HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-10-08, Page 16Page 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1986 LABBIFIED- T1JI CLINTON NEWS-RECORQ-THC BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE 1. Articles for Sale FIREWOOD - beech, ash, maple, cherry, iron wood. $35.00 per unit (4' x 8' x 14"). Phone 523-9360 or 524-8065.-370 APPLES • Mac's, Wolfe River, Empires. Spartans, Sweets, Kings, Snows. Pears, cider apples. Please brirfg containers. McClymont Orchards, Vornq, 482.3214.--39,40,41 ' ' APPLES - Macintosh, Cortland, Empire, cider, spanish and cooking onions, red and white potatoes, apple butter, honey, at Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524.8037.--39tfar • APPLES FOR SALE: Macintosh $6.50 bu.; Tomlin Sweets $8.00; bu.; red and golden delicious $10.00 bu. Call Arnold and Nelly Steckle 565-5329.-39-41 GREEN NYLON sofa -bed, chair, good condition, $175; Perfection oil stove with vents and pipes $75. Call 523-9678 ask for Kathy. -40-42 CHRISTMAS GIFTS • 40% off patio furniture and accessories, spring layaways. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays„ 71 King West, Forest, 519-786.4405. -40tf 15 FT. ROCKET TRAILER, Gqs stove, fridge, fur- nace,3 way lighting, portable toilet, equalizer hitch, mirrors, awning. P,hone 524.7891. Sleeps six. --31 ht CAR STEREO • pair of Yamaha 2 -way speakers; pair Pioneer tweeters; ,pair Pioneer 4 -way speakers; pair Alpine subwoofers; Alpine power amp, 130 watts; MGT power amp, 200 watts. Phone 482-9984 after 6 or weekends.-37tfnx FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Phone 524-8065 between 6-7 pm.-37tf USED SKATE exchange, also sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors, saws, etc. 139 Queen St., Clinton, 482.9412.-39tf SATELLITE DISH Lease To Own •Monthly Leasing Also Available •Easy Monthly Payments L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Service Call Day or Night 524-9595 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DMA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ...Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sole 6 Trucks for sole 7-R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Cut of town properties 16 For runt 17 Apartments tor rent 18 Houses for rent - 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent 46 In memoriam 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost 8 Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 50' DISCOUNT FQR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. FOR SALE ALL JERSEY CHEDDAR CHEESE at Egmond Farms 2 miles north of Clinton on Hwy. 4 482-7249 By the Bushel or Basket •Grapes •New Apples •Prune Plums • Melons FROZEN •Pitted Sweet & Sour Cherries •Elderberries •Wild Blueberries • Apricots •Raspberries •Black Currants etc.... Home Baked Mega Muffins and Pies Mennonite Meats ROCK GLEN FARM MARKET OPEN 7 DAYS 8 A.M. - 9 RM. AHKOVA 828-3100 PHONE 1. Articles for sale WOODSTOVE, Guards and shields To p'r"uieL, home and children, plus Iron Railings from $11 per foot. Gord's Welding 482-5216 from 8am-5pm.-41-44ar USED chest -a -bed, brown tweed, Colonial style, best offer, Phone 527-0400 between 9am-Spm.-41 ar 302 FORD ENGINE and standard transmission with floor shift, good condition. Asking $200. Phone 482.1748-41 FOUR PAIRS BAUER and C.C.M. boy's skates - children's size 8 and 11; boy's size 5 and 6, good condition. Phone 482-9345,-41X FOR BABY: car bed, change table, car seat, stroller, crib mattress, bumper pad, all in ex- cellent condition. Phone 526-7218.