Exeter Times, 1903-9-17, Page 4E, 11,1 )XYi.TB II' I E S, SEPTETB E R 17th, 100a aeal• net 'Water for Blue 13...ibbon Tee. Not merely simincring — must be fresh and must boil vig6rously. Then it will absorb the deliciousness and fragrance from Blue Ribbon—take all the good out of it. Let it steep at least six minutes—eight if possible—in an earthenware teapot, and you'll have the best cup of tea in your life. lackt Mimed. Conlon Green. •••••••••••ogire•••••••••••* 4 Should be Fifty Ask for the Red Label The Moisons Bank (Incorporated by Act of Parliament Me) Read °Zee, Mo treat Capital Ian paid up) - 92,500,00 Reserve rold — - — $2,250,00 98 Ihauches iu Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Bridal Columbia and 'Manitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. m. to ,3 p. ni.; except Saturdays, 10 a. no to 1 p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Farms supplied on application. Drafts en all points in the Dorninlon. Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of ex .1 -lenge. SAVINGS DEYARTMENT. Deposits of 81.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Inter et compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current tate of interest allowed. Advarces make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and cn most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion 1 Goveirment. OWKSON & CARLING, N. D. BURDON, FOLICITORS. MANAGER Calendar for September 19031 SUNDAY 6 13 20 27' 7 14 21 2S; 1 8 15 22 201 23 30 et , MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY... . FRIDAY 8A.TURDAY ..... 2 9 16 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 5 12 19 eW,hount the Go( r wish to closi- teeety, tibrey, first wake.. :mt.td,"t would seem to be specially applioable Lo the Ontario Goveerume.aat :at the present Lime, oL only in this ibut in other rantlers.. It appetars to be the policy of the Goverenaent to spe,ctially favor West liuron oat the expense .of1the al - her twc ridings in the County, West Ilu:rren has got six of the 1st appoint meets in the .gift of the A.3orvernment, in succession, while East and. South Uuran have got .none. .The Shelnalf, the Jailor, the Surrogate •Judgee tthe Master in Chaneery, and:now the Iteg istira.relh.i.p and the County Crown At- terneyethip have all gone to West Heroin. And as it is •willt• the 'ridings se it is witih the appointees. The new County Crown Attorney has been': a afatinuou,s ateelpee at us 'Government favors for overt a (quartpx of a con- tu.ry. The newly .appointed Registrar hos. if Nvrit mistake ,not, two !brothers, a sister aintd a cousin in Met public sex Niloe drawling large sa.laries, and nowt 113 is given the ))es4. egfiectin: the coun.. ty. Vealiker .111e1 Ontttri,o1Govelrpermerat must be firm believcrs in .the doctrine "To those that bath shall be given." We do not know whether or not the new Registrar has any ether relatives unprovided for, but if be has, thelGov ernmont, and especially the Attorney - General, will no doubt look after thane' at once. In conclusion, the Expositar says: "We condemn a palpablA.: wrong, commild as we believe, froan taus most sordidof motives, and WO' fttril. that we would be • : unjust to ;ourself and. the public and, party that We. serve did we say less than, we have." —Toronto Saturday News. 25 TlIE POPE ANI) LABOR. 