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Exeter Times, 1903-9-3, Page 1
rEININIMPEImunivermearramou THIRTIETH Y&ATs--No 30 H IJRON & 1.DDL ES EX GAZETTE EXETER ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3RD 1903 +II+ +1+w 3r +Z++1+•1`+1+3.1+.I+ Fti,, `�3++k+ 3++1+x+ 444.01,444444-1414++++++++++:1(44: i , liensai.l STOVES AND FURNACES If you are in need of a stove or furnace this fall it will be to your advantage to call and see our stock before you purchase elsewhere as we carry a large stock of the very best ]makes both for coal and wood. We make a specialty of Furnaces, Eavetrough- ing, Gas and Waterpipe. We have a stock of for;"e and lift Pumps. CEMENT If you want the best results use '1' t3 J. Sutherland, Notary Pehlke Conveyan cssu erotMarrzageLicenses Legal o loan) narel drawn es of interest, ORiee at the. Post Office llensall nt National and Star Brand Cement I q4 In ARE SOLE, AGENTS Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cements last for ever. • +f+ ISI.4-14+++++++•1'•1••14+++++4.•I.,'elee ++++4H4++4.+++++4•++++++4.++ The latest Thing in Cloth Is always to be found at this tailoring establishment. If you havent a good tailor and are looking for one, try us, One trial will convince you that you cannot get better satisfaction for the same money than we will give you. We W Taman. 10licrcireetnt TeiHon. NE PIANOS We have just put in stock several new Pianos in the latest designs and ymf the Best Makes at Popular Prices. We will esteem it a pleasure to show -them to you. Organs always in stock. A good second hand Bell Organ :in i•good order, for sale cheap. The Bicycle Season Is with us and those Cushion Frames ..arejust what you want, We have • .'chest at moderate prices. Sewing liflachines In ail the leading Makes always in •stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs ;for .game. Call and see us. We are always busy but will be glad to give you any information about our >;oods you may -desire. 841/ r�aa��•��aeoes®•s©®ogee®eea�dee ar611iis itTPr6ll6G 01 o inion Makes men seek a tailor. If all men thought alike about fabrics and style ready-made clothingwoulddo fi rs s rate. Who wants to be one of the thousand who wear the same stuff,cut the same way -fitting each man a little bit. and no man perfectly? The correct dresser wishes some little in- dividuality dividuality in his garments. More- over he wants to know how and by whom they are made. Fall patterns are now in, conte in and see them. FOWLE ROS. THE CLOTHERS, 13 ENSALL. Zion -Miss Lila Taylor is in London vis- iting friend,,. -Mr. Bert .and Miss Passmore, of Bethany, paid Zion a visit on Sunday. -Mr. John Whiteford broke a couple of his ribs but we aretpleased t•o see him, axiountd:again• -Threshi'n'g is the order of the clay and grain) is turning out well.' So while working hard, take a littler rest ono an. burisocia, and .came to the honey d 1 at Ziotn, on the 6th and'7th: pt Sept.. Social at 7 o'clock, on Monday eireninig A good programme is being prepared. Acrmiseion 15 and 20e. All 'welcome. Lumley .