HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-27, Page 1H URON c NI DDL ESEX GAZETTE E 'THIRTIETH YEAR—NO 30 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27. TII 1003 Eli ''i4+++++- -a4,4-a i<+++ H!+++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++'+ M' s.. ae L1174 P, CEMENT If you want the best results use National and Star Brdll� Cements Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cements last for ever. Binder 'Twine We have Binder Twine now in stock ready for you. Come inand get what you need and be ready when harvestiing time comes. I'lensall ti. J. Sutherland, Notary Peblia, COrrveYan oer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and Issuer of arr a o Licenses. Legal d au e ts -Mr, and Mrs, .7. Routley, of Wood* ham, and Wise Clara Duncan, ea x'artu'llar, left eau Wednesday t:o spend a week. at. Grand Bend, -The Y. F. C.L .oG 7h aneRead. carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money church held their annual ;picnic at to loan en real estate at low rates of interest, Office at the Post Office Heneall -Mists Stoneman is visi;tin'g friends '4: in St. Marys.. --M.rs. Dolton, of West Superior is tit here vieitilna reliatives and lfriefidp at --Me. W. S. r Darer,. of Bet;roit, .p+ spent a few clays of lasts. •rweek( with Mrs. F. Mcl?,onnel. ,t+ -Miss Sadie Hawksihaw, of Detroit, et is at present visiting 'hex sister, Mrs. •l` F. C. McDonald. .-•Mrs,, Jdhin;sitlour left betrel recently a for Toronto, where her sou has secur- . ed steady employment. a+ --Vers. 1). McLeod, of ,Detroit, isvis- +1, +t+ + 4- 4. 4. Scythes and Snaths, Turnip Hoes. We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed. '+�a�+ Eavetroughing and Builders Supplies always on hand. + ,l" 4. dl +is.+++++++++++++++++++++++ rl•++++++++++++++++++++++4++ • The in 1IT6rG1GG 01 00111101 Makes men seek a tailor. If all men ® thought alike about fabrics and style Latest Tinttrhedu.y a-mnWdadwhocwlwoatneaisrngthoewsbaeumldoen.sedtouofictrhet in Cloth Is always to be found at this tailoring establishment. If you havent a good tailor and are looking for one, try us, One trial will convince you that you cannot get better satisfaction for the same money than we will give you.1 W. W Taman. Meroil fan t ')3 shear, .argtoarracertcreceresmaneomorraerecros. .•1011=0•1111111=1,0•11101.060... *****00+9000942,©4+44+40ON44.90 NEW PIANOS We have just put in stock several •new Pianos in the latest designs and ..of the Best Makes at Popular Prices. We will esteem it a pleasure to show -thein to you. Organs always in stock. A. good second hand Belt Organ :in ,:good order, for sale cheap. .The Bicycle Brion 's with us and those Cushion Frames are just what you want, We have ahem at moderate prices. Sewing Machines tan all the leading Makes always in ,stock and at prices that cannot be . -beaten anywhere, also repairs for ,Same. Call and see us. We are always •busy but will be glad to give you any information about our goods you may desire. S teriemicattertavetvetsme artin. •i$A�i•�+D��idA��a��0yN4r�®b�C• the same way -fitting each man a little bit. and no man perfectly? The correct dresser wishes some little in. dividuality in his garments. More- over he wants tc know how and by whom they are made. Fall patterns are now in, come in and see them. FOWLER 'v 1103. THE CLOTHERS, HENSALL. Portland Cement WEee//�Y HAVE just received a ytVial.tity of the best grade .of Port - and cement can be bad at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WOOL WANTS) 5000 lbs. of wool wanted for which the highest Market prices will be paid in cash at Centralia and Exeter store- houses. S 00BiLEDIOK Centralia -Dr. Macdbnald, of Detroit, spent, last week at theMethodist person(-- age. .