HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-20, Page 8a
• °W .0.1Xiii tIM $, AUGtJST2Otb, 1903.
Eoy's Odd Knick Tweed and Serge Pants. well made, well lined, the kind that
wear well, 50c, 65c and 75c.
Boy's Tweed Suits, neat small eatterus in fancy mixtures, Tweeds and
aerges, the values will speak for themselves, ask to see thet», 1.90, 2.50,
285, $3,00 and up,
lien's Navy Serge Pants, good solid stock, well made and good trimmings,
only 98c,
Men's Fancy Tweed Pants, a very special lot, all odd pattern,: some in the lot
worth 2.00 and $2.25, while they last you take your pick pattern',
Very special Men's heavy Mole Cottoned° Pants, sold all over at $1 00, our
special price may 85c,
Are you paying too much for y our groceries. We believe we
have the very best grocery trade in Exeter, Choicest goods and
best values are what does it. Every article that goes out from our
grocery department carries our guarantee with it, that means your
money back it goods are not to your liking,
3 pound card board box Cream Soda Biscuits 21a,
3 pound tin box cream soda Biscuits 250.
3 pound choice, rnixed lemon and sweet cookies 25c.
1? pound sealer, Forest City Baking Powder 18e.
Force; Malta -Vita, Grape Nuts, Shredded W heat Biscuits 121c
Large bottles Pure Extracts, any fleyor, Sc,
Best water white Coal Oil only 16c.
6 bars Comfort, Eclipse, VIctor, Dingmas Electric or Richards
pure Soap for only 25c.
3 pound bar N. P. Soap, only 12e.
Sailor Boy Tea, black, mixed or Japan 25c.
Choicest White Wine and Malt Pickling Vinegars.
All kinds of pure Fresh Spices, all sold under gaterantee.
We are sole agents for Exeter for Woods Boston Coffee—ground fresh to
your order. We pin our faith to this coffee, so much so that we sell no other.
It has that deep rick nutty flavor, so much sought after hy lovers of good
coffee, Will you try it. Ask for sanaple.
New 1Pall Goods
We are busy opening up New Fall Goods, New Dress Goods, New Fceoch
Flannels, New American Opera Flannels, New Koinona and Waist Flannels,
New Wrapperettes, Ladies' New Rain Coats, New Flenualettea Tae very
best values we have ever shown. rarCome in and see our new fall goods.
WANTED.—Any quantity of goodButter and Eggs for which we will
pay the highest price either in trade or cash.
The Sovereign . Bank of Canada
Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
BRIINGRES in fluron Gountu at Exotor, droditon, Zurion
lionsall, Clinton and Dagwood.
A General Banking Business Transacted at all Branches.
eine Dollar will start an account. Interest allowed on deposits from the
day money is deposited and added to the principal twice a year.
Manager Exeter Branch.
For Marriage Licenses9
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks;
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
21111121101111MMIMOte 1111101.211101
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisement, accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Miss Hannan, of St, Marys, is the
guest of Miss lish,
Miss Hazel A., M. Dignan is holiday-
ing at Bayfield with friends.
Mr, Will Cook left for Manitoba on
Tuesday on a tour of the country.
Mr. Harry Baker, of Detroit, is vis-
iting his father here.
Mrs. F. Willis left on Monday to
join her husband at Springside, Assa.
Mrs. Hanson, of Montreal, is a
guest of her sister. Mrs. Chas. Gidley.
Dr, Eastwood, of Whitby, is visit-
ing his daughter, Mrs. J. G. Stanbury.
Mr. D. Crittenden, of Blyth, wat
the guest of Miss E, Penhale on Sun-
, •
Guaranti French Goods.
Carrick Tvieed Suitings at 75c yd.
Diamante iuitings at 75c yd.
Noppe Dress Suitings at 50e yd.
Stripe Satin Cloths at 50c yd.
Wool Satin Cloths at 50c. 75c, $1.00,
Longford Tveeed Suitings at $100
Bonrette Costumes at $1.25 yd,
Vicuna, Dress Oloths eat 50o, 75c'i
1,00 yd.
