HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-8, Page 3CHILDI
Moilt n
w�rM'• :•
'tate Esq
Point Iia'
the Polar
de, Thr
long ani
far from
of tl;eir
their Joni
children i
lnwuity aline
One of tl
to dance
They ai
melte; In
ern dot
an uifrer
trot iters
tee We k
a mittens,
song to
ilatle'c'e w
tad* tiho
to tiheir
clenches ,
elbow str
of tite ho
fluid star
right fool
down wit;
ea has a tarn
begins "I
ari'd in a1
the chill
song and
In whit,
keen have
they play
same ens
The cold
inane matt
trine pleye:
toes of o
}.: and a jus
foot, ivetic
expert the
for a
letting th,
The ohil
also amu:
sliding• tL
frozen sn�
cli81s alon
Sea. Titf
gates, not
but slide
on ineir li
sitting wv
gra. dng
hills of sn
and now
alive and
sen.c1s tee
foot of til'
Both bo;
raw are
t( but trey
��' sytem.
mitten or
with bits
and tlton
elttauits an.
The chit
dancin g,
an old tii
Bas left t
the tion ca
vise dance
vent sore�
The lit
tan ow ha
tie irsitr''t
"MI tigliga
cluiit llaux 1
is to tete
a piece of
iuca, eon,
It is M'ai'l
about an
never sid
little Troll
small 1,e
out into
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natty a li
polled to
to one of
fol interni
manner in
Tlio ch
shores of
with the
)holds a
stick in
made of
them tog
'figure can
beating eh
Then th
or canoes,
vita pas
pulling a ,
move its 1
made a m
The girl
cradle. Ti
one of the
One of the
and, by
fed by sea
game for
The fay(
dna, is alt
deer winc
is made 't
hand to t1
Lieut. 11
aro so poi
pains to x'
in the Sal
not to hur
to correct
"My wit
said the
"She neve
my EWoorwd,'
Irieid e" ase
"Three 'c
"Yes, M
girl She
on the r,
ing "
"And wl
"She '+
.. ....: ._m -: .;.
{(�(�({ /,� NORTH,
('�a STRONG,
.,```yjj �1
Lw ^ ry�1� /1 y� �z�••mA
�yc. it) �•., f /• yy�y common }��+/�r���,
Results 'Torn commoAI soa s,
men,rr who }"v0 y
out of floors
+. .,n .n wax, .�,,yt•
3 Coastxng•-Snowballs
-.. M
the Northern Lights
MM rel.
A Wonderful Tribute
of Dr, Williaxixs
M Mf �
3'EAxiS or
to the Power
Pink Pills tp
.••'.Y•••. "s
Suggested It Ma se Supplied by
Ethereal. Waves. .,
Whet Prof. C. V. Boys termed tele
miracle of medium." has naturally re-
context much attention in scientific
At the zrLeeting of the sci-
encs branch of the British Associa-
;. »
coarse hands, Xaggen
shrunken f�annelza,
, r .,
t., . •t' k.
c .
G :t t:
all the time. • r:
time and tsar, vzxtu.4111y no
clothing. Ito apostle, Gustav Nagel,
a' Med het *n the outskirts of
Berlin. a has Sven: some flay coni
verts, but, alas! he sells his photo-
Lord Roberts will to unable to visa
it the United States this fall., His
i i�
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ys a ':i�i;l�'
.;t om ,.,talk
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vomit ee •se • MryjeA'
'IY f`•'` T`�
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s� A� r 1. `J
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or.ahvrn of all Chil'drelra are
einem= 'Who live around
Cure Stubborn Diseases.
]'roof upon
P proof has aCGumuiatcd
tion Lord Kelvin, in a paper which
he read, made an interesting' sugges-
flan in its
, : •,, .. •,
r »� .r, :.t �t" �: $. 6iF T
rt, E.
change of plan is necessitated by the
postponement of the British army
until the
T 1 -`t
r, rete F , ,�
"."" ! �,;^* •
` moo. if �"
'"a� >�
which juts out fntYs
Sea beyond the Arctic sir-
we it is night all winter
day all Miramar long. so
becoming gloomy bo' ause
r dreary surroundiegs and
that Dr, 4lrillianls'' I'inli fills will
euro when doctors, hospital treat-
moat and all other rnedxstriea fall.
