HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-9-3, Page 3PROFITS OF THE HUNTERS
,One From Ungava Came With
Three Waves and Offered a
Priest :lis Choice.
ifnfornmtion from the north shore
aof the Gulf of St. Lawrence is to the
effect that the last of the Indians to
eonxse down to the coast with the
product of their winter's hunt have
arrived from the extoller, and die -
posed of their rich packs of furs to
some of the rival traders and coin-
panies who are now operating on
the coast. It, used to bo that the
leudson Bay Company ,had this bas-
eness entirely to itisoif. Soo time
.ago, however, the arm of Messre.
Revillon Bros. of Paris, established
agencies on the coast, believing that
it would bo cheaper for the•na to pur-
chase the fume required for their bus-
iness at first hand from the Indians,
than at the trade sales of the Feud -
son Bay Company in London. This
homes now has several agents on the
'coast, and does a very large busi-
ness. Many private individuals too,
.a,re now engaged as traders in furs,
meeting the Indians on their return
from. the woods and purchasing . the
skins of the animals trapped by
than during their winter's hunt,
'1s1any of the Indians from the near -
.est hunting grounds arrived on the
'coast almost as soon as the ice had
left the rivers in the spring of the
:year. Those who have recently
reached the trading stations, are
principally Nascapee Indians condi'
from tee far North. Sono of thes
are from the vicinity of Ungava, an
until the last few years were in. th
habit of going to Hudson Bay o
Ungava Bay with the product o
their chase. They are in many in
astauces Pagan, seine of them havin
never been baptized till they rea,che
the bank of the Gulf. Ono old I
dian recently horrified the good. pee
plo of a certain village on the coas
by appearing there with his theewives. The pn-ie;lt compelled hi
to put away two of thorn, and
offered the clergyman to let hi
take which ever two of thein 1
would like and to keep the third on
for himself. This is a fair spec'
amen of the ideas entertained by thes
boor pagans.
Despite the opposition made to
them, the Hudson, Bay Company's
officials claim that they get the best
of the skins brought to the coast
and pay the best prices for them.
So large has been the increase in the
value of some of the Northern furs
that it is no uncommon thing for
an Indian hunter to get $1,000 to
-$1,200 for his winter stock of anis,
.and in some instances, when a few
black fox slides have also been
taken the return from their season's
hunt is even more. A good hunter
considers himself in very poor luck,
- .nowadays, if he snakes less than
4600 to $900 during the trapping
season. Spnae of tho black fox
skins taken on the coast have re-
cently sold for as high as $1,000 a
piece. While fox skins are plentiful
this season and fetch about $G cath
on the coast. First crass otter and
marten are both in large demand and
tone/rand vory mach increased prices.
The skins of the marten which were
only worth $6 each, a conrpamative-
ly short lime ago, now bring $25
to $ z0 each, and otter are worth
about as much. The Labrador mar-
ten is admitted to be about the
finest on the uaarleet.
The Ablat Fathers who have
charge of the Indian neeelons on the
coat are at present engaged in
A holding services for 'the'm at I3ersi-
mins, Seven Islands, Moisie, Mingan
end otter prominent points north of
the Gulf, and the Indians aro also
outfitting themselves for their de-
parture for the interior for next
winter's hunt. Most of them will
move northward about the end of
A Rash on. Baby's Skin. That Of-
ten Alarms Careful Mothers.
During the summer months a rash
often appears on time face, neck and
body- of babies and sanall children
which is liable to alarm ehe careful
another. It is due to the excessive
heat, and, while not dangerous, is
the cause of much, suffering. Im-
m,edinte relief is given by dusting
the eruption liberally with Baby's
+ . Own Powder, *Inch inay be had at
any druggist' -,druggist' -,but to euro tide
trouble a mainline must be given
that will cool the blood of the
little sufferer. Baby's Own Tablets
will be found a positive blessing in
each cases and. will soon restore the
cienanees and beauty of baby's skin.
Mrs. ' Clifton Cuyler, of Kincardine,
Ont., says "My baby had a rash
break out on her face and all over
her body. I gave her medicine, but
the eruption never left her until I
gave her baby's Own Tablets, aseci
after using them a short time the
rash entirely disappeared. 'I have
also given her the Tablets for con-
sitipation with, the best of results ;
they act gently but promptly; and
always make baby quiet en'd • restflul.