•c our Newest of New Dress
efore you buy elsewhere,
Mrs. Elliott and daughter Mis s
Olive are visiting friends in Centralia,
Rev. Mr. Duncanson, of Walton,
took the services of Caven church on
Mrs. Tremaine and daughter, Miss
Ruth, spent Saturday and Sunday at
Mrs. Popplestone's.
Mr. Mustard, of Brucefield, will oc-
cupy the pulpit of the Caven Presby-
terian church on Sunday.
Miss Kropp, of Morris. Illinois, vis -
Schools in the rut al sections opened
on Monday, Aug. 17, aftet the skimmer
Zeiss Lilly Robinson left on Satur-
day last for Auburn where she resumes
her position as school teacher..
Mrs. Herendeen. (nee'raw), Newton)
of Detroit, has been the guest of her
cousin, Miss Fanny leawden, the past
Miss Martha Keys ead nephews
Clarence and ielalco w, or Varna, vis-
ited her brother, Mr, Fred Keys dur-
ing the past week,
file very Rev. Dean Kilroy, D. D.,
ceiebrated hie gulden jubilee in holy
ordere ou Saturday and will shortly
complete his fiftieth year as a prtest.
Mrs. Ed. Sherbrooke and daughters.
Myrtle and May, of Chicago, and Mrs.
Wm. Parsons, of London, spent Fri-
day and S eturday the guests of Mrs,
Brewer. • •
A.quilla Shere who has been holi-
daying at his home for the past few
weeks left on Saturday for St, Thom-
as where he has accepted a /situation
on a journal in that city.
Mies Della Hill tack in the Excur-
sion to Sarnia oa Saturday and visited
Sunday and Monday with h sister
and brothers in Port Huron And St.
Mrs. J. T. O'Brien has been spend-
ing the past week. with Mende in
Hamilton. Mr. O'Brien left for that,
city Wednesday end will take in the
summer carnival.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Penhale, of Pen°.
lon Falls, arrived here on Feiday, Mr.
Penhale leaving again on Tuesday for
Morden, Man., Mrs. Penhale and
children will remain for a short time
here with friends.
All persons desiring to attend the
Independent Order of Foresters pic-
nic on August 27th at Grand Bend,by
bus will leave word at H, Spackm en's
hardware store. — G. E. ANDERSON,
The South Huron Agricultural Soc-
iety, in conjunction with the Tucker -
smith Society, will hold their annual
fall fair on the grounds of the latter
society, in Seaforth, on Thursday and
Friday, September 21th and 25th.
At Innerkip it appears a burglar at -
.tempted to rob a farm house, but was
foiled and raptured by the hired man.
With the hired men draiving the fan-
cied salaries they draw now, they can-
not afford. to let anyone else rob the
In most sections of the county the
harvest has been completed, and far-
mers rest somewhat from their labors.
The yield all round has been a grati-
fying one. and few are the barns not
well-nigh bursting with plenty.
Mr. Wm. Harding has disposed of
his property here to Mr, Phil Routley,
of London. We understand it is Mr.
Hardings intention to remove to Lon-
don. Mr. Harding has been a model
citizen and his decision to leave will
be regretted by his many friends.
Arrangements for county W. C, T.
U. Convention are nearing comple-
tion. A good time is expected, Rev.
Mr. Henderson, of Hensall, will be
the speaker for the firstevening. Top-
ic' the outlook. of Temperence reform.
Do not forget Elie date, 25th and 26th.
at Zurich.
Mr. S, J. A. Boyd, of the Moon,
Hannah, N, D., a former principal of
our public school, who left here about
18 months ago for the west, called on
friends in town last week. Mr. Boyd
ited at the home of Mrs. Popplestone is running a weekly newspaper and
on Sunday and Monday. also teaching school.
Mr and Mrs. Samuel Gidley, of Bly- The Independent Order of Foresters
th, spent the forepart of the week of Exeter, Crichton, and Dashwood
with. Mrs, R. Gidley. intend holding a grand union picnic
Misses Lilly and Ida Johns returned
home last week after a pleasant visit
in Aurora and Toronto.