-Mrs. J. J. Colwill.e is spending, ' a few days at her old home, inl&t. Jahns. p • The grain harvest is all finished; in t',his locality, and the threshing; Ma- chine is now in full blase. --Mies Harriett CQ,Lwilae, from Ext. Brei, • is here spending la few days awning triends and visiting the;•ol'd home -steed. -A. C. Button, Ph. 13,, of New York ,who spent several weeks with his par- ents at the Method:is,t parsonage;; has rat bane(' home. • -Dr. Orme left 1as,t week foe , his vacation to Britislr Columbia and Cal- ifornia, perhaps Japan. He left,. a ,medical student from' London, in his place until his return. This summer the young people of ibis community have spent many gay and happy hours playing tennis on the lawn of ' the parsonage, ]cindlly' nere mitred by those in authority, ChildreenQi Oy for C ST THE - ® f Merchants Bank Canada HEAD OFFIOE, MONTREAL. R P ITAL (all paid up) .. +. ++........, ... $6, 000, 000. ST $2,7OO OOO THOS. ;tilt SHE, It 7. F.1IEB1 N, General Manager Superintendent of Branches AUGENERAL BANKING BUSINESSGTRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit. Receipts. Letters of Creditd ` available in China, ,Tap an and dit issued ,ether foreign coiuitries. CREDITQN ONTARIO. W. S OHISHOLIVI) a'<r ger titan beer mo'the'r Mrs. James/ White, who has been quit 111. -Mr. Daniel Stewart returned re- cently from Strabford, wthe,ro, lie has been for some. time. -Mr, and Mrs, James McMartin, oaf London, acres here 'visiting Mrs. R. alon- throe,• a . ,. r L on Mrs, A tali i in s mot• r. i 1r hte t .-Bliss Jessie Bell and Miss Swtan,,of Toronto, have been spending •a, week o,r so •holidays with their parents, -Miss Bishop, who was visiting hem co•uslns, the Misses Bell, daughters of the late Robert Bell, has returned Mneme. Messrs. J. & C. M•oDone11, hardware merebants, have secured an cxperieno ed book-keleipeer, in the person of *Ale., D•ouhie, off Lolnd'on, -Mr., J. C. S.totneiman lett leeuevltas<t week for a trip' and intendee g`'toingns fair as Montreal, he will be away about; barn wades: -Mr. Thames Welsh's new dwelling at the west c)ncl of thee:Village(lanear in toni,pietion, and presents et very neat appearance. -Mr. • Joseph Blarney reps ai,ved, the sad intelligence this week of the death of Lis brotrer, who was etn+'�glg'etb nun tnaiLvaty diut'ie raft Cthicagto. Dr. Callthorp, of,Tilverton, has located here, and has opened up iris office in M'eCloy's block. Henson is well supplied withactors nowleav- ing av- ing thir. George. Braun, who attended the meeting at the Grand Lodge oft' .the independent Order of Oddfellows, as kep'reeentottive of Hansball Ledge, re;- ao'rte al'vgry,interesting megting n;t Hamilton, and a good showing of, the order during Lipa past year. -Mr. Coleman McIntosh, of • n'sar Seafortb, who was engaged as a pub- lic school teacher in 'school sectioilallo 14, township of ;.Hay, near here,, and who is n1ow holding a good posiLioniin Toronto, was in .t;be .village one, , iliey last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutherland. -Mtn George McKay, son of thella,te Dr. G. G. McKay, of Formosa,. evlio Is attending 'college in Toronto, was here ieleently visiting Mr. Sutherland. Master Garnet Cudrmore, who had the misfortune to get his leg broken some six weeks ago, is able tot sit up now, but cannot yet use theeinjurrd Limb. . Bethany -Rev. W. Godwin, of Alain-ea:Meth odist ehuao]i, Exeter, ,pre;aj ,hed•,el;oqu- anniversary sermons at the Methodist church, Bethany, last Sunday, morn -- inn and evening to 'targe eongrega- I.io!irrs. Instead 'of the' usual, tea,,meaca ing an differing of .aa0,00. w,aa asked,for and 775.00 was pat' on .tibel'el!ete; by a liberal eoin!gregaiien. Beautiful solos were sung by Mrs. Geo. Williams, ongamist .of 'the church, w! latch were greatly appreciated by alt. Heroin. . Lucan Wesley) Thompson, aged. about 25 years, of this place, was killed in the