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Blue Ribbon Tea is "hill grown" Ceylon tea.
The best tea because it grows slowly in the cool mountain air
and obtains all the fragrance and deliciousness the plant can
extract from a soil rich in these properties.
A nerve -nourishing tea—a sense -pleasing tea—invaluable for
brain-workers—solacing and comforting.
Mack, I4-ii7,Ced
- C.e9+loaa Green
C • >E`if4y
should be Ask for the
Red Label
The Moisons Bank
(Incorporatad by Act of Parliament 1855)
Read 001m, Mo'weal.
Capital (all paid up) — x2,500,00
Reserve Rind — — — $2,250,00
38' Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta,
British Columbia and Manitoba.
Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. re.
to 3 p. m.; except
Saturdays, 10 a.m. toll). m.
Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col-
lected. Forms supplied on application.
Drafts on all points in the Dominion.
Great Britain and United States
bought and sold at lowest rates of
Qx .haeg'.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv-
ed. Interest compounded half yearly,
..and added to principal June 30th and
December 31st. Deposits Receipts also
issued and highest current rate of
intereet allowed. •
Advances make to farmers, stock
dealers and business men at lowest
rates and on most favorable terms.
Agents at Exeter for Dominion
the £'xeter limes
Calenarjor October 1903
SUNDAY - 4' lis 'IS' x34
MONDAY 5 12 19 26
TUESDAY 6 13 20 27
WEDNESDAY... 7 14 21 28
THURSDAY1 S 15 22 29
FRIDAY: 2 9 16 23 30
SATURDAY 3 10 17 24 31
Folioiring'close on a 'be great finan-
eial onayh at Saute Ste. Marie, comes
;t}te startling intelligence that many
or the woollen factories of Canada
bane been forced to close down, while
b'lleare are working half time. '`Norse
Mien ural, ,it is uncertain . as to how
long even this -degree of.. prosperity
twill be enjoyed by the w-oollen mills.
Tae ,pr.ospeets a.re that before many
day's, the 'plants now partially operat-
ed mill be idle. .This means (heat hun-
dxtadis of wegeeeaamers will be thrown
out of work to join the ranks of the
great army of unemployed at the Soo.
These undesirable conditions are the
aesult of the government's back -
,ward fiscal polioy. The 'duties on
woollen goods weee reduced to an ex -
lent which -makes it impossible for
tth'e icoollen mills to be operated with
profit. A great home market will be
diestnoyed in consequence of the idlen-
lne)ss of tlhousands of skilled workmen,
mho, under adequate protection, would
.:be !provided "yth steady employmes t.
OEtui 'would mean the enrichment of
Canada as a wahuo'te. Sir, Wilfrid Laur
it2a, however. seems to prefer busy fee-
To be sure, you are growing u
old. But why let everybody
see it, in your gray flair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
and postpone age. If you will
only use Ayet's Hair Vigor,
;;your gray hair will soon have
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
Y ant now over 80 years Dict, and 1 have
, tmiek, glossy /lend, or long hair which is a
'wonder to eYery ono who Secs it. And not a
gray hair"in it, ail duo to Ayer's Mgr Vittor."
Dins. II. R, Barras, heeida, Mena,
ado a bottle. s. 0. Aver, co„
A tdru tots. for
T.ovvel�L Mas
ite Hair
levies is the United States 'operated
by+ expatriatstl Canadians, to the hum
of ttlse wheels in Canadian mils. The
story -of the "Soo" and, ;the "woolen
malls?' will be strung out .into many
C g
th is done to
ehta,pters rules.. something,
probeet Canadian industries, under. a
pnoei sei'vn' Co'nservati:ve policy.
