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Exeter Times, 1903-10-1, Page 6
FUER ¶ITII FIREARM Irsav Quo =mops OF TniZe WO TUE SOIL. 'ortp .f#.eres of Pine Stumps Clear- recl. at One Explosion--Elec- trifying xplosion— E1ec- trifying Seeds. The crops 'last year in the southeru par of Berke Couty, Pennsylvania) Were magnificent, whilethose in the aiurrouxidin'g districts wore burnt up by drought. The president of the Berkshire Agricultural Society at- tributed the excellence of the hare vest over this particular tract of country to the heavy blasting which had been in progress all the year through at the Trappe Reck quar- ries, in the centre of the district. These blasts were almost invariably followed by showers of rain over the surreumding country over a radius of ten to twenty miles in diameter. Beyond that area there had been lit- tle moisture during the summer. Explosives play a far larger part in farming than Most people imagine There are now over 1,500 hail -fight- ing stations in the vine -growing dis- tricts of Europe, principally in North Italy and the South of France. At each of these are sever- al bell -mouthed cannons pointed straight up in the air. When a hailstornx approaches, charges of powder are fired, and the vortex rings which they create go whistling upwards from their muzzles and BRAS. THE Beh A.VY CLOUDS. The result Is usually that instead of a destructive hailstorm, there is entirely a Sall of rain, and so the ten- der fruit is saved from destruction. There is a precipitous hillside on the Duke of Argyll's estate of Tireo which was for years an eye -sore to the late Duke from its barren condi- tion. It was too steep to permit of its being planted by any ordinary ;means. Some twenty years ago the bead of a great firearm factory stay- ing with the Duke, suggested that seed might be fired like shot against the h111side. Two small cannons were procured, loaded with tree seeds in. tins, and the contents fired experi- ment the precipice. The e P ment was crowned with complete success, and to -day the once barren hillside is covered with evergreens, For many years past dynamite has been used to get rid of the stumps of. cut-down . trees from newly -cleared land. One ingenious farmer in North Georgia repaid himself for his outlay on such work by mining forty ares of large pine stumps, connecting them by electric wires and then advertising a grand explo- sion for a certain date. Thousands of spectators came by special trains. The farmer made them pay for admission to his pro- perty, sold them refreshments, and got a comfortable sum out of the railway company into the bargain. The sight of several thousands of stumps flying into the air at the same moment, produced an absolute- ly unique effect, and the farmer not only paid expenses, but made a ):1WNDSOME PROFIT AS WELL. HEALTHFUL, DELICIOUS and CLEANLY PREPARED CEYLON NATURAL GREEN Tat is all pure tea, and will displace Japan Teas just as "5ALALA" Mack is displacing all other black teas. It is sold only in sealed load packets. 25c and 4oc per lb By all grocers. STRANGE WEDDING GIFTS. They Are Not Always Given With TEE BANKS OF PRINCES Good Wishes. SIIA ' OF PERSIA LIKES TO Not infrequently wedding gifts are 'TEASE leas SUITE, the outcome of jealousy, spleen, or malice. A well-known author re- ceived on his marriage from a rival man of letters a scrap -book contain- ing a collection of all the adverse criticisms his works had ever re - (Coed, while a popular artist was on From a newly published German a similar occasion presented with a work on Prince Bismarck, it appears set of elementary tvorlcs upon sole- that once in his student days the instruction in drawing and painting. groat Chaucellor had occasion to Unusually vexatious was the gift awaken in the morning certain of 601.1.6.11 German Emperor Pulls Off Trous- ers—King of Spain. Is a Great Joker. received from his neighbors by an infirm octogenerian who had wedded a pleasure -loving woman more than fifty years his junior, It took the form of nlarge brass cage, "intend- ed"—so ran the subscribers' note— "to restrain the wayward flights of a giddy young wife who had married a decrepit old fool for his money." The husband of a. lady, whose great beauty was discounted by her sharp tongue, found among his wedding -presents a scold's bridle or branks—a gift from his wife's sisters, with the hops that "if Irate makes your life as unbearable as she has