t•0 (15 h g t sir riff T B % A., OUR STENDONAPHENS JD DEMAND We cannot begin to supply the calls made upon us for stenograp- hors. Why not prepare yourself for these splendid positions? We have a thoroughly equip ed Short hand Department.. Railway fare up to Wallowed on tuition. Cat- alogue 'D" will bo sent you free upon postal request. A. L. DROWN, Principal. Locals . Mrs, A. Q, 13obier is confined; to her room suffering from nervous prostra- tion. Mr. Thomas Rowe, of Pennslyvania,. is visiting bis. uncle, Mr. T. Rowe and other friends. Dr. H. E. and Mrs. Silk, of London, spent Sunday with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs, R. Hicks. Mr. Janies Jeckell is erecting a new brick house on the lot adjoining his present.dwe]Zing on Victoria street. Be sure and use Exeter Star Flour if you wish to ba,ve nice, light, sweet bread, ask for it and take no other. Mrs. Wm, Davidson expects to move her family to London next week Mr. Davidson having steady employ - pent in that city. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature s on each box. 25c. In our report of the anniversary of Caven Presbyterian church in another column, we omitted to make mention of the choir, who rendered such effi- cient service under the able leadership of Mr. Joseph Senior. The Thanksgiving number of the New Idea Woman's Magazine offers a Table •of Contents which is a typical feast of plenty. Prominent among the gond things provided may be mentioned an article upon "The Presi- dent's New tlhurch," by Waldorf Fawcett "Obeetnut Dainties for •the Thanksgiving Table," by Eleanor Mar- chant ; Hen! ietta Crosn an in "As Yon -Like It," by Mrs. .S� iison Wood- row ; ''Caterit.g." the tbiid paper in a series of "Profitable Industries for Women," by Sarah E, Slater ; and a good list of other readable and inter- esting things from the pens and brush- es of well known contributors. In fact, every number that appears is an improvement on its predecessor, maintaining a high order of excell- ence. $62.50 to California and Return Via Ciiiea,g+o• a% No.r•eh-Western Bey. From Chicago to San Franciaco and Los Angeles, daily, Oe Leber B to. 17. Correspondingly low raters from All points. Three fast daily trains, with ma:gnilice,nt equipment through* to Jibe coast, i+nolud,i.ng the famous; e'en - trio -lighted daily Overland Limited; lees .than three days e•n•rraute, overithe oraly double -bract: railway, be!twelen Ohicago and the Missouri river. All agents sell tickets via This line. Send far illustrated bookle.ts, maps, and. full 1,nfasim.dblion• to B. S. 13enne!tt,.•2 Bast Iiin.g Street, Toronto. - PUBLIC WARNING The publishers of The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, warn the Public regarding an offer made by certain papers in which another Mont- real paper. with a somewhat similar name is offered in a clubbing combina- tion. It is reported to the publishers that in some cases the offer has been accepted under the depression it was The Family Herald and Weekly Star that te ould be received. The paper in question has no connection what- ever with The l amity Herald and Weekly Star. It is the Family Hera- ld and Weekly Star that is offering the handsome premium pictures and large colored map of the Dominion es premiums. isms. The word •'FAMILZ " should be nerd when addressing that paper. This caution should have the e ffect of putting people on their guard. • DOES CHILDREN GOOD. "I brave u sell . Dr. Lo'w's worm sr - Twp in ney family, and, it Inas laways been effe'otual and hos dune the, child- ren good. I can 'highly recommend( i t. Mrs. Joseph Langtry, Brockville, SLIT EMULS-I N Scott's Emulsion is the means of life and of the en- joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. To the men Scott's Emul- sion Fives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul- sion does this and more. It is sustaining a most suet g food and o tonic for the special trials that women have to bear. g To children Scott's Emul- 5 I cion gives food and strength O forgrowth of flesh and bone , 1 tti and blood. For pale girls, a s° for thin and sickly boys Scott's �� la Emulsion is a great help. Send for free sample. SCOTT at BOWNE, Chemists, Trtlnto, tl Ontario N 60C. and $1.00; alll.ctrugalste. IMES, OCTO8 8th 0083. If you are "afraid of laxatives," here is one' that really will not draw you into the laxative. habit. Little medicine tablets that cure Ind'' a tion and Constipation—gently, naturally, permanent p01180112120=161= -1.,M" MISMESSRIV161113111101119 TINY TOMO TABLETS —little pellets that cure you and keep you cured. A tonic that will build up the stomach and bowels, purify the blood, invigorate brain and nerves. Why not try? Anderson Miss Etta Fletcher visited Sunday with Miss Alice Murray. Miss Sarah Anderson is visiting with h er sister Mayme, of St. Marys, Mrs. Jt's. Walks is in London this week atter ding tle W. F. AL S. con- vention. Bob Atkirscn ana Will Hardy vis- ited w ith 141r. Bilyea, of Thorndale, Sunda*yy last. Miss Ada, and Master Aar old Cragg of Salem, were guests of Emma. Rob- inson, Sunday. 1ih's. Day id Hazelwood and daught- er Marjory, of Petrolea, are the guests of airs. Jas. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Leary and Mrs. Chap. pel, of Cromarty, visited Sunday withItlra. Thos. Bruce. Elimville Mr. Waller and Miss Martha Bern were in London Tuesday. The Patterson, Ellis Bridge Co.have about completed the bridge north of the village, and it will Le ready for traffic in a couple of days. Rev. Robt Hicks left on Wednesday l for Montreal to further pursue bis) course'of studies. Rey. Mr.Mi cDonald called on friends around the village on Monday last.' Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Hodgson of than - ton, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. Brimacombe, Rev. Dr. Hannon of Exeter, will preach special anniversary sermons on Sunday next, morning. and evening. As no tea -meeting will be held this year the Trustees are asking for a col- lection of $60. Mr. Wm. Taylor of Chicago 'pent a' couple of days the past week renew lug arquaintanc•es around the village. It is about 20 years since Mr. Taylor left here, and he will certainly note many changes. Our village is un the de cline and each year sees surnetliing being moved away. or torn down. Thirty -live years ago Elimville was one of the smartest little villages for many moles around and had it been fortunate enough to have had a rail- road, it would probably have been a city ere tbis, for at one time there wets two hotels, three churches, two stores, two carpenter shops and con tractors who dui a large trade, two or three masons, a wagon and carriage shop, harness maker, shoe maker, cooper shop and a doctor, andtoday theyhave all nearly gone, and by another decade all that wirl be lett will be the church and cemetery, as rural mail delivery from large towns will likely be in force by that time. Stephen gouncil The Couu.,al of the township,of Ste- phen convened in the town h•alle Cred- Ron, on Monday, the 5th of October, 1903, art 1 ip.. m. All enem be•rs were present. The minutes et the previous meeting were read and adopted. Ander on-;Wuerft-That the' clerk notify John Barry that his contract on bloc 1,13 4 'and 5 con. S. B.., have; elm need and that the counoil will Toe lett the same to some other person, and hold him responsible for any extra cost in rte -letting the contracts, and that the Reeve is hereby authorized to sublet the a work and takeea,ction: against Mr. Barry for any, extra cost of the raid oanLnaet.