HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-12-24, Page 211 Palle 20--C1,TNTON N17W 171( PD W SD V. DF(',f+,MRI+ R 94 tsar, GODERICH • 1- Articles for Sale FUND-RAISING COSMETIC SHOWS arranged for clubs and organizations by Aloette Beouty Con- sultants. Call Mary Lou 482.9312.-49-53 SNOW BLOWER, eight horse power, 26" cut. Good condition. Phone 482-3794 after 6 p.m. -50,52 DRAPES, custom, triple -pleated, washable, semi• sheer orange, pair 80" x 104" long, panels 50" x 45", 80" x 45". $50.00 for all. Phone 482-3342.-52nx 1972 SKI -D00 NORDIC electric start and cover; 1972 Johnson challenger 27; doubiewide snowmobile trailer. Package deal only $1200.00. Call 482-9437.-52,53 REGISTERED blue tick coon hound, 11/2 years ord, all shots and good treer. Phone 523.4497.-47tf INGLIS washer, $275.00; Inglis dryer $175.00. Simplicity Super 'Twin, $100.00; Electric stove $150.00, All in good condition. 565-5277.-49tf USED SKATES bought, sold, exchanged; also sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors, saws, etc, 139 Queen St., Clinton, 482-9412.-45tf ADMIRAL 17 cu. ft. upright freezer, works well, best offer. Phone 524-2045.-51,52nx SATELLITE DISH Lease To Ow, - •Monthly Leasing Also Available •Easy Monthly Payments L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Service call Day or Night 524.9595 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades 1A. Snowmobiles 1978 SKI -D00 Everest 340, runs excellent, ' licenced, $500.00. Phone 482-5750 after 5 p.m. -52 5. Cars for sale 1976 GRAND PRIX, p.s., p.b., p.w., p.l.. a.c., in- ter wipers. cruise, am,'fm toss., cert. $1,200.00. 482-5380. - 52x 10. Pets for sale LASSIFIE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE r ('Linton News-Recor'f:. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for solo 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Can for sale 6 Trucks for solo 7 R.Y.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for solo 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobilo homes 14 Racreatlonal properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 6 board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lon for runt 46In memoriam 23 Commercial property for runt 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wonted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted Igoneral) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wonted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sole 39 Educational 40 Lost 6 Found 41 To glue away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 12. Real estate for sale DOBERMAN PUPS for sale, dew claws done, tails docked, all ready to go for Christmos, 575.00. Coll 527.0369.-52nx 12. Real estate for sale A special thank -you to John Duddy. I've enjoyed our association for the past five years. Hensa l l Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Greg,.,ry Hargreaves Clinton - 482.7511 Exeter • 335.2717 Klrkton • 230.6205 262.2610 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524.2966 'We May Be Number One! But We're Still Trying Harder!' CALL US - TO WELCOME YOU HOME - 4 ohl 11ere's wishing you a wonderful holiday. II Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565-2513 12. Real estate for sale BA YF 12. Real estate for sale Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton NEW LISTING: Commercial property, Queen St. Blyth, presently rented as Variety Store, good 2 bedroom apartment above, presently vacant. NEW LISTING: 100 acres near Kinburn, 95 workable, systematically drained, 6 room frame home. 25 ACRES: 2 miles from Clinton, small barn, excellent building site. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick rancher, finish- ed basement, inground pool, large lot. 198 ACRES: Free stalls for up to '100 cows, ex- cellent buildings, 2 Harvestore silos, Hullett Twp. 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 1'/z floor frame home, farrowing barn for 35 sows. Pro- perty well fenced. CLINTON: 1 floor, 3 or 4 bedrooms, gas heat, Princess Street. CLINTON: Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, paved drive, near hospital. CLINTON: 1 floor�lgalow, Walker St., Clinton. 7 69 ACRES: HWY. NO. 8. secluded raised bungalow, insulated barn, 25 acres workable, several ponds, hardwood bush. Ideal hobby or recreation property. LONDESBORO: 4 bedroom, 2 floor home, very spacious, heated double garage, like new throughout. CLINTON: 213 Victoria Street, 4 bedrooms, gas heat, zoned highway commercial. 16. Articles for rent COMPLETELY EQUIPPED and furnished hall, homey atmosphere. Suitable for commercial meetings, fancily gatherings, showers etc. Ac- comodating up to 70 people. Reasonable rates, ample parking. Contact 482-7869.-25tfnx • LUCK NOW •WINGHAM 6LYTH INTON SEAFORTH •MITCHELL •ZURICH EXETER • STRATFORD 26. Help wanted SWA4IX a-b realty ltd. instant, 273-2821 140 Hv611ri Announcement russ archer SALES REPRESENTATIVE AB Realty is pleased to announce that Russ Archer has joined our sales team, and looks forward to serving your proper- ty needs in 1987. Call Russ at - 482-9428 or 482-3733 .5 ea C'neetiola 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM apartment, like new throughout, main street Blyth, references. Phone 482-9210.-47tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment, like new, central location, Clinton, references. Phone 482-9210.-47tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment available January 1st' in Bayfield. Call 565-2166.