Paralyzed limbs have been restored
to strength, rheumatic sufferers made
with perpetual
ernes i,
son of heat at, according to
X. Curies calculation, a rate of
g ,
about 90: centrx isle calories psi
gramme per hour,
Ho said that if the omission of
'�.. �i }, i , r
" '`
.., ,�.' >1rCYir}
,Age for the Octagon ben,
u'Sanoeuvres middle of kio -
temper and by tete situation in Sone-
.aliland,. which demands attention. It
is irttoiestilt that
g year', ago Lord
Roberts chase the figure of a high-
lander for one of the supporters of
{ ..('�' :•a ski '•'i2 - h . r..
�� 1 r � p.7�r��,� ne.:-..- r^r"Y v..w....
+ rt" l;. S ^ `` : n, _ - �t .le
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iii =° "'==�"`
�. - .; ham: ;y :ri ' ((
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Le Z � v ^"`` r�+� =.� Vie' � r•J •',,
y �'
r�G:1�"D '� -'`
■ nights, the l olnt Barrow
ere particularly bright and
1 full of mischief and »lay.
tuzir telt« s in tvielitor is
pas g
to the Northern nights,
well, weals, anaemic girls and wo-
men made bright, active and strong,
neuralgic pains banished, and Ale
poor dyspeptic even a nese dips-
g g
tion when it seemed ahuost liopeless
heat at this Late went on for 10,000
hours there would be as much..lieat
as would raise. the temperature of
90Q 000 g
, g grammes of water 1 degree
centigrade. It seemed utterly nee
There was a dinner party at the
Smiths and Mrs. S. was desirous of
duly im re g g
y p ssin her oasts. And
his coat -of -arms. The reason is
that Mg -blenders have hed protein-
ent parts in all his campaigns, from
the siege of Casvupore,
area' Old Folk , a bd
i' s }_ '�
j .! h• �s e h,
• f ' lue Ribbon e
'o warmly c?,otiliecl in gar-
sic) of rite: olein of terse newel_
nr the Arctic fox. There is
garment something like a
%viUh a h�oo l to it, stein
and deerskin boots corning
nee. They wear deerskin
and when they sing their
Aloora Borealis and
ith it, he frequently ata
y q y
to expect a curo, here is a bit of
strong proof that Dr. Williams Pink
Pills bring health and strength after
years of suffering. Mr. Louis Brion
is a well known resident of Flt. Di-
dace, Que., and tens of his years of
suf?ering as follows,: "1eleten. years
ago, While working in the bush, I
strained myself and brought on ter-
r1b1H pains in my stomach and back,
possible to Lord Kelvin that this
would come from ilio store of energy
lost out of a gramme of radium in
10,000 hours. It seemed, therefore,
absolutely ,contain that the allergy
must somehow be supplied from with-
out. Ile, suggestedand
that ethereal
waves might Cu some way s'omit/ en-
er y to x'ad' telt}}0 it was elnittin g
heat to
all might have gone well but for
To' y Smith, who had been al-
to+wed at the table on condition that
her behaved luutself. Wonderful to
say. he did so till dessert carne an.
then he cold hold out no longer
he ase ed nay, demanded --a
third helping of apple le Cliariatte. It
P g i P
was refused and then the Childish
treble was raised.
Mated (who has answered the door
boll herself) ; "George, you must not
come into this house to -night. If
you love me, darling, fly at once,
and do not let my father discover
your presence. George (tragical-
ly) : "Oh eland my darling1 What
serpent has entered our (lona to
p !
wreck our happiness ? Speak, girl,
speak 1" Mend (tearfully): "Father
, :, •„l•
i 1
” ' `
A ase • :
i '
Elderly people appreciate goad tea'. They're
, ,
usually connoisseurs at know the most delicious -
that's why -
t� k•
-� `' te: ` $ " `
- r c. : ,
. -44:+I
tail of a blue or white fox"Very
belt habenal. Each dancer
be fist, and bonding the
ikes them against the sloeg
d keeping time to a son'
y, g g
ming vigorously with ribs
while anieterine u,p 'tate.li"
where the trouble seemed to locate.
1 lied frequent fits of vomiting,
which soused much distress. Some-
times 1 could work, and Bien again
for months at a time I would be
wholly unable to. do anything; but
matter around it.