Sud:dein changes of weather are es-
pecially tr sting, and probably to none
more so than to the scrofulous and
consumptive. The progress of scrof-
ula during a normal October is com-
monily great. We never think of sero
fula—its bunches, cutaneous erupti-
ons, and wasting of the bodily subst--
ance—w*.ithaut thinking of the great
good 'mvatny sufferers leave derived
from hood', Serelaperilla, -whose radi-
and permanent cures of this one dis-
ese are enough to make it the .most
temous medicine in the world. There
is probably not a city or town where
Hood's Sa tsaparilla has not proved its
merit in more homes than one, in' ar-
resteng and completely eradicating
scrofula, which is almost as much to
be feared as its near relative.—eton-
September Wedding
Knox oltureh, Goderieh, on Wednes-
day morning last was a 'deeply inter-
esting wedding, tho contracting part-
ies being ex' -mayor Jas. \Vil'son : and
-Miss Gibson, youngest daughter of the
Taste Captain Gibson, Bayfield ..toad.
At the appointed time the groom and
groomsmen, Messrs. Jno. Lawson, and
M. W. Bruce, of Toronto, entered' the
church, and a few seconds later, amid
the general hush of expectation and
craning of necks, the bride entered
leaning on the arm of• her brother,
George, of St. Louis, and the marriage
service began. Rev. Jas. A. Anderson
13. A, -assisted by Rev. D•r. U re and
Rev. Dr. Meldrum, tying the nuptial
knot. The bride was 'charmingly gow
reed in wthite silk voile over white silk,
entrain, wore. a bridal veil and carried
bridal roses. Miss Nairn was prettily
attired in blue voile. with lace and
pearl trimmings, and Miss Truax
ware white grenadine over pink silk
u-Lh,clumy lace trimmings. The brides-
maids wore lovely picture hats, and
carried pink roses. At (he conclusion
cif t'hr, c.ereneany the pa!riy- partook of
•t sump/ uo.us wedding luncheon, at
Lhe resii,e.nce of the bride's mother;
and ast 3•p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
left for an extended honeymoon trip.
to New York and other places, and
Mrs. Wil: on will net be at .home ,ti0
her friends until she is settled in the
ha'ndsomo new home which Mr. Wile
son-'ha9 been building =North street.
is ill -health, disappointed ambi cions,
usefullness clesttroyed. Pathetic army,
I rag•ie. Poor blood, weak nerves, n
tired brain. Is there hope? Yes! 13e -
muss -there re is a cure.
Ferrozone tablets make blood ; not
blood. but the fluid that strengthens
the whole body. Ferrozone does this
quickly by improving digestion,.stim'
ulatiou and by imparting health :and
tan` to the whole system Your drug
gist. will tell you a great deal more
about Ferrozone. Ask him to tell
you 'about the wonderful curative pro-
panties of Ferrozoexi Tablets.
Stupefying headaches are cured,, the
heard sleet'rsd, and the brain brighten-
ed by Milburn's Sterling Headache
Powderls. They do mot : weake'p the
heart. Price 10c and 25c.
Rev., IIumpii•rey Graham, of Well-
burn, has been elected ,member' of
the East Middlstsex Prohibition A:s-
All the lung healing .properties of
the pima are bottled up .in: Dr. Wood's
Norway Pins Syrup. It is the most
ea(,irfaclory romedyy for coughs and
coldri of all kinds, Price 250.
The death took place. Saturday of
Mr, Robt. Telford, of lot 27, can. 0
London Township. De -messed leaves
a widow and grown-up family.
Lana -Liver Pills are the ladies' fav
amen tali:h,artiei as they clot not gripe or
or paiin, si:cien or weaken on cause' the
011g'Jlit,eisit incio'nvenienee: Price Me.,;
ell 'draggtidts. •
1«iddis,Jstdx County , Council hats
!cjg'reed to pay 80 per cent of the
cost of a,ny of the' •pupils of that
rL r1
'tiatelety a.tteth&in ''St. 11:farys Conies/.
ltu'racit de.epai.r of curing; your slot
beadaehe when you oan so easily , ob-
tain Carter's Little 1 Jver Pills. They
will effect a prompt and , permanent
cure. Their action is mild and natur-
Vox Any ect., of nerveusne s, sleep_
letssnrd'ss, weak stomach, 'lndagestion,
d,}sp, VAS., cry Care'er's I,tttls Nerrve
Ville. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine for the price in market.
