HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-9-17, Page 5T E..XE,;i.".iB T 1 M i`S, SEPTEMBER 17th 1003.
lI;uckingham's on Wed., Sept. 9th,
I when the following officers were elect-
ed for the coming year : President,
&Ire, W. G. Bissett; let., Vice Pres,.
Mrs. 3. Oobbledick ; 2nd Vice Pres.,
Miss S. Harvey ; Req Sec., Mrs. Dr.
Anderson ; Cor. Seo,:Miss B, Hartnoll;
Treasurer, Mrs, C. B. Snell. Tea was
served at 6 o'clock, and afterwards a
delightful program was given, coneist-
ing of recitations and singing by sev-
eral little girls, violin solos by Master
Harry Davidson, and a solo by Miss
Lewis. During the past year $104.47
was raised by the Society, and a bale
of clothing, quilts, etc., valued at $60
was sent to Dunchurch. A box of
clothing was sent to the Deaconess'
Home, Toronto, and also a box of can-
ned fruit.
Howard T. Goodwin, of Philadel-
phia, who suicided a short time ago,
was another victim of the stock gamb-
ling habit. He used a million dollars
of other people's money, it is said, and
it all went into the maelstrom. Now
his widow is being sued for an acc-
ounting of all property left her includ-
ing real estate, art treasures, rare
books and stock securities. Cassatt &
rose -
Bon, Thos. Greenway, of Crystal cutol9ealGoodwin Spebrokersnt $300,000 are the on his
City, Manitoba, is a guest of his sister library, How much better it, would
Mrs, Dr, Rollins, have been for Goodwin and his family
hacl he contented himself with a com-
for table living and handled no money
but his own. The proportion of men
who can withstand temptation when
prospering is very small yet there is
turned home this week. is no man who does not know that it
Don't forget the fair at Exeter on in s tong to risk the money of others
Q. idFUdJfl ails -
Mandan and Tian, Exeter Fair Daus
September 21st 22nd
Read every word of our Messages to you.
HII MBn'� & 13011S' GlOthIIlU
On Fair Days
• A big share of our clothing was bought at 15 to
'ea 20 per cent less than regular prices. This means
on Fair Days Nt e will sell you regular $12.50 Suits
for $g.00 ; $ro.00 for $S.00 ; $g.00 for $7.50; $S co
for $6.5o &c. &c, Youths' and Boys' Suits all
have the io% taken off our present marked prices
for you,
Jo per Cent. off all Boots &
Shoes on Fair Days
These goods were all bought for cash and are
marked at cash price;and off of the present prices
we will give you io%. Our Boots and Shoes can
not be beaten in Canada for wear, value, style or
fit. The makers consist of Marsh, of Quebec West-
on & Co., Toronto, Choteau, of Quebec, Williams,
of Brampton, Harriston Shoe Co., of Harriston,
Larochelle, of Quebec, and other makers.
Buy your Shoes on Fair Days and save money
Remember you get a straight Io° off on clothing
of all kinds and Boots and Shoes on FAIR DAYS
on our preseht marked prices, NO PRICES raised,
NO FAKES, everything genuine and above board
with us.
Dry °cods Bargains
For Fair Days
25c to 40c Dress Goods for 20c
$1,50 for $1.00 White Umbrella Shawls, large size, lovely
wool for $1,00
$1.25 for $1.00 Black Square Honeycomb Shawls, large size
close knit for $1.00
10c, for S1c. 12 pieces English Print, 28 to 30 inches wide,
dark and light for 81c.
16 yards for $1.00 Maurice Flannelettes, 31 inches wide,
regular 7c. for 61c
12 yards for $L00 Maurice Heavy Flannelettes, 33 inches
wide, dark and light, regular 10c. all over
Canada, only Sic.
I 25c. Mens' Grey Sox for 20c,
75c. for 50c. Men's Unlaundered Shirts, reinforced front and
back, linen bands and front, heavy cotton,
only 50c,
25c, for 20c. Hemp carpets, English make, only two pieces,
one with green design, other with cardinel,
one yard wide, only 20c.
London Tower Waterpnoot Goats.
For Ladies at and less than Cost to
clear to you.
