HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-9-10, Page 7suulTE ECL t, lk RI Genuine es tir�a tie Liver Pills. Must Dear Signtiturc of See Pee-Sim/1e Wrapper Below. Ter' %nun nand as cess to take tis Qmagar. HEMLINE ECO ©3'ZYI4dtSSo. ;1 i vER FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CON,STIPATIOns, FPjli 2ALLf3W SKIN. 13.1/46 G341VII41W 11UQTaAYa�aATUR . 89 4J11T3 I POYel7 TT'get to y.:.....- Zr,•.- CURL. SICK HEADACHE, Are just 'what every weak, nervous, run- down woman needs to make her strong and well. They cure those feel- ings of smothering and sinking that come on at times, make the heart beat strong and regular, give sweet, refresh- ing sleep and banish head- aches and ner- vousness. They infuse new life and energy into dispirited,leaelth- shattered women who have come to think there is no cure for them. They cure Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Listlessness, After Effects of La Grippe and Fever, Anaemia, General Debility and all troubles arising from a run-down system. - Price 50e. per box or S for $1.23 all druggists or mailed by 'l"IIiC T. M LBUlLN GO., LIMITLIa Toronto, Ont. MOM HEAT & NERVE Kidney s Disorders asadp s Are no respecter of persons. People in every walk of Life are troubled. Have you a Backache? If you have it Ys the rst sign that the kidneys are not workin oporly. A ne ted Backache leads to serious Kidney Trouble. Check it in time by taking OM KIDNEY PILLS THE GREA'114CIDNLY SPECIFIC." They cure all 'kinds of Kidney Troubles from Backache t fight's Disease. Sec. a box or 3 for $$1.2S ail dealers or THE ROAN KIDNEY PILL CO., Toronto. Ont. CRANIPS Pain in the Stomachh. Diarncca, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Seasickness, and all kinds of Summer Com- plaint are quickly cured by r Fowler's Jxt~s a.ct of Wild. &Era 1 err° It has tureen used by thousands for nearly sixty years—and we have yet to hear a complaint about its action. A few doses have often cured When all other remedies have failed. Its action is i' Qasant, Rapid, Reliable and Effectual. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Whet Bowel Stray/berry is the original Coniplaint Cure, Woo Substitutes. Morro Dangerous* Heaven Will be a Place of Glorious Rerniiliscencesa Metered acoording to Act et tee Par! 1t}oaent of llauada, to tho year One fliiousand Nine hundred end Three. bit Wm. Bail3r, of Toronto, at the Jppartment oS Agriculture, crtta04.! A despatch from Chicago says: Rev. Frail% De Witt Talmage preach- ed from the following text: I • Cor'ili- thians xv., 49, "We shall also bear the imago of the heavenly." What is heaven? Soule people think that we do not know much about it. I remembee how my fa- ther, who loved to preach about the "celestial city," used to say ho felt when ho described it—that he was looking through "a glass darkly." That is true. No human .mind can conceive, no human voice or pen can depict, the beauties of the celestiafl kingdom. There are, however, pas- sages in God's word which open the Pearly gates a little way, so that we cin catch a glimpse of the supernal grandeur of that city of celestial glory. We can, as it were, pluck a rose of Sharon or a lily of the val- ley and learn in minature what the fragrance of the heavenly gardens shall be, where every hillside and meadowland is covered with perpetu- al flora. Through the crevice of that gate wo can, as it were, for a moment catch a sight of the redeem- ed, whose garments ere as ;bite as the driven snow and whose joys aro limited only by their own capacity to enjoy tho happiness provided. for them by their almighty and all lov- ing loather. It is for such a glimpse of this heaven, t'o which all Christi- ans are heading, that I would open my Bible to -day and .speak from the text, "As we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." heaven is a place of immortal resi- dencc. What does that imply? "Why," answers some one, "that means we shall live on millions up- on .millions of years.'' It means that long 'alter this earth as a burn- ing star shall flicker and go out our spiritual existence shall continue. It means a conscious life extending to ages which dwarf into brevity the longest term even of the inanimate relics of the most remote past. NO NEED OF REST IN HEAVEN. Perfect adjustment of the resurrect- ed body to its celestial surroundings proves there is to be no fight !or an immortal existence. Why does the physical body grow tired? Because it is not in perfect accord with its physical surroundings, In order to make the heart pump I must breathe. Yet every time I inhale the air that oxygen burns up part of my physical being, which must bo replaced by food and physical nourishment. Why do the great clouds of smoke ascend from the funnels of the locomotive and the chimneys of the factories? Because those clouds form component parts of wasted energies. Imperfect consumption of fuel implies