made ours, you will not hesitate to put the accompanying offering to its original use." "I willingly countenance your mar- riage w tiage with mywrote a physician to his prospective son -in. law, "conditionally on your accept- ing as a wedding-present—her moth- er. As a. virile, she has not been a success; as a mother-in-law, she is at least problematic. At all events, I can endure her temper no longer, and as she expresses a wish to live with her daughter I aur sending her along by the next train." In due course the lady arrived, and has liv- ed with the young wife ever since. SKIS, DISEASES INVARIABLY DUE TO POOR AND WATERY BLOOD. Pimples, Blotches. Boils and 'Ugly Rashes Easily Cleared From the Blood. From the Advocate,. Exeter, Ont. All diseases of the skin and com- In Northern California there are plexion are caused by bad blood. large areas of stiff, red soil, very Paleness and pimples, blotches and difficult to break up. Some years boils, ugly rashes and open sores, ago it occurred to a farmer named itching eczema and burning- erysipe- Reins Bateson to try the experiment of breaking some of this ground with explosives. Dynamite was the agent employed. because dynamite, unlike las—all these blemishes come from bad blood. A bad skin is a sure sign of bad blood—thin blood, wat- ery blood, blood poisoned with 3m - his comrades who had sup -ed. well overnight. The way he went .about it shows the "man of blood and iron" in a curiously human mood. Having knocked at the door in vain, and failed to burst open the lock, Bismarck went outside and fired a pistol through the window, bringing the ceiling down on this sleepers. 'When in the course of his European tour last year the Shah of Persia reached Paris, he found himself suf- fering from a severe toothache, and accordingly gave the command for a dentist to wait on him. When the gentleman arrivod, however, His Ma- jesty's courage failed biro, and he would not allow the dentist even to look at the tooth. The following day the Shah had the dentist before him again. His Ma- jesty's toothache was not troubling him this morning, but, asking the dentist to show him his case of in- struments, ho examined them with TTTTF GREATEST CURIOSITY. Then he suggested that as he was not having his tooth extracted, the dentist should illustrate his craft up- on the members of his suite, many of whom he said suffered from, bad teeth. Upon this every Porsiala in the room, except the toothless Grand Vizier, disappeared, and His Majesty, looking round with a sickly smile, motioned the dentist to leave. The Kaiser one morning last Sep- tember at Cuxhaven, before the nav- al manoeuvres began, appeared with his military suite on the deck of the Hohenzollern. the was in high spir- its, joking in the liveliest manner with the gentlemen around him. Laughingly proposing a few gymnas- tic exercises, he forthwith flung out his arms, bent his body, and wont through other movements. The admirals and otpcers present— some of them rather inclined to be portly—were obliged, whether they liked it or not, to follow the Em- peror's lead in such unaccustomed ex - most other explosives, exerts its purities. ou can t have a healthy, ercise4. It is said to have been "a force downwards. A number of clear skin till you snake your blood spectacle, which seemed to small holes, not more than a foot pure and rich with Dr. Williams' arerd the icmperer infinite amuse - deep, were drilled at regular inter- Pin.k Pills. These pills are a sure rent." vals, small charges of dynamite in- and speedy. cure for all skin diseases, n T;veas a small boy, however. the sorted, and fired by electricity. The for agonizing eczema or bothersome Kaiser's characteristic restlessness result far surpassed all expectations. little pimples—for a bad complexion often showed itself. On one occasion The whole surface was crumbled, and or ugly open ulcers. No claim is while in England, tsel little Prince cWil- ion the crops of the first year were over made for I?r.lialyilliaxns' Pink about thirty per cent. better than PIlis not backed by the most posi- rmjP ,Phe then was,h the ad totformtllis those raised on similar land which portrait. Sit still William would not, however, in spite of all efforts to make him do so. At last Mr. er than that entailed by the use of porter of the Advocate Mrs. tic- Frith, to quiet ]limn, gave him a bit horse or steam power, and, the ex- AJVoy said :—"Some years ago I was