Mrs. A. Popplestone, Mrs, Burle y
and babe, of Detroit. are visiting Mrs .
Poplestone this week
Mrs. 3. Charlton who has been ser-
iously ill during the past month is
now able to be around again as usual.
Mr. and Mrs, George Bailey and
family, of London, are spending a
pleasant holiday with friends here,
Mr, George Hoskin, of Brantford,
spent a few days of last .week with his
father, Mr, Wm. Hoskin, Exeter
Mr. D. Ross received a telegram on
Friday last announctng the death of
his father, Wm. Ross, Sunny Brae,
N. S.
Miss Melissa Spicer and mother,
Mrs. R. Spicer took in the excursion
from here to Detroit and Sarnia on
Saturday last.
Miss Lilly Howard who has spent
the pastfew months with her sister,
Mrs. A. McTavish, of Galt, is spend-
ing a few days under the parental
Mr. F. J. Redmond has returned to
his home in Leeds, N. D. after a two
month's•visit with his many friends
and relatives.
Mr, F, 3. Redmond, Leeds, N. D„
and Miss A, S. Marshall, London. and
Mrs. John E. Dignan, town have re-
turned after a weeks outing at Bay-
Rev. W. Godwin will preach anni-
versary services on the Elimville cir-
cuit, on Sunday next. Rey. W. W.
Cooper taking Mr. Godwin's work
here. •
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
s on each box. 25c.
Miss Gussie Holland after a pleat -
ant holiday vent under the parental
roof left this week for Kirksville, Mo.
where she well pursue her second years
course in the School of Osteopathy in
that city.,.. ,
Mr. Willie Pbwell who was removed
to St. joseph's hospital, London last
week, threatened with an attack of
typhoid fever is,we are pletuid to state
recovering and. may in all probability
be able to leave the hospital in a few
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
3. G, Stanbury has beet very ill dur-
ng this week, at times with but Might
hopes of recovery. We are pleased
to learn that at time of Writing the
little one ts somewhat improved„
at Grand Bend on Thursday, August,
27th. There will be a base ball match,
races and other sports, Brass band
in attendance. GEO. E. ANDERSON,
Sec.-Treas. of Committee.
Messrs. T. M. Cameron, Alex. Mc-
Donald, Paul Madge, Sam Passmore,
George Hawkins, of the Thames Road
left on Wednesday for the Old Coun-
try, taking with them some hundred,
head of fine cattle. They will spend.
some time in the "Old Land" and take
in some of the sights.
King Edward has granted permiss-
ion for the Coldstreams band to go to
Toronto, this being the first time a
famous British military band has been
invited to go to a British colony.
Sixty-five musicians will sail on Aug.
27 and return theaniddle of October.
It is hoped they will be able to give
concerts throughout the Donainion.
Dr. Oyens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday,
September 2 Wednesday, September
30;Wednesday, November 4; Wed-
nesday, December 2 1903. Spectacles
and eyeglasses properly fitted, Next
visit will be Wednesday, September 2
Miss Ethel Farmer pleasantly enter-
tained a number of friends on Tues-
day evening in honor of her guests,
Misses L. McLaughlin, Mise Welsh
and ?dr. Leonard of Al abama, Tenn.
Among those present were Musses
Leonard,Quary, Parkhill; Miss Cough-
lin Mb, Carmel, Messrs Quarry, D.
O'Brien, Centralia, Mr. Porte Luce,
Mr, Dignan,
Messrs. Frank and W. Willis have
erected a comfortable store and dwell-
ing at Springeide. Assa. and expect
shortly to open out a general store
also coal and lumber yard, having be-
sides the promise of the position of the
postoffice en that rising town in the
North-west. We understand Mr. Jas.
Beer, of Exeter; is also building a har-
ness and carpenter shop there.