2d ---- . Pius X Advises the :WOrkers tot be THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER rah, r903 Con t rolcd: LIBERAL ORGAN TURNS. EXPOSITOR OF SEAFORTH OUT, AGAINST ROSS GOVERNMENT. RECENT APPOINTMENT IX IICRON BITTERLY CRITIM5ED.. The !Wren Expositor. of Seaforth which hes been for over thirty years a. strong eupporter of the Ontario Gov. Omani, is out this week in 'open de- fiance of the Cabinet's policy with re- ard to appointments in .that Its statement is in part as follows: ".After wrangling, manoeuvring and wire pulling:for four yearsAteal a. half the Ontario Government have at length mustered courage to make an a:ppointment. to the vacant registrar- ship in Lida county. They have also , 'appointed'. a Courtly Crown 'Attorney and a Clark of the Peace. And a nice zees [kw leave made., Pah appoint- ments go to West Huron. Mr. Wol COlattIn. Of (11q111010111, has been apreoin/- ed Registrar, and Mr. Charles Seager, of Godevich, County Crown 'Atitotnery This anienmeement was mai?. on be - lathe of tffet G,ceseLteatemt on Tnciel,a 3r ••••Ails•s*Ime•••••••••••s. 31939fkkkkWeiMakirkartakikkleur-.4411C2CBSISCen-,S.-490 Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. it suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a air Vi r hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. • First Speerli to Romans was a-eDre- elaoaeion on the Labor Question., Rome. Sept. 14—The Pope yesterday held his first rerepticnof any impo47. awe, aver two thousand persons, for the most prO:t working, people, from tihe quarters around. St.. Peter's being admitted to his presence in the court- yard of Lal'igna, inside the Vatican. Pope Plus. whose arrival was awuh.1 with keen expectation by the thron.n. appeared in t he port leo, pro - ceded merely by a few Noble !Guards. The Pope was greeted with a storm. of Stipplau.se.. Cries of "Lyng live Pius" and "long live our Father" were rais- ed. The Pope, raising his hand for sh- ame., said.: "This demeneira lion' oft reverence and affection touches me, ore because it. Is addressed to nry.per- `ord. beeausoe it is addressed to flim whom I represeut—Chriet. It is au iaJtee to the faith animating your heerth. 1 in all the more pleased Le- ; eat's. the majority of you aro le.vork-- ing men. for Christ is in thd advocat•e of the workingmen, and the latter are faiMeftel to him." - Tree pontiff wank on t a say that dhe warble:kg= n who is Ise tisfied 'with his !condition finds in it a true pleasure ilshedding brightness aboutehim. These words," continued Pope Pius, are the (first, that I address to the Romans. 730 satisfied with your condition, pro. I tedel in aze fox your. ehildresi. and mune you in -.the name of the. Holy ; Ghrost that the blessing of God, which I so much invoke ,for you ; and, your I tremilaes, will be' given." INERVILINE GIVES SATISFACTION. POIrson's elle new and ear- ' lain pain cure, is tort with satisfac- ! hien in every instance. There is abun- 1 dia.n 1. mast= for this, for it iperfoomts call that it claimed for it. Nerviline!is , a never -failing cure for cramps, pain in the sido or back, lumbago, sore moon t, eltittb la t o oth ache, Ne(reil - litres is in fopt a sure 'remedy, or afl 1 pains, both •inteirnal and 'external. Medicine dealers .everywhere. SETTLERS LOW RATES WEST r••••••••••ii•••••• Via Idle Chicago and north Western 'Rye every day from Sept. 15th , to 1Navernber 80th. Settlers one waysec- !and class tickets at very low rates "me bier eras coming out terribly. r waSHalr from Chiortt,vo to points in Utnh, 1VIon stmost,axttas to comb it. Bttt Ayer'd Vigor promptly Mopped tho faing,and also i Lane, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Wash- reorelune. E. G. El Landing, N.J. d , stdtbo natural r.00r." ! int; tan, California. rtleo to 'Victoria, $1.00 a b,,, ottl0. 4, o. ,,,,, of.j.., i i Va weever, New Wt..( eaxnater. Nei - All rl rilsr,i tits, Towell M119/1 • or • " o 1°;. '4', ar ;arm, Rosslan'l and ether points in the !Kootenay Dis Li let. Corr.respondl ragl y limy rates frotn all points in Canada. ptertliculars from nearerst ticket rtgeril or 13. II. Bennett, General will rid you of 11, radically and per. ainetrit. 