HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-11-12, Page 25CI,INTON NEWS -RECORD. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1986 --Page 5A
fellowship and frie nd.ship
Sharon Kember, daughter of Dave Kember
of New Brunswick and the late Phyllis
Kember, and Robert McKenzie, son of
Gladys and Ken McKenzie of Clinton, were
married in Brucefield United Church on Oc-
tober 25. Rev. Lorne Keays officiated. Maid
of honor was Angie Demers of Seheringville
and bridesmaids were Marilyn Johnston of
Stratford, Lois Jackson of Clinton and Janet
Beaver of Zurich. Best man was Garry Weir
of Clinton and ushers were Rick Whetstone
of Sarnia, Nick Klaver of RR3 Kippen and
Doug McGregor of Kippen. Flower girl was
Julie nacheri of Seaforth. Following the
wedding, a reception was held at the
Stanley Township Complex. The couple
-honeymooned in Chatham and will reside in
Brenda Harris
Keg and Kaye Harris of Holmesville an-
nounce the graduation of their daughter
Brenda from the Registered Nursing pro-
gram at Fanshawe College, London. Brenda
has accepted a fulltime position at Victoria
Hospital, London on a general surgery
ward. Brenda has a graduate of Holmesville
Punlic School and Central Huron Secondary
School in Clinton.
Fall wedding unites couple.
Wendy Bell, daughter of Don and Joan
Bell of Clinton and Paul Middegaal, son of
Tony and Joan Middegaa of RR 1 Blyth were
married on October 18 at St. Joseph's
Catholic Church, Clinton with Father John
Pinta officiating.
Maid, of honor was Gina Radley, friend of
the bride. Bridesmaids were Deanna Bell,
sister of the bride; Karen Grainger, sister of
the groom; and, Marianne Menzies, friend
of the bride.
The best man was Bert Middegaal,
brother of the groom. Ushers were Jim Mid-
degaal, brother of the groom; Mark Bell,
brother of the bride; and, Bill Gibson, friend
of the groom.
Ring bearer was Nicholas Bell, nephew of
the bride. Candle bearers were Bradly Gra-
inger, nephew of the groom; and, Denver
Bell, nephew of the bride.
Music was provided by soloist Julia Arm-
strong, cousin of the bride, accompanied by
Louise McGregor. A reading was given by
the bride's cousin, Jill Armstrong. Altar
boys were Danny Van Bakel, son of Tony
and Nellie Van Bakel . and 13rian Van
Steelandt, son of Frank and Dorothy Van
Steelandt, both friends of the groom.
The wedding reception was held at the
Stanley Township Complex, Varna, and the
newlyweds honeymooned to Huntsville.
They are now residing in Clinton.
Prior to the wedding the couple was
honored at a neighborhood luncheon hosted
by the Jane and Fred Radley family, held on
September 7. Fine food was enjoyed by all,
followed by an entertaining mock wedding,
directed by Gina Radley. Wedding party
performers were: Bert Middegaal, as the
bride; Gina Radley, the groom; Jill Arm-
strong, the best. man; Fred Radley Jr.;
maid of honor; Bill Gibson, the minister;
Charlie Wise, the usher; Marianne Menzies,
Barb Forbes and Deanna Bell, the singers;
Linda Mommersteeg (courtesy of Lois
Wise), the pianist; Karen Grainger, mother
of the bride; Jim Middegaal, father of the
bride; Steve Grainger, the photographer.
Former Hullett resident dies
Irene Grimoldly
Irene Grimoldly of Seaforth and formerly
of Hullett Township died on November 1 at
Seaforth Community Hospital. She was 87.
Born on November 19, 1898, she was the
daughter of the late Benjamin Riley and
Mary Ann Wright.
She was predecased by her husband
Robert Grimoldly. They were married on
February 20, 1918 at the family home in
Mrs. Grimoldly is survived by one
daughter Mrs. Kenneth (Olive) Betties of
Seaforth and by two grandsons, Paul Betties
of Stanley Township and Gary Betties of
Seaforth. Also surviving are five great
She was also predeceased by two sisters
and two brothers.
Mrs. Grimoldly was a member of the Nor-
thside United Church in Seaforth. Rev.