$4,50 for $3,40 Ladies' Waterproof Coats in black and navy
Paramatta serge sewn seams, perfectly
waterproof for $3.40
$6.00 for -$4.i0 Ladies' Waterproof Coats in grey mix, sewn
seams for $4.50
$8.00 for $5.00 Ladies' I'Vaterproot Coats, in plain silver
grey, also paris mix, beautiful silk finish •`:
Tower's best goods for $5.00
Men's Waterproof Coats, Premier Make
guarantee on every Premier Coat
$7.50 for $5.00 Men's Premier Waterproof Coats, plain
grey, seamy sewn and guimanized, guarantee
on coat for $5.00
$10.00 for $8.00 Men's Premier Waterproof Coats, all
lengths and sizes, seams sewn andgulmanized
lovely small check pattern, guarantee on
coat $8.00
$3.00 for $2.00 Men's Grey mix Rain Coats, Velvet collar
any length or size, sewn seams, thoroughly
vulcanized for $2.00
Jo oLine Women's Under Vests very • cheap'.`,
at 150, 20c, 25c, 35c. 40c, and 50c.
5c. for 41, Cotton Crash Towelling. 18 in. wide 41c.
7:c. for 6c. 'Fancy Crash Towelling, 18 in wide (ice
10c: for 7c. All Linen Lurgan Crash Towelling, big snap
dark color for --,7c,
10c. for Sc. All Linen Scotch Crash Towelling, 18 in. wide
.. Sc.
18c. for 10c. White Check Muslin, 32 inches wide, for ..10c.
12ec. for 10c. Double Warp English stripe Flannelettes, for
shirting for lOe,
121e. for Rte. Glass Towelling, 94 inches wide, red and blue
checks, all linen and all a bargain foe... 10c.
25c. for 15c. Liberty Ribbons. plait, pink and blue, 5 in
wide for 15c.
35c.. for 20c. Shot Silk Ribbons, blue, pink, terra cotta,navy
41 in. wide 20c,
81.25 for 95c. English Tmbrellas, Paramatta Cloth top, 29
in. rib, steel handle with safety glove runner
for ... , , 95c.
65c. for 50c. Men's Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, rib=
bed cuff, taped neckband, all sizes. A great
bargain for 50c,
28c. for 24c. Grey Flannel Oambleford Mills, 26 in. wide.
pure wool, plain and twilled, light and dark,
a good cut for . .24e.
1)o not fail to see ourBig Display of the latest
Dress Goods, We have them all.
By our system of Rebate Coupons
you may obtain part or all of your
tuition back. Ask for particulars
This is not the oldest nor largest
school, but iG is Ills BEST in Can-
ada. One week's free trial
A. L. BROWN, Principal.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood are spending
a few days with London friends,
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Dennis are visit-
ing friends at London and St. Johns.
The TIMES and Family Herald &
Star from now till January I904 for
Miss Mabel `Walters, cf Sarnia, is
spending la short holiday under the
parental roof.
Mr, A. Purdon, who hay spent the
past few weeks in the Northwest re -
.Monday and Tuesday Sept. 21st and
22nd. Make the date your holiday
and spend it at the fair.
Mr. William Murray, of Port Hur-
on, Mich., visited bis sister, Mrs. J. T.
Cairns, on Wednesday and Thursday
of this week.
Owing to the prices now being paid
for wheat one of the leading Manitoba
milling concerns have advanced their
prices 15 cents per harrell, making the
$4.25 for
price4.65 for patents and
scond patentQ
ESTRAY STEER.- Came to the prein-
iees of Simon Hueter, lot 4, con. 4,
r4J'sborne, on or about June 20th, 1903
A red, roan steer coming two years
old Owner can haye same by prov-
ing property and paying expense.--_
'TEIRMS-Cash or Prodtice
4118 DoorDoor Mortli Of rostotti6c
PopplG8tone &Gartli�er
Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Pickard, who
have spent the past three months
travelling around the continent and thanks to the deputation sent early in
visiting the several countries and the year, are doubling our grant
points of interest to be found are ex-
pected to arrive home on Saturday -
Not a ratepayer in town but that will
he pleased to learn that the High
School Department of our Public
School has this term entered upon its
most successful year in point of at-
tendance. The following list from
out-sideplaces attest its growing popu-
larity, Wallace Fisher, Usborne ;
Florence Dunsford, Stephen ; Victoria
Miners, Elimville ; Polly Windsor,
Centralia ; Albert Etherington,
Thames Road ; Lily Rooke, Elimville;
Ellen Handford, London Road ; Theo
and Lily Hartleib, Dashwood ; Oliver
Graybeil, Dashwood ; L. Roach, Kirk -
tan ; E. L. Copeland, Kirkton ; Bella
1flcDougaal, Usborne : W. Tribner,
eStephen; Arabella Henry, Chiselhurst;
Mary Knight, Ilderton. The Board
are hoping for still better results in
near future and the Count y Council,
Mr. J. G. Stanbury spent Sunday at
Bayfield. His sister Miss Reta Stan -
bury being very seriously ill. Miss
Stanbury has been a frequent visitor
here and has many friends who hope
for her speedy recovery.
