Clinton News-Record, 1987-02-18, Page 9Four young people earned certificates, barrk accounts and caps from the Clinton Branch
of the Royal Bank for their participation in the Junior Olympics. Bank manager Steve
Fraser made the presentations to Chris Bolger of Blyth,'Michael Zondag of Bayfield,
Christine Potter of Londesboro and Michael Bromley of Blyth. (Shelley McPhee Haist
Hullett hold Bear Day
LONDESBORO - On January 26, Mrs.
Livemore's Grade 1 class at Hullett Central
School had an interesting day. To finish
their language activities about corduroy
and their study of bears they had Bear Day.
All day they watched films about bears,
made booklets about bears and finished the
day with a Teddy Bear Picnic.
They shared their teddy bears with each
other and ate fresh bread that they had bak-
ed during the day.
The Grade 2 class is learning about Inuit
not Indians. They know the difference bet-
ween the two. They are also dividing sets
and whole objects into quarters.
They are doing math and language. ac-
tivities on a Volume Theme. For art they
made puppets with one face on each side
and had plays with them.
Everyone from Grade 4 to 8 are writing
speeches. The top three from each class will
compete in the gym on February 18.
For science, the Grade 4 class is doing
telegrams with morse code. Half the class is
in the 1,x11 pretending to be from New-
foundland and the others in the classroom
are from Ontario. They send messages back
and forth.
Grade 5 is having a friendship workshop
each Tuesday. They are learning how to be
and make friends.
Grade 7 and 8 classes will be starting curl-
ing on Thursday and Friday.
For the volleyball tournament last Satur-
day the Clinton Christian girls took first
place and Hullett girls took second place.
The Blyth boys took first and the Hullett
boys took sixth place.
By Julia deJong,
Michelle Govenlock,
Christy Bricker
Sunday renamed at (United Church
'with reference to a newspaper article of a day starting at 8 p.m.
By Mrd: L. Stonehouse UCW News
The BELGRAVE - As of Fel,�ruary 15, the third Canadian teacher who went to Kenya fur Aftec noon Unit s Knox United
Sunday of each month, formerly Children's one year.
Church met on February 10 with an at-
UCWSundy has been renamed Family Sunday. The program consisted of a sale of crafts, tendance of 10e with Sara Anderson in
Parents and their families attend the ser- contributed by the members and twverses char ge.
vice together to form the large congrega- .. for Valentine's Day read by MaryIsabel
The secretary and treasurer's reports
tion. Sunday School Classes have been Nethery. were given. Mrs. Jamisa Coultes explained
suspended for this occasion at Knox United The meeting closed by singing grace and how she had set up the programs frothe
Church here. lunch was served by the hostess. Mandate Special edition.
Rev. John G. Roberts conducted the ser -Euchre Results The March meeting has been set ten -
vice with the theme Family Worship. Paul Eleven tables were in play at the weekly tatively for March 17. The World Day of
,Coulter led in the responsive reading. euchre which was held in the W.I. Hall, on Prayer is March (d.
Mr.andsenMrs. Glenn Coulter and Mark • February 11. Winners were: high lady - Margaret Taylor opened the Worship Ser -
presented the scripture with Mrs. Coulter as Agnes Caskanette; novelty lady - Mrs. vice with a' hymn followed by reading a
Stuart Chamney; low lady - Helen Martin; Psalm, meditation and prayer and a hymn.
Olive Bolt was in charge of the Bible Study
high man - John King; novelty man - Albert
Cook and low man - George Mickie. First using the topic the Insipit Salt.
lucky draw lady - Sara Anderson; second • Sara Anderson, using the spiral mandate,
lucky draw man - George Johnston. had the article comparing cultures read
There will be euchre again this Wednes- alternately.
Youth Sunday at Duff's -'
By Betty McCall
WAI,'TON - The young people conducted
the morning service at Duff's United Church
on Sunday. Jack and Janie McEwing
greeted, the many worshippers and gave out
the bulletins. The organist was Glenda
('a rter.
Presidingat, hip was Sherry 1Ioegy
Prayers were said by Dean Nicholson.
Scripture lessons were read by Manny
Taylor and .Jim Clark. The children's story
was given by Mike Fraser.
