HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-12-10, Page 10Page 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1986 Bayfield I3agIe Harry's book is a "unique experience" about his life i f By Helen Owen BAYFIELD — "Harry, you done good." How else can one express appreciation of Harry Baker's Memoirs which have ap- peared this week. There was a time when book reviews were a regular part of my work load, but I can honestly say reading Harry's book has proved a unique ex- perience, and thoroughly enjoyable. In putting together his recollections of the village, his own experiences and the characters who colored his lifetime we are presented with a genuine picture of days gone by, descriptions of all sorts of pranks interspersed with moments of sadness which truly record a lifestyle which grew and developed from the Pioneer spirit. No academic research, chronological record or contemporary account could hope to cap- ture the living breathing people, the en- vironment and the practical aspects of life in Bayfield as presented by Harry Baker. For many the book will evoke rn'rnories of shared events and adventures not without a few chuckles, wheras other episodes may well produce a lump in the throat or the oc- casional tear. The frank appraisal of his contemporaries is without malice because through Harry's eyes they are those who ad- ded color and warmth to his formative years and beyond. Described in his own inimitable fashion Harry enlivens his anecdotes with honest personal comments, never offensive and often amusing. Turning the pages his voice echoes as he re -tells this delightful and unique record of village life as he saw it and lived it. To have undertaken the task of putting this material together is no mean feat and for posterity this microcosm of village is a real treasure. Harry will be holding another book autographing session this December 13 at The Cheese Nook in Bayfield from 2 to 3:30 pm. Gifts collected for needy By Helen Owen BAYFIELD - December 7 was White Gift Day, and there was a good response with many gifts contributed for distribution to the less fortunate. It was also Bible Sunday, and to quote from the collection for the second Sunday in Advent - "Blessed Lord, who hast caused all holy scriptures to be written for our learn- ing; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them..." However, not everyone in the world has access to the Bible and the Canadian Bible Society works to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to read and .understand the Word of God in their own language. To many of us biblical quotations are not only familiar, but also stand us in good stead and support us in untold ways. The Society would appreciate donations to enable them to carry on their work of shar- ing the treasure of the Gospel. NEEDED! EMPTY BOTTLE DEALERSHIP for the Village of ®ayfield All inquiries please call: STEVE at 238-2356 The oak flooring in Trinity is now finished, and the work on the choir pews in process. By next week it is hoped that the carpeting will have been laid. St. Andrew's United Church Thanks were expressed to those who took part.in the White Gift Service and also to all those who brought gifts to help the needy celebrate Christmas. On December 10 at 8 p.m. there will be a combined UCW meeting for Units 1 and 2 in the church. And a last reminder that the Candlelight Service will take place at 7:30 on December 14. All are welcome. Satisfactory Progress Dr. Grosvenor Shepherd was admitted to Victoria Hospital in London early last week where he is reported to be making satisfac- tory progress. His office is closed until fur- ther notice and his many friends and pa- tients wish him . a speedy recovery and return home: HEY! BAYFIELD We Deliver to YOU WITH SAME DAY SERVICE! FLOWERS FOR TODAY GIFTS FOREVER 166 THE SQUARE, GODERICH PHONE 524-8761 Evenings and Sundays phone 529-7253 Bayfield and Area SNOW BLOWING AND REMOVAL SERVICE We have the equipment dor fast and etflcion0-aot,- vlq..eracfor with rear -mounted blower, and o dump truck and loader for snow removal. Book nowt Chapman's Excavating HWY. 21 SOUTH - BAYFIELD Phone Anytime 565-2563 Uhe Sun ..00m BAYFIELD up to Pants, Skirts, Sweaters ALSO FOR CHRISTMAS: Aromatic Candles Scarves -Silk or Glitz OPEN WEDNESDAY TO SUNDAY SALE! 50 OFF Many people dropped into the Cheese Nook in Bayfield on these people were (left) Clara Scott, Eric Earl and Percy Renner. December 6 to give Harry Baker (second from right) their best (David Emslie photo) wishes on his book and to have their books autographed. Included in ChristmasplayYoun stets resent prepared By Blanche Deeves Hearn. John Grendiers played the organ. the blessing and enjoyed a roup dinner of Marlaared lone HOLMESVILLE - White Gift Sunday was Rev. J. Bechtel led in the confirmation by the Goderich Township gene