-51 ,52ar LARGE ONE bedroom apartment for rent, Main Street, Bayfield, available February 1st. Phone 565-2650.-52ar NICE APARTMEFJT'available February 1st., stove and fridge provided, first and last months rent, parking. Phone 1-473-9021 after 6 p.m.-49tf A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" License. For pre- screening interview and job placement informs. tion, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train - Ing, London . 1-800-265-1260. -41 tfar SUN STAR Poultry Services, full or part-time employment available, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation pro- vided, need fit and hard-working people. Chance for advancement to foreman available. Call 482-5523, ask for Clinton.-5tfar INDUSTRIAL WHOLESALER REQUIRES SALES REPRESENTATIVE. MACHINE SHOP EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. SEND COVERING LETTER AND RESUME TO DRAWER NUMBER 71, GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR P.OE BOX 220 GODERICH, ONT. N7A 4B6. 27. Wanted (general) n WANTED - dry storage area for household fur- niture, Phone 482-7364 after 5 pm. --52,53 31. Service directory PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062.-27tf MASONRY, STONE and Carpentry work: RAMK® Specializing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information tail Stan Kirkham 482-5305.-3tfor F/ CUSTOM BACKHOEING, Drain Repair, erosion control, cellar drains, loser. Call. Frank Postill 482-9101 .-21 tfar. WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. •. Merry Christmas From all of us to all of you, our heartiest hopes for the very best of the season. We're so very glad to know you Harold Workman Bill Steenstra 482-345.5 442-3780 May your home and hearth be blessed with the love and laughter of the season. To all our past customers and our future ones thank you for your frust and recommendations. Merry Christmas! John Duddy Peter Damsma Mary Ager 17. Apartments for rent 1 ELIZABETH COURT One. two and three bedrooms available. Features appliances, carpet throughout. laundry facilities. Ask about special bonus. All utilities Included at: 176 OXFORD ST., HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 262-2346 18. Houses for rent 1 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Ducharme Estates, Bayfield. Available now 1-236-4230.-44tfar HOUSE FOR RENT in Vanastra„ phone 482-3589.-51-53 3 BEDROOM TOWN HOUSE in Vanastra near school, living room, dining room, full basement, broadloomed throughout. Available beginning of January and February. Phone 482-9550.-52tf 24. Wanted to rent 1 WANTED TO RENT - IMMEDIATELY - spacious two bedroom apartment or house in Clinton, adults. Phone 482-7364 after 5 pm'. -52,53 25. Wanted to buy DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE TRAILER in good condition and reasonable price. Phone 482-7588.-51,52 CASH PAID Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 26. Help wanted Position Vacancy D.H.I FIELDMAN/WOMAN The Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Cor- poration has a vacancy for a D.H.I. Super- visor in the Central Huron area. (Clinton). The successful applicant will be responsi- ble for the monthly weighing and sampling of milk from cows in D.H.I. herd, keeping records and statistical data, and promoting Dairy Herd Improvement. Applicants should have several years ex- perience in dairy farming and/or a diploma in agriculturegr The starting salary is $10.25 per hour bas- ed on 20 days per month, approximatel9 6 to 8 hours per day. Written applications containing qualifica- tions, experience and telephone number should be forwarded no later than January 16, 1987 to: Ontario 8.11.1. Corporation Personnel Department (File 699) 1243 Islington Avenue Suite 512 Toronto, Ontario MEM 1Y9 , lOHTARlo ' DAIRY HERD IMPROVEMENT Colima Ai RCM KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone 482-7576. Ken McNairn.-22tfar LAUNDRY SERVICES. 130 IT yourself or have us do it. Reasonable rates. Blyth Laundry Services, Main St., Blyth, 523-4870.-49tfar SNOWBLOWING. Phone Stan Kirkham 482-5305.-SOtfar SPACE AGE „ INSULATION All types of insulation Polyurethane Foam Fiberglass, Rockwool, Cellulose FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FREE ESTIMATES Ron Kassies 523-9484 AFTER 6 RM. Home Improvements New Construction Custom Woodworking •KITCHEN CUPBOARDS •BATHROOM VANITIES •UTILITY CUPBOARDS •WALL UNITS •BOOKCASES We do all kinds of new woodworking. Plus wood repair PHONE: 482-3830 CHIMNEY SWEEPING Phone Paul Gridzak 482-9916 After 3:30 p.m. WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS' Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 LCOOKIE'S HOUSE PAINTING nterior 8 Exterior xperienced - Reasonable Rotes teve Cook 482-9335 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS • KITCHENS • ALUMINUM SIDING Temporary Phone Number 565.5209 EVENINGS 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER BROCK OLDE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, 4111 Retired Teacher, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estpte of the above-named who died on the 18th day of October, 1986, are required to file full particulars thereof with the Undersigned on or before the 15th day of January, 1987, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims, of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Doted this 2nd day of December, 1986. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor for the Executrix.-50.52or