G. T. R. yard at I oert ,Lrie;,Last week. He was brakeman on the• heed lend- of a freight train• west bound, and) in passing the water tank near the dia- mond, fell between, the cars., Fully eighteen or tNiOdty cars and twa en- gines went ova;r him. The train was being ossise1;ed up 't he hill by an en- gine at the hind end. Tile brakeman on the bank end of the train missed missed his fellow -,brakeman and went west at the A,m'ig;atri station, and the men on the assisting .engine: had :been told to look out for the missing man on their return, and found him. Oranton --Mt. Murray and wife arespendiug two week at Gained „Bend. -Messrs. Ernie Ford and Stenaven Squires rspent a few days outing , at Grand Bend. ,. .•-Mrs: .Thee. Bill end familytare spending a few days with friends ' in Ilcuniiton, .-'i1t r,�9..,h delta Fox and Edna. Hod - gine, of Lucan axe spending theisweek with thrix ,cousin, Miss Florence! S t an- ley -a1:Li;ys Flossie Larkin left on; Well.• netnday morning far Victoria Hospital Laindon, where she will laaxn to be 4. ,urea. Many of her friends .assembl- ed at the ri1atio•n to bid her good-bye as abs was one of Gtranton's fair. young ladies who indeed hada host+of friends Farquhar 1Vfit s r1sipheate 'Tholmpson, of Lon;. don, 'twill visit '1fiss I)wn,oan a t Geand djend. D•Iisa. Gilmore, of nominee, is vis. iting this week with Mrs. Mev. Flat. tGbar• -.•MMr. ',Biros. Oixmivror and: Mr.11'anl Madge. have gene on a trip .morose' the Atlantan • -M,x. D. I.lneloney, of St. Mersa tour+• chased a member of fine Horses here loaf wade. Girond Bend, on Saturdaylas.t. About 50 yonag people spent a very plea;shn,t day as the boating was splendid. . Dashwood 1 -Mr•. Neat lleeber and sister were in Lown Sunday avenirto. -Mr. W. King, of Clinton, is visit ink at Mr. George Kellf. rtmann'g, • -MBs;sirs. •Ina and Aarcxn Weber, of Elmira, gave us a short call last Fri- .dm.y.t -Rev. J. C. Mca•'back and fa nily;are camping at Gtrand Bend, for a number o,f weeks. Charles }Tertian), who, was working in. Philakolphia, returned, loran on Saturday morning. -Rev. R. ICifert and family, of this peace, wire went to Sebringville, on Sateircley, returned lasi, night. t . -•AIr, L. Walker, whoishome on a visit to Fort Wayne,gavsus : grand sermon is Che • Lul hetran Church on Sunday moaning. • Public echn.ol reslu;nvecl, yestexda.y moaning. We have the school iu 'grand s,bope now. It was fixedtup ducting the, summer Lendable. -11r: Getdngo Gooden an had an up- set while drawing flax on Tuesday. Ile fell an ,has knee when he jumped, but was not injured very badly. -A Jame number from here intend Lo. take in tiha I. 0. I''. picnic :of Ex- eter Creditor and . Dashwood on the 27th. The Dashwood band will be in at tea::danee. -Mr.. A. Warmer had a ru mw1ty'aar( Fr'iduy. While . gone for the oil oar, the hotrseis took fright and, ran•raway with the binder. The hinder was slightly damaged, but no one got hurt Crediton --A goodly number intend spending La -'day, (aivic thioliday) at GrandBend. nd. -Mrs. S. N. Moyer, of Berlin, is, vis- iting heli daughter, Mrs►. Sa,m')♦',Beertria -,tafr., Garnett. Baker, of Landon, viiteited et Dar. C. 13aavetr's, last fs'Tedc nes.day. -A Rang • • distance telephone. hast been added to the'telephone Sereicetof our village. -Me. Ohtris. Voelker, who was acci- cletntly hurt in a, relay pd$ is tior,vta.tnle to be around a,goon. -li,etvi G. D. Damen,. ;Jetta /Teuesdna morning for Hanover, to attend the annual 'convention of Elle Y. P. 'A. -Mr. Alonzo liedgins is grea'L]y'ian- proviing t'he appearance of his dwell-t- ines well,-Fing by adding, niup-bo-date.