HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-1, Page 41.1 X IJ -1-I tlX.t!!rES, OCTOBER1st, 1003. k There's nerve nourishment in Blue Ribbon Tea. There'ss rest for tired brains and worn-out bodies. There's food for impoverished blood. The most delicate and fragile leaves of the tea plant are in this tea -that's why it is so fragrant and aromatic. Blue Ribbon Tea invigorates the faculties -makes the mind clears dives new zest to living. Blue C tacit, Minced 0 Co F htrlsd be Cerlion Greens 411 seisR for the 1.ed Label The fvloisons Bank (Incorporated by .let of Parliament leis Head Of tee, Mo -t eae Capital (all paid up) - $2,500,00 Reserve Fnnd - - - e2,250,00 38 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba. EXETER. BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. m, to 8 p. in.; except Sntut days, 10 a. m. to l p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points in the Dominion. Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of ewr •hange. SAVINGS DEI-ARTAIENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv- ed. interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current tate of interest allowed. Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and cn most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion GovPrnmert. OLCSEMO 3s CARLING, N. D. HURDON, SOLICITORS. MANAGER youngest daughter, Miss :'Mare' Man- -Leitch, b eamc the bride of ,Mr. T, T. Leckie, of London. They will take. up Chair aibede in London. 11liilbraok Farm, the residence.of Mr end Mrs. George Bites, near Bayfield, on Wednesday evening, September, t 10th at eight o'clock, was the scene of a d;zinty wedding, •tee cnntrncjing parties being bliss Minerva Bates and Mr. W. G. Petersen, of Seaforth. I Stupefying 'headtaches are cured* the heart cleared, and the brain brighten- ed by Milburn's Sterling Hea.daahe 'Powders. They do not . waken the heart. Price 10c and 25c. A beautiful aster and fern wedding look place at "The Maples" the resi- t deuce of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Elliott . of Stanley, at high noon, on Sept. 10th, when their eldest daughter, Ger- , trude 31. became the bride of Mr. . Edgar E. Gibson, of Wellesley,Rev. E. C. Jefnn;ngs performing the sero - many. • The 'induction of Rev. J. S. Bender - sea, formerly of He:nsal!, Ont., into Ws pasto:ra•te of St. Andrew's chatrch.New 'Westminster, B. C., took .plaoe an • the letlh inst. The moderator, Rev. Hugh 'KJ. Robertson, presided. • Mr. Gill- ' man, of I i5it sion, preached, while Mr. Oswald, Laan 3. rs, addressed:: the peva he (rxeeerPips "'Pio. On Wednesday evening last the barn Calendar for September SuimAt 6 13 MONDAY 7 1.4 TUESDAY 1 8 15 WEDNESDAY., . 2 0 16 THURSDAY3 10 17 FRIy3Y 4 11 18 BA ueDAY 5 12 19 o.n the farm of Mr. James H. Camp - 1903 { bell. 8th concession. McKillop, a 'mile 20 27; east of Winthrop, was completely des - 21 28; trnyed by fire, together with all the 22 29 esteem's Drop and some .pigs. Mr 28 30• Campbell had threshed a Iarge ,quan- 24 lily of wheat, which was also eons'OEm- 23 ed. 26 THERE'S A . STORY IN MORNING THURSDAY, OCTOBER Ise, 1903 •TIREI}NESS. Milloi-ERi; A story of poor blood, weakened nor *vas, of a starved brain. Plenty of i 9 foal, mind you, but perhaps poorly All the news of Interest to;iprapa'ned arid Loo poorly digested to ma,injt,ain a vioanous body. Ferrozone Times Readers Happeningmakes blood, gives strength