HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-12-10, Page 8Christmas meal and fun night. Santa ar- rives and presents each lady with a small gift. The club also holds a penny sale at the meeting, where crafts left over from the bazaar table are prizes in the sale. This year the club was joined by four Lioness from the Exeter Lioness Club and the four ladies who helped with the work and crafts at the bazaar. The Exeter Lioness also brought an extra gift which the club raffled off. Mrs. Fowler won a beautiful poinsettia. Also at the meeting, the draw for the large McBRIDE BROS. MACHINE and REPAIR Specialize in: •Precision machine work •Custom fabrication •©Tractor & Combine repairs •Replacement machinery parts '/q mile West of Kippen Brad Dennis 262-2687 262-2616 Call anytime DON'T GET CAUGHT WITH YOUR SLED DOWN! Complete pre -season service check-up $7A (parts extra, dual carburetor and point Ignition may be extra) 12 Point Complete Check Over Congratulations to ARNOLD LAMB of Goderich, winner of the child's snowmo- bile at Vincent's Skidoo Open House. ski-doo swroMn+ 521-0120 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED and small wrinkles was held. The Wrinkles dog was won by Jenny Langdendone of Holmesville and the Elephant Wrinkles was won by Shelly Stone of Vanastra. Thanks to all those who bought tickets in the draw. New Year's Eve Dance The Vanastra Lioness Club is sponsoring a New Year's Eve Dance at the Vanastra Recreation Centre, PRS Disc Jockeys will supply the music for the evening. A hot ham supper will be served at midnight. Tickets are available from any Lioness member or by calling 482-7700 or 482-7723. Please note Age of Majority is required. Congratulations go out to Joanne Bernard for getting 102 percent on her chemistry test. Christian Church News The ladies of the coffee break and quilt and craft groups will have a combined Christmas get together on December 18 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Babysitting will be available, mark your calendar and bring a friend. Everyone is welcome at the December 14 service, Rev. M. Samplonius from Clinton will be the guest speaker at the 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. services. On December 24 at 6:30 p.m. there will be the annual hayride and caroling in the corn- munity. Hot chocolate will be served at the church fo1Iowin the hays dei A.Chieistmas service will alsorb , ie1 ttit)lis fr»e,aa The Advent Wreath In Germany during the sixth century branches of fir and spruce were interturned in circular shapes by Christians. This is to symbolize God's love, which has no beginn- ing and no end. The wreath was laid on a table, and on each of the four Sunday's preceding Christmas, a candle was attached to the wreath and lighted in preparation for Christmas. In many churches, the custom of lighting the candles in the Advent season is a mean- ingful and enriching experience for both the young and old. Children love to participate in this brief ritual, and they begin to sense the meaning of Christh coming to our dark world. And so in the Vanastra Christian Church, they too have placed a wreath and candles. Each Sunday another candle is lit by mother and child. The first candle was lit to remind us of the promise of hope. The second candle was lit to remind us of the gift of love. On the third Sunday the candle reminds all of the joy that came forth into the world because of Jesus' birth. And the fourth candle reminds us of the peace that Christ gives. Big Scoop On Saturday, December 6 the owners of the Big Scoop, Tom and Betty Costello, treated their staff to a meal in Goderich. The staff presented Tom and Betty with if telephone clock radio. • Bingo ., • The bingo results have not been available for the last two weeks, due to the fact that bingo has been extra busy. The lucky ball, if not won on December 9, will be worth $360 on December 16. Poor turnout for annual sports meeting... • from page 6 reading minutes and thank you cards. The annual meeting of the church will be held on January 18. A motion was made to go ahead with the purchasing of new dishes. The Sunday School concert is next Sunday at 1:30 p.m. The Christmas Eve Service will be held at Bluevale United Church that year. Installation of U.C.W. officer's set for Jan. 4. Wedding Congratulations Belated congratulations were celebrated in the form of a surprise dinner party at the home of Dave and Debbie Collins of Hensall on Sunday afternoon. Following an en- joyable social hour a presentation of a walnut dining room clock, ( engraved with their names and wedding date) was made to Dave and Debbie on behalf of their Walton friends. Everyone was then treated to a buffet, with the centrepiece being a beautifully decorated wedding cake. Those in atten- dance were Jack and Lorraine Nelemans, Nelson and Maxine Marks, Dorothy Sholdice, Don and Pat Nolan, Olga Smith, Jerry and Anne Ryan, Howard and Audrey Hockwell, Neil and Marie McGavin, Doug and Jean Kirkby, unable to attend were Casey Jones, Murray Smith, Joe and Lin Steffler. 