HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-9-24, Page 5TB.XE"i "`it `FINES, SEPTEMBER 24th 1903.
Poi�Iostollo& arflInor
Cut Rate Merchants
The whiter is corning for you and for nee
The snow will be here, which ie ill settle the duet~
The goods yon now want most be heavy amt warm
Then buy them from us and get out in the storm.
CU S . I` N
32c for 28c. Twilled. and Plain Grey Flannels,
Campbellford Mills, light and dark
shades, shirting widths, best in Canada
28c for 25e Campbellford Mills, Gxey Flannel,
plain and twilled, light and dark shades,
with us • 24c,
3oc for 25c Military Flannei,English rnake,brown
rnix, extra width and very heavy cut
price at • .-.. 25c.
25c for 2oc Light Grey Campbellford Flannel, on-
ly one piece and a -light grey, a good
snap l:or you • -. • - • • •Zoe.
20C • for 16c Twilled Dark Grey Flannel, 27 inches
wide for .... 16c,
15c for I2=ac Twilled Dark Grey Flannel, 26
inches wide for ., • • . • ••••1234c
Heady Top Shirts
For Winter
At less than wholesale prices. Bot from a
Toronto Manufacturer before his failure last
$1.50 for 95c Men's Tweed Shirts, heaviest we
have ever seen, dark pattern in all sizes
$1.75for $r,15 Men's Serge Shirts, pure wool long
lengths, full widths and all shrunken
. at . .. $I.15,
$I,5o for 95c Men's heavy Twilled Sateen Shirts,
many of them fleeced lined, good winter
shirts only
These goods are double sewn throughout, and
should not rip in any seam.
See our 50c, 75c, 85c and 90c Top Shirts. Every one bot
special value at the price. -
Nairn's Linoleum
at $2.25 a yd.
4 yard wide Linoleum, Nairn's manufacture, best
make in the world, nice light colors in
tile pattern at $2.25 a yd.
2 yard wide Linoleum, made by Nairn of Donegal
at...... $x.00 a yd.
2 yard wide Oilcloth, Cook's English goods in tile
or floral design at .......... 5oc a yd .
All widths of Oil Cloths at good prices for you
Not seconds, cleared from Canadian Rubber
Co., Montreal,
85c for 6oc Men's Storm Rubbers, heavy sole and
solid goods for ... • ... • ..• • 60c,
6oc for 5oc Boy's Rubbers, heavy sole, splendid
live rubber for 50c ..
55e for 4oc Ladies' Rubbers, high back and good
fitters for .... • - - • • • 40c.
4oc for 25c Misses' Rubbers, size I x to 2 extra
quality of rubber for 25c.
35c for 25c Girls Rubbers, all sizes, we can't buy
better, big bargain for .... 25c.
$200.0 P Worth of
New Clothing
Just in, bought at 30 per cent. off cost price.
Come to us for a suit and we can suit you in
fit, style, quality and price.
'TERMS -Cash or Produce
Can be obtained at CANADA'S.
BET SCHOOL. Why be satis-
fied with anything but the BEST
when it posts no Inoro 1 We give
you thorough, individual instruc-
tion. Good positions waltin for
our graduates, Catalog 'I" is
free for the asking. Why not ask
for it7
A. L. BROWN, Principal.
Phone 45
0116 DOO Nortli 01 ?ost011i6e
fOflplost011o & Gartlioar
Human Nature
"Mike," said Plodding Pete, "what
would you do if you was to wake u
an' find yourself a railway president."
"1 dunno" answered Meandering
Mike"Human nature is human nature
I s'pose I'd git mercenery an' begin to
worry about all de rides I've been
beating de company out of."-Wash-
ngton Star.
