HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-9-17, Page 1TWWWRTY-FIItST YEAR --••'NO 5
41~14'+++++ ++4++ 444.+++',4`i• ++44++++++++4++++++++•$"++
If you are in need ofa stove or furnace this fall it
'will be to your advantage to call and see our stock
before you purchase elsewhere as we carry a large
stock of the very best makes both for coal and wood.
We make a specialty of Furnaces, Eavetrough-
ing, Gas and '94raterpipe
We have a stock of for3e and lift Pumps.
If you want the best results use
G. J. Suthorlaud, Notary Public, Convoyan
Ter, Commissioner* Fire insurance Agent,t, and
cseurer of Marriage Licenses, Legal documents
carefully drawn dt reasonable rates. Money
to loan on real estate at low retailer interest,
Odiee at the Post Office Iiqusall
-Dins. Il. E.aaret•t, .is visiting friend41
Lilies vvta(etk' in IVa tld(on, -
-Miss Mattie Ellis is att:eaidang(tthe
N•ouurai at Laudlan,
=Mr. James Clark was in, Toronto
ilei :gala for, ai few; dfays.
-Mies' Katt. Clh•txppiett was in. Do--
xlctlul(o, reic1tntliy, ivisitinjg /rips*.
-Mir.' and Mrs. J. P. Wells left, t;hcis
week far their new ha,me in i• Iitchell
--Mrs, R. W_ F,i},Itpn, ds in London
trisiiti,nig their dia,ughittetr, Mrs••. Kai ajpP.
--Mins, A. , i 13•uahtaima n has • returner t
from Toronto, where she has been vis-
tl"fug fr(ie$ndts.
-Miss Kate MtoEwen„ is hams tram
, Ter mate, ecudt inlltend,s epte• actin • awe
National and Star Brand Cement
-f t'ii4++4++44+++++++++++44+4 44.1-1÷1÷1.-1..14444.;
Walls, Floors, T"roughs, etc, built with these Cements
last for ever.
A WOMAN'S'$ $ a
1pP what a man's clothes should be is
pretty accurate. There can he no
possible fault to find with your ap
pearance if your clothes are made to
Measure in an expert way. The style
of the garment we make is a sufficient
Baran ee• or firstclass ork. All the
We have removed to the stand
next the Commercial Hotel, and
invite you to come in and visit us,
We have a nice assortment of
Hats and Caps, as well as a full
s,ock of Suitings. Come in and
see for your self.
new up-to-date FaII1 w j',t.
Minus, 1►o ai ( THE CLOTHERS, F11aNSALL.
did PaU S
just arrived. Prices away clown.
W. 'V Taman.
rvterckasnit Tailor.
Groin arty
(Too late for last issue.)
.-,Our church willsoon be rerady'for
to bald services in 'again, we lookfor-
ward for a grandre,-ppeaing.
-arr. J. Moffatt, of Illinois, has
been visiting relatives and friends in
[this vioimity lately.
,wnd Mrs. It. S,peare, of iEclnsall,
aired Mr. and M(rs, li. Spnorer, of Sea..
044004940+00440+44040♦♦0M forth, spent Sun,dn5* with PMr.. J,oa-sopb
We have gust put in stock several
new .Pian os in the latest designs and
• ,9f the Best Makes at Popular Prices.
a will esteemeit a pleasure to show
,# em to ,you. •Organs always in stock.
A good second hand Bell Organ ;in'
good order, for sale cheap.
The Biers'
tis with us tend those •Cushion .Frames
are just what .you want, We have Clubbing Rates foil 903, 1904
a'them at moderate psioes. I
Kipp en
(Too hate for ]past issue.)
-Mrs. Elam Bu.tL, of.Toronto,ds pis
iting Lriende beee.
-Mr. Taylor shipped his last load,
of tat cattle to Toronto on Monday.
