Exeter Times, 1903-8-27, Page 4'1H EI iEX ETE7 TIME , MA.UGt'ST1 27tih, 1,903.
..isons -Bank
orporateftby Act of I?arlt: aunt 19a55)
• Bead QtTitce9 Mc +treat.
tall pale epi .• we3,0e0,0e
Fund - eetl dt,Ue
Ta s
chs. in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta,
tieh Columbia :and eianitoiaa,
Open l.very Lawful I7ay frail 10.a. in,
to 3 p. in.; except
Saturdays, 10 a. in. to I p.
•il'etrixters Sale Notes cashed or icol-
Riot d Forms supplied on t
3lrat"t$ on all points in the Dominion,
Great Britain and United States
bought and sold at lowest rates of
e'er 'iiange.
Deposits of 51.00 and upwards receiv-
ed. Interest compounded half yearly,
and added, to principal June 30th and
December 31st. Deposits Receipts also
• issued and highest current rate of
titaterest allowed,
,Advances make to farmers, stock
dealer's and business men at lowest
rates and en roost favorable terms.
.Agents at Exeter for Dominion
Elle "% viler ;ittj
Ualenclar for August 1903
SUIaDAY.... , 2 9 10 23 80
l i&o:iDAer 3 10 17 21 31
TUESDAY , , , ... , 4 11 18 2,5
VirEDNESD AY , , . 5 12 19 2d
TRURSD Y. , 0 18 20 27
FRIDAY 7 11 21 23
SATURDAY 1 8 15 23 29
TRURSDAY, Aro- I,•,k.7 9Ta 7903.
Load Salld,ebary, late premier of
:Greet Britain, is dead, and his demise
;marks the ,gassing of'the last -British
AlLette(emain of the old school; for he
Mee le. aontetneper try of -Gladeatanr_•,
Lord Pallmereet{a:. 03:ea;eotneeleld t end
Iced John Rugs -e11. The niche ha
Pled in British statesmanship was
Oroibably as great as that occupied; by
kung ohne of this former contemporaries.
Iia ww'as also' contemporary with
Tigers, Gambetta, Bismarck, and Ca-
,ivoue, tie groat :European etatesmen
etbaee or four decades•ago. Sal (bury
we' ,the .legaley o'e the faa,st hale cen-
tury to , the ,,pre ate. ' Ile has been
Styled. the "east pf the barons," ae
;Ceiialmberltei:n is "the first cf the.
1b!our eQiaie.. " He is the last link be-
tween that quoierie of British states-
-Men evlsese worm is done and whose
;xiia(miets'h;aee Liassed into history,-, and
1's. :new wheel that is giving,a new
goln:plexion to the annals of the nla-
Far thlrey-rfive years Lore f Sails -
bury wars a man of cabinet rank. - To
,9.s lr iieladge and diplomacy has, hem
,a;sterebed the general success. of Grelu
;33r'ibaisn in international die,nueee . chi
-trlle last thirty ryears. His judgment
was sadm and prtcfouna, and during
ghie Long public career, gain,d far him
ke confidence such as has bean enjoy-
exl by but few European statesmen
He was an Englishmen of the old
sehool. Calm, stolid, intrepid, conserve
.tiw°e, a lifelong Tory, hh!trabo;lied'thr..
ernalities that ge so Car to 'make up
give stability of the race.
In a way, he was a .elf -made men.
;I3oatn in 1830, and "having res iveidpli!
tilt -1 aii.!e:'v att Christ church. Oxford,
wwws e1e{etei3 to, Parliament at, 'the
age of 23 as member for Samford, He
married early in life and against his
eetber'e wishes which' resulted int his
eapl:y years being marked ;by a cf.rn-
$teen,t uplhilI straggle., His ' •afte•r-
aho:ons ante nights in attendance. at the.
' House. of Commons, he supporte,e him-
sely anti family by 'spending- hie fore,
axoans at his desk writing for t L iSat-
v:riday Review and the Quarterly. But
dl a stremawii.ty of his early manhood
'.1ixrlatww,=a3 a great value to him in after"`,life It taught him the lessee of
'. 15i'Jlf reliance anal • the extent of his
onvui strength
187+9 at the eiz e, cf the war ha -
r l wween Turkey aaxd Servia. Lard Sall»-
asjbai , zra!s scat as slpiecia; rl-nba.--.;.•a -
dar to Constantinople tolarranee dif-
fer:mets between Turkey and Rua.