.After all, though the Conservatite
party at present wants recruits, it
will be hest to let Mr. Tarte flock by
himself. He is to irresponsible a man
for the Conservative party
to be re-
sponsible for. As a party by himself
-succeeding to the Third Party once
embodied in Peter Mitchell -he can be
as flamboyant and theatrical as he
pleases, and he always so pleases. Of
course he is aninteresting character
and everybody will laugh at,and often
applaud, what be says ; but whether
he choses to confer hie dangerous ap-
proval on the Conservative party or
not, he will be regarded, by Ontario
Conservatives at least, as the enfant
terrible of our politics, a personage
quite as picturesque as useful. His
influence in Quebec should not he
measured by his loquacity ; if tested
he might he no stronger than Bouras-
sa. Canada is a free .country and
there can be no objection to Mr. Tarte
enjoying the fullest liberty of speech -
he would die if he couldn't -and then
be is perhaps useful as a soi t of na-
tional escape -valve. Let us treasnre
Mr. Tarte as an interesting freak of
Western civilization and give him a
seat by himself.-Strattor'd Herald.
Mr, Borden, the Conservatiye leader
in the house of commons at Ottawa,
has made a speech whicn cannot fail
to exercise an important influence on
the future destiny of Canada. Re has
introduced a real issue into the pol-
itics'of the country. Hitherto there
bas been no clearly defined distinction
between Gritism and Toryism. It has
been merely a question of party, and
a strugle for office and patronage, and
there has been no distinction on any
matter of principle. These conditions
are approaching their end for Mr.Bor-
den aepresenting the Conservatives
proposes to introduce an important
principle to which the Liberals under
Mr. Laurier object. It is national
ownership of railways and other pub-
lic services. Mr. Borden spoke very
strongly on the subject and we may
consider that the Tory party in Can-
ada is now favorable to that idea, and
"that the Grit party is opposed to it.
That is the Dividing line between the
Tory such being
and To y parties,a d n
the case the Grit party will steadily
lose ground and in time will disappear
-Bobcaygeon Independant,
if you can't sleelp on account of rag-
ing toothache Low's Toot'lra,chlzl Giutur
will stop the .aplxe and give. you; ease.,
Price 10c. All medicine dealers.
The company vw.ninig Che, Jape tis.ex-
pect a very high sugar perce,nbagei
ani ecnee ,uentl;y ' ane velry;jubilant
o;v:,•r ;.ho prospeects. of receivign a band
some pile Of money* 4hirefa11.
IIngyar'd's Yellp!wwi ail is, a ,goo&.re,-
meld.y fioir main or beast. 'It reduces
ewielliing, iallays inflammation,. . takien.
out pain and cures cuts, burns, bruis-
es sprains, quinsy, sore throat, etc..
Price 25c.
The W iair!bon Bobo says it has been
reporter that a chemist at the.Wiar-
ton sugar factory te;,stexl• some of, ilio
water from Mr. Armour's spring; and
found it contained five per cent. of
sugter. irhte greela(t query isi:What is
the cause of this great , coincidence?'
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years. It pays to use the
right stuff.
"Men of oak" are men in
rugged health, men whose
bodies are made of the sound-
est materials.
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con-
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stirnulates
the growing powers of children,
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti-
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists,
Toronto, Ontario.
Sec. and $1.00; alt druggists.
lAn investigation, was made and tine
following is tlhe tzteI ul!ttof their, dt;iibe
!alone : ',Mat Overholt Bros. and. 5. E.
Poster have 36 anew •of becks just.
above the xlololi; amid over the land £re
ivh'i.oh the sprzxi,g tiakes Its erae,t spudi as
ate cello .in the beets that: store'tne
isac:charsfe rna,t'.tetr Ila JJ been filled, they,
overflowed +and soaked into ti4,e soil,
and tete soil became so sweetenedl.chat
it •affce•teel tale water, tin the awing,
"f ib,ave tr'ie'd Laxa-Liver Pills,. and
fiend Item an excellent medicine foie
Indigestion and Biliousness.." 3. ; Mtc,-
IOaal►atna, Stkeutff,ville, Qat.
