HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-9-24, Page 4t �1ac4r, eiiser3 Qe7lorA Green Stands any Test The most severe judgment of the expert tea taster pronounces Blue Ribbon Tea absolutely the best. Why It is free from tannin and other bitter substances—no coarse fibrous leaves employed in making. The taste is pure, rich and creatuy---that nameless quality that signifies to the expert and lovers of true tea that it is the best leaves and shoots of the tea plant properly cured. Oce should be Fifty Aset for ties Red Label The Molsons Bank (Inecrporated by Act of Parliament ntee) Head O r'e, urn itreaL Capital tall paid use -- saste,t'0 - tx - _oa r. _50 Reserve,. , 3s Bleaches in enteric', Quetec, Alberta, British t'olun:bta and Mnmtcba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lasalle Dcy frena 10 a. m. to 3 p. In.; except Sattndays, 10 a. us. to 1 p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points in the Dominion. Great Britain and t'nited States bought and sold at lowest rates of ST 'barge. SAYINGS OEYARTIUENT. Deposit s of31.(:0ar.d upwatde receiv- ed. Intereet• ccfmpoundetl half yearly, and added to principal Jute 30th and Deceniher 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued arid highest current Tate of interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and busine.s men at Iowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Ext ler for Dominion Gover r. in.ent. OICEBON ft CALLING, N. P. HURDON, NOLICITORS. MAWarn The '`-afar Caps Calendar for September Sue". Lev MoeD. Y TUESD AY WEDNEsnA.Y... THI RSD..Y..... - FRrLAY SATrRDA G 13 7 1.4 1 8 15 2 0 10 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 23 ranks of his opponents are mans who have a :genuine acymnra:ti,on for Mr. Bcrden es a. man, who recognize :his unfailing raur=ttriv and his otevalting, influence en public life." i ALIVE. YET IL LL,F DEAD. Fa,'iislgg miserable.? This is(the L{m- tenetts •c•f u'aoufratnd'a of igtr;awingsgiris and women. Can't eat enough. to be tastily abiv;. Di,g set so little of t\;h(stl, they de eat. as to ec•rrcely.know what bile trc•t1'ly I meares. 'el i'e'riablc, Oft chumss% elet meet. d:gatt more, t.brcin feel streaming through life's renewed current, the buctytency, the strength, the hom:tfullness a youth, Simply dune if you'll just use Fevrozone,r the wonderful blood maker, nervy strength a.nd brain vigor. Your drug gist knaw,s all about it. Call an ick h,im about it. SELECTED 13Y TIIE GOVERNMENT. To angry the United States OvenLand Mail across the con:Linnet .ons account of 'xis being the best and most direct line. Via OMaua the Union Pacific is 204 ?miles shorter to Salt Lake City,' 278 miles shorter to San Francisco, 278 I miles shorter to Los Angelos, 353 miles shorteir to Portland. 12 hours quicker to Salt Lake City, 16 hours quicker to San Francisoc,'16 haurrs quicker to Los Angeles, 1G jhours quirakelr to 1'ortlarad than.any 1903 • other line. 20 27 t Electrie-lighted traixu daily. 21 28 I Full information furnished on ape J2 2,9 • peke:tice to H. F. Carter, T..P.; 14 23 30 Janes building, Toronto, Can, or to 24 ! F. E. Choate, G. A.. 1326 ?Woodward 25 Are., Detroit, Mich. THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 24th, T903 Lile:U L PAPERS PRAISE: MR. fORDE.N Te.: ;lira Fres Press. the _rovern- mete ereen at the raga;tel, bee this to : of Jlr. R. L. P,ordsn, the lead - of [TA: uppcs•;t•ian. "The return of Mr. R. L.selorden, the leeseer •of the Oppoesetiont to Orin eihase in l'arliamr:,nt will be welcomed lby men of all shades of politic-allopin- San: "Mr. Boxden's many admirable, qual itie's hams, won for • him .a warn>I plat o iia thhe hearts et ,people who ;are not greatly interested in the sword thrus- etts et the political gladiatorse but 'who 'Tran appreciate and estimate at its pro par 'value, genuine personal worth.'" "Mr. Borden's illness