of canvas and some paints. That pedient of breaking laud by dyne- taken with a slight itching under seemed to settle him, and the artist mite has now been very generally one of may arms. I gave it little at- went on Quietly adopted. Another advantage of this method of cultivation is the en- ormous slaughter of harmful insects. Modern farmers have adopted many peculiar expedients for incresing the aggravated case of COMMA, causing became awaro that the boy had yield of their fields. New inven- a great deal of pain, irritation andpainbeen edie one side of hes Paco in brilii- • tions are remaking ev?iything move suffering. In fact I was compelled ant stripes—green. reit and yellow, faster nowadays, and agriculture is to endure tortures. I consulted a tive proof, end in this connection we bad been broken up by a heavy gang offer the testimonial of Mrs. Nicholas plough. McAvoy, a lifeelong, much -esteemed The expense was very little great- resident of Exeter, Ont. To are- tention at first thinking it would WITII HIS WORK. pass away, but in this I was mis- Suddenly the prince's governess, taken for as time went an it became who was present, uttered a horror - worse and soon developed into an stricken exclamation and Mr. Frith F.. Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them, It will make thele soft, white and fleecy. 7S t -f asleep In bed with his trousers on, contrary to regulations. Tho Em- peror, it is said, with quick decision tore off the offending trousers, to the no small embarrassment of the amazed soldier. Alfonso, the youthful King of Spain, is much addicted to boyish jokes and pranks, and his unconven- tional doings are at times produc- tive of much embarrassment to his entourage. When in Leon Cathedral recently the King proceeded to tho organ loft, and began to play a chant; but suddenly, without giving any warning of bis intention, struck up a military march, and in a voice cried out "Attention! Quick march!" His suite were too sur- prised to do anything, and the King, thoroughly enjoying the joke, once more turned his attention to music appropriate to the place, much to the relief of all present. Some of our own. young Royalties, however, aro as perfectly unrestrain- ed and childishly unaffected in their habits as all children, Royal or not, perhaps ought to be, A CHILDREN'S OTJTFITTER, for instance, called at York Rouse recently with a suit of little Prince Edward's to be tried on, and as the lady was waiting in the corridor near the Royal children's apartments the door sudden/3r opened, and Prince Edward came running out, crying. "Oh, do come ial come in at once— no one is here." She replied, "n think, your Royal Highness, that t I'd better wait. Per- haps it will not be convenient for me to come into the nursery just now.,, . "Yes, it will," said the child. "There's no one here that matters— only grandpapa." "Grandpapa" himself, however, if accounts be true, was as a boy sing- ularly free from bashfulness in the presence of ladies. In this connec- tion, -lfrs. Alcott, the American au- thoress, in one of her books written half a century ago, refers to King Edward as "a yellow -haired laddie, very like his mother." Continues Mrs.. Alcott, in amusing fashion: "Fanny and I waved and nodded to him as he passed by, and he openly winked his boyish eye at us." The King was evidently "encour- aged," however; for Hrs. Alcott con- fesses that "Fanny, with her yellow and wild waving curls, looked very rowdy," and conjectures that "the poor little Prince wanted some fun." Another, and Much older Prince than those spolren of, is the Arch- duke rchduke Francis Ferdinand, the Heir - Apparent to the Austrian Throne. His "pranks," too, it is to be feared, are of a kind it would be hard to imagine a British Prince indulging in. The Archduke recently caused a sensation by the pertinacious way he stuck to the prosecution of one of his former lackeys, whom he ac- cused of having stolen part of a harness chain valued at 6 cents. The lackey, a youth named Joseph Fej- ver, was acquitted by the judge of the district court in Beneschaw, Bo- hemia, in which neighborhood the Archduke resides. - Highly -incensed, the Archduke sum- moned the judge before him, and, re- primanding him severely, ordered a new trial. The judge, however, is evidently a man with°the courage of his convictions; for he has only sen- tenced the lackney to one day's im- prisonment, moving with the tines. It