Sportsmen Who go hunting in + the
cel un ties .cif Dsseec. Kckn t; ' .M' lamb -
on this season will: have no complaint
to make about a, scarcity of birds.
Ghat lee Quallens•, t5'ame warden u.f c.he
three counties, said on Saturday that
quail abounds in many parts of, ,; the
three, counties and that the birds are
welt developed end very- strong' far
this time •of the year. The , second
broods according to the same; author-
icy,,arn well feathered end will be large,
enoutih io graele• a piece oft toast. by
th; time the quail season, opens.
Ducks arie very +plentiful. In fact
they base not appeared in such.,uum-
hets in she feeding grounds for years,
arid. G else sportsmen are promised rare
sport when the weather derives, the
ducks into tale marshes and other
h aun si:£fi.cientlynenrtshore to allow -
the neeerlr.s to, get a elicit ,ilt, ,therni.
p,a,..rid6e will be• scl.lrce. They live
in chi: w coils, and as the foxes•t are
rapidly disappearing ehe, partridge is
driven further to the north. • Wood -
cook, snipe and, kindred game birds
are also found in lar,gc numbers, and
as .she season for • any- of ahs. birds
opens Tuesday next, the guns of the
hunters w'iil soon be heard a.lougi the
rriarsbes that abound in the three
counties . tmm
South Hiram, S,eta.fctrt',h 'Sebt 24-l5
VII • -St ht. 22-28
Ray, Z'uriicih Sept 23-24
St, Marys Sob t. 2'9-30
1Go.detricih , ...Ss'pt;2.9-30
VPinghta,m ,... Sept 25
Ha;rrisboin ... ..Sep,t. 2G
Ailsa Craig . ,..Se.pt29-30
Listowel .Se,pt'00
East Huron, : Brussels ...... Oc,t: 1-2
K•irle on pot; 2
Luck -now Oe,t, 2
IG+arrie Oct 3
Morris, Bly'tlx ... Oet 6-7
Stra'tferd ...... Oct 7
Hibbert, S:taffa Oct. 6'
Bayfield Oct,1-2
Faun wagon, Snowball Wagon Cu;
Phaeton or Mikado, McLaughton
Cat Hoge Co.; 'lop buggy, McLaughlin
Carriage Co.; Sulky plow, Wilkinson
Co., J. Fleury & son ; Wheelbarrow
James Dennis, Fanning Mill, D. :Nc.-
Coney; Roller, Wilkinson Co. ; Turnip
seed drill, D. Maxwell & son ; Turnip
pulper, D, Maxwell & son ; Wooden
pump, J. G. Smallacomhe ; Cream
separator, A, Q. Nobler 1st and Ind.
Judge -D. alcNicol.
Winter apples, J. Treibner, F. Trei-
bner; fall apples, J. Treibner, F. Trei-
bner; plate of winter apples, J. Treib-
ner, J. Hunter & Son; fall apples, J.
Treihner, J. Hunter & Son; Rhode is-
land Greenings, L, McTaggart, Robt.
Kydd; Northern Spies, E. Maguire, J.
Treibner; Roxboro Russets, T,Yellow,
John Frayne; Spitzenbuxgs, A. Mc-
Pherson, A. McEwen; Baldwins, J.
Treibner, 1Treibner;
Westfieldld seek -
no further, 0, Dayman, D. Richard;
snow apple, F. Treibner, T. Yellow;
Gravensteios. H. E. Huston, J. R.
Potter: Fall Pippin, Vl . R. Trott; Col-
verts, N. D. Hurd'n, A. Bissett; King
of Tompkins, W. R. Trott, L. Mc-
Taggart; Alexanders, J. Snell, J.
Kessel; Canada Tled, M. Brethour, W.
R. Trott; Ribston Pippins, J, R. Pot-
ter, Roht Kydd; Wagners, J. Snell, J.
Nestle; Grimes G. Pippin, F. Treibner,
Maiden's Blush, W. Bowden, W. R.