-verandah. -Mss Edith Beaver, who has been working in Pigeon, Michigan, for the past yeatr, arrived home Friday night ilatst;• -Mr. Samuel Gidley. of Blyt,lr, and Air. W. W. Taman, of Exeter, paid our village a friendly visit. en Wednesday of last week. -Mr. John llorloek, of Guelipll, epent Sunday at t'he berme of.'his•sis- tiers, Mea, ]Berman Oest•rciehcr, 'pJ/ici visiting this Pother. . ,-The men who bave beets •relllielriug Che t,elephane line in this section for Ube .past two -weeks, 'left theivilRage Monday hist, having campltelte,d 'theist' work which is indeed a credit Ito the -There was an exciting game orf base ball bell:eve:at Credrlton "Runty Nene" and Ailsa C}sig "Stars." rani Monday evening last and resulted in a viatoiry for the visiting teem. Wei will not give the score, this time for want of spare. The band wast on hand. and ,,gave a number •of;saleoLions, wiht%ch were applaziated by every one. Kirkton -Mr.. Wesley Ilo,d'gi,ns, of Luean, called an 1 'friends in ; Lem village 1:n Sunday last. ' -1d.i;4s II0Iw1et, ot1 Anderson, visited with the Misses Alla and Kat.erBrown over Sunday. —Mr. Jut Monro anal J. L. iiirk, of London, spent Sunday in the village, visittitnig frietnds, returning lo London in the evtelnin;g. —Miss Edith Brawn, •ot Exeter, who has bean visiting her' brother, Will, here returned to Exeter, the la4L' of tam week. -Mr. aina Mrs. J. Taylor •arr on a driving tour this xveek, visiting Orient's at Seaforbh, Goderich, Kincar- dine end 'other points north --Mr. J. Rume,ey, of the Trade's Bank, St. Marys, grassed tt /trough the village an Sunday witch ilia enter ?me - bile. It called out a lot of the vil- lagers as it was quite a curiosity. -Several of out village' aporLs ,took In the base bell match at Lucan„ 'an Monday, between Linton and De'tr'oit and irepoli t a •spiendld gam a2 ball 3Iut: rem umfaur'ulmpiring. The Sovereign Bank, of Canada, Exeter, is 'offering for 'competition. ,at tate I31ainsha,rrd fair, to be held aa Kirk ton, .on Friday, October and, the' fol- lo'w•i.n)g; . seizes viz :-IFer titer beet heavy clnaaugltt colt, three ,yenee iota and under, first ,.55.00; strand, $3.00; Gomipelation open to all corner's. —Abe telephone line finom SL.Merys to Exeter via. Science Hill, Arnclarson, Woodlliam, iirlr.Lan, and W inehelsto is Almost an assured thing. A represen- tative of the Bell Teleabono Co. octan ded the necobing on Friday nightatnst end made tome.fair offers, wdlich along with the plans of tbo'4totnpony already famed will likely terminale im a' line beinig eset,ablidbed„ Children fury tor CASTORIA El%cnvllle JOHN VirlaITE & SONS --Quito a lane number went to Bethany, on Sunday eve,'Lo Lear Rev. Gio'dwiin, -Mr. Geo. Andrew :is building a.c,a- •inent silo, this, week. Dar. Freed Hun.• loin 'bees tae oantraet, -Mrs. Walt erre of Godeelell, spent a. couple of days of last smelt; with bop. sister, Mrs. 'WF. Flerin, f -Mr. and Mrs. Duke ilarbutte tai Mitrchell, spot Sunday, the guest eaf Mr. and Mrs. S. Andrraw. -Mr. •and Mrs. Ira Andrew and family, of Croutexty, vent Sunday wi tll4 Mrs. Iirtkmaio onnbe. -,.Rev, Balser and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cou l44S hire t, siRentdi;nig a acisv; dayis of this week camping a•t the, Bend, -Mr. Wm. Z mmc'r alas berm 1,«. r- tng out the inside of tiv:, t -.t, Intel gaiting it 'ready to.be moved to Win- che4sea, or ,a store house. -Revs. Cooper and Godwin,tof Exet- er, eachtanlged pulpits .on •Bunday lash Rev. G;o fjwiin , pr;e,atehed•A'nnivejrsary stervtiees an the Bietha,ny tppo.intimen(t -The pie-inic to the lake ext, Satter - day wa,s well attended by a good many of the young people and they ,report a road time, cinder the; laky being :Leo rrougih for many to venture out boat ing. -Mr. Ohas. Ste'svart, who has heats wotrloimig for J. Johns, blacksmith, has decided to quit the work of a i;eneraf bleacksmri0h and go an the road, la'ctur- ling svitlbi Prof. Little).Mr. ,Stewart leas one of the best collections of hors- es feet and legs in Canada, containing