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Clinton News-Record, 1986-12-03, Page 40
Page 96 14 $f mean • .l y.• 0 Presenting The Clinton News -Record 1st Annual L. Christmas Store Front & Window Display Contest ATTENTION READERS: You Could Win One Of Three CASH PRIZES 1st $25.00 3rd 90.00 2nd 15.00 BASE YOUR JUDGING ON: 1,1 ✓ NEATNESS & ORGANIZATION v IMPACT v IMAGINATION v SPECIAL EFFECTS (use of Colour, Material, Lights. etc.) ✓GENERAL APPEAL (It's whevher you like it or r:©t that really counts) HERE'S HOW TO ENTER: Print the name(s) of the Business(es) you think have the Best Christmas store front and /or window display in the entire town of Clinton. List them in order of your preference. Base your judging on the criteria listed above, but remember...it's whether you find it appealing that really counts. THEN...Bring or mail your entry to the Clinton News - Record no later than Monday, December 15th/86. If your entry is drawn from those received...YOU WIN! Limit one entry per person. On your mark Judges. Get Set.Win AMY CHOICE FOR BEST STORE FRONT WINDOW CHRISTMAS DISPLAYS ARE: BEST 2nd 3rd NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Bring this entry form to the Clinton News-Record...53 Albert Street, or mail: P.O. Box 39 Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 • • Clinton News -Rekord INI:i)R19)1tATIN(:•TIIFIILYT'IIRTANI)Alfl)1 IF.OA1tIF.4nOl1G1.F. Greece... from page 9 been associated with December 25. Not just children, but every member of the family - even the dog and cat — is likely to have his or her stocking hung on the mantel. What a stocking may contain is limited only by size and imagination. Though very few young ladies are likely to find gold pieces in their Christmas stocking today, some have been known to find a dia- mond ring there instead of a dowry. Very few lumps of coal are reported, either, though candy still is popular. Among other thoughtful, welcome little treasures that make excellent stocking stuf- fers are pens, note paper and address books; A very good idea, too, when you con- sider the thank you notes that will soon be written, and the address book that will need updating as we hear from old friends far and wide. No mantel? No worry "The stockings were hung by the chimney with care ..." It's a great Christmas tradi- tion, but what about the many Christmas - lovers with no fireplace? All the better! A Christmas stocking can be as much fun to place, and as creatively challenging, as an easter basket! Hang all of the family's stockings on the bedroom doors for an instant Christmas morning surprise. Or hide them, Easter basket fashion, for some extra excitement. Hang them in the hallway or on the wall for a bright decorative spark. Or for extra personalization, hang your Christmas stockings from each family member's favorite haunt - from dad's favorite chair, mom's special corner or desk, sis' bedpost or stereo, little brother's toy chest or game table -and Fido's basket! The story of the birth "On earth peace, good will to men" And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I br- ing you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign unto you; ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddl- ing clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.—St. Luke 2:8-14. From the heart Practically anytime you go shopping you'll hear someone muttering about how Christmas has become "too commercial," but, of course, the minute you turn your back and start down the aisle, guess who is busy looking at cute things they want to buy! Christmas gift -giving, itself, is not a com- mercial creation for it began with the Wise Men's gift to Baby Jesus long ago. The real value to gifts is the thought behind it — the heart that says, "It may seem, so often, that • I take you for granted, but I really think of you and care for you. I'd just like to pass on this little gift from my heart."