HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-1, Page 8'
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' "CHs, we are busy, but always ready and glad to serve you, come when
You will, coxae as cftere as you can, make the big store your shop
p home, you are always welcome, Come and study the new styles in
'ea Drees Goods and kriantles, and be sure to drop in the Millinery Show
• room and see the dainty creations in bead wear, We are very, very
se proud of our new Fall Millinery, our styles are right, our perces are
me right, our assortments are large, . (tome and let us have your opinion,
0 An immense range of new Fur*
+ Ruffs, Boas, and Oaperines, all
at very special prices. Ask to
se see our Tasmanian Sable Ruffs 0
• at $6, $8, $10 and $12,•
$9 50 $11 "0 4
es 0
`P o
®' 4
$4 double ff & $`� QO v
dl, P •
• Bi t 4
s4.e Floor Oil Cloths, 2 yards Wide, g •s•
new floral and tile effect, very 0
4.pretty •designs. 0
se 50c and 60c. t d $19" •
I. 0
4. New Dress Goods
4 Are you interested, we would like to show you through, what we se
0 think the most up-to-date stock in Exeter, some very special lines for 4.
ee suits and odd skirts. English Zebelines,.new flake effect, 50e and 60c. •
0 Black and white and colored Neb effects, $L00. See our new Rever-
sible Zibline, hoc. 40
•Goods o
m Stewart's Black Dress Goods have a reputation. Ws stand back 0
4, of every black dress we sell with a guarantee, your money back if you o'
are not satisfied—fair, aint it. Our Black Goods for fall are partieu- 0;,
• larly tempting. Drop in and see them, glad to show you through.
4 special numbers in pebble voiles, winter weight, 60c, 75c $1 and $1.25
ee WANTED—Any quantity of butter, eggs, dried fapplec, goose fea- 4
4 thers, and large onions. Highest price in cash or trade.
-4.® -... ;
Art �N OOOO******r00i000000*000000000♦OOOOOVOd00000000000
New Fall Overcoat and Rain-
coat combined, for men, Raglan
and Grosvenor styles in Oxtord
grey, new bronze and tweed
effects, and ,5
Our new sheared cooney and The new fur felt Fedora Hat for
Electric Seal Ruffs, full furred, men for fall wear. Black is the
•long boa styles trimmed with correct color, and the new Pana -
tail clusters and cord ties, only I ma, the correct shape, dint or
25. I ou a crease effect, 1.25
Have you tried them—The Mooney Sidle Biscuits —the general
verdict is none better. Our opinion is theyare the best we have ever
sold. 3 pound card board box 21c. 3 pound tin box 25c; Ask for the
Mooney soul .
Lovelynew English Linoleuins
4 yards wide, tile scroll and
floral effect, our very best gsrt-
i y, the yard, o,
The Sovereign Bankof Canada
Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
' This Bank has exceptional facilities for tran-
sacting FARMERS' BUSINESS. No red tape or
delay. Exceptional inducements offered to De-
positors by our SAVINGS BANK department.
Branches in Huron County
P. R. KARIN, Manager, Exeter Branch.
For Marriage Licenses,
Weddlrag Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be Ieft
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Mr. Russell Fraq a of London spent
this week under the parental roof.
Mr. Dan Prior, of Clinton, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. T.Prior on Sun -
Miss E. Hayton, of London, will be
tbe guest of Mrs. Ellworthy for a few
Mr. L. H. Dickson is attending the
fall assizes at London this week on
legal business.
Mr, Will Levitt was in Montreal last
week on a business trip and in London
and Glencoe this week.
Dr. L. L. Follick and Miss Mabel
Pollick, of St. Marys spent Sunday
under the parental roof.
Bears the ,Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Pp y
and Style
We are not among those who
allow stock to deteriorate because
the season is somewhat advanced.
We are constantly on the look-
Out for latest and choicest riew
things in suitings.
Selections in suitings are
g just
s choice now as at the beginning
of the season.
Styles were never finer and
/lever more satisfactorythan n at
the present time.
Merchant Tailor
Rev. W, M. Godwin is spending this
week in St. Thoma s.
The Misses Colwell, of Hensall,
spent the forepart of the week with
Miss Cora Prior.