all the ailments •pertaining to the hors elbowitng the diffeateprit stages ,of ring, bone, side banes, splints, jacks, curbs, contracted boats and feel:. Mx. Stew- art is a clever talker and iteis . well war eh while to scan his collections end bear h.im explain the causes and( cures or relief for the different parts, Hayfield •--Mr's. James Donaldson, of Bruce Alines, is sieiting friends here. =DTr. and Mrs. Jahn Elliott, ofISe. attle, have been visiting friends bere. -Miss I:el.a Stapbury leas gone to S'uthempten for a few weeks' visit -President, Mrs. James Magee ; vice M'rs. J. Snell; Se retaar. y-Trc+asurer, Mias C. P.areons. James Marks is home 'from Cripple Creek, Colorado, to see Iris mother, weh,r is very ill at present. 1 -'A Ladies" Aid etas treehr organized in connection with the Methodist church, with t ha following as officers -firs. i)r. Smith and ber aunt, Mrs. llw-ine, 'have returned from a three nnnths' trip to Great Britain and Frame. -•MIrs. J. Mitchell, Bruce, and 4,,tiie Mae:hell, of Lobo, and G. Fisher, ' of Kincardine, were guests of Airs. P. A. Edwards, this week.' -.J,,hn and Ben Spencer and Witt - Liam Elliott have left far Port Arth lr to Luke l eeitions on tile. Goveru.uent survey boat "Bayfield" -Tho annualarden art under g party the auspices, of Trinity. Church was the most successful ever held here. There wan a latr;,ge at'tendo;nce. Tl=ic preg- eamme of music by Uhe Seaforth baud was much enjoyed,. Proceeds„ ;;111. This has beeir a 'very successf al sea- son regarding summert ourists. • A large number have. been here, and all enjoyed themselves veiry much, , . and found Bayfield ,the best resort they bad yet visited, and intend returning next season. -Rev. Jas. Snell rho new pastor • of the 1\Iethadist church, is an excellent •prrea,c'her, and % has already becbme quite popular with his •people. He is urging upon ,,hem the advisability of building a new nhurch, for which he has a leaadiy been promised 'bo,nside c- able aid. -Miss Dolly ,_'arsons left on Tuesday lase for Macdonald, Man,. where she will be united in. nuar•riage,ta t tfhte home of her broiler, liar, Thos. :I7arsons, tb Mr. William Parker, fo•rmerlytof'Bay field, now w prosperous farmer of near ALi.lton, North Dakota. She is a pop- ular young lady and an aciuvo work- er in the Methodist church and Sun- day sjl1sool. She is also a member of tha choir. The congregation regrets very usueh her removal and the other evening a large number of Lhe, mem- bers assembled et her mothe'r's red - donee ,and pretsenled Miss Parsons wadi ern addfraas and 'a handsome present. e Exeter Municipal Council« Council met; at eall of • Reeve, et Town Bail, Aug. llet.,i All mem•- bcrs present. Minutes of prcvin rs tner.ling read and confirmed, ,• eleeers. La la mrd Gladlnan, cuter. viewed the council in re;g.lid to. the: �r of the caro of lots.int e c. pence. h cametIayrevelled °by persons iding at a distance. After exceange of cipi'nions on talo matter the following motion was unanimously carried. Cobblediok--Gillespie.-That in fu- tare all parties residing ' outside alio village of Exeter, and the towvn.shi.ps. Stegahen, Ilsboirne an anta Iaity desiring to putrtcirr,uic lois in the ce'lnateryi in a:deliien to paying i he price of • the lels aluall iray to the viillage'lreasurer the surer of one hund.red dollars to be dcltosit:ed in the permanent fund the int wrest of same to 'be ase fore ` the perpetual maintenance of said Int. - Carried. ]:Ta;wk•nns.