HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-01-14, Page 13• CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1987—Page 13 Belgrave ladies celebrate 25th anniversary of UCS By Mrs. L. Stonehouse BELGRAVE - The 25th Anniversary Year of the UCW was celebrated at a special church service on January 11 in Knox United Church. The call to worship was given by Mrs. William Coultes who con- ducted the service. An organ -piano prelude of sacred selec- tions was presented by Mrs. George Pro- cter, church organist and Mrs. George Johnston. They also, accompanied the hymns which were related to the special ser- vice. The choir sang with organ accompaniment. Mrs. G. Ross Anderson read the two scrip- ture readings: that were used at the inagural service of the United Church Women in January, 1962. The second scripture passage was given by Mrs. Ross Higgins. - A review of the Belgrave UCW relating "'the major achievements of its two groups, the Afternoon Unit and the Evening Aux- iliary since 1962 was read by Olive Bolt. This! local history included the minutes of the first Belgrave UCW meeting which was held January 11, 1962 and a list of all the presidents from 1962-1987. Two fig -al arrangements were in the sanctuary in memory of the late Dorothy Procter, a member of the Belgrave After- noon Unit. A Candle Lighting service was conducted by Alice Scott, Mrs. Harold Vincent and Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. Scott, the first president of the Belgrave UCW 1962 lit a candle for the past. She stated "With pride we look back on the work which the women have done in the church. It has been an essential part of the church's life.". The candle for the present was lit by Mrs. Harold Vincent who is the 1986-1987 UCW president. The present highlights to remember are fellowship, support, joint ef- fort opportunities and meaning. The third candle which stands for the future was lit by Mrs. John Campbell. Each lighting was followed by prayer in unison. At this juncture in the service Rev. John G. Roberts conducted the contlpnunion or Eucharist which appropriately coincided with the special service the thanks. Eucharist means thanksgiving. Mrs. Coultes concluded the service with the benedictions. WMS News The Belgrave Women's Missionary Socie- ty (WMS) held their meeting at the home of Ivy Cloakey on January 5. Mrs. Garner Nicholson opened the meeting' by reading the hymn. Mrs. Lottie Scott read the scripture Psalm and Mrs."Mac Scott led in prayer. Roll call was answered by a verse on "years". The secretary's report was given by Robena McBurney who also gave a year -ends review. Mrs. Cloakey gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Hazel Dalrymple read some poems. Mrs. Nicholson read an in memoriam on Dr. Margaret Kennedy who passed away last year. She served in India between 1939 and 1977. Forty-two sick and shut-in visits were recorded. Collection was received and dedicated. Mrs. Nicholson read a poem and Mrs. Mac Scott will be in charge of the February meeting. The annual meeting will be held in Wingham on January 19. Rev. and Mrs. Victor'Jamieson closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess and a social time was enjoyed. Euchre Eleven tables were in play at the weekly euchre which was held in the WI Hall on January 7. Winners were: high lady - Mrs. Stanley Black; novelty lady - Mrs. Clarence Hanna; low lady -.Eva McGill; high man - George Johnston; novelty man - Clarence Hanna and low man - Leslie Short. There will be euchre again this Wednes- day starting at 8 p.m. UCW News The Evening Unit of the UCW was held at the home of Mabel Wheeler with 27 members present. The theme of the worship service was "Beauty" taken by Mrs. Sam Pletch and Mabel Wheeler. The business period was followed by the program given b}f Mrs. William Coultes on Images of Women In the Bible, Third World and At Home. The meeting closed with the Mizpak Benediction followed by lunch served by Mrs. Ross Anderson and Mrs. John McIntosh. ACW News The January meeting of the Belgrave ACW was held at the home of Mary Isabel Nethery on January 6. The president, Nancy Jardin, read the meditation on the theme of the Incarnation and the scripture was read by Olive Camp- bell. The prayers were said in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Gladys Van Camp and the Maxirnum rent increase, set at 5.2 per cent The rent review guideline for 1987 has been set at 5.2 per cent by the Ministry of Housing. The which per cent guideline is the amount by 5which a landlord can increase the max- ® imum rent for a rental rot ext year t rent without applying for approval treview. The guideline applies to all private rental units in the province. The Residential Rent Regulation Act, passed by the legi§lature this month, created an entirely new system of rent review for Ontario, designed to increase protection for tenants and to encourage the construction of new rental housing. Under the new Act, a flexibile guideline was established and rent review was ex- tended to cover all private rental units in the province. Other major features of the legislation in- cluded the creation of a Rent Registry, a streamlined rent review process and a stan- dards board to ensure proper building maintenance. In the past, the rent review guideline was a fixed percentage which applied only to units in buildings constructed prior to 1976, while units which wer first occupied after that date were exemp fro rent review. Under the new Act, uideline will be adjusted annually to respond to changes in economic conditions, and applied to all ren- tal units in the province. The guideline is designed to reflect changes in inflation and to promote proper building maintenance for tenants. and other economic indicators. In future, the Ministry of Housing will an- nounce by August 31 the guideline for the up- coming year. r.onz��.>.