has been doctor and took medicine for several found possible to create Spring in months, but the trouble did not like a ILed Indian in war -paint. The governess was afraid that her Winter time, and to make plants do leave, neither did it get army better. charges Royal mother might tomo what usually takes three mouths in In fart it took a turn for the worse in and see her son in this state, but a few days. and developed into scrofula. As the Mr. Frith said, "Oh, I can easily By confining plants in a greenhouse doctor's medicine did not help me I remove that!" and taking a cloth or other inclosed space and exposing tried several advertised medicines, damped in turpentine, began washing them to the action of the vapours of hut with no better results. Finally off the paint. A terrific howl from ether and benzine, they can be made to shed' their leaves ALMOST ilIMF,DIATELY. a lady Prised strongly urged mo to the small prince, followed by a vici- try Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills. The ous kick, stopped the proceedings. effect was almost magical. In a few Apparently, the turpentine had found weeks there was o, decided change for its way into a scratch on the boy's the better, and as time went on the face, and he refused to sit any more. Within two days they are bare. They trouble gradually left and to -day I Much more recently. in the early are then exposed to the open air am entirely free from it. I owe my humor of the morning, the Kaiser for two days, after which they re- complete recovery—if not my lifts-- paid a surprise visit to the barracks :tcive a second vapour bath lasting to Dr. Williams' Pink ''ills, a fact I of one of the Guards regiments In forty-eight hours. After this they wish to put on record that others can at once be placed in aforcing may benefit as I have done." house, and flowers and fruit ,which ri:here is absolutely no disease due in tho ordinary course of events to poor blood—and most diseases would not have appeared till May or Juno may thus be secured three Months earlier. A series of very interesting experi- ments,have been recently -conducted in the uses of electricity to hurry the growth of plants. At. Kew Gar- ,a dens the experiment was tried of • electrifying various -seeds before sow- ing them, and' then planting them side by side with other seeds not electrified. The former came up first, and trade distinctly better plants than the others. In :Belgium the electrician Lagrange tried another method of electrical farming Fre sank a quantity of aro chore to this trouble --that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will not cure. You can get these pills from any druggist or they will be sent post paid at 50e e. box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing the Dr. Williams' I.dicfnc Co.,Brockville Ont. Re- member that substitutes cannot pos- sibly cure. 4 HE PROTESTED, In response to several earnest re- quests from p-arishioners the Rev. Dr. Goodman included in his morn- ing service a petition for a cessa- tion or the copious rains that had Berlin. here be saw a Grenadier SLEEPLESS BABIES. Wben a. little one is sleepless acid cross it is the surest sign in the world that it is suffering from some derangement of the stomach and bowels—the scat of nine -tenths of all baby ailments. In cases of this lik Tablets kind Baby's Ownlablets act e magic.. - 'They sweeten the sour lit- tle stomach, relax the distended lit- tle bowels, coot the parched, fevered mouth, and bring nature], health - giving sleep. An experienced moth- er, Mae. P.ci. Cdodin, (Irifiitb, Ont., says : "1 'have used Baby's Own Tablets for many ailments peculiar been deluging the land, to bubvhood, such as fevers, indiges• galvanised wire netting a foot or so tion, diarrhoea, etc., and I have below the suzxface, and arranged a The next day's post brought hint found them the most effective medi- 11Utnber of' pointed metal rods con - yesterday following indignant protest:— carie I have seer tried. I call only netted with the. wire Hotting, and protest:— "Rev. and Dear Sir,—1 was bath add I would not bo without them sticking strati/Mt up eighteen inches sm.u'priscd and pained yesterday to in the house., so "siriuch clo I think of above the s'a:iace, in order to gather hear that the rain fnfght stop. There them." hasn't been a drop too much for lay Other mothers who wish health for cueunber patch. If it: stops now my' their little ones cannot do better crop will be a failure, and 1. Shall than follow Mrs. Uodfn's example. conzidc'r you partly responsible for You can get the Tablets from alt it. When it comes to managing the medieinrt dealers or they will be emit weather I don't think ,you hate any by men at 25 cents a. box no writ - right to butt in. ---Yours truly, ing direct, to The 1mr. Millions' ?ted- "IL R. (;hucklesley."