cams at a :limo 'riven his Ire anco could ill he spared tram the parliamentary arena, and his return will be hailed with;not less sa:hisfuetion in that it will lead to greater facility in the despatch of ttblic buninet s." "Mr. Borden is influenced by ideas that are in every reepact - creditable to himself, end his:.pnrsonal influence can .yds owe side. of the House stands immeasurably higher than that of any other member of the parity with whom he. has 'identified himsebf'. "Further than that, it can na said with perfect truth that among the A LAKE CAP;TAIN'S EXPERIENCE. Cant. 11c;Dionalel, one of Einareltonee meet Prominent mal rine rs,, writes : "Far e:eara I :here battled with •the agonies of Dronrhitic Asthma, often einem se had •tihl.st I •coudl *net settee time:3 es bed. that I coudl . .not, ste121p; Per niselues nit, a ttatmer I owing.. (bun-. bred c:f daltoirs on. quacks without gate iag relief, but one dollar's scandal( of Cara,rrhoonze lve'rfe qtly crued me.' The a.bo•v,. testimonial was giveee two yui.rs a,ru, run•1 as the captain lately ei,'s'tsel are , was still quit;. fres Teem: Bronchitis, it proves Catarrhozona• a sseritnktee. specific. Catar•rhiazorse two tenon' jhaz' t;reestrntfni, guava eateL >lot cuirn Bronchitis, price, 81.00, small Size 25 care IDx'n,ggists or Polson & O:a,., 1 ir(i t t in. - SORE ' THROA.T.i Mr. Ginas, .fohaneton, Bear River, N. S. stays: "I was linonbbad with hoarse - mess and se:re d,b;roat, and aftoxirmak•+ 'i'ng three bottler of Dr. W oodes 'Nor-. way Pini Sy ru,p. 1 was entirely Mired \4o:rms are dangerous, often bring- ing on 'convulsions and deans, If your ! Ichied is ,suffori'ng from 'Oran,: a,9min. 1feeler Dr. llo,w'a P+lebe,9'tr t •Werttm S,vr,- up titihich is safe and always effectual, Paris 25c. 1 I. The overage. of school teachers' salar 1 nes in Ontario was never so high as tat .present. Last. year the aee'ra'he.saI- a.ry for males in the pravinoel roes eto $436. Two years ago it was $404. .AA is:imila'rincrease in the salaries .of fe- i mato teeth:ere is also'neted. Last year they .ave'na,ge:d $313 as compared. with i 8298 in 1900. 'I•1IEADACLfE ALIa 'GO,NE, i eerie IVbelborna Parker, Torbrook, N S., wrist:see "I have used Mahan:es Si:irii ng..Tloattaic'lte Powders, and after i taking one or two felt better at anise rend writs able to „'*et u.p . and go on \ilii h my work." t'r'ice 10e ar;r'.i 25c all draa.lors. , Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then bolls, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv- ousness, depression. If the Sars• r r ,.eel stomach, then dyspepsia,. biliousness, loss of app p etite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. "Iteturning from the Cuban war, I wag a eeriest wreck. My blond wag bad, and my matte was gond. But a row bottles of Aros Sarsaparilla comatose cured rnfi," Rb U.1)okn vigil, Scranton, I'a. oleoa bottle, r, a, AYEa o0., Art armee. 7.mvrlt, 14iasg• • for 'use Dlood EXTRACT PROM • i ,N 33somS1fI- M•A1N"$i NOVEL Ole A%4IEiaCCCAN LIL'E. i "Mall me else truth," 1 seed. "Thio iarath?",ro1peated the Americeen { cwpitalist ; "hum ; I !dieirelmnmber it." "You knowl" I creed. "Well," he said, ""I:guass!I mightins - tr^clli put you square •as to • thow, the ca.rdts lie. T didn't go for to deceive iyou htcinest lnjun. Vac t pis, I'd. have, sitaod can' erem'ig^.b,ty sma1J. cline dn,i and (,halt's* n:botit the size • of it." ' "Go ons" 7 eiseamandad, delririminerl :not to -be 'lroadtw.ink'eed. • Yctr l.la't' your Moth 1" Ihtel rialtilloile hi Heitz off at rn•our'htul of tobacco, j "But wait up. .a . ,bit. It's ntgthirbtnto *rub Gime, a'nd: it ain't overs( end, t alba n ,qui to rreietelia r be clhirn whe n .,s. biekee s insides is thielleer. I 'guess we ones better ardyour'n to 'hash, is there year uontimentsl"--Na\v'ark News. atJ.Lthe Sarsaparilla by keeping tho beiaeals regular with Ayers Pills. • 