HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-1, Page 5POPPLESTONE & GARDINER. General Merehauls. PI 0 W q erl ti O c4 • a alt. 0 G. C Es VOPPLF,STONE & OAii•DIN.E+.R. Ge,nerad Meralla.nts. B6UI11u111fl on Fritlau, Opti. 211U and will Gontilllle llllth Sdturddu, 06t. 31st, 1903. 1 per Cent Oiscounion Dry Goods Furs Hats and Caps () Ready-to-wear Clothing Boots and Shoes Crockery and Glassware Wall Papers And all Other De- partments Except Groceries fa 7 a-+ la 0 P !� 0 R� r p M Cb te 074 to 0 1-40 F ix 1 rad o'errie .. Agents for Coppley, Noyes & Randall's Clothing. P POPPLESTONE & GARDINER, 5 Stock 1 Months ora • And is the Newest Stock and the best bought Stock in this part of the country. TERMS -Cash or produce. Bring your produce and get your discount same as cash. 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT POPPGESTONE GARDINER Gua Rate Merchants. On Door North 01 POSt 01116g Geneliall Merchants. 0 o vi 1 rotd F° tx ca ra PO7?ELETONE & GARDINER,: ed General Morehante. (. r,. ifi it's Your M016 won a course at the most thor• rvgh and up.to.doto Business Col- lege. We want to r,eciu'o for you one of the many positions offered our Graduates. Will you be one of them/ W o will ee7sd Catalogue 8. for the asking. A, L. BROWN, Principal. Phone 4D Suberb Epuipment to the West, No change of can's "The Overland Route" all dye. way: Wee orIc-iigh'ted •trains: Camper t, men,. Observe Lion' oars. I3u'ffet amok - bra and library ears. Dining earls Meals a la carte. Pullman paIaoe sleeping calls,. ;Free reclining chair cars. Tourist sleeping.. cars. .Etc. Be Sore ybur ticket reads aver the Union P,alci,fic. Full induir;mralti•un furnished on ap- p1Luw,i,rci to I1. 1l.e . Carter, T.,,.. ..., 14 Janes 33uildiag, Toronto Canaria' or If. B. Choate, G. A., 120;;Wood,ward' Av,a., 1Jie,trout, MLeh : NOTICE No Lice., -/The Fruit Division o'f tlrle Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, has recently issued two timely bulle- tins, copies of which have, been receiv- ed at this office,. The first is entitled "Export Apple . Trade" and is in, ti large 'merasure a review of the gen- erally accepted principles l iciform the /~load basis of success ingrowing and capox'ting of Canadian apples for European murke,ts, The . , bulle)Uin deals in the most concise and prraoti- cal manner with such subjects. as var- ieties to plant, care of the orchard, sailing the crop, pick,in:g, grading, parking, the package, handling, ship- ping and storage. The other bulletin as its name implies, deals in a: similar way Nei Lt. the growing and marketing of rears. Each bulletin also contains the text of the. Fruit Marks oket, iu its amende'd form, and expIlantorynot es for inepechors, growers, owners and (packers of fruit.) Evrir',none initere'st; ed an the fruit business, should write Mr. W. A. MacKinnon, Chief of int: Frui t Drvision, Ottawa, for cop-ies of these bulletins, which will • f be sent free to any address. Letters address- ed as •a bo.ve do not require postage, NERVILINE'S 11/1.f1aGIC ,POWER QVER . PAIN. Magical beoause it is potent -a; con- entration of the most soothing, and pain subduing ,remeclies known/ to'Ghe me.dioal world. Nervi line is simply out. of 'comparison with any other 'remedy Thousands who have used it can; testi- fy to this. Ncxrviline• is an infallible xelmelc y for Cramps, Colds, Rheium,a-- tism, Pain in the back -pains internal and ,pains exte,rual. Druggists sell it evle)rywhere. SETTLERS LOW RATES WEST • Vila the Chicago and north Western Ry., every day from Sept. 15th ' •."to November 30th. Settlers one sway sec • - and class tickets at veryto • rat w es Prom Ch,ioago to points in Utah, Mon Lana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Wash- ington, California, also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Wars/. monster. Nel- son, Roseland and other points in. the Kootenay Dislxlot. Corrres.pondingly low rates from, all points in Canada. Full particulars gram' nearest. ticket agent or B. H. Bennett, General r+,gelnt,. 