- . idol Co.,, Brockville, Ont, lean on the doake; it will be of great assistance to those Writing tepee them, 7. Gentlemen will please examine our letters, acid jot down the names and addresses of our customers, par- ticuiarly if they are in the same pro- fession. 8. As we are always glad to see old Mends, it will be particularly refreshing to receive a visit and a renewal of orders from buy former customer who hag passed through the Bankruptcy Court and paid us not more than ten coats in the dol- lar, A warm welcome may be re- lied on, . • 9. Having no occupation for our office -boy, he is entirely at the ser - Vico of callers, 10. The following are kept at this office for public convenience ;. A stock of umbrellas (silk), all the local newspapers, time -tables. and all other guides and directories; also a supply of notepaper, envelopes, and stamps. N.B.—Private notepaper for private letters may also be had if desired. 11. Should you find our principals engaged, do not hesitate to inter- rupt them. No business can possi- bly be of greater importance• than yours. 12, If you have the opportunity of overhearing any conversation, do not hesitate to listen. You may gain information which may be use- ful in the event of disputes arising. 13. in case you wish to inspect our premises kindly do so during wet weather, and carry your umbrella with you; we -admire the effect on the floor, it gives an air of comfort to the establishment. (The umbrella - stand is only for ornament, and on no account to be used.) EVIDENCE ERR {( j� UA PBELLFURD JAR2ES ATWELL'S BLAIXOEB, TROUBLE CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Plain Jug of. Statement of a Long' Stand - Trouble Effectually Disposed Campbellford, Ont., Sept. 21— (Special).—That the complication of diseases resulting from deranged Kid- neys is easily curable by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills is evidenced by the case of James Atwell of this place. Mr. Atwell is a hearty man to -day and talks freely of his former ill, health and its cure. "I had Lumbago and Bladder Trouble for years'," he says, "and for ,over five months the pains in. my bladder were particularly severe. In passing my urian would hurt me so as to almost cause tears to come to my eyes. I ,used other Pills but got no relief and a bandage prescribed by the doctor failed to help me. Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cured me. I will never be with- out them in the house." Mr. Atwell's story can easily be corroborated, and other people here are telling of the good work by Dodd's Kidney Pills. They cure ab- solutely and permanently all forms of Kidney Disease. REMARKABLE ENGINE FEAT, An engine used in some works in Syracuse, N. Y., is stated, upon very reliable authority, to have recently completed a continuous run of twen- ty-two months. During the whole period it had never once been stopped and since the speed was 250 revolu- tions per minute this engine per- formed the astonishing total of some 241,000,000 revolutions without' a stop. As is well known, it is sel- dom that an engine is run for a week without being given a rest for some slight examination of its parts, although, of course, the engines on liners and warships run, at times, for as much as three weeks without stopping. WITH LIBERTY Ole APPEAL. It is related that once, after hear- ing Mme. einnuie Houk, the celebrat- ed prima donna, in Donisetti's Daughter of the Regiment at the Berlin Court Opera, the Emperor William I. called her into his pres- ence, and told her she had sung very nicely, but that her -drumming—as the Daughter of the Regiment she had to play the drunx--was very bad., Next morning a military visitor was announced to Mine. I•Iauk at her hotel. He was, he sa:1d, a drum- major of the 1st Grenadier Regi- ment, and had comae to give her a drum Lesson. The diva was bound to accept the instruction, and learnt the whole art of drumming in a couple of dozen lessons. Then the old Kaiser sent to ask how she was getting on, and, heal•-. ing that she had made excellent pro- gress, he commanded a performance of A Daughter of the Regiment. Mmo. 1auk acquitted herself excellently in the drumming scene. and the Kaiser complimented her warmly, sending her next day areal military drum, with a silver plate and inscription.