The Canada Gazette to -day contains
a statement showing that the receipts
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903
were $66 048,514, and the expenditure
349,014,050, The revenue for the year
Previous was $57,412,380, and the ex-
penditare $47,382.402. The capital ex-
penditure amounted to $7,651,977, as
against $12,389,992 for the year prev-
ious. The likelihood is that the sur-
plus will be at least $14,500,000 when
all the accounts for the year are ad-
justed. The July statement of reven-
ue and expenditure shows a decided
improvement over the same month in
Tho old premises of the Molson's
Bank in the village, were put up at
auction on Saturday, Aug; 15th., 1903,
but were not void, the price bid, not
HIS WEEK we are offering Big Baraains in 1Vfuslins,
Prints, Factory Cottons, Pillow .lottons, Shirtings,
Ladies' White Wait, Men's Summer Suits, in fact all sum-
mer goods clearing at big redactions. Come and se o for
All our 15c Maslins reduced to Sec , Don't forget we sell you the best
yd. Sotne very pretey ones left. print in our store for 10c yd.
See our range of Ate, Muslims, very Very special yalue in factory cot -
pretty desigus and colorings, 4c, 5c tons, pillow cottons and shirthegs. We
and 7c a yard. ' sell the beet 5c factory cotton in town,
We have just received a swell lot of Fancy Waistings
in silk stripes and dots, the very latest. Come and have a
look through and see how you like them.
We have about a dozen Ladies'
'White Waists left, all new up-to-date
styles, some worth $1.50, you take
your choice for 89c. A snap.
Men's and Boys' fine Straw Hats all
clearing at big reductions.
Men's 2 -piece Summer Suits, blue
with white stripe, very fine quality,
regular $7.50 reduced to $4,90.
2 only men's 2 -piece Summer Suits,
makes a good knock -about for hot
weather $4.25 reduced to $1.50, size 36
and 39.
White IVIarseilles Bed Spreads, extra large size, special
quality, lovely patterns, 98c, 1,35, 1.85, 3,25, $3.75 each.
97 piece Dinner Sets, in brown and White Cups and Saucers, only a
green, good quality, nicely decorated, few dos, left,regular price 75c. reduc-
regular price $7.75, reduced to $5,90, ed to 50c. Extra, Special.
We have just received. another large shipment of Linoleums, all qualities
and all prices,
We have 3 only very fine wool rugs, we don't hesitate in saying these
are the finest goods shown in Exeter, regular price $3.25 reduced to $2,85,
and 4,25 reduced to $3.85.
A large stock of nice fresh groceries always on hand.
Highest price paid for all farm produce.
being up to the reserve price. Only
$840 was offered, although Mr. John
Gill auctioneer, tried all his blandish-
ments to get $1,000, This does not
speak well for real estate here, when
buildings in such a good position, and
which has cost altogether over $4,500,
could get no better bid. The bank
now will hold the buildings for pri-
vate sale, or may offer for auction on
some future occasion.
WA.NTED.—Young girl to help with
The excursion along the line of the
H. & B., from Kincardine, on Sat-
urday last, to Sarnia and Detroit, un-
der the auspices of the I.' 0. F., of
Wingham, under the management of
3, McMath, of that place, was a de -
aided success, and one of the best pat-
ronized excursion given over this line,
A large number from Exeter availed
themselves of the opportunity afford-
ed them to take a trip to Sarnia and
the "City of the Straits," to visit
friends, as well as enjoy the pleasant
sail on the beautiful St. Clair waters.
Among those from Exeter, who went
were:—Ms. Collins, Miss Bonthron'l
and niece, of Toronto, Mrs. Spicer
Mrs. Snell, Miss. Spicer, Lilly How-
ard, Mrs. Oke, Mrs. Sheere, Messrs.
'N. Creech, C. H. Sanders, W. W.
Taman and N. Sheere.
Ravine TOWN. — Mr. G, House,
who was in the harness business on
Hamilton street for several years, left
with his family yesterday for Exeter,
• where he has bought out the harness
and boot and shoe business of R. R.