At the 'ternferenca of • the powers,
".tihere:. when ha represente3 Great
73ritain, She was looked upon :as the
header et the aomwenticn. Two year„
,1'ater•.he attemded the Berlin rotifer -
deem alc:ng with Lord •Beacunsffield.
Shealy after this event h was • ner-
pointe3 secretary of foreign affairs.
VIII 11•14.11.1•Swormerani. Ewa.
Gray r air
-"tin •M'•. ?,C...
"1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for over thirty years. It has kept
My scalp free from dandruff and
has prevented my hair from turn-
'itlg gray." -lairs. F. A. Soule,
Billings, Mont.
There is this peculiar
thing about Ayer's Hair
Vigor—it is a hair food,
not a dye. Your hair does
not suddenly turn black,
look dead and lifeless.
Butgraduallythe old color
comes back,—all the rich,
dark color it used to have.
The hair stops falling, too.
$1.00 a. bottle. 1.11 dreggiete,
If your druggist cannot supply you,
ISend us ono dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Be sure and give tho name
of your nearest express othco, Address,
J. C.AYF,R CO., Lowell, Mass.
As 1'trrhigai eelerelewry he 'proved hi,nx-
salf on, of li
ke etroz
ast nnd no:
judicious ministers that ewe oecupiod
4tai itxctn of trust tin kre4at llrtluin.
lie ww•its tibe pillar of the :Ocnservative
tte th
alert •, and upon the oollallso of1
E,oaeb ry militatry, succeeded to Qv
prez iertsbap of Great Britain, which
position the resigned lest Tear, to° ,be
asaoceeded by his alepbesr, the than., a\.
J. Pealfaur, the present premier.
i 7• , . e1'
;> t . alisbur :had
twat i i. tl
Inprivate y
n r
1 •
a beim; axe,ofthe
the reputation of b,
most intellectual xnen of his day. leis.
stellate was •ehemistry and physies,
and as a chemist and physicist, • he is
ekaicl to have zttunked,net;h among men
of ?science. All hie leisure. time he
sent in This- laborti tore. • His speech
an t'1xe future of Mectrioityeeeliveted
on the opening of the .Liverpeal rail -
w -iy. nae a notable. contribution' - to
scientific literature. At peaise.worVoir.
feature of has public life has been
his constant Sympathy with educe.-
ilonal development.
Ills ret.igeme;a,t x year or so ago
from atone political life marked the
close of a. long and ueerfulteareer.. Has
work Was done, and the wife who had
shared his .poverty having entered
into her rest, there remained naught
to trim but to await the,'hgrim reaper
with • that atalid iutdiff'exlc,ncer that had
signalized his triumphs and defeats
all through life. He now:sleeps with
his fathers and another reigns in his
All you ?require is a little rettgar, a
glass a+f hot water, thirty drape of
nerviline. Tasha it hot in the morning
you will wake. up without a cold.
Ne;rvilin,s• is .good for otlhele things. -
such as toothache, neuralgia, rheiWm-
atisul. For pains inside and outside,
Nerviline is simply marvellous. Drug-
gists- sell it.
Junior Leaving -Edgar Ilay, I3ro vn,
Lo to ie .L. Brawn, Will; (aim II, S.
Brown, Nia,ry Isabella Casweel, , Ida
Mabel Coaltnnd:, Alvan/ Dioupe, Matra
gaxet Ann Edwwards, Idia'Ma,ry Geed -
bow, Mary Arne tto. Harris, Laura
iilatrtel all, lao,uise elaiadtona.ld, Edith
Alsnies Oliver, Ida E. Reber on, Flora
Mabel Steele, Delta Clara Stout,
Jalhn Teav,biu, Mabel 'Wiles.
Junior Maerieulaticfn-df. Hamilton
(Butictb:zr, Laww deface G. Maxwell, diUb-
ie'r t F. E. Weinen, Fred C. Scia t the rd,
L 3111,rai Beatty Shielr, Frederick eV.
Whiles, Orlando A. Baker, Oseer
Kenneth Lang, Wm. II. S. Brawn,
Flora Mabel Steele.
lithe fr11a.vitjiil meat. (-raise .,supple;.
amental exami,na;tions to com.pie ce. ma-
t:riw:ulaitian;: - , Charles Richardson,
English Com•,pgsitian; Ernest Robert -
seta, Aligebra ; G e•ctre Slack, , Chemise
try and French Comlposii.tian.
Senior Lealving-itPtart 1)- cterena.
