HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-10-1, Page 1•. Set'] U etc, THIRTY-FIRST YEAR -NO 0 U LTRON M1DDL ESEX GATT Et EXETER, ONT., CANADA, TJUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1st 1903 whitellensatl ru r k iw a q a 7tar'scia 77+j� 1 ,y !A3••k•1•d: k•1.3.1••2 4•f ,•?•3•:s•i'k•4'd+••t••1•i•'F•3' 4.4.444.4.++++++++4444+4.44+4(+ STOVES AND FURNACES if you are in need of a stove or furnace this fall it will be to3g 'our advantage to call and see our stock before you purchase elsewhere as we carry a large stuck of the verybest makes both for .�.; coal and wood. 4. C4 J Seibert:. Xur, Comise oerd,`k aired suranoao' ent, and home from the old Country thus week a ur:7 o Mar ae ;[ rka uLloe e 1� s . .-• r r Z nes Irea a mot•M .,To'h am on g ou n n h has I s <lr sposo'd g prs caret utty drawn at reasonable rates. 7kzoney ,ot !lairs !teem tvbi:oh he . had adveartised Ya loan an real estate at tow ratesol 3ntares6. ,. Far- t omeeattbePoetOlho.. mensal! cin lib's l.imeo, 11tr. Witt, 13ray, of I -Mr. T. M Cameron is ex need 4 + 1a is now boating another farm, -Mr, and Mrs. Ruse returned, ore �. f • -Dr. Medd event Monday in Cline qubiar. having bauElbtt fifty and'David Cloihtlo, tth .other htadf, Mr. '1'hoinpson. rem T(eon:to, on Tuesday. '1' -Rev: G. M. Riley tank t:be services din St. Pawl's ahureh,1 net Sundaty. -Mrs. A. McKenzie is spending a ,t.. few days a(t WingRham, this week. Will Kemp leas gone to 'Seaforith, where he has secured'a;good situation -1VIx(s..John Ste.a,cy, . returned last week from visiting friends in .Toron- to. -Mrs. McDonald, of St. Ca•tlea:rines, sir visitltng his daughter, Mrs. Robert We make a specialty of Furnaces, Eavet 1 h- ,�. p y e , ro Yg * ing, Gas and Waterpipe. We have a stock of force and. lift Pumps. ..., -..«. . Melia teeter. .CEMENT If you want the best results use 4. 1 4. 4. ' National and Star Brand Cement WE. ARE SOLE AGENTS , Walls; Floors, Troughs, eto, built with these Cements • last for ever. . ?lei4. �, - o � 4. . 1 4*. , KT o .-A : iar:vest 'Thanksgiving service will be held in St. Paul's church, hero on Sabbath, Oetboer 4th, whesn;theRe,v Rev. C. R, Gunn, M. A., of Clinton, :preach at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7 O'clock p, m., an Sund'a'y. iEvierybod�y wet' ranee. • ' -Mr. W. Cu amore, of Kirppen, bras turned from a visit to,tb Old ,Coun- try. --James Bell went to Philadelphia. this ve'ek to spend his final year , at b.he dental coll,gee. -Miss Annie Kemp and Miss Hilda Beek •aecom;pauuied Mr. T. P. Wells to Mt'vtahell, to work in his new tailor Shop. A. A,iksenhead, who has bwen; teach -r - ,ling sea:tool near Brumfield, haie,resign'1. nada and next week goes. to the. London tfatiee++•:•++4.4+++4•444.444+4.•E44. •1•44++++++++++++++++++++.1.4-1- mThs eh ecliortantergf•or •tho Milder •Muller A WOMAN'S CRITICISM t,)f what a man's clothes should be is pretty accurate. There can be no 1 possible fault to find with your ap- pearance if your clothes are made to measure in an expert way. The style of the garment we make is a sufficient guarantee for first class work. All the new up-to-date Fa.11 WO, vti GoatilU "1'4.'- and PantinUS justarrived. Prices away down. W. W Taman. ifercrnsatit Tailor, t►�6��+��esoe0•�0+►a�s�4a����� NEW PIANOS We have just put in stock several 'new Pianos in the latest designs and .of the Best Makes at Popular Prices. 