2 nanf Kinn Ste, Toronto, Ont.; taienently, as it has rid thOUrrandfa 111 ON, NOREE,1111111 All the news of Interest to I "eider- Times lIqppnw AA, •eni in these Counties. • Huron • dlurglare entered the store of liar - rand I3.ros. hardware merchants', Cline ton; reeently, and secured all • the change left in the store, besides sever- al other articles et value. Will be found an. A:we:Rent rienedy eick headociree Carterat Little Lilo: Pills.. Thousands of letters from pets.' ple who have wed threm prove -this Tx thane. • Mr. Bert. Van Esmond, of Sealfortle at the Toronto • •Indrutstrial Pair this fall, carriedoff four first „prizes and one second, for drawing. Three cf the firsts and, one second were cash .and total over 50, while'the other first -was a silver medal. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one ;of Cartor'eatiittle Liver Pills immediately. after dinner. 1.1csn't forget thi41. Ninnia, t1ue. lasegeet of the two white ponies owned by Mr. Wm. Javkson, of Clinton, as found one mornino 1,3.st week, lying over on its baele,,Palte,ad. Mr. Jackson purchased the term from Mr. hleDonedd, :of llensall, and (Ahoy were highly prized. thneetting for Mr. Rundleson the ilawlely farm, liar= road,' P. Mr. thertrie, cif Cliintlen, melt with, a vain- ' ful ,a,cleidiantee It was cutting fuel/ for the engine ftein a pile of inallisitoppled or on top of 'him, thXowitrigthim to Obit alnd :bractly bruising his; head, side aind ankle. Mrs. D. D. Wilson',wife of thew eelle kenown egg, menchant, of : Seaforth, died in Toronto, last week ,where she had been fon mime time unddr itrent'- meat. Mrs. Wilson will be much miss ed in the social circle in :whiels she moved. and her death is deeplyliyeerr- eLled by a gloat number of friends.. The home, of Mr. • end Mrs. \Re J. Wel:twos, :Gtotherich, was the SOC./.10 of re lla.prtet gfatthetrting ou Tlutateduy,, When theilir daughter, Miss. Frede,riette trooOme the wi.ge of (Charles EeYounge of iline same, 4:ciwee: ;The • ecreanamdi a -gulch was ipcirgommierl by, Reiv. W. H. Gie,ailieum, look place at *2 o'clock moon liks.s Millie Bell, seicepaidtdamhileir hlf Mr. John W. Bell,folf 131y ti, leaulentar- ried in Memorial etturolt, London, on hLoreday too Mir. John Braimitygeef De emit. Reg .C:11. P. Oweina,, of Luck - paw, pe rlaranerli Lj xam,rrfigge 'care -- nanny. 'The Waldo:, is u, Cpopuliar; young lady .and has many Breends in ealytda, whipuiniit with us' deo extiatnelftekeeteent wihies f,eir a happy an PrnsP.eirons mlarrired . A !way tpre;Uly wedding was sclettan ized, at !Ube. home .of Dlr. "and' Mas. R. Mammon, st Wingham, on Wednesday Last, when thefer, y!ouragest daughter, Moutparet Ella, was unit:Gel in marrie age to Mr. Geo. 'Ernest Sammie.. Ilhe very large number( of costly pent:elate recoil:vied, glIONV aheres- tieenn in which the 'bride was held.. Mr. and Mos. Wjedieinel liefit, on arse attelremen train for Toronto, ..Niaigara and other points after which they will take up their residence in 5thrnia ,The 'fallowing is the) lisL f leacheiris now in training at the Goderich 'Model School :—Miss Flora Bachanna, 13iiiseels ; Grace Crawford, Pori Albet t, Florceace D. Graham, Goderich; Minnie Durnin, Dungannon May Newton, Goclerieh; Laura M. Jeckell, fray; Jessie L. Linkla ter, Dun lop ; Bertha C. Milian, Gode-rich ; Re- becea Carter, Egmandville ; Pearl Nicholson, Blake; Teem MeElven, Gioderieth; Faweeltit Sturdy, Porter's Ilill; Winnie Shaw, Dunlop ; Kathleen Swan, Bi nevelt.: ;. Olive; M. Turner, G.oclerich ; Irene 'Woods, Belfast.; Mar garet Modonald, Laurier; Messrs. F. Sweet. Exeter: • Gordon W.kitero,ap., Mier:neat ; J. Earnest Robinson, Aub- urn; C. Asquith, Auburn; Austin Trotter, Goderich ; Donald Blathew— son. ; Samuel Mollevaln,. Gb- derich Wm. J. Taylor, Delgrave. The Leta number is 25. ItlIEUMATISM IS A CONSTITUTI-e ONAL DISEASE. T he pain and localized . condition's are me r*C. . rass1ts of eons Li ut io nal ' condi) Lions. Poisoned blood sends its 'evil influence to vet:ions Parts fo the