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Clinton News-Record, 1987-01-14, Page 16
Page 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, JANUARY 14, 1987W�DNESDAY, 1. Articles for sale INGLIS WASHER $275.00; Inglis dryer $175.00. All in good condition. 565-5277. --1 -4tf 24 FARROWING CRATES, 16 tenderfoot mats, 7 heating pads, one 400 gallon medicator, 5 hp Farmotic feed mill with 6 comportments, 16' x 6' bunker trailer. 482-7570 after 6.-1,2,3 DON MIDDLETON'S Whitehall Farm has for sale o good supply of high quafity apples, Macintosh, Northern Spy, and IdaRed; Also sv,eet apple cider. Phone 482.9838. --1.40r CHOICE LEAN BEEF by the side. Ready for freezer, government inspected, farmer's prices. Phone Frank Falconer 482.9128.-2 WASHER AND DRYER, good condition $250,00. Phone 482-9849.-2,3 WELL SEASONED fire wood, 4 x 4 x 8 lot, $140:00 delivered. Phone 482-5539 or 482-7594.---2,3 USED SKATES bought, sold, exchanged; also sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors, saws, etc. 139 Queen St., Clinton, 482-9412.---45tf C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY /, mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-723,1 We even take trades 1A. Snowmobiles 1 1973 SKI -D00 TNT, 340 cc's. Very good condition. Rebuilt clutch and engine. Asking $700. Phone 482-7617. -1,2 . 1972 SKI WHIZ 500SST, best offer. Phone 482.7723.-2,3nx • 5: Cars for sale 1 1977 TOYOTA CELICA, 3 speed automatic, has summer & winter radials on rims, car is in good running condition, body is r nsonable, selling as is $1495.00 or best offer. Call 524-4766. ltfnx 1975 MONZA, V•8, good shape, best offer. Phone 524-8198 after 6 p.m. -1 tfnx 1981 GRANADA L, power steering. power brakes. excellent shape, sunroof, Pioneer stereo, all season radials, asking 53,950.00. 565-2563. - -2or 1985 TOYOTA COROLLA. 4 door. 5 speed. 40,000 km., phone 482-3455. 2x 1977 PONTIAC VENTURA, 2 dr., V6 auto.. 63,000 original miles, snows. excellent condition, cer- tified, 524.4996. 02 1980 PONTIAC PARISIENNE. Small V-8 motor. power steering, tilted wheel, power brakes. 4 door Sedan in mint condition, 50.000 miles, new battery, new snow tires. Asking 54,300. CoII 482-3648. - 2,3x 8. Marine GUN SALE Januory Clearance on all guns scopes and ammunition Loke Huron Rod and Gun, 3687182 Open 7 days 1 4 (9. Automotive BATTERIES BATTERIES B TTERIES *ALL TYPES * ALL SIZES BEST PRICES •COMPARe ANYWHERE! OPEN DAILY AT 7 AM OPEN SAT. AT 8 AM EDWARD FUELS CLINTON TIRE & AUTO CENTRE 4B2-76gi TIRES • TIRES TIRES Featuring Michelin, Ke$y Springfield, Shell and other fine Quality Tires OPEN DAILY AT 7 AM 'OPEN OPEN SAT. AT 8 AM `D ti "AR i '' FUELS CLINTON TIRE & AUTO CENTRE dosassmilematasieelL LASSIFI THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS . 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sole 4 Antiques for solo 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sole 8 Marin© 9 Automotive 10 Pots for sale 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobilo homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for runt 23 Commercial property for runt 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wonted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam I50'DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMFNT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 0 Cr) MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. J Attention 47 4, Farmers A. For Sale 1 200 BALES OF mixed hoy for sole, $190.00. Phone 523-4558.