Mrs. R. R. Rogers and children, of,
Watford, who spent a couple weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Christie, returned home on Friday
last accompanied by her mother who
returned home again on Tuesday
Be sure to become a member of the
Stephen and Usborne Agricultural So-
ciety and send in your list of exhibits
early to the Secretary. It is your
fault if the exhibition is not first class
in every respects. Don't blame the
directors if the fair is not a success, 1
Rowland & Young's Bijou Comedy;
Co. intend putting on two good plays'
in Gidley's Opera Monday and Tues.
day 21st and 22nd Sept., fair nights.
A good time is in store for all who
attend. Popular prices 25 and 35 cents
Plan of Hall open Saturday Sept. 19th#
at Dr. Lutz's Drug store. "Don't fault
to hear them,", °
Dr, Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocue,
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday,
September 30 ; Wednesday, Novem-
ber 4 ; Wednesday, December, 21903.
Spectacles and eye, glasses properly
fitted. Next visit will he R esdax
eptemher 30. le
.. R. H. Sweet, having dispesed of
bis Feet, shoe and harness business
left on Tuesday for the great North-
west, Mr. Sweet has an offer of a
gcod position at Calgary as well as
other places in Manitoba. He hes
not yet decided w hich offer he well
take until be goes cut and looks a-
round. We are sorry to lose Mr.
Sweet as a citizen but our best wishes
follow him w hereever he goes.
The annual nieetinr of the Woman':
Missionary Society was held at Mrs.
Like the running brook, the
red blood that flows through
the veins has to come from
The springs of red blood are
found in the soft core of the
bones called the marrow and
some say red blood also comes
from the spleen. Healthy bone
marrow and healthy spleen
are full of fat.
Scott's Emulsion makes new
blood by feeding the bone
marrow and the spleen with
the richest of all fats, the pure
cod liver oil.
For pale school girls and
invalids and for all whose
blood is thin and pale, Scott's
Emulsion is a pleasant and rich
blood food. It not only feeds
the blood-rnaking organs but
gives them strength to do
their proper work:
Send for freraainple.
SCOTT St fOWNR, chetinistl,
Tomato,_ Ontario.
sou, acid $r.00; a11' druggists,
which will amount to the nice little
sum of four hundred dollars.
Your rpt A.I . Right r .
Most likely it is Xndige.sU orz that causes the dizziness,
palpitation, depression and pain which alarm you. Let
remembered by our leaders that a
little over a year ago Messrs Harvey
Bros. purchased the Exeter grist mill
from Messrs Cobbled)ck & Son, and
since that time haye worked up so
large a trade that they have been
compelled to run day and night to fill
the orders of their customers who
come from miles around. They closed
down this season for a few weeks in
order to put in new machinery. Re-
placing the old boiler with a new and
more powerful one from E. Leonard
& Sons, London, and put up a new
smoke stack, the old one falling a few
days after they shut down. Time'
have thrown out some of their milling
machinery and replaced with the not-
ed Robt. Whitelaw machinery of
Woodstock, one is a new controllable
swing sifter, and the other the
Thompson purifier, both these mach-
ines are the best the market can pro-
duce. They have also added a new
chopper from Jolliette, Que., (Champ-
ion,) and have now three choppers,
plate choppers for fine chop and roller
choppers for rolling oats for horses,
which put them in a better position
to meet the demands of their ever
increasing chopping trade. They have
iso installed some smaller machinery
hich help them in the handling
.f their large stock. Not only
ave they the most up-to-date mill in
this section, so far as machinery is
concerned, but they enjoy the reputa-
tion of making the best flour that can
be had anywhere. Last year they
shipped carloads of this flour to Mon-
treal and other points east, as well as
to the old country. Messrs Harvey
Bros, enjoy the confidence of all their
customers and haye produced a mar-
ket %here the farmer may sell his
grain and get the highest market
prices either in cash or trade. and it is
not an uncommon sight to see several
wagons waiting at the mill for theirs
turn to unload. The mill is now run-
ning day and night, and farmers
wishing to put in a stock of bran and
shorts would do well to call now.