-..ate (Too late for. last issue.) -Rev. Mir. Cranston has returned home/atter spelnding his holidays. -A. ,number from this village left on the escaroles: to the( North,-''4Ves;t, on Tuesday last.. -Mugs soa tzeixltax, frpoan Logan, is spending. a Sew days visiting Miss Emma •Oampbetll. r A very pleasant evening was spent an the beautiful lawn ,of . I4. Cx.. O. Wilsmoyn, on Triday, i Aug. 21st, when the SL•affa tennis, club and: chorrtwith' many asllhers aseemOle,d. ,The forepart of Ube emvlelniin,g being spent in sevelradt iaxterelsting gaimrs Of tennis, followed bye a 1pnon eivade by `all present,, icor the Isweet music of the Sti,a&ffa •argble) tra: Then the chair was ,oac epietd by ;the Rev. Mr. Cranston, and a xreill;tselleetL•- od programme was• rendered, consist- ing of singing, reciting, ;music and sahort .,peaches, after which lunch was served •atad: everyone de'phrteil ;to, their., blolme's well plelaised with the. evening spent. Children Cry for STORIAo —THE— Merchants Bank f anada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. ?"CAPITAL (all paid up) • •.•.., REST 7;'%COs.:C l sn1L, • General Manager $6,000,000. $2,700,000 lu. F. HEBDIaN, Suporintendeab of Branches .,A:GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings, Bank accounts and Depositosit Receipts. Letters of Credit issued available in China, trap= and : other foreign countries. OREDITON ONTARIO. W. 8 CHI H OLM r Manager Y - -Mr.VWan.Ualteill is sipexi+dzng atm clays lin Toronto. ' ,Pubiiee school re -opened on'Tuesr- day, of this week. , -Mr. J. W. Ortweim le enjoying 'a two weeks' hol,i.diaty. • -Mr. Will Biotnthron, of Mileage, is Mere visiting his parents. ..-Ales. Sylvester, of Detroit: ,is vis- iting Mrs. H. J, D. Oook. , -Mrs. Ellis utas in. G+odeirieb, les i ectr(mell° (home, this week, f-Mr. D. Cenitel'on and Mrs. Lorne Sc'ol.t were in Clinton, on Sabbatlelast -Dr. Sellelry and Mr. Ohas. Linder, axe epenidin;g a few ;days in; Toronto. t -3tiss Hattie Sutherland is visiting firiieintds i.n TolZenttg, ter a len slays. -Mr. M. Brown has gone to Toron- to, Where he: has accepted, a posatianiin a drug bore -D. T. W alksmam, has been engaged pis school teacher in' section No. it 'ThiokersssmLtcar --Mr. Peter Lamont ssh+ipped, three car loads of time cattle to Torontonon Set urd,a,y last. -The beialehexs who wexc: here spend- i;n,g Uheir emanations., have left t'olre- summe tthieei,r dutiels. -a lists ]7tlbel Colwill and, ,cousin, IVJ;i,ds •CoiLwil1, aJ 'Whitby, are visiting this week ,a.t Se{aferth. -Mrs. Sh ret who 1 as boon visiting her parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. A. Jahn -. it'llcln, hale returned' hams. -.The friends ,af )err. John Willis utile regret bo lelarn, that he is very low :wt the, time e m of writing. ;Moister Lionel Davis and sister,' Etta. left this week to attend: thetCol- e last.. L ct to -1 1 I n� z to , , t Clinton. B' -Mrs., ?l Wan. Moir a' ,nd daug°h'trar, Miss Louie, acre visiting Mrs. J. S. Case, of T•or.clnito, 1Mitrs. Moir's daugh- ter. • Mrs. T. McLeod, of Detroit, wino has been . visiting hien mother, 'Mrs. Jas White has returned to •the city af,the S hea:its. -D. L. 7."h:olrpisan, and non, who' were there for: a, oouple ofa ,,tip*auks,. vise itt ag relaltivess, Ih;ave+ ret'urneld.;ter :.To.. rolnto. -A Large number of our villagers are taking advantage of the cheap dates and aro spending a few days in Tarjanto. -Mrs. Lipphardml and her daughter, Mrs. N. H. flatlet, .of Detroit, 'are vis- iting Mrs, Henry Cook. Mrs. Lipp-- hardit's sister. -Mrs. Gleosrgte Moir and, her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. D. Young, hnvestbelen. spending the passe two weeks with are- isall•,ivels alt Ln elolad. -.Mfrs. Bma;yles, of Osshiawn, a daugh- ter o,f Mrs. Watc'riini5 ,s, enefoknp7anieil. b3 her husband, wer`,h er e acts den• the funeral n f Mr. Warring. -The Ilewsall band drove to Clinton oat Tuesday last, and Assisted the Clin tan hand