- 2 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 PM. A1I closes of Llvostoc4 WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves Clinton - 482.7311 Esotor - 233.3717 Klrkton - 229.6203 262-2619 C. Wanted UP TO 100 ACRES of land in or near Stanley Twp. include description, location, and asking price in reply to Drawer No. 16. c o Clinton News• Record. Box 39 Clinton, Ont NOM 1L0 1.2 STRAW wanted Phone 527.2105 2,3 E. Farm Services lar BERG Sales•Service-lnstollation .Born C14Jners -Bun!, Feeders 'Stabling "Manure Conveyors EPEE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R P. 2 81 YTH 1E874424 •1.UCKNOW eWINGHAM GODERICH BAYFIELII' I pLYTH ';*CLINTOIN SEAFORTH • MITCHELL • ZURICH • • EXETER STRATFORD 12. Real estate for sale AUTO BODY SHOP, tools and equipment in- cluding: 5 h;p. Devilis compressor, like new; Lin- coln arch welder; spray equipment; air powered tools; hard tools; jacks; etc. To obtain last or to inspect contact Edward Fuels, 202 Angleseo St., Goderich, 524-8386.-1,2 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. ALUMINUM SIDED 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, good condition. Asking 525,000.00. VINYL SIDED, 2 BEDROOM 1 floor home, car- port, large lot, DAIRY - 160 ACRES, 70 tie ups, cows & quota, near 'Goderich. BRICK 2 FLOOR HOME, offering 3 spacious bedrooms, near the schools, with garage, can have rental income. $67,900. TOWNSEND ST., 3 or 4 bedroom raised ranch style home, attached garage, deck, heat pump, large lot, nicely landscaped. $69,900. UNIQUE BRICK 3 BEDROOM HOME. featur- ing den, stained glass windows, stone porch, double garage. $69,900. 11/2 STOREY ALUMINUM SIDED, 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, dining room, attached garage, large lot. 536,900. 11/2 STOREY, 2 bedroom home, reinsulated, drywalled and sided. $25,000. 1 FLOOR, 2 BEDROOM HOME, offering spacious rooms, fireplace, full basement. $34,900. 11/2 ,STOREY, 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, family room, attached double garage, paved drive, near schoors. $50,900. 80 ACRES, 75 WORKABLE, near Holmesville, another 59 acres available nearby. RESTAURANT AND RESIDENCE ABOVE, in the Village of Walton. HOG CAPACITY 450, good 4 bedroom home, 20 acres, Morris Twp. LONDESBORO - 11/2 storey aluminum sided 3 bedroom home, 16 x 48 shed, highway location, '29,500.00 NEAR WINTHROP - 31/4 acres, 1 floor 4 bedroom home, shed, '44,000.00 3 BEDROOM - 1'/, storey house, gas Furnace. Asking 515,000.00. BRUCEFIELD - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, good condition, nice lot. DOWNTOWN - Brick building with charac- ter, ideal for an office or shop. HULLETT TWP. - 100 acres, 92 workable, de cent house, shed. APARTMENT BUILDING - Brick, 6 units and a coach house. 1'/2 STOREY aluminum sided, 3 bedroom home. 527,500.00. 1 FLOOR, 3 BEDROOM HOME. large lot, garage, '28,900.00 COMMERCIAL ZONED OFFICE or store and elegant residence with pool, highway loca- tion in Clinton. VANASTRA - 1'', storey home featuring sunken family room. attached workshop, 525,000.00 2100 SQ. F7. SHOPP, cement floor, 200 amp service, 10 ft door, asking 524,000.00. Harold Workman 482-3455 Bill Steenstra 482-3780 72 ACRES ON HWY. 21 between Goderich and Bayfield; 2 storey brick farm house. 3 hog barns, shed & workshop. 524-6447 CanadaTrust Realtor ri LINCOLN. PLAZA OFFICE: WATERLOO 884. 126.0' NEW LISTING - Victorian charm and comforts of new. Very tastefully decorated home on 10 acres.just south of Bayfield. Attached double garage and 2 outbuildings. MODERN BUT COUNTRY - This brick bungalow offers spacious family living on 10 acres just minutes from Goderich. Rec room with fireplace plus main floor family and liv- ing rooms. HERITAGE HOME - Full height ornate coved ceilings. Three fireplaces, modern cherry kit- chen and 3 up -dated bathrooms, inground pool. Easily duplexed. COMMERCIAL - Highway 4 in the town of Clinton, large front room was variety -Store. 