to the 'nerves, carts the flagged feeling ethat in these Counties. HURON GENET .1t.L Na1WS 'no Canatclian Cordage Conxpanyta,f- ter only fifteen mends operation,. find Met their business has outgrown t11 elagneeittii of their extensive buildings sunt plant, and tenders aro invited for 'lairs additional buildings. DOES 'CIIILDREN GOOD. "1 hese u,sesl: 'i)'r, Low's ;Worm Ste--. sup in any family, and, it, itis laways been effectual awl 'bats delne'the child- ren 'good. I can liighiy recoznmeudl a t. MRIS. Jos'ep'h Langtry, Brockville, Toronto is tasking a part in the pet- itions whieh 'are being presented to t'he house -of • Commons asking that the 'paeleage of . , the Government's Transcontinental Railway Bill be de - !erred until after "full and accurate • •intorma;tian" shall have been,obtained This yee'r Over 1,200 13arnalw1q boys have lett England r'ar Canada. Thus is considerably the . 1,ar'st number ever brought out ,in one year. Th&wp plicatians for boys from Ontario 'far- �.,1' ere and others, have buawvever, been fa<r In excess of the sueely. Veto every boy available Mere are ou an average a )IO1f dozen applications. It is :pleasing to :hens that the lass. caused ,i'n DI:unilleba by lihee. Jr -scent Morin, will not be es, great as was at first feared. A Large portion of the enop wee Osars'ested in good condition before the storm. The result however of the storm will be a lowering of the igiradce at the wheat. Rev. Dr. G. J. Bond, editor; of „The Christian Guardian, has, it is under- stood, tendered his resignation. Since -the death of his wife a few weeks ago Mr. Bond has been in very unsatisfalc- t ry 'health, and after the recent tvieit to Toronto, of his brother, Sirr. Rioh- ,a'rd Bc'std, Premier of Newfoundland, Chis resignation from active work was sent in. Rev. George Bond was :appo- inted edit -or of the Guardian on thci retirement of Rev. Dr. A. 0. Courtice, and has filled the office most capably. Dr. Bond's many f.riends regret deeaily his i,ndis1 ositian, and the Methodist People are keenly mise to;the loss. which they incur by his resignation. The.question of appointing a.successor to Dr. Bond has not yet been consider ed, but it Ls quite; pmobable that one of the young men who were previous- iy'connected •teith the Guardian will be Chain. prevents vigorous thought este action. Huron Use Fe'rrozone, it snakes blood, and The county council will distribute 'good 'blood feeds the .nerv:e,s; Strong this year over .$3000 as their share of land vigorous nerves are just ano (her the continuation grant. in'ame far good he alth. If you seek Lnxa-Liver Pills are the ladies.' fav ;health wed a relief from ,the f tired orida -cathartic, as they do,nat,grilpe or' morning feeling, use Ferrozone. AU sir paiin, sicken or weaken on cause tbe 4 druggists. etl'ig'httr,:;t inconvenience. Price 25c... all'cjsr'u{ggfists. Netter wedding was that. at the , Perth A Netter :residence of jamb Crozier, Jth eon- Mr. Louis S. Pfriminier has sold his session. Ashfield„ at 5 p. m. en Wednes ,hundred -'acre farm, lot 23, cone, El - day last, the contracting parties be- lice, an,a of the finest farm* in the in,g Miss Maude, a second daughter of county of Perth, to Mr. 3. Stainacker, Mr. Crozier, and Riche eel A. Misner, of Fullerton, for $8,500. of Windsor. Smart Weed and Bolladannae oom- All the lung healing properties of binrud svilh the other ingredients 'used tha pine are bottled up in Dr. Wood's in She best porous plasters, meek Car - Norney I'ina Syrup. It is the most 1 tares S. W. & ,B. Backache Plasters sat;:,,•iaetory remedyy for coughs and the best in the market. Price 25 c. colds or alt kinds. Price 25c. A peaty wedding took place at noon on Friday et the residen.e of lairs. Alex. Monteith. Clinton, when heir •,pL,,,.