Miss Minnie Brown after a pleasant
visit with Miss Mary Horne returned
to London, on Saturday.
Mrs. P. Fisher and Miss Vine Fisher i
returned home after a pleasant visit.
with friends in Hamilton and London.
Miss Olive Hooper left on Monday
for London where she will enter the
Victoria Hospital on probation as
The Detroit Journal is now install-
ing a new quadruple press. It will
cost $30,000, and will print, fold, paster
and count 800 papers a minute. ,: 4
Use Winan's Cough Syrup fi.
.coughs, colds and Bronchitis trollies
'Sold by C. LuTz, Exeter, sole ag' nt
for Dix Cough Syrup.
Mr. Samue Fulton, of Granton will
move here this week to the residence
on Huron street recently purchased
by him from Mr. Allen.
Messrs, W. Heaman, F. Kern, R.
Kinsman and W. W. Taman attended
the funeral of the late Miss Reta Stan -
bury at Bayfield on Monday.
After a visit of three months with
friends in Toronto, Lindsay and other
places, Miss Cora Prior has returned
home much benefitted in health.
Auction sale .of Farmstock and Im-
plements on lot 12 London Road on
Wednesday, Oct. 14th, 1903. H,Brown
Auctioneer, FRANK SNELL,Proprietor.
Mr. E. J. Spackman,Mrs. Spackman
and daughter,Stella returned home on
Tuesday morning from Baltimore.
They report a pleasant trip and an en-
joyable time.
Oliver Richardson, who killed Ed-
mund Matthews, a colored farmer in
Colchester South, on July 10th, last,
was sentenced to fifteen years in King-
ston penitentiary for manslaughter.
Mr. Richard Gidley after a pleasant
trip and a short visit in San Francisco
Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, Oregon
arrived home on Friday last returning
b'y way of the Canadian Rockies.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
s on each box,. 25c.
Miss Fannie Bawden is in Goderich
this week in attendance at the marri-
age of Miss L. Gibson to Mr. Wilson
which was solemnized in the Presby-
terian church there on Wednesday
Mr. Israel Smith left Tuesday morn-
ing for Hamilton where he has accept-
ed a situation in the brass works.
Mrs, Smith and family will follow as
soon as a suitable residence can be ob.
tained. Our best wishes follow Mr.
and Mrs, Smith to their new home.
Ax Ono Am. WELL-Trirxn Barnum—Kr
Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect succe9s
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
Gain cures wind colic. and is the boat remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every poet of the world. 25
dente a bottle. Its value is' incalculable. Re
sure and take i1'ira Winslow's Seething
S'rup and ask for no other kind,
Mrs. Glanville of London is visiting
her paothee, Mrs. Sweet, klurou street,
V- W, Gladman was at Zurich or► NEL14 , tt& ROWE
Tuesday attending the Court of Re,
Ivlrs. E. Fish and daughter, Mies
Anne are spending a few weeks in
Jackson, Mich., visiting Mrs. Fish's
father and brothers.
In another coition' V; ill be found an
interesting letter cuuiriented by Miss
H. E. Walroud, describing ber recent
trip to England and nutes by the
jar the blood, weakness, nervous-
ess, and general debility use:l3land's
axative, Nerve and Tissue P s, they
are most effectual, 100 pills f Ocents
'Sold by 0. LUTz, Exeter,.
The Uniform Promotion Examtna
ions for the county of Huron will be
held in the pubiie school on Thursday
and Friday, October the 22nd and 23rd
Teachers needing papers must order
them at once from the Public School
The Anniversary Services of the
Coven Presbyterian charch will be
held next Sunday, October 4th, when
Rev. Prof. James Ballantine, of Knox
College, Toronto, will preach both
morning and eveuing
Dr. Browning has received from his
son lar. Will Browning, of Caledonia,
Minn., the plan and diagram of an
hospital which he is engaged in build-
ing at that place for the further con-
venience of his large and increasing
medical practice, and more particular-
ly in surgical work.