The Walton Public School children were
also present and sang a couple of anthems,
note was read from Dave and Lavina Wat-
son who are now in a Hensall Rest Home,
Reports were given by Marion Godkin and
Monthly Meeting
The Walton Area Sports Club meeting was
held at the home of Ernie Lewington on
February 3. Dave Gamble chaired the
meeting.. Bev Stevenson gave the
secretary's report and Ernie Lewington the
treasurer's report. The annual poker rally
was discussed with ideas to make it better.
A good profit was shown this year. The next
meeting is to he at the library on March 3 at
accompanied by Doreen Hackwell at the 8 p.m.
piano. The offering was received by Jim People
('lark, Ron Stevenson and Manny Taylor. Fred and Heidi McClure were holidaying
Reports on Toc Alpha were given by Nan- for a week in Dominican Republic. Stanley
cy . Godkin, Amy Workman, Leanne and Donna spent a weekend recently at a
Nicholson, Cheryl Nicholson and Ron cottage near Bracebridge.
Stevenson Those who helped with the wor- Ruth Thames has returned to her home
ship service hail also attended Toe Alpha in after spending the past six weeks with her
Toronto hack in December Later they all daughter in Kitchener.
attended the church service at Bluevale Marie brought back coming events from
United Church the executive meeting the week before
Walton 1 Meets World Day of Prayer, March 6 at 2 p.m. is to
Walton 1 Unit held their February be held at St. Ambrose Catholic Church in
meeting in the church basement Wednesday Brussels. The church anniversary is set for
evening. Heidi Mc('lure opened with the September 20. A music ni'ght is planned for
theme on hove. Doreen Hackwell was May 3 with the Grey Bruce singers. The sup -
pianist per committee have purchased new dishes a
Betty Mc('all read scripture followed by
meditation. Heidi led in prayer and a poem
was read by Betty. Offering was received by
Doreen and dedicated by Heidi.
Doreen Hackwell spoke on the life of Jesus
for the topic
Marie McGavin conducted the business.
opening with a poem Minutes were approv-
ed as read by Audrey Hackwell. A thank you
setting for 125.
The UCW will serve two luncheons this
year for the Blyth Festival.
Communion Sunday is March 8. and pan-
cake breakfast on March 29.
The meeting closed with prayer followed
by a social half hour during lunch served by
Berva Watson, Maxine Marks and Elva
Mrs.• George Procter, organist accom-
panied the Children's Choir for the anthem.
The offering 'was received by Chris
McIntosh, Mark Coultes, Corey McKee,
and Paul Coultes.
To introduce his message the. minister
asked "What is the Scripture story saying?"
The children sang the benediction to con-
clude the service.
Sherri Zettler of RR 4 Walkerton visited
over the weekend with her grandmother
Elizabeth Procter.
Sheila Anderson of Waterloo is spending a
few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Anderson.
Rev. Charles Speakman of Pickering
visited with his sister Elizabeth Procter on
Mrs. Howard Zettler, Sherri and twins
Amanda and Alicia of RR 4 Walkerton
visited with her mother Elizabeth Procter
one day last week.
Elizabeth Procter visited over the
weekend with her brother, Rev. Charles
Speakman, Logan and Tyler of Pickering
also visiting at the same home were Mr. and
Mrs. Conrad Smithson of Downsview on the
occasion of Rev. Speakman's birthday.
Ice Carnival
• The Belgrave Youth Club under the direc-
tion of Rev. and Mrs. John G. Roberts spon-
sored a very successful Ice Carnival in the
arena on February 14. Jim Taylor was in
charge of events and the judges for
costumes were Mrs. Jim Hunter, Mrs. Ross
Higgins and Mrs. Ross Anderson.