Sweet, Mr. House and family are
most desirable residents, and the Star
regrets their departure. Success is'
sure to follow such worthy citizens,
and we bespeak for them the kindly
hospitality and friendship of the peo-
ple at their new home.—Star, Goder-
ich. The Trans extends a cordial
welcome to Mr. House and family and
bespeak for him a very liberal patron-
age of the people of Exeter and sur-
rounding country. Mr. House has
taken up his residence in Mr. R. Gid-
ley's cottage on William street and
will conduct his business in the old
Kenneth White, on having success- (stand,Treble's block, recently vacated
fully passed pt. 2, of the Junior Leav-
by Ala weet.
ing exams. ; also arr. Coleman Mon-' PaomoTED TO EXETER.—Ito will be
cur, and mr. W. milyard, who, we are
pleased to learn have paseed with
with general' regret that the towns
credit, their Junior matriculation. people of Milverton and the residents
of the surrounding country will learn
of the removal trout their midst of Mr.
E. W. Horne, accountant of the Sov-
ereign Bank at Milverton. Mr. Horne
has been promoted to the bank's fine
branch at Exeter,. where he will hold
a similar position and to which place
he will carry with him the best wishes
of a host of friends, Besides the busi-
ness ability necessary to the holding
of a responsible position of this kind,
Mr. Horne has the happy faculty of
making real friends in whatever place
he may be, In Milverton he has not
only been identified with the bank's
interests in a purely business way,
but has taken a prominent part in the
social life of the place. In sports also
called upon by the courts to confirm he has closely identifiel himself with
their stories. The falsehoods which the interests of Milverton, having been
are alleged to have been circulated manager of their crack football team
originated on June 1st. during the season of 1903.—Stratford
Anniversary—Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Spackman pleasantly entertained a
few friends on Thursday evening last
in honor teethe event of the 25th. an-
niversary of their marriage. Mr. and
Mrs, Spackman have lived in Exeter,
continuously since that time and have
enjoyed years of prosperity and happi-
ness, also winning the respect and
confidence of a host of friends, who
wish for them many taaore years of
unalloyed bliss.
new regulations for carrying out the
Act of Perliament. reducing the rate
on newspapers within 300 miles of the
office of publication from one-half to
issued. Free transmission of country
newspapers is still allowed within the
present radius. The free delivery off-
ices in Canada in which newspayers
cannot be delivered at the reduced rate
of one-quarter of a cent are : Vaneou-
ver, Winnipeg, London, Brantford,
Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec,
St. John, Fredericton, Halifax and
Mrs. S. Martin, of this place have rea-
son to feel a spirit of pride and extre-
me pleasure iri the fact that their son
Wilbur, who left here some Months
Co,s departmental store, Winnipeg,
ago ta take a position in RobiAS
Robinson & C
has been receiving promotions, having
already been promoted three different
times with an increase of salary each
time. His strict attention to business
and keen interest manifested by him
for his employers has not been over-
looked by them and he now fills the
position as floor manager of one of
deparments. True merit reaps its re-
housework. MRS. J. G. STANBURY.
girl for general honsework apply to or
Princess Avenue, London Ont.
to general. work, and who want to'
learn stove plate. Apply giving ex-
perience!, references, etc.—The Guraey
Foundry Co. Limited, Toronto, /
NTED. — Moulders 'pravers.
Young men who have had 'experience,
and want to attain greater experience
over a larp.•,er range of work, princi-
pally stove plate.—The GurneyeEcitia-
dry Co., Limited, Toronto.
monthly meeting of the Women's In-
stitute will be held on Friday after-
noon next, commencing at 3 o'clock.
A cordial invitation is extended to
Huron street, frame house, containing
8 rooms, stable, also 2 lots with fruit
bearing trees and smaller fruits. De-
sireable residence and good locality.
Apply to MR. JonN DOWN, Exeter.
OULTURE.—Miss Mildred Godwin,Post
Graduate in elocution of Alma College
St. Thomas, Ontario,will begin classes
in elocution and physical culture in
Exeter, Sept. 1st, 1903. For terms
apply Victoria street, Exeter.
CoreeateerualeTroNs, — The EXETER
TIMES begs to offer its congratula-
tions toMiss Mildred Rutin and mr,
ANNUAL PICNIC. —Mr. A. Q. Bobier
will hold his annual picnic for the
creamery, milk drawers, and sugar
beet employees, at Grand Bend, on
Thursday, (to -day.) There will be the
usual number of sports, gaaies, etc.,
and number of prizes distributed,
These gatherings have heretofore al-
ways proved a success, and very pleas-
ant to those who participate in the
day's outing.