Trott; Golden Russets, F. Treibner,
Chas. Harris; Ben Davis, J. Kessle, F.
Treibner; Wealthy, J. Treihner, John
Gill; Dutches Oldenburg, W. R. Trott
J. Ford; Blenheim Pippins, J, Treib-
ner, F. Treibner.
Flemish Beauty, Alex McPherson,
Wm. Bagshaw ; Duchess of AngouIin,
Jeff Fisher, John Hill ; Beurs Clair•-
geau, Wm. Copp, A. ,McPherson,
Clapp's Favorite, Fred Hogarth ; Vic-
ar of Wingfield, Jacob Roeder ; Bell
Lucrative, A. S. Deavit.t, W. J. Carl-
ing ; Sheldon, W. Newcombe, Alex
McEwen; East Beurre, A. S, Deavitt
Louis Ronnie de Jersey, Thos. Brock
sr. W. Newcombe ; Bartlett, Wm.
Copp, M. Brethour,
Goldon Drop, Wm. Copp, Robt,
Sanders ; Washington, Ross & Taylor:
Imperial Gage, Wm. Bowden, Mrs.
George Manson ; Duanes Purple, Mrs.
John White, Wm. Bowden; Lombards
S. Powell, Ross & Taylor ; any other
variety, Mrs. George Manson, 5, Pow-
ell ; Pond's Seedlings, Ross & Taylor,,
Wm, Copp ; Grand Duke, Ross and
Taylor, M. Brethour ; Glass Seedling,
W. J. Carling lst and 2nd.
Niagara, Mrs. John White; Dela-
wares, F.Hogarth; Rogers No.19,Mexi-
mac, W. Newcombe; Rogers No 5
Wilder, Rev, %T m. Martin; Rogers No
22, Salem, W. Newcombe; Rogers No.
45, W. Newcombe. Early Crawfords,
Jacob Roeder, S. Powell; Late Craw-
fords, A. 5, Devitt, Alex. McFalls;
any other variety, S.Powell, T.Brock.
Canned fruit, Miss H. Wise, M. Bre-
thour; collection honey, Wm. Bag-
shaw, A McPherson; honey in comb,
A. McPherson, W. Bagshaw; honey
in jar, W. Bagshaw, A. McPherson;
home made wines, J. Tom, Miss H.
Wise; bottled pickles, Miss H. Wise,
Mrs. ,.Richardson; canned yegetables,
Mrs. J, Richardson, miss 11, Wise.
Judges -D. French and W. Weaks.
Rag carpet, woollen warp, Miss H.
Wise; rag carpet, cotton warp, .7. R,
Potter, James Toni; rag mat, hooked,
Mrs. John Parsons, Geo. 11?eLand• rag
Mat, sewed, James Tom, Miss N. Tom;
yarn mat, Miss H. Wise, Jennie Kes-
se); wool socks, heavy, J, R. Potter,
R. Kydd; wool socks, tine, Nellie Orei-
ghtou, Mrs, R. Stevenson; cotton
stockings, Nellie Creighton, Miss E.
Ferguson; ladies' wool mitts, 24iss N.
Tom, Nellie Cx'eigeton; ladies' silk
mitts, Mrs. R. Stevenson; men's wool
Mitts, Mrs. R, Stevenson, Jas. Tom;
men's wool gloves, Tas, Tom; counter-
panes knitted, Mrs, McAvoy, Miss N.
Tom; counterpanes crochet, N.Oreigh-
ton,Mrs,Mc.A.voy;counterpanes tufted,
Fred Hogarth, M. Brethonr; quilts
silk, Jas. Torn, Miss E. Ferguson;
quilt, cotton, Thos. Ferguson, Mrs. S.
A. Harness; quilt, cloth, Miss N. Tom,
Jennie Kessel; quilt, log cabin, James
Tom, Miss N. Creighton; knitted or
crochet wool shawl, Mrs. John White,
Mrs. R. Stevenson; patchwork, N.
