HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-12-10, Page 26Page 6A—CL1NTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1986
key• conservation and a ciencFive areas hit or energy y
TORONTO - A policy paper and program
information package, outlining the Ontario
government's commitment to energy con-
servation and efficiency in five key areas of
the economy, was released by Energy
Minster Vincent G. Kerrio.
The minister pointed out that Ontario has
made progress in energy-saving over the
past decade. Nevertheless, significant fur-
ther improvements are essential if Ontario
is to remain competitive with its trading
partners as they advance in energy efficien-
cy. The challenge is to overcome com-
placency towards conservation during a
period of lower energy prices.
"Ontario's wholesale energy bill was
more than $14 billion in 1985 - or almost 10
per cent of all the goods and services we
consume," Mr. Kerrio said.
To ensure we can meet tomorrow's
energy needs and to help insulate us from
future price .increases, we will focus on
making specific improvements in the
residential, commercial, industrial,
transportation and agricultural areas," he
"Government leadership is an important
component of our energy strategy for On-
tario, and we intend to be very aggressive
about improving the 'efficiency of our own
energy use," Mr. Kerrio continued.
"To demonstrate this commitment the
government has set two improvement
targets for its own operations: to achieve a
further 10 per cent improvement in the
energy efficiency of government buildings
by 1992; and to improve the fuel economy
rating of the government light vehicles fleet
to an average of 10 litres. per 100 kilometres
by 1992."
The policy paper realeased, known as An
Energy Efficient Ontario - Toward the Year
2000, outlines the framework for the govern-
ment's energy conservation strategy from
now to the year 2000. The paper describes
the government's role in energy conserva-
tion as primarily one of helping and coor-
dinating, providing advice, technical infor-
mation and limited financial support to
energy users in needed areas.
To effect this, the government will pro-
mote energy-efficient technologies, and em-
phasize long-lasting improvements in
energy efficiency. The paper identifies the
key players and components in making On-
tario an an energy-efficient province. In
particular, the government acknowledges
the potential role of energy utilities, in-
cluding Ontario Hydro, and the important
contribution that can be achieved through
electricity conservation.
In the residential sector, the government
will encourage the building of new housing
units with higher levels of energy efficiency,
and the use of high efficiency heating
systems. It will also encourage upgrading
the energy efficiency of existing homes and
seek means to improve the energy efficien-
cy of household appliances.
In the commercial sector, the government
will encourage energy efficiency through
the promotion of higher standards for
energy efficiency in ,view commercial
buildings, and through improvements to the
operation of building systems.
The government will promote energy effi-
ciency in the industrial sector by offering
energy audits, and by encouraging industry
to give higher priority to energy operating
costs, to make cost-effective improvements
to buildings, and to maintain fuel flexibility.
To effect this, the government will pro-
mote energy-efficient technologies, and em-
phasize long-lasting improvements in
Eleven new
A total of 11 new projects to be undertaken
in 1987 were approved by board members at
the annual meeting of the Ausable-Bayfield
Conservation Authority.
The first is to complete purchase of 100
acres of land at Lot 9, Concession 5 in the
township of Hay. General Manager Tom
Prout said the latest acquisition brought the
Authority's total acreage in the Hay swamp
area to 2,500 acres.
Prout said further purchases are included
in long range planning and in the next 40
years land holdings could be doubled in that
A review of the Seaforth floodplain area
will determine if increasing the size of the
railroad culvert would control flooding
caused by backup.
A sedimentation survey of the Parkhill
reservoir will determine how quickly sedi-
ment builds up.
In Lucan a mapping update of the Benn
municipal drain will be carried out. It is ex-
pected increasing of culvert sizes will
reduce the floodplain area.
An erosion control update will be carried
out at Grand Bend. Prout said after many
years of erosion control work, "We want to
see where we are and what still needs to be
A study of the Stephen Township sediment
contributing area will determine how much
sediment is produced and how long it takes
to reach the Parkhill dam and reservoir.
A flood protection dike study is planned
for the Thedford and Port Franks areas.
Most drainage has been of the gravity flow
type, but farmers want to put in dykes and
the study will determine how much effect
they would have on neighbouring
energy efficiency. The paper identifies the
key players and components in making On-
tario an energy-efficient province. In
particular, the government acknowledges
the potential role of energy utilities, in-
cluding Ontario Hydro, and the important
contribution that can be achieved through
electricity conservation.
In the residential sector, the government
will encourage the building of new housing
units with higher levels of energy efficiency,
and the use of high efficiency heating
systems. It will also encourage upgrading
the energy efficiency of existing homes and
seek means to improve the energy efficien-
cy of household appliances.
In the commercial sector, the government
projects in
Another project concerns flood reduction
in the Cut area. Lambton-Middlesex MP Sid
Fraleigh asked questions about the Huron
county shoreline flood and erosion risk.
General manager Prout said the authority
was involved in water quality and beaches
strategy since the beach at Grand Bend was
will encourage energy efficiency through
the promotion of higher standards for
energy efficiency in new commercial
buildings, and through improvements to the
operation of building systems.