Jelin D. Rockefeller, the Standard
Cul magnate and the .richest anan 1n
the warted, when initiated a,s.e member
of the Euoli:d Avenue Baptist ohurclt,
Cleveland, Ohio, last 'week, said , 'tLe
e crxo:t of his success )ay' be keeping his
job and fetal he had ,work,ed hard all
Iris life. "Forty -eig1h ".•yea.rs
said Mr. Rockefeller, "I walked -thy
streets of this city a poor boy without
a job. I wanted w-crk and 1 rioted
earnestly- for it. I got a lilt le joliand
I worked Lard and kept that lltUe job
That is the secret of all success. , 1
have werk:ed herd all my life and I
inure succeeded in keeping my job"
'The aet.ion of darter's Little /Liver
Pills is 'pleasant, mild and natural.
They gently stimulate the liver and
regulate the bowels, but do niatpurge
,They are sure to please. Try them.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
This distressing complaint can b2
perlweld'y cured by inhaling Catarrho-
zofae, a 'sege'table antiseptic that dee-
trays the germs which amuse ,the.. dis-
ease. Catannhozone is inhaled at the
moud•h from 0..conivenient ,pocket , in-
beiler, ti,nd after permeating the/ miaa-
utept air erns, is exhaled slowly'
through the nostrils. It stops the
cough., makes breathing regular, an,d
erratlicates the Asthma so thoroughly
from the system that it never re-
turns. Don't suffer from • Asthma,
use Ca•l•arrhosone, it will spesdly,cure
you. Lange outfit, $1.00, slmallisize;
25e. Druggists or by mail from•'Pol-
s:tn & Co., Kingston ,Ont.'
Th'a annual fall fair of the Blanch --
and e,gricnbtural society 'held ontThur
sday and Friday last, was in all re -
a ycis up to tihr, average an, the his-
to'ry of tihe society. The wsa,ther was
WA: earl desa.greeable .for making en-
id.r.2s en the first day, yet the usual
number et exht,bidtars were pretselnt,
and thie display in the indoor depart-
ment was good. OE apples there was
a good display of fine fruit. On the
seicnnrti clay although the weather was
threatening there was a good atten-
danre. Wthsh the wet weather of the
day before, i:he track was -not anegood
condition for the ' speeding contes,;
The show rang of ' horses. and ,cattle
were exceptionally full. Below is a
list of prize winners.
Canadian Homey Draught — Span
heavy draught horses in harness —
Clarr•nr:s Ito.bincon Jas. Norris.
Threl3.-'year-old ,Ed.,Diekson, Clarence
Robinson., Two-year-old; filly or,
geldl;ing—Thcs. IIern, J. II. McCully,
R. Grundy. One -year-old filly or
gelding—W. Ilaywood, RatcliffeBros.
W. If ay wiogd. Foal of 1903—J. II. Ma -
Cully, R. Derry, Wm. Fawcett.
Brood mare—Wm. F „reel t. J. H. Mc-
Cull,y, Wm. Kink.
Agricultural — Span agricultural
hiarats—. Wm. l.lanson, J. :Robinson.
Brood mare — Wm, Hanson, James
Moore, Wm. Ruinelle. T:lrree-;y ea;r-old/
—Hugh Noriris, James Norris,' Two-
yema,ri-old filly or gelding—Wm, Del-
braidge, Jas. S•tephcroson, C. W. Robin-
son. One -year-old filly or gelding —
W. II. Pesem;gre, D. Golding, R.
Barry. Irani—Wm. Rundle, awl and
3rd, Wm. Kirk.
General 1?urpose— Span horses, W.
J. Pym, A. Robinson, .A. Joleasiton.
Brood mare -0. Miller, W. liighe.t.
Three-year-old—R. J. Mitchell. 2nd
and 3rd, W. Hyde. Two-year-old filly
er ,gelding -Geo. Kemp, 'John Hooper,
Wm. D•innon. One -year-old filly or
gelding—R. J. Mitchell, John Del-
brid,g'e. R. Berry. Foal—C. Miller, R
Berry, Wm. Iiig.be.t. Special prize:foe
coals under three. yeinrs—J., H. 'Mc-
Cully, Tares. Iletin.