2 East King St., Toronto, 'Ont. •VtrllY SIMMERS ARE COOLER. The t,hejoyry is bei;a adlt"Iaaicecir tfh,at the 'abnorr¢na1Iy cold weather thathas prevailed. during 'one. more ; : recent summer Is due' to (the unnaturpl, 1p'ro- dinlct,i,o,n and aippr'apria,tion of elec)tir/- el ty, and it is pointed out.,lby, 'miaaly that as the util.izatio;n of electricity has i.ncreaeed aur hot summer, weath- er- has ,difm.ished. It now remiains for our dlnlve(nhors ,to dl ithise some) meatus far ellechrioal•Iy heatingour sumimer jrrra'IIheIr to' the „proper dle'grbr..,-iBOS'- ton Herald. x Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and Weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak- ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in iveight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma- terial. Some pay more, some less, some get nothing for your their looney. You get money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. SCOTT & I3OWNE, CHET14Is rs, Toronto, Ontario, Sec., and Sr.00 ; all druggists. 2, O C tiT O +' >y 1:st f Out. COMINQ PALL. PAIRS East Huron, , x3reseels . 000 14 Hiarktan ea.., ..," ... ......Oot,2 Trac lvnlalvir 'GOrrte . Morris, ,131,y't ' . •,.,0,,, ,,, oat 6.7 Stratford ....,: Oct:7 Ribbert, Staffs --Oct 6' Hayfield Oct,1..2 Oat, 2 Oct. 3 EARACHE C,UREJJ. ,Miss J. S. 'Job/Teton, Innistail, Alta., nays: "I was troubled with Eaxaehe fear a long time, and Walling helped( ma ua'ta1 I 'used, i•Tai8;Yard'e Fellow Ort, Which cured me complete/v." The Secret of Failure " Some people falls," said Uncle Eb- en,"because dey tries to eat de per- simmon befo' it's ripe, an' some be- cause dey-lets in lay aroun' till its no good." -Washington. Star. POISON FROM PINEAPPLE The juice of the green pineapple is accredited in Java, the Phillipines, and throughout the Far East general- ly with being a blood -poison of a most deadly nature, Itis said to be the substance with which the Malays poi- son their kreests and dagger's, and to be also the "finger -nail" poison far - merely in use numit the aboriginal momen almost universally. These women cultivated a nail on each hand to a long, sharp point, and the least scrota from one of these was certain death Not Enough The myth crept out of the cedar chest, And hurredly flew away. "I'd starve to death, if 1 stayed in there." The other moths heard him say. They peeped within and agreed he was right, For Gladys, so young and so fair, Had just got back from the seaside trip, And had packed her bathing suit there 1 -Cincinnati Tribune. CANADA'S GREAT ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY In keeping with the progress of the age, CANADA'S GREATEST NAT- IONAL HOME NEWSPAPER, THE WEEKLY GLOBE, will be very mat- erially improved for 1904. Numerous important changes are in contempla- tion, but the leading feature will be the introduction of an EIGHT -PAGE ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT ON CALENDERED PAPER. This will undoubtedly make it the most popular weekly offered to the people of the Dominion. For particulars see adver- tisement in another column of this is- sue. "A Motorina" "I'11 bet my last shirt to a toothpick that woman's a motnrina," exclaimed Shilkins to his companion Bartnoth. "A motoring P What on earth is a motorrna?' "Look at her! She v"•as once beauti- ful. Now she is the Victim of mask and goggles. She speeds 150 miles a day in her touring car, regardless of her complexion,the crow's feet around her eyes, ,the hardness of her face, her entire loss of womonly charm of feature. She is overdoing it. She is flying in the face of Providence, in an effort to be manish. Look her over. She is amotorina."-New York Press. C1 111°OMIL Z . Beare the The Kind You Bare Always Bought Signature of k:/C/+ A TRIP TO ENGLAND A Brief Account of my Voyage to and fro -My Visitation of Exeter, Eng- land, and other points of interest. Sailing from Montreal on the morn- ing of July 4 last, the Allan Line steamer, Parsian, arrived at Liver- pooI at 9 o'clock in the morning of July 13th, .At Rimouski, one of the places where the Allan steaaners on t he Atlantic route from Montreal to GI asgow and Liverpool call to put off and receive their mails, sailors came on board and gave the information that the St. of Belle Isle was blocked with Icebergs. On accout of this we had to go south around Newfoundland which increased our voyage 300 miles. With the exception of a fog which de- layed the Parisian two hours near the banks the outward voyage, the 202nd trip of this noble little vessel, was a most delightful one. On the westward voyage, the S. S. "Tunisian," left Liverpool at 5 p.m.on August 20, for the land "Where the wild flowers blossoms And the sugar -maple grows," calling at Moville at 8.25 on the morn- ing of August 21st, and took on the mails. This vessel arrived at Rimous- ki via Belle Isle and at six o'clock in the evening, of August 27 landed pass- engers and mails, This floating pal- ace broke all previous records for the carrying of mails between Great Britain and Canada accomplishing the passage from Liverpool to Montreal days 8 da s O hours and 30 minutes. She burned in an average 5 tons of coal per hour. The following is the Log,of 5,81. Tunisian from Liverpool .towards Quebec and Montreal. Day Date Lat. Long. Distance 1• -Fri. Aug. 20th~ to Moville. Day 195 mis. 