hody. and to cure it permanently you must treat it constitutionally. Nu= f Ling so eumpletety dispels t hese pois- ons Irom the system as Ferrozone. It makes new blood. It imparts vitality and ri,gor, yenetrling the nyetem; ta. throw off the poisons that engender rheurnotisra.. Ferrozoem also fortift- es the system against the weltkening effects of rheumatism, and cures not simply relieves, as most medicines do, Scod by all druggists. Middlesex Electons of East Middlesex will hold a temperance convention to organ- ize a Vetere' League •on Sop te. mb 24th. The. Ontario Government has appo- inted W.m. Dawson, of Porklaill, 11- hncient Foe To health and happiness is Scrofula— as ugly as ever since time immemorial. It causes bunches in the neck, dis- figures the skin, inflames the mucous membrane, wastes the muscles, weak., ens the bones, reduces the power of resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, and develops into con- sumption. "Two of my children had scrofula sores which kept growing deeper and kept them from going to school for three xxtontbs. Ointments and medicines did no good until I began giving them rfood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine caused the sores to heal, and the children have shown no signs of scrof- ula since." 3. W. Wentz, WoodStoek, Oht, Hood's Sarsaparilla. DiZZY ? Appetite poor?....Dowels constipated? Tongue coated? Read ache? It's your liver! 'Ayer's Pills are liver pills, all Negetable. elxty year. Loweu, Ma, Want your moustache or beard abeautiful brown or rich black? Usk3 BUCKINGHAM'S DYE MU ars 5.5. IIALL k CO., NASQUA, IL Er. ..etetereeetereereeeeeeee ...,,,34w2geteieee'="eeem cemeel inspector • for Nor th Middlesex linsteya (I of Alex. Smt cletezbeed. The well known st;rengtheningipra. peril:ea of Won, combined whiti other tonics. and a most perfeet nervinegare found in Carter); Iran Pills, which straegthen the T.101.' ITS and 'body, and, improve the blood and complexion. - • .. ARE YOU DEAF? All deafness is not cerable, toes state that .ninety per cent. °Aim- puirecl hearing is due inflammation of the Eustachian tubee, and ean be treat ed with certaint,y of sucreees by ()at- arraatozon,e, which gives instantre- lief to Catarrh in any part: of thes,ye- tem. Cataterhozono is extremely pleas- ant .and simple to 1140, and sufferers Froin nny form of &learns:so are 'advis- ed ia use it. Thousands of oases awe on record where Ordarrhozone has per featly reslored lost hearing, and what it hes done for others it can do for you. Procure 1 Cuth&lrosone your druggist, Price 81, smallsize25 mute, or by mail from N. El:Pols:on& Co.; Kingel'on, Ont. Perth Mr. alwarlals Lautieir, broi,her cif the. Premier, will selectee:1 ...Mr.. J. IZT. Culeve, formerly M. 1'.:for North Fertile, as inamiotrattion• .agetnt au Nor- Olar.reoa Mielf1;gtan, Do slot despair of curing your pick - headache when yore can so easily ; ob- train Carter's Little Liver Pills. They wsllc1ifeaL' a prb.mpt end permanent qualei Theis aetken is mil e and nate uval. Mr. Jaineeis Mitrethall, of St. Marys, had the; raisfoirthunia. to lose a fiesge nunsbecr of his ducks, tweinty-one in all by some oneedeleberlately sheotimig theenethrough the! anght. Thei police have the matter in hand. Murray Nichol, of St. . Marys, 0/ young laid of atbout 16 years of age met witlh, a very ,paiiniful accideniklaat,week While in the' act of getting inUo a wa- gon, lie had: the, mis,forgrana to tom backward, ;breaking ids ar'm. :For any ease of nervousness, sieve log Ines s, weak s LO mach, indiges 1is)(14 d yspepsi a „ try Car ter's Little Nerve Pills. Relief is sure. Tho only nerve medicine. far the price in marke't., A serious accident' occurred in North Eastlhope an Tuesday as .the result Acif which Mrs. MeGuiega!nt an eliclie,rly lady is suffering from severe concussions of flee brain. It