R+oadeit•ens- Span horses in harness
—;D. Creighton, W. Hanson. Three..
year-a'id,—tiV. Dinnon, D. Wilson. Two-
year-old filly or gelding— Jahn Del -
bridge, T. Ila.nsan. Oneeyea.r-a1d filly
ar gelding, Thos. Elliott, Jas. Watson.
Feel of 3003— Tas W.a.tson•, John Sel-
veys� ~ingle roadiste`r—Wrn. hawk.-
s'baw, Jahn Wils'crn.
Cainria:ge ,Brood mare ba•vi,ng..foal
are 1903—Wm. Kirk, J. Watson, Three-
3-eel-old—Jas. Moore, J. 'Hodge. Two-
yea.reoad filly or ' gelding—C. Robin
Aching Joints
in the fingers, toes, arms, and otle r
parts of the body, are joints that use
inflamed and swollen by rheumatism._.
that acid condition of the blood white
affects the muscles also.
Sufferers dread to move, especiaii'
after sitting or lying long, and thcii
condition is commonly worse in we:
"I suffered dreadfully from rheusnatim,
but have been completely cured by Mood
Sarsaparilla, for which I am deeply grate.
MI." Mlss Peeress SMITE, Prescott, Ont•
"X had an attack of the grip which left me
weak and helpless and suffering from rheu-
matism. I began taking hood's Sareapie
rain and this tnedlcine has entirely cured
me, T have no hesitation in saying it saved
my life." M. 3. MoDortALD, Trenton, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Itemoves the cause of rheumatism—no
Outward application can.. Take it,
fG,d Pills.
Ayers. Pills are good liver
:pills. You know that. The best
family laxative you can buy.
}Trey keep the bowels regular,
cure constipation. to e i °i°a t;
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
►tilt M. a. P. LULL/ CO.. !WWII. N.IL
son, C. Millar. One-y'aa,r-.old filly or
gelding—J. Stevens. Paul of 1903 —
A. Deep*. Single carriage •horse, inharness—J. R. Moore, Jos. Senior.'
Bulls—Aged Durham J3u11—:D. Rog-
er, Trso-;y'ear-old Durham bull—Jas.
Moore, Geo. Bentley & San. One-
yetur-old Durham bull—J. Hodge.
'Thoroughbred- Durham—Pedigree —
Mi,1uh oow, Jas. Moore, Geo. Bentley &
Son. Two-year-old heifer—Geo, Beek-
ley & Son'. Bull calf under one year
—T. Raingpn, John; Prldham. Baikal/
1 calf metier one year—Ist and. 2nd, Geo.
Bentley & Son.
Jersey — Milcln , cow —It. Fletcher.
Helfer calf under one year, pedigree
to be produced—Arthur Doupe.
Ayrsibiras — Mitch oow — 2nd,. dl.
1'toll'etri Angus—Milch cow — Jet;,
IIazbswpod. Two-year-old heifer—.
Joss. ]dhzeinvuod,' Heifer calf-1st.ains
2ntd—Jas.. Hftze!`w'iobd. s '
Grade Cattle — Mitch cow ;— Jets.
Moore, Reteliffs Bross: 'Two-iyeitr•-ol'cb
heifer—D. Hazelwood, Ed. Copeland.
One -year-old heifer—A. Shier, W.
Hanna, Iletifer calf—A. Dupe Steejr
calf—Jahn Urquhart, Jas.• Hazlewood.
One -year-old steer -1St and '2nt1, Rat-
cliffe Bros. Fat ox or steer — Jas.
Judge=Thos. Russell.
I.,oicnslsr—fua;n two vatrs ul,i and
over—:Geo.. Pelnbale.
Shropshire D'owaas—Rwm, twa years
old -end over -1st and 2nd„Wen. Hoy.
Ram one year old—Jas. Hazlewood.