A special invitation is extended to
the public generally to attend the An-
niversary Services in Cavell Presby-
terian church, next Sunday, October
4th. Rev. James Ballantine, of To-
ronto will conduct both services. As
there is to be no entertainment on
the Monday evening, a liberal collec-
tion is asked for in aid of church
Dr, Oyens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday,
September 30 ; Wednesday, Novem-
ber 4 ; Wednesday, December, 21903.
Spectacles and eye -glasses properly
fitted, Next visit will be Wednesday,
September 30.
Rev. McLaughlin, who left Heron
River, Lake Winnipeg in a sail boat
with five Indian children for Brandon
Indian Industrial school some few
days ago, is missing, and fears are en-
tertained that the party have been
lost. Rev. Mr. Simmons has left Sel-
kirk with a tug to skirt the shores of
the lake to find traces of the missing
ones. Mr. McLaughton was a former
resident of Exeter.
stane & Gardiner's ad is another col-
LosT—Gold Link Cuff Button the
'finder will be suitably rewarded by
returning the sante to T. B. CARLING..
R ANTED 100 bkhys and girls and 20
beams to work=iixsifgnr beets. Apply
Saturday bore gto 9'p, m, at my office
OMISSION—The'prizes given by the
Sovereign Bank for three colts sired
by one horse was awarded to Wm.
Brock 1st, Wm. Rogers 2nd, and W.
Brock 3rd.
There is no stock food in the market
which equals English Stock Food for
young calves, pigs and poultry. Stock
raisers will be c.1,nvinced by giving it
a trial. Sold. b' ' 0. Luiz, Exeter, •
man, advanced pupil of Toronto, Con-
servatory of Music, in now starting a
class in Piano. For terms apply at
her home, Corner of John and W ilia
liam streets. �!
Ese'RAy STEER. --Came to the prem-
ises of Simon Hunter, lot 4, con. 4,
Usborne. on or about June 20th, 1903
A red, roan steer coming two years
old Owner can have same by prov-
ing property and paying expense.—
GOOD WISBFs. — In a letterserer`
cently received frons Mr. E. R. Follick
of Grand Forks, B, C„ he writes thus:
Am happy to say that in the weekly
reading of the TIMES I find a great
deal of pleasure, and I wish the TIMES
many, many years of prosperity, and
a constantly increasing list of sub-
.SERIOUS MISHAP.— On Tuesday of
this week Mr. Robert Tinney met
with a mishap while . assisting Mr.
Wm. O'Brien, of the 3rd con. of Hay.
While cutting straw the cutting ma-
chine became clogged and Tinney
placed his left hand in to remove the
straw, The hand came in contact
with the revolving knives and all the
fingers of the hand were severed.
Dr. Browning was called and attended.
to the injured member and managed
to save part of the thumb which will
enable him to have some use hereafter
of his hand. The blow is a severe one
and will lay Mr. Tinney off work for
some time at least.
the past week several real estate deals
have been effected in the village. Mr.
S. Rowe has purchased the property
of Mrs. Tait on Main street, opposite
Rowe & Atkinson's furniture ware -
rooms, upon which be expects in the
spring to erect a new and commodious
brick dwelling. Mrs. H. Fowell has
purchased the brick cottage on Will-
iam street in which she has beeen re•
siding, belonging to the Fans= es-
tate Mrs. J. Snell having disposed
of her brick dwelling on Main street
south to Mr. David Mack, of Hay, is
now looking out for another suitable
HAPPILY WEDDED. — Cards have
been received announcing the mar-
riage of Mr. Will Bee, son of Mr. and
Mrs, 1:I. Bee, of Parkhill,to Miss Eliza-
beth Easton, of Ailsa; Craig, Mr. Bee
is a native of Exeter and has been em-
ployed at different stations on the G.
T. R., severing his connection there-
with some months ago, and entering
upon duties on the 0. P. R. in the N,
W. Territories. He was from time to
time promoted and now is in charge
of Bowden station, about 70 miles
from Calgary. His bride journeyed.
met at a1
was et Calgary
westward and � y by
the expectant groom, where the mar-
riage ceremony was performed on
Sept, 10th, 1903,
Our new, fresh, and clean stock of Seasonable Goods,
bought cheap, selected with good judgement, as to quality,
and in good taste as regards style and appearance. You
will find it the attractive, popular, satisfactory and low
priced stock of the season.
