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Clinton News-Record, 1987-01-28, Page 14
Page 14-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1987 •LUCKNOW gWINGHLWAS 1. Articles for sale INGLIS WASHER 5275.00; Inglis dryer $175.00. All in good condition. 565.5277. 1 -4tf DON MIDDLETON'S Whitehall Farm has for sale a good supply of high quality apples, Macintosh, Northern Spy, and IdaRed: Also sweet apple 'aider. Phone 482-9838. 1 "tar WELL SEASONED fire wood, 4 x 4 x 8 lot, 5140,00 delivered. Phone 482.5539 or 482.7594, 4-8 ATARI COMPUTER 520 ST. Ideal for business, home, educational, 512K, disk drive, monitor, software included. 527.0257. 3,4 9 x 12 FRINGED OVAL RUG with underpad, pastel green, very good condition, $125,00, 482-5243 after 5. 3,4 ADLER manual typewriter. long carriage, good condition. Asking 560. See it at the Clinton News - Record. 53 Albert Street, or phone 482.3443. 4tf 24" WHITE gas stove in good working condition 575.00. Phone 482.5783. 4,5 USED EQUIPMENT, 2 snowblowers, 5 hp, two 16" chainsaws; one 5 hp riding mower, one ford rear step bumper. Phone Steve Argyle, Bqyfield 565.2800. 4,Sar • SATIN wedding dress for sole, size 9; beaded headpiece, asking 5220.00 for all. Must be seen. Phone 482-5443. 4 7' SINGLE AUGER Lu• know snowblower like new. 460 McKee Ebro, 60 horsepower tractor with, McKee hydraulic loader, approximately 1,000 hours. Phone 526.7242. 4,5 BAR and 2 swivel bar stools. Bar is 7x4x3 with ar- borite top. asking 5200 or best offer. Phone 482-9972 after 5. 4 USED SKATES bought, sold, exchanged. also sharpening service for skates, knives. scissors. saws, etc 139 Queen St., Clinton, 482.9412. 450 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '1, mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades NORM HAMILTON GOVERNMENT SURPLUS DEALER 15 Inch planers, 6 Inch lolnters, band saws. 12 Inch table saws, air compressors. wood clamps, 16 speed drill press. Full line of fools, Vices - 6", 5", 4", Bench Grinders - B", 6". Office desks, office tables, over 200 chain, 40 folding tables, 4 dr. legal filing cabinets, 2 dr. filing cabinets, card cabinets, steel lathe with all accessories NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY 27 Picton St. E. Goderich 524-8602 LANGFOID LUMBER HOME CENTRES Bay*lold Road, Clinton 482-3995 Wake up to all the comforts of foam. IF YOU'RE IN THE MARKET FOR NEW BEDDING, HERE'S WHY YOU SHOULD SEE OUR SELECTION OF FOAM MATTRESSES. A foam mattress offers the ideal com- bination of softness and support for a sound and healthy night's sleep, Europeans have long known the feeling of sleeping on a lux- urious cushion of air and have mode foam their most popular mattress by for. Cana- dians too are rapidly waking up to all the good things that foom has to offer SLLJ BEREASE FOAM TWIN -SIZE MATTRESS 24� ®ay One more reason to discover the Ball & Mutch difference FINE FURNITURE 7,1 ALBERT ST. CI,INTON 452-9505 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 9 AM - 6 I'M, EXCEPT FRIDAY EVENINGS OPEN T11.I. 9 PM 1A. Snowmobiles 1979 POLARIS Apollo 340 and 1980 Polaris Apol o 340 snowmobiles Phone Ron Nesbitt 523.4378. 4 ASSIFIE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE RAYFIELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 yard sale 3 6arkt®ltle 4 Antiques for sole S Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sole B Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate to sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room ✓b board 21 Cottages for rent 22 lots for rent 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wonted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tender. 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sole 39 Educational 40 lost 6 Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 50' DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAVMFNT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE ,WEEKAFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 C:7 CTl l MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to S p.m. J 5. Cars for sale 1977 TOYOTA CELICA. 3 speed automatic, has summer & winter radials on rims, car is in good running condition. body is reasonable. 