3 bedroom rear apartment. CATHIE SCHWARK 482-3051 ZOO MUtTDIU USTIN6 118111Q ALL POINTS REALTY INC, 234 t3AYFILED fat, At BLAKE 5t., PH 524.211 Country Retirement Brick and aluminum, 2 bedroom bungalow on 1/2 acre, on Kinburn Road, lust off Hwy. 8. Priced to sell of S37,000.00. Brucetield Bungalow Retirement or starter home in the village of Brucefield. This 8 year old brick bungalow is set on a spacious treed lot. 3 bedrooms, family room in basement. Asking only 562,500,00. Call Bill McGregor 524-2111 or 482-7539. WHAT'S YOUR HOME WORTH? Free -no obligation Market Value Analysis. Londesboro Starter 11/2 storey vinyl sided home. Excellent con- dition, 1 bedroom down, 2 up. 1 - 2 pc., 1 - 4 pc. bath. Single car detached garage. Call Karen to view. Quiet Street Attractive brick and sided all electric fami- ly horame, attached single car garage, separate back entrance to 3rd level. 3 bedrooms & dere, bright and cheerful fami- ly rooms complements this well planned hofnit, Whv Rent? Want to own your own home - here's a perfect chance, 2 bedrooms up, ono on main floor, nicely decorated, private backyard. 2 sheds included. For more infer:notion call Karen. Karen Serutou Marie Hughes 13111 McGregor 482-9716 482-7508 482-7539 4-1 rl,g,w0Sti A friendly coagmobife home surrounded by mature pine trees. Situated In an adult com- munity. Five Seasons Efbtates at Bayfield. Large well landscaped lot with added features of 8' x 10' deck and 12' x 12' workshop. Call Marie to Inspect this ltm- aeulate home. Dominic Bradley 482-7841 'Wayne Wigeleworth , 482.3091' Marg Tegwell ...... ..... .......... .....482-1760 Member Huron R,e.,. Estate Board Multi elle Listin';' Service 1 JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR HWY. 4 NORTH OF CLINTON: 7/ 'acres. highway location. 5 bedroom home with new carpeting, additional new bathroom for guest accommodation, at- tacheil garage. Modern 1 storey building 36' x 150' plus 40' x 60' steel building. Many potential uses. an excellent proper- ty. List 5108,500. 20 ACRES: Just off Hwy. 4, 4 bedroom solid brick farmhouse with recent addi- tion and modernization. Large workshop in now condition 28' x 40', also modern steel barn 28' x 40' as well as original barn. List 593,500. NEW LISTING: North St. 5., excellent maintenance and pr o of ownership shows an this nee room home with family room, port and private backyard. List 535,000. 1700 SQ, FT. SPLIT LEVEL: Attrac- tively landscaped double lot, with in- terlocking brick driveway, over 3000 seq. ft. finished area Includes 3 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, 460 sq. ft. family room. beautifully renewed kitchen finishes in light oak. List 595,000. Must be soon. CENTRAL LOCATION: Across from Royal Bank. Includes an extra lot with 82.5 foot frontage. Living room with fireplace, gunroom, study, 5 bedrooms. office. Circular drive. detached garage. List 569.500. TOWNSEND ST.: Superbly located lot with a well maintained bungalow. 1 block from public school. 20' x 24' attach - e5.00 finished basement. List '55,000- 10 ACRES: Mullett Twp., 2 storey yellow brick with modern 24' x 64' steel building. List 567,500. 5 ACRES: Hallett Twp., 5 bedroom stucco house with 32' x 160' hog finishing barn. List 559.900. 161 RATTENBURY WEST: 2 bedroom, 1 storey with family room ad- dition, carport with double paved drive. 331.900. IDEAL RETIREMENT BUNGALOW: 559,500. 2 bedrooms, 1033 sq. ft. New kitchen addition in 1978. Has Gebel cup- boards. Energy efficient home, good in- sulation. Finished roc. room. 12' x 12' sundeck. 