I think the Tablets a splendid recti
ciao' for young children." Baby's
Own. Tablets may be bail frown all
druggists 'at 25 cents per box, and
Baby's Own Powder at the same
price, If you prefer to' order dir-
ect they will bo sent post pard on
receipt of price by the Dr.'Williams'
etlicine Company, Brockville, Ont.
At an auction a.t Orkolijunga, in
tSwoden,' just held, the auctioneer
put up as a "lot" a young lady who
was in .the room. She was "knock-
ed down" to a substantial middle-
aged farmer of fifty. The banns of
the happy couple. have boon publish -
ad, and the wedding, it is announced
will sbortly takeplacer
She, -."Ani I the flrat woman you
ever loved?" lie—"yes. Ana: .I the.
Irst man who ever loved you?" She
Real postously)eefettou ae'oinsult-
"Wall papers are unhealthy," says
a physician, "They deetroy the por-
ousness of walls. • If I had my way
nothing but whitewash would bo
used all over the world. Wall Raper
closes our walls' Modes, and thus,
to a eortain extent, floes us harm,
Walls. you see, should be porous,
like our clothes, like our skin, Clog
up the pores of our skin and we die,
Close up Ilia pores of our clothes
and we would soon discard them,
for they would be insufferable. But
we are used to the clogging of our
walls'' pores, and therefore we no
longer notice the inconvenience of
it. Sone people argue that wall
papers are porous. My answer is
that they may be porous when they
are new, but as soon as they get
damp the pores fill up, and - once
filled there is no way to open them
again, Dave porous walls, I say,
and, to have them, substitute for
wall paper whitewash." .
A Rash on Baby's Skin That Of-
ten Alarms Careful Mothers.
During the summer months a rash
often appears on the face, neck and
body of babies and email children
which is liable to alarm. the carafe).
mother. It is due to the excessive
heat, and, while not dangerous, is
the cause of much suffering. Tmmed-
iate relief is given by dusting the
eruption. liberally with Baby's Own
Powder, wincemaybe had at any
druggis't's, but to cure the trouble a
medicine meet be given that will
cool the blood of the little sufferer,
Baby's Own Tablets will be found a
posftive blessing in suck cases and
will soon restore the clearness and
beauty of baby's skin. Mrs, Clifton
Ouyler, of Kincardine, Ont., says :
"My baby had a rash break out on
her face and all over her body. I
gave her medicine, but the eruption
never left her until I gate her
Baby's Own Tablets, and after us-
ing them a short time the ragh en-
tirely ']isappoaa'ed, I have also giv-
en her the Tablets fel- colastipaltion
with the best of results : they ace:
gently but promptly, and always
make baby quiet and restful. I think
the 'Tablets a epleaidid medicine for
young childr'en." Baby's Own Tab-
lets may be had from all druggists
Owe Power at the same price. If
you prefer to order 'direct they will
at 25 cents per box, and Baby's
be sent post paid on receipt of price
by the Dr. :illianas' h'Iedicine Com-
pany, Brockville, Ont.
Described by the Principal Figure,
King Milan.
One of the most cinematic stories
of royal life I ever beard was told.
me by Moreton Frewen, the English
traveller and econonal,ist, sth,ortly be-
fore he sailed for home, a few weeks
ago writes a correspondent. Mr.
Frewee. is a - good deal of a sports-
man, and has visited many countries
in search of big game. Some years
ago he was one of a party that oc-
cupied a hunting lodge in tee depths
of a E tngarian foreet. Almong the
other sportsmen there was 'King
Milan of Servia. One evening,
while they were all gathered about
the supper table in the bunking
lodge, Milan told this story,
"I had not been long upon" the
throne of Servia," said the King,
"before awry secret agon'te brought
me the details of a plot that had
been formed against 1ny life. The
conspiracy embraced so many men
in military and civil life that my
advisers wore very much alarina:ed
and wanted me to cause them all to
be summarily removed. I replied
that it was not ,the business of a
king to depopulate his kingdom, and
if 1 exez;utod every m,an who joined
a plot against ime it would not be
long before I had no popple to rule
"A;ctcording to. the plans of the
conepina'tors, I was to be •put out of
the way by means of poison. An
annual'ceremonial banquet was soon
to be held, and one of may aides-de-
camp, Col. Blank, whose ditty ft was
to hand me a golden goblet of wine,
was to see that the cap contained
the proper dose. Declining to ac-
cept the advice of my Ministers to I
make immediate arres't;s, and telling I
them to leave the w dole hatter . in
my hands, I went to the banquet.