51400.00 certified or $1300.00 as is. Call 524-4766. - ltfnx 1975 MONZA, V-8, good shape, best offer or trode for snowmobile or motorcycle. Phone 524.8198 after 6 p.m. ltfnx 1985 CHEVETTE, 12.000 km auto.. hatchback, Pioneer stereo, certified, best offer, must sell. Phone Ron Nesbitt 523.4378. 4 1977 PONTIAC VENTURA 2 -door V•6 automatic 63.000 original miles. Zieborted when new, no rust. new exhaust system, snows. Certified. Ex- cellent condition 524.4996. 4 8. Marine GUN SALE January Clearance on all guns, scopes and ammunition Lake Huron Rod and Gun 3687182 Open 7 days 1 4 9. Automotive BATTERIES BATTERIES BATTERIES *ALL TYPES *ALL SIZES BEST PRICES OPEN DAILY AT 7 AM 4ro EDWARD FUELS CL.INTON -r & AUTO Clslk' rF'- 482.7687 •COMPARE ANYWHERE! OPEN SAT. AT 6 AM A. For Sale STRAW for sole 75' per bole Phone 482-3765 4 WEANER PIGS for sale approximately 50.5'59bs Phone 482 3251 4 Hensall Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 RM. All classes of Livestock WF INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves Clinton . 442-7511 Exeter . 235-2717 Klrkten - 229-6205 262-2619 E. Farm Services WILL DO relief milking while you have a vaca- tion Phone George Townsend at 527-1629 3,4• BERG Soles-Service-Irlst011ation eeern Cleaners 'eunk Fctedera •Stabling ®Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES ' Dal>llalld G. NOES R R, 2 EI YTFd M7-$24 F. For Rent FOR RENT 55 acres, loam. Well drained land, 9 miles west of Clinton. Wood • dry maple, mixed, 525 o box. 524-8037 Art Bel'f . - 4 9. Automotive TIRES • TIRES TIRES Featuring Michelin, Kely Springfield, Shell and other fine Quality Tires apertaat id Ietrl talk. can heIpl YOU ' B D .1e TY'ES `:*AL.Lr `SIZ , ' MMA Y,lii Fug Tire Service including *ALIGNMENTS *BALANCING OPEN DAILY AT 7 AM OPEN SAT. AT 8 AM EDWAR ' FUELS CLINTON TIRE & AUTO CENTRE 482-7681 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Egmondville on large lot in very good condition, 7 years old, at• tached garage. good location, finished rec room, 2 full baths, central vacuum. built•in dishwasher, plus more. Phone the owner, 527-0493 after 6 p.m. 4.6nx 12. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE 1 Acre, Holmesville Area. House, heated barns suitable for veal. calves, broilers or storage. Charlie Houghton 4827434 - Residential - Farms - Business Resort Properties SEAFORTH - 132 Mill St., executive home, many built-in features. A must to see. TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP - vacant land, 44 acres. HULLETT TOWNSHIP - vacant land, 75 acres, 60 acres workable. BOB THOMAS SALE REPRESENTATIVE Res. 482-3096 Office 524-9097 HAYFIELD AREA - Brick bungalow in a nice wooded setting featuring 3 bedrooms, finish- ed basement, fireplace. central vacuum, on 1 acre, TOWNSEND 5T. - 3 bedroom hbme with sundeck, central vacuum heat pump, base- ment offers family room 3 pcboth, office, bedroom walk out to garage on a lot 103 x 126 ALUMINUM SIDED 2 bedroom 1 floor home, good condition Asking $25 000 00 DAIRY - 160 ACRES, 70 tie ups. cows 4 quota, near Goderich BRICK 2 FLOOR HOME, offering 3 spacious bedrooms. near the schools. with garage, can have rental income- $67.900 UNIQUE BRICK 3 BEDROOM HOME, featur- ing den, stained gloss windows. stone porch. double garage. $69,900. 1'/, STOREY ALUMINUM SIDED. 3 bedroom home. 2 baths, dining room, attached garage. large lot. 336,900 1'A STOREY, 2 bedroom home, reinsulated. drywalled and sided $25.000 1 FLOOR, 2 BEDROOM HOME, offering spacious rooms fireplace, full basement $34.900 e0 ACRES, 75 WORKABLE, near Holrriesvilfe another 59 ocres available nearby RESTAURANT AND RESIDENCE ABOVE, in the Village of Walton HOG CAPACITY 45G, good 4 bedroom home, 20 acres Morris Twp LONDESBORO - 1 ', storey aluminum sided 3 bedroom home 16 x 48 shed. highway location, '29,500 00 NEAR WINTHROP - 3", acres. 1 floor 4 bedroom home, shed, '44,000 00 3 BEDROOM - 1', storey house gas ftrnace. Asking $15,000 00. BRUCEFIELD - 3 bedroom 1'/, storey home, good condition nice lot. DOWNTOWN - Brick building with charac- ter, ideal$ -tor an office or shop. APARF1'M'E'NT BUILDING - Brick. 