Creighton,Jas.Tom; Darning on stock-
ings, Miss N. Tom, Miss N. Creighton;
buttonholes, Mahle Brooks, J. R.
tet,crochet table mitts, Alma Brook,
Airs. Jelin White; doylies. Mrs. R.
Stevenson, C.Gauepi,eil; pillow shams,
Mrs. R. Steveusou, l81iss. N.Creigbton,
Miss N. Toni; hard or fancy bag,
Mable Brook, M. Brethour; laundry
hag, Mable Brook, M. Brethour; pin
cushion, Alma Brook, Mrs. R. Steven.
son ; snfa •pillow, D1 rs. R. Stevenson,
T. H. McCallum, M. Brethour; photo
frame, Mrs. R. Stevenson, J. R. Pot-
ter; v. bisk holder, M. Bretbour, W.Bagsba,a; screen, T. H. McCallum,
Mrs. R. Steyenson; toilet articles,
Mahle Biook, Mrs• R. Stevenson; nov-
elty in fancy work, Jennie Kessel,
Mrs. R. Stevenson, Jennie Kessel;
bed room slippers, Mable Brook, Mrs,
R, Stevenson; child's dress, Mrs. (Dr.)
Hannon, 1VIr's, R. Stevenson; ladies'
underclothing, home manufacturer,
Mable Brook, J. R. Potter; painting
in oil on china, glass, terra cotta, Mrs.
R. Stevenson; men's fancy outing or
night shirt, Wm. Hyde, Mrs. R. Ste-
yenson; fancy afghan, Mrs. R,Steven-
son, C. Campbell; tea cosy, M. Breth-
our, Alma Brook; five o'clock lunch or
side hoard scarf, Nellie Creighton,
Mrs. R. Stevenson; fancy case or box
for handkerchiefs, Mrs. C. Campbell,
M. Brethour; center piece, Mrs. R.
Stevenson, RevWm. Martin; center
piece, any kind work, Mahle Brook,
Mrs. R, Stevenson; fine crochet lace,
Mable Brook, Miss E. Ferguson; heavy
or Irish point crochet lace, Mrs. R.
Stevenson,Mable Brook; crochet work
and fancy braid combined. Miss 0.
Campbell, Mable Brook; crochet work
in silk, Miss E. Ferguson, Mable
Brook; knitted lace or trimming cot-
ton, Miss E. Ferguson, Miss N. Tom;
point lace, Mrs,(Dr.) Hannon,Dr.Kins-
man;Honiton and point lace combined,
Mrs. John White, Mrs. R, Stevenson;
battenburg lace, Mrs. It. Stevenson,
Mrs. C.Oampbell; Brazilian point lace,
Mrs, R. Stevenson, Dr. A. R. Kins-
man;tting, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs.
R. Stevenson;t.drawn thread work,
fine,lMrs. John White, Mrs. R. Ste-
venson; drawn thread work, heavy,
Mrs, R. Stevenson; any kind work on
screen or Java canvas, Mrs. R. Ste-
venson, Mrs. John White; coronation
braid work, Rev Wm. Martin, Mrs.R.
Stevenson; etching or outline work,
Nellie Creighton, Mrs, Harness; head
work. Nellie Creighton, C. Campbell;
Berlin wool work, 0. Campbell. 1st
and 2nd; embroidery on silk, satin or
wool goods, N. Creighton, Mrs, R.
Stevenson; embroidery in white cot-
ton or linnen, C. Campbell, Mr's. R,
Stevenson; Roman or cut work, Mrs.
R. Stevenson, C. Campbell; Mount
Mellick work, N. Creighton, Mrs. R.
Stevenson; Bulgarian or Oriental em-
broidery, Mrs. R. Stevenson, C. Camp-
bell; netting, Yrs. John Parsons, C.