in a ooncetnt, which wae(veiry euiacesstful. They took in $127.00. Wm. Linderfield, who. has been spending the Last few months, at :his home here, leaves next Monday j far Flint, Miah.,.where he has a. goad sit uaLion. -Mr. 11. J. Billings, manager of the Modem's Bank, is spending a couple of wepks Sty; 1VLont•zrelaal, Mr. R. B't Saml•s well, of Exeter branch as looking af- ter tan hank during his absence. -,Mr. D. Urquhart, has Jbe',an lane lagging and otherwise improving his otaiLmeal mill, and aLso,imtsroving the other buib:Helgs. He has else put' in new up -no -date machinery, and is. now irfta (position to do the eery, best of war'k, -Man, IL Wilson, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, (nee Miss Carrie .Dont,) who taught school ,snme,nr ]err!acme years, ago, vias iin tlhe village daring , the past week, .acco,mpauied by her little da,ulgirtter, . viisilag her aunt, Mrs. Sutherland and odic friends. -Rev. Mr. Sewers, ,of 33•ruerlfleldj moderator of Carmel I'res,byterinm cixua'ch session, ,pre'ache'd the, 'pulpit! vacant o+n Sabbath last, and delivered alt.the ,sa;me time, two excellent sielr- motnis, wghiueh ' were iiadt;ined .tot witib very; •muscth interest by large co+ngre-. gations. It is now the defers of a^ the eoingregati•on to hear ministers preach who lame opeln for a ca11.i -We .are sorry to learn that •.'bine J. P. Wells; aur leading merchant bailor intends leaving next: week 'for Mit- chell, whore he intends opening a firsit class rmerlchatnt tailoring and gents' fu r.nishLng store. Ifr. Wells is a first cleisis cutter and merchant tailors and in a. ,genial fellow and good catizenland while r'elg'rehting Mr. 'Wells departure we widhi helm s it:gesis and( ration:mend ]rim to the citizens of Mitchell, -We have this week to chron- icle the depth otf Mr. Richard War+ ring• w;bii h wear red. at his home here, ,an Friday evening of last week. The de!ce!atsedt was st natrive at End and i being barn in Cornwall, in the, year 0.817. Ila. clmlitgenelle(d• to, tlhiiii,,couinttryi in Ulna y'e'ah 1847, settling first inithe county of Darlington, where he very eucoetsts'fullly 0'4;00.0: in fleIrlming,t e i ha ,did also in•Litteir years'are tho t,owi?i Obit: oil Hey,: a tshort.distance • fti'call Howell. Some 22 years ago 'lige decid- ed to retire from farming, and after disposing of his farm property to 'Ir George C. Petty, be moved to,bar.vil- ltaige where he continued to reside, un. til the time of his !delasth,'smarty;a goasrtier of a century, having attained Hie ,good. old age &of 87 tymrtars. Im' to.li.gide Mr. Warring was 'a McUli dice wind in ,po•iiti,cs a Conservative, andal. wayt3 took) a ,gtrefit ent'er1 Lt IRI'4numblie rnadikselris, Iia leaves to mourn(lais loss has aged widow, whose raider name 'w'alst Sarah Simmons, of BowlLt.lzt/cert, New York, 10 vhom lie was n zt Iz ire 1863. Its also ierav'e,s an adapted daughter, Mrs. Clara Nesbitt, of iroe- noauto, and Miss E.',:Wearing, oeele'cn. soli, the latter ha,vsing nursed him through .all bis hinges, during that past year, with all the tenderness and,a,fM fecbltatn'af a loving 'dnugprteir. Thea funereal service was 'held In tho ,metho dist elhureh, gin . Iond4,Y, ,aftrearnoon last when aaiexicelli'en:tser'mogterns deliver- ed by Mr. Wren 'whet is lrautpplying:1b pulpit during Rev. Dr. Medd's absence after Which the remains were interred in the Union cemetteiry, near Herisall. They were fpllowect by the relatives and friends of ttb,e'detceased., Much; sympathy' is felt for