--D2anty' fxopn this vicinity attended
the fiaix in Tottotata, the poet !two
--Dar: and Mrs. Macdonald, of Lon-
atan, Oro visiting Mrs. r Meedanaldhs
mother, Mars. Anderson.
-Chas. Grassick and Freeborn John
stop, left this week to attend the Col-
legiatte: Institute in, Olin/taxa Saccbt:ts
;In all the leading Makes always in
stock and at, prices that cannot be
•beateec anywhere, also repairs ;for
Call and -see us. 'We are always
•busy but will be glad to give you any
information about our goods you may
S. Martin.
.60,99.3i40P'A004N04040^30 ®0000
Tamers •and Mail & Empire to Jan.
1;105 ;
Times ,rind Mail & Em•piro to Jan.
1904 35
Timers and Family herald Bc Star
it,o Jan., 1904 35
Timers and Family He•rald'& Star,
to Jan., 1905 ;a2! 00
'Dimes & Weekly Sun to Jan
1905.,...:...... ... ..... ..:...... s1R,1 r5
Yearly subsgraliors' to Times and&Milli;
will receive a handsome premium plc•.
tare entitled "The Vittoria .'Cross„'
an episode of the Boer war.
Yearly subseribors to Lire Family
Herald & Star will receive a hand-
some picture and special prize.
1 to this
will made
"Sons wit b.,
Other adder
list hirer.
dC7 E3n ; IX, %L. E3 .
Bears the The Kird You Nave Always Bou;ht
Merchants Bank of
t:CAPITAL (alt paid up)
General Manager
E. F. RE13DEN,
Superintendent or Brandies
Interest at most favorable current rates
:i13ank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and
,,,,eaters of Credit issued to travellers,gpayabie in all parts of the
allowed; on Savings
or Uhrree meatiest with her pn'ren(ts,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DfoEwein.
-Mr. tailings, manages. of the Mal
son's Bank has .returned from a reeve
wetarsl' 4rip4
-Miss Myrtle 1Lod,gins has ret'tare-
ao alLoodeteck to resume her duties
as nurse in the hospital there,
-Mrs. Cook, of Sarnia was there, re-
ce(n tl'y j vd site ng heir. ston,. Mr. 3. tt7.
Cook, harness maker.
-,lir. Jas. Cosw•,c(rcfx sic:Ott• . wl:kk
Toronto and vicinity recently, visiting
his sisttesr a(rcd friepads. •
-Our band fa'yored us with a anlnm-
ber of seleations g i Saturday avenins;'
-Lalrge numbelrs are leaving W(3
pec agn daily; to attend the exhibition
at Ineedloin, •
- illr, Hetnsjon Petty, son of Mx.: ;G.
C..1'otiy returned home a eouplecicif
weeks ago f:rane a _trip• to eta Olid•
--'The Riau. DItr .Shmw chart resumed
Ws spnretoral duties after a plesaant
few weeks' visit with his wife's
parents, up nor.;tli.
-Miss , ,1r Taggart has returned,
Dram Detroit, where elite has beemi vis-
iting Ther sinte(r••iin-jta(vv, Mrs. ` : Tarries
alleTa:ggate t.
-Mr. Wan. McKay, principal, of•our
pfutbl(ir 'school, is heevin;g his d(tvea1 ing••
verily, mach •int,plraved, Lndeed nearly
mfadiel •a new one of it.'
-lair. D. U rq-ubart, tiro e,nteroeis-
i,nig ,prgprieitor elf Lae .oat meaty milts,
is tram weak to weak maki:n-g ••
proveimts(nllis rine his' mills.
-Mims Eitel Fulton, has returned
tram London, where she has been,
spending three weeks with her sister,
Mrrs. K,nta)pp.