1 Page 8—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1986 Gary Shuttleworth has returned home from hospital Gary Shuttleworth, minister of Knox United Church, ihas.returned home from a stay at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich where he was a patient. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson were Mr. and mrs. Allan Shackleton and daughter Lawna of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Park, Penny and Terry Hodge and their daughters visited on the week -end with Mrs. Park's brother, William Anderson of Newmarket. Christmas Family dinner for the Knox UCW will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 10 at 12 noon. Come and bring a hubby or a friend. Pot luck dinner and meat and potatoes will be supplied. Special offering will be for the Christian Blind Mission. Everyone welcome. Visitors on Thursday with Mrs. Beth Lan- sing were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Peters of Bervie. Rev. Carnes of the Missionary Chapel will be guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute to be held Tuesday, Dec. 16, at 12 noon. There will be a pot luck lunch. Roll call will be an exchange of gifts and $2 donation to the blind. Knox United Church Holy Communion Service Rev. Pickell of Goderich conducted the Sunday morning service at Knox United Church. Mrs. Gordon Gross•and Lori Millian played organ and piano prelude. Life and work of the church and prayers were given. Mrs. Greg Park and Jake Middlekamp sang a duet. There was time for children with a story told by Rev. Pickell and they went to Sunday School rooms with their teachers, Linda Durnin, Nicole Middlekamp and Glynnis Young. The minister's sermon was entitled "Putting the Pieces Together." Offering was received by Murray Rollison and Greg Park. The celebration of Holy Commtinion took place by Rev. Pickell, Barry Millian, Elliot Lapp, Lawrence Plaetzer and Maurice Bean. The service closed with the congrega- tional benediction, "Unto us a child is born." Euchre party There were five tables in play at the euchre party held Tuesday, Nov. 25 at the Community Hall. Winners were Carol Daer G iii DURST FARM CENTRE 275 Huron St. (Hwy. 8 West) CLINTON 482-7706 our first HORSE APPRECIATION DAY THURSDAY, DEC. 11 8A.M.-8P.M. MEET MIKE SCHACK Purina's Equine Specialist for Ontario (high lady), Don Haines (high man), Ber- continued and read a scripture from Ec- nice McClinchey (low lady), Ted Mills (low , clesiastics which spoke about ordinary peo- man) and Murray Rollison (novelty). ple who are the fabric of the world. She then Euchre parties are held every Tuesday continued on how in our usual tasks we most evening at 3 p.m. at the Community Hall. clearly reveal our relationship to God. Everyone is welcome. Offering was received by Mrs. Bob Arthur Knox United Church and Mrs. Marinus Bakker and the offerory White Gift Service sung. A verse "Women at Work" was given Mrs. Gary Shuttleworth conducted the and the hymn "'Work for the Night is Com - morning service at, Knox United Church ing" was sung. Miss Betty Marsh told about with organ prelude played by Lori Millian. the three delegates trip to the Pearce Michael Schneeder, Ryan Middlecamp, William Centre at Fingal and outlined the Laurel Campbell and April Gross were day there. A skit that was part of the Huron - ushers. Life and work of the church and Perth Worship Service there was given by prayers were given. The junior choir sang Miss Marsh and Mrs. Lapp. They each gave "Jesus Come" under the direction of Mrs. reports on the study groups in which they Allan Webster and Mrs. Gordon Gross as partook. Miss Marsh stressed the impor- pianist. The scriptures were read by Ian tance of the UCW purpose which was said in Andrews and Christy Bricker. The time for unison. children was given by Kevin Webster. Pro- Mrs. Peter Verbeek opened the business clamation of the word "In the Beginning" meeting with prayer. A number of recom- was given by Mrs. Shuttleworth. Offering mendations that the executive had made was received by Michael Bakker, Kurt Mar- were seconded by Miss Marsh and approv- chl, Melissa Hanna and Shelley Dobie. The ed. The Christmas dinner collection is to be service closed with the congregational donated to the Christian Blind Missions and benediction. $25 to Alma College. Mrs. Dana Bean mov- ed that part of next years usual layette be donated to Survival through