Mrs. Warring and Miss Eva, in the loss. they: bavq Aurit ritnted'„ Crediton -ATurs. M'iehael Hirtzol received a •message an Tuesday of the serious ill- ness of her daughter, Miss Annie Rader', of .Detroit Airs Ilirtzelleft at once far that place, but before, her arrival her daughter Lad passed,a,way Miss Radar had many friends here leen were gnictvcd to hear of her de- mise. Bruzcefield. -Geo. Bill is still very ill of hetlrt trouble. -The Insurance Companies have made satiefar.tory settl cmemts with those who suffered from th,e fire. -Many of our villagers appreciate their homers more than they formerly dad before having to fight for 'them, i an'ainst fire. -Jas. Aikenh'ead has bought the Rosh prc1 rty, can la ani g 150 acres ; he now has00 5 acres of good• land in the' neeighbor'h'octi -B. R. Higgins bought a thorabeed Dur'hmatm cow and calt from. W. Char- ters, Tuelcersmith, for which he paid a 'heind,ssome figure. Shipka -We are, sorry to ,have totreicord the death of Mr. Thomas. Lamport; which ocicz . s erred at Victoria II'ca,pittad London, on Saturday last. Mr. Lam- port had been, all for sans ,,ti'me, surf faring from cancerous trouble, and about two weeks ago event to : ,tho hospital in the hopes,that som,aithing might be clone to relieve his suffeu•- iugs. During the .assembly of the medical association in Lhat city, his arise was diagnosed, when it wasfound that he was too far gone to, operate anon. On Saturday last during the visit of his wife he ascertained £ram her the fact that his case' was: hope- less =din a few hours, after making making all arrangements as to the future the quietly passed away, Dc- eeiaised :has many relatives in this ,ic- ca it i who are loft to y mourn his' loss and tens Im sympathy o£ a host of Jiriends is extended to them in theta sad bereavement Zurich -Mr. E. Bos,set-zberry left for Port Hunan, on Tuesday, ' to witness the rapes, which ' are being held there this week Mrs. Adam Faust, who was visit- ing trelaiLivets and friends in Michigan far about a month, has returned to her hta(mie again. -Court was ;had in the Town; Hall, on Wednesday, the 2nd of Sepiembe,r, oommemncdnig ,at 10 o'clock, a. m. It is about four. 'months since t11e; 11%st titling took plane here., -Me. I'. Delmont was tin Toronto, again this week, with three carloads of cattle. This makes seven carloads he has sent • forward to the Queen City witthin the last couple, of weeks or so. Mr. Abe Sh'otl,sr is the possessor of a weenie which has crone service . in three generations, and is still able to tick off its thirty seconds toe het min- ute and the same number of minutes to the hour. i1Zr. John Dtunart Left for Strat- ford and Berlin, on Wednesday afte.r- ncon, to visit friend's and consult an eye spe'c'ialist. He has been troubled with an .affection of the. optic nerve for senuie lit )Ale time past. Grand. Bend t --Mr. Roberts returned to .Parkhill Moinfd'wy. 1 Wiillie Baker is reeowaring firer bits !relciesnt illness. •-111r. Hamilton loris rc,Lurn,:td to hie home in London, -Mies B. Jardine, of Godeiricih,•'ais- lLed Grand Bend, Saturday. --Mrs. Joseph is this weak in Lon- don,.unetergaing an operation. --Mr, Hulbert., of Mitchell, who has bet:in on m ping lae're re turned home this week. -Mr., Emory 'Derriere hes left. for L'•arbhill to take up his studies at the High school. ---1VCr. +aind Mrs. C, Copeland, of St. Marys, are.. visiting Mrs. Copelancl's sister. Mrs. Rohe. Hamilton, -*he ,rein awns of the late Mr.i Thos. Lampert, art Shipka, was interred in Grand Bend cemetery, Monday after- noon. -Messrs. Mayand .liuclrs returned ss- , e Monday to their homes in Mitclnel.l, after a pleasant outing on the:shorts of La+lac •H,u+r,an. --Mrs. J'annes Dalziel, of reverinrotn tvhio teals been visiting Mrs. Wm. I.