-Mr. George Trott has moved his
portable photo galley from Grand
Bend to 'Tedford for a month before
returning to this village, . ,
-Mir. and 1VIrs. Wm. lacdr and.dau-
ghteu, Miss Louie, have returnedifram
Termite, where they had been for
sr(ntn W(2(e41s, an, ,ai saisat.,
-,Mr, W. Ort'vvweltnf reitturtn,ed, ,biam‘si
Last week Brain a' pleasant tripmncl
visit with. !relatives, both in Canadian
memo{ 'bresalriictatn citki.i3:
-The fristnds of ,Itafnnia Craig
will be ale,asedr to le.ann, that; sltet is
rapidly- re!galnang her . aceus4nnucd
HO(n,sall le noted.. among other
tlhings for •the Target quantity of onions
raised from year Lo • year, and pe-
wee) t;hiss year isrup to the average.
-Mr. Johan Buchanan, who holds a
good reader! in the Agricultural,Col-
len,e. 0 uellslr, bas be* hetre, diving
Him past week vrrstting, his parelnts,,
tIr, and :Mrs. Wlm. 'Buethtanan.
-Messes. Cook ;Biros., etre, , having
able maobuinexy of their flpurinjg
mills rerc'vauted and imfrotved„ a'n1
wilt very slaartlyy be, in shape for( at.
teiiding to their large trade.
-Mr.. Bert Fowler, mere anUat,tailor
liars moved ,a!oross the• road into the
store next the Commercial hotel. Ile
same, act only as fltx as tale' welfare
ea our village is canckh•aod, but Inaba
,xa.ltuir of the Initelre%4se ankse.eariltia
of the istock Loldesrs, being ttv.. safe
.guatanime, who,
among -oar live awl suerntsfutl
nross mem, but tailso among our farmers
wee. :are vt:(ry ii(betrelly suplporttlingitt
, ud another important industryfie'at
pir2sr•anI being agitated, which Would
1>le a igaad !tiering, not only' fox our vi •-
1age out a(.10 far,'Utto . surroutadlint'.
co-untry, and for Which the feelin(g,of
cur ratepayers will soon be ascertain-
-Aare. Heerreln and 11.iiss.Agnes Mc-
Dougal, Who have been visiting ie
Morose Jatw, aeuturneud •Homo on Satur.
-A large number from St.afLa at,
tended the Friends, .picnic at Go•wrrie
on, Monday, and all report a t nostien-
joyali''•bu triune:
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hiller and;.lau-
g+adetr, Blanche, who a(pealt;>se.v+eral
weeks i,n, th,e. ,village, returned) to
Sttra1J0ard, last week.
-Quito a targe: number attenlei'
the Londe n Fair .this vreiek.
-!Lev. Cower attended the District
Meeting ,hail at Centralia, last; week,
e -Mips Linda Miners, of Landon,i Cis
spending Iter holidays under the par-
ental 'gag.
--PZiss Pearl and Baby' Mine:re are
Stpetnding ;at cbuplut •ef maks visiting
taelattvl)svn iiar:dop,
uses. os. ma r3 s `,nC last weak
visiting her son in :Toronto, and, also
taking in the Loadow rair: thiiesiwealr.
-Wm. Rhode has bought theta -owe
ir,nd ko t trim Mr. Freed, Ethbzarsr ftar
-Maury Schrader,oBerlin,
T.cazif r
h e
s e
• si tiv
vu.lt n!, his father, who is very low at
lel es.e►n,L•.
-Geo. Snider Las rel'urued to Cob,
uee•bus, Ohio, ko resum his studies alt
the acetal O,gltege,
-Henry Bender has bought ,Mr,
13renne'x's .house and intends , j;•e; hove
to town 'hie Fall,
-0; W. anon :leas •retu:r,n•(vl,'tar 13od-
t,car, N. Y. wheat he In Caking up an
ox icrosire comrse in music.
John Hoffman and familyare
v'ieilin,g friends and relatives in But -
rale, tube ,ptaslt' wreak.