-Carried. Yearley -Anderson -That the Reeve cause to be served {farm:."C" (under the Ditehess and Watercourses Act) on all panties interested on the ,3rd side - mad between lots 15 and 16, con. 17, 118 and 18. Carried. Wuer ih-3'elaxly.-The t byrinev No. 5 and 6 of 1903, .being read thea third Gime be. paused.-Garried. 'Me following orders were granted: Municipal Warid, 52.10; J,aceib Sweitzeri 8112.50; Expeess'Clomp gay, 40e; Gaod Roads Machine Coe 59.75 ; Patreck Sullivan, 51.25; Frank Trieb- rrar, e400.80; Frank Triebner, $1.30 ; Frank Triebner, $41.63 ; Mansh•.Bloom field, $6.00; Pat. Sullivan, e8.80 ; F. W Farenoomb, $39.35; Itobt. Mere, 82.00; Sidney Davis, 51.00; Nelson ;Baker, 56.40; Heney Wilson, 500; Richard. Hill, 75c; Thee. Sevee t, 53.1.0 ; Richard Eaandfor'd,. $57.50; Wilson Anderson,/ 75c ; W. Penhele, $1.30; Angus' Camp- be1175c; Geo. Welker, $1.00; Joh :Keys $2.00; S. Presczator, $1.50; Clause Nashwanger, 60c. ; Mr. Baird, $2.50 .! Thos. Keys, $2.00; Jas. Yenning,%16.98 Chas. Stone, 55.00 ; Ed. Gill, $5.50 ; John Woods, 510.90 ,; J. G. Wein, $9.00 Chester Prouty, $25.00; Fred Heist, $5.00 John Pickering, 72e.; Step. Mor- rison, woo; ; The council adjouxnod to meet again on Monday, the 2nd clay ,of November • next at one o'clock p. ,m. HENRY EILBBR, Tp. Clerk. Greenway -Mr. Jas. Brophy was here Monday with a load of fish from Drysdale. -Mir. Eel. St+ew+a,rdsn,n's colt carried off first prize at the Parkhill fair. -Mrs Thos. Steeveds•an as visiting her cousin, Muriel, at Malcon, who I,sill. -141,iss Marilee. Wilson, 'of Lucbn, called an relatives and friends in this vicinity on Saturday and Sunday. -Mr. Jas. Wallis sold a 6 rnon,t'1rs'- ol+d call, raised on skim andHerrhalgelum, for 410.00, weight 180 ptqunlds. . -Our congenial friends, Mr. and, Mfrs: S. R,arlit,on, and daughter, Laura left .this vicinity for their new home in West Willaia,ms•. -Mrs. A.. Wilson is attending ,the W. M. S. 'Convention in !Condon this «^ n oak n She expects s to •meet her Kau - (Otter, Miss Mae, who has been away t inn, Fe•bire aezty -Mr. and MIrs. W. J. •SLinaon and baby. Alice, of Bayfield, attended the harvest dinner here on • Wednesday evening. &Ire ' Stinson and 'her child )remaining for a visit with 'her cousin Mee. W. J. Wilson. -Miss Zillah English left Tuesday on a M isit to her aunt, Mrs. A. M. Me Intosba in fort Huron. She went with Mrs. Samuel M eLinehcy and children, who has gone on a visit to her moth- er, Mrs, English, in Cairo, Mlich. Exeter Municipal Council. •Council mel pursuant to adjourn- ment at town hall, October 6th. All members present. Minutes of previ- ous - meeting read and confirmed. , Gi1le�spie ,-Cobbledick.-That the following certified cemetery ,accounts be :pulsed and orders drawn on trreas- serer for sem a :-Jno. Ford,labor 'tb October 3rd. $26.75; Joe. Sacey, lob- ar, $4,50; W. A. Balkwili, contract for ,building, $85.00; Believe v Bros, oats, 88c.; -Carried. Heal 'kinis-Creech.-That the fellow- ing a000unts be passed and ; orders drawn on treasurer for same :-C. ,' B. Snell, electric'li•ght to Oct. is•t., $87.50 13je11 Telephone' Co.., 3,0c.; W.. J. Hea- 1 awn, gasoline, .$10.73; Rd: Davis, draw Ing engine to Penhales fire,; $1.00 ; . H. Pa;rscrns, si:reeiLwiatering, $7.73; T. Domes, labor, $10.35; T. Welsh, , do, $17.135; Rd. Davis, tabor, 50e; Wm. 13etlha.ck, jr., 50c ' ; Miss Kemp, pert Belsey $25.00; ; Ford & Wilson, . pert +PuYmeek on gravel, 5250..00; HarveyeY 113•rtos., coal,' $A.3,4; •C. Baskervilie,sr, breaking stone, $5.00; Geo. 11, Bissett, pati salary, $25.00.