Lord Kelvin illustrated his theory
by the following cam •orison: Su -
g po
pose a piece of white and a piece of
black cloth, lnerntotically sealed in
similar Lass cases, were submerged
in similar glass 'vessels Of water and
well," he said, "if I can't
have another piece 1 shall tell."
Leave the • room, sir 1"stormed
Smith, senior, and obediently Too
my slipped from his seat and betook
Vinson to the door. Before he op-
owed it, however, he turned.
has just had tho gas hill."e
J. H. Ifofineyor, for many years
loader of the Dutch party in Cape
Colony, has retired from political
- �:
` W r` : `z�•
. 4' y a¢a °
w i ,zl "? r.
r .•,, '`, r. iss 7 r. .
b articular) old folk's tea. It suits their exactingtastes
h tiho lett knee. The song
;alt number o4 stanzas and
:ioya ke, kioya lee," whtoh'
'hail to the Northern
When the aurora is bright
always su ere the g I Atti frequent t rk times
I was treated by three doctors, but
they were unable to help me. `i"hon
1 wont to Montreal and put myself
the ave vesselsed tcontainingr the black cloth in The weter i"may
would be kept •very sensibly warmer
than that coxltaining the Whites cloth.
Hero the thermalenergy was corn-
knld dioGkera are xrtado out
of old dialing room curtainsea
and he swung open the door and
•the —
Wire Company Erecting a Plant to
Turn Out 100 Tons of Wire Daily
and solaces then with its fragrance and soothing power.
Asia i'ssr the Forty' �y Cents Mack, Mixed e;
Teed Label Should be Fifty- Ceylon Green
especially d'czmcixig meoe
en will often keep up the
under the care of a doctor there, His
medicine relieved me while 1 was in-
municated to the black cloth by
waves of sunlight and was given out
-•�--- T
Jack I hear you etre going to.
-Looking for the Northwestt
dente for hours time.
active, but as soon as I attempted
as thermometric heat to the water
Whilst wiry is an article that is
•� - -
n• the Point Barnow child-
work or exertion of any kind, the
in the glass around it. Thus
marry Miss Prettylun, Vernet mo
used Try everybody, it is amazing
a snowball game whicn
with their feat. They 'Net
at rand. make a' ball aboiit
is so intense that the ballthe
ly becomes sone ice. Then
balances the ball en the
pains returned worse than before. All
this time 1 was growing weaker and
less able to resist the inroads of the
trouble. Then Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. were brought to my notice,in
and I began to use the, From
that time I began to regain my
health and by tho time I had used
through the water there was Actually
an energy travelling inward in Ter-
tue of the waves of light and out-
ward through tbo same space in vin-
tue of thermal conduction.
Lord Kelvin suggested that expasri-
meats be made comparing the heat
omission front radium wholly sur-.
congratulate you on roux excel-
lent taste,
Toni -But the engagement is 011.
I'm not going to marry her or any
one else.
Jack -Indeed I Then allow me to
congratulate you on your goad
how few people know anything about
its manufacture. This observation is
prompted by the kaolin of a neat
P g
pamphlet entitled ` "Wire, Its Manu -r
facture and Uses," circulated free by
North -American Securities Come
pany, Temple Building, Toronto. It
contains a complete history' of the
:`•-^ •.b
...seep:- ." . "2`
�+=?; ..'r="•""',s•+# �. ..••"•;t, '' = ^
The drudg sly of sweeping cls is done away
with by, the sensible woiTtaxli walk* ,Ies
r•• -M•- `
0 0;;4 ,
ne foot and with a 1(,icJt
nrp throws it to the athar
at catches it and throws it
thirteen boxes I was once more a
well, strong man, Tho proof of this
is that •I can do as hard a day's
founded with thick lead with fleet
found in the surroundings hereto-
fore used,
Truth is a stranger that a good
many people don't care to meet.
wire industry, and a description and
half -tone engravings of the various
processes, and machines used in the
,v n
��;. ,
Ba ;300.,
h room
same oftale players aro sw
work as anyone and never have the
manufacture of wino and its immedi-
e 's;,.�,:"
tt will keep this up
Lumber 01 : trokcs witiilout
bail tali to file grounki.
dren of this tip -end of land
ie 'themselves in wing by
awn the sleep basks ea
rw which form under thevented
Huse shores
g $g-
sleds oratobog-
even boatels, do Otis
slightest symptoms of the oI'd trou-
sorry that I
know of the Hills sooner-they(liwould
have saved me muck suffering and
money as well.