At bhc proper moment in the cere-
monies the a.icle-dc-camp camle up
to me, extended the goiclen goblet
and made a very pretty speech, cola-,
nreniding niy reign as a blessing to
the Servian people and wishing m
mann years dboro of
Ceylon Tea IS the finest
Tea the world producesg
and is sold on y lend
9c^lckibili fixel and V5'�'Jem.
4pan tea drinkers try «Seada" Geo= Glee
4,NOn lNI&OSSI.I.WPP.,.R'lgalrJ'f,1MAA
be my deputy and to 'drinkthis
toast in my stead.'
"So saying, I turned to Col.
Blank, the aide-de-camp and wbuld-
be regicide, who stood by my tide,
and handed the goblet 'to ham I
shall never forget the look upon his
face. In his eye's I could read his
thoughts : - IIe had been betrayed
his plot was known to nae; he, ha
hie plaole° between drinking hes ow
po'i'son or being executed by nay or
ders before daylight. He hesita't
a moment, but only for a moment
then he bowed to pee and to _ th
company,, and drained- the cup t
the Islet drop, A fete mot -leas fat
or lie fell dead at my feet.
"Aad that," concluded the Icing
"is what I call the death of a gen
theme. Ile took his own medicino
with a bravery wealthy of a botte
There are very few cleancleans..Ing operations in which Sunlightht
Soap cannot be used to advent
age. It makes the home bright
and clean. ' xH
t -f
Russian, and other kinds of import-
ed wheats. To sum up in trade
phraseology, English wheat possess-
es the qualities of sweetness and
"color"—whiteness, that'is to say—
in a marked degree, bet it lacks
"strength," Another fact brought
out ill the discussion was this: Ow-
ing to the high prices obtained for
wheat and flour by American farmers
el and millers in their own country in
consequence of the protective duties,
n the surplus production can be sold
- ed in England at prices which barely as
a; rule cover the cost of wheat -rats-
' ing in - this •country; and English
owheat does not command as high
_ prices as American,
Here are six views on the mkt o
the world that hate beta given 'au
by eminent scientists during reeen
It wil] be seen- that in mnost fn -
stances tate • theories are meek at
variance with each other :
The land surface is diminishing;
the intaaaan race will be finally
deo weed.
Ice is accumulating at the North
Pole; some flay the earth Will fail
otet of balance, amid mem will be
tftter]y annilelnied by the rusli of
moving objecits.
The earth is gradually approach-
ing tl:e sun; the last man will there-
fore finally be roasted alive.
Yater is slowly growing scarcer;
in the ages to come all hummed be-
ings and animals will perish for
telae want of a drop of moisture to
cool thei' parched tongues.
With time beginning of the year
year 8000 A.D. man will commence
to -re'trograd'e and will finally coane
to be a creature no larger thou an
insect. •
Time gun is burning up; a,s he cools
the earth's glacial zones will enlarge
and the last remnant of Iitemanity
will be frozen in a laealp.
Algernon -"Tommy, do you think
your sister would marry ane'?" Tom-
my—"Yes, she'd marry almost any-
body, from what she said to uaa."
To keep the whole German army
in the field for a week would cost
' Mr. Clare Sewell. Read took rather
a gloomy view of the outlook for
arable agriculture generally in Eng-
land, and the hard facts which we
have disclosed do not certainly en-
courage optimism. Tho question
arises whether anything can be done
to improve matters. In forty years
or so the wheat -growing area has
t dwindled from over four million acres
t to less than a million and three-
quarters, and time production has de-
creased from sixteen million quarters
to six millions; and the reduction is
steadily going on in both cases. Un-
der the more favorable conditions
we cannot grow all the wheat that
we hoed, but at the present time we
produce in a year only as much as
would last us a month or two. Last
year we imported over a hundred
andllion cwts. of wheat, wheat -meal
and flour, of which 75,771,693 cwts,
came frolu foreign countries, and
24,630,392 from India and the col-
W. E. Ellis got so He Could. Not
Walk. or Feed Himself—He Tells
of His Cure.
Cedar Dale, Ont., Aug. 24.-(Spec-
ial).—Every day emus to furnish
fresh proofs that Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the one sure and permanent
cure for Rheumatism. This village
ftunishee evidence that no one can
doubt in the person of W. E. Ellis,
His story is best given in his own
"Two years ago," says Mr. Ellis,
"I got Muscular Rheumatism. I
tried- all sorts of medicines, but none
of them did me any good.