Friendship House in Goderich. This was seconded by Mrs. Bob Arthur and carried. A Chrismas family dinner was planned for Dec. 10 at 12 noon with members to bring a first and se- cond course dish. The executive will be in charge of program. Mrs. Oliver Anderson gave the annual treasurer's report and Mrs. Tom Jardin UCW general meeting Knox UCW general meeting was held on Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. at the church. The meeting opened with a verse "Bless This Day" followed by the hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" with Mrs. Barry Millian as pianist. Prayer was given by Mrs. Elliot Lapp followed by beginning a sermonette on "Work." This showed that daily work can be a service to God. Mrs. Maurice Bean Lioness donate $200 to Children and Family Services and talk over any special nutritional needs your hones may have. Featured In our store are a hay • quality exhibit and Free Testing of your hay for dry matter and protein. read Several thank you notes. The presi- dent, the unit leaders and the various com- mittee chairpersons gave their yearly repbrts. Lunch was then served by Unit 1 and a social half hour enjoyed. The Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Club met at Mrs. Tom Cunningham's home Tuesday afternogn Nov, 25. The meeting opened with the na- tional anthem. Mrs. Elliot Lapp then led in prayer followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Len Archambault opened the business with a appropriate verse on "Worry." She reported that our Booster Club Bazaar table had been quite suc- cessful. The draw donated by Mrs. Elliot Lapp was won by Mrs. Len Archambault. Mrs. Lloyd Penfound invited the club to her home for the January meeting. Mrs. Rick Archambault and Mrs. Cunningham will be the lunch convenors and Mrs. Len Archam- bault and Mrs. Kibble in charge of the pro- gramme. Mrs. Keith Lapp moved that we donate $150 to the "Back the Biter" fund, seconded by Mrs. Lloyd Penfound and car- ried. Discussion followed re gifts for a lady and gentleman at Huronview and to others for the Christmas season. A sale fo articles left over from the Booster Club sale followed and all knitted articles are now to be donated to the Children's Aid. Mrs. Elliot Lapp read an article on "Cats" and two word puzzles were then played. Mrs. Ar- chambault and Mrs. Cunningham served a delicious lunch and a social half-hour closed the meeting. Nancy Penfound Nancy Penfound, daughter of Lloyd and Vera Penfound of RR1 Auburn, graduated on November 21 from the Nursing Division, Conestoga College, Stratford. She was the recipient of the C.V. Mosby Award for the third place honors in academic and clinical performance. Nancy has accepted a posi- tion at Stratford General Hospital. By Maureen Dunsmore VANASTRA . The Lioness here held their December business meeting on December 2 at the home of Lioness Linda. At this meeting the club agreed to donate $200 to Children and Family Services, to help needy families in Vanastra at Christmas. The club usually tries to help one or two families at Christmas, but this year have decided to try to help all the families by this donation. On December 4 the club held their annual seniors' Christmas dinner. Each club member invites a senior to join her in a JON. DEERE JOHN DEERE Quality and price... we've got them both! See us today for a John Deere self- propelled snowblower that will make your snow removal chore fast and easy. We've got the right size for easy handling and starting. JOHN DEERE MODEL 824 8 H.P. - 24 INCH CUT s995. MON EXETER 235-1115 BLYTH 523-4244 Thank you... to everyone who helped make our Open House a success. Winners of the draws were Eleanor Riley, Zurich, and Karen Grainger, R. R.2, Zurich. We still slave a good selection of Christmas Trees Scotch Pine and Spruce Decorate your Home for Christmas * Poinsettias (a good selection to choose from) * Wreaths & Cedar Roping * Flower Basket Arrangements * Pot Mums * Ribbons & Bows Fresh Flowers & Silk Arrangements Open 6 Days a Week -- 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. n RidHurnge Acres David and Carol Steckle and Family UM. 2 Zurich 565-2122 a ItallitatutzatatuutattaitititattAg "What! Bigger production on less feed?" Right! You can balance almost any ration for amazingly thrifty production with Swift specialized feeds. Whether you want cheaper meat, eggs or milk ... Swift Feeds do a truly economical job. For advice on planning a complete feeding program, see your Authorized Swift Dealer, today! Hummel'S Fee 35 Mary Street, Clinton 482-9792 Swift Feeds for Livestock grid Poultry ill do the job faster and better! •Grinding & Mixing Bags or Bulls *Animal Health Care Products •S•ecialt Products._...... ......w...._..... 1)