•-•G•illespie. -!dial tan fol. ,.owing certified ecm.etory accounts be pseed, nand orders drawn an treasur er for same t -Wm. Iledden, brick, $12 J'.no. lord, labor from July 71'11'to August 21st.. 554.00; llughSpaek.man, hardware, $7.00; • Leo. McTaggart, $'9,60; Ha,wkies & • Mau, •h,ardwierh, $22.74 t A. A1wNaxcl, $21.42. -Carried, IIawit ima- Grll;trcgliaa-Th a,t; •the' 1'!6?14 iasvifag it.ecounts. be peseta and orders 41. llarness, ois Shoes . AVING PURCHASED the entire stook of .farness, 11. �,O Boots and ltes� TI'11X1kSf etc,,.. ofZd1lAB. U.Sweet, we 80110 ca 513,01v,':,of your patronage ani .tuvlt,u y0li that we may get acquainted, and you may examine our goods, No trouble to show goo.ls. We will carry a fell line of Harness, Boots and SIIoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. Come in and see u.. R. H. Sweet's old stand. EXE 1-10USE. rasaasaanzssemsamszmEaur I heard your neighbor say '.They were _going." !' You come too80) 011 NOrile ' 1101E11 Monday and Tuesday, Sept ibor 210 & 22nd Prize List and Full information from J. ALLISON, Jr., President. .A. Q. DYER, Secretary. DOMINION iEXHiB 1Q 1903 . TORONTO v 1993 AUC. 27th to SEPT. 12th The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural retota'i E4 Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before d a DAILY PARADES OF LIVE STOOK In addition, by order of FiIS MA.SESTY THE InIN& THE JUBILEE PRESENTS of his august mother, the late Queen Victoria, Will be exhibited MBA me* as, by permission of the Dowager Duchess of Dufferin and.Aca, THE CAUFFERIRl I %ESERlis And by permission of the Countess of Aberdeen treasures OF IRISH MANUFACTURE J The special features, including an entirely new spectacular production etttSt1Ct2 A CARNIVAL IN VENICE under tho personal direction of Dolossi riralfy, win bo on a scale never bofoTo attempted at an annual fair in any part of the world. .rteduced rates by land and water from eyeryrhere. Consult your station agent. W. K. MC1 AUGHT, drajwn on tr'• aS' r x r a,ma:-C'. ;1. Snell, elec ric 1' o August let, ai?6.45,; g a Leo. M' T t, nails, 25e. ;. Geo. Cu,dmore, I car, 5,7.00.• -Carried. Creetc']t-. • Cobbla' ick. -That the Reeve and treasurer be authorized to borrow money from time • to time to meet e�pvp sus.- Cirri c: Cobbledite-Crciegh. That tha war- dens of the Trivitt Memorial church be plid thre sum of ,.,548.00, being.60 pee cent of the cost of ,granolithic sidiewnll: on Baldwin stepett,-Carlried Crrctelc.h-Cobblediiek.-That 111x. Jno. Ford be paid $1.25c. per day *during th;e pleasure of , the council, and that Mr. Alward be notified accordingly., -- Hawkins-+ .Gillespie. -That Mr, S. J. O. ORR, afanarr o. d Surefarg. CARPOSSIMINIELlii Sweet be instructed to repair rano- li 4hic sidewlks when ncr ssaary un- der the superrrision of street cow • - missioner.-Carried. Council adjourned to meet at call of Reeve, GEO. II. BISSETT, clerk, • to ,.... 1-e+*,.4?V,•::1•.".1' ;tie.slgr,aturo. nr Chas. li. Fin.-i+..r, . ' ai ::. lltr L`: ci.•,e ti ne........,..s a Chili!. for Castors$. t, .' c• rirr::r:r7•41.44, c C.:urn to Castoria. Castoria. eAb? dro You LOOkifia tor? Is it a nice piece of Furnitum, if so don't fail to ca,ll on us because we are headquarters for anything in the line of furniture. Our stock is the Iargest and hest assorted in the country, workmanship the very best. design and fiirisli the very latest, and prices the newest, We will be pleased to show intending purchasers throngh nee large stock and quote our prices before placing their orders etsesvhere. We guarantee satisfaction with • every article purchased from our ,;,ire.. All kinds of Ordered Work, Repairing. U.phnlsteeing,snd Piet•rrre Fram- ing done on shortest notice at rensonieble prices. Undertakers and fuiieral Director.; R, N, ROWhS' OLD STAND. ON CE irtg 'We have just received another car of Samson Brand Cement, The Samson has stood .the test, and our prices are right . BARN 4 DARN HARD Barn .Door Rollers Glass Barn Door Hinges Hooks and Staples Bern Done Latches Butts Sash and Door Paint Barn Door Track 'We carry everything in these lines Screen Doors and Windows to clear out at cost. •Eeamau°90