'With such proof as this, that even
curedapparen�t ere y hopelesscan be
sbe no reasonable
doubt that Dr, Williams Pink Pills
new 'form of the "facsimile talo-
which a message, written
at the transmitting end, is ra nodus-
ed at the receiving end has been in-
in Germany under the name
The mss-
of written
g upon I sheet of paper
lead held
Cannot Be Cured
Unturrh rsis a bis d or seathe
ctttu axil
disease, ane 1n *talar to curo tt, yc>u
moot talo iuteraaal rouudies. Haw's
catarrh Gttre ie taken laternally. and
acts directly an the bloact end lnttean3
aurfesees, Ball's Catarrh aura is non a
o°oe,l`,f tbt, best physit uisnuspiustlibecl�un-
try for years and is a regular prescriP
ate products, such as wire fencing,
wire nails, etc, The book, which isa.
mailed free on application, also con-
tains a description of the plant of
the Imperial Steel & Wire Company,
Limited, now in course of erection at
s er-,�
ecting *that pointod. sone of thecompany ifinest
sire Tants on the continent. The
rM �r
r °rid -„t;:
4 ' _
� .• x'1.1
.K;'' e , w
r `?
�+ w•< .
�,r, "`k �.;+ `
An housewife once possessingone will never
again be satisfied with an old-fashioned broom.
Iloeckh's Broome are sold by, all dealers at
popular prices.
Look for the name tc BficY�eii! ss
on Handle.
with in a pencil having
float It is composed of fere best toning
clown the sheep declivities
will restore health in all cases where
flexible connections with two rheas-
knwn,combs edCli Both thoer •
ultimate output will be 100 tons of
... .... -
:nees. Kneeling down and
311 back, with their invade
their ankles, theygo
along cliown great teep
.ow, laughing and shouting
given a fair trial. These pills are
sold by all medicine dealers or will
be sent by mail at 50c. per box or
six boxes for $2,50, by writing 'di-
tett to the Dr. Williams' Medicine
tats. As it moves over the letters,
the pencil shifts sliding contacts
which vat the electrical resistance,
At the reeeivieg end two electro-
magnets, influenced by, the changing
purifiers, surfaces.The perfect combination of the
two ingredients is watt produces such
wonderful results in curin8• Qatan' .
fiend nor testimoltlals tree.
F. J, thioles' & CO., Props.,
T'ioledo, O.
wit's • daily; 500 skilled workmen will
be employed, and the ground area
covered by the buildings will occupy
five acres. This company is offering
840,000 of the first bloc): of v4100,-
Buttons (western hotel): "That!
newcomer says you are starving "
hire. Pro r" tee (€uriously): "T 11
him I'll make him eat his words."
When a man attempts to make
monkeys of his friends he may be
forced into the monkey class him
and then losing their bai-
Co., Brockville, Ont, See that the
currents transmitted,. govern the
Jolts by drugqfirsts, price lac
tail's Forcing fills are the best.
000 of the company's stock for sale,
Buttons : I did, sir, and he said
getting a. tumble w•liiclh
full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
movements of a small mirror which,
. *
Tho stock is 810 shares cumulative
they would be better than nothing,"
n rolling in a heap to the
le snow hill.
ys and girls at Point Bar-
for Pale People," is printed on the
wrapper around every box.
by the aid of a beam of light, con-
centrated to a point by lenses, re-
produces the writing en a sheet of
Some Interesting Miscellaneous
preferred 7 per cent., with a bonus
of one share common for every share
of preferred. Some $60,000 has al-
Use Lver's Dry Soap (a powder)
to wa-gilt woolens and flannels,--
__ '• :. is AR
. ''• e
We are gettingthein, Woof bJ ea,. �cn ACD
ether huts wilhold th-im the, cowrie de.
fond of playing football,
sewn to have no order or
They simply get an old
old boot, and rdhtff it
of waste deeinskin or rags,
The ordinary brain begins to lose
weight after the fortieth year at the
sensitized paper, the point of light
following exactly the movements of
•the point of the pencil at the other
end of the lino,
One -hal?. the time of Count Tolstoy
is cievotect to answering letters and
receiving visitors.
ready been subscribed. Those inter-
ested in the vast industrial progress
of this coentry should send for the
pamphlet, and those who halve sur-
you'll like it.