'ell esteem it a pleasure to show :them 'to you. Organs always in stock. A good second hand Bell Organ :in :good order, for sale cheap. The Bicycle Seas off, • Is with us and those Cushion Frames !are just what you want, We have them at moderate prices. SeInting Viiitafhines In all the Ieading' Makes always in .stock and at prices that cannot be 'fieateu anywhere, also repairs ;for esame. Call and see us. We are always busy but will be glad to give you any information about our goods you may .desire. Martin •4/+IOOA©��+a000�e�a•��ee�oa•ooa Rats and Caps We have removed to the stand next the Commercial Hotel, and invite you to come in and visit us. We have a nice assortment of Hats and Caps, as well as a full s,ock of Suitings. Come in and see for your self. FOWLER BROS THE CLOTFIERS, HENSALL. Lucan - -Mr. C. A. Lawton is establissh:Ingle paper in. Ayr, which he- tfaceitionsly calls The Ayr 'Gun. -Brick for the eniterging of Cook & Son's electric power house are being PI abed stn; the 'premises : =Mr. W. A. •Bey+ly, formerly of the Mexchan:ts Bank staff: at Berlin, has been •lrratnsfeerrrsd to this branch. Sunday, October 4th, the annual Thanksgiving services of 'St. 3a•mee' church, Clendeboye, will be held. Anderson -Miss Annie Worry, of Exetert is the .guest .of Miss Lou'Wer.ry.' .-Miss Beatrice Batten is visiting with Miss Rhoda Ch,owen, of Exeaoer. -alfieis Hen:der on, of St. Marys, is the guest of Miss Alice 3. Cameron. --Mr. D. S. Whaley, of Whalen spent Sunday with Mr. Thos. Harding. -Mrs. James Brooks, of Granton, visited last week with Mr. Jno. Ribey. -Mar. •and Mrs. Joseph Pearn, af'St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr, Rich- ard Wight. -Mr..and Mrs. Waiter Sperling,: of Fullerton, visited Sunday with Mrs. 3. B. A!tkinsc,n. •:-Mr. Dick Harding has returrned from• visiting with his uncle, Mr. D, S. 'Whaley, of Whalen. A BUSY MAN. . .The Wigles of Essex county haver all goat the sr,sme•'of,, ,being great, workers ear an esahnsage, but donee best belongs ho Thary Wigle, of Ruthveu. first, he is aassistant postmaster, oleo, takes the mail .from there to t.heasta•tion, drives the mail -to Oli.ndat ,every, day,. attends to the telegraph office ;grows onehalfs a acre of tomatoe •.everyy year, draws also a half area of togacco ;s cl .i'rvy u p all the poet oiti c• orid:e t,' rurne' teBarr-- eery stem, is warden, of the English church, keeps the books for several ledges, nuns the toren scales and, takes a ecoid-b.a't'h every morning .0 bis life. TH E--.- merchants -.- h1ts Ban C of a HEAD OFFIdE, MONTREAL. - - CAPITAL (all paid. up) $6,000:000 RESERVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $2,974245 E. F. EMDEIN, • Superintendent of Etranehes • .THOS. SHE, Manager A► GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed; on Savings. :.Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. {, Special attention given to the business of Farmers and battle - Men. d i Tetters of Credit issued to travellers,Qpayable n all parts of the CASTOR 1A <:work. 