-Mrs. Jos. Snell' ayrd,r7klrs. Nasswor-
thty 1(a vie ase c named: 'rem ape, ndin r
Tftaw days a'l: Torpato fain'
=Dllss Edt'g!offer, Gf, "ituhc, is *Lay -
lag in the village ,with her,fbrother,
Gee. Ecdigoffe.r, for: a len days.;
-Qucarterly, servipea were oandueted
in the Eva ficial shureli, +taxi Sun-
day by tthe presiding elder, Roy. ,Knee:
-Wen. Fultz and family, and &Liss
S. 'Eictmcan, of Oreditopa, welntt ii3,an •
day eavenin•g with Mr. 'and Mrs. Ezra
-Mr. S. 1iardy' left on,. a Iprospepte-
ing tour to tbr'North-=West Territor-
ies on Tuesday. He will be accompan-
:i,ecl by Mr. Ricas:,bei1, pf Zuriob;, • -
Kappa, ai fortntt Minstar! ed.
Maywood, wood, but novo of Caro, Michigan
is in lithe villwjge 'aa p're!. rant; •,aatdt ,wilt
•onctipy th,e pulpit o the Evvangelieal
ecthuroh, nnxt Sunder, bst11• morlortng
and evening in the ;absence, oB+ Bev.
•To,'i oak.
-14 Th S l pi i
the exhibition. K irkton
....Miss Lillie Veal is in Exeter wait- - --
r •
o on bar aunt•, Dors. Anal]. acomnet
who ds very sick.
-Mr, and Mrs. Albert • Andrew
sfaejnt •a fe{w! drays .with, Andrews
,paa'ents, at Genlrie..
-.Me Patterson Ellis Co. have com-
umenced their contract of building say
,eral new bridges in the township.,
-Mr. John Sleeman has rented! 14I.r.
S. Martin's farm fora .team or Live
years. Mr. Davidson has had the
farm rented .tory 1 years has bought a
100 acre lam near Z(irielh.t
-On Sunday, S,egzt. 27th at 10 a. ,m.
llov, Cooped` wall prea'ob a specia:kser
:nam to •Lhe ord,ex -of Chosen; ,rie(udsr
Eve'r'y; mem+be,r shioul.d try amdt
--Miss Nixon is the guest of Mrs. 3.
-Balsa Amnia ATtery, af,BoP11well,.
is visiting friends in this neighbour-
-The honey and bun social held on
Labor Day was a decided sucoessepro-
cde•ais beirgg $.03,00
-Mr, and Mrs. W,m.'Brock, aro in
Saginaw, Mich, attending the funeral
of their uncle, Mr. Lyle.
-John T. Parkinson and Hector N.
Taster spent a fqw Jaya at tale Tar -
onto Ex'b,ibitior, last week.
-Miss Laura Marshall, of the Strat
ford Model .School, spent Sattjtrdta.
1 as t, as s4 Dwa•
-Matey parttcins, .dram ehe.,viIl;gde
'lira/ rriaitnity are •atrtendin,g tbe Wet9-
,tl:)rt/ Fiattr ,t(b,ie alznk.
-Mr. leered J;ohnstoa is adding ii
new kitidheln .to the 1tou:% heare,eently
{ruiichased from Mr. Joe 'Kirk.
-Mies Mapet Gilfillan, of Kirr'kton,
Left last Saturday for Toronto, where
she will at bead Glen Mawe Ladiei,'
College. •
-torts. Bobt. Robinson and daughter
Irene and two• boys, who have been
visiting in Taranto for the pant: • 8ie,n
days entwined home on Tuesday.
-Mr. 3. If. Quayage, who isehavinfgla
sale orf •his farm stock and, ample.•
mettls, on She 25th inst wiilarrnave to
•village about •Ibte lst of October.
--.Clauses are in demand in our vil-
lage at present , and 'if some Oaf' the
married men of our burg would; build
n. couple it ;might ,bea goods invsest-
-Anaive+r'eary Services and Sacred
-concert at Ebenezer Methodist church
on the 4th Can. aleGillivray, on !Sun-
day and Monday, Sept. 27111 and '28th.,
We eis:pect Rev. J,no. Aryling, of By-
ron, out to be preacher for tbe day..