"At lase my wife would send for a
doctor. When he arrived I said 'Doc-
tor, can you euro Muscular Biieunaa-
tisrn ?' 'No,' said the doctor,
'Then' I said, 'you are of no use to
nae.' "
"1" got eo bad I coulc] not feed
myself or wall: alone. Then I was
educed to try Dodd's Kidney Pills.
I took six boxes of them which
drove all the Rheumatisin out of
me and left me in good health
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheuma-
t•isitn by removing the cause—by vet-
ting the Kidneys in sJaape to take
the uric acid out of the blood. They
always cure Lumbago and Sciatica
in the same way.
"I took the goblet,e conl:dnued
Milan, "and held it aloft a moment
wthile I gazed about the banquet
Mali. You may imagine, gentleteen,
the tension of that moment. Pro-
bably a third of the people in the
eoolm knew that the wine was pois-
oned, many of the conspirators be-
ing present, as well as those of my
trusted people who had been inform-
ed of the plot. As I. looked into
the eyes of the hundred mac who
sat watching me, it seeined to me I
could distinguish the friends from
the foes, though it was not deflect/It
to toll which were in the majority.
Probably I Was the calmest man of
them all, for I knew all that ' they
knew, and something anotre' besides.
" `Noble3 and gentlemen of Ser -
via,' I exclaimed, 'it gives me great
pleasure to receive this hark of
affection end support of my people.
It is with the happiest, feelings of
good -will to all and love for our
clear country that. I drink to your
toast.' -
"Alt this junetiure I touched nay
lies to the golden goblet and watch-
ed with keen interest the in'voettan
te1y shudder that ran round the
room Pau.sing then, without hav-
ing tasted the wine, you array be
stere, I roamed :
" 'Upon second thought, I will not
drink this toast Myself. I see
around me d'ol'es of lacy loyal oifll-
(^ors, Mini Of' (APS and friends There
is one among thein who has given
me oicteh marked proof of hie devo-
tion 'tha't I now propose to pay ,hien
i3ie unusual honor of asking him to
Experiments That May Revolu-
tionize Her Agricultural
ProspectriR; -
American wheat and flour are pre-
ferred at higher prices to English in
this country from the fact that a
bigger loaf can be made from the
United States products than from
the home-grown, says the St, James'
Gazette. Owing to its glutinous and
drier nature the American wheat ab-
sorbs more water than the English
cereal, which is moist and starchy,
and while the public get less nutri-
tious bread and less Weight if any-
thing -for Mr. Waikiey, it may be
remembered, said that an American
Wheat 4 -Ib, loaf often lost as much
as two ounces in a day—they demand
the loaf of the greater circumference,
and only in rare instances, in conse-
quence,. is bread baked wholly from
English wheat flour, which, being of
fine flavor, is principally used to
mix with Milted States, Canadian,
Mr. William Iialliwell, the techni-
cal editor of the Miller, let in a ray
of hope upon the situation. Experi-
ments, he said, were at present being
carried out by the Millers' National
Association with some little assist-
ance from the Government to deter-
mine whether a wheat could not bo
produced in this country that would
bo able to compete with the Ameri-
can cereal. Five things, he pointed
out, entered into the question, vii.,
"strength," "flavor," ':color," the
yield per acro, and the yield in flour.
On four of these points English wheat
could hold its own with the Ameri-
can cereal. In flavor it was superi-
or, and 'its "color"—the quality of
whiteness—was equally as good as
that of the American. As regards
the yield acre for acro English wheat
"topped" every country in the
In the percentage of flour obtained
from the wheats of the world Eng-
lish wheat, Mr. Iialliwell said, also
took a leading place. Tho approxi-
mate yields he gave as follows:—
Australian ,.,...... ..., 74 per cent.
English 72 per cent.
Canadian ....,. 70 per cent.
United States 70 per cent,
Indian .,,,,..., 70 per cent.
Argentine 64 per cent.
Owing to the high percentage of
flour from it, Australian wheat, Mr.
Iialliwell said, fetched a good price,
notwithstanding the fact that it was
not a "strong" wheat. The supply,
however, was not very large nor cer-
tain, in consequence of the varied
nature of the weather. The Indian
wheat, he explained, was also rather
"weak," but its supply was more
certain, and if a preference were
given, he thought that the imports
from that great dependency would be
"On only one point therefore," con-
tinued Mr. Halite -ell, "is our wheat
behind that of the United States—
namely, in the matter of "strength."