'or Infants and Children. . The Kind You Have Always Bought fatetory has arrived, and the building which is likely to be. brick, will soon be 'under way and pushed to comple- tion. -Rev. Dr. Medd took his work on Sunday. Monday evening the Ep- worth League was visited byt/the 'leh- gue from Bethesda appointment, who furnished the ;parogramme. Refresltt extents were served and, a 'very Ideas - ant etvlenin:g vent. -Rev. Mr. McLennan, of KLppen, preached the preparatory sermon tin tibe Presbyterian church, en, Friday taafteroo•on. and Rev. Mr. Saver, of Brucefield, preached on Sunday,and ardmimieheried the saernment. Rev. Mr. Brown, of Agincourt, will be the preacher next Sunday. Mr. Shepherd enntt •a'carload of steep to Buffalo on Sorturday, afternoon On Monday morning it was learned that Exeter Municipal Council. the Extra had failed. So word \vas im- P Mediately sent to 'forbid delivery. For Judtgea Doyle, held- court for the Re- vdsion of the Usborne Voters' List•, on Wednesday. The ' Oonsertvetives' itp- peale.d to hn've six names added to the List; and the JLiberals to • have seven names added and thirteen struck off. The Conservatives succeeded in hav- ing four names added, and the Liber- als succeeded in striking seven names off the Met. The former were rrepre- senteld by Mr. Eilber, and the Utter by Mx. Stanbury. Bethesda Rev. Dr. Medd will s i ! deliver his po•pu- il ar ieptu're, -.Woofing and Wedding" sun the Methodist church, on 'Tuetedaay, Oat.' 0th. Doors open at 7.30. lecture to nommenee at 8 o'clock, sharp. Tick- ets 15e. The Dr. bas just returned frroan, a'vtacattion aptynt• at :muskoka and is in 'tile heat Of spirits tot deliver this •eslwbrabed Iecture. The Leam- ing,ton•Post says ; "For an hour andia quarter he fairly delighted his auto- enee with his lecture an,."°Wooing and Wedding." . ICirkton -Mr. J. Foster is building a ,new brick basement stable en his proper- ty in @be villages. -Mr. Fred Marshall left far Toron- to, an Tuesday to resume 'studies a,t she Univerlei,ty. •Illessrs. Chari. Irwin, S. Routley, Dave Duncan, and Wm. McGlock]in lett last week for Manitoba and other inai;nts west. • -M1. and Mrs. Jas. !Moore, Miss Lily Taylor and Mr J. D. Hazelwood attdn.i:ea the wedding of Mr. Robert Moore, of Toronto, on Wednesday. -The sporting boys of the neighbor' broad,. axe •proetisin;g :up their best horses for the £air on , Friday, Mad., intst. Matters become quite •intergst- i,eg some evenings when four ar five get their fast horses on the track' and epeesd them,.. the track- being in gonad e ape fax it. . tunately there had been. a 'delay at Council met pursuant to adjourn. Clinton, so that the telegram ,PAS 'an 'meat at . Ab - town hail. Septi 10th time and the mires e handed over sent, Couricrllor Creech n were- Go aM nutss of previous meeting read firmand paid for(It was a alone call. acid confirmed. Hawkins--.Gillespie.--'t'''hat the Fol; Sexstnith lowing certified cemetery accounts: be - passed and orders dries" on treasurer '-'- for same •-D A Alwaied cement -Thomas Farquhar: of Hails Green, called on Emends Mere last week.. -C. Aid worth sold a younsg:driving boxes to 3. F. Russell, -of Exe'te'r, last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Coleman are,visit- ing friends at Bay City,,Michigan, Lhis week. -Harry O'Brien bas rrarturned home after opetndiag the summer with'. his cousin, 'near Clinton. -A. Duncan, of Varna„ nailed on Myr. John Dus ena, on his'way to 33x;- eder fair, last week. -Quite a number from here; attend- ed the fair air Exeter, and else the.one alt Znrvic'h, last week. - -Sonne of the...boys who went from here on the harvest excursion to : the North-West report . a heavy snow storm in that country some time ago. Biddulph -Apple pa,ekexs are almost air arum enous•as apples here at present! -Mr. Hodgins sold •bis farm• and in- bends Go retire .from farm life. -Mr. E. 0. Jones disposed of his stock of fust cattle to a Toronto buyer this week. -Mr. Finch, of Hamilton .15 &ging good work as organizer of the Chosen Friends, hate the .past week. • Several went from this place, ;to hoax Crossley and Hunter, the evangel fists in Seefortth, last Sunday. --Mr. ani Mrs. Jamas Neil, also Mr. W. 3. Neil, of Detaoitt, are visiting their many friends in Biddulph. -Mr. J. B. Bryant one of our coun- cillors, exv z lour lir N akin t) cilloxs, ism gg - Ontario, for able purpose of es•t a.b i 1 sb- irng anatomy if the( land is suitable fox farming +purpoues. • ' -We .erre pleased to hear • that Mr. le, Curtain, ,who recently sald,his farm in BidduLph has decided to.+setile in Centralia, where be has purchased a snug little home. 'He would be misted by the farmers of this, community if he was to 1eay.e. hero, • It was at ,one k,ime 'repented be was going, to Ma n - Lobe to locate. " •- -141x. Thos Collins, of Cl.andeboye-, who is now in his .00th year is at pre- sent building a patent fence'. in trent of his .residence, and we doubt if there who can � `n Canada, r h n l vzr man , lea ort m, n show the display of warkrnr nmship .for the last'five. years that Mr. Collins cart. He has lately shingled histhonse anid bairn, and ,dug a well some• thirty. six feet deep end pub a tapec. foundation•,un- i der has barn wl'thanr�t any ass s c at Should take a Week to resord all ibis wonderful old man has done. He has one of the - finest: brick houses in the township built entirely by the work. of leis hands, carpenter;work, mdwonary work, painting and all. CREDITON ONTARIO. �1 t Mall er Bears the l! oHISHOLMi Signbturd of':r flower pots,, eta, .$14.75.; Jino. Ford, labor, $14.30; T. Snri.th, sharpening d re 'yin wn earn a to mower,75c. Pa g Qcbbled;ic1;-+, Gillespie.-T•ha1. tap following accounts be passed and or - (lets drawn on treasurer for ,same: --• Ldtvroca:te Printing. Co. account, $10.50 Ross & Taylor, lumber acct. $14.63 3. S. Murray, grates for sidewalk, i$12.75 ; 73. P arevcts, s t rsee t watering to date, $30.00 ; Ii. Parsons, labor, $4.30; estate of Jim. Sanders, tile on street, $1.25; S. HamdforJ, $2.25: Wm. Kirk, e2,25:; Wim. Kirk jr.,41:37: T. Welch, $.12.05 T. Janes, $4.80; Alf. Taylor, $,LI.68 ; Rd. Davis, 51.00. -Car rod. Clxaritty to Mrs. Sutton, $4.0.00 Cotbble&irek. .Thaz•t the village solici- tor be .inatruote•d to prepare a .by -14'w limitinig the number of bogs: 1(0 be kepi by:any one pertain .to two during the months of 3uae, July, August and Se;p'ba 1nrber: N!o s eandbx' Ha,,aloins-'Cnbblerd!iirc.-TJrait Cauio- el:l adjourn to .Oct. Otte at 7.30 p.im. GEO. H. BISSETT. clerk,.. ' Centralia Miss. Rosenberger and Miss Wil- son, of Landon, who spent a few tdays visiting friends in . this vicinity re- tu,nned tome on Tuesday. -We ere .pleased to state that ivIr. Will Bowden, who was soverly . irn- jwr�d by a• kick from a horse, Last week, in improving nicely. -Da Sunday morning last the eon- grcngatians nsse,mbled at the Motho-. dist cthurch, both morning and oven- cn gv re delighted with the solos; ren - (leased dared by Miss E. Wilson, of London. A et:niking feature of Miss Wilsan's singing is olra•ra.etctrizced , by her re- m•airkabLy •steer tones and distinct ar- t:ieula.tian. Qreenway • -Mr. Beat Wallis stats gone -•to work fox Mr. Nibiock, near Parkhill. THE ATLAS LOAN 00 --l4Liss Sterwealdrsron, of Forest, is I 1 1 1lhisq Mabel Hardy and: iM'ss'3,ein- 2ii e Hardy 'D,a;sh v o r od, visited .withfrionid in ad on Thursday. -Mrs, Bassow and daughter, Tittle, and Edith, were in attendance at the London fair lacst week. • - -Messrs. H. Bauer and E. Zeller have made an exchnage of properties, Mr, "Bauer to the fermi, ss'Mler the late ter will return ,to twain reside, • Mr. Cbawst e, of Exeltier, •farm- erly of the Sovereign Bank here, was; in town on 'Thmrsday rens vin;,"• qua.intarxe . •- ---lairs•. J'ob, Bernick, acco yptani by f Loomis, ltwetted e her mother,oMrs. J. Koch, other relatives in and around Zurieb,rlastt} week. -Mrs. B. L. Marwsb,all, c,, l`terlic,,tp- catnrpe:ni,ed by ler son, tiordo.i, visited her daughter, Mrs..E, Zeller , for a weak, and left for her shame on Sat- unday. -Mr. and Mrs. Studer, of Saba ingl ville, are visiting the latteVe parenits, Mr. and Mrs. II. Koehler. -Mr. W. T. Yaeger, pastor of the Evatngelioal church is attending• • the church. meting. at Berlin.. Ile will be absent fon a, couple of weeks but a -the pulpit will be filled and, services con- ducted as usual during his absence.. -Miss Elia and Lizzie Rennie, Left Friday morning for Berlin, where they intend spending a few weeks. -Mr. M. Kaercher and daughter, Agnes,. are- :.visiting relatives: and friends in Michigan, • -Mr. Ed. Ragan left on' Friday ,morning last to resume his studdesta,t Trinity Medical College, at Toronto. -Mr. A. McNevin,and daughatess, Gladys and Rose, of Godenlcb, attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr: 11L. Zel- Lex, on Monday. ` - -Mr. G. Bender and wife, oftIllinais are nisitieg the farmer's parents, Mr. P. Bender. -Misses Ethel and Vera Murdvele, visited Lbieir sister, Mrs. (Dr.)• Ccrm,pe bell, on Thursday. -Mrss. Roertdi.ng and son, Bruise„ of Ti:letenburg, are apanding •afew- days here with relatives and friends- -Masts Laura Hartlieb . • and Miss Amy Steinbach attended .the Seafo•r•th f a lir this week. ' -Mr. and Mrs. Rennie are visiting friends in Berlin at present. Meeting of P. S. Board Trhe 'beakd held its regular melting ss usual an Monday, Sept.' 20th with two ,absentees -J. Evens 'and W. J. Castling. The re solutions moved and passed were,: Per Chairman. -Minutes of .previl ours.•me,ta,ng. Per H. Huston and S. Martin. -That tate repairs required to thea ash house be lett in the hands of , the regaira committee. Per G..33eQre t t.-Trbat the examina- tion .and cleaning of ventilators boleti: in -the hands of 1i. H to us nand the .grrou:nd and sanitary committee. Per H. Ruston and 8. Margin. ,- T.h'a t the following accounts be paid: W. A. •Be:Iktwill, : lumber and labor• $10.05. Peet ,H. Hrust,o:n, and' G. •,Eacrett. - 'abet the application of Miss ,H. Kins- men be filed for fixture rreference. Peat H. Hasten and S. Martin.' a -- That the euppleemental liter!aiture de- sired by the principal be procured dos 11 with, It may be interesting to the rate payers to learn that in response to'the elppeaai made by the deputation•' seat to Gade•rioh, in March, the High School department of I our school has .