HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-10-08, Page 18IP Page 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1986 SALE BY TENDER TO PURCHASE ASSETS OF THE CRANE MANUFACTURER GCI MANUFACTURING INC. Thorne Riddell Inc., Receiver of GCI Manufacturing Inc. will receive sealed tenders until 2:00 p.m. (Daylight Savings Time) on the Nth day of October, 1986 for the purchase of the assets briefly described as: PARCEL 1- Replacement & Manufactured Parts Inventory including but not limited to: electrical, hydraulic and •driye train components for crane assemblies, hydraulic tubing assemblies, switches, valves, cylinders, shafts, hoses and motors. PARCEL 2 - Bulk Raw & Manufactured Steel including but not limited to: steel raw materials, box tubing, flame cut parts, elec• trical & steel cable, boom sleeves, manufacturing frames, lattices. PARCEL 3 - Work in Progress boom extension (complete), tires, boom assembly, crane frame & chassis. PARCEL 4 - Patents, Trademarks, Designs & Drawings the receiver's interest, if any, in and to all patents, trademarks, designs and drawings. All tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque, irrevocable letter of credit, bank draft, or money order payable to Thorne Riddell Inc. • In. Trust for 10% of the amount tendered as a deposit which will be returned if the tender is not accepted and forfeited to the undersigned on account of liquidated damages if the tender is accepted and the sale is not completed by the tenderer. The balance of the tender price will be payable by certified cheque on closing. The sale will be subject to court approval. Tenders will be accepted in sealed envelopes only, clearly marked "Tender - GCI Manufacturing Inc" Tenders must be submitted on a form of tender and are subject to the Conditions of Sale. The form of tender and a copy of the Conditions of Sale may be obtained. and an appointment to view and inspect the assets may be made by contacting Mr. R.M. Jackson orMrs. S, Cox at (519) 672.4422. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.. DATED Al' LONDON ONTARIO, 'r111S 2nd DAv OF OCTOBER. 1986. THORNE RIDDELL INC., Receiver of GCI Manufacturing Inc. 560 Wellington Street, London, Ontario N6A 3R4 ATTENTION: Mr. R.M. Jackson 31. Service directory 31. Service directory 1 DENTURE THERAPY CLtNIC Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm Open Weekends b Appointment HORST Feige D.T. 58 West Street Goderich Neustadt No Charge (519) 524-6688 (519) 665-7818 1-800-265-7555 PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service, Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887.9062. 27tf 1A4Q_4,5 1'RY, STONE and Carpentry work: Spr fizing in brick poilttrrig—anth--clitnirtey`sa. - building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482-5305. 3tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING, Drain Repair, erosion control, cellor drains, laser. Coll Frank Postill 482-9101. 2ltfar. 35. Notice to creditors , KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms. carports. flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone 482.7676.. Ken McNairn. 22tfar WHEELCHAIRS. The CP & T Fund of Clinton Odd - fellows lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Gord Taylor 482.9447 or Roy Elliott 482-7909 evenings. 20tfar COOKIE'S HOUSE PAINTING Interior & Exterior Experienced - Reasonable Rates Steve Cook 482-9335 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527.1731 BURL: 527.0828 JIM: 527.0775 CHIMNEY SWEEPING Phone Paul Gridzak 482-9916 After 3:30 p.m. t•Pdirig44% Your omplete Iawn Care Professional 527-1750 Ready Now for Fall Clean -Up JACK Bo COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Sgtedsllaing In: (CUSTOM WILT HOMES *RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS 'KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 4824506 EVENINGS JOHN KASSIES F�Taa MEMBER GENERAL CONTRACTING •Form and Residential Buildings •Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE 4823063 34. Personal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SARAH JANE JACOB, also known as JEAN S. JACOB, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Registered Nurse, deceased. All persons having cloims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 5th day of September, 1986, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of November 1986; after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersign- ed shall then have notice. Dated this 26th day of September, 1986 E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton,Ontario NOM ILO Solicitor for the Executor-40.42or 38. Auction sale FREE TRAINING, support and financial assistance is provided to women establishing self-help groups to pro note health. Groups such as. bereavement, step mothers, chronic illnesses, single parents, etc. are encouraged to apply. For application phone 482.9706 or write Women To- dny, Box 1405, Clinton, NOM ILO. -- 40.4rar CLASSIFIED r38. Auction sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON - 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR THURS., OCT. 9 AT 6 P.M. - Three tractors and machinery for James G. Sloan, 31/4 miles east and 1/2 mile south of Winthrop or 4 miles north of St, Columban. SAT., OCT. 11 AT ib A.M.'