HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-10-22, Page 19CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY„OCTOBER 22,1986 -Page 19 i 2. Real estate for sale C.K. REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St. CLINTON 482-91747 or 482-3721 Bill Counter 482-3687 Wal Hartley 482-3693 Raised Ranch, 4 bedrooms; forced air electric heat; famiiy room with fireplace?.; Sauna; 400 asap. =swim; etc, etc.; exceptional 9 yr. old family home. Call Hal or Bill. 4.7 10 V • t . __$ Oanadairust Realtor ri LINCOLN, PLAZA OfFIC(: A.TE!LOO 88,4. 1.260 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 260 2.4 p.m. FOCUS BAYFIELD - Main Street Bayfield. View the residence of this prime commercial pro- perty. Large 82' x 132' lot. Includes two buildings. Call me for information on this and other area properties. CATHIE SCHWARK 482-3051 The Canada Trust Company DDD MULTIPLE USTiNG SER® bedroom brick veneer bungalow, elec ric heat, rec room, rear deck. Call Bill 7 (7 0 0 7 0. 0 7 7 0 1'/2 storey frame, 4 bedrooms, gas heat near schools. Call Bill. _ ..-,,.- rwsOZKssAwwLl.aA 30' x 60' concrete block, full basement 2 gas furnaces, 82'6" x 132' highway lot Call Bill. MEMBER OF HURON REAL • ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 0 GK GK GK.. REAL ESTATE INC. 3 NORTH ST., GODERICH 524-2667 FEATURED PROPERTIES PERFECT HOME For the first time buyer. Loads of living space, 3 bedrooms, nice neighborhood. Easy to heat, low taxes. Call Gord, 482-3307 and he'll be pleased to show you. 929,000.00. r JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR INVEST IN REAL ESTATE: Commer- cial 1.43 acres containing 5,500 sq. ft. block building presently used as the Bell Canada Work Centre, with ad- ditional building lots Included at the Ilst price of $ 150.000. MAKE YOUR OFFER NOW: Several Vonastra properties being offered for sale by the Receivers, Including a 26,000 sq. ft. manufacturing plant; 154,000 sq. ft. red brick Radar school; 2 Dormitory blocks and 50 Townhouses at $ 9,900. per unit. Rare opportunity to acquire a building at very reasonable cost. Call us today as offers are presen- tly under consideration. HISTORIC HOME: One of Clinton's fine old homes centrally located. Offers a gross area of 4,000 sq. ft. In 15 rooms. Includes a deep residential lot with 82.5 foot frontage. Total property 15 0.7 of an acre. BELOW REPLACEMENT COST: 2900 sq. ft., 11 year old 5 bedroom In a country setting. Features main floor family room with brick fireplace, hot water heating system. $96,500. ATTRACTIVE RANCH BUNGALOW: 1144 sq. ft. with floor to ceiling fireplace. sunken living room, central vac and cen- tral air conditioning. '71,000. 10 ACRES: 2 storey brick farmhouse, 3 bedrooms, some restored woodwork. Steel building 24' x 64'. List $67,500. DOUBLE BUILDING LOT: Only 2 remaining lots in the Raglan St. area. Each lot has an 80 foot froetage, 518;d00. for the pair. TOWNSEND ST.: Superbly located lot with a well maintained bungalow. 1 block from public school. 20' x 24' at- tached garage, finished basement. List 459,500. Can be sold with or without above -ground swimming pool. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy 482-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-3733 or 9426 Potor Darnsmo 482-9849 Office 482=3766 BETTER LOOK TWICE! This property is well worth investigating. This 11/2 storey boasts 3 bedrooms, kit- chen, dining & living areas with a handy laundry room. Plus an attached garage. 939,000.00. Call Gord at 482-3307 to see this soon! Friendly Service Professionalism and integrity! MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 'We May Be Number One! But We're Still Trying Harder!' w,•uuure CALL US • TO WELCOME • YOU HOME NEWLISTING 16. Articles for rent gr1. "S a• Illif iii. ' Read holiday rent -a -car systom We have a full line of: ARS -TRUCKS -VANS *WEEKEND RATES AVAILABLE -12'a20van available for moving STRICKLANDS 344 Huron Rd. Ooderlch 524.8311 52495 off, 317 MAIN ST , BAYFIELD - Hwy. 21 Beauty Salon with residence, double lot, 4 bedroom, completely renovated In 1975, in- sulated walls & ceiling, woodstove In liv- ing room, barn (1250 sq. ft.), hydro & water - dug well Priced at $79,900. HWY. 21, BAYFIELD - 11/2 storey aluminum sided insulated 3 bedroom, TV room, kit- chen 111/2' x 211/2', tongue & groove ceil- ing, wrought iron book shelves & railing, patio door off kitchen onto patio, laundry roam Priced at 072,0000 4i CAMERON ST., BAYFIELD - Be the first to live in this new vinyl sided 3 bedroom bungalow, 3 doors from the lake 8' x 91/2', mud/laundry room, master bedroom 10' x 191/2', refrigerator, electric stove and Vent included, detached garage. "OPEN TO OF- FERS" priced 8t 669,900. 