HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-12-10, Page 17CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1986 Page 17 CLASSIFIED 12. Real estate for sale CanadaTrust Realtor a..a. LINCOLN. PLAZA OFFICE: W&TEfftcO S$4. 1760 OPEN HOUSE 71 Kirk Street, Clinton (Beside Legion Hall) SUNDAY, DEC. 14: 12 noon -4 RM; Dont miss this chance to view one of Huron County's finest Heritage Homes. Built as a grand suburban villa in 1867, the house still boasts many superb original features. Whether you are interested in purchasing or would just like to browse through a local historical landmark, please stop in this weekend. Refreshments will be served. CATHIE SCHWARK 482-3051 DDD ARUM arms SERVICE u11igan REAL ESTATELTD MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 MINUTES FROM TOWN - Raised Ranch style home with central vac central air, main floor laundry, walk out deck plus,dou- ble garage and much more. Great potential for small business, call for details. List $84,900.00. GORDON ST. - 4 levelhome, 3 bedrooms, spacious family room, roughed in bath, at- tached carport. A must to see. List $59,900.00. 100 ACRES - Farrow to finish operation, Hutlett Township. Good brick home. OFFICES IN SEAFORTH 527-1577 BAYFIELD 565-5055 WINGHAM AREA 357-3622 MITCHELL 348-8355 DUBLIN 345-2862 STRATFORD 271-1104 • OS 25. Wanted to buy 13. Mobile homes FOR RENT 2 bedroom mobile home, immediate occupancy, $250.00 monthly. References please. Phone 482-7066. 50.51 17. Apartments for rent 1 ONE BEDROOM PARTMENT, good parking, first and last month's rent. 271 Bayfield Rd.. Clipton 1-473-9021 after 6 p.m. 25tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, like new throughout, main street Blyth, references. Phone 4829210, 47tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment. Ilke new. central location, Clinton, references. Phone 482-9210. 47tfor • ONE POOL TABLE 4''a' x 9'. Phone 482-7564.- 50 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, first and last month's rent, no parking, no pets. Phone 482.7912 between 9 am • 6 pm. 50,51ar COMPLETELY EQUIPPED and furnished hall, homey atmosphere. Suitable for commercial meetings, family gatherings, showers etc. Ac• comodating up to 70 people. Reasonable rates, ample parking. Contact 482.7869. 2Stfnx ELIZABETH COURT One, two and three bedrooms available. Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. A,k about special bonus. All utilities Included at: PHONE 1°76 OXFORD ST., HENSALL, ONT. 262-2646 $$$$ssssssss CASH PAID Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. CaII Seaforth 5274847 or 5274633 26. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" License. For pre- screening interview and job placement informa- tion, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing, London . 1_800-265_1260.-41tfor -- SUN STAR Poultry Services, hill or part-time employment available, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation pro- vided, need fit and hard-working people. Chance for advancement to foreman available. Call 482-5523, ask for•Clinton.-5tfar ENTREPRENEUR - OPPORTUNITY Enjoy high earnings in Auto Club and/or adver- tising. Flexible hours - full or part-time. Con- tact: Mr. Bauer in person at the Elm Hoven on Wednesday, December 17th at 1, 4 or 7 p.m. sharp or on Thursday, December 18th at 10 a.m. sharp. -50,51 ar 18. Houses for', rent 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Ducharme Estates, Bayfield. Available now 1-236-4230. --44tfar 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, highway location between Clinton and Seaforth. New utility room, large kit- chen, living and dining room. 5350 per month. 482-5569. 49,50 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, close to uptown in Clinton. Coll 527-0369. 49.51 nx 2 BEDROOM Winterized Cottage in Sunset Beach. Coll 527.0369. - 49.51 nx 2 BEDROOM BRICK dwelling in the country, available immediately. Phone 489175.-50 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in the country near Londesboro. References required. Phone 527.1577. -- 56 HAIR STYLIST NEEDED More Than Just A Job: Looking for a motivated and eager indivi- dual to join our team. Must be open to train- ing and ongoing education. Positive attitude 'a must. Apply to the HAIR CONNECTION GODERICH INC. P.O. Box 193, Goderich, Ont. HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE SALES REPRESENTATIVE We have an opportunity available to someone with experience in the Automotive Parts Supp- ly Industry, to be an outside soles represen- tative of our company, servicing existing ac- counts as well as opening new accounts in the Mitchell & Goderich areas. The person we want on our team should be experienced in auto body supplies as well as car and truck ports,, and must be an ag- gressive self starter capable of working with limited supervision. We offer excellent working conditions along with a competitive salary/commission and benefit package. Please forward written resume only, in con- fidence to: GERRY KEHL Kehl Automotive Suppliers P.O. Box 358 Mitchell, Ontario NOK 1NO 1 31. Service directoryr PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062.