•beep farther aided by a grant of two hund- red dollars., TheProvincial 'Goverrn- ment has also sent a ' similar .grant. Tlhe Board would respeotfully Wage upon the parents the reasons that impel the. ecu,n,ty,- and, .government:to Make ,these grants. • Every child • in our country .is 'bald to bre, first of 'all' anent of the state, secondly, its ward and ,that in the interest of the Mate as well as tihat crit the child, it' is im- perative that each child should' have have an •gppontunity to obtain; athor- ougihly sound elementary public school ednentrioai. rn consequence in this par hicular, parents and, guardians are held to be the only, the legal guardian of Glee chill to see that such education is obtained. They may not use its sere mime 'dulling • school hours, between' the ages of eight and. fourteen years, without permiesic'n from a, magis- trate and forreasons that r son, a aro heldo l be suffecieln.t. Violations of this re- q!uir' tmcnt. constitute, a criminal of- fence for which any parent or guar- dian may be prosecuted. The board would respectfully call the attention of (hem infringing, and earnestly de- sire that further prressure may hot be, required. • vrisit:log her cousin,usin, MrT. Steward- eom. --NLr. Henry Belling and Ills .ton, afamiford, are visiting relatives in Dc- Lnoit 1 - at present -1•Lr, and Mrs. 'Wilbert. Young' at- tended tote Strathroy 'fair and visited the fetter's sister, Mrs. Camphsll. -Mr. Jamaes Mallard, who Irv., been, anen again' i •L be argil 1 and '� ab e 0 ill very al y is visiting his daughter, Mrs. •:t3d..11l:re- Plhrerislon. -There was a large congregationiat Ubre sat"vices int the Bastanlafetthodist cihui•ca last Sunday afternoon. All listened with interest for a rrvLtry in- structive n-structive sermon delivered: by the ttev, ?ifr. Rigsby, of Parkhill. ' -A large number of the members of tate Bos.itaar, Metlloidtest 'cliu,roh mettalat. tat home of Mr. and. , Mrts. Samuel Hon tian's last Saturday eweniugl and ixreeernbed them tvitlr a beautifubrock- e eg chair and an address. Mr. land Mrs. Marlton leave shortly - for their xowsdtomxe neer Sable.!?. 0., West Wi]I- .Ces,deare ivy the Vani•aus Stocks Helsl. by Cho Cani.pamy were toa LOW..? The Atlas Loan Company's affairs Wel% before the Master-in-Orrdinary on a report from the liquidator R. Trainor Smith, giving the tenders ra- ce/level for sleeks held by the company Ten,drars were received for only four. blocks of the ten blocks offered, tend it isunderstood that even the e wee e below the reserve 'fixed.. ' The four actnd+ers were for 50 shares of $(00 each in the: National Portland Ce- ment Co.. 1,048 shares of .$40 each the Il of the EstateLoanCo,.,of Can ante; $1,000 bands of Sao 'Paulo - Tramway, Light and Power Co., and 323 alna,res of St. Thomas Retell Co. The tender for the latter, the liquida- tor said, was mush toe low. 'The other stocks , offered for which', .no tender was received were 173 ,prof. W. A. Ibo'gerts, Ltd.; 300 Conn. W., 'A. Begets, Ltd...85 South, -western L'o•in, Sit. Thomas; 40 Trust and Guarantee aa.,. $400 bonds Imperial 1Lealty.Co., (cxi Toronto ; 450 common shares Carter Crum, Ltd. JOAN WgitE & SUNS EXTRACT FROM AN ENGLISH- M'aital"St NOV,,CL O;il 4UL331RTOAN LIFE. - "..eet1••rne bbie truth„ i sad. ' "Thal broth$",reipea.ted the American c aipi tallet ; "ileum ; I. diateetnnember it." ,"S: au knout 1" 1 esriesd. "Well," ,lite said, "'I: gucess.'I .might (as well put you squar,e.:su .tei : been the candts 1']e. 1 didn.'t go -for to dtetoeive you boxiest Injun. Fact is, I'd, have ,snood tens aamtiglttty small chotocte, and that's about the size of it." +"Go ori "' 1: Poantnarucled, detrtrrminecl not to be thoodeei nked. " au ,!:fait' your