Atkinson, John C. Evans, William
Blake Gibb, Lillie. M. Langford, James
I. efezkin. Alfred J. Pyke, Jeannie A,
Rodgers, Ida K. Sea-ndeiaveln.
(Part II.) -Leila A.Huescafn,; Myr-
tle Madge, James A. ,211cOrackera,lllel-
etxna F. MllrCut,e tesan. •
Scjbiei'.IairLehig;3• els. ,riq'u];ahsts :-rerace
Esllber Maxwell, May Alice Medi:,.
3Fss M. A. Martin stood sixtilhein
general prateci'ancy, winning the
First Edward Blake Scholarship in
IlLetthamat :cs anti Moderns at • Toron-
t .(\ Len1versiste. She. also s ankeid -tar
Ufa Edward Blake Sehelarship in ma -
tilt;: ina,ties. 3Iiss Mart bus honor
stt.ladring was as 1ollowvs:-Class d. -
Latin. french-, German, Matht:anaticu,
pl.l.l.i :le Celts is 11. - Chexnista'y, 1fTis-
t(ory, , treed ish.
Senior Ltaving, Part 1. -Laura a7.
Jekell, Jeaee L. L'tnkLater, Frederick
Sweet. Austin Trotter, Olive Turner.
Senior Leaving. fart II. -.-Frank
E3ward, Flcirclnee Graham, J•oh(n Rob
Pert Mri1?1i r, May- eNelet en, Olive, Tur-
ner, Fred:prick Sivpet,
Junior Met.leric uL atxon.-,ichu Roti.
ex.: 'Miller, Alex. Harold, Taylor, Per-
cival L. Tye, Herbert 'B. Woad!.
Commercial Diiploma.- Reginald
llacksi,gne, Mabel Thurlow (puteceee
wri ,h heelers.)
Junior Learing.- Obas E. Asquiihh,
Jennie Cantelon, Grace •Cra:wilond,
Minnie Durnin, L. E. Durnin, Graca:D,
Dyke, Etta Henderson, Harold 1• G.
Luna, Donald I Matberson, Margaret
Tana ILrEwen, • Samuel McIlwain,
Elizabeth lilrh3lillan,Atfr°,d. Naylor,
Cora Roberts, J. Ernest Robertson,
Mina Rutherford, Winnie Shaw, S. Ir-
dno Wcods.
The •county board of examiners will
,Const at Clinton on :gurus;- :tilt
me -et at Clinton, on August . 89 -tie
The poisonous secretions from Cat-
er'.i are dangerous because they affect
tlhe stomach and bowels, giving rise to
an unhealthy condition of tie^se or--
ganis. Ca teeth in the s ource: 'or much
ill health and was eonside.red practic-
ally- incurable until it was demon-
s(rrit.e:lto the sotsfartion of Utz cmed
teal profession that -by i.be use:,bf Cat
arrhozone any case of nasal or throat
tremble can be permanently and quick
ly curers. Catarrhozune by isle unus-
ual merit hes enlxetc"d the support
and endars.'inent of the most promin-
ant ixteiieal authorities, who freely
srat.e that any one 'giving it a trial is
ewe to receive permanent benefit.
Seel for $1.00. Small size 25c. At
Druggists or Polson 'anti Co., King -
elan, Ont.
FOR 0 yb;7ln1XTY 1 EARS
A i OLD AND ti.'rf r,•Turro X E,wfZD1.-Mr.
wv inslow's Sontlhin,, Syrup has been used for
over sixty Van: by minks,: of mothers for their
t I.ildriin while teethnur. with juerfeat w11rcots
f t :onthea the ,•1 1,1 eaten,. the enma. allays ail
pain cures riled roi
11 . ani, is the befit. remedyPor ftiH rhmn tr a,tt:a,':,hnr to the heels ?5&d
hr 8r', ovcry p•'^t of 'h' xr.rirl. 25
stmt 5 eettle it value inealenishks Ifo
urn a..r, F•.L tie? wt'ij-low',. Soothing
SYrnpan i : sk war au err er lrin i.
All the . 11' � of t0
11 �C z11? t1
`j.+imes Readers Happening
hi these Counties.
H uron
• Do not suffer from sick'heatclaobe a
longer. It is not. n t.
Carter's Little Liver ]'ills will cure
you loose,- eve Little pill, Stuall
psieo.: Small close. Small ;rill.