6 units and a coach house 1'/, STOREY aluminum sided. 3 bedroom home. 527,500 00. 1 FLOOR. 3 BEDROOM HOME. large lot, garage. '28,900.00 COMMERCIAL ZONED OFFICE or store and elegant residence with pool, highway lota- tion in Clinton. 2100 SQ. FT. SHOP. cement floor, 200 amp service, 10 ft. door, asking $24,000.00. Harold Workman 462-3455 Rill Steenstra 4823780 7 a -b. realty ltd. r.w. "russ" archer sales representative -MLS- bus. 482-3733 res. 482-9428 located in the Vanastro Mini -Mall LOCATED IN BRUCEFIELD Less than 10 miles from Lake Huron, 18.5 acres wi o driving shed and small barn. Presently has 2 box stalls and 3 standing stalls. Six acres has a plan of subdivision w' 12 large lots. House hos 12 rooms and 2 bathrooms. Central foyer with ash and cherry staircase also original cherry wainscott in the kitchen. Priced at 5149.500. GODERICH TOWNSHIP - JUST LISTED 2 bedroom, 17 year old bungalow with finish- ed rec. room, underground garage. on 'e. acre on Highway 8 in Goderich Township. '74,500 5 SEASONS ESTATES 2 • Double -wide modular homes, one at '79.000 with 2 car garage, sun room finish- ed basement. One at '42,000 •TH NTON 'PSEAYO*TH • MITCHELL • 011RIGN • Merin %TRA 12. Real estate for sale JOHN STREET, CLINTON 3 bedrooms, finished basement, gas heat, paved drive. Listed at `64,500.00. Contact Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd., Clinton, 482.9371. Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. CLINTON 482-9371 Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton 72 ACRES: Highway farm, good house, barn and drive shed. BLYTH: Mobile home, on large corner lot Heated workshop. CLINTON: 213 Victoria Street, 4 bedrooms, gas heat, zoned highway commercial. LONDESBORO: 4 bedrooms, 2 floor home, very spacious, heoted double garage, like new throughout. CLINTON: Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, paved drive, near hospital. BLYTH: Commercial property, Queen Street, presently rented as Variety store, good 2 bedroom apartment above, presently vacant. KINBURN: 100 acres, 95 acres workable systemically drained, 6 room frame home. 25 ACRES: 2 miles from Clinton, small barn, excellent building site. LONDESBORO;.1 floor brick rgncher, finish- ed basement, inground pool, large lot 198 ACRES: REDUCED. Dairy farm. Free stalls for up to 100 cows. excellent buildings. 2 Harvestore silos. Hullett Township. Try an offer, 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton. 1', floor frame home. farrowing born for 35 sows. Pro- party well fenced. AUBURN: 1'-S floor frame home on large lot Good family home. LONDESBORO: 1', floor frame home. 3 bedrooms, Targe shed in good condition. Good starter home for under '30,000.00 F000 FOR THOUGHT: 11 all of our present zoning by laws and building regulations had been in effect since the beginning of time, wouldn't On- tario now be a beautiful, unspoiled wilderness. ALL POINTS REALTY INC, 234 BAYFILL13 12'13., At BLAKE 57., PH. 514.21T't "We don't just list your home we represent RI" Beginning Farmers? Check this one out, Near Shatter Sawmill In West Wawanosh. 100 acre parcel of Perth - Harrison loam, 90 acres workable. 6 acres bush. 2 storey frame house, 5 bedrooms. Re- quires siding and some interior cosmetics. Property has good barn with stone founda- tion, a lean-to and drive shed. 579,900 is worth looking at. Cali Wayne Wigelsworth at 1-319-524-2111 to see the property. 4 BEDROOMS - Looking for a home to live in now and renovate as you can afford it? This seven rooms frame borate on townsend is fort you. Call Karen Scruton 482-9716 Tuckerslfiraith Township 96 acres workable. L-shaped bank barn. two storage sheds. Large 6 room farm house. Call Bill McGregor 482-7539 Reduced to 8371000 2 bedr©.... ,�taarrl1ti,i _sided bungalow. Large kitchen, patio door to deck. Situated on '/, acre between teafarth and Clinton. Call Marie Sutherland 529.1931 or Karen Seruton 482-9716 EN ROUE KAREN SCRUTON MARIE HUGHES BILL McGREGOR 482-9716 .:a MIMIC BRADLEY 482-7508 WAYNE WIGELSWOQTH 482-7539 MARC TUGWEL Member Huron *teal Estate hoard Multiple Listing Service - 482-7841 482-3091 482-1760