-The .public: meeting of the interes--
ed ,paalaiva in the proposed; telypliane
e-talias May Pearson-, Kiss Ma'go:e line' teem St. Ma`t.•ys to Exeter, met
Taylor and Mr. G. Fincham, of ;Lon-- on Friday evening last and appointed
don, have been visiting friends in Ibis their committee to meet and do,busi-
vanclnity, mess with 'the representative oil . the
'The public school is being s ,nava(tl. .Boll Company of Friday evening next
ed and fixed. up,. The walls ]rave betels
The bags ball match between the
str'a'pped tend plastered. Lel. ne.w,slate bachelor's and be:nedicis of the village
blalokboarnd Iha,s been, put up mutate played an Saturda.y last resulted tin
interior ,has been repainted and when favor of Lite bachelors by 1 run -Score
dompletbeld: it will be quite an up -Loa 10-11. Atitotaer .+mat eh of map:.'t'st'
elate school. n will be .played an Saturday next. be-
-0;caatssuona1ly we hear of same tweern the village team send Sine
good Uhr eluirag -being done by ourelo- 11111 team, A good game may betook
cal threshers, but 31r. Wm. Horn, and ed for,
ibu4outfit>t:re armorxg the •leacifers. t7>biey-D,ou1't target :trltzt Annual Anna.
ithreshed Dar Mr, John Horn, over140' ventsairy S,.rvicets of Credit en DletEto-
bushels of vwheat Sn'.33 minw[l b.0 The dist orhuxob, cnn Sabbath, October 4th
:feeders ravaged during the .time and btrnd euerecl euince4)t on 'Dlond[cy even-
Oct.wexr moi aware that they were, Seeing ung, 5111, hero. 11. 1). lafcyer„ of
Belmont, formerly of the Evangelical
church, will be are pastor for theeday.
We (trust many of Mr: Moyer'sefriends
in this vicinity will avail themselves
of thearing him preach and; sing on
this occasion. The, following will (ay.)
be 'warrent on Monday evening 1 evs
Dir. Hannon, Wnt. G•a:fww,in, 13. L. Hut -
tam. J. G. Daman. I! all er announce•-
metn,ti w 11 be made later on.
has a nice stock of hats and caps, and timed.. Mr. Sawyer and 11. Smale did
the la;teet styles in. twefidis, weorreteus, ale feeeeeea. '
-Quite. a, ntxntilaer of tithe mctnbnpa
of bhe League of the Methodistehureh
atone over to Seo:fortlt, on Thursday
evening, of last week to attend revi-
ved services carried on ehere by Cross-
ley •a,nr1, IIeitteer.
-The sacirram,emt of •the'Lord'ssup-
pec will be •dispersed.in Oarmel elm toil
on Sabbat•h, 20th inst., when Mr.
Se\veers, •af '13!ruce'rield, moder:icor of
C "meal c,h,ureh seastern, evil'' conduct
ibe tic.rrioes.
-Mae Wluitlaisicllr has been cugag•
ed as teacher iu (he school bection. on
t'be Babylon (tine south of Rannio'a
prier!, alai, beim; a •good teacher, vviIl,
ace.cloubi:, give excellent satisfaction.