The Blyth Standard has reliable in-
formation that 1)r. T. 'Chisholm., of
Wi,alghana, ,will be the. .C!onetsrvtative
candidate in East Huron at t'he next
olee'liioln. Due Chisholm is a s t reug
man inWtngbazu and adjoining town-
• You hardly realize t hat it is =WI -
eine, when taking Ctxte.r's 'Little Liv-
er Pills. They are very •small ; no
had effects; all troubles from tor-
pid liver are relieved by tlhcir use.
As the G. T. R. pay train was re. -
turning from Goderic'h, on Friday last
it wan into Mx. Thomas Webster, and
his little son, who were clri.vingi along
tike fourttieeinth e.tin,ceiq':ioln, :13gth Dir.
Webster and horse. were instantlybill
ed, but this boy es ca:perl,withouttinjury
The train slowed down and Look. tho
unfortunate man to Clinton..
Mr, E. Campion, K. C., of ,Godariclb,
died at St. Jotse,ph's ,Hospital, London,
oin August 21%. Ile was one of the
most ;prominent and well known citi-
zens of tthis , cor.nty., About three.
weeks ago Mir. Camlpion Oaad whaewas
then considered a slight attack of
gangrene in one of this toeswhielekepit
gradually ixyereasing, resulting in his
dea'tib, ars above Stated.
Illy friend, look here! you know how
weak and nervous your wife is. and
you know that Carter's Iran !Pills will
ee:leve her, naw why not be fair about
it and buy her a box.?
Mr. • T,honne Powell, of Parkhi;li,
formerly of London, has sold his
hotel in that village, well known as
the Powell House, to Mir. Sehuanaker,
al Daelbwood, who has •farrreerly
tibe hotel business at Zurich. The
new- •plroprieitor will take possessionton
the 15ith of :next .month.
Despepsia in its wwroret forms will
yield le the use DE Carter's tL' it!thq
Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little
Liver Pills. They not only relieve pro
sent distress but strengthen the stem
sell and ?ligtets!ti¢.ve appara•ttus..
Congratulations are due to Miss
Alice 1lar'tin,. dauglitter of Princiipal
Merlin, at the St. Marys Collegiate
Institute aa her excellent standing
In 1the recent scliodarship matriculete
Han examinations.' 31iss Martin,
vv -he is but. sixteen years al age, suc-
ceeded in winning the First Edward
Blake scholarship in mathematir,s
pad Moderins at the LTnivefrsity of
Toronto, also ranking for the Ed-
ward Blake scholarship in mathema-
tics, Miss Martin was sixth in ,the
,prolv,inee in general proficiency.
Ministers, Lawyer Teaclhers, and
others whose occupation givesb tit lit-
tle exercise, should use Carter's Lit-
tle Liver I?ills for torpid liver and
biliousness. One is a dose. Try them
Mir. Fd.wsrd Paeekter1, of sStratford,
Whose forth-fnt$irlrs del to in a deelay
in Prussia, has a Bible whish_ was color
piled by Martin Luther; ;Bevan in
1534, it cecthpied twelve yeers to com-
plete it. The book is remarkable both
in fo.rm and feature, and is vereeralu-
able. The oarers are boards an inch
thick, covered with leather, with
einem pre wwvtth briefs rronrttings. •'Tt xs
fifteen inches long, ten inches wide,
and Live inches thick. It is illustrat-
ed throughout, and is a most interest
ing ,relic. It nes brought to thiscoun
try by Mr. Edward Paeekert, the
Cather of the , 1ueent holder, many
years ago.
All ,disorders l cause..d by a bilious
state of the siysttem gen be cured by
using Costar's Little Liver Pills. No
pain, griping of clisecmfort attending
their use. Try tlirtm.