^?�Y1S.CM.'k:ST4•h`.7JTSlG;a... For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. C4 �g actrr a I. n . Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We Have been saying this for 60 years, and so havethe doctors. " r have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for 40 years. It is the hest medicine in CUs world, l know, for all throat and lung troubles." Mins, J. iC, NoslOROBs, Waltham, Mass. 24r .r.50a,f11.00. 0. Arlin 0n., All rtruggtstn, • owen, Mass, .; i Ultelgs atersterarosmarmonweasmznwasesozrP Daily action of the bowels is nece:t" eery. Aial nature with Aver's hills. TENDENCY OF CATARRH IS TO SPREAD; Just 'a slight matter at first, and be cause sligibtt, neglected; but the seed sown brings forth a dangerous, har- vest, Consumption, which is the, har- vest •of death. Batter spend a few moments each dey inhaling Catarrho- zoine, an aromatic antiseptic that re- lieves :et once, 1 clears the :nasal pas- s'a,ges, and rest:oxes lost sense of taste a,nd smell. The immediate effect of Ca;tarrhoaone is magical, so prompt and efficient. ,Cure is certain and :pea'm'anent if you use Catarrhozone. Pries SI. Small size 25c., at . Drug- gists or Polson & Co., Singston, Ont. THE ZURICH FAIR The Hay Township Agricultural Soc ie,ty's fair Look place on We,dneaday and Thursday of last week. The wea- ther was somewhat •damp and ;chilly, but that did not prevent a• very large tettendenc•a. All classes wore well fi'L:tad, eceilytlri+n,g in splendid elandit- ion, and competition keen. The Hen - sell band enlivened the priageediilg vary mulch and en tbeOwwhole iL• was cine of the most successful fairs in'the eir.•nala of r,ne society. HORSES. I's1iss McLellan, of Stratford, lately of the Godrorich High School, was am - :pointed aesista.nt in the commercial, I&epartiment in the Toronto Junction Collegiate Institute, at a ,recent meet- ' ing oaf the board. If you lhad Laken two of Carter's Lit tle Liver Pills before retiring you would ,not hove had that ' coated ton- gue ,or bard taste in the mouth Ibis morning. • Keep a via] with you for vicca'ioeial use. Mr, William Johnston, of Illanshand has published his work entitled:"His- tory of Perth -County, 1825-1002.". Mr. Johnston has devoted- an immense amount of time read labor to t,eom- -pilaLion and editing of his work, the facts of which arra authenticated: by rt.,once :fe r to documentary and other pr oafs. Are you free from all crude aguish.- 'relating u i;ir.'rilating *natter. Concentrated rnedi- eine only. Caster's Little Liver; Pills Very email ; very easy to fl a_ke ; no pain; no griping; no purging. Try them 0•n Wednesday, Sept. Otlr, the :house df Mrs. W'itlrell, Fullerton, wait the atone ,cif a quiet but pretty wedding when her daughter. Minnie, and Mr. John T. Faust, of Chicago, wswelte, nett- ed in marriage. The ceremony WAS performed by the Rev. C. W. Brown peter of the Methodist ohuret), Mit- 1 Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought. signature of s r,' Draught.