Campbell; Qrueen Ann darning, Mrs,
R. Stevenson; braiding, Fred. Hog-
arth, Mrs. R. Stevenson; work done at
the present time by woman over 70
years of age, Mrs John
White; best
collection of ladies work, .Mrs. R.
Stevenson, Miss N. Tom. James Tom;
loaf home made bread, R. Kydd. Geo.
NeLead, Mrs, (Dr.) Hannon; worked
ottoman or foot stool, Miss N. Tom,
Jennie Kessell.
Judges -Mrs. Crocker, St. Marys;
Mrs. Link, Crediton; Mrs. Douglas,
air. A. Q. Bobier was the lucky prize
winner of lst and 2nd prizes for Cream
Separators against three competitors.
Messrs Connor Bros., of the Imple-
ment Repair works, main street. ex-
hibited an unique and useful machine
in the way of a Foot Power Emery
Grinding Machine which was the at-
traction of many farmers.
Iron -ox Tablets are Very
Highly Appreciated in
January 17, 1903.
It is with real pleasure that
I certify to the efficacy of Iron -
ox Tablets. No tablet that I
know of better serves the pur-
pose of an effective yet gentle
liver pill and regulator of the
bowels, while at the same
time acting as a tonic to the
blood and nervous system.
As a regulator of the bowels
they are all right.
7 Atm Street,
Kingston, Ont,
Pifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive
aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at drug-
gists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of
price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co,,
xted, Walkerville, Ont.
Improved farm fee sale list No, 1. on
the 10th concession of Usl,orne con-
taining 100 acres. For particulars
apply to L. WALKER., Wrodha:ni.
Wheat per bushell .... 74 to 75
Oats new .... .... .. 28 to 28
Barley .. 40 to 40
Butter 15
Eggs 14
Wool ... 14 to 14
Pork live weight ....$5.75 to $6.00
Roller Mills
Ori t!ng and 6lioppipo',
D� Dnp
DOM a 1A o1BtI i
We are giving excellent sa-
fisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill
Court of Revision
Village of Exeter
Notice is hereby given, that a Court
will he held, pursuant to the Voters'
Lists'Act, by his honor the Judge of
the County Court of the county of
Huron, at Exeter on the
at 10 o'clock to hear and determine
the several complaints of errors and
ommisions in the Voters' List of the
Municipality of the VillageExeter
for 1903.
All persons having business at the
court are required to attend at the
same time and place.
Dated the 15th Day of September,
Clerk of said Municipality.
Court of Revision
Township of Usborne
Notice is hereby given, that a Court
will be held, pursuant to the Ontario
Voters' Lists Act, by his Honor, the
Judge of the County Court of the
County of Huron at the Town Ball
Elimville on,
at 10 o'clock, a. m. to hear and deter-
mine the several complaints of errors
and omissions in the Voters' List of
the Municipality of the Township of
Usborne for 1903.
Ali persons having business at the
Court are requested to attend at said
time and place,
Clerk of Usborne.
Dated Sept. 14th 1903.
At Elimville, a comfortable house
with 21 acres of land, having a good
garden with a choice yariety of all
kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a
never failing well of the best of water,
For particulars apply to the owner on
the premises or by letter to War. MIN-
ERS, Elimville P. 0.
A farm containing 100 acres of good
land, nn the Thames Road, Lot 15 & 16
Situated 51 miles from Exeter, of a
mile from Farquhar, of a mile from
school, 1. miles from church. The
land is in first class condition,all clear-
ed. b orty-seven acres of grass, 12
acres of fall wheat, one acre of young
orchard, 3 good wells, 3 barns, 1 good
hank barn, a frame house. For fur-
ther particulars apply to JonxTuoMP-
SON, Farquhar, P. 0,
A farm containing 100 acres of good
land on con. 11 lot 22, Stephen Town-
ship. Land is well drained and about
80 acres fenced, On the premises is a
good bank barn with stables and a
large house, warm and comfortable,
good supply of hard and soft water, 1
acre of good orchard. The farm is
situated 2 miles from Dashwood,
about half a mile from Sarepta Y.O.
and 11 miles from school. This is de-
sirable property for any one who
wants a good farni. Reasons for sell-
ing, proprietor is giying up farming.