'Tot 2 -Sat, Aug. .21st 56' 15 n 16'34 w 340. 585 „ n Aug.23rd931 n9 3 -Sun 5 ..7 55 w 37, .12 4 -Aeon. Aug. 24th 55'33 38' 48 370 1282 5 -Tues. Aug, 25th 53' 38 48' 39 3(32 1644 6 -Wed. Aug. 26th 50' 56 57' 35 368 2012 7-Thurs.Atig.27th 40.25 66' 22 385 2307 To Itimouski 93 2405 The passengers were rendered sad by the death of one of the cooks he having committed suicide. He was buried at 10 p, to. of August 22, Col- lected in aid of his widow £50; other I collections taken up were~--- Sunday Aug, 23rd in aidof Mo trr�a til n i Sailox's Institute, Divine service, 01 18s. 841, Tuesday Aug, 25t1r, 2nd cabin concert, £10 lis, Old,. Wednesday Aug, loth Saloon Concert 41,8 Jos, 2!d, Ancient Exeter, at one time the prosperous chief town in the wood and known as the chief city or town upon the hill, was to me an object of great interest, It was fornlerely a walled city, King Athelstan having built all the walls, a portion of which I saw, with square atone and called it Exeterra, that is Exeter, Ile also erected Rougemont Castle, now stand- ing in Castle street, the old Saxon gateway to which is naw standing. From its being situated on a hill among hills, it is of a very salubrious and cleanly character. In general the climate of Exeter and Its neighborhood is warm, soft, mild, free from storms, though subject to a large share of rain, This spring it was exceesiyely wet ca,nz:ir,g fruit to be unusually scarce and deer, Plums were worth 10e, a ib.: apples (windfalls) 3c, a lb ; apples (pick$ d) Oe. a lb. ; grapes 20 to 80c. a Ib. This city is an object of greatattrac- tion, the principal point being the cathed val. On viewing the exterior of this building the mind is greatly im- pressed by the massive,perfect, ,tppear- anc'e of the noble structure. The west end presents " a superbly -sculptured screen composed with elaborately carved canopied niches of exquisite de- signs, containing effigies of Kings of England, martyrs, etc. The extreme dimensions of the cathedral are : length 409 ft., transept 140 ft., nave ,140 ft., width 72 ft., height from floor to vaulting 68 ft.towers 145. When in this structure listening to the grand music and singing, I could well under- stand the meaning of "the organ ring- ind along the emblazoned wall." Spa- ciously grand is the nave, the body of which is divided from the aisles by marble clustered columns, each 5 feet square from which spring a series of lofty arches beautifully fashioned, which supports the ponderous walls and roof. In the south tower there is the larg- est and heaviest set of bells in the kingdom. In the north tower is an ancient clock, constructed upon the principal of astronomy which regard- ed the earth as the centre of the uni- verse, Among the monuments of recent erection existing in this church are to be seen those by the officers and privates of the 9th Lancers of the Devonshire Regiment of the Cornwall Regiment in memory of their com- rades who fell in India in the Crimean War, and in the memorable defence of Lucknow and Cawnpore respective- lyAnother point of attraction is Nor- thernhay, a promenade and public pleasure -ground, with its pleasant walks shaded with numerable fine elms, it is a place of unrivalled beauty Two white marble statues are situated at the west end of the grounds, the first erected in honor of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart, is size of life. The second of John Dilatator), the distingui- shed philanthropist, seated in an arm chair with an open bible on his knees. At the entrance facing high street is the "Deerstalker" a -study in bronze. Close by it is •a statute of Sir Stafford Northcole. 