- Modern fur- niture, freezer, etc. at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton for local resident plus addition. SAT.,)OCT 18 AT 10 A.M.. Large offer- ing of good glassware, lamps, antique furniture, etc. at Lobb Auction Barn, Clin- ton, for Mabel Hawkins of Goderich. SAT., OCT. 25 AT 10 A.M. - Antiques, fur niture and appliances at Lobb Auction Barr Clinton. 35. Notice to creditors 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF John Edwprd Helm (also known as Ted Helm), late of the R.R. 2, Clinton, in the County, of Huron, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the above Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Administrator on or before the 22nd day of October, 1986, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have been received, LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques. modern furniture and appli- ances to he held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton. Ontario for Matt arid Mary Nediger. Goderich home plus additions. Sat., October 11 at 10 a.m. • Fridge 2 yrs. old: upright freezer, automatic washer, 2 spin dry washers, nearly new: apt. chest freezer: Electro - home floor model colour TV with brown box remote, modern five piece bedroom suite with box spring and mattress, Duncan Phyfc drop leaf dining table with three chairs, corner china cabinet, mahogany four piece curved . front bedroom suite. 2 poster type single beds, matching antique gentlemens dresser and vanity dresser, two cup- board bottoms, rocking chair, antique corner shelf unit with mirror back, antique blanket box, 3 Victorian chairs, three trunks. 40" round pedestal table, 3 presshack chairs, apartment dining table extends from 20" to 6 ft.; 4 matching dining tables, washstand, 2 iron beds with brass knobs, several fancy small tables, bridge Lamp, nesting tables, air conditioner, chesterfield with pull out bed, electric sewing machine in cabinet. h all tree, recliner chair, 2,good upholstered chairs, floor lamp,. antique 5 drawer chest, card table and 4 chairs, antique octagonal school clock, antique fancy cupid mantle clock with matching side ornaments, small New Haven wall clock, Beaver pelt top hat, Sterling silver thimble, forks and salt and pepper, oil lamp, crocks, pictures, globe for old Gone with the Wind lamp, 2 swivel miniature oil lamps, cast iron dog on pillow, Ogee clock, ceiling fan and light combination, fancy swag lamp, old pictures, old showcase, antique and modern glassware and dishes, small appliances ete. sorne bedding, humidi- fier, 2 International cream separators; patio table with umbrella, lawn chairs, Lawn Boy mower, garden tools and mise. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEERS 1t1('IIM10)1iABB BUR.TLOBB Linda Thomas, Administrator, by MORRISON, HANES, CLAYTON, UREN & BUCHNER, 783 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, N6H 3H4, Solicitors. --40,41,42 40. Lost & Found FOUND: very friendly cat; orange coloured with a bit of white. If not claimed, it urgently needs a home (It's cold at night). Phone 482.9410-=41 40. Lost & Found LOST - white/orange, mature, neutered cat, possibly climbed into back of truck/van September 25, Spencer/North St. Clinton. Reward offered. 482-7949. 41 FOUND on the main street of Clinton, a small black and brown dog 482-5333 days or 482.9247 evenings. 41 42. Death notice McPHEE At Alexandra Marine and. General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, October 5, 1986, Mr. James Gordon McPhee of Goderich, formerly of Colborne Twp; in his 59th year, Beloved husband of the former Mary Noreen McKay. Dear father of Shelley and her husband Gary Hoist of Clinton, also Judith and her husband Dove Martin of Goderich. Loved grandfather of Ceylon Hoist. Dear son of Edith (McManus) McPhee of Goderich and brother of Nora (Mrs. Ross Penn• ington) of Penticton B.C., Joan (Mrs. L.A. Biddie) of Toronto and Jean Brown of Lambeth. Also sur- vived by 11 nieces and nephews. Predeceased by 1 son, James Bruce, his father Gordon Oliver McPhee and 1 brother Thomas. The family received friends at the McCallum & Palle Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Tuesday. Funeral service was held at North Street United Church, Goderich at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. In- terment Colborne Cemetery. Those who wish may make donations to the I.C.U. Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Goderich as ex- pressions of sympathy. - -41 MacGREGOR After a lengthy illness, but with the love and sup- port of so many friends and relatives, Mrs. Ber- tha Margaret (Corbett) MacGregor of Hensall, passed away peacefully at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, October 6, 1986, in her 76th year, Dear mother and mother-in-law of Donald and Gwen Maclaren and loved grandmother of Jodi Lynn and Donald Brooke, all of Oakville. Surviving are her sisters Dorothy Parker of Hen - sell, Edna Mae Sangster of Huronview and Evelyn Schroeder of Hensall, Predeceased by her brothers Jack and Edward. Visitation in the Hen- sall Chapel after 2 pm. Tuesday, of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 118 King Street, Hen- sall; where the funeral service will be conducted on Wednesday, October 8, at I pm with Rev. Kenneth Knight officiating. Interment to follow, Hensall *ion Cemetery.