;W'm. Hoy. Ram lamb -1st and 2nd.,
Wm. lioy. I'•air ewes,, hexing raise
ed. lambs in 1x903—':VVm. Hoy Pair
sherling ewes—Wm, Hay. Paair ewe
lambs-- Wm. Hoy.
Lincolns—Ram Iwo years old and
over—Geo. Penhale. Ram one year
old—Geo. Pcnh'tle. Rxm lamb -1st
and 2nd. Geo. Penhale- Pair ewes —
Geo. Penhale. Pair shearling gene—
Geo. Penhale. Pair ewe lambs—G•eo.
Grade—Pair eaves—W. Manna. Pair
ewe latmb,c—W.: Hanna. Fat. sheep —
Geo. Ps!nhale.
Judge—]i. A. Switzer. •
Yorkshire—in this class R. Birtch
was the only exhibitor. taking four
Vases and t'h'ree seconds.
I3az'kehire—Mr .john Dunbar, wee
the only exhibitor, and was award-
ed three first prizes and three sec-
Tamworth—in this class D. Doug-
las & Sons were, awarded four firsts
a.nd three seconds, they being the
only esibibitors.
Judges—P. Brooks and Wm. Prid-
l''aia: Litnguilrain!;-1st and 2nd, D.
Douglas & Soca. Pater W.yandotdss—
D. Douglns & San. Pair IVainargats —
1st and 2nc3, D. Douglas & San. fair
Coclriansi 9].iDouglias & San, S. Smith.
Pair Plymouth' Rooks, white — D.
Diouglee & Sen, Wm. Brown. 'Pair
Plymouth Reeks, barred— 1st- and
2nd—D. Douglas & Son. Pair W.htha
Greeted. Black Pcland„5, 1st and'/ 2nd,
Geo. Benitley & San. Prier • Light
Y3,ra.hmas, G. Bentley '& Son • Pair
Dame— lel and and, D.lDou'glas &
Son. Pais Turkeys— H. Switzer, A.
Shier. /'air Geese—D. Douglas &Son,
II. Switzer. fair Ducks—A.. Shier,;H.
Judge- •ltobt. Mull orb •
Siingiv Top Buggy -D. itfrLa'r!ty &
The only exhi•bi•tors in agricultural
implements were O"BTieui Bros,. of
St. Marys, who were awarded so.ven
feast prizes, t'hro.e seconds, mad also
a special prize Lor best exhibition.
Fall wheat, white, M. Birethtour; • J.
Hodge; f:a11 wheat, red, David; Roger,
M. Bxtrl,bour ; six rowed barley, M.
Breehiaur ; large oats, M. Brethour ;
ecmnxmcin oats, white, AL Brethour•;
Geo. Bentley & Son; timothy eeedi
3. Hodge, M, 13rieslthonr ; white beans,
Da;rid Roger, Ratcliffe Bros.; corn,
Adorn Shier, R. Birtch.
Rural New. Yerk'e.r potatoes, W.
Hazelwood, W. Wiseman; Peatrl tot
Savay potatoes, Wm. Wiseman, W.
Hazl+owoad ; Beauty: of Hebron, Wm.
Sadler , '117'hi1.c Eleiphant, .John Prid-
ham, R. -Davis; Rese, Wm. Sadler ;
Empire Stale, Wm. Sadler, John
tir'quhart ; any other variety 'cor-
rocdly'named, Wm. Sadler, William
Brawn; -collection correctly reamed,
Wen. Wiseman ;Swedish turnips', S.
Doupe, John Urquhart field ear -
cels, R. 131rttcb, D. Roger; garden,
halrrals, ,IN)m. Ilazlonwood, 1Val;tetr
Iiazlewood A mange] woe reel , long
red. Ratratlffc liros.,11. Paynter•; many
gel wurze.l. globe, R. Iraynter; Wm.
Sealrr;; unions, Wm. Ilaziowood, W.
Wiseman; blood beets, J. Bodge, W.