She enters upon hjer duties about the
itslt Ota'tc•r
-Mwa!alt Tiu•'obW. J.,J. Watery, H. 0aak,•amd
R, McM:ordie were in Seaforth in con-
nection math our carriage,.factory.. It
is expected that 1540,000 will be sub-
scribed by the end of the! week.. As
soon as the exemption of taxeas•far,ten
yawn ie arranged the'company will be
-Mr. R. A. Bu)obanan, on of eMr,
Wen. i3uphanan, of this village, who
has nearly c,om,pleeted his theologioal
coarse preached in Carmol :Presbyter -
lase church, as Sabbal(h last, d&ivet-
ed two very good senm,on.s•, w^hrieh gave
evidence •af de'e'p 1 ho nghrt and caercfft-a
rpe llra,ria.boar. •
.•-The Rev. 3)r. Medd is expected tte
eleupy bis ovv+n pulpit on Sabbath,,t[te
201111 'S ns t, Aber, n. thli e a rwanithst'• ab-
sence in the Muskoka•i.istrict, in tho
interests al this health, Mtt'r. David
Wren very Laitjbffuliy and, efficiently
(carrier' an Ube, work duritng the+ ab --
acme of 'lire pastor, and has :the(satis-
Cr1^1tdotn of knowing tt14'tt hies ,s0fitaa0n i
1140,04 muds aapitleciieuted,
-Wo tire :p utsed to report that our
tairteliage factory project is move; evihat
,night be termed am assured fent,' end•
that from day to day and •fromr weak
too weak Abe etgek @list e;€ shakes, • is
being rapidly welled so (Meat tins' iin-
neatattt ,i'•ndlne'iry will be eietablltt'eda
to n't'velrly etetCuro watt favorable basis
wihivh is at Matter of groat] laver. -
-=Miss Mabel Cawley, al Detroit,. is
wisiltitn,g her graenid iptirents. -
-A large number from here eatemd-
etd the Wcislerrn, I!air in Loncront•this,
week, t,
(Susan ,Ku,itu is 1akinag'a
course an music in -Alma College,;; St.
-'slue Bev. DLr. and Mrs. Kenowles,
ere da London visiting friends andial-
so, taking iu lire fair.
-Rev. Mir. afarloak, of Daelhtwooda
occupied tiler
pulpit. of the- i
yam elical
last Sunday mcirn,ing and evening.
Work hats beetn commenced at the
octnatrettet sidiewaslkte.i Mr. Gels. T.'Mc
ICak, at Ivippen, is!Bre 'contractar.
--►War. Geo. Mekelcat bias emceed :int
bits ,niew^ dvvesaiting, rend Mr. August
SlvvsaiLzselr will move beta, Ube devedlieig
v , ate i ink
just arca d by him a feria vvee s.
-Ou Tuesday evening the blame lei:
Dir. Geo. F. Bilber, wee tate amine of
a. rrrtjty event, • it being the ' . 80th
birthday of Mr. Either. Ills cbiidrein
and .tiheiir 1,amilag3 were :pret,ae l, nit
addre. s was
atter a nicely worded
read by one .of the soma,,' her was pee-
se:nt)dd with a beautiful gold Ovate&
;res a. token of their love and honor to-
Avwardis .heir £attar. 1fr, Eil`ber, hien
few equals as far as health !and. phy-
Meal oandliitioas are :concerned. Al-
though :passed the Psalmist's attotecl
number of ,years, he .is able• bo nvbrk
o. day's work with those 20 years
younger tlhran he Ss .to -day. He eves
one of the earliest settti+,rs, havixrig
im.inicgre4ed from Germany 47 •years
ago and worked hard t.o a clear his
farm. and : esiabltislh the, • ,beautiful
home he now leas. We all :join in, con
a.ratula•t'ing him on his•advanoeedago
trust be
will Sll live awon sit :us
m=any years to corn.
-Mr. Sol Hardy, of Dasehwoo.spent
Thursday :in town.
--Mr. J. D. Mernwr took a. 'business.
Oxlip •to London, on Monday.
-:Mrs. 0. Fritz is visiting with
,fiie,nds in Draimpton this. week.
-Rev. and Mrs. Yaeger visited with
fricnds at. Crediton on Thursday.
2r. I' Bender and wife visited
faleind(s Sm, Sebringville, on Sundnly.
Ida Brill se:ea.'Sunday at
She home of Mrs. Johnston at London
-Dl:r. ,and Drrs. Chris.
Eiber visited.
ed at Mr. Sol. Hardy's at Dashwood,
on Sunday.