Dr. Pills : Yes, old Malynaus was
on the verge of nervous prostration
eeene ne net's* halo," •dabeat latae eh et."
Medi pat pati:,mt iweamaile Vol Iv°heckle'
the od=es of flea wound together so t elth fur
'Iwori9 iti lutistteal. a a01 1i rows ePewarnble°sn nira
TEM >a>?LT AND way 80, CO.,erne.:
8 eoi t:• OS a°° >z �o ear .
tato of one ounce every decade. deb-
kick it about with merry star's continued to till the day
PO$i(! p SPER IS
Walther Kuntze, of Haile, Germany,
wiia has boon
Plus available to invest in
the growing industries of the coun-
all through worrying about his
xnoney." Dr. Squills : Howe •did
d in 'great confusion. grow
of bis death. • Even his skull increas
dreln are very fond of ed in size as if to make room for
! lliJ .t 1iE
deaf and dumb from
leis birth in 1859, bas taken out the
degree of doctor of the
try cannot do better than ut some
of it in such a staple industry' as
cure him?' Dr. Pills : I� re-
moved the cause of the tnoubte.
7f irtrin ;:tsEr a aaa
ro,tent.0 ._
into if they can ge't hola of
the brain.
.n case which same whaler
philosophy at
p p y
we Live boat varus in the city send for eatalag,
hey aro happy. Beating The heaviest brain of which there
n for a ileum, 'they im�nro_ is accurate record teas that of Tur-
s for themselves and in- goner!, the celebrated Russian poet
home has a water supply of 20e.-
000,000 gallons a day, London off,
160,000,000 and Paris 90,000,00h.
,`I don't know why it should sur -
, you to find that 1 levo you,
pp o3 Q EA �L gp� �}q g�g
(ssV'itE4aiA5t79R9 i
gzg1DrQe ell hard, soft or cat}Dues( inznrs
rrhm b 'sba, Wood Spavin,
Highest prices Send for Price Tesla.
and novelist. It Wr embed 71 1-
Said the elderly gallant.
end blemishes
s an ompany them.CURED
ale Lisquflmamx of Point ounces, nearly ten ounces more thanr
eve a moat misritievons lit- Cuvier, father o€-raoilorn compare-
invent mhich tl elk call a five anatomy a man of p
'the y, gigantic in-
Plain Statement of a New Bruns-
wick Postmaster Whose Kidney
average daily consumption of
Greater New York is about 400,000,rains,
000 gallons,
Jules Verne, 'tele French novelist,•
really,Mr. Oldbeau," replied the
fair • girl, ' I • alwa�, s thought you
were an old woman -hater." "Quite
so, but I•m not a o woman
y unb
etuhs, enitata, ring gone, siren -y, atrflca+,
p sore and slvollea t oft e. cons. e, r• c•
`6•are km by nae ox one butt e. ouzo ever,e
the most ee derful Blemish Cure
I,;_k �t
tTENTs �.
� € T 1E .
am." It • is to Es-
toy what the bean snapperreelect and ceaseless activity, had a
Pains Have Gone Never to Re-
whose health has lately been report-
ed as failing rapidly, is to have a
"I understand that visions chapr, ar' '04+lk►
' # k � � xz sna; pose
bigbrain. It weighed 65.7 ounces,
white boy. It is made g
or 1 1-5 ounces more than Webster's.
Aifi whalebone about fiveeyes.
S and Byron had brains to spare. His
cerebral organs were nearly as large
Lotver lri'indsor, Carleton Co., N.
A., Sept, 28. -(Special) -T. H. Be1S'-
cataract removed from one of his
He hopes to be able to resume
his writing,
W. C. ltihitin� Iowa,
Pur Over Sixty Years
ger, ars-snows Soorinxa strut. has been need b7
nations oa mothers for thou children while teeclttax
v{n$colirthe m, nee
is regarded as lacing twenty years
ahead of his time." "No," answer-
ed the grave -looking citizen, ' I am
his landlord, and I know better than
� TO pkveas
rl fes"
"`;ci If as l L tiiQ/9Ttptt.
sand for Handbook
6ea nav s'a„z an®tvYO on r:tcrst3, .c,
as W ebster's weighing 63.8 ounces.
owed oil and bent up far Schiller, another poet, owned 68.8
inch at one end, On the 1 ounces of grey matter, While Dante
Fidel°aimor le reisv well 1(uolnn ands
y respected,happy
of 1S a beliCt"-
er in the• promotion of agriculture.