Heavy Snowfall in Winnipeg
The Manitoba Harvest will be forth.
er delayed by a heavy snow and rain=
storm on Sunday nigbt, which in the
western and northwestern part of the
Province developed into a snowstorm
with high winds. In northwestern
Manitoba as much as a foot of snow
fell, andira southwestern Manitoba not
so much . At Winnipeg not nearly 1
3-4 inches of rain fell in twenty-four
hours, but it did not snow. The dam-
age will be chiefly to the standing
clop- With bright, breezy days the
grain in stock and stack will be ready
for threshing towards the end of the
week. It is impossible as yet to get
any estimate of the damage done, as
the wires with secondary points are
There was 8 degrees of frost in parts
of Manitoba, Brandon even reporting
a little lower, so that the standing
grain will be frosted, but the chief
damage will not be from frost, but
from wind, rain and snow, which
soaked the stacks and knock-
ed down the standing grain.
As 60 per cent. of the grain in Mani -
is cut, the interests chiefly centre in
the grain in stock which will be dis-
colored. Grain men say the amount
of damage will all depend on the char-
acte r of the weather With fine wea-
ther from now on, the damage will
not be so excessive, but
damp muggy
weather will make heavy losses.
40 aa.. 39'9t" CA MIL X.,Els. X.
Bears the of The KW You Have Always Bought
Signa are : w
Tiny Tonic Ta b els
regulate your digestion, vitalize your inert liver and
assist the bowels to proper activity --the symptoms of
heart disease will vanish.
An "easy -to -take" stomach cleanser, nerve builder,
blood purifier. A gentle laxative --not a cathartic.
Keep the little aluminum box in your pocket, take the
tablets after each meal -good health will be yours. Why
not try ?
Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum
pocket case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid,
on receipt of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim-
ited, Walkerville, Ont.
The following from the New York
Sun makes reference to a nephew of
Mr. Wm. Hastings, Parkhill : "Earn-
est Hastings, an actor, ct r, under under treat-
ment at the Lambs' Club for a nerv-
ous break down. He recently com-
pleted an engagement of two years
and a half with the Aleazar Stock Co.
at San Francisco, during which time,
he learned over 85 different parts.
Two weeks ago he 'began rehearsals
here as the leading man in a new play.
Thursday night he went to the office
of a friend and asked help in rescuing
a young women from a parlor car in
which she was suffering. His friends
took him to the Lambs' Club for treat-
ment," Earnest Hastings is a gradu-
ate of Osgood Hall and Toronto Uni-
versary and last season took a leading
part in plays in London and Toronto.
On Friday a full attendance was at
the W. C. T. U. meeting. Mrs. H.
Hooper conducted the bible lesson
after which a report wts given by the
president of the convention held in
Zurich. Some new members were
enrolled. The next regular meeting
will he held at the home of Mrs. Mur-
ray, Andrew street, on Wednesday,
Sept. 23rd at 3 o'clock.
„Who hath woe ? Who bath sor-
row ? Who hath contentions ? Who
hath babbling ? Who hath wounds
without cause ? Who bath redness of
the eyes 2"
,They that tarry long at the wine ;
they that go to seek mixed wine."
. "Look not thou upon the wine when
it is red, when it giveth its color in
the cup. when it moveth itself aright."
"At the last it biteth like a serpent
and stingeth like an adder."
Press Secy.
Wheat per bushell . , , , 72 to 74
Oats new . .. .. . .. 26 to 27
Barley 37 to 38
Butter 15
Eggs • 14
Wool 14 to 141
Pork live weight ....$5.75 to $6.00
Court of Revision
Village of Exeter
Notice is hereby given, that a Court
will be held, pursuant to the Voters'
Lists Act. by his honor the Judge of
the County Court of the county of
Huron, at Exeter on the
at 10 o'clock to bear and determine
the several complaints of errors and
ommisions in the Voters' List of the
Municipality of the Village of Exeter
for 1003.
All persons having business at the
court are required to attend at the
same time and place.
Dated the 15th Day of September,
Clerk of said Municipality.
Court of Revision
Town hip of Usborne
Notice is hereby given, that a Court
will be held, pursuant to the Ontario
Voters' Lists Act, by his honor, the
Judge of the County Court of the
County of Huron at the Town Hall
Elimville on,
at 10 o'clock, a. m, to hear and deter-
mine the several complaints of errors
and omissions in the Voters' List of
the Municipality of the Township of
Usborne for 1083.
All persons having business at the
Court are requested to attend at said
time and place,
Clerk of Usborne.
Dated Sept. 14th 1903.