-jIirood• mare, accompaaii,- ied by foal, J. Patterson, let, 2ntand 3rd; foal, T. J. Berry, J.P:attrsan, 2nd and 3rd; 2 -year-old gelding or fil- ly, B. Smilie, A. Geiger ; 1 -year-old gelding o'r filly, R. B. hieLelan; B: Soni lie, P. Bhfile ; Span mares• or geldings in harness and wagon, W. J. Elder, W m. Fee. -Agrieuitarai.-Brood mare accom- panied by foal, W. Moody, S. M. We- 03:ride, W. 3. Elder ; foal, W. Moody,.S. McBride, R. )3. Mclean; 2-yetar-rold gelding otr filly, A. Buchanan, E. Glee, A. Love; 1-yenr`.old gelding or filly, J. Bonthron, R. B. McLean, R. Love; span meets or geldings in harness and. wagon, 0. Leary, E. Gies, J. Docker. General Purpose.- Brood: mare ac- companied by foal, A. Geiger, J. Hab erer, W. Smith ; foal, J., • Pat,terson Goo. •Cluisins, W. Smith; 2-yyeer-old gelding 'or filly, J. Decker, J.. Gellman A. Meliick ; 1 -year-old gelding or Lil- ly, J. Pat/lemon, S. McBride, ; John GalIman; span mares. or geldings: in harness and wagon, J. Hogan, J. Roe- der, W. Witzel. Carriage. -,Brood mare ace: meant -- ed by foal, Geo. Dick, W, •WLntzel J. Bucker; foal, W. Witzel, P. Lamont, A. Geiger, ; 2-;year-eldegeltding or fil- ly, W. Witzeh 0, Fitter.; 1-year-oid gelding or filly, A. Ronnie; span- mar- es or geldings, in harness and: buggy, J. Johnston ; buggy horse in harness W. II. Wood, J. Ir. Russell,' C. Either, ; Road>s1efis.--Brood mare. accompan- ied by foal, T. M. Forsythe; W. Wit- zel, P. Laman,t; foal, W. Witzel, W. „fill Staffed Up O Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer's Fills. The kind you have known all your life. r. c, .Ayes Co,. Lowed, Mess, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE EMT Ore. It. P. EAU Ce.. UAiUUA. N. II.. McAlister, T. M, Fo,rsythc ; 2 -yeas aid 'gelding •er filly, A. Buieha,nan; W, SYdtxol, N, Barents ; 1-y:ar-ol;d-gelding: ou -filly, W, Witzel, D. S:ehneil, Allister ; span mares or geldings , Up, laciness and buggy, M. MoNaught+on ; buggy horse In harness and buggy, E. J. Wei,per, Enatt & Son, W. Witzel lady'dsiiver, W. Witzel, R. B. McLean, J. Decker • Judges.-Jas.'Haadfard, C. Wolfe. • ' CATTLE. 1)urthiam.-Mitch cow, J. Roader, 1st 2nd and 3rd ; ,2 ;year-old heifer•,f3. Chambers, W. kI oAllis tear, J. Cham- bers ; yetarling heifer, H. Roader, J. Chambers, A. lloa,dar ; bull calf, J. Roader ; 'heifer calf, J. Geiger, A. Roe- der, P. Dletichex t ;. Other than Thorobred Durham., - Miirth cow, J. Pfaff, 1st: and 2nd, 3, Welbber; heifer calf P, Hartman, W. McAlrister, L. Roader ; 2 -year-old hei- fer, Snowden Bros., H. Rader, P. Hartman; yearling Heifer, F. Willerrt H. Roader, J. Chambers; 2-yea'readd steer. P. Hartman, J, Roader, Ht Roe- der ; fat'co'w or heifer, W. McAllister, 1st and 2nd, W. Smith; yearling steer, Willert, J. Roeder, 2nd and 3rd ,' jersey cow, S. 'Ralrinie ; fat 'steer, M, Me Allister, P. Hartman ; steer calf, L. Roader, M. M.Allister 2nd and 3r:dt. SHEEP Lang Wool. -Aged Tam, and year-_ line' rem, Geo. Penhale ; Pair ewes hav ing raised lambs in 1903, .Geo. •• Pen -- hale, H. Trumner ; pair yearling ewes, Geo. Penhlaale, 11. Trumner ; pair ewe Lambs and Tam lamb, Geo. Petnhale, las !e d 2nd. Eine Wool.; -A. Duncan lst and 2nd in this class with the exception of ag- ed 'ram and fat sheep. ' PIGS. Berk,stb,ire.-:Aged boar, Snowden Bros.; aged sow, Jas. Harvey, Snowe- den Bros; spring sow, Snowden Bros., 1st and 2nd; 1 -year-old soww,•;Snosv- den Bras let. Tarwwonbh.