'Crowning the top of Nor- thernhay is Rougemont castle, sur- rounded by great wall. The neighborhood of Exeter has its attractions for sportsmen. Hounds are kept v hich are thrown off regularily during the season. The streams afford excellent fishing. England is a land of tunnels, in passing from Exeter to Teignmoutb, I passed through five which farmed, at one time, one vast one,trom Liverpool to Exeter, through the Severn Tunnel, eight miles. Ex- cellent ai'e the roads of England smooth as a floor and hard as a rock. Shortly after reaching the Old Land I was taken for a drive of sixty miles through the most beautiful portion of south Devon. The country as for as I could see on both sides all the way was a grand scene of rolling ground which in general seemed to slope up- ward to right and left, exhibiting field after field in gay theatr'ic pride. Aged gnarled oaks closely surmount- ed with ivy, skirted the drive. London with its palaces, its mu- seums, memorials, wide clean streets lined with magnificent dwellings, etc. is a city of exceeding grandeur. Its streets are washed thoroughly every night rendering them exceedingly clean to the passer by in the morning. What it alore exhibits will repay the traveller a passage scions the great fishpond the broad Atlantic. H. E. \VALROND. Iron -ox Tablets are Very Highly Appreciated in Kingston. January 17, 1903. It is with real pleasure that I certify to the efficacy of Iron - ox Tablets. No tablet that 1 know of better serves the pur- pose of an effective yet gentle liver pill and regulator of the bowels, while at the same time acting is a tonic to the blood and nervous system. As a regulator of the bowels they are all right. JNO. H. JARVIS, 7 Ann Street, Kingston, Ont. .Erifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket easel 25 cents at drug- gists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim- ned, Walkerville, Ont. EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bushell .... 74 to 75 Oats new . .... .. , ., 28 to 98 Barley 40 to 40 Butter 15 15 W oo1 .... 14 to 14 Pork live weight ....$5.75 to $6.00 Eggs QIRIBDITON Roller Mills 6115t1110 anO Glloppinu o116 rro pt j We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill Tii.111 LER fi p. Ounce ' of elation, is Worth a Pound o.t Cure.a>w Why not cure that cough of yours now ? Do not let It go on and get worse, I bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will cure you. We carry a large as- sortment of Cough edicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get Borne of our remedies, Court of Revision i ' .0 �n o --FOR THE- � t � '� Village of Exeter , Notice is hereby given, that a Coma ;• 1 I q { r will be held, pursuant to the Voters' ( AL II,J t'f6.! J.. e Lists Act, by his honor the Judge of the County Court of the connly of Huron, at Exeter on the 16TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1903 BuGGIE at 10 o'clock to hear and determine sf the several complaints of errors and I ommisions in the Voters' List of the 1 klunicipality of the Village of Exeter' for 1903. All persons having business at the court are required to attend at the same time and place. Dated the 15th Day of September, 1903. GEO, H. BISSETT. Clerk of said Municipality. BIIGGIE 8! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, in the Hewes NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . colors. In the matter of the Estate of James Our prices are low as can be four 7 Hackney, late of the Township of Us- for first-class material and workman borne in the County of Huron, Far- shi mer, deceased. p. ' Notice is herebyiven pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario," 1897, Chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said James Hackney who died on or about the 7th day of September, 1903,are required on or before the 19th day of October 1903, to send by post prepaid or de. liver toMessrs Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors for the Executors of the said estate their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, bavingregard only to the claiandmthats ofthe whichsaid W W. B11O they shall thenhave notice, 'WNINU M. D. M. 6.. Executor will not be liable for the said assets o P. b graduate Victoria ,niversitr or any Dart thereof to any person or persons of office and residence, Dominion whose claim notice shall not have been recall. Eabora ed by them at the time of such distribution, tory, Exeter. . GLADMAN & STANBI7RY. Solicitors for Chas. E. Hackney and Alex, Turnbull, Executors Dated at Exeter the 14th day of September,1903. .BEFORE YOU BUY OfILL fIND SEE US. J F Fussell Two Doors South Town Hall. MEDICAL FARM FOR SALE Improved farm for sale lot No. 1. en the 10th concession of Usborne con- taining 100 acres. For particulars apply to L. WALKER, Woodham. FOR SALE At Elimville, a comfortable house with 2i acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best of water, For particulaI s apply to the owner on the premises