For further particulars apply to Jos -
EPS BASTARD, Sarepta, P.O.
In the matter of the Estate of James
Hackney, late of the Township of Us -
borne in the County of Huron, Far-
mer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario," 1897, Chapter 129,
that all creditors and others havinclaims
against the estate of the said James Hackney
who died on or about the 7th day of September,
1903,are required on or before the 19th day of
October 1903. to send by post prepaid or de -
livor toMessrs Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors
for the Executors of the said estate their
christian names and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, the statement of their accounts, and
the nature of the securities, if any, held by
them. And further take notice that after such
last mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice, and that the said
Exeoutors will not be liable for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person or persons of
whose claim notice shall not have been receiv-
ed by them at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for Chas. E. Hackney and Alex,
Turnbull, ixecutora
Dated at Exeter the lithday of September,1903.
N'4Lu.. Ounce of
Prevention is
Worth a Pound
of Cure."
Why not cure that cough of
yours now ? Do not let • it
go on and get worse. ,!
bottle of one of our owns
Cough Medicines will cure
you. We carry a large as-
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get some of
our remedies.
fug Store
Dom Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town
ail the latest styles, in the newel
Our prices are low as can be foun
for first-class material and workman
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
.B1iOWNING M. D. M. 0.
• P. S, Graduate Victoria ,niversity
office and residence, Dominion Labora-
tory, Exeter.
�. 1Op7; MAN, L. D. S. AND
D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office In Fan -
son's block. West side of Maim
D.A. ANDERSON, RSOIt, (a• ID. S. L.D.S.-
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University -
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic g est eta
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession,
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling Bro's store
Exeter. Ont.
• Agen for the WESTERN Assrntearox Conn -
PANT', of Toronto ; also for the Pm -max Fnt-•
NSIIReIOE CoMrANY, of London, England;.
We have unlimited private fends for invests
ment upon farm or village property at lowea -
rates of interest.
We have a large amount of private funds to -
loan on farm and village properties atiowratea,
of interest.
Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter;
1F Ge L.
Money to Loan
Orsicx-(Formerely of Elliott and Gladman, h
Barristers Solicitors Notaries Conveyancers,.
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons'
Bank, Eto.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
EXETER -Wo offer for sale on reasonable'
terms, that very desirable residential property
n n Hooper Homestead" situated,
ori O o' soli b Huron
There is erected upon the land, a comfortable•
London. Huron and Bruce. necessary outhouses. The house is n good re -
se o
and commodious brick dwelling,
also the
GOING NORTH-- Passenger.
London, depart 8.15 A, M. 4.40 p, M.
Contralia 9,1 5,60
Exeter 9.80 6.0
Hensall 9.44 6.16
Kippen 9.50 - 6.25
Brucefield 9.68 6.33
Clinton 10.15 6.55
Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00
pair and hag 9 rooms. The lot contains an aore
df land and is excellenti adapted for garden
ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful slip
ply of hard and soft water, The property is up•
UP -
to date and the terms easy. for particulars ap-�
ply to
8 w barristers
d0 ,sP nExeter
a, U r
A., eropriotor.
GOING roves- Passenger I j�°%'7J
Wingham, depart ..... 6.13 A. M. 315 P.M
Brucen 7.47 4.26
Bruceiieid 8.5 4,49
Kippen .... .16 4.67
Bengali 22 5,02 x::xia signature is on every box of the genuine'
Exeter 8.35 5.10 'Laxative�n_. n ::__•__ _ _ . _ .
Centralia 8.46 5,25
London .arrive. ,9.37
6.12 ' ,he romedy that eaves res :a cold In one riir-fi