- -41 [2.Dea th notice McKENZIE At Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, September 30, 1986, Miss Eleanor Louise McKen• zie of Clinton and formerly of Hamilton, in her 91st year. Beloved daughter of the late Thomas and Matilda McKenzie. Dear sister of John A. McKenzie and his wife Margaret of Regina, and sister•in-law of Adeline (Mrs. Robert McKenz;e) of RR 4, Clinton, Edna (Mrs. George McKenzie) of Hamilton, ,Alice (Mrs. Thomas McKenzie) of Toronto. Loving aunt of Helen (Mrs. •James Cooper) of RR 4, Clinton', Mrs Jeanne Gardiner of Hamilton, Edwin McKenzie and his wife Hawley of Caledon East, Wilford McKenzie and his wife' Evelyn of Toronto, Robert (Bert) McKenzie and his wife Beverley of Regina, and Malcom McKen- zie and his wife Vera of Hamilton. Predeceased by four brothers. Thomas, Robert, George and Herbert McKenzie, and by two nephews John McKenzie Jr. •and Douglas McKenzie. Friends were received at the Ball & Falconer Funeral' Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, on Wednesday from 7-9 pm. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Thursday, October 2, at 2 o'clock. Interment Clinton Cemetery. -41 WHEELER Mary Ann Olive passed away. in Wingham & District Hospital. September 30, 1986. Mary Ann (Brewer) Wheeler, beloved wife of the late Harry Wheeler of RR 5, Brussels, formerly of.London, in her 89th year. Survived by one brother Charles Brewer of Morris Twp.; one sister Luella Brewer of Morris Twp,; one nephew and two nieces. Predeceased by three brother's George, Will and Fred. Visitation was at the Brussels Chapel of the M.L. Watts Funeral Home. Private funeral ser- vices were held Thursday, October 2, 1986. -41 STEED Brian and Andrew, born September 29, 1986 died the same day at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Buried in Clinton on October 1. Sadly missed by your parents Art and Janie, of Clinton, your grandparents Rev. Arthur and Muriel Steed, of Fonthill and John and Dani Gattinger of Mississauga, and all your aunts, uncles and cousins and many friends. -41 ---- ----_ ._.BROWN At Victoria Hospital, London on Friday, October 3, 1986, Harvey Johnston Brown of Blyth; in his 87th year. Beloved father of John of Morris Twp. Dear grandfather of Elaine and Sharon. )tested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, Ontario. Funerol service was held in the funeral home on Sunday , at 2 pm. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery. -41 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Phone: 482-7741 GLASS/ALUMINUM Sae us for your building projects • Glass and Mirrors • Energy Efficient Replacement Windows • Seamless Eavestroughing •Complete range of Aluminum or Vinyl Siding and Building Products • Window and Screen Repairs • Door Service and Repairs COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL clinton CLT,k00 mirror and aluminum products 24 Princess St. West, CLINTON 482-3322 FARM Patz. SALES and SERVICE Iaafrnd pal:: KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 4 Walton Phone 345-2734 or 482-7971 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING ......... ......... .._.. . GBAILEYs MILL STREET, HENSALL 262-2020 Specialists hi Pulse Combustion Heating • Latinate Pulse Furnaces 4tydra ;Mao lItallon • Lennox Central Air Conditioning WE'RE PROUD TO BE YOUR... LE®' DEALER •ECONOMY *QUALITY *SERVICE P.0.110X 1134 CLINTON. ONT. NOM 11.0 ns. es5.1174 THREE PHASE ELECTRIC Use our convenient paging system - call 1.800-265-9255 Ask for peger 3078 BARRY BUCHANAN. REPAIR Clinton Electric QWhite -Westinghouse Thstperint ,Appliances Sales and Service • APPUAP4cE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 LOW CONTRACTOR e PRICES ■ Full Selection Of WINDOWS -Storms -Replacement -New Construction DOORS -Entrance Systems -Mirror & Patio -Aluminum Storms RESCREENING- PLEXIGLASS ALL GLASS WORK SALES — SERVICE INSTALLATION D & D GLASS Located in Vanastra 482-7869 OPTOMETRY R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square. GODERICH 524-7661 JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-3:30 Saturday 900-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Fres parking on premises IBS travel mart Don Pletsch Owner/Manager FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS 44 Ontario St., Clinton —PHONE -- 482-7771 McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE CO MPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES, AGENTS E.F. "Bill" Dtust 527-1455 Bob M cNaugt, ton 527-1571 Graeme Craig 8879381 Banter & MacEwan Insurance Brokers Ltd. 524.8376 JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD, 482-3401 HOME IMPROVEMENTS C&W Nome Improvements • Remodelling` • Refinishing and Refurbishing Door Frames, Windows, Baseboards, Staircases • Furniture Refinishing 482-7948 INSURANCE JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. General Insurance Guaranteed Investments Clinton Office: 482.3401 Res.: 482-7265 REPAIR APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR, SERVICE Jim Broadf oot 4827032