It is, of course, a very important
point. An attempt was made by
sowing the American wheat seed in
this country to raise a strong wheat,
but the results have not been satis-
factory. Hybridisation is now be-
ing tried. The experiments have not
proceeded far enough to say whether
they are likely to be successful or
not, but we are very hopeful that
the objects aimed at will be attain-
ed," If the experimentalists should
indeed be successful it would have an
important bearing upon the agricul-
tural industry. As Mr. Halliwell
pointed out, the British farmers
would be able to compete on more
equal terms with the Americans. At
present the home product is fetch-
ing about four shillings a quarter
less than that of the United States,
and if by the efforts that are being
put forward at Wye, English -grown
wheat could command as high prices
as the imported article the prospects
for arable agriculture in this coun-
try would be improved.
Invited to express an opinion on
the relative merits of Canadian and
United. States -wheat, Mr. Halliwell
said the Dominion cereal was of quite
as high- -a standard as the wheat
green in the United States, - and
very often it was superior. He had
never seen anything better than seine
sampios that were sent to him to be
examined. The imports of Canadian
wheat and flour were certain, in his
opinion, to inoroase rapidly, and,
provided a slight preference was
made lit its favor, the Dominion
would, before many years had elapsed
be able to supply us with all wo re-
Ask far Minard's and take no others
Fran LOBS CitS T4/'EN BED,
In all crustaceans, as, indeed, is al-
most everything in Nature, there is
a certain percentage of iron. Upon
boiling, the lobster is oxidized, rl'he
effect is largely due also to the per -
outage of muriatic acid which ex-
xists naturally in the shell. The
ehefa;licai ehango which takes place
here is almost similar to that which
occurs in the burning of a brick. In
boiling a lobster its coat ceases to
be 11 living substance, and to a cer-
tain extent it takes a new charac-
ter, it is as a brick would be after
burning. This effect can also be pro-
duced by the sun, but necessarily
not so rapid, as the heat of that
luminary, although more intense, is
not concentrated sufXiciently to pro-
duce the result. The sun also exer-
cises a bleaching influence whieh con-
sumes the oxide almost as fast as it
is formed, leaving the ,shell white or
nearly white.
It is seldom that one sees a boiled
fish alive, yet there are such in the
boiling lake of Amatitlan, Guatema-
la. A species of fish was lately seen
there by M. Marpellin Pellet, a
French traveler. These fish, he as-
serts, often pass days in the boiling
water, which comes from numberless
hot springs.
tam or. ONTO, CITY ole TOLEDO, a
Leeds Coaxer.. r 63,
FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath
Chat he is senior partner of the arum of
F. J. OlillNlttY & CO„ doing baseness
In the City of Toledo, county and
tate aforesaid, and that said firm win
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL -
LARK for each and every ease of OA-
1'Altltll that cannot be cured by the
FRANK J. ettienater.
Sworn to before ma and subscribed in
rimy presence, this 6th day el .December,
A JJ. 1tS,i I$,
s> AL Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter-
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
i cad for testimonials, free,
F. J. CHl•;N1t1Y & CO., Toledo, 0.
.old by all Druggists; 75c.
Hall's Family fills are the best.
"This," said the dear girl, as she
led the way int6 a secluded nook in
the conservatory, "is what papa
calls bis matchbox. Everybody
comes in here 'to propose."
There is nothing more assuring to
the traveler than his knowledge of
the fact that he is traveling on a
firm roadbed, upon which is laid the
'heaviest of steel rails, made true in
all their curves, and that the train
which carries him is of the highest
standard of excellence known to rail-
roads and is being guided to its des;
tinatioa by experienced minds. These
aro the conditions which become ap-
parent to the frequent traveler on
The Wabash Lino, and which have
made that line justly -famous. The
Wabash has its own rails direct. to
the World's Fair Grounds in Saint
Louis, All 'Wabash through trains
stop at World's Fair Station (For-
syth) in order to give passengers an
opportunity to view from the trains
the World's Fair Buildings. J.
Richardson, Dist. Pass. Agent, To-
ronto and St. Thomas.