-Rev. 'Mr. Knopp anoum!tud- !eat=s li,ul
;pit in the tirangalical church hare, on
Su:ndsaly evy ivirxg.
-Mir. Norman Holtzman 'lugs re-
turned from Itis visit to Mosley, Mild
,may 'and rothe'r palms.
-Mrs. Hamacher and children of
Michigan ere visiting fr[endts and re-
1.r(i,ivcis Ln iraiwo this week.
--Moat Kate Harte, teacher of the
public school staff 1visltede•tt ltt,r.bor,nu
err Droc !fiend, on, Sunday' last.,
--Dili: E. J. Hagan 'rata' Wedaesztiay
for Toronto wihere• he will oontintue
his studies ,at the msdiea;l Colkage. i
-'Vials. M. Kaercher, wba'has been
eiei1i1ng the post few weeks) vviitlr ah•!ix-
'tail ivies in Waterloo, and Berlin has
fe..tureisall !Aetna
-.Vtr; Ernest Roeder a'ec:ctr:(ifaniod
by his sister Lindy frpm thef:,'tpwn,
line were tithe guests of her. Cyrus'tol
oaky, on Sunday last,
-Mr, Merner, Sr., has had his
block nicely pelnte.d,,and it is now
much improved in alipearance• lair.
Sock had the work in hand.
,--Safeeehee:, Sam Faust and Garnet
Nagel wie4nt' to Seaforth,, en. Wearies -
•-AHttbar Ifelleirman hitt teat Mon-
day for the Naperville College(Ill.
--Quite a number of our, eitieensuare
e Travelling
The stepping stones t success are G
onfil nCe,
Reliability .iabiity and Honesty,
Deal at a store whose past record proves the honesty of its methods, and tho
quality of its goods. \Ve are doing this, and are today giving entire satis-
faction to our customers. We have now a full line of
Trunks Valises and Suit Cases
Try 1.14 the next time you require anything in Luise lines, and prove1•r
Statement S,
tt",, " , i '""t HARNESS it1AIIER.
E R. H. Sweet's Old Stand,
w7:.•„ .,:R1;.f.,M1,CiBJ:"!i.. -tans-. VV.".
I heard your neighbor say "They were ?;oing "
You cotyle too'‘Li
siepne o1111 8ociol. [till foil'
Efienda and Tuesday, Septal :her 21s1 & 22nd
Prize List and Full Information from
J. ALLISON, Jr., President. A. 0. DYER, Secretary.
tatty Ito witness the league lacirosse
;match bettvaeie:n Seafoirth end :Fa'r(''uis.
-Mee. Commeripia1 hotel manage-
ment am making arrangements for
a grand baa.1 to be uwld' an ''air' day,
24th ,inst., in the afternoon and even-
-Mr. and Mrs. DI. Zeller have both
been quite ill ale past week, Mrs.
Z^oller is ab411
le to ' of bed; • again,
lUul: tete former is still confined . to
his bed, feeling however, slightly im-
jpl:pved. r
-Mr o John Fos terthas had a cement
floor laid in hie 'neat drive house
near the fair grounds. Mr. Charles
Shoemaker had the work iu hand,
and it is needless to say pe.r grimed
the work in a. satisfactory manner. •
'aline 1,vndfeasta.nd the, t ilvaporator
will be started on its fallattpeatations,
a•n Monday morning. This should be
a. fairly good season an uhat.atine,a as
many .of tate a,ppbeis, in this vicinity are
unfit for export and will likely be
mrltlkete,d, at .harms.
It will be letarineal w-itth, extirtlmue re-
gret of lave dtetmise .of Mrs., Anthea
Valetbin, mother at Father Valentin,
warn far of 'nuimber of years aa.di been
the bcelorved !pastor of St. Bantifiace4Ca-
libloltic echigrre(gatcign of 'L(urich;' ,Mrs.