-Carrlerl. iCxi,llispie•-Creech.-Tbat Robert' M. Taylor be appointed to the position of engrineee for fire engine to succeed_ Mr L Smith eeeigncd, renomnlended by Chief Weekes. -Carried. Connell adjourned to meet at; • cell of Reeve. GEO. 11. n1SSI1TT, Clerk. �3 .� IS°X"' �? �. 7� .Ela,,. . Boars trio the Kii tI You Nave Always Bought Signature of -The harvest home services held in Boston Methoclist church have proved most successful. Rev. W. Rigsby, xn, g Y, of Park/brill, .preached be a large audience Sunday aufber.noon. The dinner hell on Wedneeday evening was largely at- tended. The chwrch Gould not hold all ,wished to hear Ob,e' oto who the en.lrerP r• i d re e byRev. tree t,r nlmeitt. The a d ,.assev G. H. Thompson, S. A. Carriers, and Be L. W,ullsant, welret refry ixitea'en;iing. The fceramony of . burning the $1000 note was conducted by Rev,. G. II. Thompson. Mr. J. Turner, treasurer of the church handed him +' a lighted wax candle, on a silver tray. .The note fantsped into a wire was held ov- er the candle until consumed. The musiccl part of the programme.„ given by mixed and male quartettes of Orisditon, oamposcd 'of Mrs. Chis• H. ilHmoMtCz,inmsaBn,euIl,ah F3en tv ,e'rM bMeersts rs. an J. Edward ManTack d ti hit -d the audi- ence'and were ]ekrriulyspoon,rcl. .iro- tieds •a;nntrinted to '$104,00 Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum docket case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid,. on receipt of price. The Iran -ox Remedy Co., Lim- ited, Waikerville, Ont. BORN. GREGORY., -,In Medina, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Gregory, a son. , BEAVERS. -In Medina, to Mr. and Mss. J. W. Beavers, a son. ELAN. -In St. Marys, on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, to Mr. a:ncl Mrs. M. Egan 1a son. MARRIED. NAGLE-WA1.S,El.-In St. Marys, on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, by the Rev. Father Brennan, Mr. Thomas Nagle of Bianshard, and Miss Kate Walsh of Nissouri. 'GUBBINS-WALKER.-Att Granton lona Sept. 23rd, et the residence' of ;Wee bride's father, by the Rev. J. ,E. Holmes„ May G. Walker, to John,P. Oubbi.ns, of Emnporium, Pa. WILSON-c3IBSON.-1n; Enox church, on Wednesday, Sept. 30th, by Jas. A Anderson, B. A., assisted by. Re'v, DT Meldrum and Rem. Dr. Ure, James Wilson, druggist, to Louisa Grant, ,d•aughter of the late Captain. 'Sam - net Gibson. All of Godericb. DIED. ItteLEAN.-In G,odor:ich, on Friday, September 25, Norman, youngest son of M•r. John McLean, aged 10 months and 15 days. BEAVERS. -At Farquhar, on Thurs- day, Sept. 24 eh, 1903, Elizabeth Kemp, wide of Mr. B. W. F. Beavers aged 24 years, 7 months ,and 11 days. DEBE TURES FOR SALE. +Ten d.,re will be received up to i o'clock pp. m. of October 10th, 1903. for the purchase of Local, Improvement Debentures of the Village of Exeter, amounting to $2100.00, bearing 4 per cent. it Iere,•t 1•er annum, repayable in 10 equal r 01 nal installments. For particulars apply to Ts OS. B. CARLING. I SQ or to GEO. H. BI:.6ETT,f Reeve. Clerk. Exeter, Oct. 5th, 1903. , 1124 AUCTION SALE Of iieretord Garde and Gana- dian and Western Horses The undersigned hasbeen instructed by Mr. William Elliott, to sell by Pub line Auetion on TUE DRY, OGTORMR 13th --AT-- Lot 29, Con.q.,Goderich Township T,he Following. REGISTERED HEREFORDS. - 1 Aged 13u11, 2 Yearling Bulls, 6 Bull lOaiv,es, 3 Caws, supposed to be ere calf. 1 Three-year-old Heifer, 2 Tw.o- year'old Heifers, 3 yearling Heifers, 3 Heifer Calves. GRADES. -2 Milk Cows, 2 Two-year- old wo-yea:r-old Sheers, 5 yearling Heifers - HORSES. -1 Draft Reese 12 years, old, 1 General Purpose Horse 9 years old. 1 Driving Mare 12 years old, 1 driv- ing Horse 6 years old, 1 driving Horse 5 years old, 1 Roadster Fil- ly 3 years old, 1 Raadster Filly 2 years old. 2 Foals, 12 Western Hor- ses from 2 to 4 years old. TERMS. -6 months' credit on approv- ed joint notes. 