In British shipyards 60 per cent of
the world's output of vessels during
last year were built, from which, dur-
ing the year, were launched a total
of 1,368 vessels or 1,610,000 total
tonnage. There were launched in
America in 1902, 162 vessels of 315,-
000 tons, Germany launched 250
vessels of 272 tons.
I was Cured of Acute Bronchitis
Bay of Islands.
I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia
Springhill, N. S.
I was Cured of Chronic Rheumar
Albert Co., N. B.
Dict Visitor : "I hope you and
your husband agree now, Mrs, No -
tact ?" Mrs. Notact : "Oh, yes,
mum; we agree on everything new."
(After a pause.) "lie said you was
a meddling old fool t'other day,
mum !"
For Over Sixty Years
WAIL Wni,LOW's SOOTHING SYRUP baa been nse4 by
nllfioe, of mothers for their children while (necklets.
ftaoothoo the child, softens the ma: allays pain, Dares
rind delle, regulates the atoamenh and bowels, and fa the
test remedy for Diarrhoea. Ttwonty-five cents o bottle
gold by druggists throughout the world. Ile sure end
isle for "Atm Wienow'sSOOTHING STROP." 25.74
Mrs, Wickwire sat up and shook
her sleeping husband's shoulder vig-
orously. "What is it ?" he mum-
bled. "I want you to snore either
in soprano, bass, alto, or tenor, and
confine yourself to one tone. You
keep switching from one to another
so rapidly that I can't sleep."
t r t r j
Minard s Liniment Lumberman s Friend
Mr. Irela.r,d : "This book on swim-
ming is very useful in sudden emer-
gencies." Mrs. Ireland : "Is it: ?"
Mr. Ireland . I should say so. If
you are drowning turn to page 108,
and there you'll see how to save
itemoves all hard, snit em' calloused lumps
end b'lottelslams from horses, had Apavin,
curbs; splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles,
Sprains, sero attd swollen throat, coughs, e:o,
8ave$50 by use of one bott'e. Warren'eel
the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
ServanteeePlease, sir, don't you
think I had better go for the doc-
tor? Master Johnny says' leo feels 'so
bad." The Governor ---"Oh, that's
nothing; he's felt bad before this,
hasn't he, and got over it?" Servant
—"Yes, sir; but not on a half -hole..
days ".
Stands 0;7 Test
The most juseveredgment cFi:lle expert tea taster pronounces
Blue Ribbon Tea absolutely the best. Wily ?
It is free from tannin and other bitter substances --no coarse
fibrous leaves employed in its making. •
The taste is pure,rich and cream ---that nameless qualitythat
signifies to the expert and lovers of true tea that it thbest
leaves and shoots of the tea plant properly' cured.
Blaackl:, Iteemed�s SLaoisLl bet
Cey lore, Green �r a Virley
filen atff'sa' 1
Ai/ "-2003
sc Victoria"
"Lithe Comet"
Aset foe- the
Rel Label
tither and
m : itot satailk,
First Offcer ' "How would you
fancy a sailor for a husband, Miss
Curzon ?" Miss Curzon : "Very
much indeed, if he were like your-
se]f ?" First Officer (highly flat-
tered) : "It's extremely nice of you
to say that, but why so ?" Miss
Curzon : "Because he wouldn't be
home much t"
Lever's Y -Z ('Wise Head) Disinfec-
tant Soap Powder is better than
other powders, as it is both soap
and disinfectant,
"Look at me," exclaimed the lead-
ing lawyer, warmly; "I never took
a drop of n'edicim.e in my life, and
I'm as strong as any two of your
patients put together." "Wel
that's nothing," retorted the pL+ys
clan. "I net er wei,t to law in in
life, and I'm as rich as any tw
dozen of your clients put together,'
"I used to be in love with your
wife, Charlie, but I got over it"•
"Well, you needn't brag about it.
So did I,"
Wo are getting talons, ,Iots of those. 74 'hen so
other truss Will hold Rpm they come Co uv.
'What we got la Sold," "Thebedt Is the cha 1st.°
Thads our pat.nt pneuma;tio pad Timmit Lab's
the edges of the wound together 80 te.t. wick fah'
play it mist heal. Yon may set well ; 'ea can't get
worse while you wax 1 . Pranrabfe Daly from
SE BETA' AND Tit SS ht'I'Q. CO., Hernia
eoial.ets. 483 tlpadiila vo., Taranto.