7rl' .r - TIME S, S E P T. E M B E It 24th, 1903. NUfiOPl, MIS➢IfSEN,PEIIN 411 the news of Interest to Times Readers .ITappeniog in these Counties. Huron If iatu cease try Career's Lit tl& I LI - Weir Pillts for stick 4searij'lc•he, blllious'n:- neves, or cc'us+tepa,tion, you -will never. be witdroult thetas. Th;'y are purely vea„teet'able; small erne easy" to. take,. The dredging at hayfield was cont. eluted on Tuesday, and the Arnoldi, Aug', Heron and. outfit, are, • making ready fox the journey to 1Kincgardine, where there .is dredging that will Inst tilt alto mewl semens. • A quiet tomo lveddivag way. witneee- e l at .the reside'nee of Mrs. Little, Win-Mlsam, on Tuesday last, when heir daughter ilLss Lizzie, was united in exestenitige to Mx. Wm, 'Collass form- erly of Qorrie. Rev. Dr. 'Gandy, pea,- fcmmle.d 1'a2..ceremaixy. If yon ams tired taking the !large o:'.1 -fashioned griping pilis, try'Car- ter's Little Liver Pills and take some co mfn'rc. A users cen't stand eseer;y- ttheng, One pili a: dtosa,. Tray.. therm. A rainful accident happened to Mrs. 1)r. laeddy, of Wing:ham. In duct+nd- Ine a etairessase she tripped: teen ec'il' of nose whish was obstructing the l.assege••\vay, and was thrown tea the side -walk, breaking bc.th bones of her left 1e; near Ilse ankle. Chief Vannortman, of \Vinghaua ar- jnn.ste1 a tramp, . euspec'ted -of being the par:\ who assaulted the;Mo,Tavish girl tsar Stratford, recently. The Striae ford t authorities ware at once. eommeweatnd with, and the Chief of police attired Wednesday afternoon, and took his reran home with, jim. A very ,homelike end.; happy event book plaice at the :hone of Mrs. Jo b a Reid. of Stanley, when ,hen duughte:r,. Sarah Ellen, and Mr. Edward F. Mer- riest, \vele united in:miarriage on Sept, 15i'h. Mr. Merger is •a prosperous: far mer of the t owes ship of Hay. The young couple heft by 'the afternoon ieretiai!goa:ng sou lle for their honr_,y'- imoonw FOOLISH TO WALT LONGER,;. If suffering from :pain, hut; €rl :a,t etrAoe to any drug stores and buy. a bot- tle of Norvlli-ne, the great -pain cure. Never fails to give immediate relief Netr'vi1}.ne• is n'.nmpio.saai of Ohs. moat/ powerful, pain-lsub:lu.i,ng subs batman known. Neim hire• is endorsed byj med teal mega etvc;rs,\vbnfre: :DOMn'1 Wait a, single hour without trying Ne.rviline. The beat medicine in the woirld,tokeep in eha house as an nmergenicee Drug gists emeirtywiiere. - mmm Perth Mx. David Seuangeour city tax cot - lector :at Stratford, while in them aeit of deeending the stairs, his foot slipp- ed • and he fell to the floor belong, ,sus - Gaining a eelvrtre fracture of the right arm. Those unhappy persons who suffer Lrom inert-enem•'ass, and . dyspepsia, should urge Carter's Little Nerve Pills Which tame made expressly for sleepl-( les_, nervous, and dyrepeptics 'suffer ens. Price. 25e. Aa 9 o'clock Monday forenoon, at Henson, Mr. •Walter H. liumart, of Berlin, was wedded to Miss Lizzie only daugheer of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rose, of Milverton. The ceremony was a very quiet one, only 'the: im- mediate. friends of the econtracting parties being in ax..ta.ndtrnce. The bride 'was assisted, p tar cuusrn, .Aliso Nora Grab. of Zurich, as' briderim,aid, .and her bro ther, Mr. Fred Rose, of M:il(ver tam, discharged the' groomsm,an's du- ties. The. bride's dress was a stylish creation of white silk with a yoke of braculed silk. The handsome trim- mings were of chih'ons and; medal - 1 -ions. She wore a veil and wreath of orange blossoms awl carried a cluster of white roses. Her travelling suit wen ptf green tweed, with 'a.chicbeav- er hat. Miss Greb's gown was also oaf white silk with pretty garniture. Af ter the ceremony the party drove to the home of Mr. and •leers.,Ro'a in Milverton where the 'wedding break- fast was served, The, 3 oecjock train carried Mr. and Mrs. Dumart can Chair tiriap to Detroit and other American cities. Thee- will return in about a week and will take:up their residence on Queen street north, Berlin, about November ls.t. Hensel]. G.1. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan Ier, Commissioner, Fire Insurance A ent, and ensurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Honey to loan on real estate at. low rates of iu+ere, Offiee at the Post Office Rc neall —Hanson Patty, son of G. C.. Pee - Ly, returned home a couple of weeks ago from a trip to the old country. —Mr. D. Urquhart, the enterprising proprietor of the llensall oatmeal mills, is continually making improve- ments. —J. W. Ortwein returned home last weak from a very pleasant trip and vigia with eelative;s both in Canadian and imcrirn.n citiets. Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily,taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of a weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch- ing. "1 have been troubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I heard of, but never got anything that gave me relief until I took Ilood's Sarsaparilla. 1 cannot praise this medicine too highly for the good it has done me. I always take it in tee spring and fall and would not be without it," W. A, Manse Belrevife, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stosnaela and the whole digestive systema.. Liver ;'hat's what you need; some. ;thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate our bowels. You need Ayer'si Mils. Vegetable; gently laxative. x.C.dYorpo.. S+owal , 11Kaep. Want your moustache or beard &'beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE MITT OTs. R. P. SALL t CO., NABAUA. Zurich —elegiacs. RieckbeLl end I'iartlreiles bee ljwrilch• land, Si 13\ardy, orf - eleasbegood, (rook he .tela Raattarsio a eto. r Mani'tclba a(utd the far wet—ann. :T,ueisdjngyi They intend going ,as far. as Alberta; taking in Assiniboia. and Manitoba ou their way back. They expect tlo be alesen't a botult: sat 'm'on;tes. -The marriage is announced of Miss Lizzie Rise, o'f Mi1venlon, to Mr. Walter Du'nrari, of Berlin, which; was selemeezed rat Milvessiton, on Monday, of Last \rack. Mr. dunes -et is a'!f'armee rlbeidenit of this i• .plgce land is tone, .of 'tile Quetta City's 'maany, • succeesjfter eomme'reLal tr'areel ere. - —Mass Nora Grab attended the mar- riage, in the capacity of bridesmaid, ' of Mien Lizzie Rose, of Ariivemton, . to Mc. Walter Dluix art, •af Begin. Mr. Jonas Bioshart, wife and, .fami- ly, of • Weele ley and Mr. Chris. Liehti and wife of St, A;gatb,a,•i ' alto spending a few weeks with Mr. Johu Ger her and other friends on the Bron so) 1'ne. Zion sereasne- Many of our young people attended the W estern Fair last week and report a good time. Mrs, S. Peart and Mrs. S.. Milson, of Marden, are visiting in this neighor- hood. • Mr. Newman Pio. of Grauton, spent Sunday at Wm. Whiteferd's. Elimville • Mr. Geo. Andrew attended the Mit- chell Fair on Wednesday and acted in the capacity of judge on catt'.e. Owing to Sunday next being Rally Sunday in all the schools and not be- ing able to make the proper arrange- ments, the services of the 0. 0.0. F. will be postponed till Sunday Oct. 14 at 10 a. in. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew and Tom Elliott, of Gorrie, spent the past •week visiting relatives and friends. Rev. T. Philips, a former junior pastor on the Elimville Circuit, spent a few days renewing acquaintances a- round the circuit. He preached a very fine and instinctive sermon on Sunday eve, taking the work for Mr, Baker. Shipka Mr. Simon Switzer now sports a new buggy. Mr. and Mrs. Wing spent a few days of last week in London on busi- ness. Miss Mai; blcPhee. of Detroit, is at present visiting her mother here. lures Keough who has been visiting her brother here returned to Detroit on Friday last. Mr. George Wilson, of Greenway, moved into town on Friday last and has taken the house lately Vacated by Mr. Benbamsa. The Misses Dirket, of Stratford, who has been visiting at Mr. P. Hon- laham's returned home on Monday last. Mrs. McPhee is at present visiting friends in Detroit. Several of our young men took in the Exeter fair on Tuesday last and report a most enjoyable time. Mr. James Hannon spent Thursday last in London. Saintsbury EsTRAX STEER.