�F n.nnrf. given by Jean Nethery. treasurer's report by Jean The roll call was answered by nine members. The dues were paid and -collec- tion taken. Three bales were sent to Casabanca before Christmas. The election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows: president - Nancy Jardin; vice-president - Ardyss .Johnston; secretary,- Gladys Van Camp; treasurer - Jean Nethery; cards Mary Isabel Nethery. The program was prepared by Ardyss Johnston who read three poems. The meeting closed by singing grace and lunch was served by the hostess. Personals Friends and neighbors of this community extend sympathy to 'Mr.' and Mrs. Donald Procter and family of RR4 Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Procter and family of Lon- don in the loss of their mother and gra don loss of mother grand- mother Dorothy Procter. Ethel Wheeler, of. the Woodley Home, Wroxeter, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler. We congratulate arbara Anderson on winning the ring ofher choice on the Christmas draw at Gemini Jewellers, Winghain. Mr. ond Mrs. Bert Johnston accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Herman Whitfield to Parry Sound where they attended the funeratlif Herman's brother, Lawson Whitfield on January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson; Doug Han- na and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna at- tended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr.;, and Mrs. John Brown of Stratford at'the Vic- torian Inn on Sunday afternoon. ROYAL' S° NEW YEAR CELEBRATION ROYALZONE®OZONE MACHINE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A ROYAL' WHIRLPPOOL SPA*. A $1,000.00 VALUE ABSOLUTELY FREE. The Royalzone' Ozone Machine gives you the peace of mind to enjoy the pure elegance and celebration of owning a new Royal' Whirlpool Spa. YOU'RE INVITED, to your nearest Royal` Spa Showroom — today. Let your Royal' Host listed below, debut the new Royalzone' and our exciting 87 models LIMITED MANUFACTURER'S INTRODUCTORY OFFER ACT NOW! 'Excludes promotional $1995.00 Coachman (Bone) Pre -plumbed spa only Without Royal' Pac and display Royat' Spas M iddegaal 234 MAIN ST. N. SEAFORTH 527-0104 RENT REvIEw UPDATE HOM THE MINISTRY OF HOUSING Important message to tenants and landlords of rental units first occupied after 1975. The Residential Rent Regulation Act, 1986, extends the protection of rent review to cover all tenants in private rental units in Ontario. This includes buildings, mobile homes and mobile home sites first occupied as rental units after 1975. n the past, tenants living in units which first came on the market after 1975 post -'75 unit - were not protected by rent review. Under the new legislation, tenants living in post -'75 units are now protected by rent review along with all other tenants in private rental units in Ontario. As well, the provisions extending rent review to cover post -'75 units are refroactirf> to August 1, 1985. This means that the four per Fent Guideline which was in place from August 1, 1985, to December 31, 1986, applied to post -'75 units during this period. Thus, landlords who charged tenants of post -'75 units more than the four per cent Guideline during this period must now justify those rent increases or refund to tenants the difference betweeh four per rent and the higher amount 'charged. Tenants in post -'75 units: do not make mediate deductions from your rent. For the present, tenants lir ng in post -'7:5 units should pay the amount requested in the notice by their landlord until the matter is resnlrred through rent review. Under no circumstances should tenants make immediate deductions from their rent cheques because an illegal deduction could ltd to eviction by the Courts. For more Barrie Hamilton Kingston Kitchener London Mississauga. North Ray Oshawa Tenants in post -'75 units: obtaining a rent rebate. • if the landlord of a post -'75 unit has not made an application to rent review by March 2, 1987, the tenant is entitled to a rebate of rents paid above the 4 per cent Guideline between August 1. 1985, and Deeemher 31. 1986. • If the landlord does not voluntarily pay the tenant the rebate owing. the tenant is advised to file an application with the local Rent Review Office for an order requiring the land- lord to pay the rebate. • i1' the tenant is certain of the amount of the rebate, the tenant may deduct the amount from a rent cheque. Requirements for landlords of post -15 units. • Landlords who have charged tenants more than the 4 per cent Guideline pom August 1, 1985, to i)ecember 31, 1986, have until March 2, 1987, to apply to'rent review to justify these rent increases. • To apply, a landlord must file an application form and supporting information with the local Rent Review Office. showing that the rent increases were justified. • Landlords who applOto justify these rent increases must give a copy of their application to all of their tenants within 10 days of apply- ing. Tenants are entitled to examine all the materials filed and to make submissions to the local Rent Review Office. • Landlords who do not apply to rent review on or before March 2, 1987, must rebate excess rents charged to tenants between August 1, 1985, and December 31. 1986 Landlords of post -'75 units who have already served notice of a rent increase above the 1987 Guideline: l'nder the new legislation, the Rent Review Guideline for the year 1987 is 52 per cent. Some landlords of post -'75 units have already served tenants with notice of a rent increase effective on or after January 1, 1987, which exceeds the 5.2 per cent Guideline. These landlords also have until March 2, 1987, tb apply,to rent review For approval of a 1987 rent increase above the 52 per cent Guideline. If the landlord applies to rent review, tenants will receive a copy of the application and be given a full opportunity to participate in the rent review process. if the landlord does not apply to rent review and the time period for doing so expires, the landlord must rebate the difference between 52 per cent and the higher amount charged during 1987. Ministry of Housing Ontario. Hon. Alvin Curling, Minister information, call toll-free 1-800-387-9060, or phone your local Rent Review Office: (705) 737-2111 (416) 528-8701 (613) 548-6770 (519) 579-5790 (519) 673-1660 (416) 270-3280 (705) 476-1231 (416) 723-8135 Ottawa. Owen Sound Peterborough St Catharines Sudbury Thunder Bay Timmins Windsor (613) 230-5114 (519) 376-3202 (705) 743-9511 (416) 684-6562 (705) 675-4373 (807) 475-1595 (705) 264-9555 (519) 253-3532 METROPOLITAN TORONT() (416) 964-8281 (416) 429-0664 City of Toronto East York Etohieoke and York North York Scarborough (416) 236-2681 (416) 224-7643 (416) 438-3452 1