— Pearson's Weekly. attrtospberk eleotrieity and carry it down to the toots of the crop. Po- tatoes were planted on top of the onto, axed when the crop was dug, it was found that the electrified ground bad produced larger and fluor potatnes than eholo grown in »hiller but gtat-plectrifitx1 soil, NEW OFFICE RULES. A Few Hints For Some People Who will Not see the Point. 1. Gentlemen entering this office will please leave the door wide open. '2 Those having no business will please call often, remain as long as possible, take a chair, and make themselves comfortable, 3. Gentlemen are requested to smoke, especially during office hours; f1avenas and newspapers supplied. lexpectorato on the floor, as the spittoons are only for ornament, 4. The looney en this office is not intended for business purposes --by no means -it Is solely to lend. Please note this. 5. Aral' loud and whistle, °special- ly when we are engaged; if this has not the desired effect, sing, $, Put your feet on the tables or. Catarrh Cannot Be Cures frith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cahoot reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you crust take internal remedies. Slall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. and acts directly en the blood and mucous surfaces. If ofl's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians in this coun- try for years and is a regular proscrip- tion. it is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous 6w4aces. Tho perfoet combination of the tw. ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. ClillN1r:Y to CO., 'r oso, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Mall's Fatally fills are the best. A Business ►I'S Tea There are many occasions when a business man requires a healthy sedative and nerve soother. There is no better such than The nutrient qualities of this tea are especially suited to readjusting the nervous system and taking the functions of the body normal and healthy. Fossty Cents rAntectit, Affixed Ceylloua *roman dtbses fos. flee laced Lisbon shooed be biers 403 KING AND HERO. King of Denmark Saves the Lives of Two Little Girls. • King Christian of Denmark recent- ly performed a most heroic act, and one which is especially notable, since ho is eighty-five years old. In spite of his age, however, he still retains much of his old --time vigor and agil- ity, and not a day passes that he does not spend some hours either on -horseback or at gymnastic exercises. He is also very fond of taking long walks, during which he is unaccom- panied, and it was on such an acces- sion that the following incident oc- curred: He was standing at the corner of a street waiting for an electric -car to go by, and suddenly saw two little girls, one four years old and the other five, start to run across the road. The car was coming quickly towards them, .but they had no idea that they were in any danger. Several persons shouted to them to stop, and others actually scream- ed with terror, so certain did it seem that the little ones would be crushed beneath the wheels: but just as the car was within a few feet of them an old gentleman leaped forward, grasp- ed the children by the arms, and quickly drew them back to a place of safety. It was Icing Christian, and the crowd which had - gathered recognized him at once, and re- spectfully saluted him. He bowed in reply, and then, after giving a few words of advice to the little girls, walked on alone to the palace. "What a. pity," says ono who wit- nessed this scene, "that there is no medal which can be presented to the life-saving monarch!" A begging letter, 'asking for a pair of cast-off trousers, closed with the words:— "So send me, most honor- ed sir, the trousers and they will be woven into the laurel crown of your good deeds in heaven." sr 'a i t Corns Niel lli Cain. Magistrate (severely)—"Prisoner, how did you have the audacity to break into this man's house at mid- night and rob him?" Prisoner (piteously)'—"But, your worship, last time I was before you you _ wanted the au - w to know• ho I could, have dacity to rob a man in broad day- light, When do you expect me to get in my work?" Ho : "Why do you persist in your refusal to marry me when I have de- clared my inability to live without you ?" She : "Because you have aroused my curiosity. I want to see how long you will be able to survive." iudd Liniment Cures Distemper, "Do you sometimes have soulful yearnings which you long to convey in words, •but cannot?" asked the sentimental girl. "Yes, indeed," re-, plied the young man. "I was once dreadfully anxious to send home for money, and I didn't have the price of a .telegram." ,". C. RICHARDS & CO. .Dear Sirs, Your MINARD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure promptly. CHARLES WHOOTEN. Port Mulgrave. 