>at- tersan+ returnedf toter home this week aceompaniedt by Master EiussdlI Pada tertian. Dashwood 'hitornday being Tabor Day it will be observed as a public holiday, -Mr. twid Mrs. S. Rennie, of rZurietit called on E. 1?, .1?•auilu, last ,Sunday, -.,1+2,1ss•. Louis Restiim'eryeac ,has 'gionc to the Lonidan I osprt'al to undergo an opera Oen -Miss Siebert from Elmira, is in Uho v'illa'ge amid tetaying heir ele- itetr, Mis. W,i l zee. -filings Tewin Mexsaue, of London, and Sarah from Detroit, are'homer vie - Wing their ,m.c•ther. -A number of the eltizens attended l.bvc funeral of the late Thos Lamport are Miionday aft!elrnoon. ---Large loads of campers 'are mov- ing through the village from Grand Bernd on their way home. -Miss 13 Jardino, from i; :cL. r ich, once of our former te'a'chers, is tan the village renewing acquaintances, Miss T. Rudig, eviio has been vis -i icing at Mrs. Jos. L+`idt's they p'as,t three weeks returned to her home' .in Newton. --Our genial barber, Mr. Jos, Wam- bold is used up on has legtelatelyarnd needs the add of a casae to,support himself. while out walking. --O. W. Snell end Mess Flossie left far Toronto, last Tuesday, . Flossie will resume her studies while Oscazl is expected home again in a few fays. --Muse. Sctha1fclr --.anti Mrs. S.mtt4a, .frame Hamburg, and Mrs. Kwietze1 from Detroit , sprit a few darts `Lest week, 'eeithl thei'n mother, lMrs.,Chris. Wilt bee t. Whalen (Too'Date for la,st -Mir. John Wright spent Sunda.y,in Centralia, , -'call wllaezut is turning out frons 30 L'a. 40 bunt-hass pe'r acre. -Mrs. W. Freeman, of Markdale,':is visiting her parents and friends. Mrs. R. Jeckell, and children, of r ' ,,ai i ln' , SmaUhs Falls, is v s her z int ti t s ,tt' g r1 - p Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Morley. -Miss Minnie Morley returned on Monday from a week's visit witdrilluetr numb dm Sarnia. -Apple buyers axe canvassing this se,cttmicm lately, offering ;;1.00 per bar- rel for winter :apples. c -On account of failing health, Al- erted Gunning has ranted his farm for a term ,of ,years Ito- A,• Kanowlels. ' -Quite ie number intend taking in the honey and bun social at,Zion„•on Monday night. On Sunday the Rev. R. Tricks, of Fullartion, will preach, morning and evening, and them on Monday night the tea. -This part furnished its quota o£ harvesters for the great 'Weste Jesset Jacques, G. D,ufeleld, R. Jclbjnn boon, G. Sq u.ire, H. Palrkimsse.n and 'A. Hogg left on the G. T. R. R.-eXcuirsilognonethei 18th, unset. Same of them lnbendi to remain :taiiere over winter. -11Ir. Thomas Ki'uselra, of Lucan, is re ann working his farm on the N. 13. of Biddul h, which has been renlel fair the ;paslt five years to. eIr.lWm. Brook. Mr. Kinsela will move back Iso tete farm iso the spring:- and Mr. Brook gone to the ta(rtm of, Kr. S, Whalley, 10.L1.1 eon,. Blansha'.rd, which he has rented. EIimville -RU.iss MaryHenn spent a couple of days with her sister, Miss Martha. -Mr. and Mrs. W all es Horn spent a iewitietyslaf tthtetptast week with Mrs. Bea'n's parents, at Gad. tech -Mir. David Raweli,tfe has a cow which gave birth to twin calve*. They are bottti'liwiimg and doing well. -11ir. Iia,nson Smola, who works for Mr. Wm. Henn threshing was off