or by letter to Wm. MIN- ERS, Elimville P. O. FARM FOR SALE A farm containing 90 acres of good land, lot 6, cou. 4, in the township of Stephen. situated two miles west of Centralia. There is on the premises 12 acres of fall wheat, 2 barns, one a bank barn, with good stabling; well fenced and drained, 2 good wells a good brick house and frame wood house, a good orchard. For further particulars aptly to PmILIP LANE, Centralia. FARM FOR SALE A farm containing 100 acres of good land, nn the Thames Road, Lot 15 & 16 Situated 5i miles from Exeter, t of a mile from Farquhar, J of a mile from school, 1} miles from church. The land is in first class condition,all clear- ed. Forty-seven acres of grass, 12 acres of fall wheat, one acre of young orchard, 3 good wells, 3 barns, 1 good bank barn, a frame house. For fur- ther particulars apply to JosNTrroMP- SON, Farquhar,P. 0, FARM FOR SALE A farm containing 100 acres of good land pn con. 11 lot 22, Stephen Town- ship. Land is well drained and about 80 acres fenced. On the premises is a good bank barn with stables and a large house, warm and comfortable, good supply of hard and soft water, 1 acre of good orchard. The farm is situated 2 miles from Dashwood, about half a mile from Sarepta P.O. and 1i miles from school. This is de- sirable property for any one who wants a good farm. Reasons for sell- ing, proprietor is giying up farming. For further particulars apply to Jos- EPH BASTARD, Sarepta, P,O. 0.0000.104.000•0..00 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING Nounu- Passenger. London depart 8.15 A, ar. 4.40 P, Is. Centrally .,... 5.50 Exeter 90:310 6.0 Heusall 9.44 6,15 r Kipper • 9.50 625 Brucof1eld 9.58 11,31 Clinton 10.15 6,65 Wingham arrive ,11.10 8.00 Gorse Sovrn- Passoni755 Wingham, depart . 6,53 A. M. 3.115 P. M olintcn 76.:141783 ,47 4,25 Bruoefield ..,...,8.05 4.49 Klppon .15 4.57 ITansall........ ,,.,•22 5.02 Exeter 8.35 5.10 Centrally 8.45 5,25 Lon don.arrive.....,9.37 6.12 DENTAL f, XINPMAN L. D. s. AND' DR. A. R. 'KINSMAN. L. D. S. D. D.S., Honor Graduate= Teeth extracted without Dentist. bad after effects. Office in Fan - eon's block, West side of Main. treet,`1xeter• D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L 0-8. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of tin Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago Sohool of Prosthetic Dentistry (with' honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession. done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite prates all done in: the neatest manner possible. A perfectly - harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office ono door south of Carling Bro's atom Exeter. Ont. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN AssuRANoxa Com - easy, of Toronto ; also for the Pa xrexx Fxz NSURANOE COMPANY, Of London, England ;. ,1LLIANOE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Ere-. and rONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for inyeet' mont upon farm or village property at /awes: rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. ri ONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds ie. loan on farm and village properties atlovvratee of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St, Exeter;. IEGAL. FRED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Money to Loan Orrxcs-(Formerely of Elliott and Madman, i• MAIN STREET, EXETER, DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Conveyancers.. Commissioners, Solicitors for the Nelsons. )3ank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIR STREET, EXETEIR. s. R. CARLING B. A. L, R. DIOH90N' FOR SALE -BRICK. RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OF LAND IN' EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonabia terms, that very desirable residentialpreperty known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated.' on Lot No- 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a Comfortable, and commodious brick dwelling, also than necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair land andle excellentlyhadapted for an ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful crap - ply of hard and soft water, The property is up. to date and the terms easy, for particulars ap- ply to bxcssoN do CARLIted barristers Exeter or to A. E. Hoorn%, Rew P. 0,, Penne., U. A., Proprietor. 4we.t metoo nils signature Is on every box of of the nullie. 4.c`J3i~atit'Je Broino-Qniiiline Tablets • remedy that cures a 00111 in muse dor