Mr. Reginald Graham, of—Si—Marys,
was -held up -by a highwayy /robber; at
the point of a revolver, in the: centre
of the town. Ile was proceeding home
about midnight and as he pass-
ed the post office 'noticed a suspicious
looking men, who followed 'him, and
placed the cold muzzle of a revolver
close in his face, commanding him - to
tlbirow up his hands, which he 1 did
fi a Ltiwri Lb. Thci thief event .tii'rough all
his peekets as he -thought, and , find-
ing only ar smaIl amount,. concluded it
was too small to lift and l.efti11, with
Mr.' Graham. The Latter had, after
p'aasing the suspicious Looking person,
taken the :prec''aution to remove avail
of bills from Reis vest to: a w;ttch
pocket .in his . trousers, which the
would-be thief mimed. •
Pains in the Back
Are symptoms of a wreak, torpid or
stagnant condition of the kidneys or
liver, and are a warning it is extremely
hazardous to neglect, so important is
a healthy action of these organs
They are commonly attended by loss
of energy, lack of eeettg , and some-
times by gloomy fcrebooeiag and de-
epnnth ne;
'I was;• -:;!•,:,,74) v #1» 10:3n y trn.:,ir.. awl
berazo...,,• . 3 .h , , .•t' s t!,' . :,;;und,
1 t,,oic n:: • 1 t t t•f 1:4ta,d !malty
., ; ': nd S*,r;•.p.,ri11a. After
ter t t•• .tte 1 1.'i o nm, Et tv•.ter that I
toe ttnut:d i:s use, :.ziti : ix t,os' 3 i• tide me
a new woolen, V. lull say tett ,r ire WaS a
t•aby, s?:t , e t t t",' tete) -hipee:eve on her
st iacl', no.' tie _aVc i,t-. iit,!Kr; a,ercaapa-
r: •:' which efeca tee." Slits. 'rotates I.i-
t;:.Waflr,.+.'.Eur,•, f;t,i, g
!fool d's a, t yrsap arilla
Core kienev tied liver troubles, re-
! Leese the back find builds op the
wholes system.
Lhc angler will find in Utah .ample
opportunities to indulge ill 'leis favor-
ite sport. The mountain streams are
stocked with gamy trout and. the bat
!Rees lees gamy black bass
abounds in
the waters of C lalt Lake. In eesaon
good duck hunting eau be had onUl-
ah Lake, the Jordan and around the
pools and lgaoans of the Salt Lake
Valley, On the mouutain.sides grouse
aro pletatifel, and large
ame cam b
found on the mountain' ranges an the
Uintah. and Uncompahgre reser-
vation. To enable people to reaph
these fa.viern,ble• 1ocalities wvithoat Un-
n,e'cessery expenditure of time or mon-
ey, the UNION PACIFIC has put into
effect very low rates and splendid
train service from Mies:ouri River kr)
aenvar. '
Aaaolmmodations are provided for
all classes of •passengerrs
For information addres II. F, Carter,
T. I'. A. 14 James Building, Toronto,
Canada, F. B. Choate, 0. A,, 126 Wood
ward ave., Detroit, Micas. .
Sleepless, poor digestion, easLle
ty tired, blue ars indigo that's bow you
feel. Ito you went to feel strong,
make plenty of blood, enjoy buayaney,
strength and vim. You con do so by
using Ferr.ozone. How it sharpens
title appetite., imparts a feeling of
buoyancy, strength and vim? Improv-
es the appeelte,, digestion, assimila-
tion, sleep.. now surely Fe.'reozone
does this you can ascertain by using
it. Foreezone is a blood builder,
nerve strengthener, and brain invig-
orator. Sold by all druggists. -
A Truly National Exhibition.
A quarter of a 'million dollars has
been spent in new buildings, and . re-
deeorating and removing ol.cl ones, on
th'e Do.nainion • Exhibition Grounds.
Toronto. Tee Executive now boldly
8,ccllere tithe the exhibitio?i proport'y
is Mae very fipest in America, and
they challenge comparisgn. All these
buildtuntgs which -embrace. between 40
and 50 acres of floor space, twill be
full to overflowing, with the indus-
trial and agricultural products of, the
whole of Canada. There will be no
fewer than 9,000 an malts on view at
tike one time; something whicht he
D,olnsishion Exhibition authorities boast.
MO other fair in the world canshow.
A unique feature is also the,Proeess
Building, in which between 30 and 40
different industries will be exhibited
in active opera ion. iM ihouglr the.
Fair is called the Dominion Exhibi-
t.ion it is really an Inteeriai Ex;hibi-.
Lion, far so exalted a personage as
His Majesty t'he King has sent a num-
ber of exhibits. Among them- are tbo
presents reieMvetltby . the late Queen
Vitatoria at the time of her Jubilee.in
1887, and the Diamond Jubilee in,1897.
These gifts are from all parts lot the
world and are valued at several mil-
lion pounds. In addition Ilis Majesty
is sending same treasures presentedito
him during his tour in India in 1875
and '70. These, comprise saddlery and
many trophies of the' chase. The King
hes further sent a number of pictures
from his palace in ,Sandringham, Lon
dolt and Edinburgh. H. R. H. the
Duchess of Argyle (Pri;ncess;Louise) is
sending some of heripaintings, and the
Dowager Marchioness of Dufferin is
forwarding many presents receivediby
herself and her latle husband during;
their residence in. India, These cope
Plias sone of the most precious gems
in the world, and a lot of articles of
rare value ,presented to his late Lord-
ship by King Tlieebau, of Burmah
ww;hen he was yet -on the throne.