b:ooIat" het niSiplied, biting oft al mou.cthful of tobA,crca.. "But .wait up a . .bit. It's migbirbmto grub time, and;it ain't avl„1r. ". and aatbotvei quitj .;re •uliar int edsirnt w"hen ,a bloke's insides is •holler, I guess we ones better atdyourn to hash. tetbem your sseni-ime:nts9"_Newark News. $02 50 to California and Return Via Chicago & Noelh-Western R'y. l+roni Chicago to San Francisco and Les Angeles, daily, October, 8 to 17. Carresspondin,gly lore rates trona .all points. Three .fest daily trains, with magnificent equipment thr'o'ugh. to Line coast, including the farmousr eke - trio -lighted daily Overland Limited; lass than three days eo-route, over:the only dou.ble-brack rasilway, be'twe>vaz Chicago and the Missouri river. All agents sell tickets via this lino. Send Lan illustrated booklets, maps, and• full infoatmoalion: to B. SI. Benneet,.2 East King Street, Toronto. TILE INIQUITOUS GERRYMANDER The redistripution bill, which Sir, Wilfrid Laurier promised would bee fair' measure, is meeting with strong apposition. T be hill gas first re- ferred to a special committee consist- ing of four Liberalsand three Conser- vatives. The former taking advan- tage of their majority insisted upon a most iniquitous .gerrymander, by Which they hoped to convert. 10 ..Con- servative seats in Ontario into 10 'Li: - beret seats. From first to 'last all Somblences of fair play was abandon- ed., Disgusted at this trea(tme'nt iin committee the Conservatives abandon .end the fight there, rind the battle will now be fought in a quarter open- : to the public. The Liberal party; when in opposition, strenuously advocated a policy under 'which .all redist:ribatlop recta's -tires were to be referred: tot a aammission of judges,. On two ossa.• stores they laid down this ,principle in hills submitted to parliament. Now they quietly ignore this plank of their platform, as they have •ignored all'ot- he.rs during the past few yeuars. The Canserwa:tive pftrty, however, do not 'propose to allow them to violate their pledges without a struggle and have offered an amendment which calls for a reference of the whole question to a judicial tribunal. It is a.safe prodie- •aian to say, that tie• a men ment. '. be. vetted down, by : the very lea:dere who favored it in days gone by. Can- ada is tiring' of such shameless aband- onment; of prinoipbe. an The ,ge rry- matnder may not after • all result, in the large gains Sts : progenitors:look fan. DIED. STANBURY.-At Bayfield, an :Sat- urday, Sept. 20th, 1903, bliss ;14Iar- guerite It. Stanbury. daughter of Dr. R. Stanbury, aged 24 'years. Clubbing Rates fora 903, 1904 Times and Mail & Empire to Jan. 1905 ; Times .and Mail & Empire to Jan. 1904.. 35 Times and Family Herald '& Stagy ;Tana: 1904 .. 35 Tintes and Family Herald e& Star to Jan., 1905 $2: 00 Times & Weekly Sun to Jan. 1905 Yearly subscribers: to Times arLd Mail; will receive a handsome premium pia_ turn entitled "The Vitoria .Cross," an episode of the Boer war. Yearly subscribers to the Family Herald & Star will receive a hand- some picture and special prize. Other additions will be made to this list ]titer. FOUND On Main street, Sept. 271.1i, t'he failoty- ing letter, Owner may have it on application to Timm Office. and haying cost of this :adirei tise,me'nt My Qw'nest Own. - Sinop your amuel repulse from Duty side -at the hared -or, rather, the :foot' -af :pa, I have anused