I G has glean to Ames College a
reyntlaid,,oa tnonaeL bouels�nea, to
*caromed, b druuggists throughout the wo ld. Be sure o d
talc a4rrs. l4rrrssolv's SOOTHING srnur.' a9 -7d
hind time.” about xis months be-
CARPET� � 8�
and Cleaning. This is the ■
of tilos beevt•-up end is a still another, lead 50,2 ounces Gauss
large enough to hole a the great German mathernatician,
bole, and the atllaer end isheirs
hada brain of 52.7ounces. Proles-
discovery o•f a permanent cures for
the 7�idue alas that have troubled
y P
for yezu•s,
I have been bothered Kidney
•silver and onyx trophy, which is to
be awarded annually for seventy-five
years, for the best remelts in corn
1'rtto '
(engaged a week} : arrel e
and . I leave never had a quarrel 1"
i} { A
ilioaro S ��R1iii ______ �g I til ,h as
a specialty with
Send particulars by peat sad we are sure to satisfy
Box 153, Montreal.
harp teeele This
of mischief,s pure- sor Virchow has . found a brain
67.7 but owner
Trouble for years," Postmaster
ugu • Wil}nelmj, father of the
De Terminad : I think you
ought to have one before you ato
Edith : "I though you and Mabel
file Esquimau boy s caro- etas absol hely without high smental
retire with big mother in- development.
their snow huts for a sin-
Belyea says : `I have tried many
methanes and plasters without gett-
Ing any lasting benefit till Iteaxing
Dodd's Kidney Pills so highly spots:-
famous violinist of the same name,
recently celebrated his ninetieth birth-
day' Ho a friend of Liszt,
married; otherwise you can't be
quite sure whether you are going to
Itava our own wayor not 1"
were fast friends." Nellie : "tie's us-
- to be," Ecieth :. "And you are
not now 9" Nellie : "No," Edith:
"What was his name ?"
lVl�ua Lino Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool
Bestoa to Liverpool
ew because of the reckless
Wagner, von Butow', Rafi Rnbinstcin
which be uses his pebbly NELPFCJL.
Arriving home one evening a man
who frolic by the found the house locked up. After
en of I determined to try them. They
seem to have made a complete cure
in my case as I feel as well as ever
and othergreat composers and ver-
tease and lie plays the violin him-t�
I '
i ( $ L(l�(� C�G�s 0 ( � ,
ttan,stead Junction, P. Q., .
12th Aug.,tin189x.
b�aliela sasoand Etpa asgonD&tgio s 4ud t eE euoeam
;reaaiashtp■ Specialatte°ttonhw beams Iran to glia
3ece dpgaas°agc and padrta+eulat�, apply tai s�a°� aden$D1
the frozen. ea' and dance many futile attempts at the various
Northern Liens even have windows on the first floor he finally
toys among their play- climbed upon the shed roof and
I was,
T believe that Docld's Kidney Pills
are the right medicine for Iiidno y
Princess Ferdinand, of Roumania,
is said to be an excellent violinist.
Her talent is doubtless inherited
Aman never fully realizes what a
big world this is until he is coni
oiled to walk ten blocks with a
yiP1SSRS. C. 0. ItICT3ARDS & CO.