Prizes were as follows: youngest person
on skates - Adam McBurney; youngest per-
son to skate by oneself - Laura Meier; Best
Valentine costume - first - Erin and Shannon
Cook, second - Dawn Dow, third - Becky
Logan; best T.V. character - first - Jennifer
Black, second - Margie Gordon, third -
Michelle Thompson; Funniest costume -
first - Justin Black, second - Carla Cook,
third - Danny Ward. Best nursery rhyme or
fairy tale costume - first - Colleen, Gavin
and Becky Van Camp, second -Sherry Robin-
son, third—Carla Frieburger; best Sesame
Street costume - first - Danielle Thompson,
second - Andrew Potter; Best 1950's
costume - first - Grace Carmichael, second -
Desiree Curtis; Best Dressed Couple - first -
Mrs. Bob Gordon and Mrs. John Thompson;
second - Matthew and Travis Campbell;
third - i tied i Jennifer and Ryan Cook, Car-
rie and Laura Meier; Best European or
native costume - first - Lindsey Michie, se—
cond - Sabrena Black, third - (tied) Darryl
• .1 irdin and Shawn Logan; best occupation
costume - first - Alike Culbert, second -
Steven McBurney, third - Chris Puluke;
miscellaneous costume - first - Matthew
Snow, second._ Erica Culbert, third - Cindy
Frielburger; oldest person on skates Ron
McBurney; largest family on skates - Mr.
and Mrs. Ron McBurney and b, s. The
lucky door prize which was don,..ed by
Taylor's Groceteria was won by Gary
Following these events there was a
hockey game between the Belgrave Atoms
and the Ringette team with Atoms winning
ACW News
The February meeting of the ACW was
held at the home of Beth Procter and opened
with the President, Mrs. Nancy Jardin,
reading the mediation. The scripture was
read by Colleen Madge and the prayers
were repeated in unison.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved and the treasurer's
report was given by .Jean Nethery.
The World Day of Prayer service will be
held in the Anglican Church on March 6 and
it was decided to hold a bake sale and rum-
mage sale in the spring.
The roll call was answered by eight
members reading from the 18th Chapter of
St. John and the collection taken.
Lillian Potter conducted a study of Africa
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mow Amelis
The Select Committee on Retai: Store Hours, an all party committee of the Legislative
Assembly of Ontario, will meet to review the issue of Sunday Shopping and Retail Store
Hours. Specifically, the Committee will be addressing necessary amendments to the
Retail Business Holidays Act in respect of Sundays and Holiday openings, exemptions,
employee protection and penalties. The Committee will conduct public hearings in the
Legislative Building, Queen's Park, -Toronto; Ontario and other locations, as may be
required, commencing February, 1987.
The Committee invites written or oral submissions from individuals, groups or organiza-
tions wishing to comment on Sunday Shopping and Retail Store Hours. Written submis-
sions must be deposited with the Clerk of the Committee not later than Friday, March 6,
1987. Requests for an appointment before the Committee for oral presentations should
be directed to the Clerk of the Committee not later than Friday, February 20, 1987.
When such a request is made please indicate whether the presentation will be in the
English or French language.
Chairman Clerk of the Committee
Room 110, Legislative Budding
Queen's Park
Tdrdrato, Ontario M7A 1A2
(416) 965-5774
Collect calls will he accepted
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Clinton passel By-law
12-1987 on the 16th day of February, 1987, under Section 34 of the Plann-
ing Act, 1983.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the On-
tario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk
of the Town of Clinton, not later than the 24th day of March, 1987, a notice .
of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in sup-
port of the objection.
AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing
the lands to which the by-law applies, and map showing the location of
the lands to which the by-law applies are provided below. The complete
by-law is available for inspection at my office during regular office hours.
Marie Jefferson, Clerk
BOX 400
(519) 482-3997
By-law 12-1987 has the following purpose and effect:
By-law 12-1987 adds to a new section to Zoning By-law 7-1985 dealing with
Recreational Commercial land uses. The new Recreational Commercial
(RC1) zone permits indoor recreational facilities and establishes zone
provisions for such uses. The by-law also applies the RC1 zone to Lots
639, 640, and Part Lot 641, R.P. 330, in the Thum of Clinton (see map below )
such that an indoor recreational facility may locate on the property. The
by-law status zones the parcel to recognize the existing business office.
This by-law will come into force pending the approval of Official Plan
Amendment No. 4 by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
ce urriiTiriEA0
' \ 0 tS SO T OO615cG
Zone Change to RC1 -1
(Recreational Commercial)
from R1-4 (Residential
Low Density)