Safrn)arte; turnips beets, John Prid-
ham, Adam Shier ; he,ass of cabbage,
while, Jas. Sanders, Thos. Road-
house, II. B. Switzer.; lora atone,
Adam Shier, A. Shier ; three heads
celery., W. 11. Pasey, John TJrquhart ;
citron, long, Wm. Yule, IT. B. Swit-
zer ; ci'hron, round, R. Paynter, Mists
M. Mc.0nlluni ; pumpkin, John Prid
brim, W. T azlie,wrood, walermelon, '4V.
Wise main ; n'uakme•ban, Miss M. Mc-
Callum; pa;ranips. W. 1C. Pasisy, Toe.
Sanders; squash, 3. Sand,eirs; ape¢',-
ial prize, sugar ' beet, R.;Diavia, S.
Orange Pippin, S. Smith, Ratcliffe
Bros.; Northern spy, Wan. Hanna, J.
Samdens; fellow 'Wafer, Itataliffe
Dime.; J; Sander,s ; Tgjnl:on Sweets,
J. San'd:erGs, Win, Manton; 13aldnvins;
J. Saxtdeiris, ii„ Doupe ; snows, A. I
Dloope, Ra lr'lff e. Liras. ; Rhode: lei ans
Griselnengs, F. P, Switzer, S. Smith ;
King of T•ani,lcins, F. P. Switzer,
Wm. Henson; Abexande+r's, W. Ilans-
on, J. Sa.nd,erts; 20 oz, Pippins, W'nx.
Hanson, R. Davis; Ribs ton Pippins, .
Jas. Watson, 3. Stevens; gobdare trees -
sets, J. Sanders, 3. Steyena ; :calve
ores, Jas• Stevens, J. S•ltier; Duchess,
of Oldenburg, Miss Kate Cee
yuga Red Streak, J, Sanders, J. 'Wet -
eon ;
eotn:; collection of apples, P. Switzer,
twelve o•rab duplex, M. Brelluour, A,
B,rwd!leaur; twelve plums, A. Shier,
M, B,re,t!llaur; fall pears, lst anidt 2n.d
Jas. Sander's; winter pears, 3. Shier,
A. Shier ; peaches, Miss M. 'White ;
open ai•r 'grapes white, Miss M.
W lhi le,
W'. II•azlehno od.
10 lbs. table butter, Wm. Wise-
Ara'ple Sug'a.r, M. BretLaur, iWies 1a,
Dowel maple syrup, Miss Ii. Doupe,
3. Lea:cle,ton ; home• made bread, • 'W,
Yule, Miss M. Jameson; pair .blaelk-
els, ,all wool, Miss M..—Creighton, M.
Jameson ; pair union blankets, Miss
M. Creighton, M. Jameson; honey in
sections, Gee. Bentley & Son; ex-
tent honey, Geo.; Bentley & Sou, 0.
Dow; canned peae les, Miss M. Jam-
eson ; Miss J. Robinson; plums, D.
Kemp, Miss 3. Robinson; canned
pears,. M. Brstihpur ; 'curetted cher-
ries, Miss Minnie Creighton; canned
g)ocls:be'r.ries, :A. 'Brethour, M. Bre-
thew ; canned strawberries, Miss
IVLInnie Cnei,ghton, A. 11 re atone ; c.an
nod raspberries, A. Bret'lrour ; M.
Brotihiour ; tom'atoes, A. Shier, Jas.
L'eadston; jelly, J. L,eoclsLone, Miss
M. McCallum,; .p.tokles , Miss J. Rob-
inson, D. Iiemp; eolbection of pho-
tos, Jos. Senior ; pencil drawing, Js
Taylor; portrait, crayon, 3. Taylor,
R. Beer; landscape, crayon, J•;', Tay-
lor • single sett ca
Larness, J.
Taylor; painting oil. glass, Miss' M.
White; special, Woman's Inst.,. IKirk-
tan, for bread, Mrs. II. Barr, William
Wiseman ; crystal painting, special,
W. Hanna ; buns, special, Win Yule ;
collection oil'paintings, special, 13i.