Valentin at the time of her death re-
sided with her husebwnd'at 3.30 1301 -
comb Are., Dettrtait, both being ap
dfo( .albout sir mantas Algol mtuph re,
apecltleid ireedardilhs lett Zuricf'., The de-
ceat :(d lady had been ailing nmane .rar
lhtss while hare, awl her deist t an oe-
fare elatreld, which took place an /Fri-
day, the 4th last., was no ;;loubt tbe
moult of the mtaIade- from alexiahha
'wars Liven suffering. tM1fueh' symrl'1•tby
is expireased for her aged partner
life, as well as four the family,' more
pa:rtik+uilarly for 'Ler san, Father Val-
entin, who is still at St. J•oscfph'tfHos-
pitfall in Leaden, where he hats 'spenift
u arals ot, 0..yu LC.
,12th, tc Mr. and lairs. J. 7i, And-
raw, ,a: daughter.
WILSON. -At •Tomanto, on S;.epi.embes
2nd, Annie Dutlhi.e, wife 'of D.
1'4rilsom,, of Seafartlr, a:gerl 51 years,.
S mair!t(hts apes 8 gays:
MAR1IBa:/. , , e•• .
DEMUTH-S.CIIAFER.-4t Labra Luth-
t:Irir(n •LI-a;rs(u1tagey Zgricb, en ;Sept 7,
by 'the Rev. E. Schalk. Mr. Freder-
ick Demutb, to Mies. J'olxn Soli:lfar,
boas of 'twitch. -
BA1',FOLIR-=MADGE,--:fit• 'the. r tsi-•
deuce of Mr. Paul i`iadge, by 13e
Rev. C. Fliatcber, Mr. We'sie.y Bal-
four, to Mise Mabel, daughter of the
late Samuel Maarte.-9.11 of are -
borne. ' e!y .
LiDD CUTT.-In London, on Wedat's-
claar, Sept. IQ•till, • ktc 03, , Mary; Ann
Julian, relict of the 'lata Wm. Lid' -
'eat, Funeral on Friday, on arrival
4 morning train. Interment ,at
$62.50 to California and Return
Via Chic;a,go & Nert:li-We tern R'y.
1+'rom Chicago to San Francisco and
Los Angeles, daily, October 5 to. 17.
C•orrespondi.ngly low rates from ,all
poinle. Three fast daily trains, with
naaguibice,ntequipment t'hrough+• to
ttbe coast, incluii,i.ng the famous elen-
tric-lighted daily Oveerland Limited•,'
less than three days enroute, ore: the
only double-.brack railway, between
Chicago and the Missouri river. All
agents sell tickets ria Ibis line. and
far illustrated booklets, maps, and.
full .ir1oamahiion to 13. SI: Bennet tea
East King Street, Toronto.
For Infants and Children,
COOK. -At Hansen,. on August 7th, The Kind You Have AlwaysBought
1903, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooky a Bears the
dttta'ghter. a'
ANDREW. -At 11'inchelsea, on Selz.
Helio! Yliii re You LooKin Tor?
Is it a nice piece of Farniturp, if so don't fail to call on us
because we are headquarters for anything in the lino of
Our stock is the largest rend best assorted in the country, workmanship
the yery best. design and finish the very latest, and prices the lowest:
We will be gleased to show intending purchasers through oar large stock
and quote our prices before placing their orders elsewhere. We guarantee
satisfaction with every article purchased from our store.
All kinds of Ordered Work, Repairing. Upholstering and Picture Fram-
ing done on shortest notice at reasonable prices.
Undrtakrs and Funeral Dir ctor.t
R, N. RowEs' - OLD STAND.
ft qq r.
S ;FE'
For the Stephen and I.Tsbarll.e • Annual Fall ail rel1
_'Ist and 22nd of September.
We are giving a Special Prize of a 26
pound Pail of International Stock Food,
value $3.60, for the pen of the three best
hogs, (any age) owned and raised by any
one elan.
SW-- .. •
'=Hardware Cement and Coal