7.9 Mr. Samson (from tho head of the stairs)— "Clara, is that fellow gone yet?" Clara—"Yes, father; he's too far gone to go." t -f Ile : "What should you say, Car- rie, if I asked to bo released from my engagement ?" She : ""I think it would - make mo love you more than ever, Harry. For Over Slaty Years fins. wursow's Boornine slums hes been mad by pillions of mothers for their ohtldree while teething, rnaoolbu the child, softens tho net. alrnys Dain, cures tried collo r gulatos the Aternacti and bowels, and to the treat remedy for Dlarrhwa. Twenty -aro cents • bottle Bold b druggists throughout the %Todd, lie sura awltdltfer�'Mna lVws.oW s SOPTxnNG Sesta." 23-74 "My, dearest Maria," wrote a hus- band. She replied : "Dear, let ins or correct either yourgrammar y your morals. You address me, 'My dear- est li'Laria. Axn I to suppose that you have other dear Macias?" n•n.i,s • . r�p,�'utis 0 Is the greatest remedy Ill the world for all bodily ek an aa as tor wbish atm externai. remedy' may be used.. t'rlce, ,2Sc and 60c. M7.,�p t' `a Menne ea. n4:1'+!g!; i n Ae" ar y4=. a n:.�ltr ;' n1'T:'iFF ;r•(t ;�i�n.... ..far., neg MiRard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, Madge : "She says she would rath- er be a brunette than a blonde." Marjorie : "She ought to know., She's been both." Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. She (scornfully) : "I believe he only married her for her money." He (decidedly) : "Well, ho has cer- tainly earned it." ENGLISH BPAVIII LINIMENT ne,melres oA her©, soft or calleu' d lump sad blemishes 1rsen hence, hi old snarly, cartes. splints, rho f baso, aweenry, stifles, tpratns. sore ,tad evennen t tr0u4 oegnYhs, ore. Savo $30 by um of ono bett`e. Warranted the west wonderful >ellonmish Coro ever mosso Intuition is what a woman thinks she has when she makes a good guess. Mind's Liniment Cures ifiplrtheria, Farmer (to his neighbor! e "Ballo! Going in for barbed-wire fencing, eh? Isn't it rather dear ?" Turniptop 1 "Yes, but then, you see, my men don't waste time sitting on it," tommffletais Ws aro gettingahem, lots of them. Wben no other trues wilhis t'ls•m they Rs to sus. t'Vhattiro pet toehalil." •Thobeeti3t yx outs That's our vat at rrm.'amatla ea, It Roils the odeos of tA* wowed. tank c re that mitt fttc ploy it raant heal. You exp set well ; yen eue,'t got warps .•'tis you ,mr h. Procurable only from edit IISLT Alia 'ttatTSB i4'17 G. CO., Hernia j,cota.g5. 22 N}vsr lk Ave, ars: o. P TENTS $l1ITH A OSM!Ron noitottori of Patents' Cesa,Is Life Ilutid'g, onto. wrlN Intros adilos Billiard Tables The Boot sit the Lo.aoet Price Write for Torres REID BROS., NE'terg� Co.'y 755 King St. W. BAST 1' 77 KIM© 5TR3ET EAST TQ8atiT$, Fur Manufacturers, We give begot value to the city. Send for catalog. l!AW FURS AND GER Sitio Mahan prima. Send for price lista IM ALL PATE1TS C�tJiii�l�S. RIDOUT 2PECIAL ATTI NT1p11 MAY EE ITMAT ON, fend ler Hanriboolf 108 Stay St,,TCi10614TO on Patents, &o, CARPET DYEING and Cleaning. This 1. a specialty with tho ,•� BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING! 00. Bout particulars by port and we are euro to saRisty Address sox 156, Montreal, 1-44 Dominion Lino Steamships Montreal to Liverpool Denton to Liverpool Large and /hutSteaxtsh,ps..8uperior nceommodaties er all classes of irehangOrs. Saloons .and Staterooms ire amidships. Special attention has been given to Second Saloon and t'hlyd•Otnss,accomnmodation, Yo 0 1 to anyanon vttuularsg and all a P9 y opassage lei f9 a 0 ►tiha Company, 4r to' passenger agent, DOMIIiION 1111E Ok F1Csy : 7 Stats St., Neaten. 17 St, saxretnent 515 Monta a Poultry, Butter, Eggs, s 9 Honey, apples, ALL KINDS OP riNiTS And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us gni we will you good prices. THE Dawson Commission Co,, 0.15 TCO:LROInTenC)- differ 5