Gentlemen, -I fell from the bridge
leadingfrom aplatform of a loaded
Kota Company, or to paesengar ettenC s
7ittGteaE.,IIastoa. 176t.saarataentat..rifontecax
One is a wooden doll rep- with much difllculty mails entrance
ilr'cs.ed in shins. He through second -story window.
and will ilo all they aro
do. „
claimed to do.y
from her father, the late Duke of
strenuous corn on his toe.
while assisting ray men un
loading a load of grain. The bridge
z mart a
drum in one hand and a On the dining room table be foundwent
tele other. The arms are a note from his wife : "1 have gone
and by pressinggut. You will find the 1(e • under
' ybag*,
ether at the shoulders the the mat."
be mala to move as if t'-
Dodd's,o Pills cure the Kid
neys and with healthy Kidneys no
0110 can have Bright's Disease, Lam-
Rheumatism, Dropsy or •Pain
in the Hoed. Thousands will tell
Coburg, who was devoted to music,
Her pet hobby, like that of the late
Empress of Russia, is said to be the
collecting oi' perfumery bottles,
Tho famous clock tower of Chant-
ars cathedral has been
�i� �+ Mal GUM CarQ � In cos
"Does the baby talk yet ?" asked a.
friend of the family. "No," replied
down as well as the load on
pay back and I struck on the ends of
tahe sleepers causing a serious injury
to 'my leg. Only for its being very
hard would have broken it, In an
Poultry� ALL t$sDaO3 O
�a 8
Pro -
And Farm Pro-
e drum.
o have little 1(akaaks, A LETTER TO MOTHERS.consign
you this out of their own expels.
,just success-
fullyrestored. For pian years it
bad been crumbling, fear
the baby's disgusted little brother,
"the baby doesn't have to talk."
horn. could not walk a step
mensal using lay to Liniment,
the third day went Montreal
it to us
in which aro seated dolls
idles en their hands. By M • Jas. E. Harley, 'Worthington,
string the doll is made to Ont. gives permission .to publish
ieaii from side to sine and the following letter for the benefit of
otion.as if
A new process for making imita-
•tions of statuary marble, onyx and
and a was
entertained that it would fall, like
the Campanile of Venice. The tow-
er dates from the end of the twelfth
century. It is 3.4.5 feet high.
"Doesni't have to tall:?" "No, All
the baby has to do is i • yell and it
gets anything there is 1. the house
that's wortb having, '
on business and got about well by
the use of a cane. In ten days was
nearly well, I can siitccrly racoon-
mend it as the best Liniment that 1
wi' it axil we will get
you good prices.
pa<illing" other mothers who have young chit-
s ode fonii of playing cat's dren in their homes. She says: -"T
little fire; in y
other multicolored stones has been
devised in Europe. About 1,000
The German Kaiser's belief in the
value of display is shown in
know of in use. Yours truly,
C. 'in r.013.110N_
" ■
Dawson o 1SSion Co.,
t'a will sit
underground houses, or in lave many reasons to be grateful to
parts of alum to from 10 to 100
the announcement that the Berlin
p s
The wise man has sense enough to
9'15t?�C3�7�G1- usdit5�
Inns made of frozen show, Baby's Own Tablets, and to reeom-
mend them to other mothers. Our
parts of heavy spar (barium sue-
relate) and 3.00 parts of water are
Tiergarten is soon to have fourteen
His influence
take good advice, and generally takes
ho light of a stone lamp,
] oil, will play at this little girl is now about fourteen
mixed with the requisite pigments,
new monuments. for
the erection of public monuments has
�' ; -
his own.
an•..> •"•-M-.,.•, >�
hours mating all sorts of months elle, And she has taken the
d figures with the string. Tablets at intervals since sho was
)rate figure, and a difficult two months old, and I cannot speak
and the liquid mass is boiled down
and cast in a mold. Tho amount of
heavy spar used varies with the de-
flail a pronounced effect in Germany.
Among the 'famous men to be corn-
memorated in the new status are
Cay, new springs all round, machin•
e representation of a vein- too highly of them. Since I came
lit by moving the fingers, here about a year ago, every mother
i run down bill from one who has. small children has asked mo
ee other, what I gave our baby to keep her in
gr'ce of transtitcence desired. After
being molded and dried, the artifi-.
sial stone. thus produced can bo or
label anti finished as desired,.
•]lIoltl(e, Boon, Wagner, Haydn, Mo-
aorta Beethoven, Helmholtz, Zoller,
and Blumenthal.'