-- 27tf MASONRY, STONE and Carpentry work: Specializing In brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482.5305. - 3tfor CUSTOM BACKHOEING, Drain Repair, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill 482-9101, -2l tfor. KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum, siding. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. 22tfor - LAUNDRY SERVICES. DO IT yourself or have us do it. Reasonable rates. Blyth Laundry Services, Main St„ Blyth, 523.4870.--49tfar SNOWBLOWING.) Phone Stan Kirkham 482.5305.- 5otfar' 1 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Soaforth NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527.0773 1 CHIMNEY SWEEPING Phone Paul Gridzak 482-9916 After 3:30 p.m. The Huron County Board of Education Requires a Community Youth Support Worker The support worker will work with twelve to fifteen young people who require additional support. This per- son will provide liaison between home, school and the employer. This position requires an individual who is creative, a self starter with the ability to work independently. Experience in working with troubl- ed youth will be an asset. Qualifica- tions may include a degree In Child Care, Education or Social work. Salary will be negotiable based on experience and qualifications. This is a contract position until February 1988. Applications will be received until noon Tuesday, December 16, 1986. Applications should be sent to: Gino Giannandrea Personnel Relations Administrator Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario. NOM 11.0 A.W. Clark R.B. Allan Chairman Director 23. Commercial property for rent APPROXIMATELY 370 sq. ft, office space for rent. 52 Huron St., air conditioning, off street parking. Phone 482-3414 or 482.7691,-49,50 COOKIE'S HOUSE PAINTING Interior & Exterior Experienced - Reasonable Rates Steve Cook 482-9335 36. Announcements, notices For All Your Plumbing Needs, Contact: CHRIS MIDDLETON PLUMBING (Licenced Plumber) Phone 482-7201 or 482-3758 Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Residential - Reasonable Rotes 30. Employment wanted RESPONSIBLE LADY with bobysit Monday to Fri- day days or evenings. Phone 482-5871.-50x SPACE AGE INSULATION All types of insulation vi Polyurethane Foam Fiberglass, Rockwool, Cellulose FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FREE ESTIMATES Ron Kassies 523-9484 AFTER 6 P.M. (And'W 10nitr t ome (movements New Construction Custom Woodworking •KITCHEN CUPBOARDS . •BATHROOM VANITIES •UTILITY CUPBOARDS •WALL UNITS •BOOKCASES l- Wo do all kinds of new woodworking. Plus wood repair PHONE: 482-3830 In the Matter of Subsection 2 of Section 35 of the Assessment Act Extension of Time for Return of Annual Assessment Rolls In all Mugiclpalitles and Localities in Ontario Pursuant to Section 35 of the Assess- ment Act, I hereby extend to the 5th day of February, 1967, the day upon' which the assessment roll f or the year 1986 is required to be returned pur- suant to the provisions of the said Act In all municipalities and localities in Ontario. ' And notice Is hereby given that the final date for lodging a complaint with the Assessment Review Board in respect of any assessment con- tained in the assessment roll is the 26th day of February, 1987. Hon. Robert F. Nixon Minister of Revenue Dated at Toronto this 26th day of November, 1986. 38. Auction sale] JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS • KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING Temporary 565.5207Q Phone Number EVENINGS 35. Notice to creditors Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON - 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., DEC. 13 AT 10 A.M. - Appliances, an- tiques, furniture, glassware, etc. at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton for Vero Smale of Hensall plus additions. SAT., DEC. 20 AT 1 P.M. - 4 bedroom house at 159 King Street in Hensall for Vera Smale. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER BROCK OLDE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Retired Teacher, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 18th day of October, 1986, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January, 1987, after which dote the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated this 2nd day of December, 1986. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton, Ontario NOM 11.0 Solicitor for the Executrix. 40. Lost & Found LOST At Vanastra Rec. Centre, December 2, gold wptch with black face; three rings - 1 opal and 2 bands. Reward. Phone 482-7600.-50x WOULD THE PERSON who took took my long grey coat by mistake from Saltford, Saturday night, please phone 482-9502, 482-9438 or 524-9458.