439,500.: 3 bedroom home with new kitchen renovations, full basement. blown -In rockwool insulation. Now roof 1983. Mortis St. DUNLOP ST:24 morn Insul brick bungaloaat with erior. Imosediate possession. 529, 00. COMMERCIAL: 1.43 acres contain- ing 5,500 sq. ft. block building present- ly used as the Bell Canada Work Centre. With additional building lots Included at the list price of 950.000. JOH.:' L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE ISTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS F THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOAR John L. Duddy 482-3652 Inter Dakmtrno 482-9849 otftco 482-3766 Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton CLINTON: 213 Victoria Street, 4 bedrooms, gas heat, zoned highway commercial. LONDESBORO: 4 bedroom, 2 floor home, , very spacious, heated double garage, like new throughout. 69 ACRES: HWY. NO. 8, secluded raised bungalow, insulated barn, 25 acres workable, several ponds, hardwood bush. Ideal hobby or recreation property. CLINTON: Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, paved drive, near hospital. BLYTH: Commercial property, Queen Street, presently rented as Variety Store, good 2 bedroom apartment above, presently vacant. CLINTON: 1 flooy3cutledrooms, gas heat, Princess Street. `JJVV�� KINBURN: 100 acres, 95 acres workable, systemically drained, 6 room frame home. 25 ACRES: 2 miles from Clinton, small barn, excellent building site. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick rancher, finish- ed basement, inground pool, large lot. 198 ACRES: Free stalls for up to 100 cows, ex= cellent buildings, 2 Harvestore silos, Hullett Twp. 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 11 floor frarne home, farrowing born for 35 sows. Pro- perty well fenced. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If the "Pill" had been available to Grandma, where would you and I be now. Culligan REAL ESTATELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 SILVERCREEKVISION - Vacant building lot, Ho tea. GORDON ST, - "Mint" describes this split level home features spacious family room, 3 bedrooms, attached carport plus utility room. 550's, BRUCEFIELD - 1 acre with a 3 bedroom home plus 3 building lots. Try an offer' COUNTRY LIVING - Raised ranch style home with 1600 sq. ft. on main floor, central vac, control air, spacious kitchen with hide -a -way laundry, double garage. Listed way below replacement cost. COMMERCIAL - \ 1%Lrrejntained store in Main 6treet, Seaf `orR7r 50 ACRES, 381/2 WORKABLE - Balance in bush. Close to town. 48 ACRES, TUCKERSMITH - 28 acres bush, balance workable. 100 ACRES, FRAME HOME - Well kept, barn partially steel sided. located on paved road. 75 ACRES - Systematically tiled. $100,000.00. 100 ACRES - 75 sow farrow to finish, good brick home. many renovations. Call for details. OFFICES IN SEA FORTH 527-1577 BAYFIELD 565-5055 WINGHAM AREA 357-3622 MITCHELL 348-8-355 DUBLIN 345-2862 STRATFORD 271-1104 MAURICE 1ARDINER REAL ES.. E II IT'ED 4 STANLEY Mat ObD.ERTeH 044966 *thirty 8e Number C net Buf We're StfUI Tryfng Herder!" = ur CALL US r TO WELCOME .Vote H4' iME.,-_ r :AILS.. Ara.u +.� Et r t is til iafsat3rl;tF.Ys 1 L`tS'VISSttlX3111:6t113E1l.. 165 JAMES STREET, CLINTON - 2 storey Insul Brick, 4 bedroom, family room, Laun- dry hook new roof, new kitchen floor- ing, new A plumbing & copper pipes. Priced at S3 ,500.00. HOLMESVILLE: new 1326 sq. ft. brick and aluminum 3 bedroom bungalow on la ;e country lot. Open living room with brick fireplace. Oak cupboards, 2 bathrooms - For further Information on these end other properties: Contact: Dianne Alexander MAURICE ;OARDINER REAL EBTATE LTD. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565-2513