HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-01-28, Page 11The Benmiller Foresters annual Snowmolbile-a-than for Cancer Research was held in the
Benmiller area Sunday and nearly 50 snowmobile enthusiasts helped raise $5,798 in pledges
in the one day event. Organizer John Orr said the event is successful because of the
efforts of the Colborne Snowmobile Club and its membership. Bob Morash, pictured above,
was the top pledge getter this year as his 200 sponsors pledged $1,606. It marks the third
year in a row Bob has topped the pledge sheets. In 1986 he raised $1,300 and $800 in 1985.
Herman Fisher was second this year with over . $1,300 in pledges and Ilene Sillib had
$686. Pledges are due on Friday, Feb. 13 when the Foresters host an appreciation night
for the participants in the 50 kin ride. at the Forester Hall, Benmiller.
St. James' elects officers
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON - Morning prayer was held
in St. James Middleton Anglican Church
Sunday morning with Rev. Aubrey Bell of-
ficiating. Ron Greidanus was organist and
Don Middleton and Mathew Steenstra
presented the offering.
Vestry Meeting•
The Annual Vestry meeting of St. James
Middleton Church was held in the church
hall with a bountiful pot -luck dinner and the
breaking in of the new dish.
Rev. Bell gave the blessing and everyone
enjoyed the dinner.
The Vestry meeting was called to order
with Rev. Bell in charge and welcomed
everyone to the meeting. The election -of of-
ficers was held with Ralph Welsh as Rectors
Warden; Peoples Warden - Paul Aldwinkle;
Lay Delegate - Ray Wise; Alternate
Delegate - Edward Wise, Auditors for the
year - John Deeves and Dean Aldwinkles;
treasurer - Edward Wise; Vestery clerk -
' Lois Wise; Board of Management - Don Mid-
dleton, Don Wise., Phyllis Aldwinkle, Ed-
ward Deeves, Bill Steenstra, Estelle Wise,
Margaret Middleton, Audrey Middleton,
Blanche Deeves.
Lois Wise read the minutes of the last
meeting which were approved as read - A
discussion was held on visiting more at the
board meeting. Many thank you's were said.
Edward Deeves thanked Don Middleton for
getting the water across the road and to Ray
Wise, and Edward Deeves were also thank-
ed for their hours of work and to Nursery
The Rectors report was read as was the
treasurers' report by Edward Wise. The
A.C.W. report was discussed and the
Warden's reports were read and the Sunday
school report given.
The auditors report that Edward Wise's
book is in good 'shape.
In new business, a discussion was held at
the hot water tank. Ray Wise to buy and
make new tables.
A moments silence was held for the loss
last year of one member of the church Ross
Middleton and for all others who have pass-
ed on.
Rev. Bell thanked everyone and grace
was said to close the meeting.
Social News
Congratulations to Albert and Doris
Schilbe on their recent anniversary.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gysbert
Vanderhaar on their 40th anniversary.
Congratulations to Marion and Jack
Smith who had their 47th wedding anniver-
sary January 14.
Sympathy is extended to Earl Lippert on
the loss of his father, Harry Lippert of
A wee MacGregor is born
By Margaret Hoggarth
KIPPEN - Congratulations go out to
Rosemary and Bill MacGregor on the birth
of their daughter, Allison Jane, born on
January 18, weighing in at 8 lbs. 1 oz. Proud
grandparents are Ronald and Mildred
MacGregor, and great grandmother Sophia
MacGregor. All reside in the Kippen area.
The Kippen community extends con-
gratulations to Evelyn Wright on her mar-
riage to Rodger Venner on January 16. Mr.
and Mrs. Venner will reside in Kippen.
The Energetic Eight gathered together
for the first time this winter on January 20 to
help celebrate Bev and DoriVHamilton's 21
wedding anniversary. Bob 'and Frances
Kinsman were host and hostess. A game of
euchre was enjoyed with winners: ladies'
high - Phyllis Parsons, ladies' low was
shared by Doris Hamilton and Margaret
Hoggarth. Al Hoggarth captured the men's
high prize, while Bev Hamilton received the
men's low.