that the coal must be continually shoveled into the furnaces or else the machin- ery will stop. But in that heavenly land there shall be no need of sleep, because the redeemed body, perfectly adjusted to its celestial surroundings, will never know fatigue. There shall be no need of physicians, be- cause pain, which is tho warning sig- nal of infirmity, shall never havo any of our joints in its twist. There shall' he no need of recreation, be- cause than all things shall be, once for all, perfectly created. We marvel at the perfect adjust- ment in the natural world. We won- der at the vast resources of power which .can swing the stars in their courses azid make whirling constella- tions marshal themselves upon the heavenly plaints and yet have no confusion in ,passing reviews, Once in awhile we are horror struck when some of the elements Soeon to balk and the lightnings, as fractious colts, kick over the traces and start to splash things. We stand aghast when the dark garments of a torna- do sweep past us, or two storm clouds collide and the heavens are ablaze with electricity and the ear is startled with the crashing of the thunder and the freshets come and the bridges are swept away. But all the time when these elements are at war wo think of the greater pow- er which holds the mime and the sun off from the earth at arm's length. We think of the greater power of the laws of evaporation, which with golden pulleys lifted those waters in- to the clouds. We think of the law of cohesion or of specifie gravity, which holds this old earth '"together in n compact sphere. We think of the power inherent in vegetable and anima] life of sucking up the waters which flow by' their sides. We marv- el at the great adjustment of nature —marvel not only because it Works like the Wheels of a perfect automa- ton, but because it seems to work without friction.. THE ATTAINMENT OF PERFEC- TION. Now, my friends, if we wonder at the seemingly perfect adjustment of tho mundane elements, can wo not the more marvel at the perfect ad- justment of the rodeemod body with its heavenly surroundings? Shall we Inot rejoice overthe thought that all our -faculties shall he enlarged and developed'and yet keep on -enlarging and developing and never grow tired? We have read that for over fifty years John Wesley' preached en an average sixteen sermons per week, or neatly throe sermons per day, How vigorous must have been the constie tution that could perform that task! But ine heaven wo shall alI havo vig- orotis constitutions. Olt, the rapture of that `better land in which the •services We render tvill ne:'E,`r• produce weariness nail. the in- finite subjccts that will engage our 1tttealtioe ever Cance satiety! Our hands grow weary, even though they may X11 busy in well doing. But in that "beautiful land" we shall never be weary of well doing. 'Then our redeemed bodies shall have 1% per - feet oye, , a perfect ear, a perfect tongue, a perfect foot, a perfect hand clasp. Then all our faculties shall not only have the resiuence of youth, but the alertness and perfect adjustment of immortality. We shall live and continue to live, be- cause decay and corruption shall flee away when "death, the last onomy, shall . be destroyed." Heaven is to bo a place of progres- sive enjoyments, If•the resurrected brain is to be alert it must have something to feed upon. So some writers have predicted that in the "heavenly city". we shall have our music halls and Binaries and muse- nails and art galleries, places .for in- tellectual as well. es spiritual devel- opment. I personally take no ex- ception to this thought. I believe the musical desire is a God given desire. The celestial harp or the celestial canvas or the celestial sta- tue is not a degradation of the word celestial. But, though there may be many intellectual enjoyments of hea- ven, I believe there shall be two which will most appeal to the deni- zens of tbo skies. The first is in the gospel prophecy for all who love studying the wonderful construction ntfm. Beal en! /leaven! Glorious hear - of the, celestial city. "Oh," an- swers some one, "1 know now what is the formation of heaven. It is a great walled town. And the length and breadth and the height of it are equal. • And the city is made of pure gold, and the foundations of the walls of the city aro a collection of precious stones, and tho twelve gates of the city are twelve massive pearls. Why, the book. of Revelation de- scribes the city to its minutest de- tail." service with no doxology and no benediction, for that service shall be without beginning and without end?" Oh, no, any brother. Ido not be- lieve you have caught the right idea celestial 'th c a of thaworship of e e i city. Heaven is not to be a church, where we shall have stated times for pray- ers end hymns. St John distinctly says in his Apocalypse : „And I saw no temple therein. For the Lord God Almighty and :