-41X ANTIQUE bath tub; Franklin stove with insulated chimney, best offer 482-5357,-41 HOHNER accordion, 120 bass, Call' 482-5652 at noon hour. -41 4824443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale INGLIS washer, white, $275.00; Inglis dryer $175.00. Sirnplizity Super Twin, white, $150.00. All in good condition. Phone 565-5277.-39tf FIREWOOD - Hard and soft maple, red and white oak and ash. Delivered $40 per cord. Phone 262.5789 40,41 MUSC-OVY DUCKS: Twenty five week old roosters and mature laying hens, 482-3189 after, 6 p.m. 40,41 SOFA AND CHAIR in like new condition in brown tones. Ph6ne 482-3827 or 482.9333.-40,41ar C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER, PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 miles south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades NURSERY STOCK- 20% OFF Also available - perennials and 1Toweringgarden mums. TOMATOES $�' "u;; Squash. pumpkins. plus much more. TE -EM FARM ()pen 7 Days A Week R. R. 1 Bavfleld 482-3020 keivt;Ve4 1111,4,11P REPRINT SPECIAL 2F0 R • 9 110, 126, 135 or Disc Colour Neg. Only. Upon presentation of this coupon. OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30/86 15 Albert St. CLINTON 482-9494 Suncoast Mall CODE RICH 524-4840 STANDING FUELWOOD-1 FOR SALE To improve conditions for valuable trees, the Ministry of Natural Resources is thinning woodlots in Morris, Turnberry and West Wawanosh Townships, and is selling standing marked trees to reputable fuelwood contractors. TOWNSHIP APPROXIMATE FUELWOOD VOLUMES Morris 90 stacked m' (25 standard cords) Turnberry 252 stacked m' (70 standard cords) plus 50 tops Turnberry . 302 stacked m' (84 standard cords) plus 88 tops West Wawa nosh 292 stacked m' (81 standard cords) West Wawanosh 292 stacked m' (81 standard cords) A. For Sale SHAMROCK FARM has stockers, any size. Hols- tein calves for white or red veal. Order now. No order too small. Reasonable prices. Delivery available. 345-2761 ask for Jeff. -38.41. GEHL self unloading forage box, BU -710, 2 beaters, like new; also, one row, Gehl harvester. Phone 262-5054.-40-42 70 ACRES standing red clover hay - 50, acres Hwy. 21 and cut line, 20 acres Bayfield line. 482-9923 or 482.7221.-41 NEW IDEA two -row picker with 12 row husking bed; Berg stable cleaner over 400' of chain and flights, 45' outside chute, like new. 524.6475.-41 FOR SALE: 18.4-34 snap -on T -rail duals; two 30" wing sections for Norse 2000 series cultivator. Phone 523-4806.-4'l'x•'-- NEW HOLLAND 3 row self-propelled forage harvester with hay pick up, in, very good condi- tion. Don Buchanan 526-7204-41x Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 RM. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves Clinton • 402.7311 Exeter - 233.2717 Kirkton - 229.6205 262-2619 B. Custom Work CUSTOM SILO FILLING and swathing. Coll Hank Reinink 523-9202 or 523-4569.-22tfar CUSTOM SILO FILLING - reasonable rates. Phone Jack Van Baoren 523-4207.-41-44 1. Articles for sale APPLES - Mac's, Wolfe River, Empires, Spartans, Sweets, Kings, Snows. Pears, cider apples. Please bring containers. McClymont Orchards, Varna, 482-3214-41 ATARI computer 520ST, 512K for Business;.stu- dent or home use 31/2 disk drive, colour or monochrome monitor, great price, software available 527-0544.-41,42x JACUZZI PROPANE BARBEQUE, 40,000 B.T.U., enamel grill, all aluminum, 3 shelves, new. Phone 527-0257.-41x DON MIDDLETON'S Whitehall Farm, County Rd. 13, has now available for sale Fresh Sweet Apple Cider, Snows, Macintosh, Northern Spy apples 482-9838.-41-43ar 26" ZENITH System 3, colour T.V., 2 yrs old, $1500 new, floor model with oak' cabinet. Reasonable offers only 526-7029.