appears that she. was pickling po talgoes 1tt thalrigarden Aantl was,irn ter is tripping position. A; 10..rge clog Was ameiving aicto.:s (ha garden and evidently did n,ot sec Mrs.. - Quiggain, for it struck aver on thekside of the head, throwing her violently:to Wee, ground. The, result was (a severe case of concussion of • tihobr;aine Miss Nettie McTavish, .agec111.6. Dead small for her age, of the 31el. concession. of South Easthopc, was rat.tacked, an Satundjane atom:on by a trafra,p, a brutal eriana heinig( oselyttpreivien led( py the at() - preach, of some people eking the? road when the assailant decamped. Chief of Police McCarthy, of Stratford, organ- ized a; teeirtell ria4:tyi and went t hcon.edi tihe adjoining swamp anctsurrounding country, without result, the culprit having di.snippearad. The followingis the deeeripiti ori or the man :—A'ge 30 to 35; theielit, five feel; let aril inches ; com,plesion sandy and much freckled; moustache sandy, cut, straight across clotibee, blue enat, serge pruntu (d(trk grey) black Shirt, no tie, bJack Christie nal dark leauvus running shoes. Cloth- es were at good quality Ile. Ps a tramp, and may ha in companyci)f t, a one-erneed man who does 1 ho beg- gitng. The action of Cterter'e Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natterral. They gently stimulate the livsr, and reigulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try tthazn Mr. George Dufbori, of Stratford, passed away on SaLu.rdity last at the age od 45, having been a great suffer- er for years past from cancer in: the throat. Ile was th,e son elf the date jussph Dutton, and was born in .I3yr- on, Westminster. Ont. Deceased was at one time id' business as p; dirty goods xnrohant in St. Marys. In 1877 he came to this city and .conducted .o. merchant tailoring establishment and later a dry goods business, which he sold out and became the manager of uptown retail store of the Stratford Clotthing Company, whichposition, he was forced, to relinquish 'owing toihis painful malady. His brothers and sis- Oars eere Mr. E. T. Duftein, gofiStrat-- ford, Mr. John F. Dutton, of Mitchell Mrs, If. DoTroan, of Marlette, Mic(h., and Mrs. R. L. Young, or London. Mr. W. 3. Mooney, of Straitfordoho.d L11,1B recut finger of his right hanclibad- ly lacerated. Friday m,ortning as, a; re- sult of hawing his hand caughtlfn a autveirizing m111 While in operation, at the Mooney factory. The flesh was badly Loon and 11; is .very' . fortunate that the hand was not also injured. A ;pretty weiklinsg took piece arttlihe riesiellgte pf Mrs.. Ritz, 'MiIsihefl, retia Wedlnle,sday evefaring lest al. 8 o'elook, wizen heir son, Mr.:Goo. Ilitz.twaserri- lted in marriage, to 'Mies &ean, ho WI of Shrtetford.. Rev, . J. Geo. Spilman,.of Stratford, performed blue oClitzmiony in the pr.eetearce ofronly [5 :immediate ,relatives and friends. There died in Morning ton- on Thurs- day, Sopleenherr 3rd, Mrs. Mary Ann Lrevnin, wilictow cif the 111,11. tWln. Len- nin, aiged: 90 ythlrs, '4 rnbrillbii tied .e2 (lags. The Tleirciatims were interred in thea malkodfloi: 'cemetery. Mil verLen. Miss ,13essie II. Steele, Chica'g'o yeuxiVest. daughter of iiev. 11. D. Steele, ineumbent of Port St malty, leas O *cep WY:1; (he positiOnf Of tl ,,of Lane liotspital, San Erancisco, at the heed of thirtysix nursos, at a .zhfand- some salary. Whalen Mr. and Mrs, Stamp who have sbei,t the past summer in England are the guests of Mr. Wni, Gunning as is also Mr, Alfred Gunning of Uncle Sam's Domain, The fanners in this locality have been unable to get their usual fall ploughing accomplished owing to the very dry weather. While generous showers have fallen in all directions within a few miles of here, yet we are passed by with merely a sprinkle. •••••••••, ,fteal••••1•• Thames Road ' A. quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Paul Madge, Thames Road, when his neice, Miss Mabel Madge, daughter of the late S. Madge was united in marriage to Mr. Wesley Balfoar, a well to do and prosperous farmer of this locality. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. Fletcher and was a quiet one owing to the re- cent bereavements in the families of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour will reside on his tine farm on the Thames Road. .4•••••••••••• Centralia ••••••••••=4 Dog days—heat intense ! Nearly all vacation visitors have gone, Some not vacation visitors have also gone. Dame Rumor could tell sortie wonderful tales. Crowds upon crowds have the Western Fair fever, The love of travel and sight seeing has spread like the fragrance of a flower, and the vil- lage day by day is as quiet as on a Sunday. During the past few days property has been changing hands. Mrs. Bow- slaugh has sold her house and lot, also Mr. Vail has sold his handsome brick residence, all fine prices. Fl. B. Hutton. X. D., left this week for Port Colborne, where be intends to practice. Usborne Council rr.ketlftrat-.. Council met Sept 5th. All the mem- bers present. rhemmutes of the July meeting were read and approved. The following rates were levied for the current year: county rate 1.5 mills on the dollar; township rate 2-5 mills on the dollar; general school rate .81 mills on the dollar, and the amounts requhed by the trustees of the several school sections were ordered to be levied and collected with the other rates. The Scott Drain was finally passed and an order issued in favor of the Treasurer of the township of Hibbert for $369.50 being Usborne's share of the cost of said drain as per engineer's estimate. Accounts amounting to 8134.90 were passed and orders issued in payment. Council then adjourned to meet 0, t. 3rd at one o'clock. F. MORLEY, Clerk. Sexsmith The slaters have finished roofing Mr. Gould's new house. Mrs. Palmer of near Kincardine visited her mother, Mrs.P, Henderson j this week. Mr. P. O'Brien of Woodbam, called on friends here a few days ago. Mr. C. H, Russell, son of Wm. Rus- sell, who left last month for Regina, N. W, T., reports himself well pleased with that country, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Northcott of St. Marys, visited among friends here last week. Mr. Northcott intends moving from St. Marys to Stratfoi d. where he has secured a position on the Grand Trunk railway. Mrs. George Geddes who was re- cently confined to her room is, we are pleased to note, able to he around again. Mrs, Wm. Northcott and Mrs. Rog- er Northcott left on Monday last far an extended visit among friends at Toronto and in Ontario county. Quite a number from here are at- tending the Western Fair this week. Miss B. Brown of Detroit, is at pres- ent the guest of Mrs. William Camp- bell. ./.•••••—••••••^ 9 ooPRoPs. 1111•111. it MI ..,.AVegelePlePrepara'adifoiAs- militating therood andRegula- g theS marls antlBoweis of RIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have. AlwErs iougN • ••••••••••m••••• Prornotegrikestibn,Ckeerful- .tess and rtesteontains neither ppturitMorphifte nor lialeral. %Olt' NARCOTIC. litairlf of Old lirSAMIZZETIOVI .Fion:Art:Are;ci dfAtgetrati!* BulatIngis- ,:elniie OW. Carbonatiiaze# tram Sera 7- Clakfc' el ,C1Plar lazippyfa, from. AppiectRerriedy: foreonstipa- ,n, &Sur Stemach,Diarrhosa, Morms,ConvulsionS,Feverih- 'r-ness andLoss o %MEP. ranSimile Sitiature of NEW -YORK. Bears the Signature of El n For 'Iotir Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ,r/'S YORK CITY. Portland Cement viE7E HAVE just received a. teuan- VV tity of the best grade of Port- end cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WANTED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY Fm• which full market prices will be paid at storehouses, EXETER, CENTRALIA, AND