James Vanslykc of Northside conducted
at age 87
funeral services at the Falconer Box
Funeral Home, Seaforth on November 3. In-
terment was held at the Maitlandbank
Pallbearers were Michael Betties, Donald
Lamont, Douglas Riley, Fred Buchanan,
William Millson and Kenneth Preszcatur.
Flower bearers were. Pamela Betties, Jill
Betties and Ken Betties.
UCW view film on unique churches
CLINTON - "A qrrowing Church," a film
strip that illustrated expansion, efficiency
and progress in Canadian churches was
shown at the October meeting of the Ontario
Street United Church Women (UCW) After-
noon Unit.
Ethel McPherson presented the filen and
she told of the unique Meadowvale Churches
in Mississauga and St. John's, New-
foundland where several denominations -
United, Anglican, Lutheran and
Presbyterian - share the same building
Thre film also featured First United
Church in .Vancouver. Although this church
is only 17 years old it is being demolished to
allow the construction of a more efficient
Mention was also made of the church in
Fort McMurray which has seen continual
growth in its 12 years of existence. The con-
gregation first met in homes and now meets
in a local school.
Twenty-two UCW members and two
visitors attended the November meeting.
Marion Powell opened the sessien and Vera
MacDonald read a poem. Mrs. McPherson
and her group led the devotions and Bernice
Richardson played the piano for the singing
of hymns. Marjorie Caldwell read the scrip-
ture and Mrs. McPherson gave the medita-
tion entitled, "What have we to serve with?"
Vera Glazier led the group in prayer.
it was noted that 17 hospital calls and 15
home visits had been made in the past
month. Lula Merrill gave the treasurer's
report and Edith Wright read thank you
notes, a letter from the Clinton Public
Hospital board and a letter from the UCW
foster child.
Coffee and Bible study, poplar event
VANASTRA - Interest and particiation in
• the Thursday morning Coffee Break and Bi-
ble Study at the Christian Church has been
steadily increasing.
Women of all ages meet each week at 10
a.m. for fellowship and study of the Bible
and babysitting service is provided for
women with children.
The group invites participation from more
people in the area.
Quilts and crafts
Careful I: a hung end suggestions made
by the leaders of . the Vanastra Christian
Church and women in the congregation has
led to the successful Quilting and Craft Club.
Participants recently completed a child's
quilt and another quilt is ready to be stitch-
ed. The child's quilt will be on sale with
other crafts at the Vanastra Recreation
Centre on November 22.
Recently the club learned about Tri -Chem
Liquid Embroidery, with demonstrations
and instructions given by Margaret Cooke.
An open invitiation is extended to the next
demonstration which will be held on
January 8 held at the church. Profits from
the sales go to the church for various club
Marriages on the
There's a saying that families seem to get
together only for marriages and. funerals.
We're seeing each other less and less fre-
Maintenance work
At the last membership meeting the con-
gregation approved plans to put insulation
in the roof of the church auditorium.
Discussion also centered on the purchase
of new chairs. It was agreed to have a
special collection for this purpose and the
November 2 offerings made it possible for
order 150 new chairs. •
quently then, if Statistics Canada's data on
marriage are any. indication. There were on-
ly 184,096 marriages in 1985, a drop of 20 per
cent from 1972.
Mr. and Mrs. Middegaal
The bridal couple was presented,. with
gift, a brass floor lamp with glass table.
On September 13, Joyce Armstrong, Julia
and Jill held a shower in the bride's honor
with relatives and friends. Many gifts were
presented, along with a book depicting the
years of the bride and groom's courtship
and future forecasts.
Karen Grainger, assisted by Barb Forbes
and Linda Mommersteeg, hosted an ABC
Shower on September 18 . with family and
friends at the home of the groom's parents.
Each guest was given a letter of the
alphabet, by which to choose a gift. The
presentations ranged from the letters A -Z.
The bride and groom were also feted at a
Buck and Doe party and a trousseau tea
which was held on October 11.
UCW to celebrate in 1987
CLINTON — The business meeting of the
Wesley -Willis United Church Women was
held on November 5 with the President
Peggy Menzies opening the meeting with a
poem by Dr. Huband.
She asked that all reports be in to her by
the end of November, to be sent on to the
Presbyterial secretary, Ruth Axman.
Holmesville and Ontario Street Bazzars
were announced,and UCW pins are being
ordered for sale to Wesley -Willis members.
• The 25th anniversary of the United Church
Women will be celebrated next year, 1987.