The government will promote energy effi-
ciency in the industrial sector by offering
energy audits, and by encouraging industry
to give higher priority to energy operating
costs, to make cost-effective improvements
to buildings, and to maintain fuel flexibility.
The government will encourage car users
and fleet owners to save energy by giving
high priority to fuel costs, adopting better
driving habits and purchasing fuel efficient
The minister announced a package of new
enprrtv ir,lii a�lvno in F:, q+ ...-enc inrhidm �,:
- a three year, $5 -million program to en-
courage energy conservation and efficiency
in the residential area, and to make
homeowners more aware of energy-saving
- a three-year, $5 -million industrial energy
services program;
- a three-year, $5 -million agricultural
energy program, in co-operation with the
Ministry of Agriculture and Food;
- a program to encourage energy manage-
ment in commercial buildings across the
province; and
- a consumer education program designed to
teach Ontario school children about the im-
portance of conservation and renewable
energy in their daily lives.
1987 for ABCA
closed for a short time in 1983.
He said the authority was getting good co-
operation with farmers along the Desjar-
dine drain, upstream from Grand Bend in
trying to reduce bacteria loading in
streams. As much as $40,000 is being spent
on each farm and the owners are con-
tributing 10 percent of the cost of the
Good management practices in liquid and
covered storage, fencing animals from
streams are contributing to the improvement
of water quality reaching the beaches.
Prout said some bacteria lives in sedi-
ment in the bottom of streams for as long as
a year and that's how it gets to the beaches.
School boards receive 5 per cent increase
The Ontario Government will increase
provincial operating grants to school boards
by 5.5 per cent in 1987, Education Minister
Sean Conway announced recently.
Operating grants to the school boards will
total $3,401.9 million, an increase of $177.7
million over the 1986 figure of $3,224.2
This amount will be enriched by an addi-
tional $13.5 million in grants, specially
designated for educational technology,
primary/junior science and affirmative ac-
tion, which will bring the total increase in
grants to six per cent.
In addition, the government has allocated
$163.5 million in operating grants in calen-
dar year 1987 for the continued extension of
the separate school system - an increase of
$56.2 million over 1986.
This $163.5 million for the 1987 calendar
year is consistent with the allocations an-
nounced in July, 1985, by Mr. Conway for the
1986-87 and 1987-88 school years. For the
school years 1986-87 and 1987-88, the cost of
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separate school extension will be $137
million and $171 million respectively. The
$163.5 million represents the same amount
of funding, for the 1987 calendar year, which
is addressed in today's announcement.
"The combined increases clearly
demonstrate the government's commitment
to maintain a first-class educational system
for Ontario's students", Mr. Conway said.
The Government has also allocated $147.2
million for capital projects next year, $39.6
million more than was provided in 1986 - an
increase of approximately 37 per cent.
Approximately $30 million of the increase
will be used for new school construction, the
remainder for renovations and additions.
"Since assuming office in June 1985, this
Government has more than doubled the an-
nual capital grant allocations," Mr. Conway
said. "The capital grants will ensure the
provision of new facilities in high-growth
areas as well as much-needed renovations
and additions to existing schools." Of the
total capital grant figure, $20 million will be
earmarked for providing accommodation
related to the extension of the separate
school system.
Environment ministry.
approves PCB
destruction technology
Approval to operate a mobile chemical
PCB destruction facility in Ontario has been
given to PPM Canada Inc., Ontario En-
vironment Minister Jim Bradley announced
"Now we have two approved, technologies
in Ontario and can begin the job of safely
eliminating low-level PCBs that pose a
threat to our environment," Mr. Bradley
said. "T -hese potentially dangerous
chemicals are currently awaiting destruc-
tion at storage areas and in transformers
throughout the province."
PPM, which also has U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency approval, is the second
company to receive approval in Ontario.
The other is Sunohio of Markhatn.
PPM Canada Inc., of Toronto, has applied
for a site certificate to begin low-level PCB
destruction at Monsanto Canada Inc. in
Moore Township near Sarnia. The ministry
is reviewing that application.
The PCB destruction approval process
began in 1983 when the ministry first dratted
mobile PCB destruction regulations. The
regulations were scrutinized by the public,
environmental groups and corporations
over 56 days of public hearings under the
Public Inquiries Act.
The result was regulations designed to
protect both the public and the environment,
with respect to PCB destruction. Over the
past year, ministry approval engineers
have been reviewing applications from
firms for low-level PCB destruction. The job
of cleaning stored PCB -contaminated oil
can begin wherever site-specific approval is
obtained for the two processes which have
passed ministry regulations. The PCB
destruction application at Monsanto entails
draining the oil from two transformers and
breaking down the PCB material into
harmless byproducts.
The byproducts include brine, a polymer
material and sand. These materials would
be trucked for disposal in an approved in-
dustrial landfill site.
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The Township of Goderich in-
tends to pass a By -Law
authorizing it to close part of
the original' road allowance
between Tots 13 and 17 in the
Maitland Concession,
Township of Goderich, being
Part 2, Plan 22 R 1963.
Any person objecting to this
action is requested to notify
the undersigned on or before
December 31st, 1986.
ILP. Th. mpson