CLANDEBOYE. • JOS. COMILEDICK GRAIN CUTTING IN THE WEST It is estimated that 90 per cent. of the grain is cut in Manitoba and sixty percent. in the territories. In South- ern Manitoba considerable threshing bas been done. The intermittent we, cool weather, which retards crop rip- ening and prerents stack drying out enough to thresh, has delayed cutting and threshing. There has been frost in some localities but reports from those places indicate that the damage is mach less than anticipated. The chief difficulty however. is the wet, weather, which prevents the farmers getting on with their work and which 11 14 continues, will discolor the grain and cause some sprouting. Weather reports from various points in the province show wet and ex• tremely disagreeable weather every- where. Saturday heavy rain fell in Winnipeg all day, accompanied by wind and slight snow in some places, is reported to he general in Manitoba. Threshing operations and deliveries of grain will be seriously interfered WI lb. Human Nature ••••••••••••••••••• "Mike," said Plodding Pete, "what would yon do if you was to wake up an' find yoursel a railway president,' "1 dunno" rinse erecl Meandering Mike"Ilurnan nature is human nature 1 s'pose I'd git mercenory an' begin to worey Omit all de rides I've been beating de company out of."—Wash- ington Star. WANTED' A man to represent "OANADA'si GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of - EXETER and surrounding country, and take-. orders for OUR HOY SPEGU1LTIES, in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoe s, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A. permanent position for the right man on either salary' or' commission. Stone & Wellington. FONTHILL NURSERIES' over 800 acres TORONTO, = ONTARIO To get that appetizing, brown appearance and out- side crispyness on roasts of lamb, beef, etc.—to keep their goodness in them they must be basted. In'the old style stove this necessitated reaching into the hot oven and moving the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the front of the oven while it was basted. A tedious performance' with unsatisfactory results. The draw -out oven rack of the Imperial Oxford Range 1111,•••=0•••••••••11M makes basting a simple and successful operation. Draw the handle in front of the oven for- ward and therack brings thepan and its contents out of the oven where it may be thoroughly basted with the greatest ease. The Imperial Oxford Range lessens the labor of cooking and insures the most successful results. Call at one of our agencies or write for the Imperial Oxford leaflet. The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited Toronto Montreal, Winnili)ed Vancouver SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON ALL THE USEFUL Branches are taught in the F. C. B. COLLEGE. Our students are , not guaranteed nice jobs, but after a course in this College 11 will be No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position, 'We aid them, if possible to obtain employment. btt we first equip them to mnintain tbe high reputation this school has stequired. J. W. WESTERVELT; Principal. and 1 !.; 1 50 YEARS° EXPERIENCE • •••-el.',4);"":-..„tz' • TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. ' Anyone sending a Sketch and description may quiekly aSsertair our opinion f roe whether an Invention Is prol ably patentable. Commenica. Mons aridly ern /Mantle!. Handbook ott Patent sent free. Old‘ut agency for zit:Wilting patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rein:Awl • specialnottes, without. Criarae, in the Scientific jinterican, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. tl,Torlts, $3 a • year; our months, $1. sera by an nmvadealero. MUNN & Co 36.1Broadway, New yerk Branch Onlee. 6125 I" St. Wrefall'mtcton. D. 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