5 per cent, per an- num discount for cash. W. ELLIOTT. Proprietor, Porter's 11111 P. 0. T. BROWN. Auct.i ones r FARM FOR SALE Improved farm for sale lot No. 1. en the 10th concession of Usborne con- taining 100 acres. For particulars apply to L. WALKER{, Woodham. FOR SALE At Elimville, a comfortable house with 2j acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best of water. particulars apply For p pp y t o the owner on the premises or by letter to War. MIN - Km, Elimville P. O. FARM FOR SALE A farm containing 90 acres of g,00d land, lot 6, cot,. 4, in the township of Stephen. sitnated two whiles west of Centralia, There is on the premises x2 acres of fall wheat, 2 barns, one a bank barn, with good stabling; well fenced and drained, 2 good wells a gond brick house and frame wood: house, a good orchard. For further particulars surly to PHILIP LANE, Centralia, 1 BTJGGIE S! BUGGIES! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, in the newee colors. Our prices areIow as can he foun for first-class material and workman ship. BEFORE YOU BUY GALL IIND SEE US - J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. MEDICAL W . BEOWru t . M. D. M. Q. office and re residence. Dom faduate uton "Labo��- tory, Exeter. DENTAL TTKINSMAN, L. D. S. ANl k DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate, of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or sonsbocker . West -side of Fan - son's block. D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons ' of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Evdoneinnthiis office• Bridge ork,acrorwns stal- luminum, gold and vulcanite prates all done in, the neatest manner possible. .A perfectly, harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bro's store Exeter. Ont. INSURANCE. 144K14EST ELLIOT, ' J A geII for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for the PROMS Freer NSurANCE COMPANY, of London, England ;. ALLIANCE IssundsOE COMPANY, of Er' and • MONEY TO LOAN Wmeat upon have farrmmiordvillage prote perty at oor wes rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. fl ONE ;T TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds tops loan on1arm and village properties atlowrates, of interest. GL:,DMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, IEGAL. FRED ELLIO.TT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Lean OFrsres-(Formerely of Elliott and Gladman, ), AMAIN STREET, EXETER. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyyencere. Commissioners, Solicitors for the Nelsons. Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. t. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, EXETER. 8. R. 'CARLING B. A. L. R.• DICESON, FOE, SALE—.CRICK RE STDENCE WITH AN ACRE ()ELAND IN' EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable, terms, that very desirable residential property known as s The Beeper Homestead" omestead, situated, on Lot No.10, south of Hawn Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable• and commodious brink dwelling also the, necessary outhouses. The house is In good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre, of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing, There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is me to date and the terns easy, for particulars ap- I t b i51o1r ply soft & CAttx,Iri b r o a ,fetors t lace er or to i. E. Hoormi, Rew P. O., Penna, U. A„ Proprietor. '1