0ounterpaiis, crocheted, A. Shier,
liiiss 3. Robinson; counte,r,pans knit-
ted, -DIies 3. • Robinson, D. Kemp ;
paitchtw^ork quilt, M. Breth.aur, Es -
their Ferguson; beet quilted quilt,
W. Hyde, Miss' M. Jameson; • c'r;azy
patphavork, Esther Ferguson , R.
Doupe ; hand -made gloves,- Miss- M.
Credghton ; handl-made stockings„
1Vliss M. Jameson, Miss M. Creighton;
h.atnd•+mrade sacks, Miss M. Jameson,
Miss M. Orei.gOshop.; 1a,diets' underalo-
Lhing, Miss M. Brooks, Miss M. 'White
applique work on any material, M.
lereithaur, Miss M. Creighton: arras-
en2 work, Miss M. White, M. Breth-
our ; Roman embroidery, M. Bre,tih-
our, Miss M. Creighton; Venetian
embroidexy, Miss M. Creighton, Miss
M. Jannesonl; slippers, embroidered,
'arise M. Aledallumr,•; slippers, knitted,
M..es M. Cneighban, Miss J. Robinson;
:.: till,ow, M. B•relbiour, Miss M.
1,''b'isIe,; co•veriet, hamo-made, R.'Flet,
cher, 11S,iss M. Creighton ; child's
dress, Miss Mabel Brooks; Berlin
wool work, Miss: M. Creighton ;• Esjt1n-
er Ferguson; ram mat, A. Brethour,
M. Brslh'our; home-made• carpet,
Miss itC. Robinson, M. Brethou.r; feta
cosy. M. B.rel.hour, Miss M.• Brooks,
beard Wctrk, Miss M. White, Miss M.
Cretightan ; drawn work, Miss M.
Brooks, Miss M. .McCallum ; table or
piano scarf, M. Brcthour, Miss M.
Jameson; pillow shams, Miss M.
Jatmetson, Miss M. Creighton; knitted
lana in woolen or cotton, W. Hyde,
Esther Ferguson.; gentlem-an's t ie,
glove ,and handkerchief case, Miss • M.
Creighton, M. Brethour ; woolen
eth'awl, Miss M. 'White, Miss M.:Creig
hbon; Afghans in wool, W. Hanna,
Miss M. Creighton; Afghans in cotton
1V1iss J. Robinson, Miss M. I:LcCaillum ;
best and lantgieel aallection of ladies'
work, useful, the work of one •per-
ea'n, Miss AI. Creig]iian; noetics
Met are new and original, not sere -
citified in above, list, Miss M. McCu.l.-
lum, Miss M. Brooks, ; dinner mats,
Mics M. Brooks, AI. frethour; table
,centre prate„ Miss M. White, Miss M,
Jameson; tray cloth, Miss M. ,McCal-
lum, Miss M. Clr/ei'ghtan; table: doilies
nal less than four, Miss M. Creigh-
bon, Miss M. Jameson; netting, Nliss
M. MoOall um, Miss J. Robinson; bu
Been tholes, hist:her °Feaiguson ,Miss, I4T.
Jameson.; dresden work, Miss M. We -
Callum, Miss M. Creim'•hho,n; painting
an any kind :of analteriwl, Miss J. Rob-
inson, Miss M. White; hand sewing,
Miss M. Modaillum ; Iaundried shirt,
collar and cuffs, W. Wiseman; 'darn-
ed spateirm'nes of 'stockings, Misa • M.
White, Mies M: Cneighiotn ; s rocket
Work in cotton, Miss M. McCallum.
W. Flyde, eroobat work in wool,
Mies M.. Jameson, 'W-. Hyde ; ,jewel
case a•nd pin cushion oombined, • Miss
M. J3ro•oks, Miss M. While; toilet
matt,, Miss Al. McCallum, jos. Lead -
sten ; /.raper flowcire, W. i Wiseman,
Miss M. McCa11u•In. Stages, Mrs. Jas.
Routley, and Miss Kate Doupe...