-•Snowden Bros. took all prizes with the exception of spring boar and 1 year-old boar. Chester White. - Aged sae and sprtiing sow,. Snowden .Biros. Yorkshire. Aged boar, Jas. Harvey aged ,soar, A. D:utnecn, SnowdeniBros.,; spring sow, Jas. Harvey, Snowden Bros.: 1 -year-old boas;, II . Trumner,; 1-year=old• sowv, Jas. Harvey, Snowden Bras. Judges: -Jas. drmstra'ng, James Petry. POULTRY. Plymouth Racks, J. W. Erwin, : P. Becker ; Wynndo ties, P. Becker, W. B. Battler ; Silvesifrerested Polaaads; J.W. Erwin, 1st and .2nd ; Light Brahmas, J W. Erwin; dark Brahmas, 3. IT. ,Er- win, P. Becker ;'Games, Black; kiln - areas and White Minorcas, J. W. Er- win 1st and 2nd; Red Caps, G..Clp.us- itns, W. Smith,: White Legh:ornmsiW D. Battler; D. •Hauch ; White: Lengsh- ens, J. W. Erwin; Buff .Coohins, :Geo. Clausius, J'. W. Erwin; Partridge 'Co - chins, J. W. Erwin, 1st and 2nd ; Cock ereis, P. Becker, 1st and 2nd.; Pekin China Ducks, J. W. Erwin, Snowden Bros • Rouen Ducks, J. W. Erwin,, Snowden Bros.; ducks any breed,: J..W Erwin; geese, H. Raider, II. Trumieer turkeys, H. Trumner, J. W. Erwin; Guinea Fowl, Geo. Clausius ;,best col- lection pigeons, P. Boechler ,11. Trum- ner collection rabbits, C. Oswald; Toulouse Geese, Snowden Bros., Geo. Clausius. Judges. -Geo. Brown. J. C. Steno - men.. GRAIN AND SEEDS. White fall wheat, J. K. Wise,sD. Hai eh, W. Roader ; red fall wheat, W. Kropp, S. Wise, C cohost; spring,whe.. a:1, S. Wise, J. S., ;Wise ; 0-eohved• bnr- ley, E. Gies, W. 33. Battler, W; R,oaxi,-'- er ; 2=roared barlle.y, J. K. Wise , blank ails, Alex. MCEwen, J. K. Wise, S. Morose : white oats, S. Wise, 3. K. Wise W. B. Battler; large peas' J. S. Wise S. Wiese, A. MoEwen ; eye, A, Fester ; speliz, A. MnEwvean, Snowden Bros. ; col lec'L•io'n of grain in head, J. K. WiserW B. Batl:ler ; small pens, S. Wised J. K, Wise, G. Clausius ; *red clover 'seed, B. S. Phillips, P. Hartman ; thnothy,seed A. McEw'an,,13. S. -Phillips, 31..McAr-- (hue•s collection seed grain, J. K. Wise judges. -John McNevin, 3, F. Moore ,HORTICULTURE. Colle'-•taon o•f a'PPI's, E• Gies, B411:5.1;012 Snoww.1on Bras ; 8ai1 apples, L+'. E .lppp ; winter apples, E. Iilopp, W. ; Bing Tompkins, L. Reader, Snoidtr Bros.; snow apples, H. Read- er, II. Krait ; northern spies, II. Road- er, G. Schroeder; baldwans, E. ;Klapp, D. Samara.e; R. I. greeanings, H. Kraft, Snetidea• Bros. ; spitzenburg, A. McEw- etn, E. Iilopp; icribson pippins; W. 13. Battler, J. Geiger; golden russett,' F. Will'rt, 3. Webber ; ben Davis, Sneid- er Bros., L. •Rcnr'aer ; ' Swears, 13. Sarr as, E, Kropp ; wagners, II. Trumner, W. Roeder: 'menet, H. Roader, D. Bench; 1djaidci'a'a blush, P. Ilartman, W. oSmith ; Blenheim pippin, I .Gies, ; pewaukce, W. B.Battler, i;. Giles; cohorts, Snowden Bros., T. Klapp; ghciria Mundt, iG. Schroeder, G. Sahuelli,g; collection ens -sett ap- ples, E. Iilopp,'J. Decker ; collection, pians, tail and winter, J. Ila.r.berer,'W 13. 13aLtle;r; bartlett pears, J. Ilarber- am : fl'enrish beauty, J. Roader, Jd Har- berer; good peaches, J. Roader, E. Gies ; prunes, H. Well, Thos. Johnston iriab 'apples, red, S. Witmer, A. Mr, -t- Ewwan; g+rap'ets, II. Kraft; collection of grapes, G. Schroeder, W, 13. Battler, ; plume, T. Johnston ; collection , of plume T. Joher't•an ; collection of conn and fruit, R R Johnston, 7'. Docker ; judges. -D. •French, Wrn. Moore. VEGETABLES. That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear- ing the head and throat. . No wonder catarrh causes headache: Impairs the taste, smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stom- aoh and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment roust be constitutional --alterative and tonic. "I was 111 for Pour months with catarrh In the head and ths+eat. 11ad a bad cough and raised blood. 