Dress Goods—Choice single suit
lengths in nobby and handsome de-
signs Scotch Suitings, Zibelines, Bou-
cle. effects and mixtures, all correct
weights, 36, $7 and $8 a suit..
Colored Zibeline Suitings in blue;
brown, green and grey with fleck
makes pretty suits, 75c a yd.
Colored Zibeline suitings in blue
brawn and red with white fleck, pure
wool, 38 inches wide, only 50c a lard.
Woolen's black Kersey Jacket, box
back, shoulder tippet, nicely stitched
and strapped, • new sleeve and lined
throughout, $10..' •
Women's Black Beaver Jacket, lin-
ed throughout, new sleeve, velvet
collar, box back, $8.00.
Women's Black Beaver Jacket,
velvet collar, box back and new
sleeye, lined throughout, big snap $5,
Women's Jacket with white fleck,
box back,cuff on sleeve,lined through-
out, up-to-date in every way, a big
bargain $5,00. •
Ladies Rain Coats in dark and light
grey, heavy cloth, full length, new
sleeve, shoulder tippet, warranted
waterproof, $7 50
Ladies' Wrapper, in blue and red
made of fine Saxony flannel, nicely
trimmed with flounce, $1 35.
Ladies' Wrappers made of fine
cashmerette, pretty patterns with
deep flounce and lace, trimmings,
color blue and red, $1,75.
English Flannelette, extra heavy
quality, pretty colors and patterns,
30 inches wide, 12ic..
32 inch Flandelette, good weight,
dark and Iight colors, Se yd, or 15 yds
for $1.00.
About 50 pieces Wrapperette, beau-
tiful patterns and colorings, wide
width, clearing at 10c yd.
25 doz. inen's wool fleeced Shirts
and Drawers, extra good quality, well
finished, in all sizes, regular price 75c.
our great clearing price 421c.
See our fine display of Millinery. We are prepared to
show you all the newest styles in ready-to-wear and Trim-
med Hats at reasonable prices -Don't fail .to have a look
through before buying.
NITPTIALS—On September the 2nd
quiet wedding was solemnized at Ohl
cago by the Rey. McAfee, of 45th st
Presbyterian church. The contractin
a ber periods, but boreal, northwesterly
_ storms, especially on the lakes and
north Atlantic, are. things to be ex-
pected and provided against.
parties being,Dr. E. R. Follick, young
est son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Follick o
this place, to Miss Elizabeth Sipz, o
Philadelphia. Their acquaintanc_
was formed during Mr. Follicks resi-
dence in Philadelphia while attending
the Dental college of that city which
culminated most happily as above
stated. The groom is now well estab-
lished in Grand Forks B. C. and en-
joys a very lucrative practise. The
happy couple visited for a week in
Chicago also spending some time at
the principal points of interest as they
journeyed westward to their new
home. The TIMES joins with a host
of friends in best wishes for their
future happiness and prosperity: •
CEMETERY NOTES.—We understand
that Reeve Carling has received a
cheque for $100.00 from the executors
of the estate of the late Mr. Charles
Southcott, formerly of Exeter. The
late Mr. Southcott very wisely willed
the sum of $10 to he placed in the
permanent Cemetery fund, lately es-
tablished by the Council of Exeter,the
interest accruing from this $100 to be
applied for all time to come toward
keeping his lot trimmed and well cared
for. We urgently suggest that all
those who wish their lots permanent-
ly cared for should make the necessa-
ry provision for such permanent care
either by depositing in the permanent
fund the required amount or by pro-
vision in their will that a stipulated
amount be placed in the permanent
fund the interest accruing to be ap-
plied to the permanent care of their
lot. Any person wishing more defin-
ite imformation regarding this fund
can receive the same by applying to
Reeve Carling.
many friends here of the groom will
hand of deathvisited the home of ,Dr.