As well as tihpse material articles,
an exhibition of live stock will include
animals bead on the King's estate, at
Sandringham, Lard Rosebery's places
at Meastmare, and Herefords 'bred by
the lateQueen Victoria. All the weal-
thy men of Canada have contributed
loans of pictures or of prize animals
bred on their respective farms.
In the way of attractions the Exec-
utive have arranged for .a brilliant
spectacle by Bolassy 1tiralfy, emtitied,
"A Carnival in Venice." Other eileeh
pries features make up a programme
that is well worthy of a National -Ex -
Single fare and excursion rates have
been arranged by every line of travel
aannectin•g with: Toronto.
Serge. Barrii,ngt•oln, of the. Royal Ir-
ish Constabulary, has arrived in Wind
ser to take in txbtarge. Mrs: !31cKeta„,
1he It.ish .pest:mistress charge -L with
tdheft by the Bait -Leh authorities.
The report that Lord' Roberts has
definitely decided to visit Canada, will
be good ' naivs to the people of • the
Dominion. It is many years since. as
a ii'euteariaut in a rifle regiment, he
wars eta teener' in Canada.. „Since then
he has been the hero c,f many( batttles
has ,beton:: the .idol of the British
army, end 13 j risen tie tete , ,proud
pcisiticia of Cornman•ddrj-in..- hi:f of
His Majesty's forces. Canadians are
certain to give "the little red-faced
nine" a hearty welcome.
Der. W. R. Ge neer, • who- for twenty
yearns has filled the position of . fore-
man •of Ube mechanical department. of
the Catholic Itecoed office, London,
has Revealed his connection with the
newnewaitelr, and purposes g;$.'iztg into.
netet her line of business. He was sur-
ptriinetd iia a vetry happy mannsr.byrthe
employes of th w pre n;li(ng office
presse'nteld witlh, a, . goleeheaticd mune;
and an address ex•tlrclssise of Wee 're-
gret which are felt. at the ;severance
et the pleasant relations which had
for so Ion a lime existeld.
e .
4. man arrested for murder bribed an
Ixisbuaan on tllo jury with £200 to
hang out for a verdict of manslaugh-
ter. The Jury wore out a long time
and fina1iy came in with a Verdict of
Manslaughter. The man rushed up to
the Irish juror and said; "fila obliged
to you, nay friend. Did you have a
hard time?"
"Yes," said the Irishman; "an awful
time, The other eleven wanted to ac-
quit er, -Lonl u Answers.
The Lhtst pueling Clergymen,
"When did clergymen cease to flgbt
duels?" is a startling inquiry in Notes
and.Queries. It will be news to many
of us that they were ever fond of that
exhilarating pastime. But, as a mat-
ter of fact, the Rev, Air, Allan fought
a duel with Lloyd Delany, Esq„ and
killed him in Hyde park in 1782. He,
was convicted of manslaughter and
tined 1 shilling plus six months in New•
His Usual Preference..
"What kind of meat have you this
morning, Lat•re?", asked the board of
trade operator.
"Well, sir," said the butcher, "I'va
got some fine bear steak and some beet
that's just bulla "-
"H'mph! Give me some terabit'
Quite Another Thing.
"He was unable to meet his bills, 1
"Well, that's where you're wroug.
He couldn't dodge them."
A. 'i'iirfle Mace.
"One of the most curious races I ever
saw," writes a correspondent of the
London Tatler, "was on Mr. Carl Ha-
genbeck's lawn at Hamburg. Some
seven children mounted on the backs
se large turtles or tortoises raced across
the lawn. To give impetus to their
queer steeds most of them armed them-
. selves with cabbages, which they tied
to the end of sticks, ever and anon
dangling them as tempting morsels in
front of the turtles. It was a strange
race and occupied some time. Every
npw and then a turtle would grasp a
piece of cabbage and then quietly eat
ft before resuming its journey."
Flowers on the Stage.
No actor who is imbued with the au.
perstitions of his profession will give
yellow roses to a friend, nor will he
accept them himself, as he fancies the
flowers are harbingers of misfortune,
jealousy and loss of friendship. Some
managers will allow no natural flowers
whatever to he used by way of "prop-
erties" upon the stage, but that is ear -
tying the matter further than is usual-
ly considered essential.
Uncomfortable Position.
Finnicus-•I wonder why it is that
those who attain the pinnacle of suc-
cess never seem to be Happy.