-41 WOOD STOVE, Conestoga air -tile, never used. Phone 565-2974.-41x PIONEER PARTNER Model 500 chain saw - a. dependable light -weight 50 cc saw at $374,95 un- til October 31. Complete parts and service, Robert Glen Saws 482-9292, Clinton-41,42ar TRUCK CAP for sale, reasonable 482-7180.-41 VELVET CHESTERFIELD and chair; Simmons queen size box spring and mattress; Phillips cabinet stereo and record player, all good condition. Call 482-3578.-41,42 FRESH PICKED Ida -Red apples. Cider is available now. Call Russ Flowers, Bayfield 565-2979.-41 8 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE refridgerator, excellent condition $75. Call 565-2979.-41 1A. Snowmobiles 1976 SKIROULE LAZER 440, excellent shape, fast, asking $900 or best offer 482-9857.-40,41 2. !Motorcycles for sale 1983 HONDA V45 SABRE, 750cc, 12,600 km, new in 1984, water cooled, engine guards, must sell $2,300.00. 524-6828 after 6 p.m.-28tfnx 3. Garage sale/Yard sale GARAGE SALE: Recently moved and have surplus household items - drapes, chairs, glassware, some antiques, kit built organ, etc. Oct. 11 at 8am-6pm Hamilton St., Bayfield, 4th paved rood west of Lumber ,Yard, Highway 21.-41X YARD SALE: October 11 at 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.. 10 Orange St., Clinton. Two T.V.'s and two tables, dishes, clothes, a good fridge. -41x 5. Cars for sale 1975 MONZA, V-8, good shape, $1400.00 or best offer. Phone 524-8198 after 6 p.m.-34tf 1973 CADILLAC Eldorado, sun roof, loaded, ° needs some body work. First 5700 takes it - don't want -to store for winter. Phone 524-8414 after 4 p.m.-38tf NEED HELP? getting your silage off? Have 115 hp tractor good on wet land, will pull wagons or harvestor. Reasonable. Also custom loading and spreading manure; bulldozing, trucking, firewood for sale. Call J. D. Carter 523-9405 after 6pm--41,42 D. Livestock Ontario Swine Exchange Weekly Electronic Feeder PIG SALE Wanted: BUYERS and SELLERS, to take adbantage of the competitive bidding system and market your wieners. FRESH OFF THE FARM. Both buyers and sellers aro welcome to view our weekly sale on October 20/86 at the farm of Jack Kroes, R.R. 2, Clin- ton at 7 p.m. For further, information contact: Carmen .Denton 1-424-9330 or Jack Kroes 4112.7362, Clinton Each fuelwood area will be sol d as one lump sum to one contractor - no partial sales. For further information contact: HARRY WILSON, Ministry of Natural Resources, R.R 5, W ngham, Ontario, NOG 2W0. Telephoner 519457-3131 or 1400-265-3003• NOTE: one standard cord 128 cubic feet or a pile of wood 4'x4'x8'. 3.6 stacked m' = one stan- dard cord Ministry of Natural Resources 92 ACRES of Harrison Loam for rent by tender. Highest tender not necessarily accepted, half payable April 15, 1987, half payable September 15, 1987. For more details contact ,Jim Preszcator, RR 1, Londesboro 482-7126-41 E. Farm Services HO. Vincent G K-err:o Minister Mary Moglord Deputy Minister BERG Sales Sorvfco-Instollotion adorn CI•;,n•rs *Sunk Feeders *Stabling •Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES IYTapf scold C • Waits .1$7 404 1976 MONTE CARLO Landeau 350, p.s. p.b., P.W., P. Trunk, P. sunroof, air cruise, am/fm,console, swivel buckets $1900. Coli 529-7205.-41 1975 PONTIAC wagon, needs engine work, $150 as is. Phone 482-1748.-41 1984 OLDS CUTLASS Ciera Brougham, 15,500 km., like new. Phone 482-9806.-41x •LUCKNOW GODERICH •WINDHAM e BAYFIELD is�LYTM *4INTON •SEAFORTH •MITCHELL • ZURICH 0 EXETER STRATFORD esw 12. Real estate for sale 1978 OMNI, 4 speed standard, runs well, best of- fer or will trade for small utility tractor. Phone 482-9360 after 6pm.