duly a couple of days with ,lumbago am ti ,sore throat. -- arnn,c , , the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wen. P'e'neiambe has, been very ill With an attack of pleurisy on the lungs •rind symptoms of Typhoid tercet. -Mr. Themes Veal piokeda second crop of berries off his bushes tin Sat- urday last and Mr. S. Andrews picked a large bunch of apple blegeoms o8,[ a marsdrcin Bludh fret a few- nava .oe- (knee A titan daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Plbui.mas Ilunaberr, while visiting at Thitigatonwn had the misfortune. to braa,k her leg and dislocate the ,knee- cap, and was brought home on een.tur- dtay eventing Last. T•h'a latest reipdri,s say athis is doing nicely. The very many friends of Mrs. We - dell, beloved wife of Rev. W. J. Wad - ell, of,S'h.edden, and a fanner pastor on lh'is circuit were, pained to hear, of her death wvhich occurred inm London, , and Sunday bolsi'. Mr's. Waddell had ea -- been, suffering from an interr,ttl , .las mi-� m- v'Hot•it1 u� e an.d«,nl t.o is � . lro� bl �. 'p tat, London, where an operation was r� performed. The patient passing away about six hours later. A number of sympathizing friends from this des' t;mmLet attended the funeral which took piece n I Exciter Cemetery on Tue :lay morning llaniess, JOHN Wiil2'E & sons ots 8: Shies AVING PURCHASED the entire slob of Harness, a � �, s, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, etc., of Mr. B. E. Sweet, we solicit a share of your patronage and invite you 111 so that we may get acquainted,i T and you inay examine our goods, No trouble to show goods. We will carry a fall line of Harness, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. Come in and see us. R. H. Sweet's old stand. USE I heard your neighbor say 'They were doing.,, Kr You cotyle too 80101 11 [gale 80C1$ Ail RIR Monday and Tuesday, September 21st & 22nd{ Prize List and Full information from J. ALLISON, Jr., President. A. G. DYER, Secretary coaineelded, ever, by. Sir. Thomas him- self. Another raise w'kus expect'ed•• Wednesday. A special cable from; Glasgow says: "There, is talk among influential Clyde yachtsmen of build- ing another boat to :eompete for, the Ameritcam Gup• If it is decided to send a botat on such a quest all, designers will be asked to compete, and the best design will be accepted. ." How would it do to' build one and name it Shamrock IV. There is always Jack in the four-leaved o f ur leave 1 cIo ver. GENERAL NEWS The Parkhill II. S. Board raised Principal Met/lou,gall's salary to $1,000 Mr. W. J. Louglneed, B. A., formerly of Forest has been engaged by the High Schbol .Board as Mathematical amid Sciretnce master in the Clinton Oallsgiate. The 'membgre a.f tfif Middlesex Law Amu acaation, at a meeting held in the law library at the ,Court House. Lon- don, on Monday, unanimously approv- ed of a resolution 'asking for, chez es- tablishment o+f divource courts in Can alas. The wheat . crop of the Northwest Territories is.estineated, for the coming year at 15,042,000 bushels, gain of over a million bushels compared with the previous year. The eat crop is expels tetd to mal;er a ,nems record, '+ .the estim'ai e being 11,803,000 bushels. The. barley crop is; estimated at 1,116,- 300 bushels. This is a second record - break ing. Arr. R. Il. Iinox. has, sold the north half ,of lot 9, con: 12, Halleltt, contain- ing 50 acres, to his brother, 1Ir s Vm . Knox, of,cq for . -000. There are no build- ings ings on the place and the land, is ex- reptiaaally good. Mr. Knox still has 100 acres to sell, on which there' are good buildings and which would make einem-anent farm and home, for any- one. A sono;lion beiLteattelu bungiespini (El- 1ic•e tonlaeyhisp xelswl!teld ill the loss: ant the sight of an eye to Mr: George Ei- ger, son of 1VIr. •N, Eiger, lole2,'Con,;4, E.11,ice, He, was driving home from London, about eleven o'c10 k, 'ancl in the intense darkness collided • with nig going in the opposite diretetion. 