HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-9-10, Page 5Ofl16stono& Ga��i�� t. I One Door North 01130a0M66 r TERMS -Cash or Produce Lot Those Gone Now who Now "m' Um Bstore, and Tboss Who fll- waus Game, Now Gone Moro. S G. r peci.a1ty TlaR, EXEr1,biB TIMES SEPTEMBER 10th 1903.. 11 COURSE FOR NOTHING 13y our syste m of Rebate Coupons you may obtain part or all of your tuition back. .Ask for particulars This is not the oldest nor largest school, but it is the BEST in Can- ada, One week's free trial, d. L. BROWN, Principal. s t ^6 900 Black Vicuna Suiting, 5.6 inches wi.ie, extra heavy, beautifu'1 black, lovely finish regular $1:00, our price.... ..90c. yd. Q 5c. Frieze Suitings, 56 inches nide, black, navy, Oxford grey, exti a heavy with soft finish, regular 900. for 75c, yd. 50c. Heavy Serge Suitings, 56 inches wide, black, navy, light and Oxford greys, green. A big snap at 65c. our price • 50c. yd, $1.00 Blair-Athole Suiting, green mix. Marine mix., 56 inches wide, elegant Suitings for lovely winter Suits at • a o... • . , $1.00 yd. Guarantis French Dress Goods in blacks and navy blues lead the world. Black Poplins a,t ..... 50c., 750. yd. Black Satin Cloths at 50c, 75c, $1.00 a yd. Black Cashmeres with velour finish, extra width. at... 50c, 70c, 750. 95c. yd. See Our New Dress Stuffs Be- fore You Buy Elsewhere. Men's Cain Coats $2.00 Men's Rain Coats, any size, all lengths, plain grey mix, with velvet col- lars, thoroughly vulcanized, regular $3.00, for .... .... $2.00 65.00 Men's Premier Water -proof Coats all sizes, any length, sewn seams, guar- antee on every coat, regular $7.50 for $5.00. Don't miss this bargain. $8.00 Men'Premier Waterproof' Coats, any orlength, neat black and grey small check, very dressy pattern, sewn seams, guarantee on every coat, regul- ar $10.00 for .. . $8.00 chintz for Comforters. e.peryd.for English Chintz, one d 12''1.2 gy . - wide, sold all over at 15c, our cut price •••. .... ... .,......12/ 10c per yard for English Chintz, 32 inches wide, any other place 12-}c, our price 10c 12 1.2c. Puritan Bactil3g, fine soft fleecy, easily unfolded Batting, regular price 17c. lb. our price 12zc for lb roll. Regular 71c. FLANNELETTES for Esc yd 10 pieces Maurice's Stripe Shakers, 31 inch. wide, very fine even threads. fast colors, regular 7Lc, now 15 yards for $1.00. 17 pieces Maurices dark and light Shakers, 32 inches wide, extra fine weave, splen- did for shirting, regular 9-c or 1 Oc, our 'Nice 12 yds. for $1.00-8,3c. a yard. Cne piece heavy 3 ply English Wool Carpet, one yard wide, shaded light and green with Paris ground color, pattern of Horn of Plenty, regular $1.25, our `M price Svc• yd. Lots of Wortbj Wearables at Wau-Down Price TERM' -Cas1M or IPrccIiice MIME Ore Door Noun of FOSt0lli66 roPOIGStollO &OdrcIiIICr ,.. .;'i rr .., :rh.. , �. .. r''R;�1.-. 111 •�t`.ft:!'+... V!.'. aranstmesucaran Locals Mrs. Douglas is visiting friends in Seaforth, The TIMES and Family Herald & Star from now till January I904 for 350. Mr. T. H. McCallum, Miss Edna Mc- Callum and Mrs. George Willis are in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Cobbledick return- ed home Wednesday evening after visiting in Brantford, Toronto and Brampton. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins attended the Harvest Horne services in connection with the English churcn at Parkhill ,on Wednesday. Mr. J, ' and Mr.. Hill, of St. Thomas were the guests of the latter's sister. Mrs. J. S, Harvey, the first part of the week, Messrs Parsons & Davie, of Cen- tralia. shipped a large number of bas- kets of plums from here on Friday last. to Winnipeg. PLUMS-PLUars - Upwards ' of 200 pails of plums are now ready for sale and first class. Apply T. DEARING, South of James st. church. Don't forget the fair at Exeter on Monday and Tuesday Sept. 21st and 22nd. Make the date your holiday and sperid it at the fair. Mrs, John Seli, of Luckncw, is speeding a couple of weeks here the guest of her brothers, the Messrs Will and John Hawkshaw. Mr. W. b. Miliyard, who lately sev- ered his connection with the Sover- eign Bank, has accepted a porition in a drug store in Lucknow- Miss Laura M. Jeckell, of Hay, and Mr. Frank Sweet, of Exeter, are a- mong the teachers now in training at the Model School, Goderich, Mrs. Horn, who spent the past three months in the Northwest with her sons returned home on Monday last, She speaks very highly of the country. Miss A. Morlock after a pleasrnt visit at Crestline and Columbus. Ohio, returned home via Detroit visiting the millinery openings there and also pro- ceeding on to Toronto where she spent a time at the millinery houses in that city. Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu- list and specialist of diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday, September 30 ; Wednesday, Novem- ber 4 ; Wednesday, December, 21903. Spectacles and eye -glasses properly fitted. Next visit will be Wednesday, September 30. HURON OFFICES HAVE BEEN FILLED Wm. Coates is the New Registrar and Chas. A. Seager Crown Attorney for a After being vacantlong g tin e the Registrarship and the Crown At- torneyship of the County of Huron were filled by the Ontario Cabinet on September 4t3. Mr. Wm. Coates, of Clinton, is the successful applicant for the former position, and Mr. Chas. A. Seager, of Goderich, gets the other appointment. Mr, Thomas Gibson, formerly mem- ber of the Legislature for the east rid- ing of the county, was the last regis trar, and Mr. Ira Lewis, of Goderich who lived to be one of the oldest men in the District, was formerely the Crown Attorney. Disagreements a- mong the ridings of tl_ a county have been held responsible for the delay in filling the positions, and West Huron seems to have been successful. Consumption The only kind of consump- tion to fear is " neglected consumption." People are learning that con- sumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin regular doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. Neglected consumption does not exist where Scott's Emul- sion is. Prompt use of Scott's Emul- sion checks the disease while it can be checked. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWN'E, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario soc. and itr.eo; all druggists. PRESS ASSOCIATION'S EXCUR'• SION The Canadian Press Association have decided to run their anneal ex- cursion to Temiskaming, on Sept 21, The trip will . occupy six days, and the party is limited to forty. No lad- ies will be allowed to accompany the party as the trip is said to be one which the ladies cannot take in com- fort. The following will be the itiner- ary : Sept, 21, North Bay ; Sept, 22, North Bay co Temiskaming via Mat- tawa, and New Liskard via steamer; Sept. 23, in and around lakes ; Sept, 24, return to North Bay via Temia- kaming and Mattawa ; Sept. 25, in- spect Government road ; Sept. 26, ar- rive Toronto 7 a. m. TEACHERS SCARCE Educational Department Propose Special Classes The Ontario Education Departu.ee;t announces that there is a scarcity of teachers iu some parts of the prov- ince. Under the circumstances and in order to take advantage of the ad- ditional accommodation at the Toron- to Normal School the Department will be prepared to admit to the Otta- wa or London Norma! Schools for the next session a limited number ot stu- dents, say 25, who have junior leaving standing, but who have nct as yet taught one year as required by the regulations. Such students. if euc- eessful at the Normal School will re- ceive interim certificates, which will he made permanent upon satisfactory proof being furnished of one year's successful experience. .Application should be made without delay to the Deputy Minister of Ed - cation. S. S. AND EPWORTH LEAGUE Meeting of the Methodist Genenral Conference Board • The General Methodist Conference Epworth League and Sunday School Board opened its session in the Wes- ley Chambers, Toronto on Wednes- day of last week with a large attend- ance of delegates from all parts of Canada. Rev. Dr. Carman, general superintendent, presided. The finan- cial reports for the past year were pre- sented by 1). S. Caswell, general secre- tary of the Sunday School Associa- tion, and Dr. W. L. Wilmott, treasur- er of the Epworth League. They in- dicated that in Canada there are 3,431 Methodist Sunday Schools. with a tot- al of 268,107 scholars and 1,776 young people's societies, having a member- ship of 99,606. During the past year the amour!, contributed to missions by these,Sunday schools and young people's societies was $5,000 over the donations of the previous year. SOME GOOD HORSES Mr. Berry Imports Eight Entire Horses From England Mr. T. J, Berry has again returned from a trip to the old land with anum- ber of fine stallions. They are a fine lot of horses and are the best and most valuable that he has ever impor- ted. He brought over five shires and three clydes he has now eleven entire horses on exhibition at his stables in Hensall. Special mention might be made of two of them. Florizel, a Clydesdale,is a handsome and massive black horse of good quality „•ith par- ticular good feet and pasteres. He took the Argyle Tenantry Premium two years in succession besides being selected for the Lesmabagow Prem- ium this year. Prier's Hero No 17536 shire, is a dark bay with three white feet and star in face, stands 17 hands high and has es eighed over 2,200. He is a clean flinty boned horse with the best of feet and pasterns, and has without doubt, more quality than any Shire horse in Canada, and his stock has won 1st and 2nd prizes in a great many of the leading shows in Eng- land. Fcur of his gets tnok first prize for the best collection of Shires at Lehland this year. and a special prize given for the best pair of two- year-old colts at Mere Brow, was won by two of his colts. PRESBYTERY MEETING rte-.. The regular quarterly session of the Presbytery was held in Willis church Clinton on Tuesday Sept. 1st com- mencing at 10,30. A good representa- tion of ministers and delegates was present. and the regular routine work proceeded with, Rev. Mr. Davidson, Varna, was elected Moderator for the; current six months, and Rey. Mr. Hamilton, convenor of the Home Mis- sions committee for the current year. James Foote, a student, whose home is at Brucefield, received the approba- tion