1 bad become dis- couraged when my Tmsband boa ;bt a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and persuaded nor to try it. I advise all to take it. It has cured and built ms up." Mas. Ilcae Rc- men, West Llseomb, N. S. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh -it soothes and strength, eng the mucous membrane and iaull& up the whole system. Coietekey; Colorado red -potatoes, W. Smith ; Micltigau *line potatoes, J. Herberer, W. B. Bottler, • W. Smith any vaxiely, G. SAhoeilig, Wall'. Bat- tier, W. Smith ; •eolleotion ,potatoes, Snowden Bros., W, Smith, W. B. -Bat- tler ; 3 ;Bat-tller; .Empire potat,aes, G. Schroeder, G:. Saboel1ig, W. B. Bat -e'er; Carman podlaioes, P. Wiliest, W. Roader, G. Clau;sius; areal' wvhitb;,be'ans, :G. Claus,. ias, W. 33. Battler ; beans, any variety, J. 1%. Wise, 3. Decker ; yellow oorn,s C. Oswald, Snowden Biros.; sweet corn, S. Wise„ red ovines, W. 13. Metter ;yel- low anions, J. Webber ; hutch setts, A 5, Faust, P. Becker ; white field .oar.. rot, Snowden Bros., W. Smith: red garden 'oarnots, L. Roader, A. 'Geiger ; Ssv✓addlth turnips, 1'. Hart'•man, 11, Baa- der, ; white turnips, W. 13, Battier, Snowden Bros. ; yellow globe marigolds Snowden Bros.; long red • mangolds, W. B. Battler, J, • Gallim'an ;, long yel- low •mnn'golds, Saowwden!Bros, P., Hart man ; Oxford cabbage, II, Trumser, T, 3othinsbon ; flat 'dutch cabbage, A:Geri grer, T. Johnston ; black Spanish rad- iehes, B. S. Philips ; while' .radish. J. Hxrbener, W. M. IIarburn ; pumpkins, W. Klapp. 11. Neb ; mammoth pump-- kilns, G. Schneider, Snowden Bros. ; cel cry, T. Johnston, A. Foster.; squash, Snowden Bras.; blood beets; H. Wells, Snowden Bras,; rooted beets, A. Geig- er, W. B, Battler ; watermelons, J. Webber, C. Coloskey; muskme1.onsi J. Webber, A. Geiger ; red tomatoes, R. R, Johnston, 'Snowden 'Bros.; yellow tomatoes, W. 13. Battler, T. Johnston. Judges -a. J. Drysdale, J. 3. Mer- ner. IMPLEMENTS. F. Hess, sr., -took all prizes for opera, buggy, covered buggy, and covered ,ear'riage judges. -'Geo. Brown, J. C. Stone- man. '.YIAN;UFACT (IBES. Sett heavy harness and sett buggy harness, C. Hartleib, 1st and 2nd ; carriage harness, C. Harr t'leib; c ollec- tion shoes, P. Bende.r ; collertion • of leathex, 3. Wilmer; finished flax, G. Cook ; 'piano, 11. Well; cement work, J B. Fo,steu', G. McKay; • Judge -J. J. Merner, D. French. ' AIRTc PRODE7CTS. Butter in tub, P. Hartman, Snow- den Bros., A. Geiger butter for table, W. Smith, D. Hauch, Snowden Bros.: (home-m,adae cheese, J. Geiger W. Klgpp, S. Wise; honey in comb, J. llarberer, P. Beaker; home-made bread, G. Clausius ; bakers' bread, C. Eilber, J. Gellman; home-made• buns, R. R. Joheslon, Snowden Biros.; ex- tracted honey, W. Smith, G. Clausius; maple syrup, W. Smith,.A. McEwen; oolleci;ian honey, G. Clausius, J. Haas - leerier ; Judges. -R. J. Drysdale, J. J. Mer- ner. LAD,(ES' WORM Crochet quilt, J. Decker, W. 