Cynnjf'us-Because the pinnacle of
success is like the top of a particularly
tall lightning rod with a particularly
sharp point, and those who succeed in
perching temporarily upon it usually
find that they are targets for al1 the
World's lightning. -Town and Country.
The Boast of nn 33xpert.
"This, ladies and gentlemen, is the
celebrated trick mule, Dot," said the
clown as the animal was Ied into the
ring. "After many years of effort I
am able to say I can make him do any-
thing he wants to."
The Auctioneer.
Said a conscientious auctioneer: "La-
dies and gentlemen, there is no sham'
about these carpets. They are #;mlti!*'
tapestry carpets. I bought them frog:
old Tapestry himself."
When Ice Covered Europe.
During the Iong tertiary epoch, when
opossums disported themselves on the
site of Paris and mastodons tramped
along the valley of the Thames, the
earth was in the throes of mountain
making, The Alps, the Himalayas,
the Alleghenies, the Andes, attest the
power of her activity in those days. At
their termination our continents stood
;peaty higher than they do now, and
this aided their glaciation, although it
does not fully account for it.
But as they became loaded with ice
Europe and America gradually, and we
may venture to say contemporaneously,
sank. This was inevitable. Owing to
the extreme heat and pressure prevail-
ing in its interior the earth is an em-
inently elastic body. Its surface ac-
tually bulges in or out with a very
slight increase or decrease of the lode
Not In His Seat.
A certain congressman was very busy
at his desk in the house one morning
when a page announced, "A gentleman
in the lobby to see yet, sir." "Tell him
I'm not in my seat," said the congress-
man after looking at the card. The
boy, a sturdy looking chap, did not
move. "But you are in your seat, sir,"
he answered in matter of fact tones,
"and I can't say you are not" The
corgressman looked at the lad angrily,
but, seeing that he was in earnest,
moved into the vacant chair of his
neighbor. "Now tell him I'm not in my
seat" "Yes, sir," said the boy briskly
and went to deliver the message.
, mitm uele,tgililllllII t uflhIt n IPtllulitiiiiliilliva a au,
S E,
Castorla is put up in ons -size bottles only. It;
is not sold in balk, Doa'i allow anyone to sell:-
ellyou anything else on tho plea.or• promise that it;•
is "just as good" and "will answer every par --
pose," 5 Seo that yon•geV0.-A.S-T-0-R-I-A.•
Tho fao-
amas_d/��, p !sea
eleeture ��C�L(e 'mapper,
cr -: e., teekiell1aelele?,r: 3 F:.ieee;rre:.!a . "i 'Tat,"'
His Hot Bata.
"I had a law partner once in Missis-
sippi," said a southern lawyer, "who
began to feel the effects of long years
of hard work at his profession, and he
was advised by his physician to go to
the Arkansas hot springs and take the
baths. The day of his arrival an _at-
tendant shut him up in a bathroom
and, giving him a thermometer, told
him to let the hot water run until it
had reached a certain temperature and
then to shut it off.
"The old fellow had more clear grit
than any man I ever knew. When the
attendant went back an hour later, my
partner was standing up in a tub of
boiling hot water. The skin was fair-
ly cooked off his feet, but he vowed
he wouldn't get out until the specified
temperature had been registered. He
was holding the thermometer up in
front of his face instead of putting it
in the water."
A man to represent "CANADA'S
town o
and surrounding country, and take
orders for
in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits,
Ornamentals, Shrubs, R oses„
Vines, Seed Potatoe s, &c.
Stock true to name and free from San
Jose Scale. A permanent pox ition for
the right man on either salary on
Stone & Wellington'
over 300 acres
To have a truly ,delicious steak-
rich and juicy, done to a turn -it
must be broiled. Yet most ranges
don't make proper provision for
broiling. The Lroiling and toasting door of the
imperi 1 Oxford
is particularly capacious. You can get a large
broiler easily into the door and over
the glowing coals, without
stooping or getting the
heat of the fire yourself.
Call at one of our agen-
cies or write to us for
The Gurney
Foundry. Co.
w -
Montreal winnisreg
Vasacouver 7
Branches ere taught in the F. C. 1J.
COLLEGE. Our students aro not
guaranteed nice jobs, but after a
course in this College it will be
No Trouble for Them to Hold
Any Position,
We aid them, if possible to obtain
employment, but wo first equip them
to maintain the high reputation this
school has acquired.
• 50 YEARS'
Anyone sending n sketch and description may -•
quickly asoerralr our opinion free whether air
Invention is prof ably patentable. Communica-
tlonsstrictly a.'rnldintiat. Handbook on Patents. •
sent free. Old •vt agency for securingatente.