Collection of house plants , Miss
J. Robinson; geraniums, S. Doupc,
A. Shier ; fuelling, Miss J. Robinson,
R. Fb3t11hcr ; anoLi, Miss ,T. Rcibi,nisan,
S. Dou+pe; rare plants, R. Hoskin,
Mics J. Robinson .
"Tho three tiscrdi:tn.; events were
,interesting, a+llbough the track wag
heavy on aiccoun1 of the !rain the
day before.
Sumina.ries.-2A0 class. best three
in five—Gus Goa!bel's (Mitchell) Al-
cline. 1, 1, 1,; Mr. Kuntz's (Exeter)
Lue,y-2, 2, 2.
3 minute trot, best two in throe
Beal,ty's Harry T'ho,mpsan, 1,
2, 3, 1; as. .Ben i l iw's Fa'rmer's
Prima, 3, 3, 1 , 2, ; Jack .Snell's Ex-
•e',12r, 2, 1,• 3, 3,
Farmers' race—Sam Collins, 1, 1;
Jared' Sole's, 2 , 2, Geo, Scott, 3, 3.
The Kind You Rave Always Bought, and which has been
Fs use for over 30 years, has borne the sig>natnre of
"4/ and has been made under his per..
49:7;472-7 sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
1311 Counterfeits, Imitations and. "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Oratorio is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare*.
;::lin, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
cc,llaisls neither Opitun, Morphine nor other Narcotic
tmlostanee. Its ango is its guarantee. It destroys Worms•
41/4 allays Feverishness. At cures. Diarrhoea and Wind
Celle. It relieves Teething .Troubles, cures Constipation
a'nt1 Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the,
Stonxa•elt and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.•
The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
”"'"ae!^.,r `:.tr:f:,:1:;.•. 'd:yin:.'7.4:
The Killd You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
';"k�:'.t;rYds . was:"•'P:M.-s, ...T„
4.; 7.
•VPr ... .
Portland Cement
WE HAVE just received a quan-
tity of the best grade of Port -
and cement
can be had at either Centralia or
Exeter Storehouses.
For which full market prices will be
paid at storehouses,
A man to represent "OANAD&'s
GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of
and surrounding country, and take
orders for
in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits,
Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses,
Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c.
Stock true to name and free from San
lose Scale. A permanent rosition for
the right man on either salary on
Stone & Wellington.
over 800 acres
OOOO0000000000000000004►000 TORONTO,
To have a truly delicious steak—
rich and juicy, done to a turn—it
must be broiled. Yet most ranges
don't make proper provision for
broiling. The broiling and toasting door of the
Arial Oxford
is particularly capacious. You can get a large
broiler easily into the door and over
the glowing coals, without
stooping or getting the
heat of the fire yourself
Call at one of our agen-
cies or write to us for
The Gurney
Foundry Co.
Tmr0r t
l►iontree1 Wii z ipeg
Branches are taught in the F. 0. B.
COLLEGE. Our students are not
guaranteed nice jobs, but after a
course in this College it will be
No Trouble for Them to Held
Any Position.
We aid them, if possible to obtain
employment, bot, we first equip them
to maintain. the high reputation this
school has ar'quired.
Miss 3. J. Johnston, Innislail; Alta.,..
say;9: "I was troubled with Earache•
for a. long time, and nothing helped
me mail 1'used ktagyard's Yellow, OiI;--
which cured/ me completely."
Wheat per bushell . , , . 73 to 74.'
Oats new . . , .. .. 26 to 27'
Barley38 to 40
Butter 1G'
Wool •40
14 to 141
Pork live weight ....$5.23 to $5.25- •
Pork Dressed , . , . 57.00 to $7.00.
Cure To a Cold in ne Dciy ) y�.
Take Laxative romo °R" ®n► every
Soren Million boxes sold nn post I2 rreonths. 5 signature,
' e, box. 25c.
..,. ,.�-. s. ° ^+. 7"•. a '�Cit�M i-?lY ew'.,s ,' a.,"'•Y...ns:a^,:,