'Copp; crewel work, C. Campbell; tufted, qui- lt, S. Witmer, W. 13. Battler ; knitted quilt, T. Johnston, J. 13. Foster : log cabin quilt, G. Sohoellig, C. ,Ca:m,pbell, tre .t.wh quilt, T. Johnston, 8. Wise; gill sewed on ground work, 11.1 Reed- er, J. Decker ; outline quilt, P. Hart- man, W. B. Battler ; home-made (oav'- erlet, P. Ha;r,tmen, S. Wise ; theme - made mart, S. Wise, J..Cdckritne•; "lag carpet, cotton warp, J. S. . Wise,' T. Johnston; + painting cn velvet, 0., Campbell, J. S. Forest ; Berlin (wool work, 0. Campbell; Berlin wool pil- low cushion, C. Campbell, J. Cock- -eine ; 'crochet work, C. Campbell, , T. Johns -ton ; aibuim basket, C. Campbell, J. Cockr'ine ; hair wreath, II. Web; Weather iwirepith 'and 'cardboard wc:rk, T. Jcb,nstan ; sofa cushion, W. Klapp, S. Wise; honiton lace, 0. Cam:p'bell, T. Johnston; knitted lace curtain, T. Jo!bnston, II. Nob; leather work and oomb work, C. Campbell; cushiort Loi - let, J. S. Fo.res,t, J. Cockrine; ]'aimp mai., J. K. Wase, W. Xlopp ; canosss work, C. Campbell, T. Johnston ( bciacl work, 0. Oanr;pbeil ; shell work, 'J'. S. Wavelet, J. Ccekrnme ; chemise, R..' R. Johins•t.on, S. Wilke; da,rned works, • 0. Oarmpbcile .geints' -dress shirt, R:: 33. Johnston; tatting, Dr. Buchenan, C. Ca.mtpbell; embroidery in silk, T. john sboin, C. Campbell ; embroidery in Mus Lin, T. Johnston; woolen stockings„S. Wise, W. 13. Baititler ; cotton stockinngs S. W,iee, T. Job'nnton ; knitted mitts' in wool, A. Geiger, S. Ronnie ; I knitted sacks in wool, H. Web, S: Wise ; paper basket, J. K. Wise, 8. Wise ;' a,ra,sene work, C. Campbell; • crazy work, a. Johnston, C. Oa,utpbel:i.: silk patois - work, T. Johnston, J. Cackrine ; knitt ed pillow shams, 11. Nob ; outline an - rens, C. Campbell, S. Wise ; , ba tiem wreath, R. R. Johnston, E. ,Klapp; crack:e t petticoat, J. Geiger, S. Wise; crazy doyl'ie, C. Catmpbe•1l, T. Johnston chair tidy,• C. Campbell ; special prizes, W. Klapp ; special prises, E. ,Iilopp. r' Judges. -Mrs. W. Ilea'cher, 1,1rs. G. tBuchnman. r.INE ARTS. Olt painting, portrait, C. Campbell, Sntinider Dros.•; oil painting, landscape, C. Ca.mpbedl, J. S. Forest ; crayon work, 'por•trael,, J. S. Forest ; 0111 or Wailer calor flowers, J. S. ,Forest, , E. Klapp pencil 'drawing, J. Cookrina,J. S. Forest ; pun and ink sketch, C. Campbell, J. S. Forest ; penmansthip, C Bieber. G. Holtzman ; painting on silk, 3'. S. Forest, J. Coekrine ;: lfrai•nting;on Neese*. parts, J. Cockrine, T. Johnston oil painting, 'extra, T. Jah'nston. Judge -W. 'Weeks. ..FLOW,ERS AND PLANTS. Maple le.nf, T. Johnston, C. Oswald ; bouque't of clot flowers, T. Johnston,. R. R. J'ehnlsto,n; collection ge'ra.niumts W. 13. 13n•t•t.Ie,r, R. R. Johnston; collec- tion t o 'cacti, J.c ' Co brine, T. Johnston; oc'l'lectiom cella lilies, R, 11. Johnston ; collection pansies,. T, Johnston, C. Os- -mato; fucihias, 11,. R. Johnston ; SPECIAL PRIZES. peiaiatl prize by Mr. 3. 'A. Willia.m,s, fc,r. Amber wheat, W. Iilopp; 'special prize by M,r. D. S. ,Faust, for best coi- le,attian of flower plants, in Spots,.., Ed. Appel,; green house special, W. MI. 11arburn. Tlarly or late Rose potatoes, H, Roa- der. a. reader ; white or red Mph., potatoes, L. Bonder. G. Shroadecr., C. i nuu Ana ,1,n,n llnallainapU I,tnnittnaIIn soma n_ ,? . ... k OCa Itilfi'S\'i� +. w ),i .,LtimITAimiil uuu,nin ii tok fiUM'r"aaum,p i i aur fi r jv1. ' 1,4 Vegetable i rcparattozlfurAs similating theFoodandRegula ling the Stomachs spoll3owels of I rt Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ! fleas andfest.Contains neither Opiuui,rdorphine nor Mineral NO 1' 'NAM C OTIC . F a'?�,.:rsr:�'✓'•.