of the Presbytery and was order- ed to be certified at the Presbyter- ian College, Montreal. Resolutions touching on the death of Rev. Mus- grove, and the removal of ktev, Hen- derson from this Presbytery, were passed. Rev, Mr. Shaw received the appointment as treasurer. The con- venors of the several standing com- mittees are as follows : Home Miss- ions, Rev. Hamilton; Church Life and work, Rev. Small ; Sabbath Schools, Rev. Mc.Lennan ; 11inance, Dr. Stewart ; Supt. of Students, Dr. McLean; Christian Endeavor, Rev. Martin; Augmentation, Rev. Fleteher; Foreign Missions, Rev. Sewers; Con- ference, Rev. Davidson. The next meeting will be held at Clinton on Tuesday, Nov. 10th. HONEST FRUiT PACKERS The fruit packers who are supplying the local trade are packing much bet- ter this year than ever before, ac- cording to the statement of Mr. J. J. Philp, of Winnipeg,Donlinion fruit in- spector, who has been spending a day or so in this vicinity. In former years it was not an unknown thing for the packers to place all their best fruit on top of the basket, box or carrell, filling in the lower portions with the second quality and culls, lunch to the loss of the unfortunate buyer. This Your Heart is All Right Most likely it is Indfie'siIIo3z that causes the dizziness, palpitation, depression and pain which a.larru you. Let Tiny Tonic Taldets regulate your digestion, vitalize your inert liver and assist the bowels to proper activity --the symptoms of heart disease will vanish. An 6G easy -to -take" stomach cleanser, nerve builder, blood purifier. A gentle laxative --not a cathartic. Keep the Iittle aluminum box in y our pocket, take the tablets after each meal ---good health will be yours. Why not try ? Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim- ited, Walkerville, Ont. annoying trick of some of the packers worked a distinct injury to the trade andthe relations were often rather strained between producers and con- sumers. Mr. Philp, while here, called on nearly all of the local handlers of fruit and says that they have this year been much less troubled with this particular form of cheating than ever before. According to the reports made to him, the packers are -putting up the fruit in first-class style this year, and as in addition the quality is very high he thinks this year will go down as one of the most satisfac- tory in the history of the local fruit trade. EXETER DISTRICT MEETING The financial District meeting held its sessions hi the village of Centralia on Tuesday Sept. 8th commencing at 10 a. m. Rev. James Hannon in the chair. After the usual devotional ex- ercises the roll was called and the ministers and laymen present, answer- ed to their names, On motion it was resolved that that the Superanuation and General conference assessments, as received from the General -secretary be accepted. In regard to the Mission- ary anniversaries on the district, it was decided that local arrangements be made for all except the following.- Elimville, deputation Revs. S.A. And- erson and J. Hart. Kippen, deputa- tion Rev. W. Godwin. Grand Bend deputation .Rev. W. Rigsbyiand R. W. Knowles. Ailsa Craig, first Sunday in March, deputation Rev. R. W. Knowles. Lucan deputation Rey. R. Barnley, B. A, on Sept. 27th. Wood- ham, deputation .Rev. 'W. H. Cooper. It was resolved that each superin- tendent be responsible for the Educa- tional Anniversaries on his own field of labor. In reference to the celebra- tion of the Bi -centenary of Methodism it was decided that each pastor with the co-operation of his board do his best in the interest of this greatmove- ment and that in all cases with one exception the arrangement for the work be local. It was decided that a vigorous canvas be made on each circuit and that the aim be to in- crease the number of Guardian sub- scribere by an average of ten for each circuit. The following joined the Guardian reading club for the year. Revs. W. Rigsby, W. Godwin, J. A. Ayearst, J. W, Andrews and W. H. Cooper. W. Gonwie , Financial Secretary. THIRTY YEARS AGO Dastardly Attempt to 1011 two Stage Loads of People From the EXETER TIMES of Sept. llth, 1873 Vol. 1, No. 3 we re -publish the following extract of an incident which will be fresh in the minds of some of our readers, happening at the time of the old stage coach be- tween Exeter and London. On Sunday evening last some fiends in human form removed the side nuts from the Wheels of Mr. Hawkshaw's two stages. The stages were in wait- ing at the Britannia Hotel, Main st, for the purpose of conveying passen- gers to Barnum's s show, on the follow- ing Monday. In the morning, stage No, 1 was hitched up, and was being driven down Main street with its load of human freight, when one of the wheels came of, causing the carriage to topple over, and the driver and passengers to describe a series of geo- metrical figures beneath the wheels and around the wagon -box. This caused an examination, and it was found that the other stage was served a little trick. It was a good thing thing that the effect of the deed was displayed at such an opportune mom- ent. Had they driven farther and been heading uown some hill, it is sad to contemplate on the result which might have followed. Mr. Hawkshaw offers one hundred dollars reward for the conviction of the perpetrators. The market reports of that date quotes, white Wheat (new) $L10, $1.15, white wheat (old) $100, $1.08 oats 35c., peas 60c., barley 60c., Potat- oes 50c., Hay $11.00 per ton, wood $1,'75 and $2,50 per cord. In the same issue the death notice appears of Mrs. Mary Southccet, aged 73 years. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. FARM FOR SALE A farm containing 100 acres cif good land on con. 11 lot 22, Stephen Town- ship. Land is well drained and about 80 acres fenced. On the premises is a good bank barn with stables and a large house, warm and comfortable, good supply of hard and soft water, 1 acre of good orchard. The farm is situated 2 miles from Dashwood, about half a mile from Sarepta Y.O. and 1 miles from school. This is de- sirable property for any one who wants a good farm. Reasons for sell- ing, proprietor is giying up farming. For further particulars apply to Jos- EPH BASTARD, Sarepta, P.O. CANADIAl' PACIFIC tlarvcst fx6urs1.o11s Will be run on SEPTEMBER 15th And _9th; returning until NOVEM- BER 16th and 3oth respectively, 1903. RETURN PARE to Winnipeg Waskada Estevan Elgin Arcola Moosomin Wawanesa Miniota Binscarth Grand View Swan River $28 Regina ?vioose Jaw Yorkton Pr. Albert Macleod Calgary Bed Deer Strath- cona BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, in the newel colors. Our prices arelow as can be foun. for first-class material and workman. ship. BEFORE YOU BUY GALL FIND SEE US. J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. $30 MEDICAL NV . BROWNINtU M. D. M. 0.. i[i • P. 5, Graduate Victoria .Diversity U office and residence, Oominior Labora- tory, Exeter. }40 From all points in Canada, Azilda, Sault Ste. Marie, Windsor and East. Apply to nearest Cana- dian Pacific .Agent for pamphlet. Tickets are not good on "Imperial Limited." A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Toronto FOR SALE At Elimville, a comfortable house with 2i acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best of water, For particulars apply to the owner on the premises or by letter to WM. MIN- ERS, Elimville P. 0. London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Passenger. London, depart........ 8.15 A, M. 4.40P, M. Centralia ........- .... 9.1 5.50 Exeter 9.30 6.0 Hensel' 9.44 6,15 Kippen 9.50 6.25 Brucefield 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 6.55 Wingham arrive11.10 &00 t}oxNG SOUTH- Passenger Wingham, depart 6,53 A. M. 3.15 P. M Clinton 7.47 4.25 Brucefield 8.05 4.49 Kippen .15 4.57 Hanan22 5.02 Exeter ' 8.35 5.10 Centralia 8.46 5,25 London .arrive....-.--. 9.37 6.12 DENTAL T.T KIn:MAN, L. D. S. ANY DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate - of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or• bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block, West aide of Main; treet,°Exeter• D.A. ANDERSON. (D• D. S. L D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession, done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in, the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling . Bro's store. Exeter, Ont. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERNASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto • also for the PHoxNra Fm NSURANDE COMPANY, of London, England;, ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Erb and wfONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest. moot upon farm or village property at lowes , . ' rates of interest. DICKSON et CARLING Exeter. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound ot Cure." ONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to, loan on farm and village properties atlowratos- of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter. Why not cure that cough of i yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse. A bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will, cure you. We carry a large as- sortment of Cough Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some of our remedies. I.EGB1.. DTCkSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries CConveyancers,. Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, Rte. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, EXETER. e. R. DARLING h. A. L. H. DICKSON' FOR SALE -BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OF LAND IN' EXETER -We offer for sale on roasonabler terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper homestead" situated. on Lot No' 86, south of Haiiron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable' and commodious brick dwelling, also the• necessary outhouses. The house is in good re pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre - of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up' to date, and and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to 1ICI{soN & CARLING barristers Exeter or to A. E. HOOPER, Row P. 0,, Penna, U. A,, Proprietor. Bicowii° 1g' Wheat per bushell Oats new Barley Butter iiugo w of Pork live weight . . EXETER 11XAREETS 72 to 74• .. 26 to 27 37 to 38; 15. 14 , 14 to 14& ..$5.75 to $6.00'