United Church News
On January 25, Rev Lorne Keays preach-
ed the first of a series based on the letters
(round in Revelation written to seven of the
early churches. The Kippen congregation is
reminded of the annual meeting to be held
on February 22.
Marlene Bell put up a quilt in her home on
January 19. The following ladies helped her
with the quilting - Gert Moir, Florence
Hyde, Elizabeth Faber, Pearl Taylor, Joyce
Willert, Beatrice Richardson, Jeanette
Turner, Doris Cantelon, and Marlene Bell.
Proceeds of this quilt will go to the PCW
group of Carmel Church, Hensall.
By Blanche beeves
HOLMESVILLE - Worship service was
held in the United Church on Sunday morn-
ing with Rev. James Bechtel officiating.
Enterprising Seniors
The Enterprising Seniors met in the com-
munity centre on Thursday afternoon with
Bert McCreath in the chair. Roll call was
taken by Charlotte Norman and the
treasurer's report was given by Frank Yeo.
The minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
Expenses up, balance down
By Mary Chessell
VARNA - The annual congregational
meeting of Varna United Church was held
on Sunday following lunch at the church.
There were 18 present, including Rev. Sam
Parker who was appointed chairman, with
Joyce Dbwson recording the minutes.
Treasurer Bernice Reid's report, when com-
pared with last year's, showed expenses up
by $500, and the balance carried oyer into
this year down by $440. Mission and Service
givings were up slightly when you consider
last year's special appeal for tornado relief.
Ruby Hill gave the session report showing
seven new members, one transfer out, one
death and one baptism. Jim Kirton of the
Manse Committee reported the verandah
and bathroom repaired, new roof and siding
on the garage alid a tree removed. The UCW
redecorated the offices.
Carol Simons of the Christian Education
Committee reported they held several
meetings concerning Sunday School, viewed
lesson materials at the Resource Centre,
and arranged a sleighride at Tom
Rathwell's, a trip to Ivan, McClymont's ap-
ple orchard, the Christmas concert and
Jesus' birthday party for the children. Rev.
Parker has 17 members in the junior youth
group and has started a group for high
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YEWS -FL • ,HD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1987—Page 11
Varna United Church
school age youth. He also leads a Bible study
The UCW president reported excellent
programs and many fund raising 'activities
to support mission projects and community
organizations. Treasurer Margaret Hayter
reported a balance of over $2,000 carried in-
to this year.
Each church now has a Presbytery lay
representative. Ivan McClymont represents
Varna and is chairman of the Presbytery
Finance Committee. George Simons was
nominated as the alternate, with Joyce
Dowson to act if George is unable - to do so.
Bernice Reid was, re -appointed church
treasurer, Shirley Hill and Floyd McAsh re-
main as organists and Mary Chessell „the
caretaker. Blaine Stephenson and Bob Stirl-
ing have completed their term on Board of
Stewards and replacements have not yet
been named. Joyce bowson replaced Mar-
jorie Stirling as the UCW member on the
Auditors are June Webster and Janet
Webster. Al Keys and Jim Kirton remain on
the Manse Committee, and Ivan McClymont
and Bernice Reid on Ministry and person-
nel. No change in Session, Christian Educa-
tion or Flower Committee. Mary Chessell
was appointed to a new Mission and
Outreach Committee.
A questionnaire concerning the publishing
of members' contributions will be circulated
with the next newsletter. Ivan McClvrnont
raised concerns about people speaking for
London Conference without its authoriza-
tion, and discrimination in schooling with
the extension of public funding for Roman
Catholic secondary schools and not for other
Christian separate schools.
Appreciation was expressed for Rev. Sam
and Barbara Ann Parker's ministry.
The Chuter family was in Guelph on Sun-
day to celebrate Sarah Denomme's first
Maureen Hayter, who was transferred to
University Hospital a week ago Saturday, is
coming along fine.
Krista McAsh and Shelly Hayter were
winners of several prizes at the figure
skating competitions in Clinton a week ago
He, kids! The ice is ready at the rink. As
soon as cold weather arrived, Charles Reid
and Ivan McClymont's trucks were seen at
the rink frequently, getting the ice surface
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