'One of the sho:fbis of thtet:otherr,bu.g!;y struck ilaiim in the :sen. NICE WORM MEDICINE. Mrs. Wen. Graham, ' Sheppardten, Ont., Wrritee.:"I have given by boy Dr. Law's Worm Worm Syrup, andfdnd•it a excellent worm m e m m medici ne It is nice to take and docs not make' the ebi•lil. sick." Price 25e. GRANDEST TRIP IN T1 -IR W1:ST Tw'o butndred miles along the; beau- tiful Columbia Ricer, by dayylight. };15.00 buys a double sieepingberthb from Council Bluffs, Omaha, or Kan- sas City to PortAand. Tourist cars every day. For intormalion addres II. 'F. Carter, T. I'. A. 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Canada. F. 13. Choate, 0, 'A,, 12$''` grid ward ave., Detroit. Micli• i CURES SICK STOMACII QUICKLY. Sick siciimaciht may be ofttie quickly relfietved and its unpleasant eousaqu- enees averted by taking thirty drops. of Nenviline in a little sweetened rag- he nausea tl relieves4 '• tan, It tLzis far. Y t g' - e 8 • M andstimulating' -, 1 ,biR a n 'end it ,.oa Io 3b Gl by properties calms the stomach and en- ables it to go on and complete thc.pxo- ceas of digestion. The action of bier- viline is simply charming, pleasant, penetrating and powerful. Druggists sell it,. U.-! V!I1dt II1 YOIILOOKIIIU tar? Is it a nice piece of Furniture, if so don't fail to call on us because we are headquarters for anything in the line of c furniture, Our stock is the largest and best assorted he the country, workmanship the very best. design and finish the very Latest, and prices the lowest. We will be pleased to show intending purchasers through oat• large sboelc and quote our prices before placing their orders elsewhere. We gaarautee satisfaction with every article purchased from ant' store. All kinds of Ordered Work, Repairing, Upholstering and Pietare I+rain- ing done on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Undrtak rs and Fu's ral Dir ctor.. • zt *r.::.: A R, N. RowES' OLD STAND. a�- 4�-- T(113 YACHT RACE. ,Gems a t tesmmpt on 'i: ucsd ay to sail the third race in the international series was ant: t!h'er fa,ilure:and'was. called salt for lack of wind. As a yachlig.n event the traces have become a prolongation of ten agony all wmismh to seer ended, and what interest remained after thsfirst name between Siha'nirock z1I, and En-- Bance etas been lcssalessened't with each succeeding attempt to race. At the race on Tuesday , iZe- lianoe was nearing the finish, so ').hat the time, limit et five elide half henna the time limit ,of five a:nd a, half hear expirecl before she could cross (lifeline The triumph of the Reliance la now 4,-- Orr— eV— .r-- Or— ®•--• 00— ,P- err-- rr— w.-- SP w For the Stephen and lJsborne Annual Fall Fair 2 est and 22nd of September. isserrwrIetile.11MMlifirtranyoursgrogikrearrIrrarnirrtrk...4.11rafrrarrlrairreirnivirrrfleANifrrAMI,21..Inalanventor,.. Xerox, We are giving a Special Prize of a 25 pound. Pail of International Stock Food, value $3.60, for the pen of the three best hogs, (any age) owned and raised by any one man. = AMAN, Hardware Cement and Coal.