-50 31. Service directory HORST Feige D.T. Monday - Friday Sam - Sprat Open Weekends by Appointment 58 West Street Goderich (519) 524-6688 Noustadt (519) 665-7818 No Charge 1-600-265.7555 LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques, appliances, furniture, scaf- folding, lawn mower- to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario for Vera Smale of Hensall, Estate of Dora Marsh of Auburn plus other additions. Sat., Dec. 13 • AT 10 A.M. Phillips colour TV, Zenith colour TV, matching brown square model fridge and 30" stove, Zenith 18 cu. ft. chest freezer, Kenmore 30" electric stove, Westinghouse dishwasher, two older fridges, 24" electric stove, Frigidaire chest freezer, dehumidifier, washer and dryer, floor model hi fi, GE clothes dryer, 7 yrs. old, 12" portable TV, dining table, six matching chars, china, cabinet and buffet, small china cabinet, chesterfield and chair, trunks, open washstand, oak library table, oak secretary chair, fern stand, old wooden bed, washstand, wicker fern stand, buffet, single door -wardrobe, flat to wall cupboard top, vanity dresser, fancy old dresser with oval mirror and matching washstand, old dresser with mirror, high chair, small chests of drawers and dressers, old cabbage slicer, hall tree,, some bedding and hand made quilts, apple peeler, 9x12 carpet; accordian, fish tanks, pumps, stones, etc. crocks, card tables, 'wooden rocker, electric chord organ, hooked rugs, chrome table, 4 chairs, mantel clock, toilet wash set, six place setting of silverware, Birch pattern . Royal ' Albert 12 place luncheon set with matching wall clock,, finger oil lamp, upholstered chairs, old typewriter, blanket box, bridge lamps, Hoover vacuum, small bookshelf; croki- nole, board, luggage, puzzles, clock radio, 4 sections of scaffolding, plus our usual large offering of dishes, glass- ware including antique pieces, shall appliances, pots and pans, fruit jars, picnic table, small wheel barrow, step ladder, Bolens 24 inch self propelled lawn mower, 2 years old, plus many other items. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEERS RICHARD LJDBB - BURT LOBE NOTE: Free coffee and Christmas cake for everyone attending the auction. See you Saturday and a Merry Christmas to all. 42. Death notice KUHN At Victoria Hospital, Londai on Thursday, December 4, 1986, Kenneth G J$Lhn of Crediton; in his 77th year. Husband o Lillion (Jesney) Kuhn. Dear father of Shirlers. Lloyd Regele) of Princeton and June (Mry - oe Regier) of Crediton. Also survived by one brother Karl Kuhn of Huronview Home, Clinton. Loved by four grandchildren and two greqrgrandchildren. Mr. Kuhn was predecased by f�i. first wife Jean (Gower) Kuhn (1952) and arm, daughter Joyce Kuhn (1952). Rested at the T. harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dosh visitation Friday afternoon amd evening. The fun rat and commit- tal service was held on Ssatetsiciy, December 6, 1986 at 2 pm. Interment SI. Mary's Anglican Cemetery, Brinsley. Rev. B. Elder officiated. BRUC-- Dr. John D'Arcy Charles Bruce, M.D., C.C.F.P.-Dr. J.D. Bruce of Boyfield and formerly of Sarnia died suddenly In Bayfield, age 69. He is survived by his wife Jean. (MacKenzie) Bruce, daughter Sherrill and her husband David Ledingham and their daughters Elaine and Melissa of Mississauga, .a -second daughter Bar- baro of Montreal, a son Robert and his wife Melanie of Toronto and a brother Lorne of Transcona, Manitoba. Dr. Bruce was born in Win- nipeg in 1917 and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Manitoba in 1941. He served in the R.C.A.F. from 1942-1946. He practiced medicine in Sarnia from 1947-1972. He was Past President of the Medical Staff at the Sarnia General Hospitai-and served for many years an the staff of St aseph's Hospital, Sar- nia. He was active in th sier Chamber of Com- merce, the Rotary CIuf'nd helped form the Multiple Sclerosis Society. in Sarnia. He was a Past President of the S Ig is Riding Club. At the time of his death he `mos retired in Bayfield. Friends were received a, -the Ball & Fglconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, on Sun- day from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Monday, December 8, at 1 o'clock. Interment Boyyttel4i Cemetery. 42. Death notice NUM Quietly in his • home•= Ngsiembef' 28, 1986 Robert James; in his 71 stt_ti zr,. Belos husband of Isabelle (Gray) of Londq and foroerly of Clin- ton and Goderich. Loving tither of Jim of Wind- sor and Jane of Toronto_b_is also loved and missed by his three-7-endchildren Robbie, Michael and Johnny. Remembered by his Many friends and workmates at the London Free Press. No visitation by request of the deceased. The funeral was held December 1, 1986 at the Memorial Funeral Home in London for family on- ly, The burial took place in Staffa, Ontario. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to West - mount Presbyterian Church, 521 Village Green Avenue, London. STURGEON At Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, December 3, 1986, Mr. James Wallis Sturgeon of Clinton, in his 71st year. Beloved husband of Kathleen (Bean) Sturgeon, Dear brother of Mrs. Audrey Florian of Clinton. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his sister Berthena (Mrs.Jack Hammond), by his twin sister Emma (Mrs. James Cruickshank) and by two brothers Newton and George. Friends were received ,at the Ball & Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Friday, December 5 at 1 o'clock. -------- McLELLAN At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Wednesday December 3rd, 1986, Joseph Ernest McLellan of Northcrest Apartments, Hensoll, in his 86th year. Beloved husband of the former Edno Roe Strong of Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall. Dear father of Ken of Kippen and Lois (Mrs. Clarence Ducharme) of Kitchener. Mr. McLellan is predeceased by one brother and 3 sisters. Also surviving are 4 grandchildren. Visitatiorl was after 2 pm„ Thursday in the Hensall Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 118 King Street, Hensall, where the 'funeral service was conducted on,Fridolr December 5 at 2 pm. • DISHER • . At St. Joseph's Hospital, -London, on Wednesday, December 3, 1986, Matthew Ivan Disher, beloved infant son of Joan and Ivan Dither of RR 4, Clin- ton. Dear grandson of June and Harry Schroeder of 4R 2, Centralia, Bernice and Fred Disher of Fisherville and Retqg hicks of London. Alto loved by several aunts and, uncles. A .private family funeral service was held.ot the Ball & Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, on Satur- day, December 6: Interment Clinton Cemetery. JERVIS At Huronview, Clinton, on Thursday, December, 4, 1986, 011ie Fern (Lobb) Jervis, formerly of Goderich Twp. and Clinton, in 'he`r 93rd year. Beloved wife of the late Lorne Jervis. Dear mother of Donald and his wife Dorothy of Burl- ington. Dear sister of Elsie (Mrs. George Hender- son) of Huronview, Verna (Mrs. Norman Wilson) of Sarnia. Predeceased by 3 sisters and 5 brothers. Funeral service was held at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street E., Clinton, on Saturday commencing at 1:30 pm. Reverend James Bechtel officiated. LOVETT At Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, 'December 5, 1986, Miss Sadie Lovett, of London and formerly of Clinton; in her 88th year. Belov- ed daughter of the late Noble and Elizabeth Lovett. Sadly missed by, several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by one sister Mabel (Mrs. Thomas Harrison) and by one brother Charles. Friends were received at the Ball & Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton after 10 am. Monday. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Monday, December 8, at 11 am. McKINNON - At Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich on Thursday, December 4, 1986, Raymond Joseph McKinnon, formerly of Hensall and Seaforth; in his 76th year. No funerol home visitation. Cremation with committal of ashes in St. James Roman Catholic Cemetery, Seaforth, Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Home in charge of arrongements. . LOBE At Humber Hospital, Toronto on Friday, December 5, Harry Elliott Lobb in his 64th year. Beloved husband of Shirley (Smith) Lobb. Dear father of Richard, Peter and Bruce all of Toronto, brother of Bill Lobb, RR 2, Clinton. Also surviving are 3 grandchildren. 43. Births 1 WOLFE Steven and Linda Wolfe are pleased to announce the birth of their son Justin Steven born on November 18, 1986, weighing 8 lbs. 13 oz. A little brother for Ashley. Proud grandparentsore Garry and Janet Wolfe of Brodhagen, and Nick and Jennie Heykoop of Clinton.-50nx • ---JEWITT Ken, Joanne, Kendra and Kimberly are thrilled to announce the arrival of their daughter (and sister) Kelly Jolene, born on December 8, 1986 weighing 7 lb 6 oz at Clinton Public Hospital. Pro- ud grandparents are Joe and Isobel Gibson, RR 2, Seaforth, Bill and Ella Flood, Mitchell and great-, grandmother Florence ludvigsen o1 Clinton. -50nx 46. In memoriam WHITMORE As another Christmas season approaches, we remember with gratitude and love Erlin Whit- more who passed away December 12, 1982 and Ralph Whitmore who passed away March 13, 1972; Love's greatest gift - "Remembrance". "To live in the hearts of those we leave behind, Is not to die" Lovingly remembered by Kathleen and Karen Whitmore. -50x THOMPSON In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Josephine Thompson, who went to be with the Lard on December 9, 1985. To know her was to love her Both for family and friend, And the sweetness of her memory Time can neither dim nor end. Lovingly remembered by Yvonne, Joan, Pat, Sharon and their families, -50x 47. Card of thanks BEAKHUST I wish to thank the nurses, staff and Ors. Newland, FloWers, Watts, and Hay for their special care while 1 was in ICU and 116. Also thanks for an abundance of cards and flowers. The prayers, visits of clergy and friends, and the telephone calls which my husband and I received were much appreciated. Lilian Beokhust.-50