E R. Stanbury. on Saturday, September
read with pleasure the following item
and extend congratulations: — The
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Brandt, in
Forest, on Wednesday last was beau-
tiful in its autumn decorations, in hon-
or of the marriage of their daughter,
Miss Ethel M. Brandt, and Mr. John
H, Luxton, of Flint. At 10.30 a. m.
the sweet strains of the "Lohengrin"
wedding march played by Miss Ina
Torrey, announced the coming of the
wedding party. After the ceremony
performed by Rev. Geo, W, Wright,
of Mt. Morris,the bridal couple receiv-
ed their friends, many of whom were
from Flint, in front of a handsome'
background of autumn leaves and
dahlias. The bride was gowned in
white muslin with lace trimmings and
carried a boquet of bridal roses. The
dieing room was profuse in its dress
of autumn leaves and asters. Many
beautiful • gifts attested the warm
friendships of the bride and groom.
The bride is well known in Flint where
she has resided for several years, and
the groom is one of Flint's popular
young business men, After a wedding
trip through Ontario they will take
up their residence at 405 East Second
REV. IRL HIcKs FoREcnsrs.— For
the first week in October we are pro-
mised some autumnal storms. Up to
about the 15th of October the combin-
ed influenced of Earth and Venus will
tend to prolong in a general way. the
phenomena prevailing at the end of
September. The Venus period will
extend to about the 10th of October,.
affecting the whole of the Vulcan per-
iod central on the 9th, A reactionary
storm disturbance is central on the
2nd and 3rd, at which time will appear
a decided change to warmer, with fal-
ling barometer and other indications
of autumnal storms. The moon is tull
and at an eclipse node on the 6th, and
hence it is quite probable that threat-
ening conditions will last up to that.
date and that storms will culminate
on and touching the same day. The
moon is also on the celestial equator
on the 5th, another fact that is sure
to add promptness and vigour to dis-
turbances about this time. Heavy
equatorial storms in the south are
still probable at this and other Oct --
26, 1903 and removed from the family
circle a loving and devoted daughter
in the person of Marguerite R. Stan -
bury, aged 24 years, sister of Mr. J. G.
Stanbury of this place. Miss Stan -
bury had been ill about three weeks
with fever and was in a very danger-
ous condition when pneumonia set in
which resulted in her death. Her
very early demise is sincerely mourned
by a very large circle of friends and a
sable gloom is spread above the home.
Miss'Stanbury was a special favorite in
Exeter among a large number of
young people. As an elocutionist, she
on several occasions rendered valuable
and pleasing service as entertain-
ments both in the church and Opera
House. The deceased t000k an active
part in church work at her own home
and was a valued member of the Pres-
byterian church choir, mingling her
voice from Sabbath to Sabbath in the
service of praise, and at the services
of Sunday last tbe choir loft was drap-
ed out of respect to her memory.
With the young people of Bayfield
she was. a social favorite and they
placed floral tribute in form of
"Gates Ajar" on her casket with 'the
name "Reta" in. purple immortelles.
Funeral services were conducted by
the Rev. Mr. McNeil. Tender and
touching references were made to the
beautiful life of the departed after
which the funeral cortege, which was
the largest seen in Bayfield for some
time, wended' its way to the Bayfield
cemetery where the remains were ten-
derely laid. The sympathy of the
community is extended to the bereav-
ed family.
In a country that stretches from the
Atlantic' ocean to the Pacific and from
the northern boundary of the United
States to the Arctic Ocean, naturally
there will be a great many varieties of
climate. This matter of cold weather
is something that has occurred at out-
set to the people who would otherwise
think favorably of the country. It
may be a surprise to a great many Old
Country people and probably to a
great many Canadians that, Toronto
is five hundred and fifty miles farther
south than London,England, and that
Montreal is four hundred and eigh-
teen, and Halifax four hundred and
seventy-eight miles farther south. A
large portion of Ontario is as far south
as southern France and northernSpain
and Italy, and southern Ontario to
farther south than Rome. There are
parts of the Northwest Territory, sev-
enty miles in width,including districts
in Manitoba Assinaboia and Alberta,
which are farther south than any por-
tion of England. None of the Wheat
fields of Manitoba and the Northwest
Territory lie as far north as Scotland,
and it is a practical certainty that
some of the best wheat fields in the
world will be found, before a great
while, to lie under the shelter of the
Rocky Mountains hundreds of miles
north of the present field of agricult-
ural operation.