Patents till nn through Munn Sc Co. redeive '
special sones, wSilent charge, in the p�
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $8 a .
year; four months, $1. 5015 by an newysdealers.
I CI CO as,grtlaavtay, New York •
BranchUNOe*lce, 625 Is' St, We b1"artoa. D� . C.
T® Cure
,. in � Crip
fin 'I'ures Gvro Days.
"aka Laxative Bro Quinine Talbletts.
► On every
it Seven Million boxes sold in pest 12 months. This
1 o , LW111111fIDn1ilk B ,m I tl,
VegetablePreparation ;:5-
siinitaitng Wood a uta-
ling,tltehme aS anBowe ....d
',(NrANIliI1.1)11 fi.',
t5 • Cheerful-
krA3ri 1i2�9 ��2 Sdo 11.
•'ne,ss ajit lTes .Ooptaitts neither
pp1um, orphino .tom Mimi.
liilT NAR C O T I C .
.71ec.peead.71r51.11fri 'IICSI'
23u7xvt sea, -
Akr.Senna ‘.
-.lain S€1. N
Jugar .
Aperfect Remedy for
tion, Sour Stomaeh;flarrhpea,
Worms ,Convuls ionS,,everI
ness end LOSS OF !LP.
Tac Simile •Signaknrc of
OS•T. -3 , :
S E,
Castorla is put up in ons -size bottles only. It;
is not sold in balk, Doa'i allow anyone to sell:-
ellyou anything else on tho plea.or• promise that it;•
is "just as good" and "will answer every par --
pose," 5 Seo that yon•geV0.-A.S-T-0-R-I-A.•
Tho fao-
amas_d/��, p !sea
eleeture ��C�L(e 'mapper,
cr -: e., teekiell1aelele?,r: 3 F:.ieee;rre:.!a . "i 'Tat,"'
His Hot Bata.
"I had a law partner once in Missis-
sippi," said a southern lawyer, "who
began to feel the effects of long years
of hard work at his profession, and he
was advised by his physician to go to
the Arkansas hot springs and take the
baths. The day of his arrival an _at-
tendant shut him up in a bathroom
and, giving him a thermometer, told
him to let the hot water run until it
had reached a certain temperature and
then to shut it off.
"The old fellow had more clear grit
than any man I ever knew. When the
attendant went back an hour later, my
partner was standing up in a tub of
boiling hot water. The skin was fair-
ly cooked off his feet, but he vowed
he wouldn't get out until the specified
temperature had been registered. He
was holding the thermometer up in
front of his face instead of putting it
in the water."
A man to represent "CANADA'S
town o
and surrounding country, and take
orders for
in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits,
Ornamentals, Shrubs, R oses„
Vines, Seed Potatoe s, &c.
Stock true to name and free from San
Jose Scale. A permanent pox ition for
the right man on either salary on
Stone & Wellington'
over 300 acres
To have a truly ,delicious steak-
rich and juicy, done to a turn -it
must be broiled. Yet most ranges
don't make proper provision for
broiling. The Lroiling and toasting door of the
imperi 1 Oxford
is particularly capacious. You can get a large
broiler easily into the door and over
the glowing coals, without
stooping or getting the
heat of the fire yourself.
Call at one of our agen-
cies or write to us for
The Gurney
Foundry. Co.
w -
Montreal winnisreg
Vasacouver 7
Branches ere taught in the F. C. 1J.
COLLEGE. Our students aro not
guaranteed nice jobs, but after a
course in this College it will be
No Trouble for Them to Hold
Any Position,
We aid them, if possible to obtain
employment, but wo first equip them
to maintain the high reputation this
school has acquired.
• 50 YEARS'
Anyone sending n sketch and description may -•
quickly asoerralr our opinion free whether air
Invention is prof ably patentable. Communica-
tlonsstrictly a.'rnldintiat. Handbook on Patents. •
sent free. Old •vt agency for securingatente.
Patents till nn through Munn Sc Co. redeive '
special sones, wSilent charge, in the p�
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $8 a .
year; four months, $1. 5015 by an newysdealers.
I CI CO as,grtlaavtay, New York •
BranchUNOe*lce, 625 Is' St, We b1"artoa. D� . C.
T® Cure
,. in � Crip
fin 'I'ures Gvro Days.
"aka Laxative Bro Quinine Talbletts.
► On every
it Seven Million boxes sold in pest 12 months. This