STATEMENT, — We have been in-
formed of the fact that a special de-
tective has visited our community
during the last month and one half at
different periods, and that a number
of our citizens!' who have made them-
selves busy) circulating false reports
about a certain London dentist will be
NOTICE.—The Exeter Public School
Board beg to announce that limited
number of seats in the High School
Department are now available for the
fall term applications .for which may
be made to the Secretary,Mr. J.Grigg.
The past record,oe, the Board eince the
institution of this departmeat equal'.
ing and successfully Availing many of
the oldestabliShed High ISchools will
be suffibient .evidence that* mistake
will be made by parente otegnarditteas
in coinraitingetheteeettildren to their
care •; and thtfaeof their iitaff. ;the
eft ate being steadier direc-
ted to secure the; higlieskifficienSy in
one-gitarter cent per pound, have been their High School workipol Ork as Well as
in etery division a their ,YPulelie
School. This is being done, not on-
ly in the intereet of thole' present
charge but with the object ,Of having
our town never less than edremost as
a centre bleaclueitional mirk and in-
fluence for this district. , :The Princi-
pal is Mr. J. O. Flemming late of the
High School, Goclerich.
Children Cry for
Fall' and Winter Goods
We are busy those days receiving, marking off and pass-
ing into stock our large consignments of Fall and 'Winter
Dress Goods in all the newest fabrics and Colors. Ready-to-
wear Skirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Furs, &c., Come and see
our handsome display of goods. No trouble to show you
the goods
Ready-to-wear Skirts
We haye just received a lot of the newest styles for fall wear in
black and military grey. Those skirts are all tailor made and are per-
fect fitters.
$3.5o for a beautiful grey homespun skirt, with fancy tucking and six
rows of stitching around bottom.
$4.25 for a nice black or grey cheyiot. Beautifully trimmed with straps
up seams of different, cloth and silk braid and. buttons. Stitched
around bottom.
$5.00 for a good black or grey homespun with six one inch tucks running
down the front, also stitched straps of the sante and buttons to match.
$5.25 for a dandy 'black or grey cheviot. Extra quality, trimmed with
stitching and buttons and six clusters of box pleating on the flare.
These skirts are all first class quality and will be good bargains. Come
and get fitted before they are yall gone.
Colored Silks
We are placing on our bargain counter a lot of Colored Silks, which
we bought cheap, suitable for Waists, Trimmings or Fancy Work. We
will clear out the whole lot at half price.
All our Shirt Waists, Wrappers and Ladies' White Wear we are sell
ing at big reduced priees,
Furniture and
We Carry Cood Lines in Furniture
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Bieck.
36th Annual
Sept. llth co 19th, 1903.
Entries Close September loth
An exhibition of merit: Bigger and better than ever. A splendid array of
attractions—Tony Ryder's celebrated troupe of preforming Moakeys—Bal-
loon ascensions, a parachute drop from.a parachute, and the best Gymnasts,
Aerial Artists and Acrobats to be had.. Firework seach evening co ecluding
with "The Bombardment of Alexandria," a great triumph of modern
Extra trains and Special rates over all lines. Prize lists and progri:mmiegee
on application.
IA. Got. W. M. Gartsliore,
NOTI C ""e At Lowest
Wo have
Down tor
a tow
wooks tor
REX111_,V°u DYES
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
—they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try package..
A Bcolotsat C, leascz, Exeter.
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a
better position than ever to sell Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building
Material at lowest prices. The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained.
in both yards is heavier than we wish
to carry, so we purpose to make a
material reduction in the price of
Shingles until we get our stock re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter and
the surrounding country for their
patronage in the vast, and solicit a
continuance of their custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
• •
Fall TOM Opens Soot la
•itutve applied to us for our graduates to g
0act as teachers in their schools. This is 0)
lithe evidence you aro looking for as to 2
*the best SC1100E4 to attend. Thousands 4! -,
fot our former students oar formerst, I c, , i 'r
01,dents are now in business life. Wa• :41
• or our handsome catalogue.
. \, •;, I
2 Principal ;