=l.�r£L�f,FITCc�.f'x .F'rrrc, {n vers.'. wilv..11nra # 1;.sxte sSks- :^l.ree •Sa,' r i 'ro rail - a('fraid Jtrar . $•l,,C•rnrcrn• Flays: fi �r,� pt IG' - Aperfei:t Remedy for Cons tipa- tion, Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. ' t: Fae5 miine Signature of NEW -YOB I{. t 1` 1 y r 1 ,' ,': , EXACT COPY 01' WRAPPER. a,1UA,.04 V://; + $' cAsTORIA For Infants and Children. l5 The Kind You Have Always Bought -. Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW roam CITY. Portland Cement WE HAVE jus t received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port- and cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WANTED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY For which full market prices will be paid at storehouses, • EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEEOYE. JOS. OOBBLEDIOK WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'S' GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of EXETER and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR iIflRDY SPEGifIeT1ES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines,, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Tose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. 1 Stone & Wellington FONTRILL NURSERIIIS over 300 acres ....040®4004......®4>A.+P..®®N TORONTO, _ = ONTARIO Guessing at the heat of an oven spoils more food than inexperienced cooks, Dainty pastry and delicate cakes are s too hot or not ruined if the oven is hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford Range does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can tell to a certainty when the oven is ready for baking or roasting. Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the Imperial Oxford Range Most cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you don't know your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact temperature. Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better still, will you call at oneof our agencies and see the stove itself? The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited Toronto, Canada Montreal, Winnipeg' Vancouver SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON ALL THE USEFUL Branches are taltght in the F. 0. B. COLLEGE. Our students are not guaranteed nice jobs,• but after a rousse • in this . College. it will be No Trouble for Them. to Hold Any Position. We aid them, if possible . to obtain employment. int we first equip them to rnalntain the high reputation this SC11o01 has Acquired. J. W. WESTERVELT Principal. TRADE IViARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyene'eending a sketch end desorlptionmay Milakl? Ancertair• our. opinion free Whether an invention is prof ably patentable. Communion- tion strictly cr 5Mantle!. 73endbook on Patents Sent free. Old...st agency for securing patents. Patents tar.dn through Munn & Co. recetvice special notice, w ithoutonarae, intim scientific . erka o, A handsomely ilhmtratod weekly. Largest Or. ciliation of any scientific Journal. Terme, $3 an year ; four months, $1. Sold by ner3deaiers: ]BlUNN &Gt Co,3c1aroadway, New York: Branch Outdo, 6211 Wnat•w,rton. Z). 0. fdassitinnnionsansessineenstEnninaranneuragmassuri=nsuararnsiassugnnpamorprolequn To Cure a Cold in One ,Doy . Cures Grip tato 'lhvo I.Iays. Take Laxative Bromo Quinin on every . Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, I&A :4e*' bozo 25c. eniisei.ss uta`•