SLIM a (salmon
Solicitors of r'etenta i
Canadaife Build*.
ill=1/111MEDIRMSEMEMEMM Write for (r'4si rlsa
TgaM1 .. MALL.
. t5'al
On August 1801, also September
lst and lvtlt, 1903, round tiip tick-
ets will be iseued frena Chicago and
St. Paul at single nreteclairs fart
pies e2.00 to points on the Grecs-
Northern By. in the states of Mit
nc'.mta, Ca'egen, Idaho, Wasllingtc:
also to all poimits in I3ritisla Colun
bia reached via Great Northern R
There tic'ke'ts are valid for retie
passage within 21. days from dal
of levee.
Full information as to stop o•"..•
pr(vfloges, etc., by calling on c.
tvreting Charles W. Gr eves, 1Didt'ric
Passenger Agent, 6 King St., west:,
Room 12, Toronto. Ont.
The bride : "I told hubby I was
going to give him something of my
own cooking, and he said I'd better
try it on a deg first. Wasn't that
a cruel suggestion ?" Her Bosom
Friend : "Very 1 And I thought your
husband was so fond of dogs 1"
constitute one of her chief glories.
They contain fields, forests, and
plains; they are watered by creeks
and rivers, and contain villages and
farm -houses; they have springs and
lakes where hotels and other places
of entertainment are found for those
seeking health and recreation.
To enable people to reach these
favored localities without unneces-
sary expenditure otl time or money,
the UNION PACIFIC has put into
effect very low rates and splendid
train service from Missouri River to
Denver. -
Accoanmodations are provided for
all classes of passengers on these
trains, the equipment including free
reclining chair cars, dining cars,
buffet smoking cars, drawing -room
sleepers, clay coaches, etc.
Full information cheerfully furnish-
ed on application toi Ii. F, Carter,
'CanaJanes Cbot ing, Toronto,
Canada. F. B. Choate, G.A,, 126
Woodward Ave., Detroit, kllch.
"You mustn't cough so much,
Willie," his mother said. "I can't
help it, mamma," replied the. little
boy with the long golden curls.
"Something amuses me in my
Mina dI s Liniment is used b )h sic
Old lllillie'a '(with e. ,scowl) : "You
want my daughter, eh ? Now, sir.
tell No in what single instance have
yott ever exhibited any business
tact ?" Jake Fellows (grinning) :
"Well, that's easy enough. I picked
on you for a father -iia -law," .
Deep Minard's Linimon! in the Nouse
M �r�,, Y'•
Li e IQAY!O' 1.
Oenc1 for ffmndbool!
105 Bay S•teror.o73TO oe Patent?, &a,
at tit COLLEGE
Sat nocuporior ptginrc � iAg S'hrol for
giasc Academia, Matriculation. ani SoIectc.a Coarses.
For 1,D l510 (Comulian Crneerratorrt• -4 X.%• u. .on
8tenograpky, Art-'a'reedlnworl:, •t'o„ SME CALENDAR
Address, Trhm LADY PRINCIPAL. •
e a a DUFFS
Can be dons perfectly by our rratmeh Process. Try la
O Wrlsid A,M-salacN t 'VEINO CO.
Bowan! i Ste ,mships
r.Scontreal to Liverpool
Boston to Llvorpeol
Large and Nast Stean;thipe. Superior accommodation
br all classes of sasseegers. Saloons and Stater,ocmq
re atnidshiss. 8peois 'attention has been given to the
.re Saloon and Third -Class accommodation. Fos
Tauterpaaage and all particulars, apply to any agent
mf the Company, or to pasaenger agent. 0.61
7 State St., Roston. 17 SE. $cerement at.. Mammal
Young Mon and Women
To prepare for a
much better
position than I
hold by hand-
ling for them
Mall Lessens
front the
Posty le RIGHT, and we
want to start another
thousand upward in the
next month. Wilt you
be orae of them/ states
are dloconated Pr/` for
next thiet7 days. write
at once for perticutars,
Cotrospondssco Dop't.,
Oentral timeless OOtIego,
We have Mexicans, WE
California Navels, HAVE
Valencies, and THE
Sevillcs, IgEST
Z arload every week. Alt the above at
!market prices. We can also handle your
utter, Eggs, Poultry,
41a2110 Syrupand other produce to advarn•
ta;e for your
tente I8AWSON einfifiliSSION C001 Milted*,
-• Om %Teat Market St.. qSCta?.
., - ,ft ... i-
a feka