lump` and forfcliy; darling, on your daring proposition - ibalt 1 ss;tould fly with you ;and bet at rest. I know it's naughty, and nsy, heart and my conscience reprove .nee, ' but I'm ready to fly w:itbyou, denre,nts to hes utmost !parts of the earth. . If I remenber aright the instruc- tians were;:Ca.rrrlage corner strieeit,e; midnight, then away to a lana where the scorner is not. Terms to be madeat leisure wick nfuriatad 'papa. Peace being made, we are to return tniExet.. - er, reeoive his blessing, settle down, and live 'happily ever afterwards, just!: like Arthur had Angelina, the couple in "Par Love 'and Fortune; ar. Love will Final a Way," You know .:.the book, loan .d'o so hope nothing will hapj ase ! to :pa'evetit our escape. If poi Should ea tab: um .heters Wee . are married--. oh! Ch`,arli'e,.I shudder to think all the con: sequcnaes.' But with you. love, I'tm' tempered for tibe worst. Smile wben y,ou .res •me in churoh, and I shall know you expect nue to be ready when the fateful tame comes. And new, ChnrLia, my awn beloved and muuuiyu.bueed darling, adieu till We meet art tthe witching hour otf:mizl' night at the .corner of the sstreet. Yours till death, CLARA. P. S. -Perhaps you had beeter see Rowe & Alkinson, the fux'niture dent - en, about furnishing the cottage,. so we will heave, •a ludme to .-tome to euf- ter :as leave. been raeoneiled to pa. They have the largest stock and you . can get the best :choice besides they ansi selling at'the old prices.- Seie them about the furniture at once. - - W. C. T. U. NOTES At the last regular meeting •of, the . W. C. T. 13. •held at the h•oene ref Mrs. Murray, it was decided to hold a pua- 1ic meeetiing in •aha $amesstr.:eet church on &hv emceeing of Oetaber 12th. '.Full- er, asanounrcemen is neat week. r In reply to an . enquiry. on, 'the sub - jut; el t ampF;rrarnce, addressed to the Superintendent of alms houses, in win ious sections of the-UnitedStates, an- swers leave ben given by :816.. Aver-.. aging the results obtained, itaa.ppears that the number of persons now being supported in tihtesse institutions, who were brought to poverty by iaiduiging in infaoxicating liquors is moray than one half the whole number. If :the same Tule, applies to alms nhou sesaf the United States, it is estimated't1s t about one million and a - half persons have been thrown on public support by liquor traffic. COLD STREAM BAND Canadians have th-e p sur' -'now Tc welcome to our shore, The, cold Stream Band that oftenlilay- e'd Before the palace door. They lemma just when tosound a•nate Ar King delights to hear. They know the tune that answcxs beast, Canadian hearts to cheer. - They know the time to render too, The British Grenadiors, The. maple leaf forever, - And Canadian volunteers. When they return to Enl:an,d I hope the barna can show ' That man called Rudyard Kapp]ing, This is no land of snow. ADARE. INSTANT RREL,IEF. Mr. Robt. Jennings, M•a.n,srie. ll, Out. writes: "I have used ane bottle of Dr. Low's Tootih.ahoa Gum for severe tooth. cache, and received instant relief. Be- eidie, . this, it :sated a.ee a spinndld rp•n-„ .porary filling Price 10e - MttttttttttatM,??r?P??????P????M????MtMt?'?tttt ?MM??Mir aw- a.- o-- a.- s-. e,-- 5.- co- CO-- C�-- OP- C,-- OP - B.' ma-- CO- CP- Ca- ea.-- 5. - a,.- CCP- ..- a-- CP- OOP- OP- as-- O -- Moves an gee The Best that Money can Bay. J. Hu-AMAN, Leave your order for Scrwantorl. Coal,