In one of the harness rooms at
t! o
` A c
a ,
b 410
e.. ?OS Y ,C�
B IV.. H. Shaw,
"" �'
sty not thorn in the slightest,
new this spring, •spring cusliiona,
duplicate parts. b'or able at grew
s>aoriflce. Cost $2,500. Box 7„1
Truth 011ke. Toronto..ay
says that the children such even health, and T liave replied
Sandringham, I{ing • Edward's coun-
Tito that they would take `absolutely nothing but i3aby's Own
native words Tablets. Now nearly every child
way he 'did here the Tablets when
T1te' deficit on account of the Brie
try seat, is a row of polished hoofs,
each with a horse's name inscribed
upon it. These of favorite
re Ithentatelt i4iallLt tr
�' �41's lc,aas,,llgtit o
FOR a�b�1 9 CHEAP CASH.mispronounce
ne as so as gets a mcdi•-
t his feelings by appearing cine is nestled, and the old-fashioned
him bluntly. crude medicines, such as castor oil
tit* postal telegraph is $4,500,000
for tare year.
'The average railway journey in the
aro relics
horses of the Icing's anti queen's.
Their also have favorite
e •li.axairibag es
a- riacliachpbui
psi odea. •
� � 4
1 Buffalo pressure blower, No, 4
in. 'outlet.
once soothing preparations, which
)ON TO DOUBT HIM. mothers formerly gave their lit-
believes in me implicitly" tie ones, aro discar'cted. Our family
with the side;;whiskers, doctor also strongly praise's the Tab-
doubts Lrto kaon 'yrxestions lets, And says they aro sa wonderful
medicine for children. Accept my
have you been mar- thanks for all the good your Tab-
sed a listener. lets have done my little one, and I
Iays," hope other mothers Will profit by my
United States is twenty-eight and a
half Innes.
A locomotive testing laboratory
will be a feature of the transporta-
tion building at the world's fair,
The wireless telegraph congress
jest closed in Berlin 'declared un-
animously, in favor of making wire-
less telegraphy rho business of the
it seems, and, although King
Edward has not gone to the length
of Frederick the Great of Prussia,
who 'gave his dogs., elaborate inter-
meat at Sans Spilci, there is at
Sandringham. ane Stone, bearing the
inscription: "To the memory of dear
old Rover."
'Those has arisen it. Germany' ea
. , , , ted
m Sprains
ilt liaa'aaasere
'0, forearm*,
; ;,
t, a
e . ti a
., ;i o
A terse description of Canada's lead- .
ing bualnesn college, a school tvliiclt
registers11r�grteeach d sit andyitses 10D tl0 es
1 toga a t yp
writers. The school also has It then- :
ottgh system of instruction by mail. ;
Complete courses are given in Hook- '
keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting,
Telegraphy and Illustration.
The heel; is descriptive of ale, and to
2 C"xlolle wolves -d: in. d.anged.
1 (slabs valve -6 in. flanged.
1 Earl steam blower -10 in- inlet.
4 Ten branch cast iron heti acre• fon
1 in. pipe.
2 .tors ulle •s --30x7,2,'
2 Iron pulleys -3220.24
ry ,
1 iron -22x6.
SAMIfl THING. Baby's Own Tablets can be given
iss Octave is a very tidy with absolute safety to the youngest,
governments as tel -
egraphy now is in Europe. This
kills Merconi's hope, of monopoly,.
movement rltaes i
agannst the
"drinking song"- against "the muse
as a handmaid of alcohol." Tile
. i - ' i
enquirers is given VASE.
Iron alleys --18x6.
Also an assortment of inset donee
always keeps her music frailest child, and they are Haran-
y g
Laic when sho is not play- teed to cure all 'tile minor ailments
of little ones. Sold by all medicine
lett She itt playflig 7" dealers or Maness at 2i5 cents a box
SC 19 Lune al(ii',.}' S' 011 the 'b writing the Dr« Williams Medicine
y g
1 { q }Cpa p
la i� $ f.��l ie� ��� Colds - 1
-•' suns
'von many cooks spell the pollee-
sooiot that has taken this ground
Claims uteri much initemperance. is
Caused by dz•inl(ing songs, tt'hicli
paint tho joys of the tvinto oup so
Another recent xxtruyenrentes*
.-. 6.8-61-1 . !�
m ®�� '� o
Central Oussness College
OF TORONTO. f f,`«. uM1tl1D'
W. rt. SITAW President
d$ West Adelaide S$,
...:_�;_,.,,, Toz i3ts$
Co.,.Brockville, ((„itK
man's digestion, •
in Gerinany is that of the "iV'ature
. .'' ... r;
-, a