-41,42x 1977 V.W. Rabbit Diesel, 4 door, 4 speed, grey with retractable sun -roof, good condition. 51,100 as is 262-6902-41 1975 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 Royale, black, 4 door, AM/FM radio, p.s., p.b., original owner, 87,000 miles. Phone 482-9470-41x 1979 FORD Fairmont, as is, $1500 or best offer. Phone 565-5031.-41x 1976 CHEV Statronwagon, asking 51000. Call 482-3092 after 5 p.m.--4ix 1971 MUSTANG, 6 cyl., great parts car, 5225, 100 amp portable welder, brand new cost $200, will sell 5150 plus extras 482-3832.-41 G.K. REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St. CLINTON '482-97470r 482-3721 bedroom brick veneer bungalow, elec ric heat, rec room, rear deck. Call Bill 11/2 storey frame, 4 bedrooms, gas heat near schools. Coll Bill. 30' x 60' concrete block, full basement 2 gas furnaces. 82'6" x 132' highway lot Call Bill. MEMBER OF HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 6. Trucks for sale 1981 FORD Club Van includes 4 bucket seats, 1 bench seat, carpeted, insulated and built-in cup- board, In good condition, asking $5500. Call 482-7953 evenings or 482-3926 8:30.5:30 daily Monday • Friday. -41 10. Pets for sale FOUR SIAMESE kittens 3 months old. Phone 529-7382.-41,42nx 16. Articles for rent COMPLETELY EQUIPPED and furnished hall, homey atmosphere. Suitable for commercial Meeting's, family gatherings, showers etc. Ac- cotnodating up to 70 people, Reasonable rates, ample parking. Contact 482.769.----25ffnx MOR RENT: Mobile home for 1906.87 season in Lakeland,. Florida, 10' x 36', one berkootn. Close to shopping contra. in an adult park. Phone S28.2728- 39tfnx JOHN L. DUDDY ,rr. r �x .,�, , , .,,• it _P- a,YaikY4 II ' ;t Y 120 Wellington Street, Clinton: Recent Improvements to this appealing 4 bedroom home include new carpeting and flooring, laundry room, 12' x 16' sundeck, 100 amp hydro. Located near Post Office. 549,500.00. 59 Seat Restaurant & Take -Out: Local business being sold as a going con- cern with all equipment, inventory and Goodwill. Highway location. Zoned Highway Commercial: 4,800 sq. ft. building, 3,200 sq. ft. of which is newer construction with paved parking. Total 0.7 of an acre. 2 Bedroom Brick Bungalow: Within walking distance of Town Centre, economical natural gas heating. 538,500. 4,000 sq. ft.: 15 room former Doctor's office and residence on 0.73 of an acre of landscaped property. Across from the Royal Bank in Clinton. Floor -To -Ceiling Fireplace: Brick ranch, country setting. Many excellent features including sunken living room, 99' x 150' beautifully landscaped corner lot, maintenance -free exterior, central air conditioning, central vac, paved drive. 511,000. New Kitchen Installation: Reason- ably priced at 542,500., this 3 bedroom on North Street offers full basement, renewed interior decor, re -shingled roof. Vanastra Properties: 50 Townhouse units for sole by the Receivers, priced just "under 510,000 per unit, terms available. Excellent manufacturing facility on 2.3 acres of Industrial Land 595,000. Red Brick School Building on 3.6 acres. $75,000. 2 Apartment Blocks: suitable for conversion. 595,000. Total Price. GO Man uiafN►uring Facility:` 5125,000. L en 1.25 acres. Townsend Street: Superbly located lot with a well maintained bungalow. 1 block from public school. 20' x 24' attach- ed garage, finished basement. List 559,500. Can be sold with or without above -ground swimming pool. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy 482.3662 Rust Wo Ariehar 482.3733 or 9428 NICK p dli:ittrma ._: Mite 82-9849 442-376 82.3766 4: 6