4' see you do it! I00101tilPat7IO (e, FOG afirarelMOrMillf KEiTH CRES., BAYFIELD - Situated close to churches, parks & shopping, 2 storey aluminum sided, L-shaped kitchen, 4 bedrooms, laundry room, 100 amp panel box, aluminum storm windows. Taxes on- ly $380 Priced at 832;500. For further Information on these end other Bayfield p"ropertlee Contact: Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED. Your Local MLS Menlb'er - (Huron County Real Estate Board) LAKE HURON ROD&GU"t FALL CLEARANCE SALE NEW GUNS RUGER 22 cal. semi auto '195. RUGER 270, 308 7m mag, 338 repeater •495, REMINGTON pump 270, 308 and 30.06 •565. REMINGTON automatic 308, 30.06 $595. MOSSBERG 7m mag. 300, 338 repeater $395. WINCHESTER 12 gouge pump '285. WINCHESTER 22 col. lever action '350. WINCHESTER 30-30 lever action $275. USED GUNS MOSSBERG 12 gauge pump '175. MARLIN 22 mag. repeater '150. REMINGTON 222 repeater '295. SAVAGE 12 gauge pump '195. REMINGTON 12 gauge automatic $275. PRE '64, model 94 30.30 lever action $250. ITHACA 12 gauge double barrel *195. MOSSBERG 16 gouge repeater '85. Highway 21 south of Port Elgin. OVER 300 GUNS, at DISCOUNT PRICES Open 7 days. 368-7182 iMIME411114 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, good parking, first and last month's rent. 271 Bayfield Rd., Clinton 1-473-9021 . -25tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, available November 1st. References required. Phone 482-7028 after 5 p.m. -43,44 BACHELOR apartment for rent, close to up town; own entrance; heat, utiliti '$,cable TV, supplied; cgrpefed.Must have refer. s. 482flis4.4fter7 prm.-43,44 1' ONE OR TWO BEDROOM''hew apartments, very spacious, central location, Clinton, fridge, stove, laundry facility and all utilites "included. Available Nov. 1. References required. 482-9210.--43,44ar FOR RENT Two bedroom apartment, newly decorated. $300.00 per month, plus utilities. Available November 1, 1986. 482-7337 ELIZABETH COURT One, two and three bedrooms available. Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. Ask about special bonus. All utilities included at: 176 OXFORD ST.. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 262-2846 r-- 18. Houses for rent HALF A FARM HOUSE for rent 2 miles -south of Bayfield on Hwy. Phone 565-5221.-37tf THREE BEDROOM house to rent near M iP Street in Bayfield, air -tight woodstove, Targe yard. Available November 1st. References. 565-2563.-39tf LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE to share two bedroom house, stove and fridge supplied. Call Jim 482-5242-42,43 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: two bedroom one floor home, 8275. Four bedroom, two-storey home $350. References required. Phone 527-1577. -43ar 23. Commercial property for rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT, Huron St. at main cor- ner Clinton, upstairs, office approx. 486 sq. ft. completely renovated. 482-3981 .-43,44ar FAMILY NEEDS HOME in Stanley or Tuckersmith Townshiip, possession on or before December 1, references supplied. Phone after 5 p.m. 262-53'33. WANTED TO RENT, 'suitable for senior citizen. Phone 482-3100.-43x FAMILY URGENTLY needs nice three or four bedroom home in Clinton by November 1. Ex- cellent references available. Phone 524-9875.-43,44x 25. Wonted to buy 0000 USED PLAY PEN and crib. Phone 523-4564.-42,43 CASH PAID Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 26. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed.• Now is the time to train for your Class "A" License. For pre- screening interview arid job placement informa- tion, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing, London . 1-800-265-1260.-4ltfar SUN STAR Poultry Services, full or part-time employm=, t available, night work catching chickens travelling involved, transportation pro- vided, • eed fit and hard-working people. Chance advancement to foreman available. Call 482-5523, ask for Clinton.-5tfor FULL-TIME BABYSITTER required for a one -year- old. Weekdays, Monday - Friday, perferably in the Varna area. Phone 482-7288 after 5 p.m. -43x COMPETENT, KIND PERSON required to babysit two-year-old in my home. Part-time; mornings. Three miles from Clinton on paved road. Phone t 482-3780 after 1 p.m. -43 20. Room & board ROOM AND BOARD for elderly persons, some nursing care given in a private home. CoII 482-5747.