Stories About Great Men
Maxim Gorki, the famous Russian
writer, is more or less of a wit. On
one occasion be was witness'ng a con-
ic opera. and the lady sitting next to
him asked :
"Mr, Gorki, do you think those
chorus girls,that wear those shameless
tightskys, will go to helliyitch?"
"My dear Madame, replied Gorki,
with a glance at the row of shapely
damsels on the stage,. "1 should say
that they were more fitted for Lim-
And the great genius took advan-
tage of the laughter that followed to
take a sly nip from a bottle of Vodka,
—Milwaukee Sentinel.
Fall "Announcement
ed up for a big fall trade, Every department in full
swing and ready for the biggest fall tiade we ever had. No
trouble to show you our big variety. Comein and examine
our goods, and you will be' satisfied, ' ,
We can show you the very new-
est things and the swellest in
town. They are all the new com-
bination of colors. We have also
a beautitul range of colors.
Everything is up-to-date: iu this
line. The ladies tell us we have
thernost complete lot in town. All
kinds and shapes.
Fancy French Flannels. Fancy
French Velours, in stripes, polka
dots and borders. These are the
correct goods for this fall,
We lead the town in this line. We
have just opened up our fifth con-
signment. We have the right
goods and styles at the lowest
prices. •
All our furs are now in and wc3
are prepared to suit any person
that needs a fur. Fur Coats,Capes,
Ruffs. Oaperines, Boas, Caps, and
Fur Trimmings.
We handle the celebrated Grave-"
nette Rain Coat, guaranteed to be
waterprodf, They come in differ-
ent shades, from $3 to $10.
Men's, Women and Children's
Wool and Fleeced Underwear of
all prices. We handle the best
quality that can be had.
We have just opened up three
crates of nice Dinner and Tera,
Sets and a beautiful lot of Parlor
and Hanging Lamps, They are a.
fine range and worth examina-
A lot of odd lines and sizes of Ladies' Shoes and Slip
pers, worth from $1 to $2. Your choice of any pair for
only 50c. This is a snap.
Furniture and
We Carry ' Qood Lines in Furniture
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block.
44 4,4444.4444444444,404 44444
Take Notice
Grist Mill
Has been remodeled and is in
fu'.1 swing again, better than ever
prepared to attend ,to the needs
of their many customers, with a
good supply of the noted
on hand. With Plate Choppers
for fine chop, and a Roller for
rolling oats for horses.
Seeing is believing
Give us a trial
1-'(fV 131308
These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
—they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package.
A11 colors at 0, LUTz, Exeter.'
At 3 west
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a
better position than ever to sell Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building
Material at lowest prices. • The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained
in both yards is heavier than we wish
to carry, so we purpose to mak
material reduction in the pried of
Shingles until we get our stock re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter and
the 'surrounding country for their
patronage in the past, and solicit a
continuance of their custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and .quicker
returns. '
Get the Best-lt Pays �.
g Best Place In Canada at
for securing a thorough business e
® education or a superior short- •
2 hand training. Our graduates ;
• lire always suocessful in getting, poli- •
tions. This school invariably gives it
students more than they expect. Write O
® for Catalogue. Enter this month if 0
0 possible. . 0
® Principal 6�
Some time ago Simon, Duddell, and
others exhibited electric arcs which
could speak or act as telephone receiv-
ers when they were properly connect-,
ed to a nnicrophon. Now two Russians
Gabritschewski and Batschinski in the
"Annalen der Physik," show how to
make an ordinary flame speak. Wires
from poles of the secondary circuit of
an induction coil are led to insulated
Bunsen burners, paraffin lamps, or
short candle ends. A microphone
and battery are placed in a shunt to
primary circuit of the coil, On speak-
ing to the microphone the flame re-
peats the sound, altbotigh in their ex-
periments it was 30 metres from the
Microphone. The effect 18 bettor
when two flames are employed, a pole
of the secondary coil being connected
to each and a third wire connecting
the two flames.
Reflections of a Bachelor
Giggly girls make weepy wives.
she s
A womait.n means what she says till
Some people could be happy only in
jail if the law said they must not go
The social statue of more people
than realize it is 'established by their
family wash.
PressA man dosen't have to be bad t
interesting to women ; it is su ,._.,.
for them to think he is. - Newss ark
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