—Came to the prem- ises of Simon Hunter, lot 4, con. 4, Usborne, on or about June 20th, 1903 A red, roan steer coining two years old. Owner can have same by prov- ing property and paying expense.— SIbfoN HUNTER, Exeter, Po, A sad gloom was cast over our neighborhood on Friday last when it was learned that Mrs. Frank Davis had passed to the Great Beyond at the age of 73 years. The deceased lady bad been in very poor health for some time and her death was not entirely unlocked for by her relatives and friends. She was a kind and loving wife and mother and by her christian disposition, won the esteem and re- spect of alt who knew her, which was testified by the large number who at- tended tbe funeral on Sunday in order to show their last token, of respect for the deceased lady, there being over 100 vehicles in the funeral procession. The remains were interred in St. Tames cemetery on Sunday Sept. 20th Besides her husband she leaves a fam- ily of growu up children actio have the syrrlpethyof the entire community in their sad affliction. Cromarty Quite a number front here took in the London Fair and report having a go .d time., Mrs. Theme. of Detroit t rt is visiting o relatives and friends in this vicinity at present. Mr. Wm. Hobbs who has been tak- ing in the fairr for a week or so has returned home again much pleated with his outing. We received word here lately of the detach of John Stewart, of Lanark village on Aug. 24th, at the age of le 1•a'rtrs. Deceased spent most of hie 1 fe in this village with his uncle and attr,t, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Boyle, and. removed with tht'ni to Lanark about two years ago. His many friends bore were sorry to bear of his early demise vier extend to the bereaved friends rlieir heartfelt sympathy.' : - Crediton etitieNea Ifss Vivian Beaver returned horse Monday night last after spending a week in London visiting blends. Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm, spent a few days of the past week visiting her parents,They returned Monday even- ing aceonapanred by her mother, Mrs, William Snide r and Mrs. Miller of Hamilton, are yisiting friends in' the village, Mr, Claude Bluett, principal of our public school, has moved into the dwelling lately vacated by Mr. Ed. Kestle. Mr, S, R ,Krupp, of Cairo, Mich., was in the village the past week on business, en route to the General Con- ference of the Evangelical Association held at Berlin, Mr. Fritz, of Morrison. is visiting at his brother's at the Royal Hotel, Mr. John Hoffman and Mr. Sol Martin with families, of Dashwood, visited relatives in the village on Sun- day last. Anniversary services in Ebenezer Methodist churcb,4th Oon.McGillivray next Sabbath, Sept. 27th. Rev. John Ayling, of Byron, will preach at 10,30 a. m. and 7 p. rn. Special collections in aid of Thanksgiving Fund. On Monday 28th inst. the Annual Sacred Concert will be held. Programa' e consisting of solos, recitations instru- mentals, etc. Also an address on "The Union 'Jack" by Mr. Ayling. The Orediton Methodist church choir will furnish the music. Wedding bells are ringing, Rev. R. W. Knowles had two weddings at the parsonage on Wednesday. Both couples went away well pleased. The Anniversary services in the Methodist church, Orediton on Oct. 4th, promises to be very successful. Rev.Harvey D. Moyer, of Belmont, will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p.m. Special collections in aid of Thank - Offering Fund will be to ken up. Ap- propriate p- ro ria e t mesio will b e furnished p b P the- church choir. It is expected that Mr. Moyer will sing on Sunday and Monday evenings. On Monday, Oct. 5th the Annual Sacred Concert will be held in the above mentioned church, beginning at 8 p. m. Programme con- sisting of Solos. choruses, Recitations, etc. Addresses will be given by sev- eral ministers, Rev. Dr. Hannon, Ohairnaan of District, presiding. Ad- mission, silver collection at the door. Bears tbe The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Zurich Mr. Harry Welier has returned to town after a visit of five weeks with her parents at new Dundee. Mr. T. B. Kelley after spending a few weeks with his mother and sister at Souffeelle retarned to town on T' ursday evening. a..Tohn Deichert, jr. arrived home edneeday evening. He is now and hearty and looks none the worse of the operation he underwent at the hand of the medico's at tbeWin dy city. Miss Kate Hart spent a few clays at her home in Brucefield this week. Messrs. Rickbeil and Hartleib of Zurich and S. Hardy, of Dashwood, took in the excursion to Manitoba and the far west on -Tuesday. They intend going as far as Alberta taking in Assiniboia and Manitoba on their way back, They expect to be absent a- bout a month. Mrs. J. Merner and niece returned home Tuesday after at pleasant visit in Detroit. Miss Tillie Howald, of Toronto, ar- rived here on Satnrday to visit her parents and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bock spent two or three days in Seaforth last week visit- ing friends. Mr, Chas. Shoemaker and family left on Tuesday to take up residence in Parkhill. Mr. George Campbell the genial and pains -taking teacher, at Stabtown has sent in his resignation to the trustees of that section and will leave for Ohi- caeo on or about the lst of the month to attend the Dental College of that place. Miss Tena 'lasting is visiting in St. Thomas. The milliners have returned to town Miss Ross. of Se. Marys, is taking charge of J. D. Merner's store, Miss Gibson, of Blyth, of D. S. Feasts, and Miss Handford, of Oentrailia, comes back to 3. Preeters. Mr. L. V. Bashand accompanied by Mr. Tucker, of Toronto, one of the general agents of the Royal Victoria Life Insurance Co. are making a tour of the County this week appointing Agents for the company. Amongst those who attended tbe London Fair were. Mrs. T. Johnston and daughters, Mr. 3. Merner, Mr. J. Dircbert, sr.Air. Sam Faust, Mes+rs. George and Willie Hess, Ethel Will- iams, Clara Buchanan, Miss Lorina Deichert, Mr A. Well, Mr. Elmore Magil, and Mr. F. Hess. Mr. John Dnmart is back to town again and is occupying his old quar- ters at the "Dominion". Miss Olara Buchanan left on Tues- day morning for Toronto where she will continue her studies at the 'tine versity. A very homelike rand happy wecl- ding took piece at the home of Mrs. J. Reid,of Stanley -on the 1511, of Sept. when her rlaughter•, Sarah Ellen, and and Mr. Edward le. Merrier were ;anit- ed in u)na'ri+age by the Rev. John Mc- Neil. The wedding was quiet but quite fasiaionable,. Jacking nothing that snakes at wedding a very pleasant event. Miss Rachel Reid played tbe wedding march and an elder brother gave the bridle away.' ' Mr. Meader is aprospernus farmer of the township of Hay. The young couple left by the afters non tr,a.iu going south for their h n rt,•ynuinn, Miss Annie Hess and Mies Diana Itickbiel spent Saturday in Exeter. The KindYou Rave Always Bought, and which has been to use for over 30 year's, has borne' the signature of and has been made lltncier his per., `,.�� sonal supervision since its infancy. t° `•" • - Allow no one to deceive you in this. .All Counterfeits, Imitations and C4 Just -as -good” are but, I xpel iments that trifle with and endanger the health of' Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. /14 hat is CASTORIA C•storia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. vori;:, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It cont.:Ilia neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms' a.