held in Holmesville United Church on Sun- service when Sherri Preszcator and Joy Forbes and Noreen Tebbutt. Following the day morning with the Sunday School Johnson became members of the dinner, they sang carols with Gertrude• superintendent. Hugh Lobb led in the White • Holmesville United Church. Following the Trewartha at the piano. Helen Lindsay led Gift Sunday service. Karen Yeo played the service, lunch and coffee were served by the in sin i. Bing pri o was then enjoyed with piano while 28 young children presented a Sunday School children. On everyone winning n the zmmunity centre in e. play entitled Christmas Is. Enterprising Seniors Mrs. Nakamura's class gave a reading Over 50 Enterprising Seniors gathered at Holmesville, the Harmony Kings and Hi and the Sunday ' School choir led in the the community centre December 4 for their Liie s music and sonentertained agsood sized crowd with Ministry of Music, conducted by Nancy Christmas dinner and party. Everyone sang Performances held at St. James. 'Church t i By Blanche Deeves MIDDLETON - White Gift Sunday was held in St. James' Middleton Anglican Church on Sunday morning with the Sunday School children itl charge of the service. Welcome and opP ipg'. prayM ,weFe given by Rev. Aubrey,Tell, dll, ScritpturerePelmgs' were read by Aiigie Vanderhaar and Tessa Steenstra. Birthday recitations for the primary class were read by Conrad Schilbe, Mathew Steenstra, Aaron Welsh, Holy Reder, Adam Reder and Bradley Vanderhaar.', The congregation then gave a response and a Christmas song was sung. St. Andrew's United Church Hajt. 21, Bayfield 565-2854 Rev. John F. Hoekstra, M. Div., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m.: Candlelight Service Sunday School during the service oi.promii.miwoxis...prAWN.E.V.WW.AMX.,,gray4iPTAMSTrararn [:%b'7/i"!+'N:%.:I',..M'�'YIXt.1'�• zxxun ..44.-.=E 1 • 1t 4 • 3 fed in dime Victoria Pfaff Certified Personal Image Consultant . . . Looking Good Fashions is pleased to announce that they have purchased the Visual Image Planning Franchise, and now offer colour, make-up, figure and style consultations for ladies. They also offer a complete consultation for men. Gift Certificates are now available! What a great idea for that special person on your Christmas list! For more information visit Victoria Pfaff, your Certified Personal Image Consultant today! Mookinyr Wood fmshi.nS 375 Main St., Exeter 235-2460 OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. DEC. 8-23 carram Advent recitation was done by John Vanderhaar and Shannon Schilbe. Christmas tree recitation was given by Shelley Reder. • Lee Anne Wammes gave a reading and the primary class sang 0' Christmas Tree. Stable recitation was given by Bradley Wammes and Angie Vanderhaar and Sun- day School sang Away in the Manger. A recitation on Shepherds was done by Lee • Anne Wammes and Tessa Steenstra. White Gifts were brought to the front of the church. The offering was received by Conrad Schilbe and Adam Reder. A Christmas prayer was given by Bradley Wammes, Shelley Reder and John Vanderhaar. Audrey Middleton spoke to the children about purple ribbon, how it represents Jesus' birthday and gave each child a pur- ple ave the. childr nbangift each, then St rNica Steensta holas and Black Peter arrived - Ron Grendius was organist for the service. The ACW of St. James' Middleton Church will meet in the church hall on December 11. Lois Wise was worship leader. Congratulations to Lisa Storey on winning three awards at the recent South Huron All Breeds Horse Association Awards evening. Get well wishes are sent to John Deeves who is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital as of this Monday. Get well wishes are also sent to Dr. Groves Shepherd who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Lois Wise, Phyllis Aldwinkle, Audrey Middleton and Blanche Deeves travelled to Stratford recently shopping for new dishes and cutlery for the new kitchen. Blanch and Edward Deeves and 44 people travelled by Robin Tours on Sunday After- noon to Toronto to see the Living Christmas Tree presentation by People's Church with Paul B. Smith Senior Minister. Guest soloists were Diane Susek of York Pennsylvania and Lloyd Knight of Toronto. The Peoples Church holds 2100 people and was full Sunday afternoon and evening. The Board and Batten Room a treasure chest of unique gifts and decorating ideas, located in groves TV. and Appliances. Our friendly staff will help you with your Holiday decorations - we can custom make a wide variety to your colour specifications. Great Selection of CUSTOM-MADE ARRANGEMENTS KW -MAKE Order yours now while ribbon selection is at its best! Make your own wreaths and arrangements We have... • CHRISTMAS PICKS • GREENERY •TREES •WICKER *ELEGANT RI ON •BIRDS L. •CHRISTMAS CANDLES including- the Board & Batten Gift Room