.At Elimville, a comfortable house
with 2i acres of land, having a good
with a choice ariet of all
garden i' y
kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a
never failing well of the best of water,
For particulars apply to the owner on
the premises or by letter to Wm. MIN-
Iu'Rs, Elimville P. 0,
A farm containing 100 acres of good
land, nn the Tbamea Road, Lot 35 & 16
Situated 5} miles from Exeter, e of a
mile from Farquhar, } of a mile from
school, 11 miles froni church. The
land is in first class condition,all clear-
ed. li orty-seven acres of grass, 12
acres of fail wheat, one acre of young
orchard, 3 good wells, 3 barns, 1 good
hank barn, a frame house. For fur-
ther particulars apply to JOHNTHOMP-
SON, Farquhar, P. 0,
A farm containing 100 acres of good
land on con. 11 lot 22, Stephen Town-
ship. Land is well drained and about
SO acres fenced. On the premises is a
good bank barn with stables and a
large house, warm and comfortable,
good supply cf hard and soft water, 1
acre of good orebeld. The farm is
situated 2 miles from Dashwood,
about half a mile from Sarepta P.O.
and 11 miles from school. This is de-
sirable property for any one who
wants a gcod farm. Reasons for sell-
ing, proprietor is giying up far ming.
For further particulars apply to Jos-
EPH BASTARD, Sarepta, P.O.
In the matter of the Estate of James
Hackney, late of the Township of Us -
borne in the County of Huron, Far-
mer, deceased.
Notice is herebyiven pursuant to "The Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario,' 1897, Chapter 129,
that all creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said James Hackney
who died on or about the 7th day of September,
1903,are required on or before the lOth day of
October 1903, to send by post prepaid or de-
liver toMessrs Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors
for the Executors of the said estate their
christiau names and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, the statement of their accounts, and
the nature of the securities, if any, held by
them. And further take notice that after such
Inst mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice, and that the said
Executors will not be liable for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person or persons of
whose claim notice shall not have been receiv-
ed by thtm at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors £ Chas. E. Hackney and Alex,
Turnbull, -Executors
Dated at Exeter the,l1thclay of September, 1903.
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town
ail the latest styles, in the newes-
Our prices are low as can be foun
for first-class material and workman
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
J• W,BYOWNINt1 &l. D. si.0_
• Y. 8, Graduate Victoria ,niv'raity-
office and residene,,, Dominion Labora-
tory, Exeter.
D. S. D. D S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fan -
son's block, West side of Maim
D.A. AND RSON. (D. D. S. 1' U.S.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with,
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Professiom
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in,
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling Bro's store -
Exeter, Ont.
London, Huron and Bruce.
London. depart
Centralia .......--
Exeter 9,30 6.0
Hensall 9.41 6,15
Kippen 9.50 6.25
Brucefleld 9.58 6.33
Clinton 10.15 6.55
Wingham arrive 11,10 8.00
GOING SOUTH- • Passenger
Wingham, depart 6.23 A. Al. 3.15 P. M
Clintcn 7.47 4.25
Brucafleld 8.65 4.49
Kippen .15 4.57
Hansell .22 5 02
Exeter 8.35 5.10
Centralia 8.46 5.25
London .arrive ...... --. 9.37 6.12
8,15 A, M. 4,40x. M.
.-. S.1 5.50 Agen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM-
PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Pam= Fm.
NSURANOE COMPANY, of London, England ;
"An Ounce of
Prevention is
Worth a Pound
o1 Cure."
Why not cure that cough of
yours now ? Do not let it
go on and get worse. A
bottle of one of our own
Cough Medicines will dire
you. We carry a large as-
sortment of ,
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get some
our remedies.
• We have unlimited private funds for invests
went upon farm or village property at lowes
rates of interest.
We have a large amount of private funds to-
oloan on faun and village properties at lowratea,
of interest.
Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter,
I11 GAL.
Money to Loan
OuricE-(Forinerely of Elliott aid Gladman,))
Barristers Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,.
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Moleons
Bank, Etc.
Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest.
s. It. OalttraG B. A. L. H. DIORSOIr
of j F °' SALE -BRICK RE
EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable•
terms, that 'very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated'
on Lot No- 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, a comfortable
and commodious brick dwelling,. also the.
necessary outhouses. The house is In good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contain an acre -
o£ land and is excelientlyada ted for garden
in g or fruit growing. There is a plentiful su -
ply of hrd and 50£8 water, The roperty is up,
to date and the terms easy, for particulars ap'.
r st Exeter
to A rEx Hb0PD Eew barristers
O , Penn
A., proprietor.