=.til ni1;3ys .Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Celle. It relieves Teething Troubles, clues Constipation and Ieh<t•tnieney. It assimilates the food, regulates the Stouiru'h tiller. Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—Tile Mother's Friend. - CENWENIE c I Sears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought n Use For Over 30 Years. i HE CENTAUR COMPANY 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORtt CITY seesseeneenes Portland Cement XerrE HAVE just received a quan- V tity of the best grade of Port - and cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WANTED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY For which full market prices will be paid at storehouses. EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEBOYE. JOS. COOQLEDICK ♦.4.044©400O04e0s04144eo••••e•te C WANTED A man to represent "CANADAeSie GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of EXETER and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HRDY SPEGIRLTIES' in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoe s, &c. Stock true to name and free lrom San Jose Seale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. Stone & Wellington FONTRILL NURSERIES over SOO acres TORONTO, - ONTARIO' ?y this i_ .. ... - -.- ,...4,4,„:^••b -�� ti , The oven of an Imperial. Oxford Range and the old- fashioned spit before an open fireplace do better roasting than any other cooling apparatus invented.. In the olden days the spit had• to be kept turning to get all sides of a roast cooked. It is much the same with the ordinary cook -stove. The heat of the oven is greatest on the fire side—roasts, bread, pies, cakes, etc., have to be turned and twisted to get them cooked at all. The result is uneven, unsatisfac- tory cooking—good food ruined. The diffusive flue construction of the I . •: erial Oxford � Ran e draws fresh air into the flue chamber, super -heats it and diffuses it evenly over the oven, thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and uniformly—back, front and sides are at the same equal temperature. The result is juicy, tender roasts, light, dainty pastry, evenly raised bread—successful cooking. When you buy an Imperial Oxford Range you get the result of over sixty years' thought and experience in scientific construction of cooking apparatus. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Canada Wfln .5peg Montreal Vancouver SOLD BY T. H•AWKIN S & SON LL • T H E USEFUL Braeches are taught in the le. C. B. COLLEGE. Our students are not guaranteed nice jobs, but after a course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. n . We aid them, if i)ossil,le to obtain employnia r,t, bait we first equip them to rnaintaiio the high reputation this eehonl hay at,r•quh't'd. ,1. WESTERVELT, Principal, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1. t4 ^ass. r i,.• Yi'• ''S.;14,4'1, N A TRADE MViARKS DEsIC,NS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketeh and description may • quickly escortair our opinion free whether am. Invention 1g prol ably pnatentable, Communica- tiotie strictly c: n.idential. Randbook on. Patonte' Bent 00. Old ait agency for securing patents. K Munn . r c Patents tan.,rt through& Co a o.vc�' special gutted, w thoutonnreo, In the Scientific erca 0 A handsomely illustrated weekly. 'Largest eir. • oulatton of any scientific leuenni. Tennis, $3 a, Year Tour months, $1, So dbyalnesdeealers nUN & Coa3"°,0/dwaY, NOWYork Branch ol'c. wnnit•nutoa,YC To Cure a ColF /+ in One Da trey Crile Take Laxative Brom Quinine T d:X.ft0.0 ...every Seven ninon boxessod in past months. This S blurt. 2. •� •..� ,,.; gas.'; her; le