On January 11, the church service will be
e responsibility of the women, with past
residents taking part, to celebrate this
eirent and the installation of 1987 officers
will take place at this time.
:The minutes Were read by Ina Durst and
approved, and Marilyn Parr gave the
treasurer's report.
:On December 3 at 12 pm, a Christmas lun-
cheon will be Served to all members. A good
fellowship together is being planned with
$ue Bonsteel of Stratford as guest speaker,
sa bring out those who need transportation.
:The Sunday School Christmas program,
.under the leadership of the superintendeant
Barb Hicks, will be held December 14 at
11:30 a.m.
Several thank you notes were read by
Donna Johnson; also a letter from June
Taylor, Friendship House in Goderich
thanking the UCW for their Thanksgiving
donation of money and food supplies.
The UCW will help with expenses up to
X300 to young persons wishing to attend Toc
and don't know
which way to turn,
hostess of dome,
JUNCO bili
Alpha or Five Oaks seminars held at
Christmas time.
A creative cooking demonstration is being
planned for April 6. This will be held in the
Clinton Town Hall
A report of the Morning Market was given
by convenor Aileen Craig, and special
thanks was extended to Karen and Kay
Whitmore for decorating -the church for this
occasion. This was a very successful event.
An interesting letter was read from the
UCW foster child, Maria of El Salvador, in-
forming them that their last year gift of
money to her put a new roof on their home
and floor in their kitchen.
The Stewardship day in Blyth with Rev.
Craig Railton as lc,:der and the Leadership
Training Seminar in Brucefield with a
Crossroads Africa speaker, were attended
by Wesley -Willis delegates)
The Good -Will Industries Truck will pick
up used clothing at the church on Novenhber
27 and a Christmas visitation will be arrang-
ed by. Donna Wood and her committee.
Cleta,JIolland reported that two carna-
tions, four sympathy cards and 3 memorials
had been sent this month.
Marilyn Parr reported that Morning
Glories will be decorating the church for
Christmas on the evening of November 26.
Their coin race is under way as their fund
raising project, ending January 4 with the
losing team providing a dinner for the
winners. •
Kay Whitmore reported for the Afternoon
Unit, with an average attendance of 16
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482-9441 SEAFORTH
ton died on Thursday, ovember 6,
1986. Funeral service wa held Mon-
day, November 10, 1986.
died on Saturday, November 8, 1986.
Funeral service was held Tuesday,
November 11.
Church Services
Fellowship Bible Chapel
162 Maple Street Sundry, November 1eintan
9:45 a.m. Worship & Remembrance
11 a.m. Sunday School & Family Bible Hour
7 p.m. Evening'Service
Speaker: Ray Taylor
Awana Weekly
7:30 p.m. Thurs. - Prayer & Devotion
Listen to "Just Neighbours.' on Cable 12 Sundays pm 8 Tuesdays 8:30 m ,
Ontario Street United Church
MINISTER 105 Ontario St., Clinton, Ont. ORGANIST
Rev. David J. Woodall, B.A., M.DIV. Louise McGregor
11 o.m. Public Worship
11 a.rn. Church School
Wesley -Willis United Church
9:45 A.M. • Service at Holmesville
11:00 A.M. • Service at WesleyWiflis
Everyone Welcome
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
MINISTER 4 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton . ORGANIST
Rev. William M. Barber Charles Merrill
10:00 A.M. Divine Worship & Sunday School
Nursery Facilities Provided
Christian Ref armed
Christian Reformed Church
243 Princess St., E. Clinton
Sunday, November 16
Rev. Homer Samplonius
110 a.m. Worship Service
7:30 p.m. Worship Service I .
All Visitors Welcome
85 Huron St.
Sunday, November 16
11 a.m. Morning Worship & Sunday School
Wednesday $ p.m. Bible Study
St. Paul's Anglican Church
Rev. Gordon Simmons, I1.A . M. Div.
Sunday, November 16
11:30 A.M. SERVICE
1st & 3rd Sunday - Holy Communion.
2nd & 4th Sunday - Morning Prayer
Everyone Welcome
(Affiliated with
the Pentecostal As$emblies of Canada)
' Pastor: Rev. Douglas Richard§
e 10:00 a.m. Christian Education
e 11:00 a.rVi. Morning Worship
e 1:00 one Evangelistic Service ,
Come and JoinUsf, , , ......