-43,44 Ir 23. Commereifei property for rent STORE FOR LEASE on Main Street Lucknow (one of the best In the village) 1 800 sq. ft. with 24 ft. frontage Available November 1st For Payrticulars Contact: PAT LIVIINGSTO.N LUCKNOW SENTINEL BOX 400 LUCKNOW 528-2822 AV( )11 CENTENNIAL SPECIAL -�--_• •Stan your own Avon (wiriness •110 Appointment Fes 1Rsg. 125.) 'Former representatives Ines (Under 13 campaigns) Immediate Openings • Cell Sharon Stephenson 507-6305 HELP WANTED Part Time and Full Time; also students required immediately. Apply: ,29. Tenders TENDERS SNOW REMOVAL Tenders are invited for the services of Snow Removal at the following schools: .• COLBORNE CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL • HOWICK CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL •HURON CENTENNIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL •STEPHEN CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Tender forms are available at the Huron County Board of Education Offices, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, and at the respective schools. Deadline for tender submission is 1:00 p.m., October 31, 1986. Lowest or any not necessarily accepted. A. Clark R.B. Allan CtiAiRMAI+I :Di?tiECaOR OF EDUCATtOM Township of Wien Tenders wanted for a price quotation of • CLEAR DIESEL FUEL • REGULAR GASOLINE • FURNACE OIL in our tanks. We use approx. 50,000 litres of clean diesel fuel, 15,000 litres of regular gasoline and 8,000 litres of furnace oil. Tender forms available at the Twp. office. Tenders to be In the Rd. Supt. office by Nov. 3/86 at 5:00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. James F. Johnston ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT LONDESBORO, ONTARIO NOM 2H0 TENDERS Are now being received by the undersigned for the restaurant equipment and stock located at 65 Apia St. S., Seaforth, known as Lin- `' Irci's Restaurant. Sealed tenders to be in the hands of the Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd., Box 310, Clinton, no later than midnight November 5, 1986. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For viewing contact the CREDIT UNION OFFICE 482-3466 The lid dill JUST SOUTH OF BLYTH ON HWY. NO. 4 523-4595 Stratford Chefs School invites applications jar positions of RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Successful applicants will bare • ,\lillinwnl grade 12 education (above average faigli4h and .1rithmetic,. •„l COnSir Rling re,ISSia+,i 4'r good food anal drink. • ,In interest itt managing a tarp quality Formal and on th. c job training. Placements in Stratford and Toronto arilat. For interview i519) 271-6442 Program begins November ID MANUALS FOR TOTAL SUCCESS creating wealth arid independence for your own business or ven- ture. Free details Universal Products Soles 8 Distribution, RR 3, C'ioderfzh, bntario,, N7A 3X9-42,43 11 Conservation Authority QUOTATION FOR EROSION CONTROL PROJECT: TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Time and material quotations ad- dressed to the Ausable-Bayfleld Con- servation Authority, Box 2410, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0, Attention Mr. T.B. Prout General Manager will bo received by them until T p.m. Monday, Novem- ber 3, 1986 for the rechannelization and filling Or the Bayfield River and erosion control on the adjacent bank in the Township of Tuckersmith. Pians, Specifications and form of quotation may be obtained from the of- fice of the undersigned upon payment of a non refundable fee of 420.00 which includes sales fax in .the amount of $1.31. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. B.M. ROSS ASSOCIATES LTD., Consulting Engineers 62 North St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 (519) 524-2641 30. Employment wanted RELIABLE MAN for odd jobs, clean up, Tight haul- ing, junk and debris removed. Phone 482-9627.-43x MOTHER OF 1 four-year-old wishes to babysit in ' own home. Any age child. Night or day. Reasonable rates. 482-5490 anytime, ask for Pat. -43x YOUNG LADY would like to clean homes. Phone 482.5750 ask far Mario. -43 EXPERIENCED WOMAN looking to bobysit in her horse five filght& o wisok or will do house dean- ing by the hour. Phone 482-5553 after 4 p.m. -43 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER available weekdays. perferobfq children over 2 Years of age. Phone 4824860.-41